Flag were up and instead of adding the thin blue line flag, which the family had requesteg e thd, they instead the town decided to lower the pride flag. help mr the pre out with the loc of this. >> yeah, i mean, first of all, pete, the most important thing we should do is honor officer pelletier. ur tthat'she o, the conversatib should be having. that is national news where the policee ewsworth officer was killed kile while trying to serveyi his communitng ty and that's the danger that comes with the job. i've got both of my brothers in law here at mers iny house. they're firemen. they go to work everye single day and risk their lives in one way or another, lead men and women that d oo the weos can do is show them not just respect, but that we understand that when they go to work every day, they drive through their battlefield, they pass, t the apartment building where they save lives, the intersection where they couldn'e livet save a chil. they go through that trauma every single day just to serveoh and get paid cents on the dollar of what they should. if you're offendedar o by a flac specifically designed to honor that sacrificeal because some idiot tried to use it