>> jesse: dr. fauci has granted us permission to take our kids trick-or-treating. last year the activity was labeled high-risk but this year he's fine with it, probably because, you know, kids are being masked up. >> no stats here. nancy pelosi this. i think this is great because parents need it as well, they've been with their kids for the last year and i'm sure you'll see this in jesse, jr., but it's great, you get out and about but i'm a little worried because you always have that dentist in the neighborhood who gives you a toothpaste and toothbrush. >> jesse: he does? >> if you look it's going to be all hand sanitizer, you're going to dump at your candy and it will be a bunch of hand sanitizer. >> jesse: you're probably the person a puts out a huge basket of candy and then says a note that just says take two please. and everybody comes to your house, the first person pours the whole thing in the bag, and you're done, and you look like a grinch. >> i go to a good sale at cvs and they get all the candy. and a scoop it up.