mitch mcconnell said i don't think so. ainsley: they need a useful talking points going into the christmas break. steve: 100 percent. brian: i'm worried about the dairy farmers and auto manufacturers. i don't care about politics. ainsley: going to create 176,000 new jobs. inject $34 billion into the auto industry. over the course of five years, 589,000 new jobs. brian: that's what he said but much slower. steve: this is a gigantic win for donald trump. back in 2016 when he was running for president he said i'm going to get rid of nafta or blow it up or do something. so nancy pelosi is handing him this gigantic win the same day that she is impeaching him. crazy? what about the win for him? well, she doesn't see it that way. watch this. >> there is no question, of course, that this trade agreement is much better than nafta. but in terms of our work here, it is intimately better than what was initially propos proposed by the