resignation, if you want to call it that, when you spill if date someone and they resign is, i don't know if that's necessarily on their own or because they don't feel comfortable in the newsroom, but saying i wish i would have had the chance to have a robust dialogue, well oring you did have the chance, but you waited until after the fact. and now all of a sudden you're interested in diversity of opinion. hay want diversity. in fact, they mandate diversity of everything, but thought? not always included in that a category. and it's really a shame. howard: lucy, if you ran n npr and you wanted to combat at least a perception of liberal bias even if you didn't agree with it, would you put somebody who did get out the vote for joe biden in charge of the company? >> well, look, i think that a we're conflating a lot of things because of the fact that npr has a target on it back all the a time because of his connection to -- [inaudible] and the fact that it is federally subsidized. lots of media companies have people at the helm who are political. lots of media a companies have a