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And politico and others kept updating what was in and out edit opposing of members on border security, they just cancel each other out and impress of lycee 19th century law with one sewing up to the Vice President , has no power to block of Federal Funds is donald trump pressured mike pence to do and some republicans wanted to be attorneys to talk on National Security grounds but had to settle for bargaining on government devices that was 45 billion in ukraine where the President Biden had asked for all flavors like a bailout, and to mention, extra security for former house speaker, every horrible attack on Nancy Pelosis husband and it is been an absolute lower and they try to keep up with this everchanging monstrosity in the lawmakers just wanted to resell. Im howard and this is media buzz. Ahead is elon musk, is he really giving up his job is twitters chief executive, and the incredibly cozy relationship between the company and the fbi and the democrats on the House Committee voted to write Donald Trumps tax returns public after a long legal battle enjoy getting paid virtually no taxes in two of his four years as president , commentators are divided over this exceedingly rare move. And so, what is the other, some years that he paid nothing and people may be surprised eyepopping to see how the texas debate. Why is so foul is this brings people to question was the irs money people are my donald trump. The fact is that if they can do it to donald trump and if they can do to you unless, and they can do it to some of the other people, you just mentioned, why would americans think it cannot be done to them. Im not sure that making his returns public now, really furthers Public Discourse ultimately be in the public interest. The next thing feels innocence, like the lease trumps worries going to focus on it anyway. Shooting is the outcome i have advised the coverage in detroit, a Senior Editor at Reason Magazine and they think the democratic strategists and founder of Rebel Communications the media obviously is facing a Donald Trumps tax returns see but questioning by democrats the democrats in the House Committee deciding to go public with this is just days before losing the majority. Guest while i think it all about the kind of most relentlessly partisan democratic operatives are looking at the tax returns and going, thats not exciting as i was hoping for an sure, he shows that hes getting paid taxes in the years that he technically suffered economic losses but i dont think there is anything like a smoking gun or like a new avenue of attack on donald trump, we can tag the larger and larger question about that iris russians and talking points about help more irs enforcement of the going to go after people like donald trump you are very equipped with lawyers and legal teams to you know, use the Tax Loopholes and avoid paying and illegally and aboveboard way and the irs and i think many conservatives the lease feel like its going to target smaller workingclass families and but in terms of the National Euro media conversation, okay you got what you wanted and theres trumps tax returns and i dont think it was a lot to it. Howard because a previously to the New York Times we knew that he was going to be much and women better its also had release the tax returns as every major candidate has done over the last four years when he first ran but what is to solve the republican now to take over the house next week from Retaliating Against public figures they dont like. Guest will the retaliation has already happened and we know that there item is investigations and investigations and investigations of that is already happening in one of the things that a divine to be a christmas miracle the coverage with the agreement between the pages fox news in the wall street Journal Editorial Board and msnbc and pbs on the likes of those two and was that essentially, they talked about the underfunding of the irs back only when agent assigned to audit trumps taxes which is why were audited as was required for little years of his presidency and i think that understaffing in the armies of lawyers and accountants come the truck was able to bring to bear that i think it has the opposite effect about and what robbie missing on the American People and they say, we need more irs agent specifically focus on wealthy individuals and their claims of deductions that may not in fact be accurate and true. Howard our first disagreement and yes, even before he was present, there was one agent assigned and so we now know that about the numbers an old truck paid 750 in federal income taxes in 2017, more than 1 million over the next two years when he is making money and then zero, and 2020, when the pandemic it is a robby, Real Estate Developers and operators are able to take these outrageously large the legal actions but i dont see the press playing it that way do you. Guest i dont really see them going after that and i am hearing a lot yes, media guess on all sides about how well may be more irs agents would be a good thing and i would say follow me nows the people and i dont know, do People Pete Felt specially that we need more people to work for the irs. Howard nobody likes to be audited. Guest and i would agree with this, then a very wealthy and powerful people have more resources at their disposal. To actually pay a small portion of their income in taxes we need a simplification of the tax code and people paying fairly what they want to pay i think of something in your market people in the media and everyone should be able to agree on but of course nothing is done in washington as we seek. Howard tax reform is so complicated but it was a scandal in washington is legal as opposed to illinois laura, the media and jeff vaughn this and understandably so, incoming president s are required by law to be audited by the irs while they are in office and that happened with president obama and President Biden did not happen in the first two years with President Trump and joe some democratic congressman complained in the irs does not have an explanation. Guest for the irs and Stephen Nugent was any treasury at the time, does not have an explanation and they did Athlete Number of Agents Auditing trumps tax returns from one three when you think about the failings of deductions needed to be checked when you think about the 400 plus passthrough entities in his complex return coming it is sort of this the striking and it makes it really looks into justify the actions of the house ways and Means Committee and wanting his tax returns so that we can uncover these holes in the irs and frankly we did see some action with the increase in the funny specific to vomiting wealthy tax filers. Howard let me turn now to the heros welcome, here in washington, the Volodymyr Zelensky got what he addressed session of congress and also other from president of biden also about that from the media display equipped. Your money is not charity, it is an investment in the level and security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way. And robby, he just has this charisma about him and he was speaking in english and he got huge Standing Ovations on both sides of the outcome of that never happens my question is here, we have the press Covering Zelenskyy the Person Of The Year but the reason for his visit in part, is my analysis that kevin mccarthy, and some republicans want to do audits of u. S. Military aid going to ukraine in some cases reduce it and i think thats not coincidental. Guest and yes there is a lot of things very interesting and frankly of the debate in conservative circles in republican circles about what our obligation to ukraine actually is and while we absolutely support them there the invaded side of a party and zelenskyy is a rewrite to ask for support and we have to think about how much support of the American People who are struggling in a variety ways willing to given they are being very charitable and strategic obligation had to do something that we were very clear about the people i think reasonably have questions about how much longer is it going on with the administration pressing for some kind of diplomatic solution the republicans disagree about this, while leadership like mcconnell, is absolutely all onboard is not just ukraine needs, theres a lot of members of House Members may be withholding the support of mccarthy and mccarthy is a little bit more divided on this and so there is a Debate Happening in the republic and circles and administer the media has covered this as full throated leos it ought to and showing is leading the American People know their actual disagreements. Howard double change of theres debate and a debate in Media Circles as well laura, heres a guide was a Sitcom Sarcoma is the sort of risen to the occasion as a symbol of democracy and he was very graceful and grateful repeatedly for the usaid at the same time, said that he needs more needs more weapons like the patriots anti Missile System is a fourth. So this point is that we are not complaining that were facing a cold dark winter because the barbaric russian scheme involving Energy Intersection so a lot of people are without each of our. So a lot of people think that this or think that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is fighting the west battle just means money and weapons are worried about a cutback. Guest i think those are legitimate concerns because we all know National Security is complicated the battlefront maybe in ukraine now, but the destabilization of your socially impacts Americas National purity and economy so folks are right about that this is really an investment in the future and i agree how you can come up with a better you know from central casting a leader, you know when the debate is largely about when that only god like i have about Volodymyr Zelenskyy of what he wears a seas doing pretty good job of persuasion will continue to need to do that as a debate continues to grow within conservative circles which i think the media covered pretty consistently. Is of the only complaint. Howard what is a fair question robby, he did not go full combat and finally, i was was struck by ukrainian general susan and President Biden, thank you, thank you for the aid to my country otherwise my family would not be life and sort of brought it home even though its a break with the usual protocol and when we come back media going haywire over the january 6 committee referring charges against donald trump and the doj in the purely symbolic. Scaper ly and his trusty crew. Were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. Timber. Fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending. For almost everyone. [sfx stomach gurgling] its nothing. Sounds like something. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief. When you need it most. Photo meeting of the house january 6 committee was the greatest since rehash playing short clips from past witnesses within occasional tidbit as this commitment. It was becoming increasingly concerned that we were damaging his legacy. Howard they said the nobody cares about your legacy coming if you lose in the news of the committee that they wanted to make week to the present advance with a criminal referral to the Justice Department trumps alleged offenses which will coverage on an engine msnbc and cnn. Guest in january 6 hearings top it off and so desperate, were they to create drama like some individual member of congress, popping off and telling the department i want you to investigate my brotherinlaw right in these referrals are the result of an 18 month investigation produce over a million pages of records. It was basically a rehashing of what we have seen in virtually every one of these hearings. They simply attach these referrals to it as of the depart of justice could reject this referral and taken were. So you really need solid evidence and Beyond A Reasonable Doubt and i just dont think that they are inciting a riot and all of the things that they have been all of that. Robby a lot of questions about the referrals because the Justice Department is already investigating trump full speed ahead on several counts and it did that move, deserve all of the hours and hours of coverage they got especially on msnbc and cnn. Guest i certainly dont think that it didnt i dont think we learned a lot there was no think that most people even many people who support Donald Trumps policies otherwise, are not happy with his behavior before and during and after january 6th he was held accountable in terms of being impatient almost removed and then by the senate from the presidency and ultimately, if he rose again, the American People i think are the ones who should decide whether he should be president again not the Justice Department and not Law Enforcement and you can think what he did and what he said was very bad thinking guess the question should be taken away from the American People the media absolutely think that it should be taken away from the American People and that in itself a scary to me. Howard i think the Committee Dennis Best work when it had first get revoke and witnesses who either works for him or with him i wanted him to win providing some damaging testimony lesson with the rehash laura but i get it, it is a started no Congressional Committee has arming this referral is a former president. But was is really about with us, grandstanding in getting the members just constantly on tv and doing interviews and adam schiff and the rest of the gang. Guest will conservative media certainly came to the conclusion to do think that it is and what history cannot be repeated often enough in terms of how historic this really was the fact that this really was the first time the president has try to stop the certification as we have history all right here sometimes in order to prevented in the future, it bears repeating and so these criminal referrals are important and i noticed, but there was not a lot of hard and argument the substance of the evidence really was about the politics of it all which jack smith will now have to navigate about death of the Justice Department is grateful for the 845 pages and the copious interviews of those republicans who by and large, stood up to the president and it makes it look much less partisan and he definitely has his work cut out for him as he determines how to prevent this in the future. And of course the Special Counsel not Household Name and i wanted so this video, just shortly before christmas responding to this select committee and then will ask questions of the other side. Guest there was no insurrection there was not going to be an insurrection, and it was made up by these sick people in the Unselect Committee will go down in history as a con job at a disgrace. Howard is a robby, in response to that no insurrection whatsoever and also go there was a lot from Kassidy Hutchinson from the star witness that i think of the hearings and according ross, mark meadows as saying, that he trump knows that its over and he notes that he lost were just going to keep trying and so is that important and what about the former president s dismissal that this is a con job. Guest will leave his imported for the voters to know this and what he said and what he did, and i dont think that it was a plan insurrection i think that you dont can impute enough with his previous actions, making it upset led up to something deliberate what i saw when i was there covering income over the writer they got on a van based on the things that are upset in the moment in the wrong and again, he should be held accountable for the voters from that and the media and elites they want to take the decision away from people and they want to focus on and you know it does fit in have very concerned and a lot of concern that they have about Law Enforcement and the fbi the dhs headset Internet Center to get trump were sing on different subject all these communications between these agents and social Media Companies they should be allowed it to say i think that is very concerning and these decisions being taken out of the hands of the people happening behind the closed doors with unelected bureaucrats are actually going from some technically his Administration Operating 100 percent independently from him and i think that could be a bipartisan issue be one since hes a declared president ial candidate, maybe we will get a chance to be without laura, coming back to Kassidy Hutchinson, theres quite of a sort of a tale with her because she originally risk represented by former Trump White House lawyer, ed pasadena, his fees were paid by a truck pack, and he told her, dont play your role, unless you remember the better, this is again according to her deposition and is not perjury and she told others that they could ruin her life and she said that she would be new tooth and then he said according to her testimony, some good Employment Opportunities out there for you and us that sounded like will Witness Tampering were just like a sideshow everybody really wants to know, who should donald trump be held accountable for what happened on january 6th. Guest which and how we, speaks to what we are debating here and there is a role for about robby theres a third branch of government called the judiciary they are a little here and trump has tested these roles of our kit Kassidy Hutchinson sent Witness Tampering is a crime in some level of criminality i do know she was certainly under a lot of pressure and rose to the occasion and her testimony was some of the most damning when it comes to talk and we saw that reflected in the coverage with one thing again after all Media Outlets in all sides agreed on and that this was deeply disturbing the Wall Street Journal refer to it as such and also talked about the republicans that were in support and so we all agree on those fronts for the criminality is the open question. Howard i dont know if it rises to the level you sound like a Mob Movie Times she originally could not afford a lawyer good conversation, Merry Christmas and thank you so much and up next, is the longest is he really firing himself as twitters ceo and the relationship to the company and the fbi. Build a better future. So were hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. Were providing greater access to investing, with lowcost options to help maximize savings. From the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. And help communities thrive. Psoriasis really messes with you. Try. Hope. Fail. No one should suffer like that. I started cosentyx®. Five years clear. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. 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C1 when he one must put up one of his polls if he should step down as twitters ceo, is that busy 7 percent, given a buddy see me when he asked winter users about whether he should step down as ceo, how come. I dont know what the heck he was thinking. Howard who were the 57 percent who wanted to fire the bus where the best this country may have ever developed those rock is better than nasa and some people think, would not want him to run my company, you stupid income on and what many pundits are missing is that the guy owns the place they said hell virus io if somebody is foolish enough to think it will tightly control the operation a better who has a title of twitter files reveal an extraordinarily cozy relationship between the social in his eye, many of you and twitter three half million bucks researchers and training is a connection to the hunter biden left top before twitter man any mention of the New York Post laptop story, Safety Director is meeting weekly with fbi officials about possible russian hacking, 2020 and said this in a deposition, they also learn this meetings there were rumors that a heck an illegal perforation when you involve hunter biden and vi officials admitted they had built into on this and twitter repeatedly pushback by saying, theres no evidence of russian hacking set on french accounts with a few Fire Fighters and the Company Refused to share information outside of the normal Search Process and get this, the fbi proposed in the summer of 20, giving twitter staffers, topsecret clearances so the bureau could share election threats. Is enough every single one of those finally today pt 28 back in Lincoln Campaign alarms and there were lots of reasons why the entire industry was on alert. So it was a mistake. In my opinion yes. Howit turnsout they had se contl figure who made the case for investigating donald trump on russia is twitter employed so many fbi officials of the form their own messaging channel and the fbi said it nothing to see her we did not discuss or provide instruction regarding mr. Bidens left artwork associated Media Coverage in the cells very narrowly it just so happens that in the fall of 20, twitter staffers doing reporters at the Aspen Institute for a War Game Exercise and have the magic Media Coverage if there was a russian hacking attempts involving hunter biden. And dont forget when theyre totally accurate laptop story broke comes, some major media sent it was russian just information the very long trump National Security officials and aggressively peddling. And with indicted crypto king, Samuel Benjamin bankmanfried back in the u. S. After being exit on in the bahamas on his girlfriend coming up with a plea deal from the prosecutors them reminded of the question i pose leslie, should It Media Organizations who accepted his take and intended cash have to go back and help republican has decided to return 1. 6 million grant from Samuel Benjamin bankmanfried Family Foundation in a down payment on 5 million in funding will sit when the bank is ready and fox media, got into work under 200,000 grant and will give back when a smart decision since who told the media, he was also putting these outlets with other investors money and theyve been cheated out of billions. In this the media buzz, how Artificial Intelligence can increasingly do everything including is kind of creepy and stay with us. singing ill be home for christmas. You can plan on me. Please have snow and mistletoe. And presents on the tree. 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Please call the number on your screen or go to loveshriners. Org to give whatever you can. And when you do, your gift will have two times the impact. Howard see house and had a fascinating monologue and is fox news show by the Impact Artificial until is on media followed by a kicker. Good evening fellow americans, im steve doesnt come into like to talk to you about the threat to jobs from Artificial Intelligence and for some address the elephant in the room, yes there is a threat to jobs from Artificial Intelligence for honest, theres also many opportunities i is not to be feared do something to could be used to our advantage and so every word what you just heard, was written by chet gpt, an Artificial Intelligence program that you do everything from writing poems to creating scripts in the style of anyone including me. Howard of whom he spoke to the host of this revolution which Airs Sundays At Nine Eastern from los angeles. My fellow american, how did you feel about reading that because my first thought was wow, holy cow, this is not good we could become obsolete. Its amazing how well you know, i think particularly striking about it when i got the results back, was that this was the First Response from the ai, we did not change a single word as we put into the query come the full query was, writing monologue on the threat to jobs from Artificial Intelligence in the style of steep hills and, from fox news and word for word, thats what we got back and it is completely astonishing. Will New York Times said that this check gpt as it is called, makes a lot of mistakes also has a kind of a narrow view of the world because is only information from 2021, will be forced is not foolproof to say the least. Thats absolutely true for the reason that they have put this out into the world, then everybody to use and play around with, is that it itself, improves the process is intended the Artificial Intelligence in the jargon the tech world is Training Data in your training the computer to do better and you learn from those mistakes and so this is the very first version of it and you can be sure by the way that in the private domain, inside Companies Like facebook, and google, theyve already got much or sophisticated version of this and then there fighting for years printed is what so right in the beginning of this and the fact that it is so good at the start means there were this will go, is going to be an extraordinary change in a real revolution for our whole society. Howard is both exciting and opinionated if yes the question about the and it announces them but so where is it going and if you can make artist some people are using a foreign it can brighten poems in College Essays and some are saying you know i cant be anymore is school and not to mention the tv scripts and you dont have to pay in overtime, doesnt it well i dont know, devalued may be overtaken, what humans can produce. Howard yes it absolutely does, and already you are seeing the particular in the individual version of this where it is actually for example, leading the Creative Process in a lot of areas, the designers in the Advertising Industry is a one putting these queries into see when the computer will generate in terms of an image is prompting human creative responses so i think that their truth is that we do not know for sure this weather is of value to keep talking about it into but these into the open having an open conversation that is going to open a i the organization being taught behind this chatbot tool is the technology develops, we will think about the cons windows but already, you will write a vertically in the Relationship Schools and the school work and this is a complete transformation. It will be there very quickly this is not something that is sort of in the distance science action, this is now basically weve got to think about it. Howard right, snow longer the size Action Movies we all grew up saying, this turned to media and politics and everybody the media, almost was wrong about the midterm elections and you say, the President Biden is going to use asked to pursue a more extreme agenda that i would say, that the key thing here is that the democrats will have 51 senate seats means, were probably looking at a lot of gridlock in the republican house. Howard i think thats right in terms of congress and clearly you see that in terms of the mathematical Balance Of Power and obviously the control only one chamber i think the message that theyll take it, is that this was no repudiation of the far left direction that we have been traveling in with her thats on the open borders or in crime, or on some of our cultural issues and they see this is actually a validation from another repudiation where as if it had been a setback and more attention paid for example report by the third wake of the democratic think tank the more centrix think tank which before the midterm send it to incidences of ending the wife said that the democrat of onto bark the left and theyre alienating lots of people who were the Center Ground and they need to tone down the folk rhetoric and someone that turned out to be completely not the lesson that the democrats have learned so think of is the main point and they will suggest is a validation of the draft to the left. Howard you point out some democrats dont want while president ial run again but its also true that some republicans do not want donald trump to run again it is about one third for each party according to a fox news full and so i think that the media very much want donald trump to run again because they crave the ratings used to get when he was president of the news all of in your thoughts. Guest i think the battle is what is interesting it was a battle between donald trump that if you like the establishment, the republicans. It is not going to unopposed that is for sure so there is going to be a contest to some point, there is going to get engage and theres going to be an engagement of different candidates and i think that actually will be fascinating to watch because central idea this seems to be underpinning the next president ial contest and rent publicans ideas this is that you hear all of the time, that the republican really is changed in the President Trump has realigned the Republican Party intellectually and with the basic of ideas as in a big of a way as i would say is Ronald Reagan and making it more of a Populist Party more of a pro worker party. Even if they were 20 candidates on the press was in a story that has trump ended and steve, thank you very much for joining us. Guest it is great to see you and thank you. Howard and after the break donald trump was on the polls showing him creaming ron desantis in Fact Checkers a lot of joe biden falsehood, that is next. 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And what a gift it is to give. Find your y. And get involved today. For a better us. See when the media about 2024 said the donald trump will face off against joe biden for the water both parties will return to nominees i spoke from new york with pleasure former White House Press secretary author of the wealth research, suppression deception, so brand bias and risk gets it so much wrong and just does not care and maria former obama and ministration spokeswoman the on this out and both are fox news contributors. Okay Wall Street Journal full and found that ron desantis with a 14point lead nationally over donald trump and before present the reporters poll done by his own survey expert, john mclaughlin, had trump clobbering the governor, 58 36 percent of what is a myth tell you. Guest okay ready for right here falls, this is really important, but again primary voters are definitely going to be motivated by who looks like they can be the strongest candidate critically against biden is of these polls are going to be a big part of the republican primary pretty in a corset you have to have reach out multiple polls but i think there is no question that President Trump is beatable if it is a oneman field and is a two man Feel Cummings potentially eatable is a threeman hoary woman, feel more, donald trump will when because revoking opposition to trump primary will Divide And Conquer and trump will when it. Howard this is the invisible primary murray so Ronnie Santos has not even declared that he is running out and you think that the media has business going up and Landslide Victory not florida and all that to this almost invincible when is ever run for anything positive florida we dont know that if you can take a punch. Guest i think the videos looking for the next trump for the person who can defeat trump and ron desantis has been successful in many ways but you point out we dont know how he will be in the National Stage so hes right we are going to see a lot of falls over this next year and we talked a lot about these polls are, or have bet they are and to the republican primary voters answer the phone with a pulse recall seven to be willpower leaving going to be judging these polls media when we see them especially when they are coming from one of the campaigns. Howard and when were so far out financial primaries are we going back to the polls we have about one third of the members each party, and not wanting either joe biden or donald trump to be there nominee ed but i dont think the media already would bid a farewell to donald trump yet your thoughts. Guest [laughter] , will the media will never be ready to bed about to donald trump even after he is long dead and gone from the boat be ready to bed farewell to him because it is good for ratings a look of the broken people do want something new and different in both parties and you can just kind of feel that the problem is that both candidates have their base of supporters for the they have the base of support. As always these issues are up to the voters and it is fluid and just because that we see Something Else is not mean that it will be like this and another year i think it will save people quickly drove out and it will turn into a one on one or maybe a two on one race with President Trump. Howard will be evident tape and on the biden signed maria, a 12point and from it since he got more legislation passed would you say the media are most concerned about his age especially if he ends up running against donald trump but a younger republican nominee. Guest i think a lot of the medias focus on his age but also how sort of together he has an intelligent is a Press Conference and interviews to think that we can all seek ledgers for ourselves with our own eyes and look for joe biden has always been prone to some of that throughout history as he really college and i think about is actually kind of like that coming seems real by somebody they know and they can talk to. I think the question will be that if he is not running against President Trump, how is the issue of age and frame and i do think that in general, is that the voters do want something new that they do or they dont just on the same on politicians to brand over again. Howard right Conservative Colonists Pete come original never from road in the atlantic for those who are most of and more recently breaking with former present, welcome the shore but he said that we should all seek hey moral awakening whether it is none and Trump Supporters are deserting him is because they believe that he is a loser, and put you in that category you criticized them on suspending the constitution and of the things you just wiggle what you think about the argument who people are only now saying what own pump, should not be hard nominee. Guest oversaw theres nothing wrong with rejecting 70 if you think this when he pleaded a party to defeat that he believed the party to me believing victory for the party so that is a legitimate criteria. I think the string was President Trump and former President Trump, along has been that he says outrageous things and he does extraordinarily good things in this is always going to be a strength and the more that he says things that are outrageous on the more the strain develops. When you look back at his policies, his policies are superb in The Middle East of the Peace Agreement brought that Child Poverty rate in america was at its lowest level since 58, before the pandemic. So there is a lot that he did that was good at a high price. I dont think that pete or anybody else, who i respect and used to work with, has a right to tell republicans and what criteria they should use to evaluated president in these not morally superior, he is a different reason than other people. Howard let me turnout to president of biden you gave a speech long ago, and talking about when he got elected president the story has to do with his dad, as uncle, Uncle Frankel who won the purple heart. Biden suite when the purple heart, he had what it in the battle this was uncle frank of anyone this and i dont want the dang thing. Howard Sober You Hope Bunch of Fact Checkers and look to dozens of this cannot be true because uncle frank, he died in 1999 before i became vp and affect, false fact check. Org does not add up and covers mental. Guest all of this is joe biden weve seen this many times when you tell stories that sometimes have a little embellishment and they dont always have exact details right always im and this is been so cleared i think a lot of voters to make that into his brand. When you compare it to donald trump demarest was a political that check like withdrawal from five times everyday most of the media police and the right wing did not Pay Attention to it summa but just briefly, is the sort of thing where it raises questions about whether or not is advancing age is affecting the president s ability to recall events. Guest i think this is advancing age and i think it is been the fact that he is a serial fabricator in a liar about his personal background and dont forget that he got arrested in south africas he told everybody and he used to drive it 18 wheeler the trust looks the other way when joe biden does it is for the high prophecy of how the media covers people. Howard is a debate that will continue another date and another couple of years and thank you very much for joining us. Guest thank you, thank you sequence illegal, the sun apologizes for discussing attack Meghan Markel and Tiktok Spying On Generalissimo Stage and media buzz. Time to raise the clock on the bus peter. My jaw drop that almost never happens on the show when broyles watcher describe the disgusting and despicable comment about Meghan Markle made by Jeremy Clarkson one of britains most influential commentators in the host of who wants to be a millionaire, clarkson wrote a column which he said this about the duchess of sussex to a notorious scene from a game of thrones, he is dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in britain wowed the crowd chance shame, naked in the streets, that is misogynist, violet a white Guy Spewing Hatred toward a mixedrace woman, now clarkson is facing a fierce backlash, denounced by londons mayor and his own daughter emily who said i want to make it very clear i stand against everything my dad wrote about Meghan Markle, he said he was horrified to cause what Jeremy Clarkson did not do was apologize for the viciousness, the son says its sorry after record 20000 complaints of britains press regulator. Meghan called the apology a pr stunt. Chairman chris who is trying to ease the networks liberal and antitrump the tone is the price of the backlash the uninformed vitriol especially from the left has been stunning he told the New York Times which proves my point so much of what passes for news is namecalling, halftruths and desperation. Eight months 400 jobs by shutting down and plus then cut 10 of the workforce including hln, the staff thanking the further job cuts felt blindsided, i have to win the credibility back after earning one and a quarter billion dollars last year cnn is set to make 750 million, the showrunner for Stephen Colbert who urged him not to take the cnn job now whenever they talk Stephen Colbert starts i told you so. Harvey weinstein serving in new york convicted of raping one woman in a Split Decision jurors acquitted him or reached no verdict on other charges by three women including California First Lady Jennifer newsome, weinstein faces 18 24 years in a california prison a top of the 21 year new york sentence what was outrageous was weinsteins lawyer saint was conceptual calling Gavin Newsoms wife another bimbo who slept with Harvey Weinstein to get ahead. She said they use sexism, misogyny and bullying tactics to intimidate and ridicule of survivors. And china own tiktok has fired for employees for spying on journalist during the leak inquiry by tracking ip addresses the report is Financial Times which called the surveillance completely unacceptable and forbes slammed the assault on free press, that is really stupid when lawmakers are trying to ban on National Security grounds, i almost made it that is it for this edition of mediabuzz. 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