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Fired hitting him in the shoulder being in end to that terrifying rage. At a checkpoint has thousands gathered from across the globe for the annual ball drop. One of the officers hurt had just started. Charges are still pending against a 19yearold suspect from maine and high level Police Source tells fox the fbi Counterterrorism Task force had been watching them for weeks. The source said he recently converted to islam. According to sources, the suspects own family called the police on him back in december telling authorities that he had been planning to travel to afghanistan and wanted to die for his religion. Kennedy, our hearts go out to the nypd officers, obviously, who served bravely for us day in and day out and i will have to endure this. The thing about this scenario is that it has that unfortunate of everything we have seen so many times. So, the families were on notice. They notified the authorities and the authorities notified but somehow nypd officers for noble and suffered the attack on this person this person. Kennedy good for them because a lot of families dont do that. They internalize the guilt in the get scared and feel like they are losing a trial and dont intervene. So i want to give them credit for doing that. Regardless of what happened after he was placed on the watch list. I couldnt stop thinking about these cops. And this environment where Law Enforcement feels like they are so much against them in so many people anticop. In spite of that, you still go and you sign up you train the first day on the job and this is what happens. In his families got to be scared, but the active so quickly. They save lives. You were there and what did you find out what was going on in the middle of the broadcast . Emily alexis adams was reporting on it after it unfolded from times square and you are right, kennedy, the nypd officers absolutely save lives by taking the brunt of that attack and i cant help but point out Staten Island in particular takes a lot of the horrible unfortunate effects of defining the Police Officers and lack of support thanks to elected officials. Because that nypd officer in Staten Island pulled to manhattan to cover. This is on the heels, amy on who was shot multiple times during a s. W. A. T. Serving an arrest warrant. He protected the rest of his team. Took a ton of bullets, and that perpetrator was let out of jail last month. This is one hit after another for the Staten Islands bravest and finest for serving us day in and day out. Amy also forgotten the forgotten bureau. Staten island kind of gets what people in Staten Island the shaft compared to the rest of the boroughs. But let me tell you, a lot of not only the nypd but the fdny and city workers at the core of who is serving New York City and the point of being out there, i left at about 11 00 a. M. And some headquarters here and saw thousands of officers between 48th street in the upper west side. Standing on the corner and they are from 1214 hours the entire time and all of the people that came all over the world. My question is when you get a young man like this you dont know a whole lot about but clearly troubled, lost Family Members and covering a horrible situation but on our guardian watch list, how is he able to get on the amtrak and come to a highly populated area . How closely was he being watched . There are a lot of questions despite our first responders. They are doing the best they can but at the end of the day, this young man was on a list that we should be watching. Emily that is the point, kevin, if it pulls through the cracks the results might unfortunately be a fatality. Thank god it wasnt. Amy close call. Emily exactly but this could be fatal. Kevin to kennedys point far worse than what it was including that Rookie Officers first day on the job. But again, to amys point, what good is a watch list if we arent interdicting with these individuals and if we will not confront them . If we are not just monitoring them but go where they go to school, where they work. It is also a credit to the Family Members. I think it was an aunt who notified authorities that she became really nervous about what her nephew was saying and doing online. We have to do much more in terms of actually getting in touch with these people before Something Like this happens. Emily doctor, the thousands of officers in the city, that is what makes them so much more vulnerable, however, as they were protecting us, who was protecting them . Dr. Nesheiwat absolutely, we are so grateful to the Peace Officers in New York City. We have one of the best Police Offices in the world and its hard, we look at this 19yearold boy and he was an honor student, played football and in the marching band. He lost his data last year and he snapped. He was brainwashed, vulnerable, and that is when Extremist Group came and socked him in. It is heartbreaking. We have a Million People in times square and you cant watch everyone. You cant see everyone at all times, especially outofstate. But they do the best i can with what they have. But the question is, the problem that i look at and see mo what other 19yearolds have been brainwashed by extremists and by the taliban . Islamist is culture of violence and crime but it is love and peace but yet you see more of this happening and especially as withdrew from afghanistan. We dont have them tell on the ground that we once did. Im worried we will see more of this, especially in these Young Children who need mental help and mental therapy. It allows my dad when i was 13 years old. Fortunately, my mom got us into therapy or who knows what would have happened if we didnt have that. Emily you bring up a good point and it is important, radicalization, that is what it is peer that is what they have to investigate. Who are these predators who are finding vulnerable young men and really seizing them on their grief and turning it into radicalization of islam . You know, you dont want it to become islamophobia or go after the predators are turning people like that with a kid with a normal childhood into a terrorist. He will spend the rest of his life in prison. Emily i love you brought up afghanistan because that was one of the main fears essentially in the aspect of it, we lost the intel source and especially the relationship as they were absolutely dissolved and especially on the stage. That is what we will need to prevent or monitor especially on social media, kevin. Kevin not just afghanistan but the covid on these kids of the last few years. They have been home on a Computer Pier that is where they are getting radicalized. Kennedy and i talk about this on her show, the lingering effects that will be with us for generations with these children. It is not just academic loss but what are they doing on the computers . Who are they interacting with . What is taking in place of the classroom in light of the students . I think we will see more this unfortunately. His dad passed away from an overdose. That might have been a place he was placing blame and looking white with the drugs be there for my dad to be able to have them in the first place. We will learn about that over the coming days. But the drug problem and how people are getting access into the communities, and i mean, as a young man, he may have fell blame to that here that could have led him one direction, or could have been involved himself. Emily there was a lot we dont know obviously and we bring all developments as we learn and confirm more. As we get out of the pandemic, this was supposed to be the return to celebrating in times square just to have this attack. Again, our hearts go out to the nypd and our gratitude to them day in and day out. Americans come if you see something, say something. Coming up shocking new details about the suspect and the brutal murders of four University Of Idaho students. How he reportedly stalked them for weeks. Then work gloves to avoid getting caught as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. Thats why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. With a painless, onesecond scan, i know my Glucose Numbers without fingersticks. Now, im managing my diabetes better, and ive lowered my a1c from 8. 2 to 6. 7. Take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. Now you know. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us sometimes youre so busy taking care of everyone else you dont do enough for yourself, or your mouth. But eventually, it will remind you. 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So far, no Murder Weapon has been found and kohbergers family has been standing by him writing quotes, we will let the Legal Process unfold and as a family, we will love and support our son and brother. We fully operate with Law Enforcement agencies in an attempt to seek truth and promote his Presumption Of Innocence rather to judge unknown facts and make erroneous assumptions. So, emily, there is so much about this case that is wholly surprising to even people who Kbryan Kohberger many assumed that he fled that region right after november 13th, the homicide, but it turns out he was in class while learning more and more about what is most shocking to you . Emily that is an interesting question what is most shocking. I dont think anythings house far has been shocking because i think this is because of the diligence and the good work of the federal and local authorities who essentially i think the public quite frankly in the dark while they were pursuing these leads and while they were apprehending them, obviously innocence here. But i think when we look back on things, it is 20 20 vision. So people can look at that pattern and say, oh, yes he was that guy a little off. He was one that made people feel nervous. At that time, you cant add up one plus one to automatically come to that conclusion. So i have such praise if, indeed, he is the murder, that they have caught him so quickly. And i think i would like to make the point with data privacy here. Because if dna confirmed and that is the reason they identified him that is the reason was unknown to Law Enforcement versus if you have a record it is known. And familiarity in a us using uploaded dna to identify this triangulates. Kennedy engineer. Emily because the default setting is against relief of that data, the profile for Law Enforcement went from millions to 30,000. So i implore everyone as they balance their privacy interests with a greater justice and especially solving cold cases to topple that button as playing around with 2023 need your profiles are updated so Law Enforcement has access in these profiles, because things like this will happen. 30, 50, 75 years and victims families dont have that closure. Kennedy so we will not see that sealed affidavit until the 23 sees the inside of an idaho court room. Now, he will waive his extradition for the first time tomorrow in pennsylvania. What are the outstanding questions that you have that you would like to have answered in that affidavit . Kevin certainly come i would like to see the evidence involved whether it dna and not a Murder Weapon discovered. But i also want to know about that drive from idaho to pennsylvania with his father. What kind of conversation went on in that car for nearly days on end as they are driving back to pennsylvania for the holidays . Kennedy that is a really good point. Kevin, he was driving a white hyundai a long trip. Kevin that is one of the few things we knew about the cases they were looking for that vehicle as part of the process. Hey, son you are starting criminology. What do you know . B5 there is only so much karaoke you can do like that. What were they talking about . And use all that lukewarm statement by the family, Presumption Of Innocence, not like we know he didnt do this. They are doing the best they can because obviously, they are. Tell me about the physical evidence they could have gathered in addition to the genealogical dna that emily touched on. Dr. Nesheiwat what is the evidence that they have . Why . What is the underlying Mental Illness . The scratches on his arm other than the dna come over there scratches on his arm . Maybe the victims had dna on him or the victim while fighting for their lives were, you know, picking up the skin cells, for example. Not having diagnosed him or talk to potential murder of come i think along the lines, is for someone who suffers from Narcissistic Psychopathic mental disorder . They heard about his Personality Traits in high school and college and getting his masters in l phd program. That is what tells me highfunctioning possible psychopath. What do i mean by psychopath . Someone who has lack of remorse, lack of ability to feel emotion towards others. Impulsivity, the need for control peer of those are the sort of characteristics that we see. The most common Mental Illness we see among criminals like, for example ted bundy or john casey, Antisocial Disorder but you are usually diagnosed earlier. Was he diagnosed younger . We dont know the details. I want to see his medical history. I want to build on that from a criminal justice, there is a guy Scott Kimball scale, which is essentially a Serial Killer and con man. The utmost kevin prototypical, yeah. Let me ask you this and i will get to you amy, dont you worry. Chicken or the egg, what came first did starting criminology somehow flip a switch in his brain . I think Law Enforcement especially those that deal with criminal profiling and especially the realm and the word i keep forgetting a psychopath, the answers that we would drive and i cant speculate but also you asked shocking, but what is not shocking, he was 8 miles away. A lot of times, the whole point is the perpetrator is always right there. And people at the gas station said we saw saw his car and creating an input and cooperating with Law Enforcement and local and federal cooperation. That is why you get answers and how you get answers. What do you think it felt like when the dots started to connect with the suspects . I think it is exciting for them because they sort of with nothing. Math, chemistry and some very good Detective Work that led to this. What will surprise us at the end of the day exactly how they connected those dots. Peered out that reflects on the rest of society and the data put out there. It reminds me 2018 Golden State Killer and they caught him by looking back into the dna research. Also bought up all those arguments and discussions about privacy with their information out there. It is exciting that they could find a criminal through this but what does it mean for the rest society . Good point. Very good point on a lot of outstanding questions. Coming upcoming new year that st. Dominic the Border Crisis, no end insight and ice deportations are skyrocketing, y just a fraction of what they were under President Trump. A lot more apprehensions. We will get to all of that next. Get refunds. 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That is well below the numbers under President Trump even though illegal crossings during his term for a small fraction of what they are now. Kevin come i think part of the large astronomical numbers, quite frankly is it gets lost in translation and literally difficult to truly appreciate the magnitude of those floods over the southern border until and unless you see it in your towns that blanket the entire United States with the effects peer diluted resources, federal overdoses and more. For some reason, it seems this administration has not even acknowledged it. Kevin i think you make an excellent point. It is so tough to get held up in those numbers because they are overwhelming. I was heartened to see Border Patrol officer is not enough. We need certain resources to the border and not just humanitarian. Im a democrat on fox saying for a long time this is a crisis point for this country and that we need to do more. And maybe a Republican House and senate to get some action on this. You saw some lastminute efforts with thom tillis a republican in North Carolina and Kyrsten Sinema that got lost at the end of the year and less like lets resurrect this and do something about it so we dont get lost in the large numbers. When you say resources to the southern border, do you feel the president the commanderinchief has done enough to support vocally the Law Enforcement there at the border . Do you feel that they are getting the support that they need to, not just financially but from the president and the entire administration on a daily level . Certainly can do more and secretary mayorkas can do more n with the border. We are hiring three more Border Officers as part of the budget but that is certainly not enough family. Emily as well, amy, the rate has skyrocketed with when gnomic Men And Women amy it is mathematically way too big of a job for the number of people that they have. It is an impossibility and unfortunately to your point the president has demonized them, and the border agent accused of whipping haitian migrants even though the photographer said no, that is not what happened. The investigation said no, that is not what happened. The president never walked back his words and made them all feel pretty horrible. They do need resources. But the problem is it is the system here they are making everything worse, this crush of people with title 42 ending and unfortunately when it does, it is dangerous for people trying to come here appear they have to fundamentally change the Immigration System in this country. You know, when you have the job of human services, maybe we should extend health care to anyone coming into the company. If you think that is not the incentive for people to come here as well . And accented a million times you cannot have both come a Welfare State and open border. Your country will not survive. Emily for someone like Kamala Harris who campaigned on fixing the Immigration System and where is she . What is one thing she has done to actually address or acknowledge the massive issue down there . Is she talking to senator tillis and senator Tillis Question what she should have a hand in the legislation. Think about the issues right now and she should be the point person on that. Absolutely she should be going to the border every couple of months to talk to a chance and gather intelligence for herself so that she can feel the urgency of what needs to happen. Doctor, title 42 stymied at the moment, the. 4 it was the Public Health crisis although the reason the courts did away with it had to do with obviously the Executive Authority or lack thereof. So the administration wholly consumed by covid and infectious diseases, they are not doing anything or putting thing in place to address that that they have talked about. I would actually like to see title 42 expanded spirit in putting in place for covid but to include hiv, tuberculosis, hepatitis, measles, polio and a vast amount of diseases out there and focused on covid alone. It is great the Supreme Court extended it until june, but that is not the only way to solve this problem. That along with i want to see remain in mexico policy reinstituted. I hope tomorrow when the g. O. P. Takes over that is something they will work on. In addition to mexico using their own military to protect the border as well instead of us using all of our resources and putting our Border Patrol agents in harms way with drownings and shootings and suicide appear they were so much more that needs to be done. Using the medical aspect of it is very important in addition to the Fentanyl Overdose and the children and whole array of issues that need to be solved and i hope to do that when they take over tomorrow. Because we dont have that law and order, it is costing the immigrants their lives and costing them their children and their families because its not an orderly process in the right rules happening we have to backtrack when deported and having to put them in situations that are unfair and inhumane so we dont have the right rules in place, this disorder really hurts the people who are trying to immigrate in general. And i dont think that is a humane thing parents are really getting the rules in place saving the lives of those people who want to enjoy america and the right way and the right order. Because we dont have them, it is a problem that is set up to create more destruction and more heartache. Speak with the migrants, that is a gruesome, grotesque constellation we are a part of at the host of the cartels using them for human smuggling. It is ironic to me the administration that claimed trump isolated a point of view, this administration wholly failed to work with any kind of diplomacy where eric trump did appear that is how we had the remaining policy and able to usd efforts against the cartel. It has all gone south. All right, coming up we see a growing trend of employees refusing to go the extra mile in putting their foot down over extra work. The cofounder of home depot speaking out. He says it is all thanks to socialism. More on that next. Hey, man. Nice pace clearly, youre a safe driver. You could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. They customize your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need [squawks] whoo we gotta go again. Only pay for what you need. Liberty Liberty Liberty liberty when youre looking for answers, its good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. 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It is time to get back to work after the holidays for all of us and amidst socalled Quiet Wendy Gnomic Quitting Trend which is so dumb. Billionaire cofounder is blasting socialism, rightfully so for making things worse because socialisms office. The movement has all but killed the American Work ethic. He tells the financial times, im worried about capitalism. Capitalism is the basis of home depot and many people have earned the success and i have had success. Thanks to socialism nobody works and nobody gives a damn just sent it to me. Im too lazy, im too fat, im too stupid. Is that true . Im not saying that, bernie is saying that. But that is a great question my question for Bernie Marcus [laughter] 93. But do words ring true . Amy i think it is sad that he thinks the head of the company, but i do think that might be the truth in some situations because people dont feel like they have to work anymore because they could get Everything Else for free from the government and getting paid better to go through the Welfare Systems and a lot of likes on social media you value yourself anyway, right . Not necessarily. I think why quitting is a real thing and people go on tiktok and look forward trends, how to stand up for themselves, Work Life Balance with a very different definition now than it did before the pandemic. He is sagging that he can. Hes got 5 billion and given 2 billion away to charity. Not enough rich people give money away and people trying to make it in the world and dont want to work harder. To your point, people vocationally that spectrum by the end where kids look at tiktok and i will become an influencer. All of a sudden, their goals are to have these cheap dippel main heads and get rich and in ways for frankly doing nothing so youre not saying i want to be xyz until i need to develop it. If i keep at it on my phone, eventually i will make it big and do whatever i want. I also think and i agree with him that its hardly the absolute work ethic on the part of young people and also a combination of overregulation by the government. So, there is no incentive to start your own business. Or you will be hit with roadblocks in certain medical industry where the licensing and you cant braid hair without getting a permit or licensing. It has stymied any actual entrepreneurial ship. Barriers to entry. You make such a great point. On top of that, people were paid to not work during the pandemic. There was a large swath of people who would love to continue that trend with looming recession, they will not have that luxury. So now big firms are outsourcing their labor to places like india and even canada. What is true. Folks got to get off this couch and get back to work. Listen, we are seeing this Rapid Transformation and you and i, kennedy coming out of covid and not just millennials and jan z want to do this work and get paid minimum wage for these job. But a quarter of all men they millennials or more jobs and not evil to make ends meet which is why covid has shifted mentality but no one to sustain these jobs and immigration, that is why we need the Immigration System to emilys point we need workers to do the jobs that americans dont actually want to do here they are on the lower end of the economic spectrum. But they want to get paid like they are engineers working at aaa. Sometimes you have to have jobs and build your resume and you work for a little while and then you move up. But they dont want the entry level but see sweet. A lot of entitlement. Im the Bernie Marcus on this couch. Capitalism. America thrives on capitalism, free markets, entrepreneurship. This leads to success and opportunity to achieve the american dream, not give me a handout, give me a pay off with my student loans. What happened to her work ethic in this country . I think you are right. It was exacerbated with the lockdown and people got comfortable sitting at home, and do less work and that is just not how the country operates. I think it is capitalism that helps pave the way out of poverty. We need to allow everyone the opportunity to succeed in this company. If you look at the socialism, governmental control, winners versus lo losers. But equalize it and give it to everybody. That is not fair and what america is based on. That is right. Capitalism that means everyone can succeed. As capitalists come i want you to succeed. Coming up, do you plan on hitting the gym more in the new year . According to Time Magazine, you are a racist we will explain why next. 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They say white women should still gnomic Start Building up they were strict because we need more white babies. They are writing an incredible amount of immigration, and this is totally part of a White Supremacy project. So amy, what about black athletes who have ascended to the very top of their respective sports and other people of color who have phenomenal fitness . Amy it is shocking to me that that sliver that they took away from all of this. I always think this time of year people are looking for any reason not to get back in the gym and not to work out. So maybe the headline was aimed at all of that. I have no idea. It is a totally unfortunate thing trying to split this down. There were so many things over decades and the last 50, 60 years we can look at why Physical Fitness is brought to the headline, everything from hollywood to the invention of the television to computers two major things happening in society. The one thing great about the article committed talk about 9 11 and post9 11 trends where a lot of americans want to become stronger, physically stronger and mentally stronger because of what happened the fear that i relate to. The rest of it, how is that the headline they came away with . Kennedy it was shoddy journalism at best. Confirmation bias but dr. Nesheiwat, we know how beneficial exercise is for chronic conditions like diabetes. Dr. Nesheiwat clogged arteries, stroke, no race, no color, no religion. The new years resolution if you are not doing it 150 minutes of exercise every week. After delivering many babies in my medical career commitment as it matter if you are white, black, any race or ethnicity. If you have a uterus and functioning ovaries, you can have a baby. This old idea of white is increasing is completely, totally absurd. Kennedy yes that was not the basis for Physical Fitness in this country. They did rightly point out that trends change. That is the nice thing about it because if you dont like running, you dont have to run. You can take a number of classes and you can buy a used balaton. There are Bargain Basement now. You have blonde hair, blue eyes. Kevin i was looking for a reason to avoid new years resolution. And go to the gym. But to dr. Nesheiwats point we know how important this is in staying fit. I thought to amys. 1 of the other interesting aspects is the effect of title ix encouraging women to look after their health and engagement of sports. That is something the article should focus more on and list the silliness that we are highlighting. It was the most ridiculous thing. For a moment does that mean pickleball is against vegans . Or pro vegans . Pickleball, im worried about it. They are not human. Emily . Emily to me, this is just one more example of the echo chamber that the media is spirit this isnt a teacher at new yorks new school. She is employed and has tenure and parents are having their kids subjected to indoctrination and confirmation bias. A holy crap moment with totally false yes, what great information we will disseminate to americans and subject them then. She calls herself and activist. I wonder how much has she done to amplify the fact that there are food deserts in the greatest urban cities that those who are most affected by diabetes and obesity and the like are disproportionately people of color because of those urban food deserts appear that is the root of the problem. It is not whether someone goes to the gym but the Health Epidemic in this country in large part also affects these guys unfortunately because of the things in place. I wonder if she talks about that in Exercise Versus racist. The Obesity Epidemic is real. That is why they have to make did they really . It is a small world. [overlapping voices] they want you to pay for business class. Kevin it is working. You count combine three seats. We will be right back. Lets get started. Bill, wheres your mask . I really tried sleeping with it, everybody. Now i sleep with inspire. Inspire . No mask . No hose . Just sleep. Learn more, and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com when you put on that perfect pair of glasses and you feel like you can take on the world . Everyone deserves that feeling. Feeling like A Million Bucks doesnt have to cost as much. Its why every pair of prive revaux frames at americas best are so affordable and oh, so fly. Um jamie . Im pretty sure that was my line. Get two pairs of prive revaux plus a free exam for 89. 95 for a limited time at americas best. Book an exam online at americasbest. Com. [celebration] emily last but not least, the saturday had so much fun ringing in 2023 with the fox news allamerican new years celebration. Good evening, everyone im Emily Compagno live from times square spewing our celebration spanned the country from coast to coast with so many of your fox favorites joining and then the excitement, including jimmy failla, pete hegseth, will cain, rachel camposduffy, abby hornacek, and more. I spent the night hosting live from times square were over a Million People gathered to watch the iconic ball drop and officially welcome in 2023. I had the honor of interviewing the fdny commissioner in meeting her team of new yorks bravest o worked so tirelessly to keep our city safe, especially new years eve, their busiest night of the year. And a sweet part of the night is when we hosted a proposal. Where she did say yes [laughter] all this and more, against a backdrop of huge live bands, like duran duran, a goal of mind to see. Nailed it it set the tone for a great year ahead. Happy new year to you all. You are in miami. What was that celebration like . Kennedy i was breaking it down. I had never seen anything like it. Had simultaneously 50 Fireworks Celebrations at once. It was all across the city. I highfived that city because they love pyrotechnics. You win, miami. Emily nice, love a good fire show doctor, you were in nashville. We had so much fun, the fox team. There was a champagne dunk tank, bull riding, Country Music performers. Cohousing made a cameo from yellowstone. There was so much going on. Dr. Nesheiwat it was such a blast. Great food, great music, great company. It was a great way to kick off the new year and i cant wait to go back next year. Kevin but did you read the bill . Dr. Nesheiwat i did not emily we had a lot of fun things. The weatherman did the polar plunge in new jersey in the pullout it. Griff jenkins was surfing in the new year in daytona beach. Madison was snowboarding down the slopes in colorado. Certainly many different unique ways all the personalities were bringing in 2023. Amy i thought that stuff was great. I also Saw On Social Media that tucson, arizona, does a taco drop. That may be a gram next year. A taco drop and set up ball drop. There are so many communities that do their own individual thinks next year. Emily and you celebrated with our neighbors across the pond kevin i was at the british embassy. They threw one heck of a party for the new year. God bless the british and the americans. Emily i love that. Did they celebrate earlier . Kevin i wish. It was at midnight eastern but we could have done a whole day. Emily thanks everyone. Happy 2023 to you all. To forget to dvr the show. Now here is america reports. Fox news alert, and there is word the feds to hunt down terrorists had them in their sites. But cops say it wasnt enough to stop the key is islamic extremist from staging an attack on the nations and even the worlds most watched in the years event. Welcome to fox news live. I molly line. Im rich edson. This comes to us from a high level source with the nypd who tells fox news the fbi Counterterrorism Task force knew the 19yearold suspect had been radicalized into islamic

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