that hillary clinton has a shot in 2024. >> todd: it is actually worse, jimmy then 35%. it is actually 3% approval for joe biden. at these numbers, 53% disapproval. jimmy, this is during the honeymoon stage. let's not forget that. what happens when they return from hawaii and settled down in the cul-de-sac? >> well, this is how, this is how we got to trump/hillary match up this early in the presidency. todd, you know this is a football fan. every couple of years, the nfc championship gets played, one team goes up 31-3 in the first quarter and the end answers are like "well, what are we going to talk about now? there is no game." that is where we are in the biden presidency, down 31% down to 3% of this is psychotic and bad for the country and bad for biden. it is relevant because she is a political stray cat that we fed once. she is never going away.