that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful, responsible way by doj and the fbi. i think the notion that fisa was abused is nonsense. >> sean: nonsense. yet another lie. comey knew it was garbage and unverifiable rumors and speculation and he was warned multiple times. and even christopher steele, under oath, when he heard this he should have gone back. i have no idea of any of it is true. that is why he repeatedly denied that it was used as the bulk of information in the fisa applications that we now know also was a lie. that means nunes was right, and that means graham was right and the schiff show, he lied repeatedly too. take a look. >> you call the dossier unverified, salacious. why did you use that for the fisa cortes core surveillance for carter page? not only used it, but you lead with that. a bulk of that pfizer

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