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Sound of ripping throughout the nation. Theres going to be a lot of ripping. Carley that sounds like a problem for you. Todd i got home yesterday, instead of saying welcome home, honey, we missed you. My wife says you were too loud during the 8 00 hour. Im going to ratchet it down a little this hour. Merry christmas to you and yours. Griff Merry Christmas. Thank you for having us into your living room now. I have confirmation in my living room, which is in washington now, i was questionable if santa was going to come, he apparently came to the jenkins household. You can see here with lots carley lots of gifts. Griff i got so many gifts. Carley are those all for you . Griff i assume so. Who else would they be for . Carley you have two daughters. Griff i do. Madeleine and mckenzie, Merry Christmas to you guys. Todd i called santa a dirty name yesterday, he didnt deliver to my tree as nicely as yours. Griff theres one thing about the tree. If we can show it quickly, that carley pointed out. You have a problem with this tree. Carley you have an angel on top of the tree. Instead of a normal head, its a dog. Todd can we zoom that in. Carley thats not allowed on fox friends. Griff that is a jack russell angel. Its been on our Christmas Tree for at least all 20 madeleine is our oldest daughter. Its every one of her christmases. Our jack russell, rascal, Merry Christmas to him too. It is perhaps fair criticism to say its not traditional. I wouldnt say its blasphemous. Its going on that tree. We are zooming in. Its going on the tree every next christmas. Todd did you accuse Griff Jenkins of he leading the War On Christmas with his jack russell. Carley i hope not. Todd its breaking down on the couch. Carley i was zooming in, like is that a dog on a angel. Its because you love your dog so much. Cuter than the average dog. Griff . Griff that Sweet Dogd Angel has been through a lot. Todd you have photos you sent to us. Pictured here is baby everl. Carley i love that name. Todd looking excited to share her first christmas. Carley this is a faux he toe of santa photo of santa breaking through the roof. He missed the chimney by three feet. Griff check this out, bella and dixie, festive pups dressed up in front of the tree. Awe. That one, it goes to the dogs. Im on the dogs side. Great stuff. Keep sending Christmas Morning he photos to foxtofriends foxnews. Com. We have another 67 minutes. Well get it in there. Todd 67 . Were going 10 more minutes again today. Griff 57 oh, know, i was supposed to get oh, no, i was supposed to get out of here on time. Carley santa claus is back, he brought some presents. Todd come on out here, jolly old guy. Griff hey santa. Santa, that dog barks every once in a while. I came in last night and it scared me. Griff the photo, all those presents are for me, right . Not my daughters. No, no, you know youre on the naughty list. Come on, guys. I got back home last night and i realized that the elves forgot to put something in the sleigh. Of course its the e elves points, not mine. I deliver, they put it in the sleigh. What i got this ones for you. Griff thank you. Youre welcome. And you should he throw some biscuits to that dog every once in a while. Griff your Wrapping Pay Tear is paper is amazing. Fox friends, can you see that . One, two, three, go. Carley i think i griff oh, pajamas. I knew they were important. Carley this is good. Griff dr. Nicole saphier will be very happy about this. Todd these are the most well built pa pajamas. If theyll like the weight of a lead blanket. Theyll keep you warm. Carley i love a onesy. With the belly i have right now, its the most comfortable thing to wear. Griff i love that its got even a pocket. Its always very important to have that pocket. Always. Todd we just got horrible news from the producer. Were going to wear these at the end of the show. [laughter] carley great news. Im down for that. I think its wonderful. Carley i think this goes well with heels. Why not . Todd its gone off the rails, santa. Carley are you tired . Youve been up for a long time. Ive been up for 72 hours. Carley did you get a lot of sleep . In your time zone, it would be 72 hours. But since i circle backwards in time, its carley is that how it works . Its less time in your book, not mine. Im exhausted. You get all of the attention. Not at home. Behind every great man theres a great woman. How important is mrs. Claus to the operation. When i take the hat and coat off, im just a husband. Todd named santa. I happen to be the most loved person on the planet but im just a dumb man. Griff we all are. Thats what we all are. Were reminded at every occasion by everybody. Playoff in in hockey, they groe Playoff Beard and shave it once its over. This never comes. This never comesoff. Griff you never shave it. When you go to the Tropical Island you never shave it . Full beard and a speedo. Griff youre welcome, america. Explain that to you kids, parents watching at home. Thats all i have. Todd what i wanted to ask, do the elves play hockey, does anybody play hockey. They have a great league. They play hock hey, basketball, football. Who wins . I could do. Todd yesterday we previewed the next generation, the next gen reindeers, if you will. We saw amazing talent coming out of the pharmacies testimony. Anybody youre farm system. Anybody youre trying to get rid of on the farm team. Blasphemy. Griff he wants to know if youre kicking anybody off the team. When i became immortal, so did my reindeer. If i kick one off the team, theyll powder. Carley its okay with you that griff has an angel on top of te tree with a dog head. Is it okay . What kind of dog . Griff a jack russell. If it was a d damian dog griff a chihuahua. A scary dog. Dogs are not afraid of me. They come up to me, lick my face. Thats why they dont bark when i sneak in. Todd the griff the angel dog barks. Todd weve thrown the elves under the bus, beheaded a dog. Merry christmas, america. Carley thank you so much. Merry christmas, guys. Carley thank you for the christmas presents as well. Todd the moment the Christmas Show went off the rails, 9 08. The real reason for the season, of course thank you, santa is the birth of jesus christ, our savior. Well share a Special Christmas message from cardinal do dolan. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great news for all the people. Today a savior has been born to you, the messiah, the lord. This will be a sign to you. You will find a baby wrapped in clothes lying in a manger. When they had seen him they spread the word concerning what had been told them about the child and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherd said to them but mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Shepherds Returned Glorifying and praising god for all the things they heard and seen which were just as they had been told. Theres no better way to kick off your Christmas Morning hopefully than with that absolutely beautiful and poignant passage. Carley thats absolutely right. We have another message to share from cardinal dolan. Listen to his christmas message to everybody out there. Christmas blessings, everybody. Cardinal Timothy Dolan in New York City. Wish i could greet you personally at our Saint Patricks cathedral. Ill settle with this. Its beginning to look a lot like christmas on this morning. Do we ever need it this year, right. Were tempted to wall low in the darkness, things of the woes weve got, family, country, planet, even within. The people that walked in darkness are seeing a great light. Thats the message of christmas. Jesus, the light of the world, so lets put all those woes aside and admit that we need help. We need a savior and things are going to be better in 2023. A blessed one. Todd cardinal dolan, i had the opportunity, whenever im in new york on christmas, i recommend this for every viewer, go to Saint Patricks cay thee drail. I went cathedral. I went to mass yesterday. Reflection on the reason for the season is the birth of jesus. The humble man is born in poverty in a manger and his story of hope and power has outlasted every king, queen, army, wars. So much happened in 2023 and yet he is the centerpiece of many of our lives, those that are christians and we still look to him in a the hardest of times for hope and its such an important story and theres really a presence in Saint Patricks c and they have a giat Native Ity Scene that drives the point home. Im going to plug my buddy pete hegseth for his fox night special on the Life Of Jesus. He went to the holy land, walked and talked with his pastor and very insightful and really important this time of year to really remember who jesus christ was and why these many years later he is still the rock upon which many of us stand. Carley absolutely. What a wonderful way to celebrate christmas, to watch the Life Of Jesus and really reflect on exactly what were talking about right now. Its a perfect holiday. You have the fun. You have the tradition of. You have the family element. Theres a really serious wonderful and wondrous reason as to why we celebrate the birth of jesus christ born in like you said griff the most hundred bell of circumstances to save humble of circumstances to save the lives of every one of us. Even though we are sinners and jesus died because of our sins he also died for us so we could live together with go god and eh other forever. Todd the sorry itself is beautiful. Story itself is beautiful. If the story happened in common times we would report on it as like we have an amazing story to share with you, look at this video type of deal. That story happened so long ago, its such a beautiful, beautiful story that it still resonates and is the reason to your point that we do everything that we do and thats why quick little plug for petes special, my mom watched it. She said it is unbelievable. So if you get a chance, please make sure you check it out and my mom also said Carley Shimkus looks beautiful this morning before insulting me with an initalian curse word for how eat disgustingly. Thank you, mom. Ill see you in a few hours. Coming up, frigid im going to try it again. Coming up, frigid Winter P Temperatures leaving an Upstate New York restaurant coated in ice. We have a live report. Griff what do hamsters and thanos have in common . Wasteful government spending. We react to the list we cant make up. Have a holly, jolly christmas. And when you walk down the street. Say hello to friends you know. And everyone you meet. Oh, oh, the mistletoe is hung where you can see. Somebody. About what comes next in life. For her. I may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. I can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. Lifes good. When you have a plan. Vehicles come in all different sizes. Yet ordinary Windshield Phone Holders are one size fits all. Does that make sense . No. But this does. The Adjustable Windshieldfone from weathertech. It extends and retracts for a perfect fit in any vehicle. Plus, a Quick Release tab for easy one handed in and out. And for kids, use it in the back seat too. Comes with short, medium and telescopic arms, to fit any vehicle. Order the American Made windshieldfone at weathertech. Com. Even makes a nice holiday gift. Todd now to a fox weather alert, the historic winter storm slamming the northeast yesterday, dumping upwards of 28 inches of snow in buffalo. Many americans facing Power Outages and travel chaos. At least 22 have died as a result of the storm. Max gordon is live in hamburg, new york with the latest. Max. Reporter good morning, todd and Merry Christmas to you. The National Weather services Buffalo Office reporting 43 inches at buffalo airport. You can see it piled up all around us. Even though theres more than three feet of snow on the ground, some areas see more because of the drifting. You can see this massive snow drift right behind me. As you mentioned, Tens Of Thousands are without power this christmas. Crews are out there, trying to restore you power as quickly as possible but Officials Say some of the issues theyre encountering are trees knocked into power lines and Power Stations are iced over. Travel conditions are treacherous and a travel ban is still in effect right now here in erie county. Some roads are impassable for even First Responders. Two people unfortunately died because First Responders were not able to get to them in erie county and one man was found frozen to death in buffalo. Just tragic situations going on there. But some good news, it does appear the storm is beginning to lift a little bit. Were starting to see some peeks of blue sky all around us and hopefully folks will be able to dig out. Though there is some more snow expected, 1 to 2 feet of additional snowfall is possible over the next day with winds gusting of up to 40 miles per hour. Todd, back to you. Todd tim images are remarkable and scary at the same time. Max, thank you very much. Senator rand paul highlighting the most wasteful spending of this past year including 3 Million Bucks watching Hampsters Fight On Steroids and more than 31 million in Covid Relief Funds spent on luxury cars. Fox news contributor lisa booth joins us now. Lisa, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Merry christmas, my friend. Todd so many ridiculous examples to choose from. Which was the most egregious to you . You dont think millions of dollars to see a Hampster Fight Club is worthwhile spending for the government . You know, in reality, its easy to laugh at some of this ridiculous spending. Thank god for senator rand paul. I dont think i really appreciated him as much as i should have until covid and we realized what a principled man he is were lucky to have him in the senate. What this comes to is we work hard for our money. The people at home watching work hard for their money. Then the government just steals it, takes its from us and lights it on fire and keeps asking for more for things that people watching right now see on their screen. You know, millions of dollars for a Hampster Fight Club, over a million to get hampsters, to see them get drunk and that doesnt even cover the hundreds of billions of dollars in Interest Payments were paying on all of this debt so its a really sad reflection of where we are as a country and what little our government actually thinks of us. Todd to that point, if you were one of the millions of americans just trying to afford basic necessities, thanks to biden inflation, and you see these numbers on your screen, money so that parrots can mate, what are you supposed to think . I think it breeds frustration and a anger towards our government and i think were seeing more and more with covid, for example, right, the government shut down the economy over a virus for the vast majority of americans, as deadly as the flu, then spent trillions of dollars to pay people to stay home and change the work culture in our nation and spent trillions more on a socalled Inflation Reduction Act and the media lied to us, told us it would help inflation and everyone said lol, just kidding, its a climate bill. Were going to saddle your children and grandchildren with more debt. I think were all realizing that our government doesnt care about us and its truly broken and we need more people like senator rand paul and more people that actually care about us and actually care about what our government is doing to the country as a whole. Todd i think a bigger question is why. You know the swamp pretty well. You know the players on both sides of the aisle. I might add. Why do they think this is acceptable, wasting our tax dollars like this. Again, both sides of the aisle. Well, i think its twofold. One, its to buy votes. We saw what joe biden did ahead of the ahead of the Midterm Election with the Student Loan Bailout which ended up being unconstitutional but he did it to buy votes among young people and look how well democrats did among gen z generation so i think part of its to buy votes. The more sinister and sad part of it i believe is to he create government dependency. I think if youre being given money if youre being given money to stay home, to not work, are you more independent of the government or dependent on the government and then they own you and so i think thats the more sinister and probably the broader intent is to create more dependency to give people in charge more control and power. Todd it benefits the democrats who have been experts at that since democrats started their party. We do stories likes this every year, lisa. Is it ever going to stop . Next year will we not do this story because magically the government decided to stop wasting your money . I dont think so, todd. Thats the sad reality. I think more americans are waking up. I really do believe that covid for a lot of us Ignited A Fire in us and realizing how damaged our government is, our government is actually working against us. They said it was in the name of covid. It wasnt. It was the politicians shutting down the economy, destroying jobs, the livelihoods and lives of so many american. I think people are waking up to all of this and so what is incumbent upon us is to choose leaders, pick people like the senator rand wall pauls of the rand pauls of the year. Im a floridian. More governors like Ron De Santis and people that actually care and people that dont want to be in government. I want people in congress or who are governors who hate government. Who are reluctant leaders and theyre just doing it because they want to change the direction of the country. Todd get in there, do your job, get out. Dont make it a career. And dont force hampsters to fight on the government dollar. Gosh, goodness its mean. Todd thats a private function. Thats for lisa booth and i to do in our private time. Merry christmas to you. I dont want to know what goes on in your house for christmas. Todd its a party. Gets wild. Merry christmas to you and your family. Youre the best. Take care. Todd outrage after a british woman handcuffed and arrested for praying silently outside an abortion clinic, shes now speaking out. Alveda king reacts and shares her christmas message. Dont go anywhere. Rejoice, rejoice. Lift it up in the highs and low. Theres a better day coming, i know. Rejoice. Rejoice. That talk. About what the future looks like. For me. I may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where im comfortable and my friends are nearby. I can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. Someone who can help me live right at home. Lifes good. When you have a plan. Carley listen to this situation. British Police Arrested a woman after she was silently praying near an aboring abortion clinic. She joined Tucker Carlson to sound off. I was arrested. I was searched. I was locked in a cell. I was then interviewed or interrogated, however you like to see it. During which i was quizzed about what i was praying about. Carley here to react, evangelist and fox news contributor, alveda king. She was silently praying and got arrested. Good morning, carley. Merry chris christmas, everyone. Yes, that touched my heart. The lady had on her heart so much to pray outside the clinic, probably for the women going in, the families impacted, the babies. She was silenced. She was not disrupted. I watched very carefully. I believe especially during this time of year there should be a spirit of understanding and generosity. So i thought that was a very unfortunate incident and i know she had to be traumatized so my prayers go out to her and lets just remember now all year, not just at christmas, but all year we should have generosity and compassion as human beings so thats what i thought when i watched that. Carley absolutely. Theres polling that shows that the further we get on into the years, there is a lack of he religion, not just in this country but around the world. Why are we separating ourselves from god . Interestingly enough, and there again i say christmas season, of course wemany of us know that jesus was born in the spring, not in december and certainly all the arguments over Merry Christmas, happy holidays, i always say happy holidays, Merry Christmas, happy kwanzaa, happy hanukkah, just happy, all, lets be blessed period. Its important to do that. With the Nativity Scene i put characters who are browner this year. Some people commented. Whats wrong with your art work. I thought he was latino. I said hes for all of us. John 316 says that. So during this season, and all year, and spiritual ity should e in our hearts, generosity should be in our hearts yearround, carley, shouldnt be just a time in one little season. Carley thats absolutely right. Thats such a beautiful message. Is that your christmas message for us this morning . Its certainly enough. Or do you have another one you would try to share . Try find some joy. We lost Someone Special to us during this week and i lost Someone Special to me during covid. Our hearts our broken. Share joy, kindness, peace, love, this season and all year. Carley and a little bit of fun as well. We get that in the form of the latest edition of alveda kings house. Its on fox nation, the new episode is out thursday, december 29th. Thankfully, we have a sneak peek. Watch this. Church community, various communities, they have built into them a system that helps revive those who are down, revive those who are in a tough situation so thats what got us through some very difficult times together. So we have an obligation, an opportunity, a responsibility to be that community. Carley alveda, tell us about the upcoming episode, you and two of your girlfriends. Well, my bucket list, im 72 years old, i want to go to tuscany. I said lets wrap up this year and this season in tuscany. So we got together and then i was promoting health and i was trying to tell people how to enjoy the holidays with little bites of really delicious stuff and dont eat too much and so youll see all of that in the set, the beauty, the brown tones and the brown colors and all of that. So it was just a wonderful show to me. Fox nation, alveda kings house, where we cook up good food and wholesome, healthy conversation. We hit tough topics but we want to spread love. Carley Celebrating Christmas with friends and food, the latest edition of alveda kings house, thursday, december 29 29th. You can get it only on foxnation. Com. Thank you so much for joining us. Have a very, Merry Christmas. You too, Merry Christmas. Carley another twitter dump, part nine details how the government brought claims of foreign interference to twitter and their struggle to verify that. Jason chaffetz on the fallout, coming up next. When its cold outside put your arms around me. And well count down to december 25. I thank god i got you because youre all that i need x dm. Its comeback season. this Little Light Of Mine [narrator] in the worlds poorest places, theyre shunned, outcast, living in pain. You can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. A surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a childs life forever. Please call or visit operationsmile. Org now. Thousands of children are waiting. 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Its still dangerous. Were not out of this. Cold air is still there, still really windy. A lot of the snow will continue to blow around. These are actual Air Temperatures right now, minus 12 in fargo, 2 in chicago, 47 in miami, a place that is not used to the cold air. The temps are warmer than 24 hours ago. Still really cold because the Cold Air Mass Swa was so cold ta rise of 10 or 15 degrees doesnt mean much. Well see things by the time we get to the end of the week, almost the entire country looking at temperatures above average. Another story well begin to focus on this week. Weve been talking about drought for years across the west, especially california. Sundays i like to show the precipitation thats coming this week. Watch whats going to happen this week. Were going to see a complete shift in the Weather Pattern and a few serious bouts of rain coming across parts of california. We could see some spots in the 10 to 15 inches of rain, northern california, which would be great news. Well be watching really significant snow pile up across parts of the sierra nevadas. Well see rain across the southwest, another area in the drought and then go towards parts of the east, northeast for the most part looking good except for continued Lake Effect Snow today. Take a look later on this week, we get more rain coming in across parts of the southeast as well. All right, griff, over to you. Griff thank you very much. Turning now to the latest release of twitter files revealing how Government Agencies were tied to the social media network. They show the files showing the fbi encompassing agencies across the federal government from the State Department to pentagon to cia, adding more aggressive government partners closed twitters window of independence for struggling to validated their claims of foreign interference. Fox news contributor and former Oversight Committee chairman Jason Chaffets is here to react. Jason, Merry Christmas to you. Thanks for getting up. Youre going to host Sunday Morning futures in minute. I want to dive into the ninth drop of twitter files because this is exactly what you dealt with when you were the oversight chairman looking into things. It appears now what was deemed to be a Foreign Intelligence Task force was really looking at domestic accounts and censoring those. Well, Merry Christmas. Thats the concern is that this foreign intelligence operation that was put in place by our government, it wasnt looking at other nations. It was inward facing and one of the things that gets really highlighted here is the idea that our fbi, cia a, other types of agencies are looking at the inside the United States in a censorship light. Theyre looking in terms of service. There is nothing illegal about violating the terms of service on your twitter account. So why is the federal government going and trying to suppress those accounts . Theyre protected by the way under section 230 from any sort of liability. This was an attempt to manipulate elections. Now, weve only been looking at twitter. Wait until you start looking at facebook and all these other organizations. I think youre going to see this is a massive organized government operation and its all focused in one direction. Against conservatives, and against republicans, in favor of democrats. Thats whats going to be peeled back with this new Congress Come january. Griff one last thing on that, were clearly going to have incoming house Oversight Committee chairman james comer call a lot of witnesses. Do you hope this new Republican Congress goes after that section 230 . Theyre going to have to look at section 230. Unfortunately, this omnibus bill that got passed has really neutered and taken away the tools that congress has in order to actually perform that oversight. This omnibus bill, griff, that was passed, gave hundreds of millions of more dollars to the department of justice. So how are they supposed to juice the power of the purse to hold the fbi accountable for overstepping its bounds on the use of using twitter and suppressing people and suppressing stories like the New York Post story on hunter biden. Theres no consequence to any of these people. Thats why they continue on. Griff i dont know whats more amazing, the 1. 7 trillion or the 4,155 pages and the things in there, 3 million for be friendly highways. Lotes drill into the overall picture, that is what 1. 7 trillion douse the future for our kids and grandkids now facing a 31 trillion national debt. Yeah, if you spend 1 million a day every day, it would of take you almost 3,000 years to get to 1 trillion. Now were more than 31 trillion in debt. The Interest Rate is rising. Were spending nearly 2 billion a day just in interest on our national debt. We dont even get anything for that. I cant believe there were 18 republican senators that voted in favor of this thing because they just dont even care about this. There were 7500 earmarks for 15 billion. They were handing out pork. When i was there we actually got rid of earmarks. Now theyre bringing them back and the spending goes to record levels. Griff jason, youre guest hosting Sunday Morning futures. Who do you have coming up . Were so excited. You have general kellogg who is going to come here, were going to talk about the border. We have Congress Bman Fallon frm texas. One of the best interviews is gary sinise. Gary sinise and gordon heartman, morgans wonderland. That will warm your heart. Ambassador Robert Obrien probably knows more about hostages around the country, one of the smartest mierchedz and he was trump minds and he was trumps former hostage negotiator. Well talk about the people who dont get to be home at christmas time. So thrilled that maria would let me fill in her seat but Sunday Morning futures coming up at the top of the hour. Griff cant wait to see it. Youre right, gary sinise, a great guy. Jason, thank you very much. Todd turning to headlines. Starting with a tough story on christmas day. A Florida Deputy killed in the line of duty. The suspect was shot during the exchange of gunfire but is expected to recover. Arizona judge ruling against republican carrie lakes challenge to her defeat in last months election. The judge rejecting the claims about intentional misconduct with ballot printers. He said witnesses did not have personal knowledge of such cond. Lake losing by just over 17,000 votes. She vowed in a tweet to appeal the ruling. Nfl now, the bengals beating the pay trots, 2218, staying in command of the afc north but they hit a snag on the way home. Did you hear about this . They were rerouted to New York City for an Emergency Landing when their plane had mechanical issues, allegedly lost an engine. Another nfl christmas surprise game for the chiefs coach. What is it . Its a burger. What do you gift a man who is famous for his love of the cheeseburgers. How about a jewsy one juicy da. The chiefs know how to party. Catch more nfl action as the packers take on the dolphins, coming up 12 30 eastern only on fox. And those are your headlines. Coming up, the great Matteo Bocelli closing out our all American Christmas Concert Series with a special performance, thats next. Have yourself a merry little christmas. Let your heart be light. From now on your troubles will be out of sight. Trelegy for copd. Birds flyin high, you know how i feel. Breeze driftin on by. You know how i feel. You dont have to take. [coughing]. Copd sitting down. Its a new dawn,. Its a new day, its time to make a stand. And im feelin good. Start a new day with trelegy. No oncedaily copd. 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Todd she is responsible for what im wearing right now. Youll see in 10 minutes. Carley this is senior Producer Julie and a her niece in front of her Christmas Tree. Merry christmas from the Techs Making Behind The Scenes happen. Behind the camera. What that is the stage crew aaron, kristin, jared, nick, greg with two gs. We couldnt do it without you. We love you all. Look at them wave. Merry christmas, everybody. Todd theyre the best. We love them. With that its time for the fox friends all American Christmas Concert Series. Griff here to perform, ill be home for christmas off his familys new christmas album, a family christmas, Matteo Bocelli. Ill be home for christmas. You can plan on me. Please have snow. And mistletoe. And presents by the tree. Christmas eve will find me. Where the love light bleeds. Ill be home for christmas. If only in my dreams. Ill be home for christmas. You can plan on me. Please have snow. And mistletoe. And presents by the tree. Christmas eve will find me. Where the love light bleeds. Ill be home for christmas. If only in my dreams. If only in my dreams. [cheers and applause] i recommend nature made vitamins because i trust their quality. They were the first to be verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. A beautiful shot of her allamerican Christmas Tree. A red star on top. In the studio. Pjs on integrate sweater on rick. After all we did for you. Santa, excuse me. It was you. This is what happened when they said fat yesterday on the show. This is worse than coal. Ill take two helpings of coal. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for sharing your Christmas Morning with us. We hope we brought joy into your lives, enjoy your family have a great healthy Merry Christmas. Good morning, everyone a Merry Christmas i am Jason Chaffetz and for maria bartiromo. New Border Apprehension numbers setting another alltime record. Federal officials trying to keep the data under the media radar with the classic Friday Night News ahead of christmas weekend. The unfolding chaos, not just a humanitarian crisi

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