Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240708 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240708

"washington times" columnist ann fox news contributor, charlie hurt. good to see you all. diplomatic efforts are intensifying as biden is set to meet with german chancellor in the next hour. on the other side multiple reports that french president mccrone just met with vladimir putin. as for now we've learned that russia has 70% of the troops in place that it needs for a full-scale invasion of the ukraine. we knew they were getting there. all of this leading jake sullivan to issue this warning. >> any day russia could take military action against ukraine or could be a couple of weeks from now or russia could take the diplomatic path instead. the united states needs to be and is repaired for any of those contingencies. >> harris: at least he said in the window and he didn't say we are in the basement. >> the administration is doing a good job of beating the war drums and camping up the rhetoric. i think everyone is aware -- most people are aware this is a serious situation come or at least an situation the biden administration is taking seriously. what they have failed to do -- they still have yet to make the case for why this is in vital national security interest of the united states to go fight a war to protect the ukraine's borders. before we do anything like this -- and i remember covering the run up to all of the debates leading to the war in iraq back in zero three, zero four, zero two, the big lesson for all of that is a lot of americans -- a lot of people in congress got into that war without thinking e consequences and things that would follow. until the biden administration does a better job of making that argument here there's gonna be a lot of -- >> harris: just a quick follow with you, charlie -- it's not enough to you -- because the spokesperson, admiral kirby, was on with me a week ago and he put it ukraine is bordered by our nato members. that's enough of a reason to go and do what we have to do. but that i was a short, and reassured by members of the administration, but boudin would never go into one of those countries. while he's done what he's wanted to do. how do we know what he's going to do? what's good enough for you? what's the red line in your eyes to get deeper involved? >> charile: i go back to what i learned from covering this debate leading up to the war in iraq. the argument for the war in iraq was still far better argument than the administration is making here now. john edwards stood on the senate floor and said saddam hussein posed an immediate threat to the security of the united states. those are the arguments made at that time. even then we got into that and a lot of people regretted it. within the course of one election cycle they completely reverse their opinion. so we don't even have that argument being made here. we just have this sort of gauzy fuzzy idea that we have to go and commit troops and massive amounts of money and material to protect ukraine's borders. all i'm saying is that's not cutting it with the american people. you need to explain what is the vital national security interest of the united states of america before going to send our soldiers over there to get hurt or die in a war over there. you and you know, kaylee, when we look at this this is not new on the horizon. russia has wanted to invade another neighbor since it invaded crimea under president obama and vice president biden. what has changed is the carrot stick approach -- the stick wasn't put before they put a hundred and 27,000 troops in the border of another country. like russia didn't see the back of our hand until he could see what was in our hand. in other words, we played it. >> kayleigh: exactly right. president trump issued crippling sanctions on russia. president biden gave them gifts. you have boudin who looks over and sees the same cast of characters now on 2022 that he saw in 2014 when he invaded korea. he sees jen psaki, he sees joe biden, he sees the same crew that allowed him to annex part of a country and he thinks he can do it again. now will he do it again? that's the big question. right here is kathy's 83 tactical groups in the border. there were about a half dozen when he took control. this is a significant build up at a lot of people say he may do something short of a full-scale invasion. we've seen this playbook before. and crimea in 2014 as a way to gain political capital. he did fall short of a full-scale invasion that would've cost russia so many casualties. why does he do this? why does he have these buildups? it is to distract what is going on in his own country. domestic corruption. he builds up troops on the border to distract from that. i guess only boudin knows if it's something different than that. we have a very weak commander in chief that has made many bad calculations, including the gifting of a pipeline. we have a putin is more emboldened than ever before. that's not a good combination. >> harris: kayleigh, there was that move that he made from the lectern say well if it was a minor incursion. he said it appeared he said if you don't fully invade, then the blowback will be less. >> kayleigh: he said that. who says that out loud? who broadcasts to the world? we should not suspend american troops there appeared i do want to see him in a woman go into harm's way but you don't broadcast your playbook to your photo and exactly what he did. you don't say it's one thing it that america can do to stop them -- there is something he can do. it is peace through strength with sanctions, with robust language, with warnings to "outnumbered" behind the scenes. a fortune just don't think it's happening. >> harris: republican senator says this is what should happen if russia russia invade ukraine. that's watch. >> i think vladimir putin us to pay a high price if he does this. not just for him to pay the price but for other countries. i think the price should be his economy should be crippled and hurt badly. >> harris: emily? >> emily: right. i want to articulate a few other frightening things that experts were monitoring russian military movements have started to report. this is against the backdrop of, as charlie articulated, a lack of specificity with what our vital national interest will be against the landscape of our and vertebrae commander in chief. 21-55000 civilian casualties expected in the ukraine. 60% of the population was born after 1991. to me those are children. that's in addition to the 5-25000 ukrainian troops in the 4,000 russian troops. the window for diplomacy is closing. as we know, that hard ground breeding time is approaching from february 14th to the end of march. in addition, reports are that russia has already included those that would be part of the graphic video, actors, that would serve as the pretext for the invasion to make it look like nato weapons were used to fire on russia. they will be used to further the false narrative that will be the impetus for this invasion. i've know i've touched on this before, obviously we would likely use cyber warfare. picture in the middle of the nights shutting down the entire electrical grid to destroy cohesion of ukraine's command-and-control. it will so additional confusion in the middle of the night. my heart aches for ukraine right on my heart aches for those americans watching the spineless commander in chief send our troops over for something that might be inevitable. >> harris: we want to make it clear they were not sending them in the battle. but we don't really know what their mission is can look like. kirby told me well and might be training -- >> nobody knows. >> harris: but degen, these are the words that really bothered me from the lectern when they were talking about this to begin with sending 3,000 u.s. troops. originally was 8,500. now we are 3,000, like that supposed to make people feel better. why are we sending any? when they send the word temporary -- we don't have an end game. >> dagen: what bothered me is what joe biden on his first day in office -- his first day in the oval when he started doing to our energy sector. he started taking a chain saw to it. i'm not just talking about the keystone national pipeline, which largely wasn't even failed to come going after leases on federal land for oil and gas, really threatening our energy producers here, nominating more than one person who wants to on bank the energy companies in the united states cut off their access codes down mike to financing. what is all that i do? it not only emboldens nations that hate us, oil-producing nations like iran and russia, two of our biggest threats. they were and still are. but it enriched these nations. i wouldn't he do it -- oil prices now, we were the number one oil producer in the world. we were the swing producer. that means we controlled oil prices on the world stage because we had us a nation excess production. but now oil at a seven year high last week i made was above $92 a barrel, we are sending money and power into putin's hands. what did joe biden say? russia will face severe economic consequences. what do you mean well? why not now? why are we being proactive with sanctions? you move troops to the border, we are going after you. we'll lay the sanctions on when you move those troops back. then we left those sanctions. it's better to overreact then under react in the situation. i don't understand why the u.s. and europe took taking russia to pulling it out of swift is a critical financial messaging service for the global banking system. we seem to back away from that does she want to talk about crippling russia? send them a message that's what we'll do. we'll cripple you, vladimir putin, instead we are enriching him. >> harris: will move on. go fund me is accused of playing politics after it shut down the fund-raiser after canadian truckers protest covid rules. then i got more troublesome when it tried to redistribute the millions of dollars of donations that had already come in. tein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(girls giggling) mmmm... it's so good! order your american made comfortmat at as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> cancel culture or just hit the freedom convoy in canada where otto was mayor's declaring a state of emergency and police are threatening to arrest anyone who offers material support to the truckers. that includes food or gasoline. now go fund me is facing pushback after it nixed a fund-raiser for the truckers fighting concerns over the occupation. it doesn't seem to worry the platform back in 2020 when it allowed a fund-raiser linked to the left-wing seattle protest were protesters occupied the downtown area. i got blasted saying they would redistribute inset of reef on the millions dollars in donations meant for those truckers. they have now backtracked. investigators and texas senator ten cruises calling on the ftc to investigate the company. >> and all people gave money they gave money into the promise would go into the freedom convoy, not to whatever left-wing political ideology go find me another silicon valley company support. they are deceiving consumers and it is wrong. >> dagen, what say you? >> dagen: go find me not only allowed that fund-raiser for someone operating within the autonomous zone in seattle, they promoted it. knowing full well they were faults going on within this lawless zone. it's astonishing the people of go fund me would even have the conversation about taking the money that was raised for the truckers and deciding they would just give it to a cause they found noble. not only is not illegal, but who in their right mind would think it was tenable? that being said, we in north america need to support these truckers. there were people here in new york city and other areas of the country clanging the pots and pans every night to celebrate the front line workers at the beginning of covid, who fed us? who made sure the store shelves were stocked? whether was drugstores or grocery stores. who kept this economy running? it was our truckers. so for the truckers to be taken on in canada by the government? mind-boggling. here we support them. if what they have a freedom convoy here in the united states were all in and will be standing on the side of the road clanging are pots and pans because they keep america working. >> that's right. they are the backbone of our economy at somehow in canada the government has turned their back on them. kayleigh, dagen mentioned the chops on can i use to live blocks from there. there were homicides. it was an absolute lawless cesspool for so many reasons. to her point, the reason it was able to get to you neo it was because of the city workers and tireless employees that show up to their job day in and day out to other people can mess around with anarchy. that's what these canadian truckers are doing out there they showed up this whole time and all they are advocating for is their liberty. kayleigh? >> kayleigh: that chop zone -- remember they change their name? this was a zone fully supported and embraced by go fund me. they actually tweeted in support of this occupation. as you noted, emily, led to four shootings including two murder victims. this is something go fund me supportive. they won't stand up for freedom fighters in canada? were courageously saying were just asking for freedom. these guys are the real deal. there standing up to their orwellian government with their covid edicts. they have the support of the people. as of monday evening there were approaching $10 million raised on go fund me. that's more than every major political party in canada and the last quarter of 2021. the people are with the truckers, not with justin trudeau, not with gofundme, and certainly not with woke corporate america. >> charlie, it seems so often these performative stances these broad groups take some of these visible voices take like gofundme fall apart instantly when you point out that hypocrisy they've been embroiled in. meanwhile we have platforms like fund of the first, where every dollar goes to the cause. they don't take a faux morality stance. you know what you're supporting with those campaigns yet they don't get the amplification and honor they deserve, while the behemoth, gofundme, is playing god. >> charile: i think it's great these investigations have been launched into gofundme. the question i have is if they are willing to do this out in the open with this huge event like this trucker rally, how many other times have they raised money for somebody and just decided to take that money and redistribute it to somebody they think is more worthy? i think it bears investigation. if they've ever done it it's clear fraud. it's theft. people should be arrested for it. i also think it's interesting going back to something that dagen just said. i guarantee you, dagen has an air horn truck horn as she goes down which i completely indoors. honestly, these truckers were the people that throughout the pandemic where they are to deliver it to us what we needed when we needed it. who are of the canadian government going to go after them punish? they're going to go after people who did what the truckers did throughout the pandemic, people selling food and fuel in the middle of all of this. it's a poetic injustice. >> that's right. i wish i had one of those horns for the record. even just walking down the street. harris, final thoughts? >> harris: i'm not brilliant on this topic of international process of fraud, but this is an international situation. these truckers are trying to cross into the border with the united states and they were being penalized, not allowed to do that because they're not vaccinated. so you have gofundme part of this cottage industry who feeds off people trying to get their freedom. they put something up like a organ help the protesters gather funds to help these guys, some of the question is what there be any international law honestly would have broken? they could be in a whole lot of trouble if they spend that money any other type of way than giving the money back to the people that donated it. maybe it will take the ftc, like ted cruz talked about, where is biden's doj question mike don't they care about fraud? don't they care about americans giving to charity and -- that's what it is. this is a donation. they're willing to take the money they donated and give it to whoever they would want. how do we know it's all about good causes out gofundme? how do we know they're not lining their own pockets? it's a cottage industry that just perches along side of people trying to support others. i'm wondering when that purchase international, how ugly does that get legally? >> right. remember the uproar over the false narratives that you weren't allowed to hydrate and drink water when you're in line to vote in georgia? now you're not allowed to give food and water to those literally out in the freezing cold in ottawa? there's so much outrage that is selective for issues that really aren't authentic. here we have an actual issue were humans that are advocating for their liberty and work so hard to continue the economy and keep other canadians warm and dry and put food on their table. they're just absolutely getting vilified right now. it's not right. coming up in a controversy involving joe rogan. why spotify says it's still refusing to silence him. stay with us. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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the blowback has been what i figured it would be. >> with joe rogan i want to speak to what the ceo of spotify is saying, he is saying going to hold the line. of course it says that this is just a horrible language, but what he means is that if you sever ties with rogan in the podcast is opening the door for examination of every artist on the platform. how far you going to go? or you can examine every musical artist? how far back are you going to go? if you start firing people spotify is not cannot have any content left. you can still listen to our kelley music. plenty of those on spotify. he was convicted us down mike of having with underage girls and bribing a state employee to create a false i.d. so he could marry a 15-year-old. he still -- you can still listen to our kelly tunes but -- >> that's what i mean, emily, when i say tell us the rules. let us know it's going to happen so everyone could play by the rules. dave chappelle, also not being canceled off of a platform after people disagreed with what he has to say as a comedian. by the way, he uses that word all the time. i don't like it and i don't want anybody to. i guess you would be on the list of exceptions. >> right. what i appreciate about you asking that question, harris, and the canceled culture we find serve society for thriving income of the whole point is when it is the end? if there is no specificity, eventually everybody can join that pool. and dagen, i appreciate the ceo is saying look, silencing him is not the answer. i find this offensive and i don't agree with it. he is giving him a semblance of autonomy, joe rogan purity think some people want more and he has chosen -- he meaning joe rogan, to take off some of those episodes and also they continue with more. i like that somewhere someone was standing up inside i'm a man and so is this other person and i'm going to let him make his decisions also. you can choose with your money and time whether you support the platform by listening. >> harris: charlie? >> charile: finally an adult in the corporate world is willing to stand up to some of this insanity. i applaud him for that. it sort of a fake controversy. nobody argues that joe rogan is a racist. you can't credibly argue that he's some covid conspiracy theorist. if you listen to the podcasts he has done about covid, you hear a very smart reporter asking very good questions and is trying to get answers to things were all curious about it. handy's willing to do that even if it runs up against the sort of whatever is verboten by the crazy media left-wing media orthodoxy. he's not afraid of that. that's why they want to cancel them. it has nothing to do with all the stuff were talking about. it has everything to do with the fact that joe rogan doesn't play with the left-wing choir sheet. they want to remove it from that. >> you know who did that for about 15 seconds? andrew yang, former democratic presidential candidate, tweeted out joe rogan is not a racist. then you could have said an egg timer for when he deleted that. you know he lives forever? stuff on the internet. more examples of democrats showing that the rules apparently just don't apply to them. look at these kids, you can get covid from stacey abrams but she's not going to wear a mask. i don't know if she has, but she's not wearing a mask. george's democrat candidate for governor again, because she lost the first time, stacey abrams seen smiling for a pick with no mask in a classroom full of kids. we'll get into it. welcome to the eat fresh refresh at subway wait, that's new wait, you're new too nobody told you? subway's refreshing with better ingredients, better footlongs, and better spokespeople. because you gotta you gotta refresh to be fresh veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow because you gotta up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. >> mass hypocrisy from the left. stacey abrams seen mask lists while visiting the georgia elementary school this weekend. look at her, she's posing for a picture with a room full of young children who, you guessed it, were all wearing masks. she's not the only one. democratic congressman small go men was caught without a mask and a photo op at a new york high school as well. students in the photos wearing a mask. new york city mayor, adams, also pictured without a mask despite a state wide indoor mask mandate. this after he doubled down on mask mandates for schools. michigan congresswoman, i vulnerable democratic, pictured mask lists at an event yesterday. nearly every person in the picture had one on. wow, charlie i don't think we have that picture we can pull back above stacey abrams. it's stunning. when i saw this over the weekend i thought this is a picture that the defining picture of the radical left during the pandemic -- look at them. look at those kids. this is a picture up a trail of america's children. >> yeah, yeah. by her own definition, she apparently does not care about children and wants to infect them all. of course that's not really true, but it does reveal the total absurdity of all of this. at some level we should be grateful for people like stacey abrams. all of the hypocrites we've seen we should be grateful to them. america swiftly moving away from these mandates. realizing that the masks don't really generally help. the mandates don't help. it's because of the sort of hypocrisy from the very people who have argued most vociferously for the mandates. >> that's right. look at this, i saw this this morning. it's crazy. tweet from daybook. job opportunity, stacey abrams gubernatorial candidate social media platform director. managed day-to-day social media account. >> doesn't she realize she'd be a hero if none of those children had masks on. there were about three dozen of them in the photo. many of them wearing masks by the way. those cloth masks that don't work. >> exactly. >> i will quote the great carol markowitz of "the new york post," children shouldn't have been wearing masks last week, last month, last year, you know the drill. this will ultimately come back to find all of these democrats because they took this antiscience position due to politics. as carol said, ironically it will be the politics that forces them to let go. she can blame whoever for this, but she had to have known -- i'm sitting here in front of three dozen kids who are masked up and i'm not wearing one and it looks bad. >> it hurts the development of these children. >> she put out the picture, dagen. it's crazy. most of the time it's someone snaps a photo of you without the mask on and that's how you get outed. but she promoted this. the hypocrisy list is growing. >> and i think we should put some adele music behind it. i still don't believe adele didn't know that concert was going to be canceled days before people spent all that money trying to see her. you know, stacey abrams has not learned the finer political gift, obviously, of if there are children in the room i must be the very best version of myself. yeah, that's not about politics, it's about a dull thing. so if she really cares about those children she would want to mask up if she believes masking up with a cloth mask, which many of them will protect anybody in the room. however it would shake out, wouldn't she have them in mind first before anything else? that's adult thing. that's what that is. if you walk in and you want to take a picture then bring your own. sometimes these little ones aren't as prepared as they should become more they keep touching their masks and you can help them. that moment of help in teaching, she missed. then she filled their mind with hypocrisy and full-fledged regalia because she takes the picture and then she deletes it. that teaches the kids in the photo well, mom, the picture isn't up with stacey abrams anymore. did i do anything wrong? no, she did. she was so guilty about it she thought the one thing we know can't happen. let's say together commits on the internet. you can't erase it. [laughter] >> exactly. meanwhile the list is getting longer and longer and longer. all right, the push for congressional staffers to unionize is gaining steam after an instagram account goes viral with complaints about low pay, bad bosses, and lack of diversity. ♪ ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. (vo) what makes my heart beat? having everything i want in the place i love. jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go! every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? if only it was this easy for us. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> president biden meeting with the new german chancellor, olaf scholz today as vladimir putin continues to build up of russian troops on ukraine's border. rules for the but not for d's? why stacey abrams has joined the ranks of democrats who toss aside masks while demanding others wear them. we have a jam-packed two hours of news for you. join sandra smith and me at the top of the hour for america reports. we'll see you then. >> staffers in congress announcing their intent to form a union after the effort gained steam due to a viral instagram account that airs the hills dirty laundry. the name of that account is dear white staffers. on it, users post unverified, anonymous claims about low pay and lack of diversity in their angry bosses. looking for an office that pays well, and makes me feel values and safe. there's this cartoon on capitol hill and emojis featuring my senior staff team. some of these accusations being made are brittle that congressmen and women were eating lunch and forced their staffers to stand against the wall, they couldn't eat or participate. another stuck out to me saying that staff are brought their boss of the wrong pair of reading glasses and the boss threw it back at them, forcing candidates for positions to request their salary level out loud in front of other rival candidates. this is a pretty hostile environment in front of the hill we are learning about. >> ride. adam minimum minimum it's a hostile work environment. we also have allegations of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and the like. it's down like if even an iota of this is true it's deeply troubling and highly illegal. but what else to be expected coming out of the halls of congress? these are the same people that of a slush fund where they can pay for their own trysts and the liability that we pay for with her own tax dollars. nancy pelosi says she supports the union but it has to pass from congressional resolution before takes hold. the proof is in the pudding whether these guys will take the first step to put their money where the mouth is. the tweets they put out backing fair labor wages and transparent healthy workplace environments, but they support diversity in the workplace, that they support recruitment, we'll see if that actually holds true when congress holds that resolution next week. >> right. thanks, jake at this tidbit from "the washington post." i found this passage rather interesting. it says many of the people with testimonials posted said they worked for democratic lawmakers. it's unclear why aides from republican offices have not participated. i don't think that's it, i think republicans may just be a little bit nicer. speak of the problem must be the republican staffers just haven't heard about this yet. you could literally spend a lifetime going over all of the hypocrisy that goes on in congress. it's the loudest from the members of congress who talked the loudest about specific issues. they passed laws that affect companies all around the world, all over the country, they exempt themselves in the examples include obviously everybody remembers when members of congress exempted themselves from obamacare, which they foisted on all the rest of us. one of the most startling thing that bothers me is someone who believes in free speech and open records and the ability of news organizations to do their job, as the freedom of information act laws that even applied to the white house. but they don't apply to congress because congress gets to write the laws about it. they don't believe in the stuff, they just want to talk about it. they want to protect themselves. >> harris, one of the democratic staffers said you can't abuse your staff and not expected to come out. it reminded me of kamala harris, she has abused her staff reportedly and she had leakers and amy klobuchar, remember she apparently berated a staffer for not having a fork and then ate her salad with a comb. >> sometimes stories just get up because there's a drumbeat to them. with the vice president's office it was something where the numbers are growing. i think she just lost in the person on her staff last week. i was reading about that. you can't say all these things are connected. in this instance, there's strength in numbers. so what happened? are you experiencing the same thing? five other people are in the next thing you know is not really a leak commits a declaration of health. >> exactly right. well interesting story. i'll keep following that up. >> i want them to name names. i want names galore of everyone who is a jerk. >> i'm with you, dagen, i want names. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? . you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... it's all around us again. the inflation buzz word. as if inflation magically goes away and then suddenly returns. but inflation never really goes away. each year - by some measure - the dollar declines in value. well - here's something else that doesn't go away... gold and silver. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. help protect yourself against inflation. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> in the mood for a dominoes pizza or hot cheesy bread? you may have to get it yourself. it's asking customers to pick up their own food. if you do, dominoes says they'll make it worth your while and give you a $3 tip. kayleigh, this sounds to me like heaven for you. >> oh, this is heaven. so much so that look, i go to hernando, mississippi this weekend, i'm told it's the hospitality state, certainly is. a woman comes up to me, gives a card, and i want to tell you what's in here. it's a dominoes gift card, i read how much you love dominoes in your book. i'm obsessed and i love this, emily. >> and then you would get tipped for picking it up yourself. dagen, i don't think it's that big of a deal. i will throw on shoes over my slippers and get the $3 in addition to the awesome pizza. >> what dominoes is saying essentially the delivery fee is three bucks. i'll still take delivery. a gallon of gas costs about 3.50 in this day and age, that's a bargain. >> i love a bargain. >> okay, charlie. are you going to stay on the couch or roll with me to dominoes? >> i will stay on the couch, i will pay you $3 to bring me the pizza. it is only a matter of time before jen psaki shows up at the white house lecturn and claims it as a victory for workers everywhere. >> my goodness. >> i never knew kayleigh and i had these things in common. i love dominoes as well. and odd days and times you cannot good out, we'll switch over. i'll always have three bucks to get our pizza. >> amazing. >> there is going to be a big pizza party in our future. have a great day. here is "america reports." >> sandra: all eyes are on washington this hour as president biden meets with germany's new chancellor about the growing threat of a russian invasion of ukraine. chinese president xi jinping is closely watching these developments as he furthers his goal of making china the world super power. >> john: if the united states fails to stand up to vladimir putin, xi could accelerate advances to taiwan.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240708

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"washington times" columnist ann fox news contributor, charlie hurt. good to see you all. diplomatic efforts are intensifying as biden is set to meet with german chancellor in the next hour. on the other side multiple reports that french president mccrone just met with vladimir putin. as for now we've learned that russia has 70% of the troops in place that it needs for a full-scale invasion of the ukraine. we knew they were getting there. all of this leading jake sullivan to issue this warning. >> any day russia could take military action against ukraine or could be a couple of weeks from now or russia could take the diplomatic path instead. the united states needs to be and is repaired for any of those contingencies. >> harris: at least he said in the window and he didn't say we are in the basement. >> the administration is doing a good job of beating the war drums and camping up the rhetoric. i think everyone is aware -- most people are aware this is a serious situation come or at least an situation the biden administration is taking seriously. what they have failed to do -- they still have yet to make the case for why this is in vital national security interest of the united states to go fight a war to protect the ukraine's borders. before we do anything like this -- and i remember covering the run up to all of the debates leading to the war in iraq back in zero three, zero four, zero two, the big lesson for all of that is a lot of americans -- a lot of people in congress got into that war without thinking e consequences and things that would follow. until the biden administration does a better job of making that argument here there's gonna be a lot of -- >> harris: just a quick follow with you, charlie -- it's not enough to you -- because the spokesperson, admiral kirby, was on with me a week ago and he put it ukraine is bordered by our nato members. that's enough of a reason to go and do what we have to do. but that i was a short, and reassured by members of the administration, but boudin would never go into one of those countries. while he's done what he's wanted to do. how do we know what he's going to do? what's good enough for you? what's the red line in your eyes to get deeper involved? >> charile: i go back to what i learned from covering this debate leading up to the war in iraq. the argument for the war in iraq was still far better argument than the administration is making here now. john edwards stood on the senate floor and said saddam hussein posed an immediate threat to the security of the united states. those are the arguments made at that time. even then we got into that and a lot of people regretted it. within the course of one election cycle they completely reverse their opinion. so we don't even have that argument being made here. we just have this sort of gauzy fuzzy idea that we have to go and commit troops and massive amounts of money and material to protect ukraine's borders. all i'm saying is that's not cutting it with the american people. you need to explain what is the vital national security interest of the united states of america before going to send our soldiers over there to get hurt or die in a war over there. you and you know, kaylee, when we look at this this is not new on the horizon. russia has wanted to invade another neighbor since it invaded crimea under president obama and vice president biden. what has changed is the carrot stick approach -- the stick wasn't put before they put a hundred and 27,000 troops in the border of another country. like russia didn't see the back of our hand until he could see what was in our hand. in other words, we played it. >> kayleigh: exactly right. president trump issued crippling sanctions on russia. president biden gave them gifts. you have boudin who looks over and sees the same cast of characters now on 2022 that he saw in 2014 when he invaded korea. he sees jen psaki, he sees joe biden, he sees the same crew that allowed him to annex part of a country and he thinks he can do it again. now will he do it again? that's the big question. right here is kathy's 83 tactical groups in the border. there were about a half dozen when he took control. this is a significant build up at a lot of people say he may do something short of a full-scale invasion. we've seen this playbook before. and crimea in 2014 as a way to gain political capital. he did fall short of a full-scale invasion that would've cost russia so many casualties. why does he do this? why does he have these buildups? it is to distract what is going on in his own country. domestic corruption. he builds up troops on the border to distract from that. i guess only boudin knows if it's something different than that. we have a very weak commander in chief that has made many bad calculations, including the gifting of a pipeline. we have a putin is more emboldened than ever before. that's not a good combination. >> harris: kayleigh, there was that move that he made from the lectern say well if it was a minor incursion. he said it appeared he said if you don't fully invade, then the blowback will be less. >> kayleigh: he said that. who says that out loud? who broadcasts to the world? we should not suspend american troops there appeared i do want to see him in a woman go into harm's way but you don't broadcast your playbook to your photo and exactly what he did. you don't say it's one thing it that america can do to stop them -- there is something he can do. it is peace through strength with sanctions, with robust language, with warnings to "outnumbered" behind the scenes. a fortune just don't think it's happening. >> harris: republican senator says this is what should happen if russia russia invade ukraine. that's watch. >> i think vladimir putin us to pay a high price if he does this. not just for him to pay the price but for other countries. i think the price should be his economy should be crippled and hurt badly. >> harris: emily? >> emily: right. i want to articulate a few other frightening things that experts were monitoring russian military movements have started to report. this is against the backdrop of, as charlie articulated, a lack of specificity with what our vital national interest will be against the landscape of our and vertebrae commander in chief. 21-55000 civilian casualties expected in the ukraine. 60% of the population was born after 1991. to me those are children. that's in addition to the 5-25000 ukrainian troops in the 4,000 russian troops. the window for diplomacy is closing. as we know, that hard ground breeding time is approaching from february 14th to the end of march. in addition, reports are that russia has already included those that would be part of the graphic video, actors, that would serve as the pretext for the invasion to make it look like nato weapons were used to fire on russia. they will be used to further the false narrative that will be the impetus for this invasion. i've know i've touched on this before, obviously we would likely use cyber warfare. picture in the middle of the nights shutting down the entire electrical grid to destroy cohesion of ukraine's command-and-control. it will so additional confusion in the middle of the night. my heart aches for ukraine right on my heart aches for those americans watching the spineless commander in chief send our troops over for something that might be inevitable. >> harris: we want to make it clear they were not sending them in the battle. but we don't really know what their mission is can look like. kirby told me well and might be training -- >> nobody knows. >> harris: but degen, these are the words that really bothered me from the lectern when they were talking about this to begin with sending 3,000 u.s. troops. originally was 8,500. now we are 3,000, like that supposed to make people feel better. why are we sending any? when they send the word temporary -- we don't have an end game. >> dagen: what bothered me is what joe biden on his first day in office -- his first day in the oval when he started doing to our energy sector. he started taking a chain saw to it. i'm not just talking about the keystone national pipeline, which largely wasn't even failed to come going after leases on federal land for oil and gas, really threatening our energy producers here, nominating more than one person who wants to on bank the energy companies in the united states cut off their access codes down mike to financing. what is all that i do? it not only emboldens nations that hate us, oil-producing nations like iran and russia, two of our biggest threats. they were and still are. but it enriched these nations. i wouldn't he do it -- oil prices now, we were the number one oil producer in the world. we were the swing producer. that means we controlled oil prices on the world stage because we had us a nation excess production. but now oil at a seven year high last week i made was above $92 a barrel, we are sending money and power into putin's hands. what did joe biden say? russia will face severe economic consequences. what do you mean well? why not now? why are we being proactive with sanctions? you move troops to the border, we are going after you. we'll lay the sanctions on when you move those troops back. then we left those sanctions. it's better to overreact then under react in the situation. i don't understand why the u.s. and europe took taking russia to pulling it out of swift is a critical financial messaging service for the global banking system. we seem to back away from that does she want to talk about crippling russia? send them a message that's what we'll do. we'll cripple you, vladimir putin, instead we are enriching him. >> harris: will move on. go fund me is accused of playing politics after it shut down the fund-raiser after canadian truckers protest covid rules. then i got more troublesome when it tried to redistribute the millions of dollars of donations that had already come in. tein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. (girls giggling) ♪ (fun music) ♪ one gram of sugar, the comfortmat from weathertech offers support where you need it. mom's gonna love this! grandma's gonna love it! (girls giggling) comfortmat provides anti-fatigue cushioning while you're standing. and won't slip against your floors or under your feet. perfect throughout the home, or on the job. the weathertech comfortmat comes in three colors and finishes. (girls giggling) mmmm... it's so good! order your american made comfortmat at as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> cancel culture or just hit the freedom convoy in canada where otto was mayor's declaring a state of emergency and police are threatening to arrest anyone who offers material support to the truckers. that includes food or gasoline. now go fund me is facing pushback after it nixed a fund-raiser for the truckers fighting concerns over the occupation. it doesn't seem to worry the platform back in 2020 when it allowed a fund-raiser linked to the left-wing seattle protest were protesters occupied the downtown area. i got blasted saying they would redistribute inset of reef on the millions dollars in donations meant for those truckers. they have now backtracked. investigators and texas senator ten cruises calling on the ftc to investigate the company. >> and all people gave money they gave money into the promise would go into the freedom convoy, not to whatever left-wing political ideology go find me another silicon valley company support. they are deceiving consumers and it is wrong. >> dagen, what say you? >> dagen: go find me not only allowed that fund-raiser for someone operating within the autonomous zone in seattle, they promoted it. knowing full well they were faults going on within this lawless zone. it's astonishing the people of go fund me would even have the conversation about taking the money that was raised for the truckers and deciding they would just give it to a cause they found noble. not only is not illegal, but who in their right mind would think it was tenable? that being said, we in north america need to support these truckers. there were people here in new york city and other areas of the country clanging the pots and pans every night to celebrate the front line workers at the beginning of covid, who fed us? who made sure the store shelves were stocked? whether was drugstores or grocery stores. who kept this economy running? it was our truckers. so for the truckers to be taken on in canada by the government? mind-boggling. here we support them. if what they have a freedom convoy here in the united states were all in and will be standing on the side of the road clanging are pots and pans because they keep america working. >> that's right. they are the backbone of our economy at somehow in canada the government has turned their back on them. kayleigh, dagen mentioned the chops on can i use to live blocks from there. there were homicides. it was an absolute lawless cesspool for so many reasons. to her point, the reason it was able to get to you neo it was because of the city workers and tireless employees that show up to their job day in and day out to other people can mess around with anarchy. that's what these canadian truckers are doing out there they showed up this whole time and all they are advocating for is their liberty. kayleigh? >> kayleigh: that chop zone -- remember they change their name? this was a zone fully supported and embraced by go fund me. they actually tweeted in support of this occupation. as you noted, emily, led to four shootings including two murder victims. this is something go fund me supportive. they won't stand up for freedom fighters in canada? were courageously saying were just asking for freedom. these guys are the real deal. there standing up to their orwellian government with their covid edicts. they have the support of the people. as of monday evening there were approaching $10 million raised on go fund me. that's more than every major political party in canada and the last quarter of 2021. the people are with the truckers, not with justin trudeau, not with gofundme, and certainly not with woke corporate america. >> charlie, it seems so often these performative stances these broad groups take some of these visible voices take like gofundme fall apart instantly when you point out that hypocrisy they've been embroiled in. meanwhile we have platforms like fund of the first, where every dollar goes to the cause. they don't take a faux morality stance. you know what you're supporting with those campaigns yet they don't get the amplification and honor they deserve, while the behemoth, gofundme, is playing god. >> charile: i think it's great these investigations have been launched into gofundme. the question i have is if they are willing to do this out in the open with this huge event like this trucker rally, how many other times have they raised money for somebody and just decided to take that money and redistribute it to somebody they think is more worthy? i think it bears investigation. if they've ever done it it's clear fraud. it's theft. people should be arrested for it. i also think it's interesting going back to something that dagen just said. i guarantee you, dagen has an air horn truck horn as she goes down which i completely indoors. honestly, these truckers were the people that throughout the pandemic where they are to deliver it to us what we needed when we needed it. who are of the canadian government going to go after them punish? they're going to go after people who did what the truckers did throughout the pandemic, people selling food and fuel in the middle of all of this. it's a poetic injustice. >> that's right. i wish i had one of those horns for the record. even just walking down the street. harris, final thoughts? >> harris: i'm not brilliant on this topic of international process of fraud, but this is an international situation. these truckers are trying to cross into the border with the united states and they were being penalized, not allowed to do that because they're not vaccinated. so you have gofundme part of this cottage industry who feeds off people trying to get their freedom. they put something up like a organ help the protesters gather funds to help these guys, some of the question is what there be any international law honestly would have broken? they could be in a whole lot of trouble if they spend that money any other type of way than giving the money back to the people that donated it. maybe it will take the ftc, like ted cruz talked about, where is biden's doj question mike don't they care about fraud? don't they care about americans giving to charity and -- that's what it is. this is a donation. they're willing to take the money they donated and give it to whoever they would want. how do we know it's all about good causes out gofundme? how do we know they're not lining their own pockets? it's a cottage industry that just perches along side of people trying to support others. i'm wondering when that purchase international, how ugly does that get legally? >> right. remember the uproar over the false narratives that you weren't allowed to hydrate and drink water when you're in line to vote in georgia? now you're not allowed to give food and water to those literally out in the freezing cold in ottawa? there's so much outrage that is selective for issues that really aren't authentic. here we have an actual issue were humans that are advocating for their liberty and work so hard to continue the economy and keep other canadians warm and dry and put food on their table. they're just absolutely getting vilified right now. it's not right. coming up in a controversy involving joe rogan. why spotify says it's still refusing to silence him. stay with us. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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the blowback has been what i figured it would be. >> with joe rogan i want to speak to what the ceo of spotify is saying, he is saying going to hold the line. of course it says that this is just a horrible language, but what he means is that if you sever ties with rogan in the podcast is opening the door for examination of every artist on the platform. how far you going to go? or you can examine every musical artist? how far back are you going to go? if you start firing people spotify is not cannot have any content left. you can still listen to our kelley music. plenty of those on spotify. he was convicted us down mike of having with underage girls and bribing a state employee to create a false i.d. so he could marry a 15-year-old. he still -- you can still listen to our kelly tunes but -- >> that's what i mean, emily, when i say tell us the rules. let us know it's going to happen so everyone could play by the rules. dave chappelle, also not being canceled off of a platform after people disagreed with what he has to say as a comedian. by the way, he uses that word all the time. i don't like it and i don't want anybody to. i guess you would be on the list of exceptions. >> right. what i appreciate about you asking that question, harris, and the canceled culture we find serve society for thriving income of the whole point is when it is the end? if there is no specificity, eventually everybody can join that pool. and dagen, i appreciate the ceo is saying look, silencing him is not the answer. i find this offensive and i don't agree with it. he is giving him a semblance of autonomy, joe rogan purity think some people want more and he has chosen -- he meaning joe rogan, to take off some of those episodes and also they continue with more. i like that somewhere someone was standing up inside i'm a man and so is this other person and i'm going to let him make his decisions also. you can choose with your money and time whether you support the platform by listening. >> harris: charlie? >> charile: finally an adult in the corporate world is willing to stand up to some of this insanity. i applaud him for that. it sort of a fake controversy. nobody argues that joe rogan is a racist. you can't credibly argue that he's some covid conspiracy theorist. if you listen to the podcasts he has done about covid, you hear a very smart reporter asking very good questions and is trying to get answers to things were all curious about it. handy's willing to do that even if it runs up against the sort of whatever is verboten by the crazy media left-wing media orthodoxy. he's not afraid of that. that's why they want to cancel them. it has nothing to do with all the stuff were talking about. it has everything to do with the fact that joe rogan doesn't play with the left-wing choir sheet. they want to remove it from that. >> you know who did that for about 15 seconds? andrew yang, former democratic presidential candidate, tweeted out joe rogan is not a racist. then you could have said an egg timer for when he deleted that. you know he lives forever? stuff on the internet. more examples of democrats showing that the rules apparently just don't apply to them. look at these kids, you can get covid from stacey abrams but she's not going to wear a mask. i don't know if she has, but she's not wearing a mask. george's democrat candidate for governor again, because she lost the first time, stacey abrams seen smiling for a pick with no mask in a classroom full of kids. we'll get into it. welcome to the eat fresh refresh at subway wait, that's new wait, you're new too nobody told you? subway's refreshing with better ingredients, better footlongs, and better spokespeople. because you gotta you gotta refresh to be fresh veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow because you gotta up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. more cash, more savings, more peace of mind. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. up to $60,000 or more. veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. >> mass hypocrisy from the left. stacey abrams seen mask lists while visiting the georgia elementary school this weekend. look at her, she's posing for a picture with a room full of young children who, you guessed it, were all wearing masks. she's not the only one. democratic congressman small go men was caught without a mask and a photo op at a new york high school as well. students in the photos wearing a mask. new york city mayor, adams, also pictured without a mask despite a state wide indoor mask mandate. this after he doubled down on mask mandates for schools. michigan congresswoman, i vulnerable democratic, pictured mask lists at an event yesterday. nearly every person in the picture had one on. wow, charlie i don't think we have that picture we can pull back above stacey abrams. it's stunning. when i saw this over the weekend i thought this is a picture that the defining picture of the radical left during the pandemic -- look at them. look at those kids. this is a picture up a trail of america's children. >> yeah, yeah. by her own definition, she apparently does not care about children and wants to infect them all. of course that's not really true, but it does reveal the total absurdity of all of this. at some level we should be grateful for people like stacey abrams. all of the hypocrites we've seen we should be grateful to them. america swiftly moving away from these mandates. realizing that the masks don't really generally help. the mandates don't help. it's because of the sort of hypocrisy from the very people who have argued most vociferously for the mandates. >> that's right. look at this, i saw this this morning. it's crazy. tweet from daybook. job opportunity, stacey abrams gubernatorial candidate social media platform director. managed day-to-day social media account. >> doesn't she realize she'd be a hero if none of those children had masks on. there were about three dozen of them in the photo. many of them wearing masks by the way. those cloth masks that don't work. >> exactly. >> i will quote the great carol markowitz of "the new york post," children shouldn't have been wearing masks last week, last month, last year, you know the drill. this will ultimately come back to find all of these democrats because they took this antiscience position due to politics. as carol said, ironically it will be the politics that forces them to let go. she can blame whoever for this, but she had to have known -- i'm sitting here in front of three dozen kids who are masked up and i'm not wearing one and it looks bad. >> it hurts the development of these children. >> she put out the picture, dagen. it's crazy. most of the time it's someone snaps a photo of you without the mask on and that's how you get outed. but she promoted this. the hypocrisy list is growing. >> and i think we should put some adele music behind it. i still don't believe adele didn't know that concert was going to be canceled days before people spent all that money trying to see her. you know, stacey abrams has not learned the finer political gift, obviously, of if there are children in the room i must be the very best version of myself. yeah, that's not about politics, it's about a dull thing. so if she really cares about those children she would want to mask up if she believes masking up with a cloth mask, which many of them will protect anybody in the room. however it would shake out, wouldn't she have them in mind first before anything else? that's adult thing. that's what that is. if you walk in and you want to take a picture then bring your own. sometimes these little ones aren't as prepared as they should become more they keep touching their masks and you can help them. that moment of help in teaching, she missed. then she filled their mind with hypocrisy and full-fledged regalia because she takes the picture and then she deletes it. that teaches the kids in the photo well, mom, the picture isn't up with stacey abrams anymore. did i do anything wrong? no, she did. she was so guilty about it she thought the one thing we know can't happen. let's say together commits on the internet. you can't erase it. [laughter] >> exactly. meanwhile the list is getting longer and longer and longer. all right, the push for congressional staffers to unionize is gaining steam after an instagram account goes viral with complaints about low pay, bad bosses, and lack of diversity. ♪ ♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. (vo) what makes my heart beat? having everything i want in the place i love. jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go! every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? if only it was this easy for us. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> president biden meeting with the new german chancellor, olaf scholz today as vladimir putin continues to build up of russian troops on ukraine's border. rules for the but not for d's? why stacey abrams has joined the ranks of democrats who toss aside masks while demanding others wear them. we have a jam-packed two hours of news for you. join sandra smith and me at the top of the hour for america reports. we'll see you then. >> staffers in congress announcing their intent to form a union after the effort gained steam due to a viral instagram account that airs the hills dirty laundry. the name of that account is dear white staffers. on it, users post unverified, anonymous claims about low pay and lack of diversity in their angry bosses. looking for an office that pays well, and makes me feel values and safe. there's this cartoon on capitol hill and emojis featuring my senior staff team. some of these accusations being made are brittle that congressmen and women were eating lunch and forced their staffers to stand against the wall, they couldn't eat or participate. another stuck out to me saying that staff are brought their boss of the wrong pair of reading glasses and the boss threw it back at them, forcing candidates for positions to request their salary level out loud in front of other rival candidates. this is a pretty hostile environment in front of the hill we are learning about. >> ride. adam minimum minimum it's a hostile work environment. we also have allegations of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and the like. it's down like if even an iota of this is true it's deeply troubling and highly illegal. but what else to be expected coming out of the halls of congress? these are the same people that of a slush fund where they can pay for their own trysts and the liability that we pay for with her own tax dollars. nancy pelosi says she supports the union but it has to pass from congressional resolution before takes hold. the proof is in the pudding whether these guys will take the first step to put their money where the mouth is. the tweets they put out backing fair labor wages and transparent healthy workplace environments, but they support diversity in the workplace, that they support recruitment, we'll see if that actually holds true when congress holds that resolution next week. >> right. thanks, jake at this tidbit from "the washington post." i found this passage rather interesting. it says many of the people with testimonials posted said they worked for democratic lawmakers. it's unclear why aides from republican offices have not participated. i don't think that's it, i think republicans may just be a little bit nicer. speak of the problem must be the republican staffers just haven't heard about this yet. you could literally spend a lifetime going over all of the hypocrisy that goes on in congress. it's the loudest from the members of congress who talked the loudest about specific issues. they passed laws that affect companies all around the world, all over the country, they exempt themselves in the examples include obviously everybody remembers when members of congress exempted themselves from obamacare, which they foisted on all the rest of us. one of the most startling thing that bothers me is someone who believes in free speech and open records and the ability of news organizations to do their job, as the freedom of information act laws that even applied to the white house. but they don't apply to congress because congress gets to write the laws about it. they don't believe in the stuff, they just want to talk about it. they want to protect themselves. >> harris, one of the democratic staffers said you can't abuse your staff and not expected to come out. it reminded me of kamala harris, she has abused her staff reportedly and she had leakers and amy klobuchar, remember she apparently berated a staffer for not having a fork and then ate her salad with a comb. >> sometimes stories just get up because there's a drumbeat to them. with the vice president's office it was something where the numbers are growing. i think she just lost in the person on her staff last week. i was reading about that. you can't say all these things are connected. in this instance, there's strength in numbers. so what happened? are you experiencing the same thing? five other people are in the next thing you know is not really a leak commits a declaration of health. >> exactly right. well interesting story. i'll keep following that up. >> i want them to name names. i want names galore of everyone who is a jerk. >> i'm with you, dagen, i want names. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? . you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... it's all around us again. the inflation buzz word. as if inflation magically goes away and then suddenly returns. but inflation never really goes away. each year - by some measure - the dollar declines in value. well - here's something else that doesn't go away... gold and silver. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. help protect yourself against inflation. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. 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Backbone , Chops , America Working , Point , Neo , Employees , Blocks , Reasons , City , Homicides , Show , Lawless Cesspool , Liberty , Chop Zone , Anarchy , Name , Go Fund Me , Led , Guys , Freedom , Deal , Murder Victims , Freedom Fighters , Shootings , Stand Up , Edicts , 10 Million , 0 Million , Party , Corporate America , Justin Trudeau , 2021 , Hypocrisy , Some , Fund , Voices , Dollar , Stances , First , Stance , Amplification , Morality , Campaigns , Behemoth , God , Question , Event , Somebody , Times , Investigations , Trucker Rally , Fraud , Investigation , Theft , Air Horn Truck , Pandemic , Fuel , Injustice , Horns , Record , Thoughts , Topic , The Street , Process , Cottage Industry , Funds , Organ Help , Law , Trouble , Is Biden , Type , Ted Cruz , Doj Question Mike Don T , Charity , Donation , Causes , Others , Pockets , Perches , Narratives , You Weren T , Purchase , Drink Water , Georgia , Uproar , Issues , Outrage , Issue , Cold , Ottawa , Aren T Authentic , Joe Rogan , Controversy , Humans , Table , Firing People Spotify , Stay , Story , Windshield , Safelite , Photographer , Glass , Inspiration , Safety , Car , View , Safety System , Singers , Acoustic Rock Music , Safelite Repair , Front , Problem , Thanks , Silverado , Camera Views , Mr , Mrs , Cam , Guys Today , Lopez , Josh , Views , Chevy Silverado , Cameras , Sir , Going On , Funny Business , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Eight , 15 , Life , Hearing , Miracle Ear , Fullest , Technology , Starts , Miracle Earmini , Difference , Obligation , Trial , 800 , 1 , 1 800 Miracle , Ties , Ceo , Videos , The N Word , Podcast Host , Public , Answer , Lines , Action , Cross , Instagram , Apology , Slippery Slope , Context , Podcast , Haven T , N Word , List , Ians , Rules , Everybody , Women , Men , Color , Saying , Artist , Door , Rogan , Examination , Content , Left , Kelley Music , Plenty , Down Mike , Girls , State Employee , I D , Kelly Tunes , Dave Chappelle , Comedian , The Rules , Anybody , Exceptions , Society , Income , Pool , Offensive , Autonomy , Semblance , Episodes , Somewhere , Listening , I M A Man , Decisions , Adult , Insanity , Racist , Reporter , Podcasts , Conspiracy Theorist , Whatever , Questions , Media Orthodoxy , Crazy Media , Stuff , Everything , Play , Nothing , Fact , Choir Sheet , Joe Rogan Doesn T , Democratic , Andrew Yang , Egg Timer , Mask , Stacey Abrams , Kids , Internet , Examples , Candidate , Refresh , Time , Governor , Smiling , Pick , Classroom , George , Subway Wait , Subway , Footlongs , Wait , Spokespeople , Ingredients , Homeowners , Boost , More , Value , Newday 100 Va Loan , Call , Newday , 0000 , 100 , 60000 , Veterans , Peace Of Mind , Home Loan , Savings , Average , Va , 615 , Bank , Lender , No One , Newday Usa , Families , Ways , Mask Lists , Georgia Elementary School , Masks , Room , Photo Op , New York High School , Congressman Small Go Men , Photos , Students , Adams , Estate , Congresswoman , Mask Mandate , Schools , Mask Mandates , Michigan , Wow , Weekend , Trail , Definition , Level , Absurdity , Hypocrites , Mandates , Don T Help , Social Media , Tweet , Director , Job Opportunity , Account , None , Hero , Many , Children Shouldn T , Cloth , Don T Work , New York Post , I Will Quote The Great Carol Markowitz , Politics , Antiscience Position , Drill , Whoever , Most , Development , Adele Didn T , Concert , Hypocrisy List , Music , Gift , Obviously , Version , Cloth Mask , Masking , Adult Thing , Wouldn T , Anything Else , Help , Teaching , Isn T Up , Regalia , Laughter , Staffers , Diversity , Right , Complaints , Steam , Bosses , Push , High Protein , Number , Immune Support , Age , Muscle Health , 16 , 20 , Heart , Heartbeat , Vo , Jamaica , Social , Eating , Single , Liberty Biberty Cut , Meeting , Olaf Scholz , German Chancellor , D , Ranks , Intent , News , Top , Sandra Smith , Union , Users , Steam Due , Effort , Claims , Unverified , Hills Dirty Laundry , Safe , Values , Cartoon , Emojis , Capitol Hill , Staff , Congressmen , Accusations , Eating Lunch , Team , They Couldn T Eat , The Wall , Another , Boss , Candidates , Rival Candidates , Positions , Reading Glasses , Pair , Salary Level , Environment , Iota , Like , Sexual Abuse , Allegations , Sexual Harassment , Learning , The Hill , Hostile Work Environment , Adam , Ride , Slush Fund , Tax Dollars , Halls , Liability , Trysts , Resolution , Nancy Pelosi , Backing , Proof , Tweets , Step , Mouth , Pudding , Workplace , Environments , Wages , Fair , Recruitment , Tidbit , Passage , Lawmakers , Aides , Testimonials , Washington Post , Republicans , Offices , Bit , Lifetime , Loudest , Laws , Companies , All Around The World , Records , News Organizations , Rest , Ability , Free Speech , Obamacare , White House , Freedom Of Information Act , Leakers , Stories , Staffer , Comb , Salad , Drumbeat , Fork , Amy Klobuchar , Strength In Numbers , Instance , Vice President , Numbers , Names , Leak , Declaration , Five , Jerk , Outnumbered , I M With You , Purchase Loans , Down Payment , Payments , Rates , Twos , Inflation Buzz Word , Chicken , Rotisserie , Honey Mustard , Tangy , Steph Curry , Inflation , Dollar Declines , Returns , Measure , Something Else , Doesn T Go Away , Gold , Lady Liberty , Silver , Metals , Proofs , Call Rosland , Leader , Coins , Bullion , Wealth , 800 630 8900 , 630 , Shipping , Rosland Guide , Brochures , Gimmicks , Hassles , Precious Metals Ira , 8900 , Spot , Standard , Call Rosland Capital , Whistle Blows , Parks , Head Up Display , Buick , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , Players , Suv , The Field , Yup , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Pizza , Customers , Bread , Mood , Dominoes , Heaven , Sounds , Look , Tip , This Is Heaven , Mississippi , Hernando , , 3 , Hospitality State , Gift Card , Book , Card , Slippers , Shoes , Bargain , Delivery Fee , Gallon , Delivery , Bucks , Three Bucks , 3 50 , Couch , Matter , Everywhere , Lecturn , Victory , Goodness , Pizza Party , Amazing , Xi Jinping , Sandra , America Reports , Washington , Chinese , John , Developments , Xi , Goal , Advances , Making China The World Super Power , Taiwan ,

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