investor in hudson yards. supposed to have this major fashion show one of which i never would have attended anyway. brand new place they decided no we are not going to go there because steven ross had a fundraiser and is he an investor in a property. unbelievable. ainsley: related buildings all over the city and equinox probably the most popular gym in our city and soulcycle. he invested in soulcycle. he is the on or about of relate you had which is a very successful company and they build hudson yards. if you are not familiar with it, it's this big, beautiful place on the hudson river. and they have all kinds of stores in there you can live there and great for new york city and great for our community. brian: i think cnn has their studios there. steve: they do. what do you think about that? email us at we are also on facebook. ainsley: 15 minutes after the top of the hour. still ahead, carolinas could take a direct hit from dorian. our next guest literally wrote the book on north carolina's hurricane history. he joins us live with a warning next. ♪ ♪