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Scandal, and became a symbol for the world to unite around. She is a unifier because she is above a party. Its not the case of doing your duty its living your duty. Oco Elizabeth Alexandria mary winds are was not born expecting to be queen or even heir to the throne for. When the queen was born she was not expected to become a clean. Princess elizabeth the joint third in line with the throne. There was david in the next brother in line was elizabeths father, alberts progress being third in line to the throne, elizabeths childhood was less stressful and more easygoing for growing up with her parents and sister princess margaret. The four of them did so much together predict play with the dogs from the plate in the garden but she had a somewhat normal childhood. She was loved, she felt loved. Not everybody has the luxury and the blessing, forget the money, forget the status, forget the monarchy. Not every citizen has lecture about love. 1936 episodes of stability was shaken elizabeths grandfather King George The Fifth died. Her Uncle David Ascended to the throne as edward the eighth grade but shocked the world with a dramatic decision. 1936 was the year the British Crown lost out to one of cupids arrows. King edward the eighth nearly us into the throne of england was forced to make the choice of retaining his crown or forsaking it for the woman he loved. King edward the eighth abdicated because he fell in love with an american divorcee from baltimore named simpson. This was unacceptable because the monarch is also the head of the anglican church. And for the monarch to marry a divorce was simply beyond the pale. A few hours ago, i discharged my last duty as king and emperor. Is a shocking event. Because all of the said in his younger brother who was never expecting to take the throne, became King George The Sixth. And then all of the sudden, Princess Elizabeth found herself the future queen of the United Kingdom. Elizabeths mother was outraged her husband and daughter had to take on new roles. The queen mother maintained a personal grudge against simpson and indeed the king, King Edward The Eighth for having imposed a burden of kingship on her husband. What Princess Elizabeth, the Heir Presumptive suddenly had a crash course in British Parliament too. She already been schooled in her sense of national duty, very early on. My mother made it plain to her that so many people had given their lives in a sense of obligation being willing to sacrifice your own convenience, your own preferences in order to do your duty has been a governing force throughout her life. It was not long before the people of Great Britain made even more sacrifices during world war ii when the nazis dropped five missiles on Buckingham Palace during the Bombing Campaign of england. Rather than evacuate london, it became the queen stayed in solidarity with those living to the blitz. The fact The Royal Family would visit locations that had been bombed on the east and was in some way sharing in their suffering and in their sacr sacrifice. It helped to bond the british people to The Royal Family further. Like many children in the commonwealth, elizabethan her sister margaret were evacuated and sent to windsor castle. Lighting was very, very dim. Plumbing and the comforts of home pretty sparse. And of course she had very early on an obligation to do work that was going to support the war effort. In a show of public support, Princess Elizabeth a teenager gave her first Radio Address as part of the bbc childrens hour. She spoke directly to children separated from their families. My sister Margaret Rose and i feel so much for you as we know from experience what it means to be away. Use mainly speaking to the children of a briton. Reassuring them that all would yet be well just as she would do many, many times more per. Princess elizabeth felt for the british people and wanted to do her part in the war efforts. As soon as she was 18, she joined the army and learn how to drive in service trucks. Oco. How many monarchs would have ever known how to repair the while of a truck . I think that gave her a strength to know she may have had the body of a female, but she certainly had the skills and the training that a lot of men see. Fortunately the war ended before the princess was able to put active used to her skills learned during training. By may , 45 london was erecting with joy. The day world war ii ended. Desperately wanted to be part of the victory in europe day celebrations. She asked george the sixth could she and her sister, margaret, go out and be amongst the crowds and the people . They snuck out of Buckingham Palace she declared she was so terrified shed be discovered she pulled her cap down well over her eyes. She wanted to feel her people. She went to sense what they were feeling for. Britains most critical they sent 10 million soldiers from all of its empire to fight, to defeat nazi forces. To think the commonwealth country for their tremendous sacrifice, The Royal Family visited nation states including south africa. On her 21st birthday in 1947, she told the people of britain and the commonwealth that whether her life be long or short it would be devoted to service, to them. I him here before you all with my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our Great Imperial family to which we all belong. Elizabeth 21st birthday not only marked her commitment to serve her country, but it was also when her father, King George The Sixth gave his permission for his daughter to get engaged. She and i was a in love with this enable cadet at mount mountbatten. They were quite certain about hampered german background, and his mother it was institutionalized in the sanatorium. The princess was take it with philip from the moment she met him as a 13yearold during a visit to a naval base in the south of england. After their first meeting the couple met several times over the next decade. Elizabeth was smitten with the blonde blueeyed philip. But the son of the king of greece was not initially accepted by some royal advisors. s sister had all married very senior nazis. He was a popper definitely by Monetary Standards very. There were concerns they might not be well suited for each other pretty had had a much more tumultuous life and background than she did. Despite some of the critics, elizabethan philip got married in Westminster Abbey in september of 1947. Their marriage happened at the same time the british people were recovering from the war. The sense that it was an act of indulgence at a time of great austerity gave way to the recognition this was an excuse for a party. And i think it must have been seen as a wonderful affirmation of faith in the future. Get fast relief with tums. Its time to love food back. Tum tum tum tum tums i typed in grandmas name and birth year. And there she was, working at the five and dime. My dads been wondering about his childhood address for 70 years. And i found it in five minutes. That little leaf helped me learn all the names from the old neighborhood. It felt like a treasure hunt. The 1950 census adds vivid new detail to your family story. And its available now on ancestry. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. When you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. Visit indeed. Com hire and get started today. Welcome to Fox News Live im jon scott. To date now set up work Queen Elizabeth the second funeral burrito take place monday, september 19 at Westminster Abbey in london. About ten hours from now her coffin will be moved from Balmoral Castle castle in scotland tomorrow it will arrive in london on tuesday but our coverage of that event begins from her morning 5 00 a. M. Eastern and bite Martha Mccallum live from london. She will didnt lie in state for four days before the funeral which President Biden says he will attend. Meantime King Charles The Third met with Prime Minister liz truss and the full cabinet today after the Secession Ceremony formally proclaimed to the new monarch pretty also honor the late queen. I am deeply aware of this great inheritance. And to the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty which have now passed to me. Also today princess william and harriet reunited for the first time in two years marking their grandmothers death along with their wives and princes kate and megan the duchess of sussex. Police in las vegas said they found the dna of a County Official under the finger nails of a journalist who was stabbed to Death Outside his home last week. Prosecutors say county public administrator Robert Tellis who may believe you see on your screen there, targeted Las Vegas Review journal Investigative Reporter jeff over exposes he wrote about him and his office. A judge ordered tellis held without bail until his arraignment tuesday on murder charges. The lapd is investigating a breakin at the home of california congresswoman karen bass Last Night She is also the favorite in the los angeles my oral race. She says two guns which were properly stored in secured were stolen when she was not home at the time. I am jon scott, now back to Queen Elizabeth the second, for love of country. The future of the monarchy was secure Buckingham Palace announced the birth of the next king of england. There is a popular jubilation of the announcement of the news, it is a boy. Four weeks later the baby prince was anointed into the Church Of England at his baptism in the chapel at Buckingham Palace. The baby that continues the Royal Dynasty of britain. He is not yet one month old and britain hails bonnie prince charlie. Two years later a Triumphant 41 Gun Salute marks the birth of a little sister for two roles of charles for the floral family welcome princess and who would be third in line to the throne in 1950. But just when the mother of two was settling into her role, tragedy struck during a special commonwealth tour in africa. King george the sixth died in his sleep on february 6 , 52. She returned home quickly and had to face the facts that her father who had per invited such an example to her was gone and shed now to take up the mantle herself. The eager crowds are cheered, the Procession Winds at silent way. This is londons day good morning. The extraordinary weight of responsibility had arrived on her shoulders years before she expected it. Overnight 25 drilled Princess Elizabeth became the queen of the United Kingdom. Trick she was very young. She had not had a proper apprenticeship. She had a Great Learning Curve but she embraced it. Brilliant young sovereign made her worthy of the Gothic Setting of the abbey is a proud mother and sister watch with Approval Per Creek Student Second , 53 britain welcomed its 39th sovereign leader. Not only was Elizabeth The First Female Monarch to rule in 50 years, since queen victoria. But her coronation was the first ever to be televised Around The World. It was an extraordinary step in royal history because before that, coronations had been witnessed by those in Westminster Abbey but not by large audiences around the country. And Around The World but. 27 Million People in the uk alone to an end to watch the next clean ascend to the throne. Madame edge or majesty willing to take the oath . I am willing. Folks will you to your power and mercy to be executed in all your judgments . I will. After taking the coronation oath, the archbishop of canterbury anointed elizabeth the second is the head of the Church Of England. Long live Queen Elizabeth. She did not wanted. She did not seek it to pritchett but she took it on the she took on her duty. That is what is so special about her she did not shirk her responsibilities progress british Prime Minister Winston Churchill attended the coronation. When he first heard the princess would be monarch, he cried to an aide she was still a child. The new queen quickly captivated the Prime Minister. He was deeply, deeply saddened by the kings passing. And frankly, somewhat alarmed at the thought of this young 25yearold whom he considered to be a child, becoming queen. But he soon fell in love with her and absolutely adored her. Declaring she was heir to all of our traditions and glories. The queen worked closely with Winston Churchill and 14 other Prime Ministers he would meet weekly at Buckingham Palace where they could confide in her and seek guidance in a confidential and safe space. All of these Prime Ministers have said how valuable they have found it to be able to go to her as a perfectly neutral person and share their innermost concerns and hopes and fears. Some days, it felt like asthma was holding me back. But asthma has taken enough. So i go triple. With trelegy. With 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,. Its the only oncedaily treatment for adults that takes triple action against asthma symptoms. Trelegy helps make breathing easier,. Improves lung function,. And lasts for 24 hours. Go triple. Go trelegy. Because asthma has taken enough. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler. For sudden breathing problems. 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When she came into 57 americas having a collective meltdown because of. Eisenhower said how nice it was to be able to share those concerns with the queen. And she was young. Throughout her reign Queen Elizabeth met 13 u. S. President s. The face of Britain Help Fortify the bond between the two nations. It was especially poignant when Queen Elizabeth met Prince Philip visited the land marks of president ford were nations struggle for independence began. We see you as our strong and trusted friend. We believe that you in turn will find us as ready as ever to bear our full share in defending the values in which we both believe. Even though she did not have political power, she used her influence to guide the political leaders around her. It is a figurehead role. It is a head of state. I think the power in that as it is a soft power. Its not a harsh power and again it is a level above politics. Queen elizabeth the second remained steadfast in being politically neutral. She was a very inclusive monarch. She wanted to include everybody so what does that mean . It means you do not want to alienate your enduring a public on politics. Is why for example, in the United Kingdom people swear allegiance to the queen. Why the government is the queens government. And why did the armed forces for example, swear allegiance to the queen as well. By staying away from political views, elizabeth the second was able to have more influence on other countries. And being above politics, that soft power is what she has wielded it. Its meeting Heads Of State from across the world and using that soft power to appease them, to appeal to them and to be a peacemaker throughout her reign. By 1979 the makeup of the British Empire was changing following world war ii, the queen witness commonwealth countries like india, pakistan and some African Nations break from colonial rule. Her role was to help them manage the gradual shrinking of the British Empire. It was a very different kind of situation in her previous sisters had faced. What you cannot do by force. You can do with suasion and charm and inspiration. All of these things she was adept at. Her new Prime Minister was inflaming relations with certain african countries trying to break free from the crown. During negotiations for independence from britain, Black Majority leaders from Southern Rhodesia were furious at Margaret Thatcher it was cited with white minority land owners for the queen knew her Prime Minister could be making a mistake ahead of an important summit in zambia. She had received word that the then president of zambia was planning on delivering a harshly critical speech about the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. The queen knew this would cause dissension and difficulty and took the initiative of speaking to him directly and asking him not to deliver the speech. He did not deliver it. Her influence helped avert a potentially difficult diplomatic situation. The underlying goodwill and understanding between our two peoples has endured and will, i hope, grow and flourish in what we all sincerely pray will be more peaceful years ahead to pay. As a result Southern Rhodesia peacefully withdrew from the commonwealth and became the independent nation of zimbabwe thanks to the queen. There would be many more situations where the queen used her soft power diplomacy to reinforce thatchers tough policies. When thatcher said in the navy to defend the Falcon Arguments from our shoes hoping the United States would support the effort. But at first, President Reagan did not want to risk u. S. South america relations paid when he finally committed military support, i wasnt reassuring the photo opt with the queen that eased tensions between u. S. And britain. It really is an extraordinary image the two of them writing together. It was again one of the symbols of the special relationship that the government especially of the United Kingdom always values. We have seen on many occasions how important that relationship is. And how it helps to bring about order and stability in the world. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. [cheering] president Ronald Reagans famous speech clinched the end of the cold war. The u. S. President could not have delivered that hopeful message without the support of Great Britain. While the Prime Minister use her political power to help convince the soviets to lift the iron curtain, it was the queen who showed the world east and west could be friends. Think that meeting with gorbachev was a symbol of the whole feelings of the west. Embracing peace in the fall of communism but she did not rub his nose in it she did not do anything controversial she excepted him for that was important as a symbol of the whole rest of the western leaders to do likewise. No matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. 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Cytopoint is a longlasting treatment for allergic dermatitis. Just one injection given by your veterinarian can control allergic itch for 48 weeks. Its lifechanging itch relief that brings back the fun in life, day after day. Nows the time to ask your veterinarian for cytopoint. [laughter] hey, i was thinking about going back to school to get my masters. I just saw something that said you could do it in a year for like 11k. Hmm order 11 yes, see you at 11. 1111 masters blvd. Please. Thatll be 11 even, buddy. Really . The clues are all around us. Some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. Isolate the outstanding leadership of the old president and the courage and promise of the armed forces of the United States. In the first address by a monarch to the United States congress, the queen reinforce the importance of the british and American Partnership during the gulf war. Chris was extraordinary level of cooperation, mutual support. And these Success Britain and america could achieve together. Of your country in mind have not stood together, let us never forget that lesson. [applause] you will find us worthy partners. And we are proud to have you as our friends. May god bless america. [applause] asked the queen was so popular in america that she was interrupted three times with Standing Ovations from the roaring crowd and all of her leadership and passion. Back in the uk The Royal Familys reputation was falling apart. While in 1992 was supposed to be a celebration of her 40 year reign, she labeled it as which is latin for horrible year. 1992 is and not a year on which i shall look back with undiluted pleasure for. First a slew of Financial Issues and pressure from her cabinet forced her to pay personal income taxes for the first for a british queen. Next, a destructive and dangerous fire blazed in windsor castle. But the queen was fighting even more fires in her personal life. Three of her childrens and marriages were crumbling. The most famous being Diana Spencer and prince charles. When dianas tellall book was published in 1992 the truth about the couples troubled and dishonest marriage was out. Ruthless headlines revealing secrets between diana and charles but the entire british monarch great reputation at r risk. The words of one or more sympathetic correspondence, it has turned out. December 9 Prime Minister jon major announced charles and diana were officially separated. It was a relief for everyone involved. Although diana would no longer be married into the family, the queen respected she would always be the mother of the future k king. Over time the dust settled the screen simply focus on her royal duties in her grandchildren. But in 1997 horrific tragedy shook the world. They are telling me that diana, princess of wales hasnt dieted for this is according to british resources. That is what the Press Association has been told. For death sent shockwaves around the globe. At Balmoral Castle castle he was consoling his sons and trying to make sense of what happened. Outside the castle walls people all across britain were heartbroken and searching for answers. Some people have been arriving here bringing flowers. Some people who came out of nightclubs got into a taxi and headed heard it on the radio have been sitting outside your crying for. Receipt million flowers were left at memorials all over memorials all over london to honor diana. Strangers are flocking to pay their respects her own motherinlaw chose to mourn privately with her grandsons. The queen and the rest of The Royal Family holiday were blind to what was going on. They did not recognize is the outpouring of emotion. They did not think it had much anything to do with them. After all they were divorced by the stage for she was in a sense an x member of the family Progress Elizabeth distance did not sit well with her people. The British Public wanted her to come back to london. They wanted to see an outpouring of emotion. They wanted to see compassion for they wanted to see Empathy Progress in the 11th hour Queen Elizabethan Prince Philip traveled back to Buckingham Palace and spoke to the nation precook. I admired and respected her for energy and commitment to others. Especially for devotion to her two boys. Exit was a Turning Point in the monarchy in many ways. This was a very traditional duty minded woman. She was confronting a world that had become more public and emotional in a way she simply was not accustomed to for. Finally, elizabeth the second show the world how devastated she was by the loss of her former daughterinlaw. Under its stood in solemn tribute high park and other sites around the country for simultaneous 41 gun salute to the queen mother who died to saturday the age of 101. The queen rebuilt her vulnerable side again with the tragic news broke that her mother, the queen mom died in her sleep. I thank you for the support you are giving me and my family. As we come to terms with her death on the void she has left in our midst. Ask queens life was never going to be the same again. Have a safe space after the entire nation. For the queen it was a recognition of an end of an era when a sadness x and so when the queen mother died liberated elizabeth to be free from her brother watching over her shoulder. Played, it is, cannot get itel back p actively repair acidweakened enamel. I recommend pronamel repair to my patients. Your Shipping Manager left to find themself. leaving you lost. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take, ill be watching you. 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Our coverage of the event begins tomorrow morning at 5 00 a. M. Eastern time anchored by Martha Mccallum live from london for the queens body will arrive in london on tuesday. She will deadline state for four days before the funeral. President biden says he will attend. Meantime King Charles The Third met with Prime Minister liz truss and a full cabinet today after the Session Ceremony formally proclaimed him the new monarch. Also today prince Prince William and harriet reunite in public for the first time in two years marking their grandmothers death along with their wives to skate megan the duchess of sussex. Funeral Services Today in memphis for Eliza Fletcher the mom and Kindergarten Teacher was murdered last week. Please have since charged 38yearold with fletchers kidnapping and murder after licking his vehicle and dna to the scene. Hilly back in court on monday on new charges of aggravated rape in aggravated kidnapping in an unrelated case. Lapd is investigating a breakin at the home of california congresswoman karen bass last night. Bass is also the favorite in the los angeles my oral race. She says two guns which were probably stored and secured, or stolen. She was not home at the time. I am jon scott, now back to Queen Elizabeth the second for the love of country. When she came to mark the 400th anniversary in jamestown settlement, she was greeted at an enormous welcoming ceremony on the south lawn of the white house. You helped our nations over its bicentennial in 1976. [laughter] she gave me a look that only a mother could give a child. [laughter] the queen had the last lap when later that night she teased bush over the verbal gaffe would she beat again is her Evening Toast to the present by. Whether i should start this toast saying what i i was here in 1776. [laughter] [laughter] [applause] the queen by the friendship between the british and american people. She understood our shared values of democracy and freedom. Been away from the joking that day the two leaders celebrated that a new government had formed in Northern Ireland. Troops across the country serving sidebyside to bring the hope of liberty to regions that have not known it. Together we are supporting young democracies they are taking the first steps on that path to free and peaceful societies. And healing was something the queen offered when she visited Northern Ireland in 2012. The conflict between between the two nations was personal for the queen. It during that visit, she shook the hand of the deputy first minister. Who formerly was ira leader who helped plan the assassination of Prince Philips uncle the earl in ireland in 1979. For her to shake his hand was a tremendous act of restraint and helped to usher in a new life in Northern Ireland. And helped give political help to a place that had been troubled for so long. In the years that followed, Queen Elizabeth became the longest reigning monarch. Celebrated duke marriages and found time to be a grandmother to her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. But the unity did not last written 2019 the first covid19 cases were spreading across the globe, loved ones were encouraged to come together, scandal broke out within The Royal Family. Y ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. Announcer ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. And you may lose weight. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. 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So every day, you can say, you did it with centrum [ ] despite their decision, the royal couple assured they will continue to promote harrys grandmother. The news appeared to take the queen by surprise. The palace released a decision saying all are saddened by the decision, the duke and duchess remain loved members of the family. She said they will always remain beloved members of the family. She more than anybody understands the demand that puts on family life and private life. If they dont want to do that, shell help them find happiness in another way. One year later the positive went negative when prince harry and meghan told oprah that they left the monarchy because of racism. They alleged a member of the family came to them with concerns when she was pregnant with archie with concerns about how dark his skin will be when he is born. Many believe its what the queen didnt say that showed her strength. The issues raised particularly that of race are concerning. While recollections may vary they are taken seriously and will be addressed privately. Recollections may vary, i think thats a polite way of saying thats your version, i have my own. At a time when the queen yearned for the support of family, another devastating loss hit the windsors. The death of Prince Philip was devastating to the queen. He had been her royal consort and partner for decades. Her grief and isolation were symbolized by the fact that because of the covid regulations in place she sat alone during the funeral with no one around her to provide comfort. During the Platinum Jubilee she marked the historic milestone without the love of her life whom she called her strength and stay. She became the first monarch in history to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee celebrating 70 years of service. A Spec Lack Tar Pageant began with drooping the color for the birthday parade. While she was not allowed to attend all the events she surprised the british people with an appearance. There was a great emotion among the crowds. I think people at that moment saw someone that reminded them of their own mother or grandmother. Although her figure is physically diminished, even when surrounded by all these fabulous events and displays of physical might, her emotional moral authority has never been stronger. I think that influence she brings to bear is something you cant measure but its very powerful. The queen was as she was throughout her reign, a symbol of stability. There were divisions among parties on different issues. She has done her duty. She kept her mouth shut, she worked hard and sacrificed on behalf of her people. To enact as an inspiration or other leaders. Her legacy is her love of country. Brian hi, everyone, welcome to one nation. Im brian kilmeade. We have Lieutenant Colonel oliver north, j. D. Vance who wants to be the next senator from ohio. Michael shell even berger will be with us. If anyone knows about green energy and the folly of pursuing it right now, he does. First we begin with this. Words of wisdom from President Biden who spent mo

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