see what you have before you, and then we start. >> bret: forearm nancy pelosi wants to put on small businesses. >> i'm more concerned about unpaid lee. if you put that paid leave in it's not paid for. i'm all for paid leave i believe people should have. >> bret: you believe it should be done separately. >> separately. we can do this in a bipartisan way. bret, anything we do in bipartisan way is lasting. it stays. this is something where both the employers and employees can participate people can build up credits and use as they desire. >> bret: what about anything that deals with immigration. legal status? i understand you are talking about what the parliamentarian is going to rule. senator menendez said listen, take no -- no doesn't work for us. we are going to plow forward on this thing. >> i'm not going to vote to overrule the parliamentarian. they call it the byrd rule. >> bret: robert byrd from west virginia. >> the seat i set in right now. i'm not going to do it. they all know that. if the parliamentarian rules on