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The white house feeling the pressure to make as the war on police intensifies. Preparing to head New York City to discuss gun violence but critics are asking what took so long . Suspended after backlash after comments of the jewish people. Would begin with americas time. Digging into the biden administration. Another tragic deadly day. Two Public Safety officers were shot and killed in virginia. The Second Officer being held i new york along with a partner last month. Is being called an unspeakable tragedy by campus staff. The suspected gunman has been taken into custody. They were good friends so much so that he was the best man at his wedding this year. The relationship was very close as well. New york city in morning onc again. s partner was remembered last night after another huge show o support. Gunned down during a traffic stop by a man that was the country illegally and had been fugitive for almost 25 years. We cant continue to serve successfully the community we love when theres inflated this regard for authority. The main suspect was out on bai after he was arrested in november for illegal possession of guns. They have voiced concerns over this murdered officer after speaking about a failed system that her husbands funeral last week. We are safe anymore. And know you were tired of thes laws. Especially the ones from the ne district attorney. The gunman still on the loose people say it feels like the violence is not going to stop and compares the crime to what this felt like in late 1970s. A couple of suspects in Police Custody tonight followin a shooting earlier today at the school in richfield minnesota. Arrested and a handgun was recovered. Dumpling americas crime crisis. Taking a much different tone in her break on tuesday. Were talking the latest course corrections in the administration. What a difference one day makes. A surge in Violent Crime across america. Hes going to be joined on the trip by the attorney general. They want to use gun crime and be a Strong Partner for new yor city and other cities over the past couple of years. The Press Secretaries of the focus is going guns of the ongoing collaboration between federal and state and local Law Enforcement officers. A plan to quickly take guns and shooters off the citys streets. We also learned today this former senator is going to serv as a sherpa to the supreme court. They hope for some briefings an they also attend a lot of these meetings as well. The president also spoke with the Senate Majority leader abou the forthcoming retirement and filling the seat on the high court. All of this is coming out as they continue to struggle with the administration but the whit house is bracing for what could be a very bad jobs report on friday. On top of the news that we learned today about the nationa debt topping 30 trillion. Those are real numbers. Back and we talk about stres which many are feeling tonight. A very interesting topic tha we will cover shortly. The republican senator following through on the threat with the department nominee. You want to reverse a decision that denies legal aid to us marshals attacked by protesters in 2020. They currently have paid for over 70 federal employees. They have denied legal representation to just a single employee in all cases. To discuss what is happening with spring in the author of th black and blue. I want to start putting up the videos of these two police officers. Acp officer and a police officer. These are the two latest victim gunned down. How islam forced feeling tonight . They are feeling heartbroken tonight. Thousands of offers have been devastated. In many cases they have great integrity. Its saddening because a lot of these situations are forbidden. I am incredibly saddened to see so many Officer Deaths so early in the season. We are trying to track down some Breaking News tonight as soon as we get details we will bring this to you. But the other part of this conversation is that the officers can track people dont. They arent going to bring charges for certain crimes. s officers putting their lives on the line. They havent seen these cases o charges come to fruition. People going after the prosecutors are making the wron decisions. People going to jail leads too more crime. They are coming down on a singular drumbeat. Is the cause of rising crime is increasingly out of touch with reality. The option of pointing out this prosecutor is part of the problem. They are incorrect but we ar correct. This has resulted in Violent Crime rates going down. These progressive prosecutors are anti victim. Defund the police and to demoralize the police with the efforts on the part are funded by george. We have the power of the legislative branch with an entire task force. They dont fail matter what crime you commit. Low and behold crime rates go u in the cities where we have these prosecutors. San diego is the same size as philadelphia. 550 workers last year. San diego is the same sized cit with 50 workers. The research you are doing i very interesting. I want to play a bit from the white house. We have soft on crime consequences. What does that even mean . Its an alternate universe with some of this covered. She has the nerve to laugh a we talk about Violent Crime. We now know the president is headed to new york. I hope there is an honest an productive conversation. Getting conned off the street its not the biggest issue. If they arent going to hold yo accountable what is the point o getting it off the streets . They will just get back out there and shoot more people. She talks like she is in a Dorm Room Drinking Tequila with her friends. She is not being honest about what is really going on. We can see them quite clearly. They are going to go out and do whatever they want to do. Holding them out does not mean we have to hold them accountable. We need to hold them accountabl to come help applicable but you cant just let them run loose and expect to throw money at an issue. We must have strong law and order. Have police and have rhetoric surrounding these things that are conducive for these behaviors in this city. I really hope that we can have this type of conversation with the mayor. I hope these are not just talking points. So many things that are no longer going to be prosecuted i new york. Some big recall efforts a lot o the things going nowhere but people still vote for the. New Information Tonight Abou the unintended consequences of these pandemic lockdowns. It turns out there was almost n impact when it comes to preventing death. This correspondent has busy tales from a lanthanide. Details with a series of restrictions including closures of schools bans on Internationa Travel Voluntary and mandatory stayathome orders. Now Johns Hopkins publishing data from the us and europe during the pandemic to determin if these various restrictions t reduce mortality. While this analysis includes lockdowns that no Public Health effect they had imposed enormou economic and social loss where they have been adopted. This should be rejected as a pandemic policy. Its always been controversial because of the effect on the economy and everyday life. They wanted to shift the focus to voluntary measure of intake to limit exposure to. Is played an Important Role so that citizens can make informed decisions. Not mentioned in this study the have submitted Article Trial Data support and expansion of its emergency use authorization. If approved you could see shots in the arms of them are childre between the ages of six months and five years old. The convoys protesting Vaccine Mandates has raised mor money online in the countrys Major Political parties raised during the last quarter of 2021. They showed us how this is goin north of the border. After 2. 5 weeks the page is approaching 10 million. The truck convoy is protesting these federal Vaccine Mandates currently the requires that are completely vaccinated by januar. If not they must quarantine for two weeks after crossing the border. I think the mandates are infringing on peoples freedoms. People are isolating too much. There is no reason to not fight for our freedom. The canadian Prime Minister has moved to a secret location. She met the protesters and accuse them of displaying nazi flags and hateful rhetoric. There is no place for threat of violence or hatred in our country. To those responsible for this behavior it needs to stop. Truckers in the us are getting ready to form a convoy that wil travel to washington dc. The american truckers on monday had more than 95,000 members bu the Facebook Page appears not t be unavailable. Breaking tonight an offduty officer shot and wounded in New York City not long ago. It is not my threatening that took place just after 9 00 p. M. Tonight in queens. Still to come a little more lucrative and a look at the competitors in this years pupp bowl. Real cowboys get customized Car Insurance with Liberty Mutual, so we only pay for what we need. Hey tex, wooo. Can someone else get a turn . Yeah, hang on, im about to break my own record. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. A must in your Medicine Cabinet less sick days cold coming on . Zicam is the 1 Cold Shortening Brand highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens colds zicam. Zinc that cold are you tired of clean clothes that just dont smell clean . It shortens colds what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks . Now they can. Downy unstopables inwash Scent Boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. Pour a cap of Downy Unstopables into your Washing Machine before each load. And enjoy fresher smelling laundry. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash Scent Boosters. Shop online for Downy Unstopables, including our new, lighter scent. Want to thank you for joining me and supporting Paralyzed Veterans Of America. Everything changed on the night my accident. When i woke up, my dad was there, and you know he kinda told me that, you know, i was going to be paralyzed. At that point, you know, i was just thought, you know, my life was pretty much over. I was going to have a family. I wasnt going to be able to live a productive life. But Paralyzed Veterans Of America was by my side. Since 1946, Paralyzed Veterans Of America has kept a promise to our wounded veterans. We will never leave a fallen comrade behind. Our vets need you. Join me with your support. Call or go online to pvahero. Org today. With your monty gift of just 19 only 63 cents a day, you can help provide the lifechanging and vital resources. Our brave heroes urgently need with your monthly support, youre honoring the sacrifice our wounded veterans have made to defend our freedom. Show them their sacrifice has not been in vain. Please call or go online now. Your gift of only 19 a month just 63 cents a day will help paralyzed veterans receive specialized medical care, support research and treatments, and fight for the accessibility they deserve. Call now and youll receive this pva team tshirt to show that you are fighting for our paralyzed heroes. The only way that pva can do the things they do for us veterans, is with your support. Our veterans fought for us. Lets fight for them. Call or go to pvahero. Org now. Your monthly gift of any amount will help our paralyzed heroes. The florida Dog Rescue Group announces that five of these pups are part of the dog bowl. These dogs are going to play alongside more than 100 adoptable dogs drums seven shelters in 34 states competing to win over your heart ahead of the super bowl. The rain getting less violent with the firstever pillow figh Championship Taking Place in Miami Florida over the weekend. Winner scott 5,000. Is a great Stress Reliever with how excited they are. The coast guard sharing dramatic video of a rescue of six voters at a lake in louisiana. Three adults and children were stranded following a sudden change in the water level. After they were carefully lifte to safety by the helicopter the were all able to head home safely. Digging out from under a massive nearly 2 feet of snow according to the National Weather service. Tied for the most ever in a single day in boston. You from behind the Shower Curtain not what you were expecting. Pretty cute and i would like to see the second. This cat was a delight on socia media. If you have viral videos to share you can send it to us. The player considered by man to be the greatest quarterback in nfl history calling it a career. He announced his retirement online on tuesday. Sometimes it takes time to evaluate how you feel and what you want to do. When the time is right im goin to make a decision one way or another. The time has finally come fo tom brady announcing online tha his recordsetting career is over. Difficult for me to right but here it goes. Im not going to make that competitive commitment anymore. Speculation dominating the sports world the last two weeks. Until today nothing was officially. The decision would come down to family time expired and family one. Family is his greatest achievement. Why is he the greatest of alltime . Amongst his record most touchdowns and passing yards in nfl history. Be played in ten super bowls winning seven of them. Any fan under the age of 30 knows that he ruled out the gridiron. Not a single mention of new england. Inspiring anger from the patriots. A lot of fans are hurt by this. What about us . Despite the snub the owner said words cant describe the admiration they have freedom. He did later say thank you t the patriots he is beyond grateful if you love them all. The career began 22 years ag as a Sixth Round Draft Pick out of michigan. He is now in nfl legend. We will almost certainly never see somebody like him again. Time to bring back kevin after uncovering one of the mos stressful questions of people get asked. It happens on a daily basis. A new survey of 2,000 people finding that 66 percent say being asked what is for dinner is one of the most stressful things they will encounter the entire day. Americans eat about five home cooked meals. Three times per week they will make their way towards a restaurant. People love leftovers because its just easier than having to cook. 32 percent like this because of the affordability factor. I dont know about you but usually im all about it. I am two. You and i know somebody in common that wont eat leftovers. Again its low maintenance and the price is right. Its easy to get straight to eating. Can office in the microwave or the oven. By the way sometimes i like to eat out for lunch. And that i will save it for dinner. Is like we are splitting our meals into 2. I love this. We will see you for the good news a bit later. Abc responding tonight to controversial comments made by an anchor about the holocaust. Your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. Vazalore. Is the first liquidfilled Aspirin Capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. Try new vazalore. Aspirin made amazing im greg, im 68 years old. I do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. I honestly feel that thats my calling to give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. This was evil. The tofu was jewish. But it was definitely about race. Words matter. And there are no exceptions. I regret my,. The regression through comments apologized explaining the breaking tonight they have suspended her run the show for two weeks for this controversia comments she made on monday. Is not about race. They called for her to be fired and views are isolating despite herpetology. start with a bit of this statement. This issue has apologized. Investor to take time to reflec and learn about the impact of his comments. The entire organization stands with solid ability with their colleagues. I think its dangerous as peopl try to destroy each other. She has been suspended they talked about her becoming more aware of what she said the issues. I think the common word videos. For an harmful. Every hand in their own way racist. But all of this set. I have to say i dont like the culture. I dont like this on either side. I think what bothers the conservatives is the inconsistent treatment. Lash out against people they like but agreeing with this gir compared to some more service o my people they be canceled for the rest of their careers. It was hurtful and forward them by everybody across the spectrum. I think you can see is the. I dont they are canceling her. Certainly made a very ignorant comment i will say this. I hope youre okay with me saying this but jason and i occasionally agree. We both have a jewish parent. The reason i say this is the parents and lack of education regarding the holocaust. If you had a grandparent that was jewish you went to camp. You went to gas chambers. In other words we would have most likely perished in the holocaust. Its about race. Its about facial structures. It was skin colors. The gypsies were put in there. It is completely about race. Trying to save the were of a different race when they are not. Its a different ethnicity but its not about religion. The holocaust is one of the darkest moments in all of history. To discuss this at any point requires anonymous sensitivity. Here are the latest polls on ho the president is handling covid. Its a huge flip from one year ago. What can this administration do at this point to make any changes . If you look at his secretary what have actually done . Most americans struggling fighting about masks. Through lockdowns studying theres really not much there. Of vaccine was helpful to a lot of people but this administration has an entire change in leadership coming. I dont Think America is ever going to trust what they are doing. I dont think he has any credibility left at this point. There is a study that talks about lockdowns. These are things that are going to make it difficult for families. People trying to keep their lives going. Workers showing up and doing their jobs. They are according to researchers. We find no evidence that this i at a noticeable effect on mortality. They went on to say it is helpe with economic activity. Overall what they said this is the were devastating in a negative manner. First one thing we know abou this and any medical situation with the virus is the situation is fluid. At the beginning of the situation people were panicking. They just wanted to keep citizens of their state safe an people do not know what to do. They did a lot oval we saw in other countries. South korea walking down. China walking down. I think we were copying a lot o what the rest of the world was doing. Especially places like vietnam and south korea. At the time it appeared to be very effective. Weve now seen this mutated theres been so many different things. To his point you have over two thirds of the public. Has at least one shot in the arm. Half a billion tests of there. You can go online orderlies and have them delivered to your home. Masks are being distributed we are learning more about this that they are more effective. One of the reasons that this administration is beginning to get a bad rap is that this is what people are seeing. They are seeing this go away an we arent sure whether its eve truly going to fully go away. Not all the information is give to the people because they arent sure that we can handle this. Theres going to need to be a lot of trust in the back with these institutions. Talked at length the us and russia making more effort to stop the crisis with ukraine. A day after they issued their response to the latest us proposal. The us proposal to not address his security concerns. We dont see Embellishment O canceling the russian borders and returning these military facilities to our positions tha we had in 1997. These socalled fears are disingenuous. Make court convenes next you ar the jury. [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. Mother and child in vehicle. Mother is unable to exit the vehicle. Injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay . [first responder] your sons fine. [driver] thank you. There was something in the road. [first responder] its okay. Youre safe now. The former Miami Dolphins coach filing a Bombshell Lawsuit against the nfl and the giants on tuesday saying they conducte a Sham Interview after he found out another coach new to the jo was going two. He claimed the Dolphins Owner offered to pay him 100,000 for each loss to get a better traffic. Movies that did not meet expectations. This is exactly what happened with the movie 2019 and the movie yesterday. She was cut from the Theatrical Release in this lawsuit claims fans of the actress paid for a movie that she was never in. Welcome back we will start with exhibit a. Because they were promised a movie by the trailer but did no pursue a movie and the appearance of her at all remember i did with any value for their purchase. And the reason why they took he out of this because they said there was some complexity with the character in the narrative. With these trailers often times they are put out so far in advance that characters and scenes are not included in the movies. Think about movies that you lik and your favorites. Minority spiderman and star wars. That takes us to exhibit b from a film blog. Ever been so angry at a movie trailer. They are claiming no value over this can you sue with all the funny bits from the trailer . You sue over something that was in the trailer but not in the movie . Wearable something that made yo so curious you had to take lega action . These Consumer Protection laws are very serious. All across the us. Thankfully these trailers are advertisements. These businesses are required t be honest. Because the trailer is an advertisement especially with a Material Issue a kiss and a superstar like this actor these individuals looked at the trailer thought she would be in there but she was not. If she was taken out they shoul change the trailer. But they continued to show this over and over again including i promotions on cbs. They showed the same trailer. They should know better and because of this i think they have legs in the court of law. You referred to this about the screenwriter. They talked about the cuts it was a traumatic cut because she was in the movie and radiant bu it appeared to be a problem. Its just one of those things where some of our favorite scenes from the film had to be cut for the sake of the entire film. You both get ten seconds. We must consider that we hav to certify the class. We will see what happens in court. Consumer laws are incredibly important. The station has the power. They have the revenue. This is why the laws are there. At the same time this Company Needs to learn their lesson. We will keep an eye on this. Some good news before we say good night. This Bookworm Doing Good for hi community. Donating 2,000 books to this Elementary School in florida. He is passionate about reading and writing and loves collectin books. Hes decided its time to share his passion for Sharing Books with other students. They given away more than 10,00 books so far and that comes after my own heart. It might be time for me to star giving some of my own away. I want to say about four years ago you know what happens when you love books like we do. You collect. Good news and good night. And inspired captain on his way to the nfc championship game on sunday. Coming from our house jumping into action. Thank you for doing the right thing. He helped save a lady and her dog. Instinct took over and i could not be more proud. Excellent job to kevin and the captain. Good night from washington. 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Being a seal gave me so many things, but i gave something too. While parachuting with my platoon, my parachute didnt open. I broke my neck. It left me paralyzed. I realized that everything i had planned for was now gone. Paralyzed veterans of america was by my side from that moment on. Since 1946, Paralyzed Veterans Of America has kept a promise to our wounded veterans. We will never leave a fallen comrade behind. Our vets need you. Join me with your support. Please call or go online now to pva hero. Org. Your gift of only 19 a month you join me with your support. Ov please call or go online now to paedos eurotunnel, your gift ofu only 19 a month just sixty three cents a day. Well provide the Life Saving Help our paralyzed heroes with your monthly support youre honoring sacrifice our wounded veterans have made to defend our show themt their sacrifice has not been your monthly support will help paralyzed veterans receive specialized medical care, support research and treatment and fight for the accessibility they deserve. Pva fight to help veterans like me from the moment of injury and for the rest of our life. Call or go online right now a month, use your credit card and receive this pda. At t tshirt to show that you are fighting for our paralyzed veterans. I just dont think my family would be as happy as they are without the support that i received from our veterans. But for us , lets fight to call or donate online at pva hero dot org. Today our veterans need you with the timeless protection of adt. 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You hear that word everywhere from the atlantic to npr to the New Yorker Magazine nbc news. In between democracy defines the year 2020 two the way that groovy d

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