Transcripts For FOXNEWS Greta Van Susteren 20110106

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landfill. but first, it's official. the republicans take control of the house of representatives and former house speaker nancy pelosi passes the gavel to john boehner, the new speaker of the house. [gavel pounding] >> the house will come to order. >> the honorable john a. boehner, a representative-elect of the state of ohio! >> the honorable nancy pelosi, a representative from the great state of california! >> the honorable john a. boehner of the state of ohio is duly elected speaker of the house of representatives... [cheers and applause] >> i now pass this gavel and the sacred trust that goes with it to the new speaker. god bless you, speaker boehner. >> hard work and tough decisions will be required of the worn 12th congress. no longer can we fall short. no longer can we kick the can down the road. the people have voted to end business as usual. and today, we begin to carry out their instructions. [cheers and applause] >> welcome to the 112th congress. [cheers and applause] >> you solemnly swear or affirm that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states? >> i do. >> congratulations. [cheers and applause] >> before we get to the republican takeover of the house, the big buzz in washington is: are you going to run for president in 2012? >> i think that came up because i am planning a series of speeches down in iowa. that's my home state. i was born in iowa. but i am planning to talk about why we -- make sure that we repeal president obam in 2012, just like we had a repeal of speaker pelosi in the house. >> now, my question: are you going to run in 2012? >> i am not focused on my personal ambitions. i am focused to continue that we do not continue down the road. i brought one chart i want to share with you. this is the debt accumulated under president bush, all of these red lines. this is two years under president obama. that's what i'm nervous about. that's why i'm very committed to doing whatever i can to make sure that we don't have a second term for president obam a. so i am going to add my voice to that conversation in the next two years. >> one last question on this: what would -- i upon you haven't said no. you haven't said yes, but you haven't said no. what are your considerations? what would convince you that maybe you should run for president? what would discourage you? >> i think that's the wrong question to ask for the next year. i think the next year shouldn't be about personality, but it is about making sure the people know what the issues are, what the principles are because i think a year from now -- i mean, can you imagine two years of speculating about who the nominee will be? >> but someone's going to announce in the next couple of weeks. >> that's fatiguing. it is boring. i think what we need to do is make sure we understand, this is very serious business. i am committed to making sure that this will not be our future because the debt ceiling is a huge issue. we cannot continue to make those decisions. so i want to make speeches about this issue because people in my district are very, very concerned about this level of debt and the spending accumulation. we have to be very serious about it. we cannot afford a second term for barack obama. >> let me move on the debt ceiling. that's going to be brought up. are you going to vote for raising the debt ceiling or not? >> i am voting against raising the debt ceiling. >> why? >> because this is what we have been doing, under president bush, we have been raising the debt ceiling. it's like if the viewers spend their credit card and the limit goes up higher and higher and higher. that's what we are doing on the debt ceiling. this is under president obam a. this is our future under president obama if we continue to go down this road. we can't just have a knee-jerk response where we raise the debt ceiling. we have to have cuts. i had my staff put together cuts today. we came up with $450 billion in cuts. i think for all of my colleagues, senate or house, republican or democrat. we have to put our green eye shades on. i encourage every member to have their staff go to cuts. i can tell you, quite clearly threnful. but we have to do this, though. >> if we don't do the cuts and the debt ceiling isn't raised, what happens? >> it's a very unhappy scenario to go forward. and i don't want us to go down that road. it doesn't necessarily mean that government shuts down. but it means our credit rating could be hurt. i don't want to go to that direction. but i am also not seeing people coming up with actual cuts that we need to make. for the next two months, our discussion can't be, will we or won't we raise the debt ceiling. it needs to be get down to business and actually make cuts rather than raise the ceiling once again because we are kicking down the can -- the can down the road. and right now, when you look at our debt to gdp ratio, what that means basically is how much of everything that is consumed in the united states is government debt that we are creating. we are at a scary level. we are just a couple of years behind greece, so to speak. so we need to make sure that we are not contributing to that problem. that's what these charts show that, we are going the way of greece and ireland. and i don't know anyone in your viewing audience that wants to do. i certainly don't. so we need to change our equation. >> congresswoman, thank you very much. when you are inclined to answer that question, i would love to have you back. always nice to see you. >> thank you. >> perhaps the most talked about man in washington today is the peeker of the house, john boehner. it's time for the inside story. his brothers, bob and jerry boehner went on the record. this is a big day for you. >> oh, yeah, a big day, yeah. >> why? tell me what it means to you. >> i think since the election, we have been anxiously awaiting this day, with all the pride we have in our brother and what he has been able to accomplish. now he's got an even bigger job. and it's just -- to see him fulfill one of his life goals is really gratifying to us. >> all right. let's have a number -- this is a big family. you can name the children in this family? >> bob at the top. right here. there is john, steve, there is nancy, rick, drew, greg, linda, pete, myself. susan and michael. >> that's a big family. that's huge. >> oh, come on. >> after five or six, i start messing up. >> in terms of growing up, you didn't grow up -- >> no. >> how did you grow up? >> we grew up middle class, you know. i mean, we had everything we needed, but we were conservative because a big family, huto be conservative. you can't -- we didn't have extra money. if you wanted a car, you had to go out and work for it. >> what doesn't the speaker want us to know about him -- growing up? i see you roll your eyes. >> i am thinking of what -- you know, some of the things that -- some of the stunts he pulled to have fun. i mean, i talk about the time he took on a motorcycle ride down the house to get to work or something and it's a sharp bend going down the hill and he did it at 50 miles per hour, scared the hell out of me. he thought it was funny. i never been on a motorcycle since and that was probably 40, 45 years ago. >> i am the youngest. so i get bossed around. you are down near the bottom. was he bossy to you? >> oh, yeah. he was like a third parent. they would be going to work and mom would be cooking and john would make sure everything's in order and everybody had their homework done and he took charge. >> it's so fun tow hear you call him john. i think of him as speaker boehner. >> i had been asked what are we going to call him? we call him john most of the time or 'bro. he's still my brother. >> he's emotional. we -- that is sort of it -- has he always been emotional like that? >> oh, so many questions i have had today about that. i talked to him about that a little bit this morning. as we got older, vigotten more emotional about some things. i think he has gotten that way, too. i don't think he was always that way. but i think he thinks about mom and dad on a day like this. when have you successes and you can't show your mom and dad, i think that was -- so he tried not to focus on that. i think he tried to focus on his speech today and not look up at the family. and i think that helped him hold it together. >> now, he's probably never going to give us another interview again because visome pictures. this one, college. >> college. graduated from xavier university. >> he has some long hair there. >> oh, yeah. that was probably, what? 19-- 75. >> 77. >> then we have a picture when he was almost boy congressman. >> yeah. that's when he was... i guess it was the state house. >> 1989. >> that's with your parents? >> yeah. >> and then this is one of my favorites. he will never do another interview with me. >> that's my sister has my wrath over this picture. >> this one? why? >> because i'm the tall one. he's the little one in that picture. >> does it bother you when people say mean things about him? every single politician gets wiped? >> for me, i have more of a thick skin about it. i think john has a really thick skin about it. >> first tkind of got to my. after you hear it, you go, they don't really knew him. if they really knew him, they wouldn't sayful say half the th. >> it's always hard on the family. it's terribly difficult. >> the questions, something about his tan and stuff is what -- it didn't bother him. but it bothered me because i was answering the question all the time. we have four other brothers and one of my sisters are very dark complected because mom was dark complected. but a lot of media types, it was an easy tag to put him on the golf course, playing golf. he tans and some of the pictures when we were 10, 11 years old, one of the interviews he told diane sawyer, he said that brown one in the middle, that was me. it shocked a lot of people. a lot of people in this town maybe not believe the stuff he told them about his life until they start digging a little bit. >> next, senator lindsay graham goes on the record. sure, the republicans control the house. but what's going to happen in the u.s. senate? democrats still own the senate. senator graham is here. and a man who worked for three presidents, found dead in a landfill. tonight, there are new clues and even a new video. rush limbaugh, he shares his mother of all rules. what is it? rush will tell you himself, coming up. the smell of home made chili whatever scents fill your household, purina tidy cats scoop helps neutralize odors in multiple cat homes... keeping your house smelling like it should. purina tidy cats scoop. keep your home smelling like home. >> greta: republicans are sitting pretty tonight but only in the house of representatives not in the senate. democrats still control the senate. what is the plan f >> what is the plan for the republican senators? senator lindsey graham joins us. good evening. first news today, senator claire mccaskill, a u.s. senator from missouri has said congress should pursue alternatives to requirement for individuals to purchase health insurance. in other words, she says we should do something different than the individual mandate. lousy time to be saying that. >> at the end of the day i'm glad she is looking at something different. the bill that passed last year on christmas eve was a terrible bill for america. it consolidated more health care in the government and the government can't afford the health care obligations we have. it took the private sector and turned it upside down. individual mandate, medicaid expansion, in my state in 2014, 29% of the people in south carolina will be eligible for medicaid, a billion dollars more for south carolina to come up with to get -- did their matching par. i'm glad she is willing to reconsider the bill. >> greta: i look at it differently. you are a gentleman you say you are glad she is reconsidering. i'm thinking where she was she at the beginning? states have begun to do things. litigation in the federal court. this is not the time to all of a sudden decide, after she has voted for it and changed her mind only because missouri has 71% of the missouri people in all said we don't like the man day. >> it is too late. it is expensive. >> i had strom thurmond and joe biden said never question another senator's motives. at the end of the day, if she is willing to look at a new way of doing health care it would be good for the country. 71% of the country in missouri said they didn't like the individual mandate. she is listening to her people. if more senators would listen to the american people about this bill we could start over and get a bill we all could be proud off. -- could be proud of. it is going to pass the house to repeal the health care bill we need 60 votes in the senate because of the filibuster rule. the same democrats complaining about republicans for two years use use -- years using that filibusters will resort to that tactic. i welcome her vote. >> greta: nice thins to say about senator kyl, republican from maine not democrat, [ unintelligible ] she has written a letter to the head of fema, last time we did a segment about the fact there's 160,000 applicants which are questionable for fema funds, 643 million dollars in improper disaster aid was spent. senator collins at least is now all over fema to give us some answers. >> you have done a good job talking about government waste. let's not lose sight where america stands. 14 trillion deficit. a trillion dollar debt. a trillion dollar deficit a year we are spending more than a trillion more than we bring in a year. when you look at social security and medicare those perhaps are 40 something trillion short of the money they will need to pay benefits the next 75 years. here's some hope, senator warner and chambliss, one republican and run democrat are trying to get 20 senators together to look at the debt commission report and take out of that commission some ideas that will change our situation. i'm hopeful they are successful. our country is on the verge of financial ruin. now is the time to be adults up here. talk about america's future. we have more in common. if we don't turn this debt situation around and deal with social security and medicare, our children and grandchildren are not going to have any chance to make it. i hope 2011 is the year of getting something done. >> greta: indeed, i think probably the american people do. >> i hope so. i'm really worried, we are hurting as a nation. we have high unemployment but we have obligations we've committed ourselves to that are not going to be paid off without massive tax increases or benefit cuts. if you get started now you can do this without a lot of pain. every year we waste, it makes it harder. >> greta: always nice to see you. did president obama get caught in a giant flip-flop? lou dobbs is next. >> we have new video evidence in the case of john wheeler, the murdered man who worked for three presidents. could this be the clue that helps solve this murder mystery? you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ >> greta: every politician's nightmare is getting caught in a flip-flop who is getting accused of flip-flopping? president obama. he says it is critical we raise the nation's debt ceiling. is that how he always felt? flip-flop or not? lou dobbs went on the record. nice to see you. >> great to be with you. >> greta: the big debate is whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. i suspect it is going to be raised. your thought on whether it should be? >> it has to be raised. with conditions. all important conditions i believe. the background and the noise that is rising around this issue, really is in fact very helpful to regaining control of our fiscal policy, which we haven't been in control of for several decades now. this time it is critical. it is urgent. i believe it has to be handled responsibly. i hope all parties involved will be responsible in that. the president's chair of the council of economic advisers talking about catastrophe if there is a significant debate with the republicans on this issue. i consider that to be hyperbole at its best. senator demint talking a showdown. i hope it is a showdown about ideas and principles not one over the actual debt ceiling. that would be unfortunate. responsible contestses of ideas are critically important. -- >> greta: iner of the debt. to make this symbol understand. is it like where you have a credit card $1,000 on your line of credit you run up to $1,000 and you realize you need more credit and you call the company and say can you extend it to $2,000. is that essentially what we are doing? >> essentially, yes. but quite a few differences. if i may, this president, refused to support an increase in the debt ing in 2006. it is -- debt ceiling in 2006. when he refused as senator to support the rise in the debt ceiling that was just under nine trillion. only a little over four years ago. this debt ceiling is already at 14.3 trillion. that's 65% higher, in less than five years than it was when he said no to the very thing he's asking for. >> greta: what he said was at the time when he voted no, he said the fact that we are here today to debate raising america's debt is a sign of leadership failure. that's what he said then. he added washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today meaning 2006, on to the backs of our children and grandchildren. so here we are, six years later or four years later, excuse my math. we are doing the same thing. we are raising it. now of course he's a strong advocate for it. >> how the roles have changed. he was right in 2006. it is a statement, clear statement unequivocal statement of a failure of leadership. he is that leadership now. he is being joined by now a republican led congress that that has a responsibility to regain control of an out of control budget. this government is growing exponentially now in every quadrant of our society. it is beyond come hpbgs. >> greta: -- comprehension. >> greta: if it is a failure of leadership in '06 and we have the same situation now if he's part of a spending situation so we are getting a bigger problem should he not look in the mirror and think about his own start of stewardship in terms of handling the government? >> he certainly should. but he should have been doing precisely the same in my opinion, two years ago. think about this, in seven months, last year, june through december 31st, 2010 the national debt rose another trillion dollars. we are on a path to severe and i think urgent crisis without a real, real understanding of how we are going to control this government, its debt. we are spending four billion dollars more a month than we have. it's to end and soon. >> greta: indeed we'll have a lot of discussion about it here in washington. lou, as always, thank you. >> great to be with you. >> greta: next, new clue caught on video in the mystery surrounding murdered john wheeler. the man who worked for three presidents, before being killed and dumped in a landfill. what is in the video and why is it a clue? a full report, next. >> did you hear what rush limbaugh said? he says only within thing stands in the way of people who want to take over the country? what is it? rush, coming up. [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a. scholar. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspireby you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where u want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. ♪ let nothing stand in your way. what super fruit is taking sunsweet ones.orm? prunes? they're a delicious source of nutrients. wow! it's packaged by itself... that's fantastic! that is so juicy. this is delicious. sunsweet ones. over 400 million enjoyed, and counting. >> greta: could new video help solve the murder of john wheeler? a man who worked for three republican presidents before being killed and dumped in a landfill? it shows him in a parking garage disheveled and apparent lip disoriented two days before his body was found. griff jenkins is in delaware with the inside story on the video and new information about the case from police. >> reporter: we are with the lieutenant of the police department. you are the spokesman for the police department. what do we know? >> well, we became involved in this investigation on the morning of december 31st, after a bed of mr. wheeler was located at the landfill, in the -- after the body of mr. was located at the landfill. the investigation started with the wilmington police department when they were notified the body was observed dropping from the garbage truck. the truck that picked up the garbage made 10 stops within the city of newark, which is when we became involved. we have 10 trash dumpsters within our jurisdiction we've been searching to try to determine which dumpster he been dumped into. >> reporter: greta, our story begins here at the amtrak station in wilmington, delaware tuesday december 28th, john wheeler, the veteran of three republican administrations, the graduate of west point, harvard, yale, was believed to have gotten off the train at this station, having come from washington, d.c.. authorities haven't confirmed that wheeler was on that train. there are no eyewitnesses yet to come forward that saw him exit here at the station. wednesday evening the 29th, mr. wheeler was observed at the parking garage at the new castle county courthouse on video surveillance as well as miss goldsboro. what happened? >> it was 6 40 in the evening i was closing down a garage. an older guy knocked on the window. i noticed that he didn't have an overcoat one right shoe was in his hand. that strike me as being odd. he told me he just wanted to stand there and get warm. i let him know if he shut the doors the area would get heated. he stood there, he didn't look good to me. kind of confused. so, you know, i called my supervisor, i that there was a man in the garage who didn't look like well. he came, he talked to him. we talked to him. asked him where was his ticket at? he said in his briefcase. i asked where was his briefcase? he said his briefcase was stolen. >> reporter: he told you had he had been robbed? >> he just said his briefcase was stolen. >> reporter: seemed impaired like he was drunk? >> he didn't seem like he was drunk, to me, it seemed like he was almost suffering from dementia or something. >> reporter: holding one of his shoes in his hand? >> yes. >> reporter: didn't have a coat? >> no. >> reporter: did you call the security or the police? did he ask for -- >> he didn't ask for police. he told me he didn't -- he told me he didn't want me to call the police. i asked if he needed money he said he didn't. he walked around the garage. he walked up on the elevators and disappear. went up on the elevators next thing i soon him coming around the ramp. my supervisor was here by that time. my supervisor he directed him to a by an old hotel. he kept saying he think his car is by a garage in the hotel. we decked him to the hotel upon. the next time i soon mr. wheeler was in the newspaper. -- >> reporter: thursday, december 30th, newark police confirmed mr. wheeler was observed on video inside the building behind me at the corner of orange downtown wilmington. on the video mr. wheeler seems confused and disoriented as he had the day before. also on the video, police say many citizens approached mr. wheeler to see if he needed assistance, he>ñk8j?s ded it. imams from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at night until thursday the 30th. these are the last known whereabouts of mr. wheeler before his body appeared in the landfill. we are several miles from wheeler's home and further from wilmington the amtrak station where wheeler's journey began tuesday the 28th. this is one of 10 dumpsters that the dump truck from which wheeler's body was observed on the morning of the 31st, falling out of, this is one of 10 where his body was believed by policer(8 to are been dumpe. this one in particular is the first on the line of 10. the pick-up began at 4:20 a.m., you can see this is a busy shopping center parking lot. given it was the middle of the night perhaps there weren't eyewitnesses. but it is a busy area. off of a main route in a parking lot of a bank. perhaps it was here that his body was placed by one or more folks. as you can see this dumpster, it would be difficult to get a man of six feet, perhaps 200 pounds in here, ly difficult for one person to do it -- to do it, quickly. before 10 a.m., friday morning december 31st, new year's eve, john wheeler's body observed falling from a dump truck at the landfill in wilmington. all we know about the end of mr. wheeler's story is it ended here with confusing days leading up to it. the police have yet to determine the crime scene, whether it was in wilmington, newark or new castle, not that far from here. the family has requested privacy. the police continue their investigation this is where mr. wheeler's story ends. but many questions remain. >> greta: here is a look at what the is -- what the is coming up on the o'reilly factor. >> bill: how about that dog and pony show of nancy pelosi giving boehner the gavel. dennis miller is back. be very afraid. >> greta: o'reilly is at 11. we are live until the top of the hour. something else happened in washington today besides the new congress being sworn in. it involves illegal immigration, stay tuned. >> a wild best of the rest. rush limbaugh shares his mother of all rules. the queen laces up her dancing shoes, stay right here. [ male announcer ] is your current denture cleanser missing something? now you get a cleanser with scope freshness. ♪ new fixodent plus scope ingredients. ♪ cleans...kills germs that cause denture odors... and provides your dentures with the freshness of scope. ♪ new fixodent cleanser plus scope ingredients. >> from america's news headquarters, i'm ainsley earhardt. some want reports show that the worst is yet to come in flood-ravaged north eastern australia. more than 4,000 people have been evacuated from the flood zone. that area described as larger than france and germany combined. residents near another rising river hope that sandbags will prevent another disaster there. the rain started before christmas. the flooding, the worst in decades. explosions in an ammunition plant in tens -- tennessee leaving a worker dead. the explosions were horrific and sounded like machine gun fire. witnesses say the explosions went on for nearly half an hour. firefighters could not get near that building for some time. the plant 40 miles northeast of memphis. tune to the fox news business network, giving you the power to prosper. i'm ainsley earhardt. now back to "on the record" with greta. >> greta: the new congress being sworn in was not the only news in washington today. a group call state lay for for legal immigration was here in d.c. unveiling new model legislation that is already adding fuel to the blazing hot contraversy. this time over whether babies of illegal immigrants should be given automatic citizenship. darryl metcalf the founder of state legislators for legal immigration joins us live. good evening, sir. >> good to be with you again. >> greta: what is this legislation that you are proposing >> we announced the unveiling of legislation we've been working on with scholars and state legislators that have an interest in this legislation we gathered today to announce new legislation that we are going to be introducing across the country. two pieces of legislation, one that would be a piece of legislation that would create a state compact. both pieces would move us toward the objective of ultimately having the 14th amendment applied correctly. because it is not currently being applied as it was and adopted and ratified by the stays as far as it is ship. -- by the states as far as citizenship. you have to be born on american soil and under the jurisdiction thereof. during the debates clearly was spelled out to mean that your parent or parents should have allegiance to no other nation other the united states of america when you are born here. for foreign nationals to invade our nation and expect because they have their child here, they should be granted automatic citizenship for their child is twisting and a misapplication of the 14th amendment. we aim to correct that and excercise the power that is given to the stays through the constitution to do so. >> greta: couple questions, your target for lack of a better word so-called anchor babies is that correct? >> anchor baby is a term that describes how an illegal alien actually exploits their own child to try and use that child's status as it is recognized in america to gain access to jobs this america and to public benefits, yes. >> greta: would it not be more effective and perhaps rather than targeting children, would it not be more effective to target your united states congress to do something about an immigration policy that is effective and meets all the demands, rather than doing this? >> well, ultimately, the only reason that illegal aliens come in the united states is because of either jobs, tapping into public benefits illegally or to grab hold of this citizenship offered to the children. congress has been awol in addressing the issue for decades. states putting forward legislation to do what we are -- [ unintelligible ] >> greta: just so i'm clear. you are targeting illegal, not legal people here in the united states, right? >> that's right. >> greta: number two, you said congress is awol on addressing the situation of illegal immigration, right? >> correct. >> greta: number three that the constitution, at least many people have interpreted the constitution or believe it stands -- should be departmented at the national level. when the national level failed arizona did attempt to address the problem their own way, correct? >> once a foreign national has invaded our country within the border of our states we have a responsible -- responsibility to protect liberty and property. [ unintelligible ] >> greta: the reason why you are doing this, if i can be so bold to -- you or anybody else is because congress won't do its job. whatever solution out there, they have the power to do it and they will not for whether it is for political reasons, they are lazy or can't come up with it, congress just won't do something that it is their obligation to do? >> correct. congress has been absent without leave for decades. roth republicans and democrats in congress. today announcing these new state level initiatives we thought it appropriate while congress was become sworn in we could send a message we would like them to work with us, not us to secure the borders and work with the states across the nation to ensure we deal with the illegal alien problem in the right way to protect american lives, liberty and property. ending all incentives, such as access to illegal jobs, public benefits and allowing them over 300,000 a year to grab hold of american citizen for their anchored baby status child. >> greta: we shouldn't hold our breath waiting for congress to handle the problem which affects everybody including human smugglers and everything else. it is painful, but congress instead refuses to face it head-on. i'm going to take the last word on that. representative metcalf, thank you. >> thank you, have a great night. >> greta: next rush limbaugh tells you about the mother of all rules. do you know what it is? stick around. >> we have quite possibly the craziest story ever. do you know what a butt dial is? a butt dial went terribly wrong that's coming up. >> partying with the queen sounds wild, doesn't it? new information about the royal wedding, next. [ female announcer ] alli works when you work. if you skip this latte and opt for the smaller low-fat one, you'll cut about 12 grams of fat. then take alli with it to help boost your weight loss. so for every 2 pounds you work to lose, alli can help you lose 1 more. >> greta: here is the best of the rest. we are learning more about the wedding of the century between england's prince william and kate hid ton. date april 29th, time 11 a.m., the -- place westminster abbey. after the service the prince and his new bride will ride a horse drawn carriage through london to buckingham palace. then the fun begins. the queen hosts a reception for the couple and their guests. later that evening prince charles will host a private dinner for friends and family followed by dancing. please send your rsvp's to prince charles as soon as possible. >> this is the worst time to make a wrong turn. japanese runner was leading during the home stretch, 650 feet if the finish line. something wrong. runner made a right when he should have kept going straight. apparently the runner followed a television truck when he made that wrong turn. he ended up finishing third which is painful to watch. >> this is weird. last night two people won the 355 million dollar lottery. the winning numbers, 4, 8, 15, 25, 47 and 42. why is that so weird? fans of the show know. the winning numbers: the numbers drawn on last night's lottery came close to matching the numbers on lost. if last night's winners disappear after a mysterious plane crash we know why. >> here come the best story of the night. have you ever made that embarrassing butt dial on your cell phone? we are guess going you did, police never got involved. listen to this one. school official in illinois driving home from work he sat on his cell phone the wrong way, causing the phone to dial his wife. bad move. the man was also playing loud hip-hop music. all his wife could hear was screaming rappers instead of her husband that caused her to panic. she thought her husband was being held hostage at school. she was so scared she call the police. a short time later a s.w.a.t. team swarmed the school expecting a hostage situation. oops. the s.w.a.t. team was called off when the man turned up home safe and sound. >> clips for cell phones might be safer than pockets. >> a pair of sushi bar owners in asia just set a world record at auction. 32.5 million yen for one blue fin tuna. equivalent of -- the fish -- [ unintelligible ] >> robert gibbs is out. resigning his post as white house press secretary. gibbs has been president obama's press secretary since the beginning of the administration. what is he going to do now? >> i told the president i'm happy to serve as ambassador to italy in the second administration. [ laughing ] >> be grudgingly but okay, all right you me, i'll do it. >> greta: that would be a good gig. gibbs is expected to leave next month to become a private adviser to the president's reelection campaign. >> republicans plan to have members of congress read the constitution outlawed on the floor of the house tomorrow. rush limbaugh has a theory. >> democrats can only win only get their agenda by lying and changing the rules. that's why they hate the constitution. the constitution is a contract. it is our social contract. it's the mother of all rules, you might say. it's the source of the rule of law. of course they hate it, they want to pervert it. it is the only thing tang in their way. the constitution is an obstacle. that's why, obama, the democrats, have conceived this -- the new bill of rights, and the whole concept of a charter of negative liberties. meaning, for big status and big government people the constitution doesn't pell out what government can did. all the constitution does is tell the government what it can't did. and they hate that! >> greta: rush is always clear about what he thinks, isn't he? there you have the best of the rest. >> the real reason for the high price tag on president obama's vacation. stay tuned. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to for a 30-tablet free trial offer, boss: and now i'll turn it over gecko: ah, thank you, sir. as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as motorcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? gecko: what's this one do? gecko: um...maybe that one. ♪ dance music boss: ok, let's keep rolling. we're on motorcycle insurance. vo: take fifteen minutes to see how much you can save on motorcycle, rv, and camper insurance. >> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash those studio lights. it's time. last call. a crack late night reporter has an explanation for that president's late heest vacation. >> according to the hawaiian newspaper president obama's round trip travel for the vacation called $1 million. well, hey check a few

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