Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

latest, alex. >> ashley, todd, good morning president biden spoke with french president emmanuel macron emmanuel macron and a walk according to the white house the leaders discussed efforts in response to continued military buildup on the borders to sovereignty and territorial integrity. the conversation is expected when germans and chancellor visited the white house. this has fox news sources warrant lawmakers if pressured to launch, it could fall within less than three days, here is a national security advisor "fox news sunday." >> our view is that trane is not in a position to compensate russia for the economic losses that would come from our sanctions if russia does choose to move forward, not only will it come strategic cost to russia but china seen as supported it, it will come as some cost to join as well. >> according to u.s. intelligence 74% needed to full scale invasion, marco rubio and what that can mean for allies, speak with a single space and we have entered a dangerous spot in human history with consequences when that happens. >> yesterday the 82nd airborne division arrives near ukraine borders to support and additional troops at fort bragg as they deploy here at the white house officials say the cost of an invasion to ukraine be human lives, russia and china did solidify their ponds at the olympics in beijing. u.s. official does not believe china is in a position to make up for losses that sanctions would bring if they were to launch an invasion, ashley, todd. >> todd: kicking us off monday morning, congressman, for hills affairs committee president putin sends a message around the world to meticulous end. >> we say it is more likely than not, the news has been prepared around ukraine right now as we speak. these are dangerous times, times of the largest invasion in europe since world war ii and the time frame is closing in. this is why it is so important because watching what is happening. our adversaries are watching and if vladimir putin can go into ukraine with no resistance, certainly she will take taiwan and always one of the south china seen dominic see. >> todd: calling out china's attempt to mislead the world after a athlete during opening ceremonies. >> this is an effort by the chinese to distract us from the real issue here at hand that leaders are being tortured and leaders are the victims of human rights violations by the chinese. and we have to keep that front and center. >> ashley: she also reassured u.s. athletes the government will be there to protect them after house speaker nancy pelosi won them not to speak out over fears of response from china communist government. >> todd: the border agents apprehended and attempting to think for 100 pounds of drugs over the country. this comes as u.s. border officials with a record 1.9 million arrest along the southern border last year. these numbers seen the light of day due to a lawsuit filed against the biden administration by attorney general of missouri and texas. the same data revealing over 20% of those arrests 400,000 migrants released into the country for further processing for silent hearings and the rest deported back to mexico. 12 minutes after the hour and a state of emergency has hundreds of demonstrators with covid mandates. >> ashley: republicans threatened to speak up for donation rates for the truckers, jackie ibanez joins us live, good morning, jackie. >> that is right the capital of canada in a state of emergency after 500 truckers protest covid mandates. seven people were arrested at the protest over the weekend and hundreds more ticketed. the police threatening to arrest anyone caught bringing superiorl support. the city's mayor labeling a threat to public safety. as a local police chief takes it a step further. >> of the city is under siege. this is a threat to our democracy. there is a nationwide insurrection. this is madness. bead two ottawa residents suing seeking $10 million. the same amount raised in a gofundme in support of the truckers. meanwhile, gofundme says they will be refunding donations after funds to the convoy official campaign. the company claims it was because there was violence connected with the freedom convoy and the protest became an occupation. but many are calling out the companies double standard after promoted fund for the capitol hill organized protest with self-declared economists known and a portion of seattle you may remember in 2020. >> they took over the whole area and people were getting hurt, insulted and even a death. they even sent out a separate tweet themselves to encourage more folks to donate to that cause peer that is what i'm saying. how in the world can you now come in and make a complete local judgment impose political will when folks are trying to support those standing up for their freedoms, their rights? >> ashley: republicans including jeffrey on jeff landry calling for a investigation into gofundme. jeff landry asking the company. a new truck under give, send, go has raised $4 million and here in the states reportedly shut down a group of 130,000 people planning their own convoy to d.c. to protest covid mandates here in the u.s., ashley, tied to. >> ashley: jackie ibanez for us, thank you. tammy said this is more proof while pounds and mandates are only about control. >> this has never been about health, this has been about control. we are finding that from the beginning when it comes to the lockdowns, masking, the reticule or cloth mass mean nothing. this is all been about control and with the teachers union, this is about the left on their agenda have been obsessed with taking control of children and reinforcing the message that parents don't know what's best. >> ashley: okay, todd, the last thing jackie said in her piece there with the shutdown of something similar with the truckers coming to the u.s. and i said all along it's only a matter of time before people in other countries like the united states follow suit. there is not going to be much people can do. obviously in canada, which come i think they should be ashamed of themselves forsaking that it was the police department called it a nationwide insurrection. i mean for the love of god, these people are protesting and have a right to do this. they have rights, as they say in the other articles, canadians have the right to give food, water, things like that to these truckers trying to prove a point but when it comes to these, i want to say these liberal areas, you can't -- i'm trying to find a way to put this, if it doesn't go with what they want, they will try to shut you down no matter what. the police department is what really gets me on this one. it is the same situation when you had the mask mandates and the vaccine in new york city. you see these police officers and i'm very pro-police, don't get me wrong, but shame on them for not letting them, you know, exercise their right to protest. it's not like the reason they are being violent. there is what, three or four somewhat violent arrests? a lot of violations have been ticketed for seat belt violations. that is insane! >> todd: keep this video well. does this look like an insurrection to you? do you see a pitch or come ashley strohmier? >> ashley: i don't. >> todd: these are people marching nicely trying to get their message out and this is not insurrection and to use that phrase is abomination of the law. should not do that. you mentioned the charges, we have defective muscle or, no seat belt, mischief, by the way a catchall in the law. you can use mission mentoring to get your point and force liberal agenda. they are looking for excuses to take these individuals and prove a point. it is not a legal based on our law in america so i will assume it's the same in canada to give gas and food to someone. you certainly have a case for false arrest to sue the government and this is all said and done, but the overall point, gofundme allow support for minneapolis. they allowed support for portland. remember the summer of love with a lot of violence? yet they took down gofundme funding for this. that is an abomination. it is good on this other side, go, sand, go to go do what they are supposed to be doing and give them money to individuals. they are taking a stand against tyranny. >> ashley: i mean autonomous zone, they are so many examples that you can go back to an end to the gofundme point that you made, they only stepped back and said, okay, we will give it back to whoever donated once they wanted the donations but all tied hand-in-hand and concerning that people can't even -- look at this! >> todd: insurrection, they look like they are insurrection, ashley. they are picking up less than 11-mile per our.i am shocked. >> ashley: i have no words for that police captain, the department to say this is a nationwide insurrection. this is an outrage in these people should be mad. >> todd: quickly gofundme when you take $10 million, that is called theft. find more roles suited to her skill set. "los angeles times" believed that the new staffers can help elevate her platform and harris lost key staffers during the first year in office. >> ashley: house minority leader kevin mccarthy outlined the probes and plan to pursue if they regain the house midterm. >> we will investigate the origins of covid. we will investigate the ags research to call parents terrorists. we will investigate afghanistan. afghanistan withdrawal. why did we have 13 new gold star families? because this president closed and allowed a suicide bomber out that killed the individual. there was a lot of places that we can hold them accountable. >> ashley: meanwhile 21 house republicans accusing the biden administration, health officials of stonewalling efforts to get to the bottom of covid origin. lawmakers hhs turned over long requested documents on wuhan virology. deja vu my rules for me but not for the, democrats with hypocrisy caught on camera stacey abrams and jenna holcomb and caught mask lists. >> todd: this is a repeat, we keep doing this. joining us live with the response. >> hey, good morning, guys a classic case of do as a say and not as i do with stacey abrams with backlash for most recent photo up. the democrats smiling in this photo with atlanta elementary school students who are all messed up. a longtime advocate of mask mandates defending the glaring hypocrisy. her campaign writing, "stacy supports science as it is the current cdc recommendation. she wore a mask to the event and removed it at the podium so she could be heard by students remotely and the photos but only the folks are massed. that is a key topic for the candidates and the upcoming georgia race set for a rematch against brian kemp calling his covid guidance incompetent and immoral. but calling the democrat out writing stacey abrams want masked mandate for jordan's and children. but they don't apply when she's attending a photo up. abrams is not alone prominent new york democrats out on his own maskless tour just days after tweeting we must stay vigilant and make sure to mask up, stay safe and get guidance. but he has not responded to backlash from the photos come ashley, tied to. >> todd: bro, thank you very much. ashley and i were joking, do you think stacey abrams is holding her breath because according to the left, that is an acceptable form of health preservation. take a look at this if i were a republican in 2022 this year in the midterm elections come i keep this photo in every single campaign ad that i do. i use this photo to say this is what she thinks of your kids. she thinks her freedom is more important than your kids. it is not just her as you know, we have countless examples and it seems like we get one per week at this point. there is jamaal bowman not commenting on this situation but last week at the championship games, there is mayor eric garcetti holding his breath next to magic johnson and then also at this game, we have california governor gavin newsom with magic johnson but the key point not who they are with but the fact in a stadium inside facility even though technically it does have an outside, they were inside and not wearing masks and of course, the leader of the gang nancy pelosi kicking us off in 2020 mask maskless in the salons and demand all salons be massed. french laundry too. >> ashley: this is one between pelosi and newsome with the french laundry and also the hair salon but the thing is, we are not against people who don't want to wear a mask if there is not a mask mandates. you are free to choose, in my opinion to do what you want. if you feel it is safe, there is no rules or laws against it, go for it. but when you have people like nancy pelosi and gavin newsom who stand up here and harp on yo you have to wear a mask. there is a mandatory masking indoors and then you see all these pictures, we are getting a new one every week. and it is becoming exhausting to have to keep saying the same thing over and over. this is the one i want to look at. this should infuriate parents. i'm not a parent. todd, you are a parent. but this shows what they actually think of your kids. i have no words for these people, for these democrats doing this. i don't know. it's got to stop. i don't know how it's going to stop or when it's going to stop but it's got to stop. and if it has to happen midterms, you have to vote these people out. >> todd: i think that's where it stops but again america's decision and you have a right when voting happens in november. >> ashley: did you see this? a louis vuitton store in upscale new york mall the latest target for smash and grab criminals. this time, the chopper stepped in. what happens now that more and more americans are taking a crisis in their own hands? >> todd: that is the jam-packed two hours we have for you on this monday morning. mike huckabee, david webb, dr. marc siegel, attorney general jeff landry coming up with an all coming up next. ♪ ♪ hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? no, sir. let's have a great day! the chevy silverado offers eight cameras with up to 15 different views. find new views. find new roads. chevrolet. yep, it's go time with wireless on the most reliable network. ok, that jump was crazy! with up to 15 different views. but what's crazier? you get unlimited for just 30 bucks. nice! but mine has 5g included. wait! 5g included? 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>> i mean, this is the direct result of bold leftists idealist with big city governments. this started in l.a. and chicago. everyone predicted it would come to new york over the last two years and see people not being prosecuted or held accountable for their actions. if if we do not go back to prosecuting criminals and even a possibility of incarceration for these people, you will not stop this but see a lot more of this. this is going on in the colder months of this year as the weather warms and as the individuals go out, they go amongst their communities to speak to the children and community. i got arrested for smash and grab and only did four hours in jail, but i made off with $6,000. you will see crime grow. growing criminals on these ideologies and these big cities. we got a get away from it and go back to holding people accountable for their actions and incarcerating people when deserved. until we do that, you will see a lot more smash and grabs. you will see a lot more security guards that will take a step back because why should they risk their lives when the consequences, when there is no fear of consequences? that is the scary thing. that is what, you know, all police experts have been saying at this point. we need to go back to a point where incarceration is a real threat for criminals. to charge criminals instead of this soft on crime leftists approach where we are telling criminals "no, we will coddle you and i'll hold you accountable for your actions, the roles and criminality that make us unsaved." we need to get away from that. >> ashley: but it's almost in jail for hours type of situation. we need to get to the same criminal justice school being called out for being around zero and i want to run a montage of the d8 especially the three we talk about all the time then i will ask you some questions on the other side. speak with the tool is at our disposal and many instances the tools are in adequate to address societal harm. >> there ate the rest, and that person struggling with addiction or mental health. we need to connect that person to help. >> >> ashley: you know what else doesn't serve us well, john r cops being shot and killed on the street trying to protect us. innocent people being pushed into ongoing subway trains. so what gives here? is it going to take as we talked right before this, i mean, people have to vote these d.a.s out. >> absolutely. these d.a.s not talking about their job here their job is to be a prosecutor. they are there to take the evidence law enforcement presents to them and take the evidence to make sure the defendant is charged properly and present that to a judge and jury of the defendants peers. it is not to interject woke ideology or rehabilitate society. their job is to process you and end up on justice system. the civil society -- i'm sorry a lady blindfolded evenly weighted skills and a sword and the other hand. what we are seeing currently is that the scales are being tipped, the sword being thrown now and the plane folds off. we really need to get away from voting for people who have a no prosecution list and saying, these are what i must do but i'm not going to do. it is alvin bragg come i know he's come up a lot, but just as bad the last two years and there's been no prosecution. >> ashley: right. >> we have to go back to that. >> ashley: thanks, john macari, we appreciate your time and expertise on this topic. we appreciate it, todd. >> thank you, guys. >> todd: a focal point and crime crisis alexandria ocasio cortez is headed to... texas. we will tell you why. congressman michael waltz will not at his they are calling u.s. companies for the olympic and turning a blind eye to human rights issues on china. wait until you hear the network actually defended or is trying to. that is when we come back. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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speed to the ad do to air tonight and also feature boston celtics canter freedom tells the folks that all corporate logos need to be removed before the ad makes error. mbc responding "the ad was not rejected for nbc long-standing advertising changes and the ad requested so it could error." enes kanter will join fox & friends to address concerns. >> todd: todd. and vladimir putin a full-scale invasion of ukraine, that dire assessment by joint chiefs chair mark milley comes at the biden administration bracing for the worst. >> we are in the window. in a now russia could take military action against ukraine or a couple of weeks from now or russia could choose to take a different diplomatic path instead. but the united states need to be and is prepared for any of those contingencies. >> todd: former assistant secretary and naval intel officer robert joins us, great to have you what is your assessment of the situation now? >> you know, i don't always agree with mr. millie but i certainly do right now. really, you have 175,000 roughly on southern and eastern border of ukraine with all of russia and you have another 40,000 to the north so the ones to the north or 50 miles from kiev and the east 100 miles from kiev and the consequences of encouraging could be dramatic. you are talking about a country with 43 million people. you could have the mother of refugee crisis as they go forward but i don't see a lot of turns for the biden administration but what i see is incredible. you have 600,000 americans with extraction crisis at the same time. my view would be mark milley's right, keep eyes focused and theodore roosevelt used to say walk soft and carry a big stick. but biden walks with no stick. >> todd: and biden is not taking the necessary steps. in your opinion, bobby could should sanctions be in place? >> this ancient country in the world and i read the sanctions and i don't think it would scare anybody. russia is on a b line trying to dissuade hurricane from landfall. but the problem we have right now, todd, people do not take this series enough early on and remember europe right now has $200 billion worth of trade with russia, highly dependent upon russia. so unification should have started months and months ago to provide unification position saying ukraine is no threat to you, ukraine is no threat to you. we also have no idea what was in january 6 letter come appeasement letter to vladimir putin and biden so we don't know. >> todd: the biden administration waving sanctions on a rainy and civilian nuclear activities. does this make any sense to you? >> no. the irony here is we seem to be looking, todd had a more consolidated national or international strategy of appeasement. this is sort of like a white flag. when you do exactly what iran is to lift sanctions on civilian nuclear program, which is clearly putting the nuclear program, we throw our hands up in the air and get a nuke. a lot of experts say less than a year away from a nuclear weapon. again, where is the deterrence and consolidated unified coalition saying to iran "you cannot do this or there will be consequences for you." trump had put those consequences in place in a dramatically affected iran and the iranian people largely pro-american thought that was a good idea. so again, very little deterrence or credibility. this looks an awful lot like a white flag saying go ahead and go and make your nuclear weapons. >> todd: one final topic the afghan terrorist attack that killed 13 americans was not preventable. do you agree? >> you know, i don't. i did see that report in full. i noted at the end of it they blamed the administration for not having properly planned. but i will tell you the bottom line is, it all depends on where you start the chapter of the story which should have happen and they should not have given away bob from but kept on kabul. if they would have done that, we would not have left tens of thousands of allies there. it was a complete debacle and i think the report is harsh, but i think it could have been more harsh. i also think attempting to vindicate a policy that was objectively a failure. >> todd: let's not forget 13 brave american souls lost their life. robert charles we appreciate your insight, have a great monday. ashley. >> ashley: fox news exclusive president biden in office more police officers killed in the line of duty than the u.s. has seen since 1995. an former top cop says it is more serious than defunding movement. >> an issue of morale and an issue of the restraints and an issue put on cops. >> ashley: we will get david webb's reaction to this beyond truck troubling trends next. cl. clover does that so i can do this. i didn't know you had dahlias. they're my favorite. they just came in. thank you. i should do a marketing campaign. clover does that. you're like a mind reader. do you like it? 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>> well, the environment does matter, ashley. the laws matter. the environment matters. the policy matters. what has changed since those days to where we are and the police more law enforcement, much, much more professional community, much, much more professional profession, if you will, is we now have a reversal on policy how we treat criminals. so when you have a growth of criminality, not just police officers killed in the line of duty, murdered in the line of duty as jason rivera and wilbert mora were, you have escalation to advance as criminals. they don't de-escalate criminals down to a misdemeanor but they work adversely. this is what we are seeing. that will continue to grow. those interactions along with the democrat party run cities and a number of other policies that enhance criminals lives over the law enforcement and community were not separate from each other. that will lead to more deaths. >> ashley: and then i want to roll this sound, ray kelly and this is not an issue of money. and then we will talk on the other side. >> now we have alvin bragg -- i can't believe that he actually rolled this plan out during a major crime wave in new york city. that is not an issue of money but an issue of morale, issue of restraints and restrictions put on cops. >> ashley: basically he is think they need support for cubs to do their job. when he talks about constraints, you think back six, seven years how the police officer should even sooner three years ago with the way they are taught in the academy, they cannot police the way they were taught so their hands are tied. >> yeah, and when you tie the hands of police officers, you are not just tying their hands. you were damaging average everyday americans lives, especially in poor neighborhoods. yes, and black, latin, latino, no matter what the neighborhood is, social economic is a big factor here. so it is not about money, but when you defund or refund or reimagine or whatever name they want to make up and take $1 billion out of the budget for nypd. you take money away from l.a. and other major cities or even smaller cities, your ability to recruit, retain, advance and grow a good law enforcement agency and keep it there and then, yes, you work on community issues. you do bring in police and reform where there is actually reform that is good for the relationship for dealing with the issues. it is also about safety for the community, not just about criminals. so this deconstruction of law enforcement as a community and these false statements by joe biden when it comes to federal while ignoring local, especially in the democrat cities is what we need to look at. >> ashley: okay, we have a tiny bit of time left. the memphis blm founder was sentenced to six years for voting in illegal peer of the judge said "you tricked the probation department to give you documents saying you were off probation." help concerning? >> not really to me. look, at some point, if you look at her charges prior to this conviction. at some point, it is not everybody else's fault. she said she was tricked, well, do i really believe her? i don't have a way to prove yes or no but do you believe someone wanted to trick her into violating the law and she wasn't capable of checking for herself? we have responsibilities as human beings, citizens to know what we are doing. that is where i live with this. and black lives matter, well, i have a bigger issue with $90 million missing with reviews in california with hundreds of millions of dollars that have been extorted from american corporations and american people has gone where? has it come back to the black community? no. are they burning? yes, they are. are they destroying? yes, they are. are they attacking law enforcement, burning baristas, my concern is for the american community, not for black lives matter movement that is lit and pounded in part by self-admitted marxist. >> ashley: okay, david webb, thank you for your time this morning in your take on this topic. we appreciate it. >> thank you, ashley. >> ashley: todd. >> todd: school celebrate black lives matter week in action. a letter to the california school district one father writing "blm is divisive and a group with anti-american, anti-semitic and propaganda. schools were to teach guiding principles during the week of action which include disrupting the western prescribed nuclear family structure." violence in new york city schools getting out of hand some parents are keeping their kids home. we are talking to some of the parents were city leaders they are ignoring their concerns. >> ashley: congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez represents part of new york city, but she's not focusing on that. she's headed to texas instead. we will tell you why next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: new york city parents pulling their kids out of school. they say the kids are being exposed to violence in the halls and educators not doing anything told the police accountable. joining me olivia who pulled her son out of manhattan middle school. and mother of two new york city school safety coalition and new york city michael duncan the founder of students improvement association. thanks to all three of you. olivia, what did your son have to deal with in school? >> good morning, well, last september it started with name-calling. there was, you know, racist and misogynist slurs and then it escalated and he was punched one day. another day stomped on one of his feet. another day, twice, he was hit with a door of a locker from his colleagues right there because he was horsing around. but he didn't understand he was injuring my son and the third time he slammed the door so hard that he cut my son by the eye. and the last incident was one of the girls at the school tried to violently kicked him in the groin. so i've just had enough. i had already spoken to the administration at the school. i asked my son to speak to his teachers, to his advisor, to the counselor at school, you know, to see how this could be fixed. i kept sending emails and i kept receiving, you know, responses that we will fix it. perpetrators and the children misbehave will get consequences and they will apologize to your son. none of that happened. and it just kept getting worse. there were all these fights at the school. these fights were being taped on an app and online. >> todd: my gosh. >> it was really violent. you know, when that young girl tried to get him in the groin, he obviously stepped out because i taught him to never hit a girl. he was terrified. and i asked him to be transferred to. >> todd: unbelievable, mona, you look at the situation and when we went to school, you would get suspended for this. where are the suspensions? >> yeah, thank you, todd, for having us on today. look, there are no suspensions because of this crazy philosophy that the department of education is pushing cold restorative justice. but the problem with cold restorative justice, it enables the assailant and does not protect the victim. so expecting students to sit down with someone and listen to why that other student feels the need to attack them and i sold them is unacceptable. so, between the restorative justice practices that this principle is doing at the school and shortage of school safety agents, right now, the school 75 with many other new york city public schools are out of control because there is no accountability. >> todd: unbelievable. speak with the children know they can get away with this. >> todd: i want to get michael in on this, michael, if you don't have any consequences, you will push the boundaries. isn't that what is happening here? >> exactly what is happening. and unfortunately, it is promoted in the school system. the whole justice may work in some instances but not most. this is what they use when children are being pepper sprayed or children will literally beaten over the head and taped at the same time. the d.o.e. does not have an answer for this. >> todd: it doesn't make any sense. as parents are number one job is to protect kids. we give them to the mic to the school district thinking they will do the same and when they don't, parents have to make tough decisions like olivia did, mona, michael, libya, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you very much. in the meantime remember afghan who helped save senator biden only to be abandoned during the taliban takeover? >> they left me and my family behind. >> todd: and exclusive update from that man next. ♪ ♪ oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. lawmakers were briefed ukraine capital city could fall if an invasion takes place.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240708

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latest, alex. >> ashley, todd, good morning president biden spoke with french president emmanuel macron emmanuel macron and a walk according to the white house the leaders discussed efforts in response to continued military buildup on the borders to sovereignty and territorial integrity. the conversation is expected when germans and chancellor visited the white house. this has fox news sources warrant lawmakers if pressured to launch, it could fall within less than three days, here is a national security advisor "fox news sunday." >> our view is that trane is not in a position to compensate russia for the economic losses that would come from our sanctions if russia does choose to move forward, not only will it come strategic cost to russia but china seen as supported it, it will come as some cost to join as well. >> according to u.s. intelligence 74% needed to full scale invasion, marco rubio and what that can mean for allies, speak with a single space and we have entered a dangerous spot in human history with consequences when that happens. >> yesterday the 82nd airborne division arrives near ukraine borders to support and additional troops at fort bragg as they deploy here at the white house officials say the cost of an invasion to ukraine be human lives, russia and china did solidify their ponds at the olympics in beijing. u.s. official does not believe china is in a position to make up for losses that sanctions would bring if they were to launch an invasion, ashley, todd. >> todd: kicking us off monday morning, congressman, for hills affairs committee president putin sends a message around the world to meticulous end. >> we say it is more likely than not, the news has been prepared around ukraine right now as we speak. these are dangerous times, times of the largest invasion in europe since world war ii and the time frame is closing in. this is why it is so important because watching what is happening. our adversaries are watching and if vladimir putin can go into ukraine with no resistance, certainly she will take taiwan and always one of the south china seen dominic see. >> todd: calling out china's attempt to mislead the world after a athlete during opening ceremonies. >> this is an effort by the chinese to distract us from the real issue here at hand that leaders are being tortured and leaders are the victims of human rights violations by the chinese. and we have to keep that front and center. >> ashley: she also reassured u.s. athletes the government will be there to protect them after house speaker nancy pelosi won them not to speak out over fears of response from china communist government. >> todd: the border agents apprehended and attempting to think for 100 pounds of drugs over the country. this comes as u.s. border officials with a record 1.9 million arrest along the southern border last year. these numbers seen the light of day due to a lawsuit filed against the biden administration by attorney general of missouri and texas. the same data revealing over 20% of those arrests 400,000 migrants released into the country for further processing for silent hearings and the rest deported back to mexico. 12 minutes after the hour and a state of emergency has hundreds of demonstrators with covid mandates. >> ashley: republicans threatened to speak up for donation rates for the truckers, jackie ibanez joins us live, good morning, jackie. >> that is right the capital of canada in a state of emergency after 500 truckers protest covid mandates. seven people were arrested at the protest over the weekend and hundreds more ticketed. the police threatening to arrest anyone caught bringing superiorl support. the city's mayor labeling a threat to public safety. as a local police chief takes it a step further. >> of the city is under siege. this is a threat to our democracy. there is a nationwide insurrection. this is madness. bead two ottawa residents suing seeking $10 million. the same amount raised in a gofundme in support of the truckers. meanwhile, gofundme says they will be refunding donations after funds to the convoy official campaign. the company claims it was because there was violence connected with the freedom convoy and the protest became an occupation. but many are calling out the companies double standard after promoted fund for the capitol hill organized protest with self-declared economists known and a portion of seattle you may remember in 2020. >> they took over the whole area and people were getting hurt, insulted and even a death. they even sent out a separate tweet themselves to encourage more folks to donate to that cause peer that is what i'm saying. how in the world can you now come in and make a complete local judgment impose political will when folks are trying to support those standing up for their freedoms, their rights? >> ashley: republicans including jeffrey on jeff landry calling for a investigation into gofundme. jeff landry asking the company. a new truck under give, send, go has raised $4 million and here in the states reportedly shut down a group of 130,000 people planning their own convoy to d.c. to protest covid mandates here in the u.s., ashley, tied to. >> ashley: jackie ibanez for us, thank you. tammy said this is more proof while pounds and mandates are only about control. >> this has never been about health, this has been about control. we are finding that from the beginning when it comes to the lockdowns, masking, the reticule or cloth mass mean nothing. this is all been about control and with the teachers union, this is about the left on their agenda have been obsessed with taking control of children and reinforcing the message that parents don't know what's best. >> ashley: okay, todd, the last thing jackie said in her piece there with the shutdown of something similar with the truckers coming to the u.s. and i said all along it's only a matter of time before people in other countries like the united states follow suit. there is not going to be much people can do. obviously in canada, which come i think they should be ashamed of themselves forsaking that it was the police department called it a nationwide insurrection. i mean for the love of god, these people are protesting and have a right to do this. they have rights, as they say in the other articles, canadians have the right to give food, water, things like that to these truckers trying to prove a point but when it comes to these, i want to say these liberal areas, you can't -- i'm trying to find a way to put this, if it doesn't go with what they want, they will try to shut you down no matter what. the police department is what really gets me on this one. it is the same situation when you had the mask mandates and the vaccine in new york city. you see these police officers and i'm very pro-police, don't get me wrong, but shame on them for not letting them, you know, exercise their right to protest. it's not like the reason they are being violent. there is what, three or four somewhat violent arrests? a lot of violations have been ticketed for seat belt violations. that is insane! >> todd: keep this video well. does this look like an insurrection to you? do you see a pitch or come ashley strohmier? >> ashley: i don't. >> todd: these are people marching nicely trying to get their message out and this is not insurrection and to use that phrase is abomination of the law. should not do that. you mentioned the charges, we have defective muscle or, no seat belt, mischief, by the way a catchall in the law. you can use mission mentoring to get your point and force liberal agenda. they are looking for excuses to take these individuals and prove a point. it is not a legal based on our law in america so i will assume it's the same in canada to give gas and food to someone. you certainly have a case for false arrest to sue the government and this is all said and done, but the overall point, gofundme allow support for minneapolis. they allowed support for portland. remember the summer of love with a lot of violence? yet they took down gofundme funding for this. that is an abomination. it is good on this other side, go, sand, go to go do what they are supposed to be doing and give them money to individuals. they are taking a stand against tyranny. >> ashley: i mean autonomous zone, they are so many examples that you can go back to an end to the gofundme point that you made, they only stepped back and said, okay, we will give it back to whoever donated once they wanted the donations but all tied hand-in-hand and concerning that people can't even -- look at this! >> todd: insurrection, they look like they are insurrection, ashley. they are picking up less than 11-mile per our.i am shocked. >> ashley: i have no words for that police captain, the department to say this is a nationwide insurrection. this is an outrage in these people should be mad. >> todd: quickly gofundme when you take $10 million, that is called theft. find more roles suited to her skill set. "los angeles times" believed that the new staffers can help elevate her platform and harris lost key staffers during the first year in office. >> ashley: house minority leader kevin mccarthy outlined the probes and plan to pursue if they regain the house midterm. >> we will investigate the origins of covid. we will investigate the ags research to call parents terrorists. we will investigate afghanistan. afghanistan withdrawal. why did we have 13 new gold star families? because this president closed and allowed a suicide bomber out that killed the individual. there was a lot of places that we can hold them accountable. >> ashley: meanwhile 21 house republicans accusing the biden administration, health officials of stonewalling efforts to get to the bottom of covid origin. lawmakers hhs turned over long requested documents on wuhan virology. deja vu my rules for me but not for the, democrats with hypocrisy caught on camera stacey abrams and jenna holcomb and caught mask lists. >> todd: this is a repeat, we keep doing this. joining us live with the response. >> hey, good morning, guys a classic case of do as a say and not as i do with stacey abrams with backlash for most recent photo up. the democrats smiling in this photo with atlanta elementary school students who are all messed up. a longtime advocate of mask mandates defending the glaring hypocrisy. her campaign writing, "stacy supports science as it is the current cdc recommendation. she wore a mask to the event and removed it at the podium so she could be heard by students remotely and the photos but only the folks are massed. that is a key topic for the candidates and the upcoming georgia race set for a rematch against brian kemp calling his covid guidance incompetent and immoral. but calling the democrat out writing stacey abrams want masked mandate for jordan's and children. but they don't apply when she's attending a photo up. abrams is not alone prominent new york democrats out on his own maskless tour just days after tweeting we must stay vigilant and make sure to mask up, stay safe and get guidance. but he has not responded to backlash from the photos come ashley, tied to. >> todd: bro, thank you very much. ashley and i were joking, do you think stacey abrams is holding her breath because according to the left, that is an acceptable form of health preservation. take a look at this if i were a republican in 2022 this year in the midterm elections come i keep this photo in every single campaign ad that i do. i use this photo to say this is what she thinks of your kids. she thinks her freedom is more important than your kids. it is not just her as you know, we have countless examples and it seems like we get one per week at this point. there is jamaal bowman not commenting on this situation but last week at the championship games, there is mayor eric garcetti holding his breath next to magic johnson and then also at this game, we have california governor gavin newsom with magic johnson but the key point not who they are with but the fact in a stadium inside facility even though technically it does have an outside, they were inside and not wearing masks and of course, the leader of the gang nancy pelosi kicking us off in 2020 mask maskless in the salons and demand all salons be massed. french laundry too. >> ashley: this is one between pelosi and newsome with the french laundry and also the hair salon but the thing is, we are not against people who don't want to wear a mask if there is not a mask mandates. you are free to choose, in my opinion to do what you want. if you feel it is safe, there is no rules or laws against it, go for it. but when you have people like nancy pelosi and gavin newsom who stand up here and harp on yo you have to wear a mask. there is a mandatory masking indoors and then you see all these pictures, we are getting a new one every week. and it is becoming exhausting to have to keep saying the same thing over and over. this is the one i want to look at. this should infuriate parents. i'm not a parent. todd, you are a parent. but this shows what they actually think of your kids. i have no words for these people, for these democrats doing this. i don't know. it's got to stop. i don't know how it's going to stop or when it's going to stop but it's got to stop. and if it has to happen midterms, you have to vote these people out. >> todd: i think that's where it stops but again america's decision and you have a right when voting happens in november. >> ashley: did you see this? a louis vuitton store in upscale new york mall the latest target for smash and grab criminals. this time, the chopper stepped in. what happens now that more and more americans are taking a crisis in their own hands? >> todd: that is the jam-packed two hours we have for you on this monday morning. mike huckabee, david webb, dr. marc siegel, attorney general jeff landry coming up with an all coming up next. ♪ ♪ hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? no, sir. let's have a great day! the chevy silverado offers eight cameras with up to 15 different views. find new views. find new roads. chevrolet. yep, it's go time with wireless on the most reliable network. ok, that jump was crazy! with up to 15 different views. but what's crazier? you get unlimited for just 30 bucks. nice! but mine has 5g included. wait! 5g included? yup, even these guys get it. nice ride, by the way. and the icing on the cake? saving up to 400 bucks? exactly. wait, shouldn't you be navigating? xfinity mobile. it's wireless that does it all and saves a lot. like a lot, a lot. >> todd: this morning for the mother of army veteran stabbed to death in 2018 will call on manhattan's d.a. to lock up an accused killer. sergeant is free while awaiting trial at all because of new york's bail reform law. maria's mother joined us on "fox & friends first" late last month. watch. >> i can't wrap my head around how this is happening. there was no justice in it. my son is dead forever. these people need to be in prison forever. >> todd: even if convicted, the killer may not face the urges punishment because alvin bragg is bowing with capital murder sentences and only 20 years, ashley. >> ashley: todd, smash and grab epidemic hitting retailers big and small across the nation one of the latest targets of an upscale mall westchester it twice in recent weeks, watch. joining me now is required nypd lieutenant john mcclary, john thank you for being with us. a couple of things to say about this. i'm shocked at that louis vuitton being hit several times. that video come i don't know if we can run that again but the security guard just standing there and letting these people get away with all of these goods. let me just tell you, those bags, they cost a pretty penny. my issue with this is that you have people like the security guards, not obviously an issue with this smash and grab because it is completely out of control, but what about the security guards supposed to work protect people in the same security guards have told me and chased me down, hey, pull your mask up but watch him get away with this. how do we get this out of control if security guards will not do anything about this? >> i mean, this is the direct result of bold leftists idealist with big city governments. this started in l.a. and chicago. everyone predicted it would come to new york over the last two years and see people not being prosecuted or held accountable for their actions. if if we do not go back to prosecuting criminals and even a possibility of incarceration for these people, you will not stop this but see a lot more of this. this is going on in the colder months of this year as the weather warms and as the individuals go out, they go amongst their communities to speak to the children and community. i got arrested for smash and grab and only did four hours in jail, but i made off with $6,000. you will see crime grow. growing criminals on these ideologies and these big cities. we got a get away from it and go back to holding people accountable for their actions and incarcerating people when deserved. until we do that, you will see a lot more smash and grabs. you will see a lot more security guards that will take a step back because why should they risk their lives when the consequences, when there is no fear of consequences? that is the scary thing. that is what, you know, all police experts have been saying at this point. we need to go back to a point where incarceration is a real threat for criminals. to charge criminals instead of this soft on crime leftists approach where we are telling criminals "no, we will coddle you and i'll hold you accountable for your actions, the roles and criminality that make us unsaved." we need to get away from that. >> ashley: but it's almost in jail for hours type of situation. we need to get to the same criminal justice school being called out for being around zero and i want to run a montage of the d8 especially the three we talk about all the time then i will ask you some questions on the other side. speak with the tool is at our disposal and many instances the tools are in adequate to address societal harm. >> there ate the rest, and that person struggling with addiction or mental health. we need to connect that person to help. >> >> ashley: you know what else doesn't serve us well, john r cops being shot and killed on the street trying to protect us. innocent people being pushed into ongoing subway trains. so what gives here? is it going to take as we talked right before this, i mean, people have to vote these d.a.s out. >> absolutely. these d.a.s not talking about their job here their job is to be a prosecutor. they are there to take the evidence law enforcement presents to them and take the evidence to make sure the defendant is charged properly and present that to a judge and jury of the defendants peers. it is not to interject woke ideology or rehabilitate society. their job is to process you and end up on justice system. the civil society -- i'm sorry a lady blindfolded evenly weighted skills and a sword and the other hand. what we are seeing currently is that the scales are being tipped, the sword being thrown now and the plane folds off. we really need to get away from voting for people who have a no prosecution list and saying, these are what i must do but i'm not going to do. it is alvin bragg come i know he's come up a lot, but just as bad the last two years and there's been no prosecution. >> ashley: right. >> we have to go back to that. >> ashley: thanks, john macari, we appreciate your time and expertise on this topic. we appreciate it, todd. >> thank you, guys. >> todd: a focal point and crime crisis alexandria ocasio cortez is headed to... texas. we will tell you why. congressman michael waltz will not at his they are calling u.s. companies for the olympic and turning a blind eye to human rights issues on china. wait until you hear the network actually defended or is trying to. that is when we come back. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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speed to the ad do to air tonight and also feature boston celtics canter freedom tells the folks that all corporate logos need to be removed before the ad makes error. mbc responding "the ad was not rejected for nbc long-standing advertising changes and the ad requested so it could error." enes kanter will join fox & friends to address concerns. >> todd: todd. and vladimir putin a full-scale invasion of ukraine, that dire assessment by joint chiefs chair mark milley comes at the biden administration bracing for the worst. >> we are in the window. in a now russia could take military action against ukraine or a couple of weeks from now or russia could choose to take a different diplomatic path instead. but the united states need to be and is prepared for any of those contingencies. >> todd: former assistant secretary and naval intel officer robert joins us, great to have you what is your assessment of the situation now? >> you know, i don't always agree with mr. millie but i certainly do right now. really, you have 175,000 roughly on southern and eastern border of ukraine with all of russia and you have another 40,000 to the north so the ones to the north or 50 miles from kiev and the east 100 miles from kiev and the consequences of encouraging could be dramatic. you are talking about a country with 43 million people. you could have the mother of refugee crisis as they go forward but i don't see a lot of turns for the biden administration but what i see is incredible. you have 600,000 americans with extraction crisis at the same time. my view would be mark milley's right, keep eyes focused and theodore roosevelt used to say walk soft and carry a big stick. but biden walks with no stick. >> todd: and biden is not taking the necessary steps. in your opinion, bobby could should sanctions be in place? >> this ancient country in the world and i read the sanctions and i don't think it would scare anybody. russia is on a b line trying to dissuade hurricane from landfall. but the problem we have right now, todd, people do not take this series enough early on and remember europe right now has $200 billion worth of trade with russia, highly dependent upon russia. so unification should have started months and months ago to provide unification position saying ukraine is no threat to you, ukraine is no threat to you. we also have no idea what was in january 6 letter come appeasement letter to vladimir putin and biden so we don't know. >> todd: the biden administration waving sanctions on a rainy and civilian nuclear activities. does this make any sense to you? >> no. the irony here is we seem to be looking, todd had a more consolidated national or international strategy of appeasement. this is sort of like a white flag. when you do exactly what iran is to lift sanctions on civilian nuclear program, which is clearly putting the nuclear program, we throw our hands up in the air and get a nuke. a lot of experts say less than a year away from a nuclear weapon. again, where is the deterrence and consolidated unified coalition saying to iran "you cannot do this or there will be consequences for you." trump had put those consequences in place in a dramatically affected iran and the iranian people largely pro-american thought that was a good idea. so again, very little deterrence or credibility. this looks an awful lot like a white flag saying go ahead and go and make your nuclear weapons. >> todd: one final topic the afghan terrorist attack that killed 13 americans was not preventable. do you agree? >> you know, i don't. i did see that report in full. i noted at the end of it they blamed the administration for not having properly planned. but i will tell you the bottom line is, it all depends on where you start the chapter of the story which should have happen and they should not have given away bob from but kept on kabul. if they would have done that, we would not have left tens of thousands of allies there. it was a complete debacle and i think the report is harsh, but i think it could have been more harsh. i also think attempting to vindicate a policy that was objectively a failure. >> todd: let's not forget 13 brave american souls lost their life. robert charles we appreciate your insight, have a great monday. ashley. >> ashley: fox news exclusive president biden in office more police officers killed in the line of duty than the u.s. has seen since 1995. an former top cop says it is more serious than defunding movement. >> an issue of morale and an issue of the restraints and an issue put on cops. >> ashley: we will get david webb's reaction to this beyond truck troubling trends next. cl. clover does that so i can do this. i didn't know you had dahlias. they're my favorite. they just came in. thank you. i should do a marketing campaign. clover does that. you're like a mind reader. do you like it? 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>> well, the environment does matter, ashley. the laws matter. the environment matters. the policy matters. what has changed since those days to where we are and the police more law enforcement, much, much more professional community, much, much more professional profession, if you will, is we now have a reversal on policy how we treat criminals. so when you have a growth of criminality, not just police officers killed in the line of duty, murdered in the line of duty as jason rivera and wilbert mora were, you have escalation to advance as criminals. they don't de-escalate criminals down to a misdemeanor but they work adversely. this is what we are seeing. that will continue to grow. those interactions along with the democrat party run cities and a number of other policies that enhance criminals lives over the law enforcement and community were not separate from each other. that will lead to more deaths. >> ashley: and then i want to roll this sound, ray kelly and this is not an issue of money. and then we will talk on the other side. >> now we have alvin bragg -- i can't believe that he actually rolled this plan out during a major crime wave in new york city. that is not an issue of money but an issue of morale, issue of restraints and restrictions put on cops. >> ashley: basically he is think they need support for cubs to do their job. when he talks about constraints, you think back six, seven years how the police officer should even sooner three years ago with the way they are taught in the academy, they cannot police the way they were taught so their hands are tied. >> yeah, and when you tie the hands of police officers, you are not just tying their hands. you were damaging average everyday americans lives, especially in poor neighborhoods. yes, and black, latin, latino, no matter what the neighborhood is, social economic is a big factor here. so it is not about money, but when you defund or refund or reimagine or whatever name they want to make up and take $1 billion out of the budget for nypd. you take money away from l.a. and other major cities or even smaller cities, your ability to recruit, retain, advance and grow a good law enforcement agency and keep it there and then, yes, you work on community issues. you do bring in police and reform where there is actually reform that is good for the relationship for dealing with the issues. it is also about safety for the community, not just about criminals. so this deconstruction of law enforcement as a community and these false statements by joe biden when it comes to federal while ignoring local, especially in the democrat cities is what we need to look at. >> ashley: okay, we have a tiny bit of time left. the memphis blm founder was sentenced to six years for voting in illegal peer of the judge said "you tricked the probation department to give you documents saying you were off probation." help concerning? >> not really to me. look, at some point, if you look at her charges prior to this conviction. at some point, it is not everybody else's fault. she said she was tricked, well, do i really believe her? i don't have a way to prove yes or no but do you believe someone wanted to trick her into violating the law and she wasn't capable of checking for herself? we have responsibilities as human beings, citizens to know what we are doing. that is where i live with this. and black lives matter, well, i have a bigger issue with $90 million missing with reviews in california with hundreds of millions of dollars that have been extorted from american corporations and american people has gone where? has it come back to the black community? no. are they burning? yes, they are. are they destroying? yes, they are. are they attacking law enforcement, burning baristas, my concern is for the american community, not for black lives matter movement that is lit and pounded in part by self-admitted marxist. >> ashley: okay, david webb, thank you for your time this morning in your take on this topic. we appreciate it. >> thank you, ashley. >> ashley: todd. >> todd: school celebrate black lives matter week in action. a letter to the california school district one father writing "blm is divisive and a group with anti-american, anti-semitic and propaganda. schools were to teach guiding principles during the week of action which include disrupting the western prescribed nuclear family structure." violence in new york city schools getting out of hand some parents are keeping their kids home. we are talking to some of the parents were city leaders they are ignoring their concerns. >> ashley: congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez represents part of new york city, but she's not focusing on that. she's headed to texas instead. we will tell you why next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: new york city parents pulling their kids out of school. they say the kids are being exposed to violence in the halls and educators not doing anything told the police accountable. joining me olivia who pulled her son out of manhattan middle school. and mother of two new york city school safety coalition and new york city michael duncan the founder of students improvement association. thanks to all three of you. olivia, what did your son have to deal with in school? >> good morning, well, last september it started with name-calling. there was, you know, racist and misogynist slurs and then it escalated and he was punched one day. another day stomped on one of his feet. another day, twice, he was hit with a door of a locker from his colleagues right there because he was horsing around. but he didn't understand he was injuring my son and the third time he slammed the door so hard that he cut my son by the eye. and the last incident was one of the girls at the school tried to violently kicked him in the groin. so i've just had enough. i had already spoken to the administration at the school. i asked my son to speak to his teachers, to his advisor, to the counselor at school, you know, to see how this could be fixed. i kept sending emails and i kept receiving, you know, responses that we will fix it. perpetrators and the children misbehave will get consequences and they will apologize to your son. none of that happened. and it just kept getting worse. there were all these fights at the school. these fights were being taped on an app and online. >> todd: my gosh. >> it was really violent. you know, when that young girl tried to get him in the groin, he obviously stepped out because i taught him to never hit a girl. he was terrified. and i asked him to be transferred to. >> todd: unbelievable, mona, you look at the situation and when we went to school, you would get suspended for this. where are the suspensions? >> yeah, thank you, todd, for having us on today. look, there are no suspensions because of this crazy philosophy that the department of education is pushing cold restorative justice. but the problem with cold restorative justice, it enables the assailant and does not protect the victim. so expecting students to sit down with someone and listen to why that other student feels the need to attack them and i sold them is unacceptable. so, between the restorative justice practices that this principle is doing at the school and shortage of school safety agents, right now, the school 75 with many other new york city public schools are out of control because there is no accountability. >> todd: unbelievable. speak with the children know they can get away with this. >> todd: i want to get michael in on this, michael, if you don't have any consequences, you will push the boundaries. isn't that what is happening here? >> exactly what is happening. and unfortunately, it is promoted in the school system. the whole justice may work in some instances but not most. this is what they use when children are being pepper sprayed or children will literally beaten over the head and taped at the same time. the d.o.e. does not have an answer for this. >> todd: it doesn't make any sense. as parents are number one job is to protect kids. we give them to the mic to the school district thinking they will do the same and when they don't, parents have to make tough decisions like olivia did, mona, michael, libya, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you very much. in the meantime remember afghan who helped save senator biden only to be abandoned during the taliban takeover? >> they left me and my family behind. >> todd: and exclusive update from that man next. ♪ ♪ oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. lawmakers were briefed ukraine capital city could fall if an invasion takes place.

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Justice , Head , Killer , Watch , Prison , Punishment , Epidemic Hitting Retailers , Bowing , Nation , Targets , Sentences , Capital Murder , Mall Westchester , John Mcclary , Couple , Nypd , Security Guard , Goods , Penny , Bags , Security Guards , Smash , Grab , Anything , Out Of Control , Leftists , Result , Idealist , Actions , Everyone , L A , Big City Governments , Chicago , Incarceration , Prosecuting , Possibility , Community , Communities , Weather , Cities , Jail , Crime Grow , Ideologies , Get , 6000 , 000 , Grabs , Police Experts , Fear , Criminality , Crime , Unsaved , The School , Criminal Justice , Type , Montage , Zero , Instances , Tools , Tool , Questions , Disposal , Harm , Person , Doesn T Serve Us Well , Mental Health , Addiction , John R , Cops , Street , Subway Trains , Job , Law Enforcement , Evidence , D A S Out , Prosecutor , Judge , Peers , Society , Defendant , Defendants , Ideology , Jury , Sword , Justice System , Skills , Scales , Lady , Plane Folds Off , Civil Society , Saying , No Prosecution List , Thanks , Expertise , Prosecution , John Macari , Congressman Michael Waltz , Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez , Alexandria , Human Rights , Turning A Blind Eye , Olympic , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Retirement , Friend , Cash Payment , Bills , Income , Pay , Coventry , Life Insurance , Asset , Payments , Part , Coventry Direct , Policy Lapse , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 100000 , 00000 , Number , Insurance , Screen , Competition , Citizenship , Name , Start , Boot , Tears , Printing , Short Program , Team , Performance , 200 Million , Congressman Michael Waltz Mbc , Skating Team , California Born Athlete , Critics , Dollars , Take A Look , Atrocities , Coughing , Dictators , Beijing Olympics , Ad , Speed , Logos , Canter Freedom , Boston Celtics , Advertising Changes , Error , Mbc , Nbc , Enes Kanter , Concerns , Assessment , Chiefs , Mark Milley , Military Action , Any , Path , Worst , Window , Robert 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, Up Shipstation , Label , Labels , Everything , Shipping , Clicks , Running , Seamless , Order , Half , Cut , Costs , The Box , Choice , Sellers , 2 , 1 , Ray Kelly , Killings , On Fox Nation , Reality Check , David Beck , 59 , Officers , Standpoint , Bill Clinton , 73 , 2021 , 72 , Barack Obama , 2011 , Environment , Environment Matters , Policy Matters , Profession , Growth , Reversal , Jason Rivera , Interactions , Misdemeanor , Escalation , Policies , Each Other , Deaths , Sound , Plan , Crime Wave , Constraints , Restrictions , Cubs , Six , Academy , Police Officer , Lives , Yes , Latin , Neighborhood , Factor , Neighborhoods , Latino , Refund , Retain , Budget , Reimagine , Ability , Recruit , Billion , 1 Billion , Community Issues , Law Enforcement Agency , Reform , Relationship , Dealing , Issues , Statements , Deconstruction , Founder , Local , Blm , Memphis , Probation Department , Off Probation , Conviction , Fault , Everybody Else , Citizens , Responsibilities , Human 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