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National security adviser Jake Sullivan of the prospects for diplomacy and how the United States plants to fortify its role as leader of the free world in the face of challenges from china and russia. Then a comet debate on the hill over the u. S. Rule in this conflict. Is it safe to send more american troops to europe at this time . I think reinforcing our existing nato allies with troops its deafly appropriate. Were joined by senator a democrat on the Foreign Relations committee and centered jon nebraska or republican member of that committee. Then. We have a real problem with the flow of guns to the innercity pre we cannot continue to endure the level of violence we are now experiencing. Mayors call for federal help for the rising crime. President biden tries to reassure law enforcement. We will ask our sunday panel how the president walks the line between crime and policing. Plus, Elizabeth The Second marks 70 years as queen. We will discuss some milestones, the monarchy and the weight of the crown over seven decades of duty. Alt right now on Fox News Sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. A contentious Winter Olympics now underway in beijing. But it is the chinese and russian president s who say they are now on the same team and a global power competition. As tensions rise on the korean border and the United States sends a troops to the region. In a moment will speak with White House National security advisor Jake Sullivan. But first to alex hoff with the latest from the white house hi alex. The u. S. Is joined with countries like australia, the uk, india and various other nations in the diplomatic boycott of the games citing chinas abysmal human rights record. In particular focuses on the Chinese Government treatment of their muslim minority. In an obvious statement to critics, china elected have an Opening Ceremony torch carried by a crosscountry skier who is part of chinas Uighur Population Ethnic Minority Group victim to what the u. S. Has appointed to genocide by the Chinese Government too. We should not allow Chinese Government whitewashed with a drink to that uighurs in the hong kong, the threat to taiwan right now. A Protest Sit In was held by human rights advocates nbcs headquarters calling on the network to cease broadcast on the 2022 games. The controversy olympic backdrop provide the space for meeting between chinese president xi Jinping Jinping and russian president Vladimir Putin paid to leaders express solidarity through a joint statement saying they quote Pose Interference in the Internal Affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights. While the u. S. Allies with ukraine were not mentioned in the statement tension was between the lines as the pentagon revealed it has evidence of a moscow plan to fake a ukrainian attack on russia. We know they are thinking about doing it. Its one of other things we know they are trying to do to create a pretext for an invasion. U. S. And european efforts for the dartmouth diplomatic solution continued french president has spoken to putin three times since last friday. Will visit moscow monday and had to kia tuesday outside German Foreign ministers reflects german chancellors schedules have missed the white house here tomorrow to discuss with President Biden ways to deter innovation, martha. Spain alex thank you very much. Alex hoff reported for the white house. InterNational Security advisor Jake Sullivan, jake welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Good to have you here today. I would like to start with this. Sources are telling us russia is now a 70 ready to launch an invasion in ukraine because they are now or soon will be upwards of 130,000 troops and a significant new presence of jets, missiles, antiaircraft equipment and russia and belarus north of ukraine. They set mixed signals whether they think and novation will actually happen. What can you tells this morning is a vision invasion imminent . What i can tell you marthas we are in the window. Any day now russia could take Military Action against ukraine or it could be a couple of weeks from now. Or russia could take the diplomatic path instead. The key thing is that the United States needs to be and is prepared for any of those contingencies in lockstep with our allies and partners. We have reinforced and reinsured our allies on the eastern flank. We have united the west. We have provided Material Support to ukraine all of President Bidens direction with also offered russia a diplomatic path that they choose to take it. If war breaks out it will come at an enormous human cost to ukraine but we believe based on our preparations and our response it will come at a strategic cost a rush as well. That is what we are learning according to Market Millie saying he have could fall within 72 hours that 50000 people could be killed. What do you think is the likelihood there is a surprising quick fall of kyiv . Look. My job here is not to predict what exactly will happen day today it is to prepare for any contingency including a contingency where Russian Forces drive on the ukrainian capitol we are working hard with our allies and partners on that. We are providing as i said Material Support to the ukrainians and trying to get them to make sure they are the best position possible to defend themselves. So, the russians have a lot of options available to them. We have economic that we can impose the ways in which we can strengthen and fortify our presence on nato territory and nato countries and of course a global diplomatic isolation that russia would face should choose to proceed. I think anyone is fresh in everyones memory the quicker than expected fall of kabul in afghanistan. So i guess my question is, when you have u. S. Troops sent to nato states but none sent to ukraine, that is a real possibility we could be sitting or talking in a few weeks and say gee that was faster than we expected. But we dont have anybody in country and too bad. The president has been clear for months now, that the United States is not sending forces to start a war or fight a war with russia in ukraine. We have sent forces to europe to defend nato territory pretty have a sacred obligation under article five to defend our nato allies poland, romania, the baltic states. We have made that commitment to them will keep that commitment to them. What we can do for the ukrainians is not send american troops to fight in the war in ukraine, but we can send defensive assistance which we have done to the tune of more than half A Billion Dollars of the course of the past year. And we can provide other forms of support alongside her allies and partners, we have done that as well. Weve been clear from the start about the steps that we are prepared to take. And whatever action russia undertakes next, the United States is ready. Martha is it likely what comes out of this the diplomatic angle is being pursued, obviously. Is it likely we are going to see an arms treaty, a situation where russia starts negotiating with us. Weve heard theres already talks about moving the Tomahawk Missiles and reciprocal move from their side. Is that a likely outcome here . And wouldnt be a scenario where Vladimir Putin gets a g. I. Got what i wanted. Secretary lincoln meeting with his counterparts surrogate we are prepared alongside her allies on mutual concern comes security. And that would include reciprocal on missiles of Greater Transparency measures. It would include some mechanisms to reduce the possibility of mistake or escalation if there incidents at sea or in the air. We are prepared to do all about. Just as we have been over the course of the past decades in the cold war and after freight if russia wants to sit at the table and do that we are prepared to come flanked by allies and partners and negotiate an outcome along those lines. If russia chooses to go different path we are ready for that too. Martha why not move more of our troops from germany . Germany has been on the sidelines in this. They have large energy deals with russia. Theyre not getting any lethal aid to ukraine to have 30 50000 troops in germany. I think a lot of people look at the situation they were rivers of the proposals in the Prior Administration and say why are we doing that . Where are we moving those troops to nato tour stronger germany at this moment . First of all, we have been coordinated very close to germany in advance of the chancellors visit To Washington tomorrow. A swift and severe package of sanctions United States and europe would both impose on russia in the invent of an invasion of ukraine. Germany has been working with us on that. Second, while it is true germany has not sent arms to ukraine after the United States that the second largest donor to ukraine and europe. The great thing, martha, but having the alliance we have a 30 nato allies is a different allies step up to take different pieces of this. So we, the uk, some the other countries supplying weapons. And then there other alleys providing different forms of support ukraine. The bottom line is this, the reason we are able to swiftly move a battalion into romania to reinforce and reassure our ally, romania is because those forces were stationed in germany. Having forces stationed in germany is in fact a Strategic Asset to the United States. Because not only can they help determine torture they can move to the allies in the east to reinforce and deter russia. That puts the United States and a stronger position to stand up to Russia Military aggression. Martha i know you said the larger goal was at the United States and our allies are stronger on The World Stage. And that russia and of course china as well are weaker on The World Stage. But how did it serve that goal to remove opposition . Now we are in a position where we are hoping maybe it can be turned off. If we had held fast in opposition to ignored it stream too, when we have denied Vladimir Putin some of the leverage he clearly has . Is a leverage for us, not leverage her Vladimir Putin. You said turn off. It has not been turned on. There is no gas flowing through right now there wont be for months to parts through because the diplomacy of the United States. And we have been absolutely clear that if russia invades ukraine, one way or the other Nord Stream Two will not move forward. That is leverage for us that we have right now. We intend to loot use that leverage a vitamin food and as a choice to make if he chooses to move on ukraine he will not be getting the benefits. Martha in germany has agreed to that . I know theyve given it an extension for a few months but do you really think germany will not turn that pipeline on if russia invades for the foreseeable future . What i believe is that we will follow through on the clear and definitive statement we have made as the Biden Ministration. One way or another of russia invades ukraine nord stream2 will not move forward. Martha why not reopen the Keystone Pipeline and reopen federal leases on u. S. Land . We had Energy Independence that was large leverage for the United States of russia. Now we dont have that anymore. In fact we buy more fuel for much than we have in the past. So why wouldnt she want to revisit those and able to increase our leverage over russia . First of all the niceties is a substantial producer of energy. Second to take steps to ensure russias attempts get frustrated. One of the things President Biden has been focused on is making sure putin turns on the supply of gas to europe. That we can find cargoes of Liquefied Natural Gas going elsewhere in the world and redirect them to europe. So the United States is prepared for a contingency. You can see we are no longer energy independent, jake and we were before. What i was say is United States is investing massively being a leader in Energy Transition with yes for now we continue to use fossil fuels. But over the course of years and decades, we become a Clean Energy Superpower because that ultimately is not just where the jobs are its where the strategic advantage will lie. Because we cannot just look at next to her or the year after that snow china is doing to look out ten, 20, 30 years part of those years President Bidens investment in his and vision for how to make the United States the worlds Clean Energy Superpower, that is what is going to put us in the best strategic position alongside democratic likeminded allies and partners very. Someone might say russia and china would look at that answer and feel like they are in a very good position. They came out we have a deeper friendship. We have an unshakable alliance now for the two of us are in lockstep. What is the white house reaction to that statement on friday . First martha and they did not use the word alliance. They use some other phrases but did not actually go so far is to use the alliance. Martha let me put it this way. Friendship between this two states has no limits are no forbidden areas of cooperation. That also suggested china would have rushes back on their decision with regards ukraine and the same would be true for russia chinas decision in regard to taiwan. That sounds like an alliance. 5000 words of that statement and 5000 words that the two leaderseaders put down n that paper, the word ukraine does not appear. Which means chinas not so excited about cheerleading a rush on ukraine. But theres a more important point here which is that the United States, the west, the free world many to believe in yourself. But enough confidence in ourselves by the u. S. In the west collectively comprise more than half the world gdp. Russia and china comprise less than 20 . Weve got innovation. We got entrepreneurship, with got immense capacity and human potential. One thing that President Biden is done over the course of the last year, is rally our allies in europe, Asia To Stand Together For A Vision In which democracy wins today i had. Not a talker sees but we feel very good about the fact of that kind of Strategic Alignment and convergence with Close Friends and partners in the g7, and the quad, and nato with the european union. Weve already put points on the board. We are ready for the challenges that lie ahead. Martha will save those challenges are and thank you very much but its good happy with us today, Jake Sullivan from the white house, thank you jake. So the u. S. Role in the russian showdown, is this our fights . We are going to get reaction from two members of the senate Foreign Relations committee, next. Get a head start in investing with the new schwab starter kit™. New investors can open an account and get 50 to split across the top five stocks in the s p 500®. 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Senator welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Good to have you with us. All of the centers have closed or until briefing at the end of last week. There are quite startling figures coming out of that once the joint chiefs chair mark milley said its possible, could fall within 72 hours. What was your reaction came out of that briefing in terms of where this is headed . Oh well, first let me say the picture that really tells a story is that picture from the olympics of a putin and xi. Putin is the Clear And Present Danger and xi is the longterm threats. To see the two of them standing insult solidarity and eager to doubleteam americas going to be a real test of a President Bidens resolve. So the question now comes down to putin and does he or doesnt he . Its not can he or canty. He certainly has the potential to do this if he decides to move appear to think it is incumbent upon us to do everything we can to discourage that action. But ultimately he is going to make that decision by himself. It became clear to me from the briefing is not going to take input from others. He is a predator. Hes going to see what it cost him and what he gets. We put biting sanctions in place right now without delay, before an attack hose will be financial as well as make sure ukraine has the weapons they need to defend themselves. That is not u. S. Troops that is ukraine in defending themselves with firstclass weapons. Then that will make putin think twice. Martha so putin rolls then, the question is going to become what do we do . Do you see something happening here that is some sort of Arms Agreement . That allows putin to be in ukraine and then sort of take some arms off the table . I hope heard Jake Sullivan moments ago. There is a commitment to put troops in the region which is not in ukraine which i think a lot of people agree with your colleague josh hawley agrees with that. But how far are we willing to go is the question . I think putin has not made his final decision yet. Think were one 100 right. He does use energy as a weapon. We can talk more about that. We ought to have biting sanctions in place now not later. Have a bipartisan piece of legislation that we have been working on. I will tell you what is happening now is the administration has meant weak kneed on this for the been dragging their feet they want democrats to water it down. We need pressing a biting sanctions now not after innovation. What putin is talking about has been putting together the old soviet union. Ukraine is the first part of that. He wants to swallow the whole thing. It is the second largest country in europe. We need to prevent that through letting him know its going to be very painful if he tries to do it. If he gets away with it, that is the bigger problem. He needs a choke on trying to swallow ukraine. Because if it is easy pickings for him my worry is trying it looks against taiwan and ironic moves quickly to a nuclear weapon. Martha scary scenario part of want to switch gears of the vermont senator if i might. This is a clip of the former Vice President mike pence at a speech he gave at the federal society on friday with regard to january 6 and his role, here it is. I heard this week that President Trump said i had the right to overturn the election. President trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American People. And the American People alone. Martha do you agree with mike pence on that, sir . You know i voted to certify the election. I think mike pence it is constitutional duty that day. It is not the congress than on liz and i disagree we vote against impeachment twice will have a very spirited primary. It is a late primary, late august here in wyoming. It is going to be very engaging i can tell you. Liz is going to have to travel the state and make or to get reelected. Martha senator brasa think of thats our time always good to see you. Thank you martha recollects senator welcome back to Fox News Sunday. You heard senator barrasso urging a bipartisan sanctioned bill. Looks like it needs to happen fairly quickly the way things are going. Are we going to see that bill and when . Wont martha, its good to be with you. There is a strong bipartisan effort to give President Biden the strongest possible hand to discourage and hopefully prevent putin to ukraine. That bill is just about complete. We have a few issues we are trying to resolve. From a substance Point Of View it will contain financial sanctions and personal sanctions. By the way it is supported by the Biden Administration. We hope to show mr. Putin democrats and republicans in the senate and the house and the white house are united. With further encouragement to the ukraine he will pay a very, very, very heavy price from the economic Point Of View and the isolation politically. Martha there is some Division Within both sides really. This is a sample of that here is what she had to say this week. We are raising the questions about sanctions and who would be hurt by those because our experience is typically those sanctions do not affect the autocrats they affect the people and they are not an effective way of moving forward. When you say that sir . Firstly sanctions we talk about will affect mr. Putin and his economy and financing his aggressive activities. Secondly there will be personal sanctions and go against the individuals that prevent them from traveling or using the International Banking system. These are gripping sanctions that will have an impact on the bad actors or the russian economy generally because it is financing through corruption mr. Putins agenda. Martha i want to play this clip from jon kirby. There is not a lot of backandforth over this false flag video that was discussed, they came through u. S. Intelligence pathways, listen to what he said about this video. We believe that russia would produce a very graphic Propaganda Video that would include corpses and actors that would be depicting mourners. And images of destroyed locations as well as Military Equipment at the hands of ukraine and that westbury. There was some skepticism with regard to this. I am just curious what you think about it . Would you like to see more evidence of the falsified video . Its only One Avenue Being pursued here it likely by the russians. Martha, a few years ago as i produce the report for Foreign Relations it talks about mr. Putins asymmetric to bring down democratic states that is in the playbook its financing propaganda. Miss information, putting people on the ground that would cause dissension. That is all part of what mr. Putin does. So yes i think its a very clear he has It Operatives directly and indirectly in ukraine in order to produce a false information to justify an invasion if in fact he does invade. That is clearly part of his past record and its clear hes trying to do that in ukraine if we see an incursion. Martha when you see about the Energy Picture . We did not see this kind of activity was sought in 2014 are the Obama Administration and crimea that we did not see it during the trump years. Now we see the Saber Rattling on more than that along the border of ukraine at this point. Do you think it was a mistake to remove opposition to nordstrom too . To shut down the Keystone Pipeline and to stop and remove i am against north stream to i it was a mistake is mostly completed before President Biden took office shouldve been stopped long before now. We do have an agreement with germany today that it will not become operative in the immediate future. Mr. Putin urged encourages at not be is to me its a mistake at this particular moment i dont believe its an issue in regards to mr. Putins calculations other than he knows if he does invade he will not be able to get the pipeline open. You are correct. Part of his playbook is use energy as a weapon that is mr. Putins playbook. We do not want to give him a stronger hand and the use of weapon rising energy. Martha but we havent shutting down the Keystone Pipeline and curtailing a release on Gasp Production and giving up Energy Independence, no . No i dont believe so. Both shortterm and longterm is one of National Security what is best for our economy and our environment. He think weve made the right decisions in regards to our Energy Sources and helping our allies around the world for. Right senator ben cardin thank you very much good to speak with you thank you for being here. Thank you martha. Spit coming up next will go live to ukraine as civilians prepare themselves for war. It will bring in our sunday group to discuss the growing russia china alliance. Woman whats my safelite story . I see inspiration right through my glass. So when my windshield cracked, i chose safelite. 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Side effects may not appear for several weeks. Common side effects include sleepiness and stomach issues. Movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. You are greater than your bipolar i. Ask about vraylar. Martha Marsico House Single and apparent readiness to talk with the United States and nato, even as russia continues to build up along the border of ukraine and also in belarus. For more lets turn to Steve Harrigan who is alive and cap with a look at how the country is preparing for possible invasion, steve. Military budget is more than ten times ukraines. Ukraine are training to fight against the Military Superpower with wooden rifles progress in this Village North they have no illusion about what they face. For some, brave words are mixed with tears. We will fight, we will share an f that god decides who will die. But we will defend our country. Its a world turned upside down for many here. This Underground Bunker was built during the cold war to protect family from the Nuclear Attack but now hes getting it ready to protect his family from the russians. The change is not easy to process. I still cannot imagine ukraine fighting russia. But i guess anything is possible. If a russian Cross Department ukraine 668yearold will face a choice. To tell you the truth, i am not the kind of person who hides. But my wife is worried and nervous about the situation. Martha at the word we keep hearing here is panza. Everyone feels like they are caught in something bigger than they are. They are not sure how they got here. Martha, back to you. Martha Steve Harrigan thank you as always reporting from kyiv this morning and happy with this break time now for the Sunday Group Center at Mitch Mcconnells former chief of and cohost of the ruthless podcast josh holmes fox news correspondent Gillian Turner and fox news political analyst juan williams. Great to have you all with us today. So jillian i spoke earlier with national secured advisor Jake Sullivan. One of the things we discussed is a Strong Partnership that has been announced on The World Stage at the Beijing Olympics between president xi and Vladimir Putin. Are they upping the stakes and what they would like to see as a changing world order . They are, martha. China and russia have announced what they are calling eight no limits partnership that is the term they used. It might sound a little absurd and a little juvenile but the reality as it poses a threat to you to the United States. They have said Going Forward theyre going to Work Together on taiwan. Theyre going to Work Together on ukraine as the two biggest issues to those countries pray theyre also going to partner on this whole host of issues from a work, defense and space to artificial intelligence, to Internet Security projects over the National Security advisor tried to push back on you martha purdy said nowhere in this 5000 page document doesnt call this partnership and alliance. Again, the reality means whatever russia and china wanted to meet on any given day. It might not be calling it an alliance right now but it is an alliance. Martha juan, how much of a concern is this . And do you feel like it is being taken seriously enough in the United States . Oh, i do. Think is being taken seriously globally, martha. And here in the United States see Sanctions Efforts now in congress against china. You know there is talk about the diplomatic boycotts but the sanctions effort is really the power here and in terms of china, just on friday the house passed a substantial sanctions bill in june. The Senate Passed it on a bipartisan basis. The house bill got caught up in some politics, only one republican vote there. But the overall power of it as it goes into conference is to impose serious sanctions on china. Also to boost economic independence from china. To make it more innovative go in terms of american ability to do things on the energy front like scrub air, produce clean energy so we are less dependent on china. This is all, it seems to me critical. Think the partisanship is regrettable. Think its shameful theres only one gop vote in the house. I think what we need to stand strong and be very clear we are not going to play around china or russia. Spit josh promised Congress Going to have an impact on this dynamic . Well it could. I think the bite in the ministrations all of the tools necessary to try to unite the west against whats happening with russia and ukraine and send a strong message to china. In terms of the congressional angle here is what is becoming hallmark is they can figure how to screw up a twocar parade. This is in terms of the china aspect of it. With bipartisanship the summer pulled out of negotiations made entirely partisan democratic did not reflect the will dissent in the first place and crafting and it stuck for thats the gridlock we dont need. With this needs is very strong response from the Biden Administration. I certainly hope they get because the messages sends to xis extremist significant. Martha this is i was getting a lot of tension overseas but one of the biggest things here is a crime. The president came to new york there is an that came out in the New York Post which basically said the president Needs Eric Adams a new mayor of new york is talking tough at this point on crime, more than adams needs him. Gillian, it was at a successful to new york for the president . Ask the Biden Administration counts it as a success absolutely for they are facing a midterm or Violent Crime is going to determine a lot of the races in various regions across the country. This is their best shot to team up some very tough on crime. But is also embraced President Biden personally and directly. Adams is called himself the biden of brooklyn i think he said pres also boasted he isnt President Bidens favorite mayor in america. That all is fine. But i would agree that the Biden Administration has more eggs in this basket than they are adams. They are desperate to put some credentials behind the new slogan which is we are getting tough on crime. Is guncontrol a likely way to go here . Is there too much focus on guns and not enough on the overall violence picture . Of course there is. Think is indicative of the larger problem in the Progressive Movement talking about crime in general. The reason this is a huge liability for the Biden Ministration is because democrats and frankly its politic to talk about Violent Crime across this country for the last two years. The only way they can discuss crime at all is about eliminating guns, to say nothing of the carjacking, the looting, the riots all across this country for the last two years. I think they have an extreme problem pretty think this It Ministration understands that but they cannot get to the point theyre talking about that resonates with the American People. Martha were going to take a quick break back with more thorough panel part glad to have you all here. When we come back mike pence rebukes President Trumps claim on the election of the rnc centers to republicans on the generous six committee. Well take a look at that and the impact on the midterms, coming up next. Isnt that right limu . Limu . Sorry, one sec. Doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks. ] oh boy. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, Liberty Weathertech is the trusted brand only pay for what you need. That offers Premium Products for ultimate protection, like our laser measured floorliners. Now theres the Weathertech Comfortmat. Antifatigue support and cushioning while you stand in the kitchen. Laundry room. At a stand up desk. Or anywhere you might find yourself. The Weathertech Comfortmat features a nonslip grip and comes in three colors and finishes. So stand up and relax. Order your American Made comfortmat at weathertech. Com. [ ] if you have diabetes, its important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. Try boost glucose control®. Its clinically shown to help manage Blood Sugar Levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. Try boost® today. Click on the Constitution On had no right to change the outcome of our election. Kamala harris will have no right to overturn the election when we beat them in 2024. Former Vice President Mike Pence Spotting to former trump claims pens could afford guns on them to prevent biden from taking officer burbach with the panel. Josh dont go to you on this what do mike pences comments say about his relationship with the former president and his own future and the party question hes talking there about 2024. He is right of course. He is a man of integrity and principle. I think he demonstrated that on generous six. He has demonstrated that again today produces less about his relationship with the former president that it is about himself. What i found most interesting about the speech was the venue he chose appears at the federal society which is sort of an intellectual hub of conservatism. Certainly the site of the group most influential and President Trumps largest accomplishment with the reshaping of the judiciary. And certainly. Not United States. The fact it was warmly received is an interesting take away Going Forward from those remarks. Martha theres also the center one. Rnc of two members of congress. I want to put it up on the screen paired participating in a democrat lead and ordinary citizens both utilizing their best political affiliation of power your thoughts on that . Kirks legitimate political discourses got the line that got everyones attention, martha. It was carefully worded and written with the intent to support former President Trump and what is called the big lie about january 6. Clean up after words was pretty pathetic because of the fallout from that use of that phrase legitimate political discourse. What happened everyone in the world is legitimate political discourse. She was not talking about the violent spread she was talking about everything before. But clearly everything that happened before and during this episode is defined by the Violence Police being hit with the bear spray, speared with flagpoles, people dying. That is not legitimate political discourse. And again i dont think this is helping the Republican Party Going Forward. I think it opens them up. President trump discuss politics and midterm realities with a republican cant for the u. S. Senate and ohio but he dropped out of that crowded primary. So gillian, how does it appear President Trump is influencing a lot of whats happening out there in regard to the midterms . I also flag a statement he said he thanks america is going to hell. He clearly does not have a very optimistic outlook Going Forward. I do not know what that says about him as a politician. I will say with the two measures you just talked about, former Vice President pence a comment combined with the gops censure of cheney and kinsinger the Republican Party this week really codified thats been in place and for the better part of a year. The test would go something to the tune of was a january 6 and insurrection . If you are a politician if you are a candidate right now and your answer is yes you are in mortal peril. Odds are you are not going survive the next midterm election. And your career is dead in the water. I think both of these things were looming huge elephants in the room over the better part of a year. Now they are putting them all out there for. Josh and thinking back to my discussion with senator barash soper and i asked him to respond to these issues is of this is not on peoples list. Its not what people are talking about in wyoming. When i go out and hear concerns they are really concerned about inflation but we know americans are very concerned about crime we spoke about in the last block. Obviously behindthescenes probably matters more for these candidates and the issues. Of course senator brosseau is actually correct that summer near the top ten of americans regardless of your political affiliation. Stearns a firing squad within. Space and how to communicate a message most americans are concerned about the Economy Immigration Foreign Policy and things like that. Thanks guys could have all of you here will see you next sunday break coming up next today marks the 70th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeths reign as a country gets ready for an enormous celebration that will mark the platinum jubilee, queen sent a strong message today about the next queen. We will speak with one of the worlds most connected royal watchers and next. I brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. 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She has served with 14 Prime Ministers during her reign the British Empire has shrunk considerably. And the royal family has certainly had its ups and downs under the glare of global media. Now the royals are hoping for a reset as she celebrates this milestone. Joining us now from london neil shumpert welcome to Fox News Sunday go to happy with us today. I want to start with the news this morning which is significance to people who watch the sort of thing. That is Queen Elizabeth has essentially given the nod for camilla, princes charles as a wife to become queen essentially when he takes the throne after she passes it. Why is that so significant . Well, welcome also to the queen of fox. Thank you my friend. [laughter] let me explain this is very simple she is queen Console Space with the queen this actually doing issues reshaping the monarchy. I dont know about you but i found it very strange actually when she used the phrase in the fullness of time. She is setting up the shock as it were for the next session of the monarchy. What is interesting also, martha, people say is camilla going to be queen . No she is the queen console so it is king charles and then she is the console. I think by her majesty the queen putting this out there shes basically saying these are my wishes, even after i am no longer here sadly this is what i want you to do. Im not just the United Kingdom but the commonwealth this is what is happening as you know i admire greatly our gracious majesty the queen and i think what a girl, what a time to do it on the eve of course of the secession, marvelous. Martha shes 95 years old were you spent time at the Buckingham Palace taken the post outside of a people think about this. Everybody really thanks of camellia as a person who broke up charles and dianas marriage but has not mellowed a little bit . It is mellowed a lot. I was at a functional last week with catherine, Prince Charles and camilla. You can see a really good bond with catherine and camilla. The public is really changed over the last 17 years appeared we all have a pass, camilla will be the first to admit that. We think about other people the royal family have moaned and moaned about royal media intrusion. Did anyone apart from camilla and of course the duchess of york go through terrible times with the media. Thats already changed because she is being very strong with a lot of her charities the abuse of charities, the Reading Charities she set to become the patron of the National Theater two. A big, big turnaround we like her. Martha said this spring will also be the big festivities they to mark the anniversary the spring will be the anniversary of the coronation. So obviously Prince Philip is no longer by the queen side. Who do you expect will be sort of in the prime spots there . And do you think prince andrew, megan and harry will even be there . You have to spoil it martha. [laughter] the thing is you are right. I think well see a lot more princess and she is one of the figures behind the scenes putting all this together. We will see Prince William and princes charles alongside our gracious majesty the queen. Do i believe prince and will be involved . I think privately yes but probably know that is his choice. Megan and harry there is no appetite over here in the United Kingdom for them to return. Whatever the messages you are hearing over there, over here they are pulling incredibly badly pretty think after the messages over the last couple of days about the things that prince harry does in the Oprah Winfrey interview is still rated so badly in peoples minds over here. Its actually made princes charles and camilla even more popular. A lot of people feel incredibly sorry for them. So difficult times. Martha just 30 seconds left i went to turn over too Downing Street For A Moment the garden party gate has exploded bridge you think Boris Johnson can hang on to his position as Prime Minister . Im going to back this afternoon will have more about this but i do. He is reevaluating what is going on there pres got some good people around him now and so we will keep you posted. Martha plus he lifted all the restrictions was Everybody Loves it. [laughter] alright neil, thank you so much for it always good to see you, from london this morning that is it for today. I am martha maccallum. We look forward to seeing you there on the Fox News Channel pray to have a great week everyone, thanks for joining us that we will see you next Fox News Sunday

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