Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240707

>> trace: breaking tonight, a mother, matriarch, and beloved monarch. queen elizabeth the second 70 year reign comes to an end as britons gather outside buckingham palace to eulogize her with a rendition of god save the queen. we have extended coverage of how the world is remembering one of the most iconic figures in british history from 1600 pennsylvania avenue to 10 downing street, the life and legacy of the queen looming very large tonight. plus what comes next for the new king, charles the third? we begin tonight's special four our coverage of remembering the queen in london with our senior foreign affairs correspondent amy kellogg. good friday morning to you, it truly is the end of an era. >> the mood to hear is one of shock. here in london and probably across the united kingdom, queen elizabeth had to become noticeably more frail in the last year since her beloved husband prince philip the duke of edinburgh died to. i think anyone really thought that she was nearing the end of her days or maybe people simply didn't want to believe that. for many it was so hard to let go. the queen had such a steady hand, such a reassuring way around her all of these decades. is news that her health was seriously faltering, people gathered outside buckingham palace in the rain, the word was the doctors were worried about her health and that was a much more strongly worded statement then we had heard before or are about her late husband's health when he was in her waning days. we saw those images of family members wishing to be by her side, she usually spent her summer vacations up there -- in part because of her mobility issues. her mobility issues had manithemselves, a particularly k image of her changed circumstances. the queen's air her eldest son charles is now king charles the third, there's a series of events to usher him into the role, that will include a meeting before this secession council and they will proclaim him the king, it's going to be ten days of mourning and a lot of that will be solemn eulogizing of the que queen but also there will be the process of welcoming king charles iii into his new role, he will address the nation tomorrow and there will be a lot of pomp and ceremony as britain does particularly well. there hasn't been a changing of the guard in 70 years, we will be watching traditions and processions that we've never seen before. it will be a very intense ten days culminating in the funeral, the date has not really been firmed up yet. this talk about it happening sometime by the 18th of september. >> trace: back to you as the news breaks even at 96 years old people thought she would just go on and on. we'll see you soon. let's dig into the record-setting royal life and legacy now with steve hilton host of the next revolution and former strategy director for david cameron who was one of her majesty's 15 prime ministers. steve, you have said you were not a supporter of the monarchy, yet you were struck by the queen's passing. can you expand on that for us? >> it was an amazingly emotional reaction that i found myself having. whatever you think about the monarchy as an institution, what an american watching tonight will think about britain as a country, there is something absolutely extraordinary about the life of this incredible public servant. i wrote today on twitter i think perhaps she is the greatest public servant full-time because she started her rain 70 years ago when there was a time of a culture of deference to monarchs and people in her position were left alone by the media and during her reign we've ended up in a world of constant comment and gossip and a social media and all of the stuff we got familiar with and through it all she remained the absolute epitome of grace and dignity and beauty and the selflessness. i think that word selflessness is why so many people around the world have no particular connection with britain and the monarchy have realized something important has happened today because that model of how to conduct yourself in public life, how to be a leader -- we hear that phrase servant leader spoken by many people. let's go back to the platinum jubilee just a few months ago. at the end of that the queen wrote a letter showing her appreciation and the love that she had been shown by her people during those four days of celebration and she signed it your servant. "your servant," that is how she carried herself all her life. there's something really deep about the impact she had that goes way beyond politics, there is a real truth that she was far more revered, far more popular in the u.k. than the monarchy is, for that very reason it's our personal qualities in which he represented to. >> trace: you talk about the deepness and how people feel about her. if this from a mourner, she was also surprised at the emotion she had. i will get your response on the other side. >> what makes it such a seismic change for britain? >> i would put it this way -- if you live in a valley surrounded by mountains you get on with your life but if you get out one morning and the mountains have gone, that's never going to be the same. although your life may carry on, the backdrop has gone. you lose your bearings for a b bit. >> trace: another woman said i don't know i've never been a royalist come i don't know why i have been so affected by it, before it happened i didn't think it would be sad but i really am and i realized just how important it was, you know, there was nobody like her and people now are just realizing it." >> i think that feeling will intensify in the days ahead, one way of thinking about it for the u.k., for people in britain is the queen was the only thing that was constant, the only thing that people could agree about. the way the country saw itself and was reflected in her, in many senses she was the keystone of the architecture of the constitution of the u.k. she represented so much and because she did it in such a quiet, understated, low key kind of way, not flashy, not narcissistic and pushing herself to the fore and constantly talking about her feelings and all the rest of it -- she just got on with the job. one of her mottos was never complain, never explain, just do the job. be there for people, be seen by the public, peter to represent the crown and continuity and stability, the crown is there for in a constitutional mon monarchy. if you're going to have a constitutional monarchy, there is literally no possible way of doing that job better than what we've seen done by queen elizabeth. >> trace: we only have a little bit of time but i want to put up call 4-3 if we can. she spent 15 u.k. prime minister's, 14 u.s. presidents, seven roman catholic popes, visited 100 countries has a monarch, royal patron or president to more than 500 charities, last head of state to serve in world war ii, it goes on and on and on. i get the feeling we will never this replicated. >> exactly. that reminds us of the fact that she did play behind the scenes a very important role in the governance of the u.k. she doesn't have any formal power, that is the elected government. she's not the head of government, she's the head of state but every week those 15 prime ministers had an audience with her and she was very engaged in the political issues of the day, gave her advice very strongly sometimes and the benefit of her wisdom and experience. all of those years actually had a practical contribution to the government of the u.k. not just a symbolic one. >> trace: good insight as always, we will bring you back later because we have a lot more to talk to you about. meantime president biden added an engagement to his calendar on thursday stopping by the british embassy in washington to sign their condolence book and offer his sympathies to britain's ambassador. white house correspondent kevin corke has more on the u.s. response. >> more than a monarch, she defined an era, that is how the president is remembering her majesty elizabeth the second tonight. seneca condolence card this evening. >> we mourn for all of you, she was a great lady. >> 14 presidents served during her reign and she met all of them say for lbj. president biden calling her estates woman of unmatched dignity who deepens the bedrock alliance between the two nat nations. >> i don't think she would be insulted, she reminds me of my mother in terms of the look of her and her generosity. >> her humor on display during this visit to the white house for america's bicentennial. >> what happened on the fourth of july 1776 wasn't very much a bilateral affair between us. >> great sense of humor, frequent visitor indeed to the white house. queen elizabeth said it was a place she always felt welcome. >> no wonder i cannot feel a stranger here. the british have never felt america to be a foreign land. >> on my first visit to washington in 1951, your predecessor president truman welcomed me to the white house. >> watching so much history unfold right there. former president george w. bush remembering her majesty for her great intellect, charm, and went. and of course her corgis. when they were first navigating life as president and first lady, barack and michelle obama said it was the queen who welcomed them with open arms. >> did you or did you not to the world wants to know fist bump with the queen? >> i did not but i had a great relationship. >> you can tell i was on that trip when the former president was there and you could sense the warmth and tonight former president trump said she was a grand and beautiful lady, there was none like her and we showed you there are moments ago president biden also meeting the queen back in june of 2021, that we understand was the last time those two spoke. the queen passing away before taking president biden up on his invitation to visit the white house but her long tenure will be remembered by several former presidents. >> trace: you play some of those old clips and you forget that when she took the crown at 25 years old that joseph stalin was the head of soviet russia and truman was the president of the united states. history goes on and on. >> you just gave me goose bumps, i'm a history buff as you know and watching her and listening to her and having seen her at williamsburg, a remarkable monarch and the passing of an era. >> trace: we will get back to you, thank you for that. speaker of the house nancy pelosi has ordered flags at the capital to be flown at half-staff. let's get details on the congressional reaction from chad pergram, good evening. >> house speaker nancy pelosi ordered flags the capital lowered to half-staff. she called the queen a pillar of leadership, someone who guided the united kingdom through "great turbulence." senate minority leader mitch mcconnell's of the queen's reign was never about her or her feelings had that reflected her sterling character. >> she presided over a period of historic strengthening of the alliance between our nations that has changed the course of world history for the better. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer said elizabeth was the type of leader needed in hard times. >> she was a rock, the living embodiment of the virtues that lie at the core of the nation she so proudly led. i daresay we will never see a leader quite like her for as long as we live. >> the top republican on the senate foreign relations committee jim rich said the queen guided both her country and family through troubles. >> great britain is a country that is about as close to america as any country as there is. their loss is our loss. she was very good to america, obviously our condolences, all americans condolences go out to her family and for that matter to all people and the citizens of great britain. >> elizabeth became the first british monarch to speak to to a joint meeting of congress. she told lawmakers congress and parliament were twin pillars of our civilization. >> a significant part of your social contract is written down in your constitution. hours rests on custom and will. the spirit behind both is the same, it's the spirit of democracy. these ideals are clear enough they must not be taken for granted. >> in the house meets tuesday will pass a bereavement resolution and adjourn in the queen's honor. >> trace: it is very early friday morning in london, let's head across the pond for more analysis of her majesty's remarkable rain and some insight into what happens with the monarchy now. we are joined by a member of the british house of lords, lord john taylor. thank you for coming on we appreciate your time. i just want your feelings when you heard today or yesterday that the queen had passed. you knew her, you are fond of her, what did you feel? >> greetings to you from london. my condolences and prayers go out to her royal family on the passing of queen elizabeth ii. i met the queen on a number of occasions at buckingham palace and various receptions and events all around britain. lady taylor my wife also met her and she was glad to know she was an american, special relationship was very important to the queen. she was 96, it was going to happen at some time, it was still a shock. she was the grandmother of the nation, she is above politics. she never complained, she never explained. she was a true leader in so many ways. although we knew she was good to pass at some stage, we are in shock and i feel very sad, very sad today. >> trace: it's interesting because you talk about the shock, today the daily mail ran a headline that said the country was in shock. and that some people pushed back saying she was 96 years old. as you say, 96 years old and you expect her to keep going on. we got some sound for people outside of buckingham palace and i want to get your reaction on the other side of this, listen to this. >> we are going to miss the queen a lot, she is an exemplary role model to follow. >> new foreign minister, new monarch, who knows what will happen now? >> she has been a constant for more than 70 years, the last remnants of sanity in an insane world, isn't it? >> tonight we are all coping with the news of seismic change. this feels like uncertainty and you hope it will be fine but you're not sure. >> trace: i was somewhat struck by the woman who said we are all just coping with the news of seismic change. would you agree with that assessment? >> a shrewd leader is a healer and the world is going through a difficult time. cost-of-living crisis, energy crisis, the war in ukraine. she had the ability to rise above all of that and make you feel good. i met her on a number of occasions and she gave me the impression i was the most important person in the world to her at that moment and that was a rare gift. leaving the stage left us feeling what next? we are in national mourning of a queen but the national making of the king. the baton now passes the prince charles, will he carry on the baton? will he be the true leader that heals the nation? >> trace: the king that you speak of said this in a statement. the death of my beloved mother her majesty the queen is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family. we mourn the passing of a cherished, sovereign, and much loved mother. i know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, and by countless people throughout the world during this period of morning and my family and i will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection of which the queen was so widely held. we know king charles iii will address the nation tomorrow in a few hours. what does he need to say in that address? >> he's gone from prince to king, from regions to ruler and he will be addressing the nation. it's going to be a prerecorded television address i believe. he needs to reassure us that the throne is in safe hands. he is a very different person to his mother, i think his mother was universally loved. the media regarded prince charles is a bit of a meddler because prince charles would express his views on political issues were as the wouldn't do that. prince charles or king charles iii now needs to reassure us, it's a reassurance we now need to settle us down. >> trace: that could come just hours from now, thank you for coming on we appreciate your time. coming up our special coverage continues as we and billions around the world remember the life of queen elizabeth ii. 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10-year-old elizabeth became his heir. the homeschooled princess began to perform royal duties as well as doing her a bit when her country was embroiled in world war ii, at 1945, age 18, the young princess trained as a driver and mechanic and a celebrated ve day on the streets of london. like thousands of others she also had a sweetheart her third cousin prince philip of greece. the couple were engaged to be married shortly after the princesses 21st birthday. it brightened the gloom of the postwar years. the following year the couple's first child charles prince of wales was born, he was followed by princes and in 1950, prince andrew and prince edward but in 1952 while in kenya, elizabeth learned her father the king had died. she was now at the age of 25 the queen of england. >> i declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong. >> elizabeth was to rule in a new era, the coronation in all its splendor the first to be broadcast on television. in 1957 queen elizabeth met president eisenhower, she would go on to meet every other serve a u.s. president lyndon johnson. she often spoke of the strong bond between the two nations saying it extended beyond military ties. the 1990s was a turbulent decade for the royal family as the marriages of three of the queen's children fell apart amid relentless tv coverage and tabloid headlines but there was worse to come. in 1997 with the death of diana, princess of wales in a car accident in france. at the time the queen was criticized for her reserved response and persuaded to make an unprecedented live broadcast. >> what i say to you now as your queen and as a grandmother i say for my heart. first i want to pay tribute to diana myself. >> the queen attended prince william's wedding to kate middleton in april and the ceremony claimed to have been watched by 2 billion people. that same year the queen made a historic visit to the republic of ireland the first british monarch to do so and allows the century, a step towards healing a deep historical rift. the following year the country turned out in force to celebrate queen elizabeth's 60 year reign, throwing her a diamond jubilee celebration spending four days. thousands lined the bank of the river thames is a flotilla of 1,000 boats led by the queen made its way down the river. the queen 86 years old stood side-by-side with prince philip, then 90, for the four our ceremony, she ended her celebrations by thanking the nation for honoring her. >> i will continue to treasure and draw inspiration from the countless kindnesses shown to me in this country and throughout the commonwealth. thank you all. >> trace: in 2013 she welcomed her third great-grandchild to the most anticipated prince george son of william and kate. he now becomes second in line to the english throne, two years later he was followed by a sister princess charlotte now third in line. 2015 was also the year queen elizabeth became britain's longest-serving monarch overtaking her great-grandmother queen victoria. in 2016 she celebrated her 90th birthday, the four day event was a symbol of her deep involvement with the armed forces and a chance for the nation to celebrate her life. in 2018 the queen watched as her grandson prince harry married actress meghan markle in celebration at bot glamour and hollywood royalty to the house of windsor. nearly a third of the planet look to her as a leader of the commonwealth, she embodied old-fashioned values of virtue, faith, and self-restraint honoring the pledge she made when she was just 21. >> trace: truly amazing life, for more on the legacy of britain's longest-serving monarch let's bring in one of our colleagues with personal experience covering the royals correspondent gillian turner joins us now. you have been covering the royal family for several years, how does the coverage of the queen's passing so far compare with past royal family events? >> when i first became a reporter in my first overseas assignment was covering prince harry's wedding to meghan markle, that was at windsor castle in 2018. not just because of their worldwide fame but because queen elizabeth's grandson was marrying an american, that event instantly remade the special u.s.-u.k. bilateral relationship and made it much closer. at that event the queen was not front and center, this was by design even though the two got married at st. george's chapel on her estate. she did have the best seat in the house for the ceremony in the seat directly in front of her was left empty so she could easily be seen by the british public on tv. there were times there were reports the seat was left empty as a tribute to the late princess diana but that was actually not the real reason. while that day was one of great joy and celebration, by contrast today's coverage obviously is of a commonwealth now in the morning. the british press has had years if not decades to prepare for this moment. one of the most obvious press protocols on display today were anchors on reporters dressed in black, they have been ordered by the public service broadcaster to do so. the bbc famously has the strictest protocol in place is known as operation london bridge -- all of their schedule tdn radio programming was interrupted to make way for a special coverage of the queen's passing including a preplanned playlist of somber music. >> trace: i watch a lot of that today, how about the reaction from the british pe people. >> what we have seen today is an outpouring of love for the queen, that's nothing short of extraordinary, people not just across the u.k. but across all the commonwealth nations pretty much stopped what they were doing in order to pay homage. ground zero was the queens longtime home of buckingham palace in london where thousands gathered in solidarity. elsewhere at the queen's other residences including windsor castle, balmoral where she spent her last weeks, london, edinburgh, dublin, people are gathering together for the tens of thousands today. >> great look back, thank you so much. a look at the attributes pouring in from around the world in honor of britain's longest-serving monarch, that is next. ht. my head doesn't pound. and my stomach isn't nauseous. it's time for migraine prevention delivered differently, through an iv infusion. it's time for vyepti - a preventive treatment for migraine in adults. vyepti is designed to start working fast, and to last with a 30-minute iv infusion, 4 times a year delivering 100% of the medication directly into your bloodstream. the power of a vyepti infusion can help to reduce monthly migraine days. some had fewer migraine days with the very first treatment. don't take if allergic to vyepti. common side effects are allergic reactions, stuffy nose, and scratchy throat. allergic reactions include rash, swelling, trouble breathing, hives, and redness of the face. choose 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acknowledging her authority in the world stage, correspondent christina coleman is here with more on how leaders around the world are responding tonight. >> heartfelt condolences are pouring in from millions of people all around the world. leaders and celebrities all paying tribute to the queen, the president of france tweeted in part i remember her as a friend of france, a kindhearted queen who made a lasting impression on her country and her century. ukraine's president vladimir zelenskyy said we extend sincere condolences to the royal family, the entire united kingdom and the commonwealth over this irreparable loss. this is our country saddest day, in our hearts of every one of us. a deep and personal sense of loss far more intense perhaps, in addition to all her kind words crowds gather to mourn her loss worldwide at a variety of places. from vigils to a british restaurant in new york city. >> sad, sad, shocked. wouldn't think this woman was ever hunted to high. she has been our figurehead for longer than i've been alive, we have all grown up with her and that family. >> celebrities of course also honoring her majesty. paul mccartney said god bless queen the second. victoria beckham tweeted she will be remembered for her steadfast loyalty and service in my thoughts are with the royal family at this time. singer mick jagger tweeted for my whole life her majesty queen elizabeth ii has always been there. in my childhood i can recall watching her wedding highlights on tv. i remember as a beautiful young lady to the much beloved grandmother of the nation. elton john said queen elizabeth has been a huge part of my life from childhood to this day and i will miss her dearly. paris hilton wrote the original girl boss, one of the most inspirational women, the end of an era -- rest in peace. so many people from multiple generations from all over the world paying tribute to the queen and noting the honorable legacy she leaves behind. >> trace: it's interesting you noted to manual macron saying she was a friend of france, a lot of former world leaders saying she was a friend of their country and the friend of this country, it is one of those striking things where she had great influence. >> how it crosses generational boundaries, paris hilton talking about how she is the girl boss. such a role model to so many women all over the world. >> trace: very nicely done. is longest-serving monarch has died, guided her country into the modern age blazing a trail of female empowerment, let's talk about that part of the legacy with the director of the margaret thatcher center for freedom. it's always great to see you, you say the queen over her 70 years did a lot to greatly strengthen the ties between the u.k. and the u.s. explain that for us. >> many thanks for having me on the show today and an immensely sad day for the british people but also i think a sad day for the entire free world as well. i think the queen was over the course of 70 years, seven decades the true leader of the free world in many respects. as you mentioned earlier, the queen played a very key role in terms of strengthening the anglo-american special relationship. the beating heart of the free world. the queen loved america as she made numerous visits to the united states. she met with most of the 14 presidents during the course of her 70 year reign. she was also greatly loved by the american people as well, and opinion polls by gallup over the course of many decades show sky high approval ratings for the queen queen, usually much higher than u.s. presidents at the time. the queen very popular in both sides of the atlantic and a real tight and on the world stage and a champion as well of the u.s.-u.k. special relationship. >> trace: i want to play this sound bite, here she is talking at the u.s. bicentennial in 1976. >> our shared language, traditions, and history have given us a common vision of what is right and just. both our people's belief in the worth of the individual and the family. and freedom of religion and expression. and in the right to change a government by the ballot box rather than the gun. >> trace: do you think those words still ring true? >> absolutely, i think the queen was also a champion of liberty and religious freedom. she was a deeply religious person with a deeply held christian faith and conviction. she was somebody who i think was a real symbol of everything great britain stands for as a truly great nation and she dedicated every moment of her life to serving her nation. that dedication, that heart of service is a shining example for future generations to follow. she was a very selfless person who lived for a higher purpose and in that respect she was similar to my former boss margaret thatcher. we shared a similar sense of public service to the british nation. >> trace: you brought up margaret thatcher come i want to read this. this is from the guardian back in april 2013. the queen attends funerals very rarely -- on this occasion buckingham palace had no precedent, no other former prime minister had been granted a ceremonial funeral let alone one on such a grand scale. laid to rest persistent rumors of a strained relationship between the two during thatcher's downing street 10-year. there was of course the rumors, your final thoughts on that. >> i attended the funeral of margaret thatcher as well in the queen was a magisterial presence there. i think the queen had tremendous respect for margaret thatcher. market thatcher had immense respect for the queen. i think there was tremendous respect for the achievements and the principles, he had a very strong -- the two most powerful women in the world. the world is a far better place thanks to the leadership of both queen elizabeth ii and lady thatcher. >> trace: great to hear your thoughts, thank you for coming on we appreciate it. coming up next, look at some of your other headlines tonight. e . oh, man. hey! open up! the redesigned chevy 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[reporter questioning] >> is the federal government? yes. the president, white house and anybody else who was involved in the national guard not being granted for the district's humanitarian response. >> more than 9,000 migrants have arrived in the nation's capital since april. continuing coverage, remembering the queen straight ahead to come special coverage next. all wheel drive and the power of a 2.5 liter turbo engine. there's no limit to the places that 2020 to sorento can take you . and to the stories waiting for you when you get there. the world's first storytelling machine, the 2022 sorento kiya movement that inspires. custo >> all right.mize your c wrench. players and a phone open. liberty mutual .com to customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need and blow torch only pay for what you need. >> it is the everyday thing. hello, i'm mike lindell and i want to give each and every one of you one last chance to get your very own. mypillow brickhill bed sheets go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. use your promo code and you'll get the lowest prices ever. for example, you get my bill showing queen size regular. eighty nine . ninety eight now only thirty nine . ninety four killers type of wi that gives you that cool crisp feel. these bed sheets are available in a variety of colors. they're durable and they come with deep pockets that fit over any mattress. they're absolutely amazing. so go to mypillow .com or call that number on your screen. use your promo code to get my king-size split kings' or california kings' for only forty nine ninety eight queen size and rv queens only thirty nine ninety full size for thirty four . ninety eight or twin and twin for only twenty nine . ninety eight . we have limited quantities and once they're gone they're gone. >> so order now do you feel like the way you clean your ears at home doesn't work well enough. i felt the same way but then i tried to waxrx ear wash system. wax harrex was designed by a doctor and it's the same system used in medical clinics. the reusable wax her system has everything you need to effectively remove earwax at home. >> without the inconvenience of a doctor's visit. you should use the doctor trusted. wait!! you can get it now—land oat walgreen's and wal-mart today, lots more here than today, lots more here than the frost premium. delicious and no by products. toss it in hemlock. okay, we actually plan across premium meat. bill cosby, a black male, monarchies, dynastic now and forever. i need you to do what has to be done. be done. i'll do anything to protectt this family. moonaho 8 week series premieres, sunday on fox. up to eight weeks of relief without a point. right, max? 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Ceremony , Traditions , There Hasn T , Processions , Pomp , Changing Of The Guard , Talk , Funeral , 18th Of September , 18 , Royal , Dig , Let , Steve Hilton , On And , 96 , Monarchy , Ministers , Her Majesty , Strategy Director , Host , Revolution , Supporter , David Cameron , 15 , Reaction , U S , Passing , Institution , Country , Something , Incredible Public Servant , Watching , Twitter , Media , Monarchs , Public Servant Full Time , Deference , Culture , Position , Wall , Dignity , Stuff , Comment , Social Media , Selflessness , Gossip , Beauty , Epitome , Grace , Model , Connection , Word Selflessness , Leader , Love , Phrase Servant Leader , Jubilee , Letter , Let S Go , The End , Appreciation , Servant , Celebration , Impact , Politics , Truth , Deepness , Mourner , Qualities , Response , Change , Emotion , Same , Mountains , Valley , Woman , It , Come I Don T , Backdrop , Bearings , Feeling , Nobody , Thing , Thinking , Country Saw , Senses , Keystone , Architecture , Constitution Of The U K , Feelings , Job , Rest , Fore , Kind , Quiet , Mottos , Crown , Continuity , Constitutional Mon Monarchy , Peter , Stability , The Public , Bit , 4 , 3 , Presidents , Head Of State , Countries , Prime Minister , Charities , Royal Patron , Popes , Roman Catholic , 100 , 500 , Seven , 14 , Behind The Scenes , Governance , Fact , World War Ii , Government , Power , Issues , Head , Audience , Advice , One Of Us , Insight , Experience , Contribution , Benefit , Wisdom , Biden , Calendar , Condolence Book , Engagement , Sympathies , British Embassy In Washington , White House , Elizabeth The Second , Kevin Corke , Ambassador , Evening , All Of You , Lady , Seneca , Bedrock Alliance , Lbj , Look , Humor , Nations , Terms , Generosity , Display , Nat , Two , Wasn T , Affair , Visit , America S Bicentennial , Fourth Of July , July 1776 , 1776 , Sense , Place , Visitor , Felt America , Stranger , Wonder , History , President , Land , Predecessor , 1951 , Course , Majesty , George W Bush , Charm , First Lady , Intellect , Corgis , Barack , Relationship , Fist Bump , Arms , Michelle Obama , Lady , Grand , None , Warmth , Trump , Tenure , Invitation , June Of 2021 , 2021 , Truman , Clips , Joseph Stalin , Soviet Russia , 25 , Listening , Goose Bumps , Buff , Williamsburg , Capital , Nancy Pelosi , Staff , Details , Speaker Of The House , Flags , Leadership , Someone , Turbulence , Pillar , Chad Pergram , Mitch Mcconnell , Sterling Character , Strengthening , Alliance , Senate , The Living Embodiment , Chuck Schumer , Hard Times , Better , Type , Led , Virtues , Core , Lie , Republican , Senate Foreign Relations Committee Jim Rich , Family , Loss , Troubles , First , Condolences , Matter , Americans , Citizens , Pillars , Civilization , Lawmakers , Congress , Parliament , Spirit , Social Contract , Constitution , Will , Both , Ideals , In The House , Democracy , Bereavement Resolution , Member , Rain , Pond , Analysis , Queen S Honor , John Taylor , House Of Lords , Royal Family , Greetings , Prayers , Number , Special Relationship , Occasions , Receptions , Wife , Lady Taylor , Grandmother , Stage , Ways , Headline , Daily Mail , Sound , Role Model , Foreign Minister , Constant , Seismic Change , Isn T , Sanity , Remnants , Uncertainty , Coping , Healer , Assessment , Energy Crisis , War , Ability , Ukraine , Person , Impression , Gift , Stage Left , Baton , Making , Death , Members , Sadness , Passing Of A Cherished , Sovereign , Respect , Affection , Knowledge , Prerecorded , Prince , Address , Ruler , Regions , Throne , Hands , Wouldn T , Views , Meddler , Reassurance , Whistle Blowing , Whoa , Teeth , Cleaner , Routine , Gumline , Floss , Plaque , Mouth , Listerine , 5 , Land O Frost , Products , Choice , Ay , Moi , Weeeeeeeeee , Special Coverage , Rich Edson , Birth , Child , Daughter , Duchess , Duke , York , Prince Edward , George Vi , Rule , Right , Father , Princess , Heir , Duties , 1945 , 1936 , Thousands , Driver , Mechanic , Sweetheart , Others , The Streets Of London , Following , Princesses , Couple , Gloom , 21st Birthday , 21 , Andrew , Princes , Age , Kenya , England , 1950 , 1952 , Service , Coronation , Serve , Television , Splendor , President Eisenhower , 1957 , Ties , Tv Coverage , Tabloid Headlines , Children , Three , Marriages , Bond , 1990 , France , Diana , Car Accident , Broadcast , 1997 , Tribute , Heart , Wedding , Prince William , Kate Middleton , Force , Step Towards Healing A Deep Historical Rift , Republic Of Ireland , 2 Billion , Flotilla , Bank , Diamond Jubilee Celebration , River Thames , 60 , 1000 , Celebrations , River , Side By , 90 , 86 , Commonwealth , Great Grandchild , Kindnesses , Inspiration , 2013 , Line , Princess Charlotte , Sister , William And Kate , English , 2015 , Meghan Markle , Event , Symbol , Grandson , Chance , Birthday , Involvement , Victoria , Armed Forces , 2018 , 2016 , Royalty , Third , House Of Windsor , Planet , Bot Glamour , Faith , Self Restraint , Virtue , Values , Pledge , Colleagues , Royals , Correspondent Gillian Turner , Reporter , Windsor Castle , Harry , Assignment , Fame , Center , Got Married At St , Times , Seat , House , Estate , Front , Public On Tv , Press , Reason , Joy , Princess Diana , Public Service , Obvious Press Protocols On Display Today , Reporters , Broadcaster , Black , Bbc , Protocol , Famously , Radio Programming , Operation London Bridge , Preplanned , Schedule Tdn , Playlist , Outpouring , Nothing , Music , Pe , Queens , Commonwealth Nations , Order , Homage , Home , Ground Zero , Zero , Look Back , Elsewhere , Residences , Edinburgh , Solidarity , Dublin , Balmoral , Tens Of Thousands Today , Doesn T Pound , Honor , Attributes , Ht , Migraine Prevention , Migraine , Iv Infusion , It S Time , Preventive Treatment , Vyepti , Adults , Stomach Isn T Nauseous , 30 , Treatment , Some , Medication , Infusion , Bloodstream , Side Effects , Redness , Reactions , Throat , Trouble Breathing , Rash , Hives , Swelling , Stuffy Nose , Face , Migraine Specialist , Neurologist , Applebee S , Wings , 12 99 , 2 99 , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Find Themself , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , All My Life , Loved H , Respects , Many Britain S Gathering Outside Buckingham Palace , Vladimir Putin , Authority , Russian , Leaders , Millions , The World Stage , Correspondent Christina Coleman , Heartfelt , All Around The World , Friend , Celebrities , Kindhearted , Vladimir Zelenskyy , Variety , Words , Crowds , Hearts , Addition , Places , Restaurant , Vigils , Sad , New York City , Figurehead , Thoughts , Second , Loyalty , God , Paul Mccartney , Victoria Beckham , Childhood , Mick Jagger , Tv , Women , Girl Boss , Peace , Paris Hilton , Elton John , Generations , All Over The World , Things , World Leaders , Influence , Boundaries , Let S Talk , Trail Of Female Empowerment , Margaret Thatcher Center For Freedom , Director , Show , Visits , Most , Beating Heart , Anglo American Special Relationship , Loved America , Opinion Polls , Gallup , Champion , Sides , Sky High , Atlantic , Approval Ratings , Sound Bite , 1976 , Freedom Of Religion , Language , Vision , Belief , Individual , Worth , Expression , Gun , Ballot Box , Deeply , Freedom , Liberty , Conviction , Christian , Everything , Somebody , Example , Dedication , Margaret Thatcher , Purpose , Boss , Funerals , Back , Guardian , April 2013 , Rumors , Occasion , Precedent , Grand Scale , Funeral Of Margaret Thatcher , Thatcher , Downing Street 10 , Market Thatcher , Presence , There , Principles , Achievements , Women In The World , Headlines , Lady Thatcher , Man , E , Chevy Silverado , Truck , Door , Interior , Find , Style , Find New Roads , Clearchoice , Bite , Implants , Let S Dig In , Chow Down , Chuckles , Consultation , Menu , App , Privacy , Doesn T , Move , Step , Click , Search Engine , Web Browser , Built , Duckduckgo , Data Clearing , Stop , Companies , Google , Stories , Department , Special Master Review , Documents , Justice , Raid , Appointment , Decision , Judges , Morrow Mako , Law Enforcement Officers , Intelligence Community Review , Arbiter , Materials , Secrets , Duty , Doj , Misgivings , Third Party , Suspect , Deputies , Warrant , Atlanta , Public Administrator , Officers , Police , Clark County , Custody , Identities , Standoff , Nevada , Las Vegas , 12 , Jeff Garamond , Office , Public , Reporting , Murder , Turmoil , Hostile Work Environment , Robert Tellis , Mayor , Primary , Favoritism , Subordinate , Bullying , Reelection , Immigrants , Flow , Emergency , Democratic , Muriel Bowser , Arrivals , Migrant Affairs , Being , Reimbursement , Asylum , Arizona , Texas , 0 Million , 10 Million , Help , Request , Announcement , Pentagon , Reporter Questioning , National Guard , Federal Emergency Management Agency , Migrants , District , Yes , Anybody Else , 9000 , Turbo Engine , Wheel Drive , Sorento , No Limit , 2020 , 2 5 , Sorento Kiya Movement , C Wrench , Custo , The World S First Storytelling Machine , 2022 , Liberty Mutual , Players , Com , Phone Open , Car Insurance , Mike Lindell , Blow Torch , Size , Screen , Promo Code , Prices , Bill , Bed Sheets Go To Mypillow , Mypillow Brickhill , Feel , Mattress , Bed Sheets , Eighty Nine , Killers , Colors , Wi , Deep Pockets , Ninety Eight , Thirty Nine , Ninety Four , California Kings , Split Kings , Rv , Forty Nine , Ninety , Quantities , Twin , Twenty Nine , Thirty Four , Doctor , Wax Harrex , System , Ear Wash System , Wax , Ears , Clinics , Earwax , Home Doesn T Work , Waxrx , Walgreen S , Lots , Inconvenience , Oat , Wal Mart , Frost Premium , Meat , Hemlock , Anything , Monarchies , Sunday On Fox , Dynastic Now And Forever , Bill Cosby , A Black Male , Moonaho , 8 , Relief , Time , Point , Dermatitis , Lifelastin Changi , Datapoint , It Cyg S , Yep , Eight , Veterinarian , Itch , Nothe Time Life Changing , Cedar Point , Ve , Bringsren , Karen , Fifty Eight , Concerns , Weight , Golo Works , It Wa S Sohis , Homes , Market , Hon , Playroom , Breakbeats , Closet , Fear , Missing , Walk , Spillers , Six , Feet , Pain , Prescription Treatment , Q Tenzer , Diabetic , Kittens , Ft , Feats , Application , Pain Medications , Health Care Provider , Teutons , Eyes , Irritation , Mucous Membranes , Thirty , Sensation , Any , Contents , Respiratory Tract , Itching , Work Utensils , Skin , Removal , Patients , Publisher , Cute Tenzer , Clearing October Thirty , Dinner , Com Seven Grand , Pch , Pch Dot , Special , Chris Gallagher , Mourners , Po ,

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