Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

estimate russia has 70% of the forces needed to take ukraine which they said would bring catastrophic optic with this. meanwhile the first deployment of u.s. troops has arrived in poland, president biden repeatedly said they will not directly engage to russians but a recent briefing austin did not rule out using u.s. troops if the evacuations are needed, for our team coverage we have alexandria hoff at the white house with the latest from the biden administration but we start with steve harrigan on the ground in kiev ukraine. >> the russians continue to build up their forces all along ukraine's borders, ukraine practically surrounded by russian soldiers as well as advanced weapon systems more than one 100,000 russian troops a particular concern satellite images in the north of ukraine and belarus it is there that russia and belarus are carrying out joint exercises more than 30000 involved one of the largest appointments in the region since the cold war. should russia invade its short trip two hours and you see all along the way ukrainian civilians learning how to handle weapons and fire and civilians when you talk to them they are under no illusion about what they're up against. >> we will fight, we will share our blood and if god decides who will die. we will defend. >> i was in the military but i need to refresh my training because the enemy outer borders is well-trained and has lots of troops. >> among the main highways with the russian invasion could come from there are a lot of women that sell their products often cheese, eggs, pickles when you talk to them about a possible russian invasion, some of them you get a different perspective, here is one. >> one giant nation and everything was working factories were open and people had jobs what do we have now how can i live. >> the nostalgia for a simpler time with stability and work in the amount of food that can affect how some people especially older people may see a russian invasion. jon: live from kiev ukraine, steve harrigan. the u.s. officials tell fox news a russian invasion of ukraine could cause 50000 civilian casualties in the country. this is multiple sources tell fox news joint chief chaired general mark milley has warned the capital could fall in 72 hours if russia decides to invade. in the meantime u.s. forces arrived in nearby poland the white house as it's prepared for any continued. alexandria hoff as live in the white house where president biden just returned after spending the weekend in wilmington, delaware. >> president biden spoke with french president and tomorrow he will meet with germany chancellor when he visits the white house. all of these centering around displayed russia from taking further action. upon returning from delaware today to the white house president biden said he is not set right now on any additional troops are sending them to the border into the nato nations with the 82nd airborne division landed in poland near ukraine's border the official spleen rush has amassed 72% of a full-scale invasion of ukraine. here is national security advisor jake sullivan on "fox news sunday". >> the russians have a lot of options available. but we have options available to us in terms of swift in severe economic consequences that we can impose the ways in which we constricted on nato territory nato territories. >> lawmakers are pushing legislation to formalize consequences should include strike. >> we hope to show mr. putin the democrats and republicans in the senate and the house and the white house are united and if he does do further encouragement to the ukraine he will pay a very, very heavy price from the economic and isolation politically. >> we ought to have biden sanctions in place not now, not later a bipartisan piece of legislation that we are working on. >> sanctions are complicated, business and russia is the main supplier of natural gas, alternative sources are being looked at. jon: alexandria hoff at the white house. thank you. texas senator ted cruz is calling for a federal investigation into crowdfunding site gofundme after a shutdown of fundraising support of a large group of canadian truck drivers protesting the country's vaccine mandate. attorney general in five states have announced investigation into gofundme, brian llenas live and more on the controversy. >> when gofundme shut down the fundraiser for the freedom convoy of canadian truckers gofundme said they would give the money to other charities chosen by the organizers in the convoy that led to major backlash, texas senator ted cruz is at the federal trade commission to open an investigation for the deceptive business practices. >> will people gave money they gave money under the promise it will go to the freedom convoy not to whatever left-wing political ideology, gofundme and other silicon valley support, they are deceiving consumers and it is wrong. >> gofundme has decided to refund every donor, republican attorney general in five states florida, texas, west virginia, louisiana and ohio say they are probing gofundme over potential fraud and deception of donors in their state, critics say gofundme is a political censorship by shutting down the freedom convoy fundraiser while promoting the fundraiser industry in 2020 where the anti-police occupation in seattle. the mayor of ottawa, canada's capital city has declared a state of emergency over the trucker demonstration. for more than a week now, thousands of canadian truckers have been protesting the open 19 restrictions and vaccine mandate to multiple canadian cities including ottawa, gofundme shut down the freedom convoy fundraiser because they say the ottawa police provided evidence that the protest had turned into an unlawful occupation violated the terms of service by providing violence and harassment. >> the city is under siege, this is a threat to our democracy. there is a nationwide insurrection, this is madness we've been able to shut down the gofundme program because the funds are moving in different directions. >> the freedom convoy has raised over $3 million on the alternative website, they said they are peaceful and they need the money for fuel, food and lodging as a protest continue. jon: we will continue to watch them. thank you. tennessee republican senator marsha blackburn joins us now, what do you think about gofundme pulling the plug on donations for the freedom convoy? >> it is so interesting to me to say that you've done this. if you use their actions and say that's their logic and they are saying you cannot have this on our site because it causes a disruption. then you would think they would be pulling down every blm organization or affiliate organization but that is not what is happening. we know that gofundme gave to blm when those protests were taking place in the violence was carried out in cities, cause deaths and epic about a half a billion dollars worth of destruction in the cities. they are very subjective and i will say this is why we need nondiscrimination language that will be in the government and legislation that we will pass dealing with the big tech companies. jon: listen to what jonathan turley the professor has to say about gofundme and the kind of power it seems to be exercising. >> this is a danger to many of us in the free-speech community that have been voicing for years, the social media companies and companies i gofundme have been created an alternative to state media. these are companies that are effectively targeting critics of government, companies that control a huge amount of political dialogue around the world. jon: what do you say to the senators points? >> yes, professor charlie is correct about that. they are very subjective and what they monitor, what they censored, how they carry this out. the actions they have taken against the freedom convoy are very discriminatory they disagree with them. therefore they were going to cut them off which they did, then they were going to take the $9 million and use it for charities or groups or something, people on the gofundme site. fortunately for giving the money back in the money is going to the freedom convoy through other avenues. but this is why we have to go when and we have to deal with the big tech companies, the social media platforms in the way they are conducting themselves in the virtual space. jon: i want to get to that in a minute i know you wrote a letter about that but regarding blm and the seattle occupation back in the summer of 2020. gofundme had no problems supporting those operations. there were murderers in the chop zone in seattle in looting and arson all kinds of problems resulting from the blm protest telecast the country, some saying gofundme did not even blink. >> you are right about that. if you were to take the actions that they are taking and use that as their logic what you would do see them shutting down blm affiliated group or organization but that's not what they doing it subjective, discriminatory and has to be put to a stop. jon: you've done something where, you put a bipartisan coalition together to try to crack down on the big tech companies and as well as apple specifically because the inability to let people have access to the operating system was. >> that is correct, i have worked on this, big tech government issue for about a decade now. finally we are seeing good progress, senator blumenthal and i have the open upmarket bill which would remove apple and google as the gatekeeper on apps. it would free up the app marketplace. it would allow people to download apps directly from the innovator or developer of those apps. also would remove apple and google as a payment system requires to purchase these apps. were making great progress the bill came out of judiciary committee last week and we are still working with our colleagues on a bipartisan basis on this bill and we look forward to having it on the floor of the senate very soon. jon: you say apple acts as a gatekeeper and helps the communist chinese party stifle. >> that is correct and of course most of that discussion has centered around the olympics because there is an app that you have to download on your burner phone since you can take your own phone. it's available to the apple app store. this is one of the reasons as i said earlier we need the nondiscrimination policies. but the important thing to realize with what apple is doing is with this app you have to download for the olympics. if you're going to the olympics, if you participate the chinese communist party has access, they would probably say they have ownership of that data. they could to value and track you and if you double the digital than they are in your wallet, they know who you are communicating with they are able to surveilled an audit those conversations, we are quite concerned about the security and safety of those olympians while they are there. for the developers and innovators that want to market their app on the app store apple is taking 30% of the cost if we could pass a bill it is going to be security and protection it is going to lower the cost of the app. jon: senator marsha blackburn we will watch legislation. thank you. do as i say not as i do, stacey abrams is taking heat from the big names after a photo captured her going massless in a classroom full of masked kids. while not controversy next. ♪ ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for all of this... yourself. so get allstate. seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. you could be left to pay for all of this... yourself. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line. to help keep the gum sealed tight. it's 5:00 a.m., and i feel like i can do anything. we've been coming here, since 1868. there's a lot of cushy desk jobs out there, but this is my happy place. there are millions of ways to make the most of your land. learn more at jon: were following a developing story out of georgia. stacey abrams on the defensive over a photocopied in elementary school. it shows abrams vasquez surrounded by a group of kids who were all masked up. abrams is not the first democrat accused of having a masking double standard. charles watson live in atlanta without story. >> stacey abrams has deleted the post and the principal of the school in question even going as far as deactivating her twitter account after catching a lot of slack about these photos posted to the twitter account of glenwood elementary school principal with the mask was abram survived by children despite the local mask mindy being in place, these set up a firestorm on twitter with people calling abrams who had supported mask wearing throughout the pandemic a hypocrite for not practicing what she preaches so to speak. i reached out to the abrams campaign and they are calling this line of attack shameful, on the part of her would be republican challengers for governor, the abrams campaign saying one of stacy's opponents downplayed the virus while trading stocks to profit off of the pandemic after the private coronavirus. mayors seem to protect the citizens and is filled with access to medicaid even as the hospitals are closed in the attack is beneath anyone who claims he wants to leave georgia. abrams campaign is referred to governor brian kemp and the primary challenge, david perdue who jumped out and attacked abrams on an issue in a statement to fox, governor kim saying stacey abrams with the mask mandate for georgians and the children when she's attended a photo walk, we purdue calling on his own statement that reads we all know stacey abrams hypocrisy has no bounds liberals repower during this pandemic has caused enormous damage to her kids like stacy continue to live their lives which is even more, worse, this is a classroom against georgia, not new york or california. purdue even going the petty row, he changed his profile picture to stacey abrams massless with the kids and unmask their kids, young people would say about a shame being thrown at these guys for the georgia governor torrey. jon: charles watson, thank you. border officials are seeing more migrants coming from well outside mexico in the northern triangle countries, the meantime as we take a live look at the southern border the agency reports it made 1.9 million arrests in 2021 that is a new record national corresponded is live in mission texas with more. >> the rising number of migrants in the other countries is a challenge to the administration places like nicaragua and venezuela don't take their people back, some can be reported, several runners being tackled by dps, then just before dawn the next day they catch to coyotes or guys. both incidents reflect the surge in illegal traffic since the president's election and his failure to reform immigration system as he promised. >> this is the first president in the history of the united states of america seeking asylum has to do it in another country. that is never happened before in america. that's never happened before in america you come to the united states and you make your case. >> the numbers show president biden deported twice as many migrants as president trump in the same. in many are living in the same areas in the same overcrowded camps as they criticize. many denied their asylum rights and protected from title 42. biden expanded terms remaining mexico policy to include haitians and others who don't speak spanish. migrants at the guatemala border on friday threatening new caravan as mexico and the administration did not allow them to cross and hear their asylum claim. >> the only thing we ask is for them to give us free passage, and humanitarian visa and give us opportunity in the united states so i tell them why don't you let me end if i wanted to enter your country legally. >> the president did promise to address this problem and it's only gotten worse despite the fact the democrats hold the white house, senate and the house. jon: william live in mission texas, thank you. authorities have ceased to cruise ships that diverted to the bahamas with the u.s. warrant for millions of unpaid fuel bills, it's not exactly clear which authorities boarded the simply on friday night, a judge has authorized u.s. marshals to take charge of the ship if they approach the u.s., last month the company announced it would suspend operations through the april. violent crime is still surging across the nation as the legend is get down to california unhappy voters filled the streets and neighborhoods are growing more dangerous, can politicians work with law enforcement to make major changes, more on that when we come back. ♪ get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ ♪ for wrinkles results in one week. just two pills for all day pain relief. aleve it, 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york republican gubernatorial candidate rob acevedo who tweeted the video said the robbers hit the balls were very stores the state policy for communities less safe. north carolina supreme court has ordered lawmakers to redraw the states congressional maps. the court calls the maps which were drawn by republican state legislature, and unconstitutional partisan gerrymandering, lawmakers have a tough february 18 to submit new maps to the court. the city of portland, oregon has banned homeless encampments near highways and intersections, mayor ted wheeler said the demand was necessary because most pedestrians killed last year in the city were homeless. the city will remove the camps and offer shelter alternatives. for more on these and other stories download the fox news app, scan the qr code or go to california highway patrol confirming a suspect is in custody in connection with the three-way shooting death of bay area basketball legend jean ranson, still investigating why the suspect allegedly drove up next to ransom's car and opened fire. christina coleman is live with the latest. >> the beloved basketball star was shot and killed on the freeway during rush-hour, devastating his loved ones, take a listen. >> is not only a good friend to me but is a good friend to the whole bay area, sports community my hope is that they could find the person that did this injustice can be served. it is a horrible loss. >> so sad another victim to gun violence, california highway patrol says 56-year-old was driving on interstate 80 friday afternoon when he was shot causing him to crash his honda sedan into a guardrail authorities say the suspect took off immediately after several leads officers were able to make an arrest they identified the suspect in san francisco, detectives are investigating a motive for the shooting. in the meantime family and friends are mourning the devastating loss of this basketball legend, he dominated the court for berkeley high school in the 70s and he went on to be the all-time leading scorer at uc berkeley racking up 1100 points within three seasons between 1975 and 1978. he was inducted into the athletic call of fame in 2001 and cal athletics released a statement saying jean was one of the greatest players in men's basketball program history he will be greatly missed. he was also a coach for berkeley high school in 2011 of the former players says he made a big impact on the team. >> he is basically like the big brother and to some of us father figures, he was always loved and he would always give us a big hug, he would wrap his arms around you. he was small in stature but his hands were humongous. and when he wrapped his arms around you you knew it was love. >> it's one of three deadly shootings in oakland in the past three months. in november 23 -month-old toddler was killed by a stray bullet while he was in a car with his family on interstate 80, as for jean ransom's accused killer his arraignment is scheduled for february 9. jon: christina coleman, live in los angeles. the latest as crime continues to search across the nation president biden meeting with new york city mayor eric adams on his visit to the city this week to address the rise in violent crime. joining us now county long island police vice president lou sabella, joe biden comes to new york to meet with the new york city mayor who happens to be an ex-cop, what do you make of that. >> good evening john it's great to be here with you and i make that is nothing more than political theater it was a few days after two police officers were savagely murdered and new york at the president's press secretary was scoffing at fox news because you were the only one covering the soft on crime policies. the soft on crime policies and laws that they have passed a directly contributed to the violence of the death of the two police officers. thank you for paying attention to that. jon: we appreciate the words, were discovering the news and some that don't want to do that people would say it's the pandemic and people are desperate, people do not jobs and that kind of thing. is there any truth to that? >> none whatsoever were in the middle of a long and painful i told you so and unfortunately people are paying the price for that with their lives. here in new york for over two years in law enforcement are sounding the alarm about bail reform. laws that let violent criminals back out on the street. just recently we had an individual, a rapper who shot a police officer and was able to walk out free on bail. this is a dangerous place we've come to. there is no law that seems too radical for the progressives in control of new york state right now. we have a d.a. >> i was gonna make the point that we have d.a.'s like alvin bragg in manhattan the openly say they will not prosecute crimes. jon: for those who do not live in new york city, the new district attorney is saying he's going to let most people off on crimes, he does not consider armed robbery for instance a serious crime to require immediate jail time. only if the gun is actually fired is he going to perhaps put the gunmen in jail. >> exactly imagine that and any other walk of life, imagine if you work for the fire department and you said i'm going to pick and choose which fires to put out. i'll just choose which ones do i let burn. that is essentially what he's doing, you could put a gun to someone's head and as long as you don't pull the trigger there's nothing you walk away with more than a ticket. alvin bragg should've been removed from his position as district attorney, governor kathy hochul is remiss in her duties for not removing him. i truly believe the reason she did not is because she knows he is not the only d.a. doing this. he is just the only one was enough to put this on writing and got called on the others are doing the exact same thing and had she removed him she would've sent the message to those. jon: in the meantime we have the vice president of the united states having offered to contribute to bail funds for people who were arrested during the black lives matter protest. in the summer of 2020, what kind of message does that sound? >> it's a slap in the face, it's a slap in the face to every police officer out there, everyone the risk their lives, it's a slap in the face to victims. we keep pushing this narrative that were making the system more just with some of these laws, the system when you can walk out free and committing a violent crime, it's anything but just as certainly not just if you're a victim. jon: i have to think it's awfully hard to be a copies days. when you make these arrest you put the bad guys in handcuffs but then they walk out free. >> we lock them up and they left them out. there is no big mystery about how to solve this problem of violence, let us do our jobs. take the handcuffs off the police. you have made it impossible to do her job as police officers, they have not taken their foot off the gas. here in new york at the bail reform there are laws that they're pushing out that let violent criminals not only out it'll write the record. you have heinous crimes at this point. if you're certain age you're gonna walk out because you can walk the liberal per parole. jon: unfortunately this country is reaping what it has sown. the vice president of the police but all it sussex county long island. >> the key for having me. lawmakers in congress might think they can talk a big game by flexing their power when it comes to oversight and enforcing subpoenas. how much control do they really have might really surprise you. that story next. who's on it with jardiance? we're 25 million prescriptions strong. we're managing type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from 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congress might need to hit the weight room. >> at the congressional subpoena jim members often flex and pose with their muscles like at muscle beach, their biceps bulls like popeye after downing a can of spinach but the muscles are often a façade. >> congress struggles to get information at democratic house held bush administration officials they turn the tables on obama officials. the committee demands testimony that congress can only benchpress so much. >> when i was a prosecutor i always had it to say if you don't do what i want i will indict you and congress does not have that. >> they subpoenaed steve vanity did not comply they held him in contempt and those who bucked subpoenas can drain the clock that blocks congress from squaring the information that it demands. it can be delayed forever. >> the committee wants to extract testimony from kevin mccarthy and republicans jim jordan and scott. , netter cooperating. >> anyone with common sense would be reluctant to talk to this committee. it's hard to coax information from a in-transit lawmaker. >> i cannot recall a case where congress has subpoenaed one of its own men's. >> the courts could reject a criminal case involving a lawmaker that is because the constitution says congress to discipline its members and the constitution shields lawmakers from many on-the-job prosecutions. penalties told by democrats could backfire later. house speaker nancy pelosi will not dictate how the house handles noncompliant members. >> i had no intention of interfering with the work of the committee. >> 70 congressional threats bring hollow. >> i think shakespeare put it best the sound of the theory signifying that one. >> it's not rare for congress to flex its muscles even if there based on anabolic political steroids, chad pergram, fox news. >> the department of transportation is tracking ahead with the new pilot program that would allow 18 - 20 years old to drive a big rig across state lines a plan that many hope will ease the current supply chain crunch. austin westfall has that story. >> in many states people 18 years and older can already drive trucks within state lines but they want to drive trucks over state lines they need to be 21 years old. a new program is aiming to change that. >> 6000 trucks or 3500 trucks in a day. >> those who run the 300-acre terminal and south carolina loading and unloading. a lot of ports have been affected including guards is different ports at different times. >> the ceo of carolina ports says the valley is only possible when the terminal is flowing well. >> it's tough during a trucker shortage. she works with the local trucker school. >> the program is not only vetted a help it out. >> a pilot program proposed by the u.s. department of transportation will lower the age limit for truckers from 21 r drivers have completed probationary hours with a mentor. the georgia port authority agrees this is a good idea. >> i fully confident that we should be using. >> as of late last year the american trucking association said the country was short 80000 drivers which is an all-time high for the industry. the trucker safety coalition has share concerns the interstate travel is a big responsibility for 18 -year-olds. >> the fact that they had to go through all of these hours of training. south carolina port said the extra training will help weed out people who are not up to the task. a new program is already running but they said they are expecting to see a significant improvement in the trucker shortage immediately but it will take a while to train the young workforce. >> you will not see a lot of 18 euros driving by the time the guitar program the b21. >> the port says they wouldn't mind seeing people as young as 16 years old to become interested in learning how to track that way they can train for a couple of years and hit the ground running as soon as they turn 18. mount pleasant south carolina austin westfall, fox news. jon: clean elizabeth the second mike enter markina royal stone with a surprising announcement of the future of the monarchy what she said when we come back. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ jon: queen elizabeth marking 70 years on the throne today in preparing briefs for the future. this morning she announced her wishes for prince charles second wife camilla to be known as queen consort when charles becomes queen, queen elizabeth is the longest-serving monarch and has been serving since 1952, she is 95 years old now, official celebration to mark the occasion are scheduled for june. the prince and princess of wales and the duchess of cornwall have been together for decades despite public disapproval after his separation from princess diana charles and camilla were married in 2005. i was the mob of reporters there. here are other headlines from around the globe. in russia officials reporting more than 180,000 new coronavirus infections today, that is a new record ten times higher than the number of cases this time last month, the country is experiencing a surge of the omicron variant. in spain hundreds gathered at the capital of madrid to protest the government's handling of the pandemic demonstrators chanted for freedom from masks and carried signs critical of vaccines. in syria a team has visited a prison in the northeast that saul ten days of fighting from the back fighters and islamic state militants and holds more than 3000 inmates including 600 children this comes two days after islamic state top leader was killed in a u.s. trade creed in germany crews detonated this bridge earlier today in the city, the bridge 16 peers and road surface fell about 230 feet from the ground, officials say the first time that a bridge that high had been demolished. that is a look at stories from around the globe. >> a much needed break is coming for most of the u.s. after bitterly cold weather and wild weather a large area of high pressure will be in control as the center for the central part of the country. "fox weather" adam klotz joins us live. >> a break from the winter weather, you're looking at wintry after with temperatures 30s across the country, but finally after eight days of several rounds of big winter storms you take a look and it's been completely clear across the country one spot we've been paying attention to moisture and disturbance off the coast of georgia moving up into south carolina, many of its lift his way into the coast safely and tomorrow you can see a little bit of freezing rain. this is the only system that we were tracking across the entire country today and today was a little bit on the cold side, we are going to be warming up in the next couple of days taking you into monday's forecasted highs we see some of those temperatures climbing up into the 50s mid 50s or so but even running into tuesday and wednesday only more heat 60 degrees in kansas city continuing to see the into wednesday and ultimately thursday, after a very wintry week last week feeling nicer in the week ahead. jon: meteorologist adam klotz we look forward to that. you can get the latest forecast anytime on fox weather app, track severe weather with the 3d radar and stream live updates from america's weather team. it is free to download for apple and android devices. the end of an era for the international space station, how nasa is looking ahead for the labs retirement and how in wind it will leave earth's orbit. we will answer that after this. seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line. to help keep the gum sealed tight. it's 5:00 a.m., and i feel like i can do anything. we've got apples and cabbage. 7,000 dahlias, vegetables, and brisket for dinner. this is my happy place. we've been coming here, since 1868. my grandmother used to say, don't call me, don't bother me. i'm going out to mow. there's a lot of cushy desk jobs out there, but i make the earth take the shape that i want it to take. there are millions of ways to make the most of your land. learn how to make the most of yours at jon: well nasa is planning a splashy retirement for the international space station, the big space lab orbited 250 miles above us since the year 2000. come january of 2031 it will plunge to earth to an uninhabited part of the southern pacific ocean. that is the plan. the iss to begin dior bit proceedsures between 2026 and 2028, it hopes to help private sector develop future labs for continues research. i am jon scott that is how "fox reports" on february 6. trey: thank you for joining us i am trey gowdy, welcome to "sunday night in america." there are new concerns about iran. that country is getting closer to gaining access to nuclear weapons. to revive the 2015 nuclear deal struck between iran and president obama, the biden administration have move something sanctions imposed by the trump administration, including freeing up 30 billion dollars in overseas

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Capital , President , Weekend , Germany , Delaware , Wilmington , French , Wall , Action , Chancellor , Nations , Spleen Rush , Nato , 82nd Airborne Division , 82 , Options , Consequences , Terms , Swift , Fox News Sunday , National Security Advisor , Jake Sullivan , Ways , Lawmakers , Legislation , Putin , Republicans , Territories , Territory , Strike , Democrats , Mr , House , Senate , Price , Encouragement , Isolation , Place , Sanctions , Supplier , Business , Natural Gas , Piece , Investigation , Ted Cruz , Crowdfunding Site Gofundme , Texas , Shutdown , Group , Controversy , More , States , Attorney General , Fundraising Support , Truck Drivers , Canadian , Vaccine Mandate , Brian Llenas , Five , Money , Charities , Organizers , Convoy , Fundraiser , Backlash , Led , Freedom Convoy Of Canadian , Freedom Convoy , Federal Trade Commission , Business Practices , Ideology , Consumers , Donor , Silicon Valley Support , Ohio , Florida , West Virginia , Louisiana , Estate , Donors , Critics , Freedom Convoy Fundraiser , Gofundme , Censorship , Deception , Fraud , Mayor , Occupation , State Of Emergency , Fundraiser Industry , Trucker Demonstration , Seattle , Ottawa , Capital City , 2020 , Police , Cities , Truckers , Vaccine , Thousands , Restrictions , Evidence , 19 , Kansas City , Violence , Protest , Democracy , Terms Of Service , Harassment , Siege , Program , Funds , Insurrection , Madness , Directions , Fuel , Lodging , Website , Million , 3 Million , Marsha Blackburn , Donations , Tennessee , Actions , Logic , Site , Blm , Disruption , Protests , Deaths , Epic , Destruction , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Government , Big Tech Companies , Language , Many , Power , Kind , Free Speech Community , Danger , The Professor , Jonathan Turley , Companies , Social Media Companies , State Media , Alternative , Around The World , Senators Points , Professor , Yes , 9 Million , Something , Groups , Gofundme Site , Way , Virtual Space , Avenues , Social Media Platforms , Problems , Operations , Summer , Letter , Kinds , Chop Zone , Protest Telecast , Murderers , Arson , Looting , Stop , Blm Affiliated Group , Apple , Coalition , Where , Operating System , Inability , Big Tech Government Issue , Bill , App , Progress , On Apps , Senator Blumenthal , Apps , Payment System , Marketplace , Innovator , Developer , Judiciary Committee , Colleagues , Floor , Basis , Course , Gatekeeper , Apple Acts , Communist Chinese , Party Stifle , Olympics , Phone , Burner Phone , App Store , Discussion , Thing , Doing , Nondiscrimination Policies , Reasons , Access , Data , Ownership , Security , Olympians , Conversations , Safety , Wallet , Audit , Weather , Developers , Cost , Innovators , Protection , 30 , Stacey Abrams , Kids , Classroom , Photo , Massless , Names , Heat , Floss , Auto Insurance Coverage , Allstate , Gum , Gum Line , Gum Damage , Sign , Gum Repair , Plaque Bacteria , Help , 5 , 00 , Anything , Desk Jobs , Most , Millions , Land , Deere Com Jon , 1868 , Story , Georgia , Photocopied , Defensive , Elementary School , Abrams Vasquez , Principal , Glenwood Elementary School , Charles Watson , Masking Double Standard , Post , Question , Atlanta , Mask , Account , Photos , Slack , Twitter , Pandemic , Children , Firestorm , Hypocrite , Calling Abrams , Abram , Set , Mask Mindy Being , Part , Campaign , Attack , Governor , Line , Challengers , Stacy , Mayors , Coronavirus , Opponents , Citizens , Trading Stocks , Virus , Anyone , Brian Kemp , Hospitals , Statement , Challenge , David Perdue , Georgians , Mask Mandate , Issue , Kim , Photo Walk , Damage , Hypocrisy , Bounds Liberals Repower , We Purdue , Lives , New York , Row , California , Guys , Being , Shame , Profile Picture , Stacey Abrams Massless , Torrey , Look , Migrants , Countries , Border Officials , Triangle , Well Outside Mexico , Number , Record , Agency , Arrests , Mission Texas , 2021 , 1 9 Million , Venezuela Don T , Runners , Places , Dps , Nicaragua , 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, Ton , Bottom , Stories , Rob Acevedo , Stores , Communities , Westchester County , Robbers , Camera , Thieves , Balls , Video , Court , Maps , Partisan , State Legislature , Safe , North Carolina Supreme Court , Congressional Maps , Intersections , Gerrymandering , Portland , Ted Wheeler , Homeless Encampments , Oregon , 18 , February 18 , In The City , Demand , Shelter Alternatives , Pedestrians , Qr Code , Scan , Suspect , Shooting Death , Connection , Custody , California Highway Patrol , Bay Area Basketball Legend Jean Ranson , Foxnews Com Apps , Three , Christina Coleman , Car , Ransom , The Beloved Basketball Star , Hope , Friend , Sports Community , Person , Freeway , Injustice , Listen , Bay Area , Loved Ones , Victim , Loss , Gun Violence , Guardrail , Interstate 80 , Honda , Sedan , 80 , 56 , Motive , Family , Officers , Arrest , Shooting , Friends , Basketball Legend , Detectives , San Francisco , Points , Athletic Call , Seasons , Scorer , Fame , Berkeley High School , Uc 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox Report With Jon Scott 20240708

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estimate russia has 70% of the forces needed to take ukraine which they said would bring catastrophic optic with this. meanwhile the first deployment of u.s. troops has arrived in poland, president biden repeatedly said they will not directly engage to russians but a recent briefing austin did not rule out using u.s. troops if the evacuations are needed, for our team coverage we have alexandria hoff at the white house with the latest from the biden administration but we start with steve harrigan on the ground in kiev ukraine. >> the russians continue to build up their forces all along ukraine's borders, ukraine practically surrounded by russian soldiers as well as advanced weapon systems more than one 100,000 russian troops a particular concern satellite images in the north of ukraine and belarus it is there that russia and belarus are carrying out joint exercises more than 30000 involved one of the largest appointments in the region since the cold war. should russia invade its short trip two hours and you see all along the way ukrainian civilians learning how to handle weapons and fire and civilians when you talk to them they are under no illusion about what they're up against. >> we will fight, we will share our blood and if god decides who will die. we will defend. >> i was in the military but i need to refresh my training because the enemy outer borders is well-trained and has lots of troops. >> among the main highways with the russian invasion could come from there are a lot of women that sell their products often cheese, eggs, pickles when you talk to them about a possible russian invasion, some of them you get a different perspective, here is one. >> one giant nation and everything was working factories were open and people had jobs what do we have now how can i live. >> the nostalgia for a simpler time with stability and work in the amount of food that can affect how some people especially older people may see a russian invasion. jon: live from kiev ukraine, steve harrigan. the u.s. officials tell fox news a russian invasion of ukraine could cause 50000 civilian casualties in the country. this is multiple sources tell fox news joint chief chaired general mark milley has warned the capital could fall in 72 hours if russia decides to invade. in the meantime u.s. forces arrived in nearby poland the white house as it's prepared for any continued. alexandria hoff as live in the white house where president biden just returned after spending the weekend in wilmington, delaware. >> president biden spoke with french president and tomorrow he will meet with germany chancellor when he visits the white house. all of these centering around displayed russia from taking further action. upon returning from delaware today to the white house president biden said he is not set right now on any additional troops are sending them to the border into the nato nations with the 82nd airborne division landed in poland near ukraine's border the official spleen rush has amassed 72% of a full-scale invasion of ukraine. here is national security advisor jake sullivan on "fox news sunday". >> the russians have a lot of options available. but we have options available to us in terms of swift in severe economic consequences that we can impose the ways in which we constricted on nato territory nato territories. >> lawmakers are pushing legislation to formalize consequences should include strike. >> we hope to show mr. putin the democrats and republicans in the senate and the house and the white house are united and if he does do further encouragement to the ukraine he will pay a very, very heavy price from the economic and isolation politically. >> we ought to have biden sanctions in place not now, not later a bipartisan piece of legislation that we are working on. >> sanctions are complicated, business and russia is the main supplier of natural gas, alternative sources are being looked at. jon: alexandria hoff at the white house. thank you. texas senator ted cruz is calling for a federal investigation into crowdfunding site gofundme after a shutdown of fundraising support of a large group of canadian truck drivers protesting the country's vaccine mandate. attorney general in five states have announced investigation into gofundme, brian llenas live and more on the controversy. >> when gofundme shut down the fundraiser for the freedom convoy of canadian truckers gofundme said they would give the money to other charities chosen by the organizers in the convoy that led to major backlash, texas senator ted cruz is at the federal trade commission to open an investigation for the deceptive business practices. >> will people gave money they gave money under the promise it will go to the freedom convoy not to whatever left-wing political ideology, gofundme and other silicon valley support, they are deceiving consumers and it is wrong. >> gofundme has decided to refund every donor, republican attorney general in five states florida, texas, west virginia, louisiana and ohio say they are probing gofundme over potential fraud and deception of donors in their state, critics say gofundme is a political censorship by shutting down the freedom convoy fundraiser while promoting the fundraiser industry in 2020 where the anti-police occupation in seattle. the mayor of ottawa, canada's capital city has declared a state of emergency over the trucker demonstration. for more than a week now, thousands of canadian truckers have been protesting the open 19 restrictions and vaccine mandate to multiple canadian cities including ottawa, gofundme shut down the freedom convoy fundraiser because they say the ottawa police provided evidence that the protest had turned into an unlawful occupation violated the terms of service by providing violence and harassment. >> the city is under siege, this is a threat to our democracy. there is a nationwide insurrection, this is madness we've been able to shut down the gofundme program because the funds are moving in different directions. >> the freedom convoy has raised over $3 million on the alternative website, they said they are peaceful and they need the money for fuel, food and lodging as a protest continue. jon: we will continue to watch them. thank you. tennessee republican senator marsha blackburn joins us now, what do you think about gofundme pulling the plug on donations for the freedom convoy? >> it is so interesting to me to say that you've done this. if you use their actions and say that's their logic and they are saying you cannot have this on our site because it causes a disruption. then you would think they would be pulling down every blm organization or affiliate organization but that is not what is happening. we know that gofundme gave to blm when those protests were taking place in the violence was carried out in cities, cause deaths and epic about a half a billion dollars worth of destruction in the cities. they are very subjective and i will say this is why we need nondiscrimination language that will be in the government and legislation that we will pass dealing with the big tech companies. jon: listen to what jonathan turley the professor has to say about gofundme and the kind of power it seems to be exercising. >> this is a danger to many of us in the free-speech community that have been voicing for years, the social media companies and companies i gofundme have been created an alternative to state media. these are companies that are effectively targeting critics of government, companies that control a huge amount of political dialogue around the world. jon: what do you say to the senators points? >> yes, professor charlie is correct about that. they are very subjective and what they monitor, what they censored, how they carry this out. the actions they have taken against the freedom convoy are very discriminatory they disagree with them. therefore they were going to cut them off which they did, then they were going to take the $9 million and use it for charities or groups or something, people on the gofundme site. fortunately for giving the money back in the money is going to the freedom convoy through other avenues. but this is why we have to go when and we have to deal with the big tech companies, the social media platforms in the way they are conducting themselves in the virtual space. jon: i want to get to that in a minute i know you wrote a letter about that but regarding blm and the seattle occupation back in the summer of 2020. gofundme had no problems supporting those operations. there were murderers in the chop zone in seattle in looting and arson all kinds of problems resulting from the blm protest telecast the country, some saying gofundme did not even blink. >> you are right about that. if you were to take the actions that they are taking and use that as their logic what you would do see them shutting down blm affiliated group or organization but that's not what they doing it subjective, discriminatory and has to be put to a stop. jon: you've done something where, you put a bipartisan coalition together to try to crack down on the big tech companies and as well as apple specifically because the inability to let people have access to the operating system was. >> that is correct, i have worked on this, big tech government issue for about a decade now. finally we are seeing good progress, senator blumenthal and i have the open upmarket bill which would remove apple and google as the gatekeeper on apps. it would free up the app marketplace. it would allow people to download apps directly from the innovator or developer of those apps. also would remove apple and google as a payment system requires to purchase these apps. were making great progress the bill came out of judiciary committee last week and we are still working with our colleagues on a bipartisan basis on this bill and we look forward to having it on the floor of the senate very soon. jon: you say apple acts as a gatekeeper and helps the communist chinese party stifle. >> that is correct and of course most of that discussion has centered around the olympics because there is an app that you have to download on your burner phone since you can take your own phone. it's available to the apple app store. this is one of the reasons as i said earlier we need the nondiscrimination policies. but the important thing to realize with what apple is doing is with this app you have to download for the olympics. if you're going to the olympics, if you participate the chinese communist party has access, they would probably say they have ownership of that data. they could to value and track you and if you double the digital than they are in your wallet, they know who you are communicating with they are able to surveilled an audit those conversations, we are quite concerned about the security and safety of those olympians while they are there. for the developers and innovators that want to market their app on the app store apple is taking 30% of the cost if we could pass a bill it is going to be security and protection it is going to lower the cost of the app. jon: senator marsha blackburn we will watch legislation. thank you. do as i say not as i do, stacey abrams is taking heat from the big names after a photo captured her going massless in a classroom full of masked kids. while not controversy next. ♪ ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for all of this... yourself. so get allstate. seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. you could be left to pay for all of this... yourself. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line. to help keep the gum sealed tight. it's 5:00 a.m., and i feel like i can do anything. we've been coming here, since 1868. there's a lot of cushy desk jobs out there, but this is my happy place. there are millions of ways to make the most of your land. learn more at jon: were following a developing story out of georgia. stacey abrams on the defensive over a photocopied in elementary school. it shows abrams vasquez surrounded by a group of kids who were all masked up. abrams is not the first democrat accused of having a masking double standard. charles watson live in atlanta without story. >> stacey abrams has deleted the post and the principal of the school in question even going as far as deactivating her twitter account after catching a lot of slack about these photos posted to the twitter account of glenwood elementary school principal with the mask was abram survived by children despite the local mask mindy being in place, these set up a firestorm on twitter with people calling abrams who had supported mask wearing throughout the pandemic a hypocrite for not practicing what she preaches so to speak. i reached out to the abrams campaign and they are calling this line of attack shameful, on the part of her would be republican challengers for governor, the abrams campaign saying one of stacy's opponents downplayed the virus while trading stocks to profit off of the pandemic after the private coronavirus. mayors seem to protect the citizens and is filled with access to medicaid even as the hospitals are closed in the attack is beneath anyone who claims he wants to leave georgia. abrams campaign is referred to governor brian kemp and the primary challenge, david perdue who jumped out and attacked abrams on an issue in a statement to fox, governor kim saying stacey abrams with the mask mandate for georgians and the children when she's attended a photo walk, we purdue calling on his own statement that reads we all know stacey abrams hypocrisy has no bounds liberals repower during this pandemic has caused enormous damage to her kids like stacy continue to live their lives which is even more, worse, this is a classroom against georgia, not new york or california. purdue even going the petty row, he changed his profile picture to stacey abrams massless with the kids and unmask their kids, young people would say about a shame being thrown at these guys for the georgia governor torrey. jon: charles watson, thank you. border officials are seeing more migrants coming from well outside mexico in the northern triangle countries, the meantime as we take a live look at the southern border the agency reports it made 1.9 million arrests in 2021 that is a new record national corresponded is live in mission texas with more. >> the rising number of migrants in the other countries is a challenge to the administration places like nicaragua and venezuela don't take their people back, some can be reported, several runners being tackled by dps, then just before dawn the next day they catch to coyotes or guys. both incidents reflect the surge in illegal traffic since the president's election and his failure to reform immigration system as he promised. >> this is the first president in the history of the united states of america seeking asylum has to do it in another country. that is never happened before in america. that's never happened before in america you come to the united states and you make your case. >> the numbers show president biden deported twice as many migrants as president trump in the same. in many are living in the same areas in the same overcrowded camps as they criticize. many denied their asylum rights and protected from title 42. biden expanded terms remaining mexico policy to include haitians and others who don't speak spanish. migrants at the guatemala border on friday threatening new caravan as mexico and the administration did not allow them to cross and hear their asylum claim. >> the only thing we ask is for them to give us free passage, and humanitarian visa and give us opportunity in the united states so i tell them why don't you let me end if i wanted to enter your country legally. >> the president did promise to address this problem and it's only gotten worse despite the fact the democrats hold the white house, senate and the house. jon: william live in mission texas, thank you. authorities have ceased to cruise ships that diverted to the bahamas with the u.s. warrant for millions of unpaid fuel bills, it's not exactly clear which authorities boarded the simply on friday night, a judge has authorized u.s. marshals to take charge of the ship if they approach the u.s., last month the company announced it would suspend operations through the april. violent crime is still surging across the nation as the legend is get down to california unhappy voters filled the streets and neighborhoods are growing more dangerous, can politicians work with law enforcement to make major changes, more on that when we come back. ♪ get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ ♪ for wrinkles results in one week. just two pills for all day pain relief. aleve it, 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york republican gubernatorial candidate rob acevedo who tweeted the video said the robbers hit the balls were very stores the state policy for communities less safe. north carolina supreme court has ordered lawmakers to redraw the states congressional maps. the court calls the maps which were drawn by republican state legislature, and unconstitutional partisan gerrymandering, lawmakers have a tough february 18 to submit new maps to the court. the city of portland, oregon has banned homeless encampments near highways and intersections, mayor ted wheeler said the demand was necessary because most pedestrians killed last year in the city were homeless. the city will remove the camps and offer shelter alternatives. for more on these and other stories download the fox news app, scan the qr code or go to california highway patrol confirming a suspect is in custody in connection with the three-way shooting death of bay area basketball legend jean ranson, still investigating why the suspect allegedly drove up next to ransom's car and opened fire. christina coleman is live with the latest. >> the beloved basketball star was shot and killed on the freeway during rush-hour, devastating his loved ones, take a listen. >> is not only a good friend to me but is a good friend to the whole bay area, sports community my hope is that they could find the person that did this injustice can be served. it is a horrible loss. >> so sad another victim to gun violence, california highway patrol says 56-year-old was driving on interstate 80 friday afternoon when he was shot causing him to crash his honda sedan into a guardrail authorities say the suspect took off immediately after several leads officers were able to make an arrest they identified the suspect in san francisco, detectives are investigating a motive for the shooting. in the meantime family and friends are mourning the devastating loss of this basketball legend, he dominated the court for berkeley high school in the 70s and he went on to be the all-time leading scorer at uc berkeley racking up 1100 points within three seasons between 1975 and 1978. he was inducted into the athletic call of fame in 2001 and cal athletics released a statement saying jean was one of the greatest players in men's basketball program history he will be greatly missed. he was also a coach for berkeley high school in 2011 of the former players says he made a big impact on the team. >> he is basically like the big brother and to some of us father figures, he was always loved and he would always give us a big hug, he would wrap his arms around you. he was small in stature but his hands were humongous. and when he wrapped his arms around you you knew it was love. >> it's one of three deadly shootings in oakland in the past three months. in november 23 -month-old toddler was killed by a stray bullet while he was in a car with his family on interstate 80, as for jean ransom's accused killer his arraignment is scheduled for february 9. jon: christina coleman, live in los angeles. the latest as crime continues to search across the nation president biden meeting with new york city mayor eric adams on his visit to the city this week to address the rise in violent crime. joining us now county long island police vice president lou sabella, joe biden comes to new york to meet with the new york city mayor who happens to be an ex-cop, what do you make of that. >> good evening john it's great to be here with you and i make that is nothing more than political theater it was a few days after two police officers were savagely murdered and new york at the president's press secretary was scoffing at fox news because you were the only one covering the soft on crime policies. the soft on crime policies and laws that they have passed a directly contributed to the violence of the death of the two police officers. thank you for paying attention to that. jon: we appreciate the words, were discovering the news and some that don't want to do that people would say it's the pandemic and people are desperate, people do not jobs and that kind of thing. is there any truth to that? >> none whatsoever were in the middle of a long and painful i told you so and unfortunately people are paying the price for that with their lives. here in new york for over two years in law enforcement are sounding the alarm about bail reform. laws that let violent criminals back out on the street. just recently we had an individual, a rapper who shot a police officer and was able to walk out free on bail. this is a dangerous place we've come to. there is no law that seems too radical for the progressives in control of new york state right now. we have a d.a. >> i was gonna make the point that we have d.a.'s like alvin bragg in manhattan the openly say they will not prosecute crimes. jon: for those who do not live in new york city, the new district attorney is saying he's going to let most people off on crimes, he does not consider armed robbery for instance a serious crime to require immediate jail time. only if the gun is actually fired is he going to perhaps put the gunmen in jail. >> exactly imagine that and any other walk of life, imagine if you work for the fire department and you said i'm going to pick and choose which fires to put out. i'll just choose which ones do i let burn. that is essentially what he's doing, you could put a gun to someone's head and as long as you don't pull the trigger there's nothing you walk away with more than a ticket. alvin bragg should've been removed from his position as district attorney, governor kathy hochul is remiss in her duties for not removing him. i truly believe the reason she did not is because she knows he is not the only d.a. doing this. he is just the only one was enough to put this on writing and got called on the others are doing the exact same thing and had she removed him she would've sent the message to those. jon: in the meantime we have the vice president of the united states having offered to contribute to bail funds for people who were arrested during the black lives matter protest. in the summer of 2020, what kind of message does that sound? >> it's a slap in the face, it's a slap in the face to every police officer out there, everyone the risk their lives, it's a slap in the face to victims. we keep pushing this narrative that were making the system more just with some of these laws, the system when you can walk out free and committing a violent crime, it's anything but just as certainly not just if you're a victim. jon: i have to think it's awfully hard to be a copies days. when you make these arrest you put the bad guys in handcuffs but then they walk out free. >> we lock them up and they left them out. there is no big mystery about how to solve this problem of violence, let us do our jobs. take the handcuffs off the police. you have made it impossible to do her job as police officers, they have not taken their foot off the gas. here in new york at the bail reform there are laws that they're pushing out that let violent criminals not only out it'll write the record. you have heinous crimes at this point. if you're certain age you're gonna walk out because you can walk the liberal per parole. jon: unfortunately this country is reaping what it has sown. the vice president of the police but all it sussex county long island. >> the key for having me. lawmakers in congress might think they can talk a big game by flexing their power when it comes to oversight and enforcing subpoenas. how much control do they really have might really surprise you. that story next. who's on it with jardiance? we're 25 million prescriptions strong. we're managing type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from 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congress might need to hit the weight room. >> at the congressional subpoena jim members often flex and pose with their muscles like at muscle beach, their biceps bulls like popeye after downing a can of spinach but the muscles are often a façade. >> congress struggles to get information at democratic house held bush administration officials they turn the tables on obama officials. the committee demands testimony that congress can only benchpress so much. >> when i was a prosecutor i always had it to say if you don't do what i want i will indict you and congress does not have that. >> they subpoenaed steve vanity did not comply they held him in contempt and those who bucked subpoenas can drain the clock that blocks congress from squaring the information that it demands. it can be delayed forever. >> the committee wants to extract testimony from kevin mccarthy and republicans jim jordan and scott. , netter cooperating. >> anyone with common sense would be reluctant to talk to this committee. it's hard to coax information from a in-transit lawmaker. >> i cannot recall a case where congress has subpoenaed one of its own men's. >> the courts could reject a criminal case involving a lawmaker that is because the constitution says congress to discipline its members and the constitution shields lawmakers from many on-the-job prosecutions. penalties told by democrats could backfire later. house speaker nancy pelosi will not dictate how the house handles noncompliant members. >> i had no intention of interfering with the work of the committee. >> 70 congressional threats bring hollow. >> i think shakespeare put it best the sound of the theory signifying that one. >> it's not rare for congress to flex its muscles even if there based on anabolic political steroids, chad pergram, fox news. >> the department of transportation is tracking ahead with the new pilot program that would allow 18 - 20 years old to drive a big rig across state lines a plan that many hope will ease the current supply chain crunch. austin westfall has that story. >> in many states people 18 years and older can already drive trucks within state lines but they want to drive trucks over state lines they need to be 21 years old. a new program is aiming to change that. >> 6000 trucks or 3500 trucks in a day. >> those who run the 300-acre terminal and south carolina loading and unloading. a lot of ports have been affected including guards is different ports at different times. >> the ceo of carolina ports says the valley is only possible when the terminal is flowing well. >> it's tough during a trucker shortage. she works with the local trucker school. >> the program is not only vetted a help it out. >> a pilot program proposed by the u.s. department of transportation will lower the age limit for truckers from 21 r drivers have completed probationary hours with a mentor. the georgia port authority agrees this is a good idea. >> i fully confident that we should be using. >> as of late last year the american trucking association said the country was short 80000 drivers which is an all-time high for the industry. the trucker safety coalition has share concerns the interstate travel is a big responsibility for 18 -year-olds. >> the fact that they had to go through all of these hours of training. south carolina port said the extra training will help weed out people who are not up to the task. a new program is already running but they said they are expecting to see a significant improvement in the trucker shortage immediately but it will take a while to train the young workforce. >> you will not see a lot of 18 euros driving by the time the guitar program the b21. >> the port says they wouldn't mind seeing people as young as 16 years old to become interested in learning how to track that way they can train for a couple of years and hit the ground running as soon as they turn 18. mount pleasant south carolina austin westfall, fox news. jon: clean elizabeth the second mike enter markina royal stone with a surprising announcement of the future of the monarchy what she said when we come back. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ jon: queen elizabeth marking 70 years on the throne today in preparing briefs for the future. this morning she announced her wishes for prince charles second wife camilla to be known as queen consort when charles becomes queen, queen elizabeth is the longest-serving monarch and has been serving since 1952, she is 95 years old now, official celebration to mark the occasion are scheduled for june. the prince and princess of wales and the duchess of cornwall have been together for decades despite public disapproval after his separation from princess diana charles and camilla were married in 2005. i was the mob of reporters there. here are other headlines from around the globe. in russia officials reporting more than 180,000 new coronavirus infections today, that is a new record ten times higher than the number of cases this time last month, the country is experiencing a surge of the omicron variant. in spain hundreds gathered at the capital of madrid to protest the government's handling of the pandemic demonstrators chanted for freedom from masks and carried signs critical of vaccines. in syria a team has visited a prison in the northeast that saul ten days of fighting from the back fighters and islamic state militants and holds more than 3000 inmates including 600 children this comes two days after islamic state top leader was killed in a u.s. trade creed in germany crews detonated this bridge earlier today in the city, the bridge 16 peers and road surface fell about 230 feet from the ground, officials say the first time that a bridge that high had been demolished. that is a look at stories from around the globe. >> a much needed break is coming for most of the u.s. after bitterly cold weather and wild weather a large area of high pressure will be in control as the center for the central part of the country. "fox weather" adam klotz joins us live. >> a break from the winter weather, you're looking at wintry after with temperatures 30s across the country, but finally after eight days of several rounds of big winter storms you take a look and it's been completely clear across the country one spot we've been paying attention to moisture and disturbance off the coast of georgia moving up into south carolina, many of its lift his way into the coast safely and tomorrow you can see a little bit of freezing rain. this is the only system that we were tracking across the entire country today and today was a little bit on the cold side, we are going to be warming up in the next couple of days taking you into monday's forecasted highs we see some of those temperatures climbing up into the 50s mid 50s or so but even running into tuesday and wednesday only more heat 60 degrees in kansas city continuing to see the into wednesday and ultimately thursday, after a very wintry week last week feeling nicer in the week ahead. jon: meteorologist adam klotz we look forward to that. you can get the latest forecast anytime on fox weather app, track severe weather with the 3d radar and stream live updates from america's weather team. it is free to download for apple and android devices. the end of an era for the international space station, how nasa is looking ahead for the labs retirement and how in wind it will leave earth's orbit. we will answer that after this. seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line. to help keep the gum sealed tight. it's 5:00 a.m., and i feel like i can do anything. we've got apples and cabbage. 7,000 dahlias, vegetables, and brisket for dinner. this is my happy place. we've been coming here, since 1868. my grandmother used to say, don't call me, don't bother me. i'm going out to mow. there's a lot of cushy desk jobs out there, but i make the earth take the shape that i want it to take. there are millions of ways to make the most of your land. learn how to make the most of yours at jon: well nasa is planning a splashy retirement for the international space station, the big space lab orbited 250 miles above us since the year 2000. come january of 2031 it will plunge to earth to an uninhabited part of the southern pacific ocean. that is the plan. the iss to begin dior bit proceedsures between 2026 and 2028, it hopes to help private sector develop future labs for continues research. i am jon scott that is how "fox reports" on february 6. trey: thank you for joining us i am trey gowdy, welcome to "sunday night in america." there are new concerns about iran. that country is getting closer to gaining access to nuclear weapons. to revive the 2015 nuclear deal struck between iran and president obama, the biden administration have move something sanctions imposed by the trump administration, including freeing up 30 billion dollars in overseas

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