in the beginning, howard, at the beginning, until the costs are paid for that war. howard: right. >> in lives and in treasure. but the speech went on from there, and the speech went on from will and painted an alternative reality. i think dana perino was right, boringly, uninspiringly painteded an alternative reality that americans are not experiencing. a i did a diner for "fox & friends" the next morning, and it's an odd picture that joe biden chose to paint where inflation is still transitory and something we're going to get over, but he acknowledged it existed. the economy was set to get better as soon as build back better was once passed. this was not what they were discussing at the diner table that morning. howard: i want to get gillian in, the stage craft such as having the ukrainian ambassador sitting in the first lady's box. >> and yeah, and to the president's credit, that was very effective. the strongest part of the speech