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Kevin mccarthy says Congress Must also investigate. We have Fox Team Coverage tonight. David spunt at the Justice Department with the timeline of Attorney General garlands involvement. We begin with White House Correspondent peter doocy and what he asked the president this morning. Good evening, peter. Peter good evening, bret. White house officials arent saying tonight whether President Biden would sit for an interview with the Special Counsel who revealed today a third discovery of classified documents this time at President Bidens house. Thats what we talked to him about today. Classified material, next to your corvette . What were you thinking . Let me by the way my corvette is in a locked garage, okay . Its not like they are sitting out in the street. Peter so the material was in a locked garage. Yes, as well as my corvette. Pete the Attorney General isnt convinced appointing Special Counsel robert herr to investigate. On december 20th, President Bidens personal counsel informed mr. Lausch that additional documents bearing Classification Markings were identified in the garage of the president s private residence. That date is a problem because that means the president s team knew about a second discovery of material and left it out of tuesdays initial comment. They found some documents in a box, in a locked cabinet or at least a closet. White house lawyer Richard Sauber says we have cooperated closely with the Justice Department throughout its review and we will continue that cooperation with the Special Counsel. We are confident that a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced. Republicans have questions of their own. I think congress has to investigate this. Some democrats claim Something Else may be afoot. Things can be planted. Things can be planted in places and then discovered conveniently. That may be what has occurred here. Im not ruling that out. White house Officials Say that they will let the Special Counsel work. Dont want to get ahead of this. But they are prejudging the outcome like this. We are confident that a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced. Peter white house officials are boasting of transparency it does appear they have been more transparent with the fed than when the public. Despite that the Press Secretary told me this afternoon the white house has nothing to hide. Bret . Bret busy day. Peter doocy live on the north lawn. Lets get a look at many Attorney General Merrick Garlands role in this. After the pressure kept intensifying Attorney General Merrick Garland was left with very few options. Some say he was backed into a corner owe ultimately decided to appoint a Special Counsel and this played out last two months since early november. Look at this timeline on November 2nd The Biden Team notified the National Archives on november 4th the National Archives contacted the Justice Department. On november 9th, the fbi begins an assessment. On november 14th. Garland assigns john lausch to oversee the investigation. Now, on december 20th, a month later, lausch learns more classified documents were found in the wilmington garage. Last week, on january 5th, lausch told garland, a Special Counsel is warranted and then just today lausch and garland learned of an additional document discovered at the wilmington property of the president of the United States. Bret, the Attorney General was most recently with the president in mexico earlier this week. They sat together. They spoke multiple times on this trip. But a source tells fox news the Attorney General never spoke to the president about this investigation, not in mexico, and has no plans to in the future. I strongly believe that the normal processes of this department can handle all investigations with integrity. But, under the regulations, the extraordinary circumstances here require the appointment of a Special Counsel for this matter. Four days after garland asked lausch to look into the matter on november 14th, on the 18th Of November you see him there on the left side of your screen in the blue shirt, garland stood in front of cameras and announced the appointment of jack smith as Special Counsel to oversee the Trump Classified document investigation. And the former president s potential criminal involvement in january 6th this means when garland announced Special Counsel jack smith in the Trump Investigation he knew there were issues involving the current president , his boss, President Biden and one other thing, bret, according to the department of justice, it says the Attorney General, quote will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of the person or matter is warranted. Bret . David spunt live at the Justice Department. David, thank you. You have said repeatedly, the president has said he takes classified documents very seriously. Does he think the garage is an appropriate place to store classified material . Im not he was surprised that the records were there. December 20th in a garage why was it immediately addressed being transparent about that. We have been transparents here. Can you clear this up. I would refer you back to the statement i dont have anything more to say. Bret the sights and sounds from the white house pressroom a little bit fiery today. Talk about the biden document situation and other issues with the two Top Republicans in the house. Mark green of tennessee, chairman of the Homeland Security committee and Michael Mccaul of texas, chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee. Thank you, gentlemen, for being here. Thank you. Thanks, bret. Bret whats your take on this, the fallout from it, what we are learning now three different places for documents. First, to you. You know, initially i said its kind of a Double Standard reaction to this that somehow this was okay. What happened to trump was not okay. I think its interesting, too, that these were turned over a week before the midterm elections and nobody knew that biden had created the same sin, if you will, that President Trump did. Lastly, what i find most disturbing is that the chinese gave 30 million donation to the University Of Pennsylvania as the biden center was standing up. Whats the connection between that and the center . Why did they have classified documents . And, bret, whether its one document or a thousand, if i did this, one document, i would be prosecuted. And the civil servants, the Public Servants lower absolutely need prosecuted for this. Bret Chairman Green you were a Special Operator back in the day. Same deal, right . Absolutely. I had a tsci at the time and if i had leaked or taken that stuff home i would be at leavenworth. Thats another Double Standard. Not just the difference between the two president s. But, you know, a young rank and file soldier who loses that stuff is going to jail. Bret here is the president to 60 minutes and kind of an evolution as howie has talked about this. Take a listen. How that can possibly happen, how anyone could be that irresponsible. Ive turned over the boxes theyve turned over the boxes to the archives and we are cooperately fully. The department of justice was immediately notified and the lawyers arranged for the department of justice to take possession of the document. Bret two one for the former president and one for the current president. Do you think we get to the bottom of this . Where does it go from here . Obviously the house is going to investigate. And we will. I think Merrick Garland made the right choice to do same standard to do separate Special Counsels here, right . Where was the outrage on this one, right . His attorney found these documents a week before the midterm elections. Clearly they had to have notified their client, the president of the United States and, yet, nothing was done about it and they swept this under the rug. They hid it until it was leaked to the media. Bret i want to turn to something about your committee upcoming. The president going to the border meeting with officials down there. Going to mexico. Your take after that and what you expect from this administration on on that issu. Im very concerned about what the president had was just a photo op. Im press opportunity potentially for 2024. Some of those solutions if you look at them, bret, coming out of this thing an app. To help with asylum processing . I can see the Coyote Advertisement now for an extra fee well fill out the app. For you to get you into america. Its i dont expect anything different. This president his entire time has been nothing but facilitating more people coming into the United States. Its egregious. Bret heres the president talking and criticizing the g. O. P. In the house for the beyers bill and the vote. Take a listen. Like Many Americans i was disappointed that the very first bill the republicans in the House Of Representatives passed would help wealthy people in big corporations cheat on their taxes at the expense of ordinary middle class taxpayers. And i would add 114 billion to the deficit. Their very first bill. House republicans campaigned on inflation. They didnt say if elected their plan was to make inflation worse. Bret obviously, you would characterize it differently the hill does say the cbo said that first bill was 114 billion to the deficit because, chairman greerntion you took away 87,000 irs agents and officials who were going after money. Sure, picking the pockets of our Small Businesses. I cant expect anything different from a person who has been in politics for 50 years and never ro run a business, ri . When an audit happens that Small Business has to pay accountants and folks to defend that business against the government. And thats an extra price of bread. It just gets added to butter. So, he thinks this isnt going to cause inflation, its absolutely going to make inflation worse. When you hear the president there and you understand the dynamic that you all have with a slim majority. Do you think you guys can get stuff done that actually gets into law or is it more setting the take for 2024. Well, if i could just when i chaired the it China Task Force two thirds of our recommendations were bipartisan. The only shining moment this week was that on the select committee you had a lot of democrats voting for it. Mccarthy and i tried to make my task force bipartisan and pelosi wouldnt go for it. This will be bipartisan. So i think, you know, that task force will recommend legislative recommendations to my committee. I think this is a one window of bipartisan where we can get something done for the American People in the interest of our National Security. I think we have got to move on those fronts simultaneously. A secretary earlier with secretary mayorkas. I told him were coming. Weve got stuff were going to ask. Were going to put you in the chair and ask you those hard questions. That sort of silo 1 if you will. Then there is our commitment to america. The legislation we promised that got us the majority. So we have to go on that silo. The third silo is those areas where we agree and, you know, i think were going to have some bipartisan legislation. And we need to move on those simultaneously because the American People dont just want us conducts investigations. They want us to move the needle for the country. So were going to move down all three of those avenues of approach as we would say in the military and accomplish things in all three. Bret Chairman Green, chairman mccaul, we appreciate the time. Thanks, bret. Thank you, bret. Bret the ripple effects continue tonight from yesterdays nationwide air traffic ground stop. Lawmakers from both parties are now demanding to know what the Airline Industry has done with 54 billion in taxpayer funded covid relief during the pandemic and another 25 billion in subsidized loans. Senior Congressional Correspondent chad pergram takes a look from capitol hill. A perplex congress after a cascade of air travel snafus. The most recent the complete ground stop since 9 11 thanks to crashing computers. This is a major problem. We cant have this again. Lawmakers question how a catastrophic technical failure could paralyze air travel. How could a stable platform like that suddenly go down . Were there no backups . Lawmakers are now on the hook to pay for significant equipment upgrades. Theres a real opportunity here with the faa Reauthorization Bill to fund the appropriate technologies to make sure that the government is doing their part. Flight cancellations are double what they were five years ago. Delayed flights the highest since 2018. Even though the industry scored nearly 79 billion in covid cash. Lawmakers defended the aids. The money that Congress Approved for the airlines was to keep people employed at the airlines during the pandemic. But money is only one issue. The biggest problem is right now is we dont have any leadership in the faa. President biden nominated Philip Washington to run the faa, Rennominated Him Last week. Bipartisan senator sheffield his nomination. Washington has abbreviated z it resume and faces scrutiny in public corruption probe. Lawmakers may blame the faa and airlines for the debacle that Air Travel Advocates Say bears some responsibility. Green Lighting Mergers like u. S. Airways and united. Northwest and delta. Many were warning the industry is becoming too big to fail. That argument is over now. It is too big to fail. Airline experts predict the crisis will compel congress to spend even more money on aviation. Bret . Bret chad pergram live on the hill. Thanks. Labor Department Statistics suggest inflation continued to cool in december. The Consumer Price index fell one tenth of a percentage point last month good news compared to november. Prices continue to climb 6. 5 on annual basis. Inflation remains about three times higher than the average before the pandemic. That news sent stocks up today. The dow gained 217, the s p 500 finished ahead 14. The nasdaq rose 69. Up next, the man accused of murdering four University Of Idaho students back in court. And, later, is the truth really out there . The Intelligence Committee releases latest report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. All across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. So were hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. Were providing greater access to investing, with lowcost options to help maximize savings. From the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. And help communities thrive. vo at viking, we are proud to have been named the worlds number one for both rivers and oceans by travel and leisure, as well as conde nast traveler. But it is now time for us to work even harder, searching for meaningful experiences and new adventures for you to embark upon. They say when you reach the top, theres only one way to go. We say, that way is onwards. Viking. Exploring the world in comfort. Bret Fox Weather Alert now tornado ripped through selma this afternoon. Witnesses describe the damage as catastrophic. No reports of deaths as of yet. The twister was part of a Giant Swirling System Billowing across the south and southeast. National Weather Service confirms ef 1 tornado in kentucky. Multiple Tornado Warnings in several states. Please go to fox weather for complete coverage. Journalist matt taibbi has unveiled part 14 of the twitter files today. Todays edition dives into what he calls the russia gate lies. Taibbi says a fake tale of russian boss helped democrats denounce a report about flaws in the trumprussia investigation. He writes that emails and Memos Internalled show high powered democrats peddling narrative of Russian Bbots despite being tole was no connection to the kremlin. Bret the suspect in the massacre of four University Of Idaho students in november appeared before a judge today. Bryan kohberger has been held without bail since returning from Pennsylvania Last week. And will not fight that. But, hes also indicating the legal maneuvering in the case could be a long process. Correspondent dan springer reports tonight from moscow, idaho. Wearing jail orange, Bryan Kohberger made his way back into a lot can a County Courtroom this morning accused of murdering four University Of Idaho students two months ago the student could have forced a preliminary hearing as early as next week but he and his courtappointed attorney ann taylor decided they need much more time to look over the evidence against him to mount a defense. Are you waiving your right to a speedy preliminary hearing and agreeing that hearing can be held outside the 1day period. Yes. Ms. Taylor, do you concur with his waiver. I do, your honor. Thank you. Kohbergers attorney also decided not to make an argument for bail so the 28yearold pennsylvania native will remain behind bars. Unlike his initial appearance, there were no Family Members of the victims in the courtroom today. Yesterday, the parents of ethan chapin released a rare statement on facebook saying they had just dropped off ethans triplet siblings seen here as children, at the University Of Idaho where they also attend. Adding mazie and hunter are rock stars and we couldnt be more proud of them. Their job now is to just be kids. We spend no time being angry, that would be energy not wellspent. A limb hearing june 26th. Four or five days, thats when we will learn a lot more about gruesome murders and strength of the cases against Bryan Kohberger. Bret . Bret dan springer in moscow, idaho. Thanks. Are the covid boosters working the way they are supposed. To say we will have a report and doctor here for analysis. First here are what some of the fox affiliates are covering tonight. Fox 2 in San Francisco as the father of a 5yearold washed away in raging floodwaters describes the pain. Brian had removed the son safely out of their stuck after it became stuck in the current when the water separated them. The boy has not yet been found. Wfxt in boston as residents of cohasset hold a prayer vigil for the mother of three who disappeared on new years day. The hulls of ana walshe has been arrested on Misleading Police investigation. Knife and gl blood discovered in the home of the basement of the couples home. Fox 5 our affiliate. Strikes nurses return to work after reaching a tentative contract with two hospitals. New York Governor Kathy Hochul greeted some of them this morning at mount sinai. She says the threeyear deal will provide 19 pay raise and Better Benefits for the nurses. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from Special Report. Well be right back this is my Fight Song Take My Life song prove them all right song prove them all right song when aspen dental told me that my dentures were ready, i was so excited. I love the confidence. 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In an opinion published in the journal of Medicine Booster Dose something best reserved for the elderly and people with underlying conditions but i believe we should stop trying to prevent all systematic infections Healthy People by boosting them with vaccines mrna from strains that might disappear a few months later. The white house points to other recent data suggesting the new shots offer better protection against hospitalization and death. There are now at least five high quality studies that demonstrate that. They are done by independent labs independent voors to the cdc and fda say they are disappoint government and corporate scientists did not draw their attention to preliminary data last year suggest modernas updated booster did not offer much more protection than the original. One of those advisers says he does not think the information would have changed their recommendation for the booster but it would have been useful for discussion. Even. Even though the data were preliminary and incomplete data would have been. Free fund. Demand remains low. Bret Jonathan Serrie in atlanta. Thank you. Here to talk about those issues and others tonight dr. Marty Makary Johns Hopkins Health Expert and fox news contributor. Doctor, thanks for being here. Good to be here. Bret increasing reports. You see them online. You wonder where the truth is signal data thats what they say that there are increasing concerns about the vaccine. First, explain that. These reports and where theyre coming from. Well, we have a lot of reports now that are finally getting at the risk of heart attack and other severe adverse events after the vaccine. A study published by Framen In September found 1 in 800 doses consistent with the previous german study and florida study risk of heart attack after the vaccine went up 84 month after the vaccine. Something going on. Big study published two days ago in 17 Million Medicare beneficiaries and it found 40 increase in Myocardio Infaction and 50 increase in pulmonary blemishism blood clot to the lung. Associated press says it has not found any casual relationships between pfizer, bioatlantic, covid19 vaccine and the potential adverse events of Special Interest identified in 2021. The fda continues to find that the pfizer, biotech covid19 vaccine meets the fdas rigorous standards for safety and effectiveness. Thats their statement. Public Health Officials from dr. Fauci, to the leaders of the cdc and fda on down have really made this a i do cottist issue. You are either on board or you are not on board with an indiscriminate vaccine nate all of the population message. The reality is its more nuanced. That the riskbenefit ratio changes when you get down to a young, healthy person. And theres nuances. 9 Moderna Vaccine has a higher risk of myocarditis restricted in parts of europe and countries in europe like denmark and sweden recommend against the Covid Vaccine in young people. Bret we are hearing more advisers to the fda and some of these Board Members speaking outs publicly saying they wish they had more of the data thats out there now as they were making the initial discussions. Thats right. This study of 17 Million Medicare beneficiaries, why are we getting it now two days ago. Two years after the vaccine has been distributed at large . Why why not do that interim analysis with 5 million beneficiaries or 1 million . I think theres a frustration that when somebody has a heart attack right after the vaccine, you cant make any statement about that causal relationship. But you have got to do the studies and the patterns. In the u. S. There has been no interest in looking at vaccine associative complingzs. Most of our learning from from overseas. Bret getting some indication from the administration and others social media to censors different people the doctor was one of them. Thats been the greatest frustration for all of us that do research. We use google in research. And doctors use it when they look for studies. And google has down played many of the studies that we need to look at about natural immunity, about vaccine complications. About the ideal Dosing Interval that may be one of the causes of these complications. No vaccine is given three and four weeks apart. They did it that way to get the trials done quickly. The ideal spacing is further out. So its frustrating when youre trying to do research and the Research Tools that you have are giving you the standard cdc and fda party line. Learned from this experience and were going to do. Put more money into our only testing. Not relying on foreign governments testing. Do things that change the way that we deal with the next health policy. I think people are now learning about the actual data and theyre realizing its not as simple as the vaccines were sold. Of the whole covid pandemic really spare young, Healthy People and we didnt have good numbers around that that changes a lot when we talk about covid policy and schools. So i think now theres a healthy skepticism that we should ask the questions we normally ask as researchers and journalists and not just inherit a Bandwagon Thinking like we did with, say, Hospital Visitation of patients or school closures. Now were going to ask questions. Bret dr. Makary, we always appreciate you coming. In thanks, bret. Bret thank you. Up next, the government admits there is something mysterious flying around in the sky but what does the Intelligence Community say about aliens . [ ] if you have diabetes, its important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. Try boost glucose control®. Its clinically shown to help manage Blood Sugar Levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. Try boost® today. [coughing] hi, susan. Honey. Yeah. I respect that. But that cough looks pretty bad. Try this robitussin honey. The real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. Mind if i root through your trash . Robitussin. The only brand with real honeyand elderberry. Hey, thanks for helping me out. Of course. You can easily get Helpful Customer Service over the phone or on the progressive app pretty much anywhere. Like at the coffee shop, at the park, or on the moon. Just kidding. Its another coffee shop. Bret dozens of House Democrats joined republicans today to pass legislation that would prevent the Biden Administration from selling any more oil from the Strategic Petroleum reserve to china or chinese owned companies. The vote was 33197. 113 democrats supported the republican bill. It was written in response to the president s decision last year to sell nearly a Million Barrels of oil from the reserve to a u. S. Based Company Owned by china. The president also released more than 200 Million Barrels to ease high domestic gasoline prices. Nebraskas governor has named republican Pete Ricketts to fill the senate seat vacated by the recently retired ben sasse. Rickets will serve two years before a special election is held in 2024 to finish out the remaining two years of sasses term. He can then run for a full six year term in 2026. Sasse announced in the fall he was leaving the senate to take a job as president of the university of florida. The u. S. Intelligence community is releasing its latest report about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena what used to be called ufos. The government acknowledges there are unknown objects flying in sensitive military airspace. It says it has no evidence that extra industrials are responsible. Jeff paul is in with details. New release by the office of director of the national intelligence. Of the 366 new reports of socalled ufos, roughly half could be explained after further investigation. The other half remains a mystery. A light sightings balloons, some drones others are birds and our worn bags unusual Flight Characteristics or performance capabilities and require further analysis. Now, most of these ufos or uaps as the government likes to call them now spotted by u. S. Navy and air force pilots. Likely less of a stigma now surrounding the reporting of these sightings due to congress pushing the Defense Department to investigate and release these reports. Officials believe because of that more pilots feel comfortable coming forward with what they witnessed and they believe thats a good thing. By establishing those reporting procedures, what does and i think youll see this in the report is it allows the collection of data and nor data allows us to be a little bit more rigorous in terms of how we go investigating these incidents. Part of the push to investigate these sightings stems from the fact that ufos or uaps are potentially a hazard for anything flying in the sky. But Officials Say so far, fortunately, there have been zero reports of any collisions, bret . Bret jeff, thank you. Up next the panel with the latest developments on the bidens classified documents. What comes next. First, beyond our borders tonight. Romanian officials carry out seven additional House Searches in their investigation into divisive social Media Influencer andrew tate. The british citizen with four and a half million twitter follow others was detained late last month on charges of being part of an organized crime group Human Trafficking and rape. Tate has lost two appeals in buck rest courts this week. The mayor more than 6,000 National Guard will be posted in the citys subway systems. Comes after a series of accidents. The mayor says the mechanical problems in recent months may have been due to what he called not normal causes. And this is a live look at london, one of the big stories there tonight. Members of the royal family appear in public for the First Time Since the publication of prince harrys explosive memoir. King charles iii traveled with scotland to meet with local groups that help Combat Local Isolation The Prince and princess of wales formerly opened a hospital in liverpool. Just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. Well be right back. Caught up in your love affair and well never be royal and well never be royal hen yoauto glass damage, trust safelite. This dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] dad its okay. Pull over. 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I strongly believe the normal processes of this department can handle all investigations with integrity but, under the regulations, the extraordinary circumstances here require the appointment of a Special Counsel for this matter. Bret Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing a Special Counsel in this matter with classified documents dealing with President Biden then after he left being Vice President reveal today that the latest document found in the wilmington Delaware House were in the garage by his corvette in the garage that he said was locked our own Jonathan Turley reacting to that real time after he said it. The problem they gave the written statement and decided to preface that statement with a uniquely ill advised statement. You know, saying that, you know, this was, after all a locked garage where i keep my corvette. The corvette standard doesnt actually appear in the federal register. Although, you know, corvette did have a slogan for many years that its like a car only better. But, we dont apply that to classified documents. Bret thats right. Jonathan turley, lets bring in our panel guy benson. Host of the guy benson show on fox news radio. Jeff mason, White House Correspondent for reuters and Mollie Hemingway editor and chief at the federalist. Jeff, you were in the White House Briefing today. Everybody seemed engaged. There were a lot of questions, just not a lot of answers. I think thats spot on. Theres a lot of questions and there are a lot of questions left unanswered both from her briefing and from the white house generally. We had a couple statements from President Bidens torn today one of the people in the White House Councils office, one of the attorneys who said and Karine Jeanpierre repeated this several times as well he takes classified documents seriously. The White House Position is that this was inadvertent misplacement and they also called it a mistake, the attorney did. But the white house has not answered questions about how they got there why they were there in the first place. And why they didnt disclose all of this a lot earlier. Bret right. As it came. And the timeline there, mollie, is really interesting. The new chairman of the house Intelligence Committee, mike turner wants to know about who had access to all the documents in each of the different places, including in delaware. Take a listen. Okay. We did have it jen psaki and mike turner. We will get it and play it there are a lot of questions about handling classified material. Particularly how the department of justice is handling a Paperwork Dispute with the former President Trump, with former President Trump, you know, there were ongoing discussions with the President Trump about how to handle his Paperwork Disputes. They raid maralago. They set up a Special Counsel. Here we have a joe biden who did not have Declassification Authority since he was only Vice President at the time that he took these classified documents which is important distinction. Here he had these documents for, what, six or more years . They were being moved around . One of the offices that they were found in actually only opened in 2018 reportedly. Which means they were somewhere else. And they are so gentle. This news comes out before they appointed a Special Counsel for the department of justice knew about this before they appointed a Special Counsel for trump. And, yet, they kept a tight lid on it. Even though they have been leaking like sieves to their allies in leftist media about everything related to their Trump Investigation. Bret heres the soundbite i referenced earlier. I can confirm we are not going to be providing information about the comings and goings of peoples grandchildren and people visiting him in delaware. We need to know chain of custody. When did he get them. How did he have them. Who did he share them with. Who else had access to them. Somewhat relevancy to him that he retained these after he left the Vice Presidency . Bret what do you think, guy. I want Peter Doocy Baited the president into making it was brick wall at the Press Conference today. Jeff would agree not many answers or illumination coming from that biden had a card in front of him with a prepared statement to read. Bret which he did in mexico as well. And he started to read it. He got about a syllable in but that word corvette clearly was like an ear worm in his brain that peter had sort of set the question up that way and he couldnt resist commenting on it and then he made the news saying oh yeah its in a locked Garage Corvette not like its out on the street nowhere close to the standard of what the law mandates when it comes to classified material and then in the next breath he goes to the prepared statement and says people know i take documents and classified material very seriously. First of all, thats an open question right now given what we are learning. And he sort of contradicted it one sentence earlier with this inside little aside about his car which probably caused somebody in the White House Counsels Office to punch a wall somewhere. Bret lily, jeff, obviously its a bad couple of days here. For sure. Its not been a good week, i would say or even start to the year for President Biden. I think right now the fact that the Attorney General did decide to have a Special Counsel means that it gives the white house the ability to reference or to refer everyone to the doj when they have got questions. But, politically, it gives republicans a lot of fodder to compare the two, i think in some cases they are not comparable, but, in some cases they are. And that is damaging to this president. Bret thats a fair point. Let me also point out there are two different Special Counsels dealing with these investigations on completely different tracks. They dont talk to each other. And, really, they dont talk to the doj. The Attorney General can get involved and ask questions. But you could have two very different results from two very different investigations. This is a very important thing to keep in mind. A Special Counsel is a tool that the department of justice has. And in the hands of a very politicized department of justice, like the one we have now, it can be a weapon. It can be used offensively to go after political opponents such as the way the department of justice is going after their primary political opponent, former President Trump it. Can also be used defensively to protect like jeff points out. Can you say oh we cant answer any questions because there is a Special Counsel. And whether you have one side of things thats, again, leaking like a sieve and the other one that just protects and hides the ball. Its yet another example of how our department of justice has been politicized to go after political opponents and protect political allies why so many dont trust this department. Important to note that the Special Counsel appointed in this case to investigate President Biden was a trump appointee. Also important to note that he was one of the people named by the Inspector General as having been involved in the Christopher Steele discussions which were part of the russia Gate Collusion Hoax that the fbi and the department of justice perpetrated. Bret there wasnt a Special Counsel put in on the hunter biden investigation. The u. S. Attorney from delaware is in charge of that. He is a trump holdover in that position. But you have a lot of investigations ongoing here. You need a white board. Trying to keep track of them. Bret karl rove. The old glenn beck back board perhaps to try to keep it all straight. Im also reminded because there is all this comparison happening between trump and biden and people are putting up our competitor networks all the important differences why trump is so much worse than biden. I think we are just starting to learn more about biden. Its gotten worse for him in the last 24 hours. To me, the most relevant point of comparison is from the Previous Administration as well and its hillary clinton. Who i think, if you look at the three of them side by side, her misconduct and mishand links of the classified material was by far the most egregious, Malice Aforethought in a server that could be hacked and likely was hacked by our enemies, lying about it, destroying evidence, and there was a decision made not to Prosec Prosecute Trump The Hillary Standard A problem now the Biden Problem as well. I think trump might not be in the clear completely but things are looking better for him relative to these other folks. Bret the statute says Gross Negligence of handling classified material. I do want to give some kudos to our former colleague Alice Camerota to questions congresswoman jayapal. You tweeted donald trump stole classified documents. He put not only our National Security at risk but the security and safety of our allies around the world. He must be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Isnt it possible that President Biden is putting our National Security at risk, also . These documents so far that we know, what we know is that they were kept in a locked place that was a very small number and, you know, i dont know how important these are. The storage and the approach to this is completely different. Bret jeff, the questions are not going to end, right . This is going to be a story for a little while. For sure. Couple different aspects to it. One is certainly the legal one and this is now in the hands of the doj and a special prosecutor. The other is the political one which you addressed earlier and politically its going to be hard for the Biden White House for some time. Bret yep. All right. Panel, thank you very much. Bret finally tonight, a special day. I was so shocked. It was hard to focus on my school after that. [laughter] i had to go back to class. Bret 10yearold new England Patriots fan from maine receiving a gift of a lifetime from his favorite team. Kellen tilton a cancer survivor got a special call at disprool Team Owner Robert Kraft inviting him and one other person to the super bowl in arizona next month. How cool is that . On fox. Tomorrow on Special Report has the Mainstream Media changed tune on Russian Election meddling we will take a look. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for Special Report fair, balanced and still unafraid. Jesse watters primetime starts right now. Hey, jesse. Bret jesse the thats nice the kid can come watch the eagles in the super bowl. Bret well see. Jesse we will. Jesse we have had all to do the pesky job of Cleaning Something out before. You know, the place you stuff all your junk into like your aattic orgarage sometimes surpr. I rented out half that space to [laughter] [coughing] mail

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