Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20100

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20100706

>> bret: texas officials say tar balls from the oil spill have been found on state beaches. the first known evidence that oil from the deepwater horizon well has now reached all the gulf states. rough seas postponed attempts to see if a giant oil skimmer can improve clean-up efforts in the gulf of mexico. a taiwanese vessel dubbed "a whale" is said to need further testing once things calm down. meanwhile, life is anything but calm for economic victims of the spill. chief washington correspondent jim angle looks at the person who will decide their financial fate. >> reporter: kenneth feinberg is the man with the money, $20 billion fund. on "fox news sunday" he offered reassuring message. >> my job is to serve the people of alabama, mississippi, florida, louisiana, texas, to try and maximize the dollars. that i can get to the jurisdiction. >> reporter: b.p. announced the cost of the spill passed the $300 billion mark, money to contain the oil, drilling relief wells and paying claims to those effected to grants to the state for their effort. but tens of thousands of other claims will be coming and it's not always clear who deserves compensation and who does not. >> you have to look at each and every case. >> some claims are obvious like commercial fishermen who can't fish and seafood wholesalers, some have gone out of business. but "fox news sunday" the discussion turned to areas of those where damage from the spill is not so obvious. >> for those who don't have oil near them, can they be compensated? >> sure they can be compensated. >> reporter: can be compensated but feinberg has to decide who will be and cannot and that's complicated. >> are you losing business this year because you can't take charter fish ermen out to fish? can't take charter boat for sightseeing or go in the marshes of louisiana? >> reporter: after the oil spill began, mrs. imposed moratorium on all offshore drilling in more than 500 feet of water so that means lots of lost jobs in the region but feinberg said that's covered by another fund. >> the $100 million, unlike the $20 billion, the $100 million is a fixed amount which will not be supplemented. >> reporter: many local businesses that supply offshore rigs are going to be hurt by the moratorium, the fund is only for oil rig workers. >> it is not also to be used for businesses or other is up contractors -- other subcontractors. it's employee-based limited fund. >> reporter: b.p. is trying to get other companies that own a share of the well to bear some of the cost, billing one of them anadarko $272 million. and another mitsui more than $100 million. anadarko responded saying b.p. engaged in gross negligence and willful misconduct, suggesting b.p. may have trouble getting any help from its partners. bret? >> bret: okay, jim. thank you. well, log on to the home page at for a report from amy kellogg on a place where oil spills like the one in the gulf happen with alarming frequency. poland's electoral commission declared komarosky won the election there. he defeated the twin brother of the late president who died in a plane crash in april. the cancer expert who said convicted libyan pan am 103 bomber abdel baset ali mohamed al-megrahi had just three months to live now says he could last another decade. the initial announcement, her initial announcement of al-megrahi's prostate cancer led to his release from prison on compassionate grounds. well, israel today dropped its long-standing restrictions on consumer goods in gaza, but continues to limit construction materials there. the move comes one day ahead of a white house visit by israel's leader. correspondent reena ninan sets the stage from jerusalem. >> when prime minister benjamin netanyahu arrives at the white house tomorrow, he will get a different welcome than he received in march. this time he will stay at the official white house residence, the blair house, and there will be a formal photo opportunity of the two leaders. last time no, pictures were released. analysts say the white house appears to believe the red carpet treatment will lead to better results. >> perhaps the president was not as aware that he needs to maintain the semblance of good relationship with israel and the israeli prime minister, especially if he wants the public opinion to participate in moving the peace process forward. >> reporter: the issue of the now loosened embargo on gaza in wake of the flotilla incident has been sidelined. tuesday's meeting is to focus on how to move direct peace talks with the palestinians, which netanyahu had been calling for. >> the only way to successfully complete a negotiation as complicated as this is to have the two parti parties, israel and palestinian sit opposite one another and directly negotiate the complex issues together. >> reporter: palestinian president mahmoud abbas said he will only begin direct talks if issue of border for future palestinian state is settled. in exchange he is willing to discuss a way to address israel security concerns. when asked if netanyahu might agree to extended ten-month construction ban on jewish homes in the west bank, land palestinians want for future state that is set to expire on september 26, a senior israeli official said no. the government's position has not changed. failure to reach a mutual understanding on this could lead to worseninglations between the white house -- worsening relations between the white house and israel. regarding the iran nuclear program, israeli officials tell fox news netanyahu will ask for more sanctions than just those passed by the u.s. and u.n. in jerusalem, reena ninan, fox news. >> bret: back here in the u.s., fishing as therapy. we'll take a look at some american heroes getting a helping hand in the water. and he is a hero to many and he is a hero to many american gun own to -- >> bret: the national rifle association is denying several media reports it has decided to support senate majority leader harry reid over republican challenger sharron angle this fall. no matter what it does in nevada, it will continue to be a source of political controversy at times. correspondent james rosen profiles the group's leader who is having a pretty good year. >> the department of justice refuses to bring the prosecutions. >> reporter: with his tireless rounds on capitol hill, with his endless availability for interviews, and his ceaseless preaching to the faithful of last year's cpac conference. >> the lie that if we would just surrender more of our second amendment, mexican drug cartel couldn't get the guns they'd get to terrorize their people at the border. i mean give me a break. >> reporter: wayne lapierre, head of the national rifle association, the nation's largest gun rights organization is america's most visible and forceful champion of the second amendment. and last week, when the supreme court held the right to bear arms applies in all 50 states, lapierre scored the most important victory of his career. a landmark akin to its way to brown versus board of ed or roe v. wade. in an interview with fox news after he learned of the ruling in mcdonald versus chicago, he appeared less celebratory than wary of what the enemies in the eternal struggle over guns will do next. >> i have no doubt that there will be some cynical politicians that will try to put a scheme in place that will make it so hard for the average citizen to qualitiny they never get the firearm -- to qualify, that they never get the firearm. it's unconstitutional. >> reporter: lapierre's work has made him one of america's most controversial and in some quarters hated figures. >> i don't think we'll make much progress with wayne lapierre. >> reporter: a decade ago in the battle over assault weapons, he outraged the white house when he said of president clinton -- >> he is willing to accept a certain level of killing to further his agenda. >> mr. lapierre's comment reveals a kind of sickness at the very heart of the n.r.a. >> lapierre never backed down. >> i take that it's not an apology. >> no apology. >> reporter: he was confronted by what he called a coup attempt when neil knox sought to oust him. >> i have a problem with the way that wayne has been managing the affairs of the association. >> i don't know why mr. knox is doing this. i wish he wasn't. it's destructive to the organization. >> reporter: er lapierre survived the turmoil and after two decades of the help of the n.r.a. he nearly doubled the membership to 4 million and quadrupled the revenues to $307 million. he says he doesn't take the criticism or vilification personally. >> you don't like being called an extremist? >> i feel like you. we are the mainstream of america. >> have there been threats on your life and your family? >> you get all kind of stuff when you're a public figure in the country. it comes with the turf. every time i leave this town and go out there and stand up for my freedom, "wayne, it's my right. don't back down to the politicians. go get 'em!" >> reporter: in washington, james rosen, fox news. >> bret: as lapierre predicted in the story, local politicians are already seeking to get around the supreme court ruling. friday chicago city council approved what it calls the strictest handgun law in the nation. they told a chicago tv station that lawsuits will be filed against the measure. tuesday, former justice department lawyer j. christian adams testifies before the u.s. commission on civil rights. about a voter intimidation case about the 2008 election. we will tell you what he says tomorrow on "special report." a pennsylvania democratic congressman says some of his constituents are nuts. and nasa gets a new mission from president obama. a lot of people are scratching their heads. thanks to the new venture card from capital one, we get double miles with every purchase. so we earned a tropical vacation in half the time. we earn double miles every time we use our card. ( shouts ) double miles add up fast so we can bring the whole gang. ( grunting ) awesome! it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one. introducing the venture card from capital one... with double miles on every purchase every day. go to ( gasps ) what's in your wallet? wait up! >> bret: now fresh pickings from the political grapevine. nasa administrator says his foremost mission as head of the space exploration agency is to improve relations with the muslim world. he told the arabic network al-jazeera muslim outreach is one of three objectives given by obama when he took the job. he said one was to help me reinspire children to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships and third and perhaps foremost, hi wanted me to reach out to the muslim world and engage with dominant muslim nations to help them feel good about the historic contribution to science and math and engineering. bolden denied the suggestion was on a diplomatic mission saying not at all, it's not a diplomatic anything. democratic congressman paul canjorsky is reflecting criticism for avoiding town hall meetings because constituents he described as nuts. he told a radio interviewer, "we will do everything we can to meet with people but i'm not going to set myself up for nuts to hit me with a camera. i'm not going to arm my opponent with a baseball bat." his opponent sate the statements saying those benefitting from the financial regulatory changes would not be what he would call minority or defective people. he asked do the so-called "nuts" who attend town hall meeting fall into the defective people category? kanjorsky's campaign said it referred to number of extreme opponents who disrupt the events and said the comment was taken out of context. a leading dutch environmental agency says the united states report on climate change -- united nations report on climate change is too generalized and has more errors than previously noted. despite the newly discovered flaws the netherlands environmental assessment agency maintains the fundamental conclusion of the report is correct, that manmade global warming is happening. the agency acknowledged it's responsible for incorrect statement that 55% of the netherlands is below sea level when only 26% really. is they found other mistakes in the 3,000-page report. every year in the u.s., especially in the western mountain states with the snow melt and late june and early july, the warm temperatures in the summer comes fly fishing season. it's an acquired sport. for many men and women trying to recover from the wounds suffered fighting in iraq and afghanistan, it's not just recreation. it's therapy. courtesy of dedicated individuals. shannon bream has the story of project healing waters. >> we got 'em, baby. we got 'em. >> reporter: this isn't just your average day of fishing. these anglers are unique. as is the way most of them were introduced to the hobby. they're wounded warriors, veterans and their supporters who see the fly fishing as a way to help them get plugged back into life after time on the battlefield. >> it's very gratifying. that is an understatement. i guess. >> reporter: project healing waters is brainchild of nicholson who after being treated himself at the walter reed medical center reached out to a younger soldier and invited him to go fly fishing and that simple invitation led to outreach for injured soldiers and veterans primarily in the washington, d.c. region and has now spread to the veteran administration hospitals across the country in four short years. >> we're in about 60 some of them now. we don't stop until we get the other 90 under our belt and help them. >> reporter: through clinics, trips and tournaments, military men and women are linked together with the only people who truly understand what they've endured. >> easy for me to be with other wounded vets and talk about our experiences and just sharing the things what is really healing. >> reporter: with emotional healing, veterans say the physical ability of learning to fish spill over to the rest of their life as well as they try to learn a new version of normal. >> you learn to tie your knot and stuff like that. i'm like dude, i bet i could tie my shoes and learn to tie my shoes. besides that aspect, you know, it taught me how to i guess acclimate and say okay, just learn in a different way with everything. >> get them judge. >> reporter: from professional fishing guys to caterers, hundreds signed on to help. >> an honor and a privilege to spend the day with the guys. guys and gals. they've given so much to protect our country. >> so many veterans get so much out of it. so many things in life you just cannot do and this is one of them. >> reporter: at rose river farm in virginia, shannon bream, fox news. >> bret: a greated story. vice president biden pushes to set aside their differences and democrats set aside their differences over the war in afghanistan. we talk about all that wit i remain as i have from the beginning, extremely optimistic about a government formed here that will be representative, represent all of major parties, as well as what that will be i can't tell you but i'm optimistic based on the conversations going forward. >> there are still problems but the success is remarkable. but we didn't say we were leaving until we had succeeded. i'm all for dates for withdrawal but that's after the strategy succeeds. not before. a dramatic difference. >> there you see vice president biden in baghdad. trip there, as the senator you just saw, senator mccain and senator graham and senator lieberman travelled to iraq. then to afghanistan to assess the situation. this comes as a change of the 31, the role will decrease and ship from combat to more a political and diplomatic engagement there. talk about iraq and afghanistan to bring in the panel. hayes, "weekly standard." juan williams, national public radio. syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. steve, first to iraq. >> well, the thing that struck me most was biden in his comments. i believe today. said security in iraq has no relationship to what is a permanent government form. that's a striking thing to say. if you look back at what the administration officials were briefing before biden left on the trip to iraq they said he is going there to listen. we're not going to be telling or nudging the iraqis to form a government. the senior government official said it's two separate issues, and there is only so long you can make the case. given the stakes in iraq, i think we need to be moving quickly to get the iraqis to form a government. whatever it is now, the less like you don't have stability, the less likely it will remain. >> bret: he said at the end of august the cot bam mission will be over and people will look at president obama's handling of the iraq policy as a success. >> he also credited george bush. >> bret: he mentioned george bush. >> he did. he did. it was a bipartisan effort. i think everyone wants to feel good. but i'm the skunk at the garden party because i'm not feeling good. i think the failure to form government has bedeviled iraq under lots of leadership. now you have the president trying to play nice and saying hey, guys even those who signed the the declaration of independence didn't like each other but they formed a government. let's get it done! you hear from john mccain we have to wait until things are stable. what does it mean for soldiers on the ground? i don't get it. we have to be clear it's time for racks to take -- iraqis to take control. >> bret: mccain said he's for the date of withdrawal when there is success on the ground and he said there is success on the ground security wise now in iraq. >> well, obviously, we have had some violence in recent days, bret. so it's still not the safest place and biden didn't leigh the green zone. it's not the safest neighborhood. >> bret: there were rockets fired in his visit. >> which is why his optimist is a little hard to credit. there are ongoing security problems and we're leaving which weakens our hand when we try to involve ourselves in the negotiations. obama handed over it to the vice president, and that's lowering of the priority. in the bush years it was the president's job. biden went over there and according according according to the spokesman we know how it's supposed to work. we know that allawi got the most votes and nouri al-maliki in charge of the government now. that will be a grand coalition to serve us well but it hasn't happened now in soon half a year and biden himself says he hopes it will be done in the summer. we're a few weeks from summer and we're going to be leaving and that is not a good recipe. >> bret: he mentioned the dutch took four months to form a government in a stable country. he said it needs to be given time. >> holland had the civil war a few centuries ago. that's a big difference. >> bret: talk about afghanistan and the democrats and their stand in congress for setting a withdrawal timeline for afghanistan. the president is putting in petraeus, general david petraeus who will come back with his own assessment. what about that back and forth? the white house and congress on this? >> i think president obama should get credit for standing up to the peace nik part part of his party and what he said consistently since 2002. we need to succeed in afghanistan. he hasn't done as well for the public case for the war which is lacking. he is making the arguen't and making it regularly and consistently and forcefully explaining to the democratic base why he is doing what he's doing. we have not had it from him. >> bret: juan? >> you know, you could say he should be out there. he sent the 30,000 troops that the republicans wanted him to send. it's becoming more difficult situation. we took votes on the house floor last week where we h had -- vote for immediate withdrawal

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Louisiana , United States , West Bank , Alabama , Nevada , Texas , Afghanistan , Iran , Florida , Gus Well , United Arab Emirates , Russia , Taiwan , Allawi , Al Basrah , Iraq , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , Mexico , Netherlands , Baghdad , Gaza , Pennsylvania , Libya , Capitol Hill , Poland , Blair House , Chicago , Illinois , America , Holland , Mexican , Iraqis , Iranian , Soviet , Dutch , Libyan , Gulf States , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Taiwanese , James Rosen , Amy Kellogg , Roe V Wade , Neil Knox , Kenneth Feinberg , Dnj Su , George Bush , Mahmoud Abbas , Charles Bolden , Harry Reid , Jim Norton , David Petraeus , Juan Williams , Wayne Lapierre , Nouri Al Maliki , Charles Krauthammer , Michael Steele , Benjamin Netanyahu , Al Jazeera Muslim , J Christian Adams , States Lapierre , John Mccain ,

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