Transcripts For FOXNEWS Red Eye 20110626 :

FOXNEWS Red Eye June 26, 2011

and after a college player was thrown off a flight because of his saggy pants they had no problem leting a man fly in nothing more than women's underwear. it has nothing what so ever to do with race. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> happy let it go day, greg. >> maybe for once, andy, you will. it was a longtime ago and it is time to move on. >> in honor of let it go day, i will let it go even though you were wrong and i was right. >> technically that's not letting go. >> are you a jerk who uses people. and then when they need you they wake up one morning and you are gone. >> i was starting to think you were not using happy let it go day. >> talk to you later. maybe around half time. >> okay. >> he really is a jerk. let's welcome our guest. she is so hot she doubles as a greenhouse. didn't know that was possible. i am here with kailey mcinany. and he is so tough he chews his food before he kills it. and he is always being de briefed by someone. it is my repulsive sidekick, bill shultz. and he is so mysterious we can't even be sure he is here. sitting next to me, mike baker, former secret agent of back scratchers and leg warmers. i did my research. and below the fold, he is nothing but mold. it is our "new york times" correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> say it loud and say it proud. i read marine dowd. my burial garment, a shod. -- a shrou dw. -- shroud. >> are we pulling out? and is the draw down of troops a major oops. tonight the president announced his plan for afghanistan. check it out, check it outers. >> starting next month we will be able to reof month 10,000 troops from afghanistan by the end of next year. and we will bring home a total of 33,000 troops by next summer fully recovering the surge i announced at west point. and then our troops will continue to come home at a steady pace as afghan security forces move into the lead. our mission will change from combat to support. then it will be complete and the afghan people will be responsible for their own security. >> nobody is ever in those chairs behind him. sometimes i think they are for show. obama's announcement comes despite warnings that recent gains against the taliban are fragile. according to british newspaper "the guardian" commanders in kabul have express concern that the white house is being driven by political rather than military imperative. and in dc, defense secretary robert gates made the case for a small reduction, as low as only 2,000 troops. but senior white house staff mindful of of course 2012 argued in favor of a draw down that would let americans know the war's end is near which is what most want. the majority says u.s. troops should come home as soon as possible. >> shut the door. >> always hydrating. good for you, army. terry, you are out there kicking butt. what did you make of this? did he do the right thing desm -- thing? did he make a lot of gains? >> why is it pak-i-stan and tal-i-ban? it is pakistan and taliban. he has to do that. i was talking to you earlier, and for me it is not so much about the numbers of guys because as a special forces guy, we are not going anywhere. for me it is the rules of engagement. that has to be laser focused to killing the bad guys. we would have been out of there a longtime ago with less people i think. >> mike? >> yeah. >> what do we tell the enemy when we are leaving. >> it is good manors. -- good manners. and we have to be pragmatic. they have been good hosts to us, and we deserve to give them that information. to me it is the end game. the fact we are arguing over 2000 as secretary gates said or 10,000, it doesn't matter. the point being is what do we expect to gain from this? in 2002 we should have finished what we were doing there as a mission and then walked out and closed the door and telling them if they allowed al-qaeda to set up bases to get outside the playground and we didn't do that. we have been mired in celebration. where is it with the withdraw notice? or weather it is fatigue and lack of money. at the end of the day we are not going to leave behind a stable democratic government. they have no place else to go. and i hate to sound like debbie downer, but they will be back in power in the near future once we leave. >> i like it when you say debbie downer. >> debbie downer snack cakes. >> they are laced with like the downers. >> yeah, well you make three good points. a, it is a false choice between too little and a little more. b, we should have been treating them like roaches. every now and then you have to spray. >> and let me tell you a very quick story, and you know how i like to be concise. one of our first hires was a soviet military officer. he was carrying around shaw rap national from when the soviets were there. when we went in, the first thing he said to me and he was an employee of mine, he said it is a mistake. they are like roaches. you step on them. he said that and i never forgot him. he had just gone through the experience we had spent 10 years going through. >> this happened when i was in line with the sex and the city two. the people coming out of the theater are going, don't bother, don't go in. everybody is walking out going, no, save your money. no, it was hell. i have to say, kailey, isn't obama kind of right? things have improved. bin laden is dead. we won for now, let's get out of here. >> that's the point. they say the troops need to be there longer and for that reason we should listen to the generals. the fact is we did go in 2002 and we stayed. we stayed until 2011, and this makes it a completely different ballgame in my opinion. i think to the soviet invasion , and they invaded afghanistan they withdrew. we didn't stay. we didn't help them build their schools and bridges. it would have taken a few million. that was a main contention. one of the leaders came from the orphans of the war. >> i have to say something. the big problem in this -- you have been talking all night. i like your sport coat, by the way. >> you know what we are going to do? do we have interracial girlfriends? >> baker looks like he is about to score some blow. >> and i am the one that will give it to him. >> you have something to say. >> the biggest thing too is all of that is true, nothing will happen in afghanistan we are the go betweens between a crappy corrupt government and the population. as long as the government is the way it is, it will swallow us up. and it has. i don't believe those people and the way they look at the world are really going to chase. >> perhaps we need a new government. the fact is in afghanistan there are tribal allegiances. >> there is never going to be a federal government in afghanistan. there will never be anything that we recognize as a federal society in a place like afghanistan. our job was to get the soviets out. we did a good job. the job was not to improve the literacy race there. the soviets created the mess. our job was to get them out of there. if they would have said, now let's build some schools and pastures for unicorns, we would still be there. >> you are sympathizing with osama bin laden which was vast prior to us going in there, it would not be as prevalent. >> they didn't need afghanistan to hate us. they were attacking us. >> that's the main problem. >> it is a little before your time. it is a lot like the rye -- rival games where i like to call it the warriors. >> yes. i was a member. >> all of the tribes want could come out to play. >> what do you say about the accusation it is political in the sense that this is the first time i have ever heard the phrase fighting season. it sounds sporty. i have never heard that phrase. and then it is rolling off the mouths of every newscaster. they are leaving in the middle of fighting season. what's wrong with waiting a little bit until the fighting season is done? >> get the ratings. >> winter is though -- winter is slow down because of what afghanistan is. we are in the peak of the fun time now. >> what we do well is we do counter -- we do counter terrorism well. we do operations well. we don't do nation building well. >> it is an extremely good point. why are we building bridges and the infrastructure needs rebuilding? if we had an honest dialogue in 2002 and said okay now we have routed the taliban, and we are working up in that border region and at that point we had a good region with the pakistanis. how does afghanistan relate to our homeland defense issues? we didn't have that discussion. >> exactly. and we have to see it through. >> no, why would we see something through that is a mess? >> we are spending -- and on that point, we are spending $10 billion a month on that mess. that's roughly what i send a month to get rid of my cockroach problem, and they are still there. >> here is the thing, the other phrase that bugs me aside from -- >> biting season. >> well, that's because of my own ignorance. i have never heard of it before. a couple times the word responsible comes up. we are bringing this war to a responsible end. it doesn't sound like winning. aren't you supposed to say we are supposed to win? >> that's something you would hear in a therapy session. >> a divorce. >> i do think though this administration is very uncomfortable with conflict. i just don't think -- right? i don't think -- not that you have to be good at it, but you need to be good. >> libya speaks to a different point that they are quite different. and they are instigating it and pulling back. >> i can think of two big holes in osama's head. >> that is true. >> his nostrils? >> in the end that will bring it down. >> he went to grab his antihistimine. from west wings to wedding rings. does being without work render you an unmarried jerk? is being idle preventing you from getting a bride-al. the answer may present you with information to address that question. >> thank god. >> according to u.s. news and world report, the 9.1% unemployment rate is as misleading as the straping hooker i took home last night. the numbers do not include the millions who stopped looking for work or only working part-time. the real rate is a scary 16%. we are at seven million jobs vanishing wiping out every job gained by 2000. total payrolls are lower today than in 2000. scary. finally, with one-fifth of all men a prime work -- of prime working age watching judge shows in their boxers, a new study by "forbes" women, it exists, finds three out of four ladies would not -- would not marry a man who is unemployed. says megan if that is her real name who conducted the study, quote, it is ironic that women placed more weight on love than money and yet won't marry if they or their potential suitor is employed. ironic indeed. eye ironic -- ironic means nutritious, right? if it doesn't warrant a goose parade, what does? they had no idea where they were going. it was mcgeeseys. the geese burger. >> they don't know, they can't read. >> they are leading them to the goose factory. >> baker, when you were jobless, did women flock to you? >> only when i lied to them and told them i was gainfully employed. >> so you believe in this theory? >> of lying to women about your work situation? >> that too. >> the thing is, there are two sides to this. is it a good thing that a man does not land a woman who wouldn't like him if he doesn't have a job? or is the woman just being smart because from an evolutionary standpoint she is looking for a provider the same way a guy looks for reproductive potential? >> you are exactly right. i am all about finding true love and whatnot, but at some point practice tau cal tee has to take over. if you are jobless or homeless, they probably won't love you. >> i thought you loved me. >> thank god the homeless people are on the street they would be more depressed. >> let me get this straight. if you don't have a job and not homeless, how about one out of two? >> if only unemployed for a short time, that's one thing. but if you are completely jobless, homeless, yeah, not gonna work. >> business card says sidekick, but i live in a box. >> that was articulated about human evolution. >> you know wh able to complete a sentence. >> you speak for america. does it suck to be a guy right now in this day and age? or no matter what a guy can find fun no matter if he is broke. >> i hate to sound whatever, but it is your own self-image. you can sound fun. you can be poor. >> we could go. >> bill -- bill has a job, but everybody assumes he doesn't. >> he has a way better job than me. >> self-image is important. part of the study talks about the long-term unemployment. they are long-term and then pull themselves out to find the job. it is a devastating problem. >> this is the big e point, this unex-- this is the bigger point. can we agree that finally extending jobless benefits only extends joblessness. it did no good. i am not saying people decided to take money, it took away the incentive. >> isn't that common sense? >> at some point didn't obama have to say to himself, this is how it works. it is not going to inspire the guy get off the couch and go find a job, it will do the opposite. >> the biology comes in, greg, where a lion will not go after the fastest, strongest animal. it will go after the slowest, waterest one. if the slowest, weakest one is a welfare check, i'm taking it. >> it depends on how competitive the lion is. some are different than others. >> i think i am moving on. we are talking about lions. who cares about that? i i don't. the camera should be on me, not them. they are talking nonsense. you have to learn how to do this show. i am losing all patience. they are still talking. >> do they know who we are? coming up, are the poor the solution to our energy crisis? we discuss caylee's new book, the poor are the fossil fuel. >> again? >> are you -- you are a monster. >> and what did these two hotties do to get them in hot water? if you guessed they make too much noise, even though they are not boys. according to the head of the all england lawn and tennis club, that's wimbledon to you and me. the grunts emma -- emanating from the women players are turning fans off from the sport. ian richie tells "the daily telegraph" that the players' grunts are annoying to viewers and distracting to other players, and he would like to see less of it. two players particularly known for their noise-making capabilities are victoria aznaretga and maria sharapova who hit 105 december bells in -- december saw bills in 2009. check out sharapova. you know what though, it got worse as the match went on. >> that was genius. >> i could see why there would be complaints. >> the worst part is right after we stopped that, her head was taken off. >> amazing. roden just showed up. >> and mekazilla. >> she was on anabolics, clearly. mike, don't you agree that they are making excuses for the lack of eye balls? no one is watching tennis. it has nothing to do with the grupting. the grunting is awesome. >> i am old enough to remember the heyday of television. always mackin row and and it was insanely popular. now you think, who? they are having a hard time. they spend a lot of time trying to pump up the personalities. >> here is the sexism, terry. back in that day you had jimmy connors and they were all throwing tantrums. everybody loved the tantrums. why is this worse than tantrums? >> it is not worse. it is absolutely not worse. the short skirts and the grunting is why we probably watch it. yes, i said it, america. >> kailey you won whim del done -- whim del done in 2006. >> yes, grunt free, grunt free. is this all obama's fault and should he be impeached? >> he should be impeached for the grunting. i want to extend an invitation for these women to come to my gym. the guys are so annoying and they do the bench presses and they are the most unseemingly noises i have ever heard. >> are you sure they are bench pressing? >> yeah. i want to quell that before wimbledon. >> it shows passion. it shows -- i don't know what it shows. >> do you even know where you are right now. >> you are not grunting. you are snoring. >> why do people buy into the premise at tennis that there has to be silence. i can get it with bowling because are you in a confined space and you are in a better sport. but in this case, tennis, why do you have to be quiet? why does everybody has to treat it like it is surgery? >> the more your uniform is less a uniform and more like a yacht party the more quiet you have to be. if you are wearing khakis you have to be real quiet. >> i think it is racist. i don't even know against what race, but i don't think that is important. at this point it is just racist. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. to leave a voicemail on my direct line call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. he's racist. @@ welcome back. let's go to andy levy. >> hi, greg. >> president obama announces plans for troop draw down. you said people are coming to call and i agree with you but there is the strain on the right that is becoming more popular these days. >> yeah, conservative people are getting involved. they are definitely on the same page with that and for you it is more than the numbers of engagement than the troops we had. i'm not even sure what the mission is over there anymore? if that is not articulated, we are supposing to killing dudes and not schools. how am i supposed to do that? >> just pretend like i do. >> let me make a note. fix that and edit. he never says that. >> i apologize for nothing, andy. >> we are not going to leave behind a stable government in afghanistan. then why not bring them all home? >> from a strategic point you have to do a face-lift. you can speed it up and just be honest with the american public. he is on his way out the door and you get the unvarnished truth. >> yeah right. >> what the hell was i talking about? >> by the way, gates gave a statement after the president's speech. he gave a statement uh porting the president, the -- supporting the president, the president's plan. >> why does the president announce tal-i-ban like this? >> taliban, taliban. >> or pak-i stan. >> pakistan. pakistan. >> i don't know, why did lefties in the 80s say nicaragua. >> or margaritas. i will take your answer. >> interesting though. he does say afghanistan. i'm fairly certain it is not how they pronounce it there. >> you are the king of all noticers. although you don't notice me. >> i notice you. i just pretend i don't. >> you are just jealous. >> you said we should stay and see the job through. but what job is that? you can look at the numbers. there is confidence in osama bin laden and prior to his death it went down tremendously by 30, 40%. we are doing it and we will stay until it is done. we can't play indicate everyone, but we can play indicate enough where we will stifle terrorism more than we have to. >> we can't. >> are you saying that's why we can't? >> 10 years -- >> the numbers would dispute you. >> 10 years with no end in sight doesn't make me confident. >> no one is expecting confidence in the afghan people which is highly disturbing to me. >> the afghan people are highly disturbing. >> we can create a government that functions. >> no, we can't. it is a country governed by tribes. and like in leb -- like in lebenon. >> they don't want a central government. >> no. >> so they are hooligans. >> oh, okay, andy. >> and by the way, this is all new because it is afghan-i-stan. >> it is all moot. >> i think americans are dying for a pipe dream. >> well, to each his own. >> yeah, if you don't -- if that doesn't bother you, that's cool. that was admittedly a cheap shot. >> that was cheap. >> can i point something out? >> we have a recent case study and i got in an argument about the russian experience in afghanistan. and i was saying look, i can't believe we are so insanely short sided we can't learn from that experience? he says he was outraged. he said they hated the soviets. the soviets go

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