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Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a menace. These are shooters, killers, and sexual diva cents that are being put back on our streets. Democrats like Louis Gabriel ramos arrested in november for murdering a 70yearold woman and her 38yearold daughter in the city of yonkers just north of here, New York City according to authorities ramos committed the horrific killing less than a week after he was arrested for arson. But was released without bail. Because New York State refuses to keep violent criminals away from the general public, two innocent women are now dead. If ramos was locked up for his arson crime, he wouldnt have been free to commit murder. And sadly, there are countless other tragic stories like this all across the country. In chicago last month malik was arrested for the shooting of a 17yearold girl. He has a violent history, including another shooting at a gas station in martha left an 11yearold dead. Was he properly punished for his crimes . Of course not. Its chicago. Instead, he was released back on the streets following the march shooting with only a 7,500 bail. Chump change for a shooting that put a body in a coffin. But this set the stage for him to shoot another teenage girl like he did in december. And what about the case of Shawn Laval Smith earlier this month smith was arrested for the brutal murder of a 24yearold ucla student Briana Kupfer. Smith has a lengthy rap sheet with records showing 11 different arrests across the country since 2010. Instead of Putting Smith in prison for one of his many charges including assaulting an officer in california or shooting up a car in south carolina. He was put back on the street. And now Briana Kupfer is dead. If we dont properly punish violent criminals, they will continue to commit violent crimes. And the American People are rightly fed up with this crap. In a fox news poll, 81 of voters said they were extremely or very concerned about rising crime rates. A significantly higher number an those concerned with covid. But democrats arent getting that message. Instead they are doubling down. One of americas most infamous prisons, san quentin in california is closing its death row. Instead, they are turning it into a positive and healing environment, whatever that means. This is the same prison that once housed some of americas most vicious killers. Charles manson, saran saran and served hard time for unspeakable atrocities. Now murder an actress or kill a president ial candidate, no worries. You will squeeze in your therapy session before a nice sweat in the prison sauna. Gavin newsom is dismantling the prisons from the inside out. Newsom already froze executions two years ago. And now he is going to make life more comfortable for murderers. Why is to so hard for the left to actually hold true criminals accountable . Psychologically, many on the left cant process the concept of good and evil. They cant recognize sin. It takes on too much of a religious connotation. And they are very uncomfortable with the idea of judgment. Their entire political philosophy is based on tearing down history. Law, and cultural norms. And so the Prison System to them is just a relic of a bar bar Russ Unenlightened Medieval System that needs to be reimagined by them, of course, and modernized in a more humane and progressive way. A way that doesnt work at all because incarceration works for a reason. Just like walls work. And men and women are different. You know, basic truths that have withstood the test of time these arent concepts embraced by the left destroyed and rebuilt to celebrate, you guessed it, themselves they dont care that you and your family could be hurt in that process. The world revolves around liberals until they are the victim of a crime. They dont care. Democrats would rather have criminals just tell them about their feeling so they can work through their own savior complex. Meanwhile, i was the one who saved the world they want to turn our prisons is system out of Something Like norway Prison Systems like better than New York City apartments. Carson was convicted z of killing a man in brazil. This is his cellblock with a full kitchen, big screen tv, laundry choose, they choose when to lock the door to their cozy single bed cells with a tv and private bathroom. Have a normal workweek giving them routine and responsibilities. Training to be car mechanics. And Graphic Designers in a stateoftheart studio. Richard is studying music he is doing time for murder. Jesse im not expert but it doesnt seem like Graphic Design in a Recording Studio will rehab a serial killer. If anything, by turning our prisons into nice apartments with those kind of amen city at this, you are begging feel get locked up. Better than where they live on the outside right now. You can tell the kind of parents these democrat leaders are anyway. Just look at how some of their children behave. What did you expect . A sitcom dad would make a better leader than most of these pushover politicians. America needs someone who believes in tough love but also has a big heart. Were looking at you guys. Here now anyone that Victim Rights advocate and California Sister Katina was murdered its got to be shocking to your conscious to see whats going on in california with this prison situation. They are just going to give pedicures now or whatever else they think is valuable to rehab these vicious and heinous killers. How does that make you feel as someone that suffered so much already . When i heard what the governor was doing, the reaction was just visceral and all that ran through my mind is all the victims i know that are associated with like mark close who i was with when the governor told him point black he was putting moratorium on the Death Penalty. Just salt in the wound of these victims. It is so despicable that this governor is cherry picking a sentence out of a law that all of us victims worked hard to pass to streamline the Death Penalty and he cherry picks something that benefits his arrogance as he tries to rule california and ruin justice for victims. Jesse if you know the governor there and using your taxpayer dollars, paying for all sorts of therapy sessions. And promoting this healing, beautiful environment for these killers. You are not getting any of this money. You are not getting any therapy paid for by the taxpayer. Its the people that killed people. They are the ones that are being basically bowed down to, lets say these people. Why do you think they have such a backwards approach . Governor newsom and his administration have completely shut the door on victims. And you are absolutely right, jesse. They have provided nothing for victims. Nor do d. They even reach out to them to see what the impact such as dismantling death row would have been on these victims. I cant answer why, except for that its a complete arrogance and their soft on Crime Policies that lead this nation on soft on Crime Policies. We are seeing the rise in violent crime, california and new york are leading the ways. It started with the no bail to all the soft policies and the early releases. And my heart goes out to the family of the two officers that were murdered today. Its just their arrogance of not caring about victims. Truly we have gone from a system that used to care about victims that is now just criminal justice and no victim justice. Jesse nina, my heart goes out to you and your family and everybody who suffered in california. It seems like is he pouring salt in the wounds there. And we have got to change that thank you so much. Thank you. Jesse also here tonight louisiana senator john kennedy. I mean, senator kennedy, first they dont want you to go prison and then when you do go to prison for a heinous crime, they want to make it as cushy and as favorable as possible. Why do you think they want to do that . Because they are woke. With respect to crime. I would rather be forced to listen to o. J. Jokes for the rest of eternity than to take the advice of President Biden or Governor Newsom. They are both nauseously woke. And one of the cardinal tenets of wokeism is that the criminal is the victim. The victim isnt the victim. The criminal is the victim. Wokers believe that no one should have to accept responsibility. They believe that its always someone elses faulted. And their motto is hear no evil, see no evil, prosecute no evil. Now, fortunately, most americans, at least those who have the iq of above a sloth understand thats not the way the real world works. Most americans understand that unfortunately, and for whatever reason, there are some people in our society, jesse, who are not sick, they are not confused. They are not mixed up. Its not that their momma or daddy didnt love them enough. They are just bad. Or at least they do very bad things. And thats why we have to have prisons. And with respect to those people who say oh my gosh, im in prison, isnt this terrible, i would say, look, if you dont want to go to prison, dont do illegal stuff. But the corollary to that is, what you allow is what will continue. Jesse you are right. And if you do do really bad stuff, we have to send folks like that antisociety to prison. Otherwise, you are just going to get more of the same. And, unfortunately, i hate that im sorry to have to say it, but both President Biden and Governor Newsom have adopted this jaundiced view of reality. Jesse when you are at the Senate Cafeteria and you guys are drinking the little milks, you know, or you peal it open like that or may be sitting around the Table Gossipping from some colleagues from the other side of the aisle, do you sense that some of your democratic colleagues are getting the anger that is erupting across the country about this outofcontrol crime or is it just kind of going in one ear and out the other . Will. No, i think they get it. Jesse they do . Why arent they doing anything about it or saying anything . There have a variety of reasons. Some of my democratic colleagues. Of course some of my democratic colleagues, as is their right. Some of them are woke. Others are scared of the wokers. Others dont want to cross President Biden. They started well, they didnt, some of the wokers started the defund and disrespect the police movement. They tolerated it President Biden allowed it to happen. And you see the result. Its safer to walk down the streets of mogadishu than it is to walk down the streets of new york. And i have said this before. Chicago and to some extent my city in louisiana, new orleans, that i love to death. They have become the Worlds Largest outdoor shooting ranges. What you allow is what will continue. And as long as we allow this, the criminals are not going to be unhappy with this. And they are going to keep committing crimes. Jesse its common sense but you are exactly right. Senator kennedy, thank you so much for joining primetime. Thank you, jesse. Jesse primetime is sensing major tremors in clinton world. We will tell you what that means next. Ife knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of this is who i am. Oh my goodness. Wow, look at all those you get hungry for more and then youre just like, wow, im learning about my family. yeah, yep. Which one, whatd you find . Lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan . Look at grandma. Hey grandma unbelievable. Everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. Ohhh. Cool. This whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. Jesse some things in life are constant. The sun will rise tomorrow morning. The jets will have a losing record. I will have good hair day. You can set your watch to it. Another one of those things to expect like death and taxes, Hillary Clinton will claw her way back to power things are getting a little tight at the clinton foundation. Bill and hillary arent in power anymore so the bribes i mean the donations have dried up. The clintons need to get a healthy cash flow. The only way they know how. As joe biden floundering Shirley Circling around him like a Vulture Prospecting for any opportunity to take the throne. And what better time than now . Just last night she stepped back into the political spotlight for the First Time Since 2020. Headlines a top Dollar Fundraiser for Ohio Senate Candidate tim ryan. Notice biden wasnt the headliner. And in a recent suffolk poll she is beating biden in florida this poll has been bouncing around all day through the world. Democrats are desperate and so is hillary. So desperate she has gone full trump on china. Listen. China has disrupted the markets. China is not a free market economy. We tried. We let them in to the world trade organization. We set our businesses over there. We made trail deals. They are a controlled top down economy. You will never compete and win against them unless you take back the means of production. Jesse wasnt it her husband bill that paved the way for china to get into the wto . Just throw bill right under the bus. Wouldnt be the first time she stepped on him on the way to the top. Here now fox news senior political analyst brit hume. Am i making too much of this, brit . I am sensing something. Are you sensing anything there . Well, if your point is that she would love to be back in power. You are obviously absolutely right. But i think you would have to city stage you would have to say that she is a long shot. It was said of her back in 2020 the only democratic candidate that donald trump could have beaten so whats her slogan going to be . Vote for me, democrats, i did what i did what joe biden couldnt do. I lost to donald trump. You know, i think, you know, if you drill down on this a little bit. Yes, going out and participating in fundraisers for candidates in your party, thats a classic way that you try to build up ious so that you know, elected officers or other politicians in your party will support you are when the time comes. You look back to the comeback made by Richard Nixon way back in the day. When he was thought out of brings and yet he ended up being president. And that was part of how he did it. So, its a tried and true way. I think you would have to think that in her case its kind of a long shot. One sentence, jesse, that the country may be may be ready to turn away from this whole generation of leaders. After all, if she got in this and she would be 77 years old. Nearly as old as biden is now. When election day rolled around in 2024. I think the public may now think that this generation of subgeneral Native American leaders is passed its sell by date and time to move on into the future. Jesse if you look into the future the president so damaged politically she might be the only mainstream viable establishment democrat to even get the nomination, say there is a hot war in ukraine and china moves on taiwan and the North Koreans keep firing off missiles and the fed raises rates and the market tanks, gas goes up to 4 a gallon. You could have the most politically wounded president of all time. Hillary could be the only one to save the democratic party. Brit thats one way of looking at it, jesse. There is another way to look at it as well. Thats this. I think we have learned the last couple of election cycles, there are a couple things, you want to be able to motivate your own base. Maybe, just maybe, even at this late stage of her career, hillary could still motivate democrats to come out and vote for her. You have to be very careful not to motivate the base of the other party even more. Jesse thats right. Brit which is exactly what hillary did in 2016, and exactly what donald trump did in 2020. Jesse you are right about that. Brit he racked up a turnout of republicans, yes. But democrats even more so. And after all, joe biden won the election. And i think, look, i think he is in trouble and his chances in 2024 look shaky to me. I have to wonder if the country isnt ready to say okay, enough of these old folks. Enough of trump. Enough of biden, enough of Hillary Clinton, lets look for a new generational leader. Jesse i can see that i definitely agree there. Thank you so much, brit hume, always welcome on prime time. Thank you. Jesse animals are just like us. They fight, they take drugs. And gamble apparently. Well, we followed the science and you will not believe where it led us. Jis jess cocaine puppies, crunchen mice, Transgender Monkeys, Fist Fighting Hamsters and pigeons with a gambling addiction. These arent looney to ans victims of real life scientific studies paid for by you the american taxpayer. For decades dr. Anthony fauci nationals institutes of health has taken your money and used it to fund dozens of twisted experiments. Here are just a couple. They have spent over 2. 3 million Injecting Beagles with cocaine. They have spent nearly a Million Dollars to a South American Yorst train mice to binge drink booze in the dark. Fauci gave 200 gs to create Transgender Monkeys by injecting males with female hormones, the reason . To study hiv rates in transgender women . Really . They paid a college in portland, oregon almost half a mill to teach pigeons how to play the slots. And they have spent 3 million on a Hamster Fight Club. They made Northeastern University researches to juice up hamsters with steroids and cocaine and made them brawl. Why . To study road rage. Thankfully pet that got the fight club shut down. Working on humans too. The nih is bribing gay and transgender boys as young as 13 to report their sexual conquests this is without parental consent, of course. These frivolous studies sound like they were conceived by Mad Scientists on aacid trip. What a sadistic abuse of taxpayer money, except for the Hamster Fight Club which i would watch. Just kidding. Joining me now Vice President of Public Policy for a white coat waste project justin goodman. All right, justin. I mean, lets start with the Transgender Monkeys, they dont need an identity crisis. You are injecting them with hormones. They just want to scratch and swing from trees. Why would they do that . The nih is addicted to spending. Unfortunately animals and taxpayers have been paying the fries for decades as you said. The nih wastes about 20 billion with a b 20 billion a year on these types of wasteful Animal Experiments that range from the stupid like putting fish on treadmills to the is a disstick like scaring monkeys with fake snakes and spiders something happening now at a cost of 50 million to tangsz pairs. Our group exposed that. Jesse scaring monkeys with snakes . They can get scared in the jungle like that. Why do we have to spend 50 million on it. They want to know if you suck out a part of the monkeys brain that controls fear thousand he had would respond when you put a Rubber Snake Jetion jes i will save 50 million if you suck out the brain part that fear probably wont be scared. Fish on a treadmill . My 10monthold knows thats dumb. Some of it just down right scary like the experiments into wuhan that Anthony Fauci was sending money to. People should understand that those are Animal Experiments also. Bats in the wild jesse where are they getting the cocaine to give to the beagles. The dea has a stash that they provide, i think. Jesse they seize narcotics from the cartels and then they just hand it over to fauci and he cuts up a few lines for some beagles . You. I dont know the details of it but they maintain a stash of cocaine for experiments like this. Jesse i think they are doing the cocaine and coming up with these wicked experiments. Why was the was the dog wearing a lab coat by the way . They fit the beagle puppies, these are 6monthold puppies fit them with the coats that infuse cocaine directly into their veins because obviously they are not going to snort it. Jesse a cocaine vest . I think i know what im getting gutfeld for christmas. [laughter] im joking but its not funny. Its sad. Its really sad. And its a total waste of money. I mean, we could use the money. Bacon is 10 now. Its unbelievable. I think fauci should give the money back and the cocaine to be perfectly honest and we have a report on fauci coming up later in the show and we will have you back on because i think it gets worse. Thank you so much. Justin. Thanks, jesse. Jesse Rage In America at an alltime high. How to deal with stressed out maniacs. A Special Report next. Dry eye symptoms driving you crazy . Inflammation might be to blame. Time for ache and burn over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Thosell probably pass by me xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. Xiidra . No it can provide lasting relief. Xiidra is the only fdaapproved nonsteroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if youre allergic to xiidra. Common side effects, include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye or any surface. After using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. Talk to an eye doctor about xiidra. I prefer you didnt. Xiidra. Not today, dry eye. Seeing blood when you brush or floss i prefer you didnt. Can be a sign of early gum damage. New parodontax active gum repair kills Plaque Bacteria at the gum line. To help keep the gum sealed tight. mail recipient 1 thank you. Thats open. mail recipient 2 all the mail is open. mail recipient 4 so this ones open too. delivery man yeah, that ones open. mail recipient 5 why are you delivering mail to me thats open . delivery man dont worry nobody read them. mail recipient 6 and thats okay . delivery man oh that looks kind of serious. mail recipient 6 you cannot just bring me mail thats already opened. Jesse fox news alert. Sad news tonight for all the socialists watching. Alexandria ocasiocortez, the kids call other a. O. C. Has Just Announced she is taking a break from twitter. You can thank primetime for this. Last night we showed you what a. O. C. Was really doing at work, which is nothing. She literally does nothing. She gets paid 174 k a year just to tweet and chant slogans with the squad. And now, she is taking a break from twitter after fleeing new york to party maskless in Ron Antioxidants florida and then being exposed by primetime. Just over a week primetime has sent Rachel Maddow and aoc on a little hiatus. We are just here to serve. Americans are stressed. After two years of a pandemic, the experts wont admit is over. Punctuated with record high crime, inflation and supply chain crisis, were beginning to crack. Shockings road rage instances like these are becoming all too familiar. The guy just cut him off. This isnt an isolated incident either. At a Golden Corral outside of philly, a 40 person brawl broke out after the buffet reportedly ran out of steak. [screaming] jesse i mean i get cranky when im hungry but not like that. This isnt normal behavior. This is a symptom of much large earthquake, a society fed up, cant control themselves and resorted taking out stress on their fellow american. Here now host of the Wilko Majority on sirius xm. Whats going on here, andrew. And this is not normal. This goes back to what you said at the top of the show about disciplining children. We have been treating grown adults. Mature men and women like children, putting masks on their faces, telling them when to show up for vaccines. Saying you cant go out to dinner or to a concert or to a Family Barbecue or to christmas unless do you what big momma and big papa government say. Now grown adults are starting to act like children. Jesse they act like children and we dont punish them. You can go smack someone over the head with a child seat in the middle of a Golden Corral probably knock them unconscious and they walk out of jail. Why would anyone be surprised by this . We have taken a fully functioning free society and put it on lockdown, if that doesnt make you appreciate freedom and limited government and being an adult and personal responsibility, i dont know what is going to make you into a mature adult at this point. There might even be something more nefarious on this. There is a certain jealousy of how the chinese treat their people. They are on lockdown our governing elites are like i want some of that i will be over at the met gala maskless. They are licking their chops with what they see over there maybe they need some cocaine vests. That will calm people down. You know, maybe make them run on a treadmill after drinking too much booze. Anything now is on the table. We got to get this under control. Because i do not want a child seat thrown at my head when the steak is not ready. Yeah. I mean, like you said, cranky like a kid. Dont throw the infant chair. Jesse dont throw the infant chair. If you do you know what . Duck. Or you should get in trouble. Jesse you should get in trouble. Lock them up. Thank you very much andrew will co. Check him out on sirius. Tom brady who most of the country hated now hate him too. A lesson on how not to retire. Barstool dave portnoy is here and he is not happy. Plus, Anthony Fauci owns a restaurant and we are going to be taking a look at the menu. With my hectic life youd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. Thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. Voya helps me feel like ive got it all under control. Voya. Well planned. Well invested. Well protected. Jesse after 22 seasons and seven super bowl rings, tom brady is officially hanging up his helmets and retiring from the nfl. Brady confirming it today putting out a statement thanking the buccaneers and the city of tampa. Nowhere in 8 page instagram statement was any mention of his former team the new england patriots. Why would he snub the franchise he built a dynasty with and the place he called home for 20 years . Many people always thought brady was a class act. So whats going on here . Well, some think his wife gizelle is behind it all. Many think he is the reason he left new england in the first place. And was a deciding factor in his decision to retire. Patriot fans are obviously upset with how it all went down. Especially bar stools dave portnoy. Listen. What do you play 100 years in tampa, dude you were there three seconds. If you want to thank tampa, fine. I didnt see the patriots mentioned. You are not going to mention mr . Jetion jess joining Me Now Barstools president dave portnoy. You can get on his app. The super bowl is up now. I saw dave you were pretty hot earlier today. Have you calmed down at all . Well, calmed down a little bit. Im going to give him until i almost dead him. When i dead them they never come back. Some memories and done so much for the community and a part of boston. I decided i would give him until after his hall of fame speech. But if he does the hall of fame speech, and tampa this, tampa that and none of the patriot talk. He will just be another guy to me. He will be dead to me, which stinks. Because tom brady, this is bigger than football. Like obviously won the super bowl, thats great. He is part of 20 years kids growing up. Families. Is he like a kennedy. He is larry bird. You dont get these guys. To see that speech 3,000 words like moby dick and intentionally, its intentional. Everything he does is intentional. He doesnt mention the patriots once . Yeah it, hurt. I know he left. Maybe he had a dispute with belichick, who knows. Say something to the patriot fans. I know you always get oh he doesnt oh anything. We were through the wars with hill. With deflate gate. Expi gate. I went to jail. I got the cops involved in my life three times. They have all been defending tom brady. So it hurts. It hurts. Jesse it hurt. You got arrested for the guy. He owes you a Little Something at least thats on your record. You know, its on your permanent record, dave. You cant get that expunged. We found something that you have to see to believe. Anthony fauci, a good friend of yours. I know he is at your house on the weekend constantly. He owns a restaurant portnoy. He owns a restaurant. We didnt know this in San Francisco of all places called the jackson fill more i dont know how to pronounce it sounds fancy. Italian home style cooking in the heart of San Francisco. You have got to review this thing. Is the barstool app. Are we going to review this . This thing needs a review. So you are telling me they got pizza there . If they have pizza i will review and it fair and down the middle. Thats how i always am. Jesse you are going to be fair and down the middle with faucis pizza . You think anybody believes that . I will be fair. I dont like a lot of things he has done but pizza is pizza. You have got to keep it down the middle. You have to. Jesse pizza here and fauci all the way up here. Destroyed the country. Destroyed all these Small Businesses that you so generously bailed out. You are not going to have uninkling of bias when you are reviewing a slice with fauci cooking it . Im the most unbiased human who ever lived. Even if i wanted to give him a bad score i wouldnt be capable. D. A. Be honest. Jesse thats what everybody thinks, honest dave. We will have to have you review it and send someone too. Barstool sports giving tom brady just a few days and then he is dead. No, he has got until the hall of fame. Jesse until the hall of fame. But the clock is ticking. All right, dave, thank you. The Global Warming loans have warming loons Haveinvited Themsr Kitchen and be reading your texts. Apparently you have some thoughts about my assistant johnny. man 1 vo im living with cll and Thanks To Imbruvica man 2 vo im living longer. vo imbruvica is a Prescription Medicine for adults with cll or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Imbruvica is not chemotherapy its the 1 prescribed oral therapy for cll, proven to help people live longer. Imbruvica can cause serious side effects, which may lead to death. Bleeding problems are common and may increase with blood thinners. Serious infections with symptoms like fevers, chills, weakness or confusion and severe decrease in blood counts can happen. Heart rhythm problems and Heart Failure may occur especially in people with increased risk of heart disease, infection, or past heart rhythm problems. 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Jesse something prime time is noticing is a relentless attack on progress. The internal combustion engine, natural gas, nuclear power, bottled water, and even medicine. So we are puzzled by this because why would people want your life to be more difficult and more expensive . First, the state of california wanted to take away your gas powered lawn mowers. Then they wanted to ban your fridge because its causing Global Warming. While keeping your leftovers call. And now theyve moved on to other parts of your kitchen. Gas powered stoves and ovens are now enemy number one. The greens believe gas stoves create too many emissions and they want them phased out. And are demanding we switch to Electric Stoves. The only problem, Electric Stoves are terrible. But dont take my word for it. The center chef andrew groll, owner of slap fish, and raymond arroyo, Fox News Contributor and ewtn news managing editor. All right, so i agree, but just tell the audience in case they dont know, why Electric Stoves are so terrible. Especially for a chef. Yeah, look, im going to be really delicate and sensitive with my words. This is the most thing that ive heard in probably two years, and think about what we heard over the past two years. We would do a better job helping the environment by putting n95 underpants on cows, thats how this is. And this is also the same party that things would get a powerpoint by planting a light bulb. Electric stoves, you cant do anything with it. This will complete we change the face of cooking. Were going to be microwaving absolutely everything. Just imagine, go to your next barbecue and we break out for a 5 microamps. You be better of Cooking Barbecue by bottling up all the hot air on the view and basing your pork in that juice. This is absurd. And when we talk about the seriousness of this, this is a tax on the lower class. The amount of money this will take to retrofit and rip a lot of these ethnic kitchens part that rely on things like the walk or just the flame, fire, right . Thats not new. We all love fire, so this is absurd. Jesse this is an attack on the wok. I never thought about it that way, people love their woks here in the united states. Raymond arroyo, i mean, first of all, dont come into my kitchen, thats a sacred place. If youre going to come in, dont try to retrofit because when i hear retrofit, i just see dollar signs. Jesse, they are worried about methane emissions. Thats what this is really about. The two biggest commuters of methane are Livestock Flatulence and open wells. Biden is capping those open wells and i guess the green folks can run with ziploc bags after, you know, cows, and try to catch it. Thats a way to go. But my question is this. They want everyone to segue to Electric Stoves. 59 of electricity is produced by coal and natural gas, which gets you back to methane. So i dont quite understand how this is a solution. I guess eventually jesse i dont think they thought that far ahead. They will have us cooking with lemon juice, thats the only thing we will be able to use i guess to get the parasites and bacteria out of our food. If that doesnt work too well with gumbo, so im not going down that route. Leave my open flame alone. Jesse leave my open flame alone you sound like a founding father. All right, chef, raymond, thank you so much, i am enlightened. And you will be too when we read your texts. Marlene from boston. Way to scare off bado, jesse, keep it up and Wheel Of Fortune will go on sabbatical too. We are coming for you, vanna. Brock from new york. Funny how the irs is tracking people who spend 600, but doesnt seem to think the blm organization is worth looking into. Great point. Ruth from texas. I love you, jessie. However, the view is not allowed in this house for even one second. You keep showing idiotic things they say. They are. They do not deserve airtime, dont lower your exulted self to their level. Exalted. I would agree. From Ocean Springs mississippi, johnny was the bomb. David from new brownsville, texas. Yes he, yes to johnny, johnny on the spot. Can be the name of the segments. Johnny on the spot. Wait a second, thats it, its going to be jotting on the spot. I think we just coined it. Waters world, now johnny on the spot, i like it. John from dallas, texas. I think johnny is flaky, but lets see him lets see more of him. He add something to your show. Not sure what, but definitely something. I agree on all of that, flaky, we are still trying to understand the value of johnny. All right. And its all gone to his head and hes now calling agents to get himself signed. Text me any time, the text thing is really a hit. We are getting less porn which my producers appreciate, still getting a little but not as much as we got the first week so i just wanted to thank you for sending us less. And you can send anything you want a voice mails. Were going to have a special voice mail edition, because you guys up and leaving us some really ridiculous voice mails, so were going to be playing some of those. If some of them sound like the alec baldwin voice mail to his daughter. Like really vicious. But some of them are familyfriendly and we are going to be playing those soon. Thank you for everything tonight. Tucker carlson tonight is up next and always remember, i waters, and is is my world. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Here is something we noticed, you may have noticed it too. All of a sudden, pretty much every powerful person in the countrys talk about something called democracy. Democracy our sacred democracy you hear that word everywhere, from the atlantic to npr, to the new York Magazine and every news in between. Democracy defines the year 2022 the way that groovy defined

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