some younger demographic women problems when she ran last time. people didn't really understand her answer to that. that seems like fresh and new material. you are saying it's not. lars? >> i've got to tell you something -- hillary clinton was treated very badly by a cheating spouse for a long, long time. we all know that. i would like to say she's probably being honest about saying that being with bill clinton was one of the toughest things she did. thing is she was never able to get over the election. she's to many of the current president, than a candidate, that he accepted the results of the election. i think hillary clinton should accept the results of the election, and america people decided. the price to do the same, including shifty schiff and nancy pelosi. >> harris: oh, my goodness, you're stealing some of the president's lines, there! she has to get on with accepting the 2016, because we are about to have another one. you know what else can make i'm about to bring you back. sit tight, both of you. leslie and lars, thank you. we are awaiting word, new