>> trace: it is unusual that he can say anything about michael cohen and stormy daniels yet they can go on their podcast and msnbc and say anything they want. >> it's very rare to have this especially in a criminal trial. basis of this type of objection or control is to make sure a potential jury pool is not tainted. we have a jury already selected so that's not a concern. also witnesses. we don't want witnesses to be swayed or threatened. in this case there is no evidence of that. this is a very clear attempt -- successful attempt so far to violate donald trump's constitutional first amendment right. it is as clear as day. i've only been doing it a little bit over 22 years and i will tell you i've never had a case where this has happened, especially within the microcosm of the prosecution grabbing the microphone every opportunity they can. be to it seems like a lot of firsts in this case.