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Flights we have Team Coverage with fox weathers max gordon, and Western New York is hard by so it Charles Watson is that are still jackson had that International Airport with the latest on the travelers but we begin with fox news meteorologist out on, five twitter and weathers in right out of here in New York City coming on the side of the weather, they say it is disrespectful outside and it is called. Adam it is district in the disrespectful outside the struggle of the down into the United States had the snow wouldve been across the plains in the upper midwest, it is just the very tail end of it that spinning of Slick Elation and you to notice the because of the way it is spinning, still some snow coming off of all of the great lakes, they like effects on these resign of all of the lakes was air moves across the lake and so here in buffalo, still snow ft folks is over and winds and 24 miles an hour and it feels like negative nine most of the country, you know maybe you saw snow and rain and use are still seeing that really cold air and that stuck around and these are current Air Temperatures that a lot of spots still down and single inches and teens and far down to the south temperatures into the 20s and with when this what you torrential it feels like outside feels a bit colder out there lots of negatives across the board in particular the Northern Tier of the country but it does feel like it is 15 degrees as far south as Atlanta Georgia and so the caller is really settling in we salute Wind Chill Pillars of their even though seat under these are beginning to pick up as the system just kinda break down and fall apart as eventual mornings out there because it is bitterly cold and i say its improve, its improve the minorly and we are looking at this freeze going deep into the country and we have frost had free silver stretching all of the way from the Rio Grande Valley in south texas, Lavoie Brother Gulf Of Mexico running into Central Florida in place the donothing this type of color, they are sandy and it currently in the temperatures along the gulf coast, right around freezing right now, in orlando his fortitude reason only 50 down in miami and this is a freeze that a lot of the countries dealing with brian. Brian Meteorologist Alan put it evan, thank you and it is a flight mayor before christmas and hundreds of thousands of passengers across the country are stuck spending their Christmas Eve affect airports is the Flight Delays and cancellations pile up in Charles Watson is live at one of americas busiest airports in jackson and atlantic international. Charles yes good evening brian, had a remains busy here in jackson and atlanta International Airport and while the lines are moving pretty good here, we were still running into folks who are struggling to make it onto the flight the good thing about all of this brian is that people are keeping it positive we spoke to a number of folks today who said they may not have good chances youre staying optimistic that they will make it home in time for the holidays. I am that nervous nothing of going to make it even if it is late i have hope and confidence i will make it today. Is A Change Of Pace my outlook is different and i try to embrace whatever comes our way these days and accepted and appreciated. Brian despite a good attitude of the reality is that there have been thousands of this disruptions that continue doing alone and were looking at more than 6000 delays nearly 3000 cancellations those numbers are down from yesterday and the fires are still frustrated at least some of them. People was not happy like they need to do better like this is christmas time they should be prepared for this stuff. Repocharles heres some of the worst hit airports and delays in atlanta and chicago, new york, in denver and you can see some of the major airports nationwide on this flight aware ms. Remap in the right is showing how many delays and cancellations are happening in realtime and the storm that Arctic Storm System that we have been talking about for days now, has forced at least one airport to shut down completely and visibility is next in 20 in the Buffalo Niagara International Airport new york and the governor that the airport will remain closed through monday and so no flights to buffalo for at least the next couple of days brian, but there is some good news today, we are hearing that santa claus this on track to make his rounds over The World Tonight the last check that we saw he was in switzerland and have already delivered more than 3 billion to ways to all the good little boys and girls out there and so some good quality news. Brian as if that bad weather could stop santa claus no way Charles Watson, thank you. One person is dead after a shooting in minnesotas Mall Of America, the shoppers ran and ducked for cover as the shots ring out last night, among them were several New York Giants ballplayers and staff anywhere in town ahead in todays game against the Minnesota Vikings Alexandria Half has the story. Reporter the shooting happened during the prime time of last minute Holiday Shopping just before 8 00 p. M. Last night at according to the Bloomington Police department, and officer who was already working inside of the Mall Of America for gunshots fired from within the north some sort that officer testified 19 yearold man, with multiple Gunshot Wounds Life Saving measures were taken over not successful. Investigators say that Security Video Build Altercation had broken out between two groups of young men, before an individual pulled out a gun and fired shots. No Singular Patent was among the site inside of the mall time is reportedly the sound of gunshots as you can see led to panic and Mall Of America was placed under lockdown and then evacuated Bloomington Police chief Volker Hodges reflected on the sorrow of the family having to indoor christmas in the of such a loss, any spoke with contempt for the shooter. We are in is in it where someone decides they want to pull out a gun, and to somebody with a complete lack of disrespect for human life come i still dont know what we can do to stop that. This is absolutely ridiculous. I can even think of another word them is flat out stupid and evening go out here and shes a buddy. Reporter no arrest have been made at this time in chief i just promise to look of the shooter anyone who help those involved evade capture and according to the ap, several players with the New York Giants were inside of the mall at the time of the shooting, made it out safely and another Shoppers Clothing was reportedly grazed by a bullet with a also were unharmed. The Mall Of America reopened earlier today brian. Brian Alexandria Half, thank you. As the fate of the title 42 Public Health policy, remains in limbo, customs and Border Protection said the number of migrant encounters set another record of the border last month and more than 233,000 migrants try to cross into the u. S. Illegally the most of any november on record in coleman joins us live with more christina what is the latest. Reporter good evening brian, Federal Government released a new Border Encounter Numbers for the month of november and a data dump last night as many people were out ten busy gearing up for the Holiday Weekend the staggering statistics, they did not go unnoticed and they shattered another record as you mentioned there are more than 233,000 order encounters last month alone and this is the largest amount of order encounters for a november on record compared to this time last year that roughly 3 percent increase in the meantime the Drug Smuggling of the border this week has been an absolute nightmare and you may have heard that popular morning about pension and health one pill can kill, will take a look at this, the Cbp Port Director and a gaullist arizona sure these photos and he said that the officers seized more than 230,000 a Fentanyl Bills and the spare tire of a car on wednesday and in the following day on thursday, it had approximately come i and 32000 Fentanyl Bills hidden throughout the vehicle and that is more than 1 million Fentanyl Bills seized by the cbp within a 24 hour time span of port of entry, this week alone. Sewer capturing all of these millions of Fentanyl Bills but we do not know what we are not missing and is obviously very easy to bring across the border, fentanyl if you are crossing the border had a millions of people are crossing the border, all of the time. Is scary to think about and this is new video that we got today from a source of the border showing dozens of migrants crossing through water out of the cold in brownsville, texas yesterday with her Young Children and can only imagine was some of that water there, e worrying business humanitarian crisis is going to get worse if title 42 is lifted but trump pandemic. Era policy that allows a federal official to Quickly Expo Migrants which was sent to lapses week but after these ongoing legal battles over the supreme court, weighing whether or not keep this policy in place. Brian thank you. For more in the Record Number of migrant crossings and how long hundred Law Enforcement is prepended preparing for the potential into title 42 whispering from the Texas Department of Public Safety, lt. Alvarez, thank you so much for being here Merry Christmas to you at the top of these numbers from november record november, nearly 234,000 migrant encounters on our southwest border, then eclipses last november which is about 175,000 last fiscal year, was a record in total, is a situation on the ground right now and is the border prepared the end of title 42. Will good evening brian, good to be with you course Merry Christmas and as you see the numbers are very staggering of course they really show that every month is been a record on top of her record and the fact that historically around the holiday months before we see the numbers lows numbers of encounters with the soft case this Current Border crisis we continue to see the numbers increase through all sectors along the southern border and not just about so far no real but also he saw the Video Footage of huntsville and beltsville has never experienced the number of people trying to come across like you saw that video right there but again, is the fact that this situation that Everybody Knows right now across the border the title 42, is when you and the criminal organizations use that to their advantage and theyre using the messaging to bring more people across because is a very lucrative business for them is a multibilliondollar business, Human Trafficking so thats what theyre using to their advantage in the way we prepare us for the state were trying to place as many resources as possible to the border throughout various sectors of the border role in National Guard and you talk so what took place in el paso this week, the number migrants coming across over 2000 on picking up and in particular day and of course the weather right now with the freezing temperatures, below 20 degrees and you have women and children were sleeping in the streets for now because there is no facilities to house these emigrants and so right now were able to deploy the National Guard to enter in control that area again something of people that are coming across the numbers as far as being encounters but also Human Smuggling does not stop as well we continue to see an increase as well as the Drug Smuggling. And out regarding fentanyl and continues with come across our borders. Brian Operation Lone Star Texas has deemed the operation in Texas Department of Public Safety that you guys are operating in the last year for 4 billion to fund as a state and this operation to help protect the border they just had congress made in the past about 1. 7 trillion and that included just 81. 8 million increase in Border Funding is that enough in your estimation give the level of the crises that we are dealing with. Is not enough and of course was that actually for actual or more for processing procedures of all are going to do with that money is allow the Agency Process faster and release more numbers to the country and suffer actual enforcement action thats what we need any goods or billions of dollars i will say this is all of the money billions of dollars for Border Security but if you dont have a policy place youve not going to slow down what is taking place for now thats why the state we have to submit a charge of the feel that because Border Patrol is so overwhelmed were more focused on the criminal elements as far as Human Smuggling drugs and thats what the operation lone star is focus on begin the funny is needed any good have mortgages and you gotta have more technology and infrastructure and border wall but also you have to have a Policy Advice because if not as a way to stop people coming across. Brian quickly, some of these numbers and we know that 15. 6 billion operating budget, altogether this represents about 12 percent increase in the budget the cdp this year and included and that is 230 million and what they say Security Technology but as you said, that is mainly for processing people who are crossing illegally enough to stop them from coming so we will put that in place and rocha, i just wanted to have this lt. , you have the Biden Administration, filing a lawsuit to stop title 42 from happening, and at the same time, they sued heroes on his governor for adding Shipping Containers in trying to create a makeshift wall to do everything they can to stop this crisis when you make of those actions given what we are seeing is a humanitarian crisis were sing the border. Were two years into the crisis shows you the Federal Government does not want this to they dont want this to stop and they have the opportunity to stop this from one to do next and also taking into account the fact that most recently, texas won a decision where the federal texas judge actually ruled in favor to where the department of Homeland Security has to implement the remaining mexico policy but again that is not been acknowledged jewels of all same place had to stop this but they refused to do it until the net force im going to continue to see more people coming across as a more impressed that would be homeless and street and also the continued increase of Human Smuggling Drug Smuggling fentanyl coming across is killing Tens Of Thousands of americans everyday and there needs to be accountability but until then were going to continue to do is much as we can as a state to try to fulfill our partners to help them see that we think you edited it chris oliveiras, think you much and again Merry Christmas and stay safe. Thank you. Brian another batch of twitter files dropped ongoing today venture was met and with the reveal about twitters cooperation with Government Agencies beyond of the fbi, next. Ted. Hot tub, why not . And of course, puppyfriendly. We dont like to say perfect, but its pretty perfect. Booking. Com, booking. Yeah. Every day, more dog people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food. Developed with vets. Made from real meat and veggies. Portioned for your dog. And delivered right to your door. Its smarter, healthier pet food. All across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. So were hard at work helping them achieve financial freedom. Were proud to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. From the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. And help communities thrive. Vehicles come in all different sizes. Yet ordinary Windshield Phone Holders are one size fits all. Does that make sense . 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And the massive Winterbottom Cyclone Storm has knocked out power to Tens Of Thousands in the buffalo area and much of Western New York is under Severe Weather warnings the National Weather service is urging people to stay inside is visibility in some places is at zero risk of getting frostbite, is high in Fox Whether Correspondent max gordon has more. Reporter with when continues to web in the snow continues to come down in sheets here in the buffalo area as you can see behind me, hundred five, the trucks at a standstill and a travel ban is in place in the city of buffalo and surrounding counties, official say do not go out there and the roads and it is simply, too dangerous and for many, they might be stuck in the vehicles were here this gas station where many people hunkered down last night and they might have to do so again is one of the few places to go without food and his warmth and the police and the fire officials are coming here to escort the folks over to warming shelters and just trying to get them somewhere safe and unfortunately, our group was one of those had a hunkered down and sleep in the cars last night as we were going from her life shot and try to make our way back to our hotel for the white out conditions me trouble just too dangerous way to pullover and you cannot see more than 20 feet in front of you and luckily we had a full tank of gas and we were able to keep warm predict but it was a pretty brutal by noon and night experience like many here, the buffalo area and First Responders were out in force trying to help people who were stranded but in some parts of the city, and Western New York, Emergency Services simply are not available in the roads are just too dangerous and firefighters and police cant get out of the folks in erie coy has confirmed that two people died because Emergency Responders were not able to get out of them and this blizzard is not overcome the conditions will continue throughout the day around 2 feet of snow is expected to fall today. In the guests of 60 65 Miles Per Hour and back to you. Brian Fox Whether Correspondent max gordon, thank you. The storm now reportedly blamed for haleys 16 deaths across the u. S. Was constant other parts of the midwest, they are buried in snow and hundreds of thousands of people are still without power and most of the outages are in maine, North Carolina and Alexis Mcadams is live in New York City, with the very latest alexis. Reporter hi brian a good evening and another cold windy day out here are getting new york City Temperatures continue to drop in across the country we are talking about high winds and lots of snow and specifically the midwest and those dangerous conditions leading to similar situation for the drivers in the midwest and also turning interstates into large sheets of ice and take a look here, this what were talking about specifically in the midwest seven ohio nearly 50 car pileup left at least three people dead and several others injured in those crashes left turnpike, close hours and right on the main concern northeast the coastal flooding we been talking about the Rescue Crews Wade through the water to have stranded this drivers as part of long island had more than 7 feet of sitting water the cleanup good take days ending the midwest which was lymphoma video from Northern Indiana shows the wind us in whipping by and the really printed low visibility from the drivers on i 75 which is michigan, we saw cars and trucks and even semi slide right off as icy roads and into the ditch this comes as millions of americans are dealing with bitter Cold Temperatures and blizzard like conditions and hundreds of thousands of people dealing with power outages. Sue and for us we been preparing all week and we do have hundreds of crews that are working today and linda be available for the weekend as we need them. Reporter hello some of the Cold Temperatures are out in montana and check this out on the National Weather service in montana creating their own so about and throwing boiling water into the negative 17 degrees into snowflakes immediately listen to this, the goal is recorded when joe, was in the town of Malta Montana drop to negative 72 degrees on tuesday so back out here live in New York City, i guess i shouldnt complain too much about the temperatures but so bitter cold degrees are trying to put all of those power broods a backup but because of these frigid temperatures, hit is taking them a lot longer than expected. Brian i cannot even wrap my head around negative 72 degrees, lively and 15 degrees New York City and thank you alexis. Washington is in the middle of the phrase that is not just because of the weather inviting of a minority peter Kevin Mccarthys Potential Speakership as House Republicans stuck in details from dc next. Mckenzie being a first time parent is hard, you know . But then learning that your child has cancer is unbelievably hard. Brennon thats not something that we woke up that Morning Planning to hear. Just hearing that she had cancer, it breaks you. Mckenzie eliza is diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma at four months. Its cancer of the eyes. Its aggressive and its fast growing. And as a mom, hearing that, i still cry because you want to take away all of the pain and you dont want your kid to be sick, obviously. Brennon you kind of get tossed in the fire and you have to figure certain things out. And with what weve been going through, i dont know how we would have made it without st. Jude. St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. Mckenzie we do not receive any bills from st. Jude. And that is, its a huge weight lifted off. We only have to worry about eliza. We are so thankful that there are people out there who care and who give to st. Jude so that we can care for our baby girl. You can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. Join with your debit or credit card right now and well send you this st. Jude tshirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. Brennon st. Jude has given us hope. The people that donate money each and every month to st. Jude, its all because of them. You can make a difference. Please become a st. Jude partner in hope right now. Brian the house to the senate yesterday about the 1. 7 trillion Spending Bill, and the vote was along the party lines except nine republicans who voted for the bill and congresswoman alexandra the lone democrat, to vote against it and senior Congressional Correspondent, is live in washington with the latest chad. Reporter congress may have vastly but lawmakers still missed the deadline to the bill to the president on time and it takes days to prep the bill that is why the government is now running on its third bandaid Spending Bill through December 30th and congress has done for the year end of focus is on Kevin Mccarthy and its unclear if he has the votes to become Speaker Mccarthy used the bill to make his case. More than 4000 pages, is a train wreck. It is jampacked with focus on, Washington Special interests, and wasteful spending that means more crushing death and make the border worse it will make inflation worse it will make the economy worse and it will make government worse in the American People are probably asking themselves, how did we get into this mess and i will tell you how, democrats failed to do their job. Brian good because of the gop narrow majority only takes a few members to block mccarthy from the speakership in a group of five republicans are now standing in the way mccarthy opponent good, asked him to stand down. He cares at all about the january a significant numbers of us and for somebody else. [inaudible]. That on the second out, i think you see the number grow as the alternative candidate. The vote for speaker has not gone into a second bella since 1923 editor three days and nine votes before the house finally reelected Frederick Gillett a speaker, the house cant even swear in a new member until felix a speaker and educate, is january 3rd. Brian senior Congressional Correspondent chad, thank you. For more and this was bringing a new member of the incoming gop House Majority carolina russell fright and thank you for being here lets get right into it to pretty one of the reasons why gop leader Kevin Mccarthy, said that he believed this 1. 7 trillion funding bill was a stain as he put it on congress, is that he believed republican incoming freshmen like yourself, should have a say in this bill and what you make of this bill had those who voted for it. Thank you for having me and a couple of freshmen in a couple of weeks he opened a letter to her leader Mitch Mcconnell, asking them to stop this and we are inning while the cavalry is on the way to days away from taking the majority of the American People elected us to do to be a check on this radical administration and we are right there sent to do it on a continuing resolution until we get there, this part of the course that gives us a seat at the table remember the House Of Representatives has the power but is that we have funded the Biden Administrations initiatives for another year and so i plug the speaker elect for opposing it i wish more people in the house and senate we do the same or would have done the same. Brian Kevin Mccarthy tweeted this, pennies off he is obviously trying to rally support to sing this bill and he said that when i am speaker, the bills will be dead and on arrival in the house if this nearly 2 trilliondollar is allowed to move forward over our objections and the will of the American People he was talking about senators and he said that any senator who voted for the spinning bill, that he would essentially make sure that their policies and ideas would be something the house at what you make of that and do you think hes going to stand by his word. Well and taking his word, at the end of the day, when the republican majority of the house, we have to work with the republicans in the senate to make sure that we are on sintering in the market people spoke very loud in this the past election which was a rejection of the Biden Administration the policies of people are hurting rhino at the end of the day the price of goods are costing americans 700 extra a month so we have to Work Together and we have to stand in the fire but we will be seen with this under this bill, people are going it alone it with the republicans taking over in just a short amount of time, it doesnt make a lot of sense to me this bill was even in consideration this late in the game right before christmas. Brian somebody believes that this makes it is mitch mcco mcconnell, he was Majority Leader but yes Mitch Mcconnell though pretty much came out and said that he really does support this bill is one part of what he said earlier this week, he actually put it and framed it as win for the republicans listen. Making sure that the Defense Department can deal without major threats coming from russia and china. Providing assistance for the ukrainians to defeat the russians, that is the number one priority of the United States he would mcconnell making the case is number one issue for americans are now funny and is he right. No i dont think so and i think theres so many of items that are on americas winds including the cost of energy in the cost of inflation that were at a fouryear high with inflation alone in American Dream is becoming more and more unaffordable us because of policies that this administration so continuing to fund them or subsidize this administration not make a lot of sesame for the market people. What about the Border Funding and what you make of the lack thereof. Listen to my think the border is where the biggest issues that we face and look at the record amount that fentanyl is poisoning communities and by course by theater at the Border Agents seem to be not be another we have present to has not even been to the border doesnt understand was going on there we continue to see the escalation crime and drugs in our communities are heading South Carolina and every Community Across his country gotta get ahead on the border that is part of this misplaced priorities of this administration is so with the republican Majority Holding this Administration Accountable with oversight and with the power of the purse those are very important things for this next congress to intense i can scott does mccarthy when the speakership and is the next speaker. The dust he is the overwhelming support of the caucus and at the end of the day the American People elected us to lead come about mute to make sure that were pushing for the things that they care about the mouse and so i think he will win sue and congressman elect, russell fry, Merry Christmas and thank you for joining me tonight. Heavy snow and dangerous windows, hitting one is 60 percent of the u. S. Population this Christmas Even blizzard conditions in bone chilling temperatures, nobels had in mind been hoping for a White Christmas in fox whether multimedia journalist, robert ray with the story. A very Merry Christmas medical one here for metro and thought i come of this is operated, a suburb with a beautiful holiday festivities behind me but you know what, a lot of southerners are probably going to be hunkering down here today and this part of the country as the temperatures really really cold. The windshields are below zero and thickly sunny skies above but just a Travel Nightmare over the country including here at 11 and jackson and hartsfield, and the report where it is just gnarled and same thing in chicago and other areas. Remember the Arctic Sea Smoke that we saw up in chicago yesterday on friday, amazing to see that then the temperatures of the lincoln 40 degrees and the Air Temperature is below zero increases hot tub affecting some of the nature on full display unfortunately, as so many people are going through this whole system thickly, no snow in the southland that is a good thing and fourthly, there are still thousands of people have the power in the State Of Georgia and really all across the midwest and the northeast and unfortunately, theres also been people have lost their lives in these dangerous conditions in the old saying, pack your patients of your traveling, really comes into play if youre still trying to get to the destination for the holiday, you do need to pack that patients. In the meantime, the temperatures are going to continue to move upwards here in the south and that is a great thing, back to give. Brian Arctic Sea Smoke, incredible robert ray, thank you is already Christmas Day many parts of the world, ten as is tradition, hope francis delivered his special christmas message during the Night Mastering in details on that straight ahead. May i . Were definitely not lit. I mean seriously, we named ourselves booking. Com which is kind of lit if we are talking. Literal. Ha ha. Its why were planet earths number one site for booking accommodation. We love Booking Stuff and were just here to help you make the best of your vacation. Ow. Hi. Booking. Com booking. Yeah this Little Light Of Mine [narrator] in the worlds poorest places, theyre shunned, outcast, living in pain. You can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. A surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a childs life forever. Please call or visit operationsmile. Org now. Thousands of children are waiting. Age comes with wisdom. And wisdom comes with benefits. 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Yes brian good evening and is terrible pictures coming work Ukrainian Authority say ten people have been killed and 55 arthur and 18 people are in Great Condition after a russian shelling talk and take a look, this disturbing video and president zelinski posted pictures on his Instagram Account this morning and he calls russia again the terrorist country and he said the strike was in the central part of Harris On Covenant Near Military Facility has a president zelinskis the putin is healing for the sake of intimidation and pleasure and he has this message for ukrainians, this Christmas Eve. [speaking in native tongue] no drums can extinguish this big low even underground in the bomb shelter. Reporter meanwhile ukraine sees Command American Nurse has been saving the lives of ukrainian soldiers sense bay and her name is Jennifer Molly that she has twice been deployed to afghanistan to serve as a nurse and a doctor there and she has two daughters back on the site and she said that she missed of them very much but she felt that she needed to come to ukraine to help with the war effort. And take a look at this, christmas elevations are happening underground and khiv to take the subway station used as a bomb shelter throughout the war, has now been turned into a Winter Wonderland with a 50foot Christmas Tree underground and theatrical performances for the kids as well as games and virginia closer to khiv also celebrations and in khiv crews have restored electricity to three districts that are operating entirely without powers of the russian drone strike in those three jesters are on par with the rest of the region which is operating at a 50 percent efficiency and will send it back to you. Brian Stay Safe In Khiv and thank you and here is some other headlines from around the globe, impress on charles, the notorious Serial Killer known as the survey landed in paris after his release from prison in nepal and authority say the releases 78 yearold printed citizen on Health Grounds and he served 19 years of a Life Sentence for murdering more than 20 backpackers in india and in thailand in the 1970s and afghanistan taliban, Security Forces use a water can into disperse women to protesting the bad University Education today and afghan women it demonstrated in a major city after the countries rulers on tuesday and the man female students from attending universities in the west bank, the Patriarch Of Jerusalem arrived in the town of bethlehem and today delete Annual Christmas Celebrations at the Church Of Nativity is billed of the christians believe that jesus christ was born in vatican city, p francis at Saint Peters Basilica in the dedicate of the service to those suffering and wars Around The World especially in ukraine and that is a look at some stories from around the globe. In a way christmas has become harder and mid or harder and harder to come by but we certainly got one this year in many parts of the country and what could that mean for Christmas Day. That forecast is next. Sue and welcome back in the massive Winter Storm Wreaking Havoc across the country printed did not stop the seattle see how players going shirtless during the pregame match up against the Kansas City Chiefs today the temperature was around 10 degrees outside, so what can we expect on Christmas Day, adam rejoins the show. Adam i have a shirt on and heres will be ever the forecast and big Winter Storm System that we have been paying so much attention to, now looking up into canada but notice what is happening in the east side of all of the great lakes and that is where there still snow remaining is with Blizzard Warnings are just the way that they air circulates run the systems when heading over the Water Blizzard Conditions in michigan and navy of michigan in parts of new york also affecting if i can setback out of your way the tail end of this would there is still some very windy illusions and cold conditions and visibility will be very low moving vessel around and otherwise come a lot of folks are dealing with more Cold Temperatures still lingering out there a lot of spots doing Single Digits are teens and everything in the blue is at or below freezing and you had in the wind joke is colder a lot of spots are getting down into the negatives a release down into the teens are dealing some of that very cold air another our spots across the software into what eventually this will break and get out of your way there by the wednesday and thursday and friday of next week, things are to heat up there just a little bit and if i can get through that, really quickly and you want to leave you with your christmas forecast and the rent is coming tomorrow low spa still only in the teens, and 20s and 30s across the lower tier country but as we know a lot of folks are getting a White Christmas brian. Brian fox news Meteorologist Adam thank you and homeowners in the northeast, are scrambling to pay their Heating Bills as the windows drop 0 degrees and that includes New Hampshire wednesday government is now helping residents fight the frost and medicine has more. Reporter these low temperatures are coming in at a time when home Energy Prices could not be Hiring Heating your home with gas on average is going to cost you 18 percent more this year compared to last year and home heating oils up on average by 27 percent by some states have it worse than others and here in New Hampshire, the heating oils up 40 percent since last year and electricity is up 86 percent and cost and that is the reason why New Hampshire governor chris to sign a bill creating a state Emergency Fuel Assistance Program which provides the siphon to individual struggling to cover those increased fuel costs saying that he knew if he didnt do anything, he could not rely on the Federal Government i think the white house is completely politically incompetent when it comes to Understanding Energy policy in america because everything to do is foreign political reason as opposed to when the cost, was the infrastructure, the call to so dangerous a place like new england, everyone is susceptible is on fixed incomes and the elderly and so you have the political incompetence it is literally putting peoples lives at risk. Reporter the communities stepping up as well and local food banks help in the State Assistant and federal assistance ops runs out and volunteers jumped and they stuck in the deliver the wood to families that use wood burning stoves it is all hands on deck this year and they started prepping for summer in the goodness is a far from the bank has been able to give up with demand concerned about everywhere he had known words and they already know its going to be an expensive winter and they worried that it is also going to be a cold one at a dangerous combo, back to you. Brian fox business responded Madison Ellsworth and said is going to need a vacation after tonight, so yes scouting locations like this one in the florida keys and that is next, you are watching the fox report. vo red lobster. The finer points of fun dining creating your own ultimate feast. Is the ultimate form of shellfishpression. Create your own ultimate feast is here. Choose 4 of 10, like new cheddar bay shrimp. Welcome to fun dining. All across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. So were hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. Were investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. From the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. And help communities thrive. Subject 1 on Christmas Day, we were in the hospital. It was her first christmas. It was our first christmas being parents. I didnt know a lot about brain tumors, and what i had heard wasnt good. I certainly never dreamed that i would be fighting for her life. Narrator families never receive a bill from st. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. You can make a difference. Please become a st jude partner in hope right now. Subject 1 my dreams are to watch her grow up. Subject 2 you going to do that one all by yourself . Good job. 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In nature Caught In The Act in a ring in alaska and watch as a moves makes his way into the frame countries his head homeowners front yard losing his antlers the most something in the distance before turning is that entity is startled he runs off in the videos going viral online and wildlife official say that is normal for a moves to shed there at worst of the winter. In Hersheypark Christmas candy plant cherry Great Holiday news center has a green light for this point tonight as it was nine reindeer hello getting a clean bill of health from Pennsylvania State veteran. , kevin brightbill. I can tell you that or, dancer, producer, vixen, and cuban, and daughter many thunder and blitzer meaning lightning and despite his very red nose, have all been cleared for takeoff. Brian thats a relief and in addition to thats okay, the Caretaker Say that the animals would really love some apples as trees tonight and listen for that click, click, click on that rooftop tonight and thank you to all of our incredible staff, working here in New York City, and Around The World, from all of this year fox news channel, we wish you viewers a safe and merry Christmas Eve and to those who are dealing with loss this christmas, sitting in love, peace, and strength, that is how fox reports this saturday december 24th, 2022 and i am brian and for john scott and thank you for watching the Great Christmas Debate is next we will see you tomorrow and Merry Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be a time to come together but a family feast are grappling withe contention i say enough, right here right now, were going tobu Settle Thingts once and for bob, and this is a Great Christmas Debate. Your host and we have two teams playing for braggingam rights, any cash price for charity and is made are contestants we have a green tea and team and for the rin

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