simply by arming zelenskyy and the ukrainian people and letting them do their own fighting here. i don't think the leader ofor the free world and operateld frm a position of fear. do you know? i thinkk historically any time you assure an enemy what you're not going to do, you're insuring them that they will do it and biden is always telling putin what we're not going to do and that's a mistake. you know, we've had kind of a missile sprechen it's not just in ukraine after afghanistan and this administration north korea let off more missiles in january than it has in its entire history. and then we had iran jump in and send missiles pretty close to a consulate and we have putin send missiles near b the polish border. remember i thinkme it was in october the chinese sent a 80% sonic missile. so alle, of these players have been watching afghanistan and this administration re t knowre thinking, youou