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Rises to 66 and for trump voters, 98 . These are mostly selfinflicted wounds. Sensationalism and serious mistakes have decimated public trust in the press especially on the right. Now, for some pokes in this hyperpolarized era, threat to democracy may be a pox city for i just dont like the media or i think theyre ooh nice to the other side. And the trumpstyle pressbashing has taken its toll. Im not going to sugar coat it, we have lost our role as a fair umpire of political disputes. The gaps want to throw us off the field. Even the Fact Checkers believe its partisan. I hate that so Many Americans now view my profession as a threat to them can crass, but i cant say im shocked. Im howard kurtz, and this is mediabuzz. Howard one sign just over two to weeks before the midterms that the election is moving in the republicans direction is that even liberal pundits and news outlets are conceding the point. The party of woke scolds and Gender Studies grads knockout now realizing the momentum over the em summer is melting away faster than joe bidens ice cream. If not red wave, the the prospects of large republican pickups in the house are like now a lot greater than they were even six weeks ago. We are about to see a wave. I think the real question is whether Kevin Mccarthy gets 40 seats. Democrats are pessimistic by nature. Only 7 of voters rank a threat to democracy as a major issue this election cycle. Yeah. I find that so depressing, i cant begin to tell you. Thats why i dont like polls. Howard joining us now to analyze the coverage, robby soave and is in san diego, laura fink. Robby,most of the Mainstream Media are acknowledging the republicans again have the upper hand in the midterms, it must be true in. Yeah. The situation is looking very good for reflips. I mean, its still very close in a number of races. 4951, 5050, 4852, these are plausible outcomes. Hare fun from, like, a sportshandicapping perspective. Howard was there are some damage from the media with until the last beak or so . Yeah, i think the mainstream video doesnt understand the voters. That clip really got at it, that the Mainstream Media is obsessed with election, trump, etc. Voters care about how much gas costs, how much food costs, that sort of thing. Howe. Howard oh, its so depressing. But its true. In the summer when the picture looked a little bit brighter for a minute democrats were coming back. The economic reality is hitting voters again very hard, and that is to the republicans advantage, and theres no way to claim that not. Howard laura, its a fact of life that both parties take talk up their chances when things look bleak, but when you have democratic strategists who believe theyre extremely likely to lose the house, sounds like theres something there. Well, thats been true for quite some time. Howard yeah. Because the margin is so small, i mean, five seats, you can news and lose five seats sneeze. Anybody thats smart if understands that. I will say this, be careful with turnout. And i also love that republicans are lauding and celebrating the polls once again now that they seem to be shifting a little bit in their favor. But watch out for turnout, because there could be undersampling among young voters, in particular women and the Abortion Issue donts to drive continues to drive in a subtle way. I also will say the focus has been in the media on gas prices throughout, which is understandable. But also drives the focus there. Be careful. Go ahead. Your overconfidence, republicans, could hurt you because there are very, very tight races in the senate. Howard just briefly, you said all the republicans are lauding polls again and suggesting the polls seem to be favoring democratic momentum, that they were questioning the polls . Well, i just havelied through multiple years where the polls were irrelevant and didnt make any sense, and they were undersampling trump voters, all of which had kernels of truth in it, but there was a willful distrust in polls, and now we see its like the republicans have caught religion with respect to polling again. That, i would say, take with a grape of salt. Howard yeah, right. And joy is right, we are a little bit of pessimistic beings, democrats. I think this is still going to be a very, very tight race with early voting happening right now. Howard polls are only right, obviously, when they favor my side. Maybe pollsters have finally figured out how to sample republican voters. Theyve made so many mistakes these last couple cycles, and so the question is have they finally figured out how to call on the phone, you know, a voter who is skeptical of Mainstream Institutions and, you know, doesnt want to be reached and doesnt want to give you their opinion, doesnt want to be shamed but privately is going to vote for conservatives . Howard on that point, robby, the press does tend to hyperventilate over every few poll. When the polls with our as they were in the last two cycles, they have tended to overestimate democratic strength, and we could see that again. We absolutely could. What do you make of finding, for instance, brian kemp its likely hes going to win with a significant margin the Gubernatorial Race in georgia, but then you have walker maybe a little bit behind rafael war, no in arizona you have candidate Kari Lake Doing better than Blake Masters, the Republican Senate candidate. Are voters really saying we like this republican and not that republican . Its hard to imagine, like, a large number of people voting that a way. So then you question, well, are the polls undersampling the Republican Senate candidate in those cases. Howard well, its not crazy that voters or might decide to split their tickets. But when matt bennett told politico that we peaked a little early, speaking of democrats meaning over the summer when the party did have momentum, that quote was picked up everywhere. And todays Washington Post headline, democrats fear the midterm map is slipping away. So, certainly, the press is now beyond board onboard with this notion. Well, the press loves a swing in momentum. The press knows, as you loves, as you know, howie, a horse race. There are two factors happening in the midterms that arent being widely reported. One is trump and the impact he can have on motivating voters to the democratic side, those swing voters that people want, and his sort of anemic rallies that hes been having and his lack of impact but Still Necessary appearances to motivate swing voters. Hes having will less of an impact where he used to have more, and hes having an impact on those swing voters we know hes always had, throwing them to the democratic side. The other thing i would say, of course, turnout. I dont think the polls are necessarily sampling those young voters, i dont think theyre capturing the durability of the fact that a fundamental right has been taken away from women. I think youre going to see that. You have seen it in special elections all across the country. You are going to see it again, and were seeing it in the early voting. So be careful to toss the confetti before the votes are counted. Howard right. Look, midterm election, turn outout is everything, and its also hard to predict. Robby, was it a blunder for almost all the Mainstream Media to write off these trumpbacked, conservative candidates as too extreme . Oh, its type for a primary fine for a primary, but theyre going to get decimated in an actual election when the Real Clear Politics average shows Herschel Walker in georgia down by 2 points, Blake Masters in arizona down by 2. 5 points, dr. Oz trailing fetterman by 2. 5 points. Absolutely a mistake to write hem off, again, because voters are not they dont have the luxury of worrying about these loftier threats to democracy kinds of claims. Theyre worried about being able to afford food, being able to afford gas howard and crime. And some of the things going on in their school districts. Independent dem Can9 Accurates are going to vote republicans for the first time because they dont like some of the curriculum issues. At the same time, it still is true, theyre slightly behind in some of these races. I do have the sense that different republican candidates could be polling as well as a brian kemp or a kari lake in those races, and it is not its not wrong to say, well, if Blake Masters loses by half a percentage point, would some other republican have won by three Percentage Points . Thats fair. Howard right. Laura, with these numbers in the media recognizing what every poll shows which is that the absolute top issue is the economy and inflation, not impossible republicans could take the senate as well, true . Possible, but i dont underestimate democrats ability to harness that issue in their favor. Corporations right now are making record profits, 70year highs, while real wages are at 70year lows. Weve seen it in the data that democrats are trusted to do things like lower the cost of prescription drugs. So i expect that that messaging will happen on the Campaign Trail because it is a way to talk to voters about what democrats would actually do, where they trust democrats o. That messaging will shift, and i imagine youre going to see strong candidates like fetterman, youre going to see strong candidates like Raphael Warnock stand up to these truly flawed candidates that got all the Media Attention that they deserve for waving around crude today in a Grocery Store and for financing abortions. That level of hypocrisy and substandard candidacy is manager that was given appropriate attention. And i dont think they were written off because nobody underestimates the ability of republicans to punch the ticket no matter what. Howard with John Fetterman recovering from a stroke, whether hes a strong candidate remains to be seen. What changed my mind was seeing there might be in a threeway race in oregon for above the first republican governor in 40 years, and in new York Governor Kathy Hochul now in a tighter race with congressman lee zeldin where crime has become a big issue, now shes starting to talk about crime. So new york and oregon, if the democrats are even in competitive races in two of the bluest states in the country, that is a harbinger, i think. Let me get a break. When we come back, for all the Media Condemnation of prolife, republican candidates, some journalists are starting to ask their democratic opponents uncomfortable questions. Since theres zero Overdraft Fees if she overdraws by 50 or less. And, kyle, well, hes keeping calm with another day to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than 50. Overdraft assist from chase. Make more of whats yours. [ coughing sneezing ] [ Door Knocking ] dude, you coming . Alkaseltzer plus powermax gels cold flu relief with more concentrated power. Because the only thing dripping should be your style plop plop fizz fizz, Winter Warriors with alkaseltzer plus. Tower cam for a hey folks, we seem to have a visitor. It looks like looks like you paid too much for your glasses. Who . 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Im a christian, but im also representing the people of georgia. Howard journalists have pressed some Democratic Candidates such as arizona gubernatorial nominee katie hobbs, theyve refused to modify their positions at all, Leaving Hem Open to the countercharge that they back lateterm abortion. So just to be clear, if you become governor, you will push for a law that has absolutely no limits in any point of the pregnancy on abortion . The fact is right now that we have very limited options and that we need to get politicians out of way and let doctors provide the care that they are trained to provide. Howard robby, why are some journalists suddenly trying to pin down Democratic Candidates on whether theyd accept any limits whatsoever on abortion. Its just fair to ask them the, right . They put this question to republicans, so of course they should ask the democrats what their views are. And whats emerging in a lot of this questioning is for all the talk of republicans being extreme itselfs on abortion, several of the Democratic Candidates favor absolutely no restrictions whatsoever, which is not the median view of the american voter. Its not a view anywhere. Many of our peer countries in europe, for instance, have somewhere in the middle, 10, 12, 14 weeks, Something Like that. My sense is thats where most American Voters are. Abortion may be safe, legal and rare. Allowable, and theres a point we only have it in special exceptions. Thats what most people instinctively think. Democrats are way outside that. Howard cnn did the a good job asking that question repeatedly. Laura, when theres a softennenning like Herschel Walker over during the whole fuhrer of when he had furor he said he was for a total ban. We saw him softening there. It tends not to draw as much coverage. I think thats right. And i think we saw republicans removing their abortion stance from their web site, changing their abortion stance like Blake Masters who went from a total ban to accepting some limitations, and that level of untrustworthiness deserves coverage. I think its also deserving to cover the reallife complications for women, something that has been agrege egregiously missing. People like the missouri woman that had to travel out of state when she had a miscarriage because she was going to go into sepsis. Or speaking of sepsis, the texas woman who had sort of a longterm miscarriage where her doctors were recommending that she have to go home and wait for her condition to be lifethreatening which then she may not be able to have churn in the future, and it rick children in the future, and it risked her life. The impact of lawyers and Politicses Intervening between the medical recommendation ares of doctors and their patients are something that a deserves far greater coverage. Howard all right. But i think were a little too interested in the horse race and not enough in the impact of these Abortion Restrictions on womens lives and health [inaudible conversations] howard i want to get robby back in. For all of it. Howard call it hypocrisy by republican candidates, maybe they have gauged public sentiment and decided to change their minds which is not necessarily a bad thing well, what would you call that . Howard our maybe theyre just trying to do you trust that . Howard robby i think chem can democrats have forfeited the moral high ground. Medical decisions are being made at the Top Health Officials for everyone in country. In d. C. The schools were trying to force young kids to be vaccinated in order to come back, and theyve put that on hold howard let me stick with its not, its not sure. Howard are the media waking up to the fact that just 5 of voters in the latest New York Times poll say abortion is the top issue for them in the election compared with 44 who say its either the inflation or the economy . I think some in the media are getting it, yeah. And i was excited to see that question on cnn that you just highlighted. Look, i think its fair to Grile Candidates answers on multiple questions. Republicans have scored this incredible Supreme Court victory, something their base had wanted for a long time, so its totally appropriate to ask them how far theyre going to go now that some of the guardrails have been taken off of and asking the democrats in response. Some of them have views that are quite extreme. Yes, the number one issue that comes out in polls, if you talk to to real voters its clear, its the economy followed by some crime concerns, child, family, school concerns. Thats the bread and butter issues, and all of that is favoring republicans right now because democrats is have lost their way in municipalities and cities where they have control, and theyre losing the trust of many of their own voters, people who vote democrat previously. Howard you know whats fast fascinating in the 5 of the New York Times poll, 9 of women and 1 of men, which is kind of depressing, as if men dont have responsibility for children that they might be involved with or care for womens bodily autonomy. And thats, unfortunately, true. But one swing group you may want to keep in mind are fathers. Fathers of daughters are swinging to the democratic camp and are voting. And i think that this issue is going to continue to be salient. Although its moved to not make the headlines and the frontpage news, its something that deeply drives voters on a fundamental level. I think youre going to see turnout particularly among young voters at levels driven by this issue. So do not underestimate it, and if you do, its at your peril. We can walk and chew gum, and buck Talk About Abortion Rights and the economy without losing a step. Howard right. Well, i think a major issue is what the effect on turnout especially among prochoice women or those who thought that roe substantially should remain. But theres no question the Media Coverage has faded four months after the Supreme Court tossed out roe. Robby soave, laura fink, thanks for coming by this sunday. Up next, the media questioning why joe biden is doing so little campaigning for democrats and holding no rallies. And later, kanye west is still buying parler and still doubling down on antisemitism. And, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. So i consolidated it into a lowrate Personal Loan from sofi. Get a Personal Loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to 100k. Sofi. Get your money right. 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Hi, im karen. I lost 58 pounds on golo and ive kept it off for over a year. It was so easy that the weight just kept coming off. Thats when i knew that this is real. Golo works. I still cant believe that i look like this. Howe the media cant help but notice that President Biden isnt doing much campaigning for democrat candidates down the stretch with the New York Times pointing out hes held zero rallies. There havent been that many candidates campaigning with you thats not true, there have been 15. There going to be even more . Yeah. Howard joining us now, kevin corke, who covers the white house for fox news. What did you make of the way the president kind of dismissed those questions . You know what . I get it. Theyve trained him to take on this pugilist posture instead of being the affable joe biden when he was in the senate, when he was vice president. He could really be charming and yet now hes sort of taken on brusque its us against the world. And im not sure it works for him, frankly. To the point itself, lets be honest. He says, oh, ive had all these events, but not a lot of events with the guys [laughter] howard he went out and campaigned for John Fetterman in pittsburgh burg pittsburgh, there was a handshake, a private event and then a speech on infrastructure products. Chief of staff ron klain said rallies dont work, but could a factor be few candidates want to campaign with the president . I think its a catch 22 if youre the candidate. On the one hand, you want his funded raising, want to have the the imprint of a president showing up if or you, and on the flipside, hes not that popular. Approval levels in the low 40s, upper 30s. If i were running a campaign, until be nice to have him come in and make some money for us, but having him campaign or against with us, rather, side by side, probably not. Howard yeah. Meanwhile, it was Just Announced for all the arguments that rallies dont work, the president will be doing a rally this week, a dnc rally in florida. So i think the Press Criticism may have been a factor there. Msnbc had an exclusive interview with President Biden x i want to show some of the questions he asked. Mr. President , ill be honest, im scared. Millions of meshes americans are scared. Theyre concerned about concert ised attacks on democracy. Can our democracy survive when the Republican Party is, it only cares about power . Given what leader mccarthy said, should he even be speaker . Howard now, i like jonathan personally, but he spent almost the whole interview inviting biden to attack trump and the republicans. If you were doing such an interview,kind of a friendly interview, wouldnt you want to ask a few challenging questions . Heres a guy whos very skilled at what he does. I think he missed an opportunity here, and i think theres no reason for it especially at this stage of game because we all know the Talking Points by now. I think he really could have tailored his questions in a way that would sort of elicit responses that would put the president Just A Little Bit on the spot. If i had an opportunity to do that, i would ask him questions that would really make him not defensive, but explain his thinking because if you dont do that, youre not really giving the listener or the viewer very much. Howard right. I think that candidates do better when they have to hit major league pitching. Thats right. Howard and that was, unfortunately, softball pitching. And you know whats fascinating . There was no media critic that i saw that, wow, that was really an in the Tank Intervow or, wow interview, or wow, he was showing he was on bidens side. If its a friendly interview on fox, they go after this network. Nobody seemed to think this was a big issue. I was surprised especially because jonathan just didnt take the opportunity. Howard yeah. Well, im sure President Biden did appreciate it. He did ask him what his wife thinks. [laughter] kevin corke, always good to see you. Good to see you. Ohioan ohio ohio ohio how is ohio ohio why is conway west still ripping Jewish Peoplesome [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, getrefunds. Com can qualify you for a Payroll Tax Refund of up to 26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. And all it takes is eight minutes to find out. Then well work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application. That easy. Getrefunds. Com has helped businesses like yours claim over 1 billion in Payroll Tax Refunds. But its only available for a limited time. Go to getrefunds. Com powered by innovation refunds. Howard kanye west having been booted off twitter and instagram for a blatantly antisemitic posting is now buying parler used by many conservatives, but the Billionaire Rapper has continued husband his offensive rantings. When i wore white lives matter tshirt, the jewish underground mediamafia already started attacking me. They canceled my so, look, there is no jewish media cabal, mafia. That is a figment of either your imagination or a projection of a prejudice. Over 50 of the executives in hollywood, the ceos, are jewish. And these guys thats different. Racism is racism. And is you mow that, i think, dont you . Yeah, obviously. Thats why i said it. Finish if. So you said it knowing its racist. Yes. I fought if fire with fire. Howard joining us now, gayle trotter, who hosts the right in d. C. Podcast. And richard fowler, radio talk show host, fox news contributor. Gayle, how does kanye west after all the Media Condemnation for that death con 3 attack on jewish people, all caps, repeatedly make these comments overand over again over and over again . Meaning jews have is all the money . I totally condemn his statements, but i think its important to go to the full interview of chris cuomo that you gave a brief part of. Ye says i dont get a clean platform platform to tell my truth because im not saying what the media wants me to say. But chris cuomo responds, ye, youre definitely saying what the media wants you to say because it drives headlines and crick bait because of click bait because of how outrageous it is. So heres chris cuomo whos a Mainstream Media journalist of, you know, big reputation, and hes telling ye that the media wants him to say that. So i think thats an important detail. Howard well, i want to get richard on that since ye, obviously, that some Mental Health issues. I thought w50ed see a lame, sue pseudoapology where he said, well, it doesnt apply to all jes jews. What do you think of how the media have covered this . I think the media deserves some condemnation, but you have to take ye and put him in perspective. Im a millennial. I grew up with his catalog of music, and i think whats happening is the idea that how do you pratt these antics from the catalog of music and that hes culturally iconic. So i think, yes, it count take away from the fact that what weve seen over the past couple of years is an individual whos suffering from mental illness, has used racism, dog whistles, has used many Different Things to manipulate the its time for us to change the channel. Howard by not covering it less or at all . Yeah. I think thats one of the ways we could stop having this conversation. Right now the debate is, is he antisemitic or not . More and more journalists are reaching out to get more interviews for the ratings and to attract eyeballs. Howard so he secures an agreement to buy parler. Why . So that he can continue spewing his antisemitic comments without anybody if interfering . [inaudible] truth social, what musk has done with twitter, and he wants to drive attention to his message. And i think the important part since its a media show is why isnt the media reporting on this. Well, the media, they want to have it both ways. Theyre always saying when someone says something outrageous on social media and theyre censored, that they should go start their own social media. And yet when someone does this, not just ye, but these other top figures, theyre derisive about the platforms because theyre not the dominant platform. And so you see the media when we have this censorship of different ideas saying that we need to treat social media like a newspaper and not like town hall, and yet you see that the journalists are trying to control message themselves. Howard well, parler, a favorite of conservatives, that itself was once sort of kicked off the net by amazon, by apple, by google. Its said to have about 40,000 active users. Finish not insignificant, but a much smaller sand box. Yeah, definitely a smaller sand box, but heres the truth. This idea around censorship is one thing, but when you have somebody out here spewing antisemiism, somebody who is trafficking in racism when you have a white lives matter shirt and you show all of these things, right . Somebody who is denying how george floyd died, you really have to put into question is this censorship, or is this responsible media saying we wont cover this because we know when we do cover it, it brings pain to our audience, and its not newsworthy at all. But they are covering it and im saying they shouldnt be. The george floyd comments, theres an eruption of coverage about the lawsuit that is going to take place against ye. And you see the media is lapping this up. Howard let me jump in because the ceo of parler, George Farmer, was pressed on fox business about this forth coming deal. I mean, we all want with free speech, but do we all want antisemitism writ large on parler . Well, i mean, i dont think ye has given my indication that thats going to be the case. I mean he, obviously, wants a platform for his voice. Howard how does George Farmer keep sidestepping the obvious question . Because hes a businessman, and he wants to make sure his deal goes through, right . I think the point is youre continuing to not see that the Mainstream Media is creating this by continuing to cover this ad nauseam and almost gin him up. And its in chris cuomos words himself that the media wants him to say this. And continuing to look at parler, thats they want more headlines, they want more click bait, so theyre part of the problem. Howard i think you two sort of agree on this. That might be the first time thats happened. [laughter] howard let me come back to your comment about george floyd. Kanye said on a podcast that george floyd died from drug abuse, not at a tends has or the knee of might be yap lis Police Officer derek chauvin. Could he get canceled for this sort of thing . Thats a pretty serious misrepresentation. It most certainly is, and that podcast got pulled and it is going to be very hard to, like i said at the top of this interview, To Detangle Khan kanye west because of the fact that his Music Catalog is such a large part of our culture. But is this somebody that we think represents the best of who we are . The answer to that question is clearly no. And if he does more and more interviews, to me, it seems as though he is manipulating media, and the medias allowing it to happen. Howard i cant with argue with that. One of the reasons kanye may have picked parler, and i know you know this, is because one of his biggest defenders is Candice To Owens who is married to the founder, George Farmer. After the break, the media finally recognizing one of their prime conservative targets, congressman Marjorie Taylor green, has become a powerful force in her party. Reeze, the number one clinician recommended menthol topical pain relief brand. Works fast. Lasts long. Cool the pain with biofreeze. This is going to be great. Taking the shawl off. I did it. Is he looking at my hairline . My joint pain isnt too bad. Well, it wasnt this morning. I hope i can get through this. Is Plaque Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis making you rethink your everyday choices . Otezla is a pill, not a cream or injection that can help people with Plaque Psoriasis achieve clearer skin. Otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness and pain in Psoriatic Arthritis. And no routine blood tests required. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Doctors have been prescribing otezla for over 8 years. Dont hesitate. Ask your doctor about otezla today. Howard Marjorie Taylor green, spurred spurned by her own Party Leaders two years ago, has now become a major force in the fop has gop as robert drape makes clear in his new book. She is a representative of the maga bases which constitutes a very, very loud minority within the Republican Party and has succeeded in cowing the majority of the more establishment wing. Howard the media have long beaten up on the georgia congresswoman for saying inflammatory and sometimes untrue things and shes given them plenty offed fodder such as this analogy back when nancy pelosi told unvaccinated people to sit in a separate area. Treated by second last citizens, so much so that they were taken to Gas Claimerses chambers in nazi germ. Ny. Nancy pelosis Gazpacho Police spying on members of congress. Howard and liberals making her an even bigger target. She is the pipeline to the most extreme elements of the Republican Party. Howard gayle, is Marjorie Taylor green who is quoted as saying Kevin Mccarthy has to give her power, suddenly [inaudible] well, social media has disrupted journalism, and now we see that social media is disrupting capitol hill too. And in a piece she wrote this week, you had the surprising analogy that mtg is like aoc. So this is not just a gop phenomenon. Were seeing it on the left and the right with aoc using her social media bone feeds to be able to compel her to a Celebrity Status and turn that into political influence. Howard right. And im not saying theyre exactly the same, but i cant defend some of what the congressman says, for example, saying joe biden is hitler, hashtag nazi joe. But, richard, he doesnt care what the press thinks. Has she found a new route to power as opposed to spending years rising within the ranks as a provocateur . She has. And i think theres a difference between Marjorie Taylor green and alexandria ocasiocortez because alexandria ocasiocortez has to to deal with a Democratic Party where they are saying you are a Junior Member of congress, and you have to rise in the ranks. Kevin mccarthy was kowtowing to Marjorie Taylor green because she is a Funraising Haven Fundraising Maven howard shes raised more for herself than four house are republicans exactly. And as the media covers her, and the media talks about her, she uses to that that to raise money. The its a horrible circle that weve created for ourselves. She will continue to rise in leadership, and we will question whos really in control of the Republican Party. Theres no question about it on the democratic side. Everybody knows that nancy pelosi runs that chamber, period. Howard yeah. Theres certainly a feeling that ooc aoc is driving her party to the left. Were talking about the Celebrity Influence of people through social media, and i think that is an excellent take that you had, comparing mtg to aoc. Howard well, thank you for that. Democrats, recall, strip her of Committee Assignments later on. But robert drapers book sounds like just another assault on the gop, but he is actually very fair according to on the record interviews he had with her and her top staff, and his conclusion is that shes going to have substantial influence in a republican house, and thats gotten a lot of play. It seems to have changedded the media debate. It has because i think the idea that you can take this National Brand that you were talking about that shes developed and that aoc has adopted developed and be able to rise in power and make those issues that are really appealing to those small donors as you talk about and make the gop actually fulfill their campaign promises. Because we see this a lot in the gop primaries, that candidates go right because they want that distinction between their primary candidates, then the general election they go back to more center or left. And i think mtgs success at this is similar to aoc where people are going to continue to ask these candidates what, where they stand. Are they actually going to do what they say with these investigations that shes calling for if the republicans are able to take control of those but again, all due respect, i think theres a huge chasm between the role that alexandria ocasiocortez plays in the Democratic Caucus versus the role that Marjorie Taylor green plays in the republican caucus. At the beginning of the 117th congress, the congress were currently in, kevin msk California Third mccarthy and Republican Leaders tried to distance themselves, now theyre all but hugging her on stage because they know they need her to win control. And to the victor goes the spoils. When they get control, itll be Marjorie Taylor betweens agenda. Thats very different [inaudible conversations] lets be honest about it. The agenda of the base. So youre saying Marjorie Taylor green is the base of the Republican Party . On some of these issues that shes getting donations for, absolutely. Same with aoc. The donations that shes getting to [inaudible conversations] the same issues [inaudible conversations] if you look at the reporting if i could have a word here howard to show you how things have shift ised, cnns chris writes its a very good time to be Marjorie Taylor green. I think its a surprise for a lot of people who thought she was a fringe character. But one other quick difference and that is she sometimes goes after republicans. In her second term, aoc has been more playing ball with democrats. So so shes managed to tick off her own party as well. Well, aoc didnt start out that way. Howard thats true. And you see theres an effort to countermand or overcome that influences and let the electorate think that the Democrat Party is less extreme than it is. But we see earlier in your show you were talking to robby soave about the Abortion Issue and the Media Coverage of that and where most americans are. And i think thats what were going to see going forward. Howard and on that note, gayle trotter, richard fowler, thanks for being here on set like Real Television. Still to come, a fired Editorial Editor punches back at the New York Times and how liz truss couldnt outlast a head of lettuce. The buzzmeter is next. Howard its time for the buzzmeter. Start the clock. James bennett, who was fired as New York Times Editorial Page Editor for running an online oped by tom cotton vowed to protest is finally speaking out. Ab interview with ben smith, the cofounder of semifor, bennett says sulzberger i blew the opportunity to make clear the New York Times doesnt exist just to tell progressives how progressives should view reality. He says the paper wants applause of the left and that the subscribers who signed up during the trump years expect that the times will be mother jones on steroids. Bennett says the publisher set me on fire and threw me mt. Backerrage and used garbage and used my reverence for the institution against me. That embarrassing thing still resonates because the 19year veteran was snubbed before running one conservative piece. Bobbed woodward is releasing an audio book, and theres a 2019 exchange in which he asks donald trump to see his private letters with kim kim jong un. Nobody else has hem, but i want you to treat them with respect understand, understand. And dont say i gave them to you, okay . Okay. But i think its okay. The Washington Post Reports Trump later told woodward the letters were top secret. Theres been plenty of coverage for a civil suit by Actor Anthony Rapp who accused kevin spacey of making a sexual advance more than three decades ago when iran was 14, but questions surfaced about his Mote It Vegas when it came out that are rapp was watching spaceys Movies Again And again and spacey saying he didnt come out until five years ago because his neonazi father berated him. It took a jury under 90 minutes to rule in spaceys favor. Twitters facing major cutbacks. Elon musk has told investors hell take it from 7500 workers to 2000. They cant all do content moderation, can they . Even if musks take over fizzles, the company would cut a quarter of the staff. Twitter management now denying this. But big changes coming for the social media giant. It was the Ultimate Meet Ya humiliation as liz truss was barely hanging on as british prime minister. Her own Conservative Party turning against her. The liberal london tabloid daily star with this headline will liz truss outlast head head of lettuce . The lettuce, later outfitted with a blond wig, had a shelf life of around a week, and while the lettuce won, once her tax cut plan tanked the economy even after she withdrew it, truss announced her resignation afterjust 44 days. The Media Mockery [inaudible] i didnt make it. Didnt help. You know who might run instead . Boris johnson. The guy was kicked out just six weeks ago. Media, i think, are rooting for bojo. Thats it for this edition of mediabuzz. Im howard kurtz. Subscribe to my podcast, media buzzmeter. More than 2 million downloads this year. Apple itunes, a very good place to do it. Nice to have so many guests on set as we try to do the Real Television again. Were back here sunday, 11 eastern, with the only Media Analysis Show on national its. S , i say, so are they. aleve who do you take it for . All across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. 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