government, they have to decide whether they're going to pass the bipartisan infrastructure plan and there's the 3 and-a-half trillion tax and spending plan. where are they? >> the scope of what is ahead for the biden administration and for democrats in congress right now is really enormous, so much of biden's overall agenda as president is going to be tied up in what happens over the next couple weeks and then as you mentioned there's the small matter of keeping the government actually funded. i think when it comes to passing the biden priorities, democrats want to get to yes. they have divisions to work through within the party. they have questions about the top line price tag. i think democrats though are going to try to push to get to a place where they can pass something that might look different than where the package stands rights now but i think those are really big questions on the idea of raising the debt limit and funding the government. that is always a really difficult hill washington to climb. it sounds like something that