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stage show torpedo of truth bombs. >> hey, simon, are you ready? are we ready for simon, you guys have been straight up (bleep) musical numbers. looks like he's not winning more from this bizarre show in detroit. people walked out. shocking. "fox & friends" starts right now. now. >> . >> clayton: good morning everybody, thanks so much for joining us, we obviously have a big program for you. we're covering the gamut from charlie sheen not winning to that crazy event in the sky with southwest airlines where a hole blew into the ceiling into the plane. >> clayton: horrifying scare for the passengers, the fuselage ruptured and you saw this, leaving a three foot long hole in the roof on the plane forcing an emergency landing in yuma, arizona. grounded 79 boeing 737 planes for inspection, that's the only plane they fly. today the airline expects to cancel 300 additional flights to accommodate those tests, they canceled 300 on saturday as well. >> now, meanwhile, according to southwest, this model, this boeing 737, 300 is 15 years old and that model is the oldest left in its fleet. is that what caused was this just wear and tear, is that what caused this hole. >> let's find out. it doesn't happen all the time. joining us is n crash detector is joining us. good morning. >> clayton: it seems it's the oldest plane in the fleet, is that may have caused the rupture in the ceiling? >> that's the object speculation at this point, but we have to look at this in an isolated way because every event is different. thing where the damage is in this particular accident, i think that there's going to be a little different scenario than what we're used to as far as wear and tear. it could be in fact the actual inspection procedure for these aging aircraft that could have induced damage that led to this event. >> so, greg, is it just southwest's problem or do all airlines now need to look at their 737's? >> the no, it's worldwide. strong the 737-300 is in someone's fleet they'll have an issue to look at the airplanes. because of the 81 airplanes in southwest's fleet. they're going to be the model for the other airplanes once he they find out what actually caused this particular event. >> dave: of particular concern, greg, this happened in 2009 aboard a southwest flight almost the same exact situation, a far smaller hole, but 2009 again 2294 flight, no one seriously injured they were fined 530,000. southwest outsources a lot of its maintenance to other countries. is this a major problem? >> i think it's going to be an issue that they're going to look at, especially if this has anything to do with the inspections that were required of the airplane, especially after that 2009 event, but we have to be cautious not to try and equate this event to that event because again, it's in a different part of the aircraft, it may have not even involved any of the components or the parts of the airport that were required for that inspection so we have to be a little cautious there, but, yes, it is something that needs to be addressed, not only from this perspective, but looking back, historically, to see if there's any relationship to the previous events. >> now, greg, a lot of flights are grounded and looking at running the inspections be for us and the audience we don't know what the inspections mean. are they going through and checking bolts and planes on the top of the plane to make sure that none of the panels rip off again? what are they doing? >> there's a variety of things they're actually doing. one is a visual inspection, they are looking for the obvious cracks. with the visual inspections you have to strip the material. so if you're looking at the outside of the plane you have to take the outside out and look for cracks and they also use ultrasound and nondestructive testing methods, such as ultrasound, or eddie current, where they take two probes and put an electric burn through the metal to look for discon newties. >> they're competencety looking not only for obvious cracks, but microscopic cracks and look where they're occurring. >> alisyn: remember the horrible incident on the way it hawaii aloha airlines flight, the flight attendant was sucked out the hole to her death. how big of a hole does it have to be. why wasn't this more catastrophic. >> well, if this particular instance you have to look at the nature of the failure. if this opening started slowly and depressurize the the airplane at a rapid rate, but slowly then we call it a rapid decompression, unlike aloha, which was an explosive catastrophic decompression and we lost a lot of material in that airplane, which left a very large hole for larger objects, such as this flight attendant to escape. i'm sure there was a lot of dust and depre sucked out of the hole when the equalization occurred, but it wasn't big enough in the rapid decompression wasn't as such a nature for a vac sum to pull anybody, large objects out of it. >> that incident aloha, a large part of the roof was off. was there a problem with the entire supervision problem not just the folks at southwest? >> that's a great question and what the investigators are going to have to find. because of the age of the aircraft, this does fall into the program. they'll determine if in fact the program is comprehensive enough to find similar type failures or precursors to failures that occurred in this event, but that's why i caution that in this particular instance, it could be the inspection procedure itself because in order to find those cracks, they have to strip the material and there is what's called stripping or describing of the metal where in these lap joints where you have two pieces of metal that come over top, if they have to scrape it to clean it, dirt, debris or the bonding material, they can induce damage with a describe line which then puts a weakness in the metal. so as the airplane continually pressurizes and goes through the cycles, that becomes a weak point and fails uchl. >> we always hear the best day to fly off an incident is the next day, but we have planes grounded for inspections, do passengers need to be concerned today? >> i don't think they need to be concerned. i think this is again one of those situations where the southwest pilots handled the emergency situation appropriately. the folks that were on the airplane, while it was a scary event for them and there always is risk associated with this type of event, these pilots were trained. i think, i fly almost every day, i have all the confidence in the world in the system, the pilots of course with the airlines and the f.a.a. so, i think that this is going to be a lesson that will help other folks learn and that's what we do in accident investigation, it's lessons learned, this was not a catastrophic event where we'll promote aviation safety through the investigative process. if i was a flying passer i wouldn't have a problem getting on an airplane, especially a 737. >> great perspective. we haven't heard that story about of, thanks, greg. >> alisyn: thanks, greg. >> you're welcome. >> dave: my wife is flying today and i don't know how uneasy they're going to be, i'd be worried and looking at the type of plane and particular make. >> alisyn: any new possibility then plants the seed in my head where i can stare the the ceiling the entire flight. i'm sure it will be okay for brandy's flight. meanwhile to the rest of your news and headlines, we have to tell you that two plant workers have been found dead inside the fukushima nuclear plant. japanese officials say they died when the quake and the tsunami struck. engineers are now working on plan b to seal a giant crack in the reactor leaking radioactive water into the pacific, using concrete. that failed and curews are using a polymer instead. and pro gaddafi troochs-- and n.a.t.o. is investigation that. and today the u.s. moves combat jets out of the area and withdrawing missile ships over the operation to secure the no-fly zone. president obama is on the verge of making a big announcement. his reelection bid. and sources say he's expected to send out a supporter for e-mails and some believe the president is on his way to becoming the first one billion dollar presidential candidate and he raised a mere 750 million dollars during his 2008 campaign. she's the hottest chick on the internet the first of three bald eagles hatched live on the web. tricked you. nobody got to see it the web-cam in iowa apparently malfunctioned just before the baby bird came out of its shell. >> technology. >> alisyn: i hate he when that happens. leaving more than 100,000 viewers looking at a blank screen. when the web-cam came back up theeeing oolg was eating its meal. >> dave: 100,000 viewers. >> alisyn: i'm sure rick reichmuth was watching one. >> clayton: and that's were maria is in, he when the eagle cams are set up, he he stares at them. >> dave: he loved that owl. >> alisyn: glued to it. >> dave: good morning, maria. >> sounds interesting, good morning everyone we want to take a look at the weather we have a developing storm system that's currently producing snow across the four corners region and also snow across northern parts of the plains and there is also some rain south of this across just in the east of minneapolis and also pushing into wisconsin and we actually will see quite a bit of snow out of this system across the up midwest and totals ranging between 6 to 11 inches across northeastern minnesota and snow where we have winter storm mornings across northern north dakota, four to eight inches of snow here. be careful if you're driving. and warm air, mid 90's across west texas today, for today's highs and it's very warm air that's going to provide fuel for thunderstorms to fire up and we have a threat to he see severe weather and actually pretty high risk across parts of eastern kansas to northern missouri. something to keep an eye out and slight risk for the weather pushing into chicago, a developing story throughout the day today, guys. >> thanks, maria. politics news happened yesterday and the president got on the phone and decided to try to push this agreement through, this budget agreement and got on the phone to john boehner and we're learning what the call sounded like. the president wants to work in the frame work for the $73 billion dollars cuts and boehner had an of different take on it. >> sounded like he rebuffed the president. we don't have a deal. 73 billion dollars worth of cuts, surely you'll like that and speaker boehner, sounds like he thinks the president is using fuzzy math because he says it's not 73 billion dollars worth of cuts. some of it is frozen money, frozen spending. >> sure. >> alisyn: some from this year not next year so he doesn't like that deal. >> dave: it's from the proposed budget that the president originally proposed that it was never passed. here is what the spokesperson for john bayne are said. quote, the speaker reminded the president there was no deal or agreement on final number and will continue to push for the largest spending cuts and again, a government shutdown would happen on friday, if there's no deal they need to post this thing online for three days and very little time left and it seems that john boehner is signaling there will be no continued resolution, another two week agreement and looks like they're holding out for a permanent deal for the last six months. >> arkansas republican, steve womack had the legislative victory on friday, everybody thought was an april fool's joke, passed the resolution if the president and senate wouldn't sign something would revert back to the house bill they originally passed, the budget that congress originally passed and steny hoyer, the democratic leader says it doesn't make any sense, you need the president and them to pass it. >> it's one of the principles of america if you can't do your job you shouldn't be paid for it. we have time and time again passed things on our side of the chamber and sent it over to the senate without action. 40 days since we passed hr-1 and has what we believe a token amount of cuts to answer the pledge that we've made to america that puts america back on a better fiscal path and the response from the senate, not interesting, no action. >> alisyn: obviously he was talkling about, in addition to what you were talking about, becoming law without the regular procedure. all the congress people's pay would be cut until they resolved this. >> dave: put your money where your mouth it. >> alisyn: obviously the american people would applaud this. why should they be paid when they can't perform the function that they're supposed to be performing in terms of a budget. so we'll see how that one goes over. it has to happen on tuesday as you said. >> dave: meanwhile, we turn our attention towards 2012 and mitt romney sounding like the presidential candidate in legislation. did finally begin to answer a few more questions about health care, but in his speech in las vegas, he did not touch health care, that came in the q & a afterwards, but here is what romney says about our leadership in this country. >> seeing someone learn on the job in the presidency. as much as i disagree with barack obama on domestic policy that cost us job and method that men and women who could work up are not working. it causes the breakup of families, causes people to lose faith and kids to not go to college. i'll take him on head on and aggressively. >> alisyn: what's going on in the middle east and north africa, foreign policy is a hot topic and romney touched on that as well. >> it seems to me that he is following an unusual belief. a sense and he said it in a speech or two, that we all have common interests, there's probably a sense that a certain degree of logic, but i don't think he understands not all the leaders of the world have common interests or all the people of the world have common interest. in fact, some people want to owe press other people and exploit other people and kill other people. we're not like that and we don't have common interest with them. we have common interests with people who seek and love freedom. >> and he went on about the economy and president obama's borrowing skills. take a listen. >> like the europeans, when things got in trouble here, he decided to borrow more money, spend more money and build greater and greater debt. like the europeans he is he' disparaging of fossil fuels and anxious to put in cap and trade. and see unions where employees don't want them. i believe in america. i believe that we got it right. i believe the american experiment works. i believe that what's happening in europe isn't working there and sure as heck wouldn't work here. >> so as dave said he did talk about the achilles heel. >> didn't want to. >> alisyn: he says the same thing he he always says, one size doesn't fit all. that work for-- i would not employ what i did in massachusetts for the country as a whole. the states have to do it on a state by state-- >> but he added a new twist. the president is out there saying, he well, he was the inspiration, mitt romney was our inspiration for obama care. mitt romney says why didn't he call me? if he would have called he me i would have told about the-- >> you know they hatched that in a war room. >> dave: a good point. >> clayton: why wouldn't he call me i knew there were problems in massachusetts. coming up next on the rundown, playing politics the next guests have the scoop on why the democrats and republicans are not budging on the budget cuts? they're standing their ground. and he's certainly-- >> charlie sheen's show last night a complete and utter disaster. >> alisyn: really? >> on "fox & friends." (bleep) a musical number. you know rheumatoid arthritis means pain. but you may not know it can also mean destruction. not just of your joints, but of the things you love to do. and the longer you live with the aching, swelling, and stiffness, the closer you may be to having your favorite things... taken away from you. but you can take action today. go to for your free joint profile so you can better talk to your rheumatologist about protecting your joints. family trees... circles of friends... backyards are one size fits all. and just like we mix and mingle... so do the delicious tastes and textures in every handful of chex mix. we're made to mix. but women have made olay #1. not surgical results, regenerist is the #1 anti-aging serum and the #1 anti-aging moisturizer. not drastic. just fantastic, younger-looking skin with olay regenerist. >> time for quick he headlines. a routine test flight turns deadly as a gulfstream jet lands on the ground, smacks the ground did you go take oaf. no word what caused the crash in new mexico. opponents of the bill in o-o that curbs union rights are pushing for repeal. 230,000 signatures to get a referendum on the november battle. >> thanks, ali. >> the government shut down is moving and temporary funding runs out and it doesn't seem that congress is closer to approving the budget. who will the government shut down more. republicans or democrats. we're joins by the fox news contributor, a project 21 fellow, thank you for joining us. >> thanks so much, good morning. >> crystal, let me start with you, seems like the late 90's all over again and as representative womack was saying, it seems like groundhog day. it hurt republicans more than democrats. bill clinton seemed to walk away unscathed. the same thing here? >> i think there would be little doubt that this would hurt republicans more. because of the lessons of 95 and the tea party rally, have it or shut it. i don't think there's any question that the american people are more likely to blame the republicans and when social security checks go out, the government workers aren't working and that's going to be really, really bad. >> and you need to defend the republicans here, the recent poll, more americans believe it would hurt republicans. >> clearly, the democrats will be responsible for not passing the budget. this is gross negligence on their part. what is it they're doing every day. what are we paying them to do? we elect these people before their basic duty and they're not doing it. clearly, this will be held responsible and the american people are not happy about it. >> but the republicans are in charge. >> the democrats were this charge last year. three branches of government. they were too busy pushing obama care in every or fist of the american people and trying to push cap and trade legislation which would result in higher energy prices which we are he' already witnessing. >> crystal, are democrats being negligent here? >> no, absolutely not. i'm ready to move beyond this debate because what we're talking about. >> of course you are because you don't want to face the fact that the democrats are responsible for not passing this budget. >> i wish you'd let he me finish, no, what i'm saying, we' talking about 10 billion dollars or 30 billion dollars or 60 billion dollars, none of it is anywhere close to the 1 1/2 trillion dollars deficit. eighths all-- >> 100,000-- >> it's tokenism from the beginning. >> janine it seems that the tea party members are playing politics here and it's just, we've seen speaker boehner being frustrated by this and you've got to make certain cuts, but you can't get everything the tea party wants and it's washington, you can't get everything you want. >> our countries is facing fiscal crisis. you have chuck schumer with hits orders saying that tea party people are extremists. tea party people and hard working americans are concerned about the spending and debt in this country and we're concerned about a politicians who are not representing our needs and our wants. >> crystal, the final word. >> and the hardline extremists feel that that's exactly the reason. >> this is not hardline. >> that republicans are blamed tore the the shut down. >> it's common sense and democrats will be blamed. >> and we'll see what the american public think about that. >> we're only a week away. we'll find out who is to blame or can they finally get it fixed. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> clayton: dave and ali what's on the show. >> dave: more of a bomb than a torpedo. >> hey, simon, are you ready? brutal. the first night of charlie sheen's big torpedo of truth tour leaves the audience outraged and the arena relatively empty. >> torpedo is terrible. if the government owes you money you may not get it for a while. if the congress can't come up with a budget your tax return won't be in the mail soon. how congress hold on to your muddle. >> dave: now there's a cuddle class, why an airline is getting more comfy. like the curvy couch. ♪ for 25 years. i do remember sitting down with my boys, and i'm like, "oh, promise mommy you'll never ever pick up a cigarette." i had to quit. ♪ my doctor gave me a prescription for chantix, a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. 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[ male announcer ] fiber one 90 calorie bars. hungry no. results ye >> ooh, boy. charlie sheen kicks off his violent torpedo of truth tour in detroit. and entertainment weekly called it the disaster in detroit. he is not winning. many in the crowd booed at the former tv star and many walked out. out. >> are you ready? everybody hands straight up, the musical number (bleep). >> alisyn: yes, the audience wasn't expected it to be boring and he didn't really have material. he just was on one of his rants and nonsense. >> clayton: he's not robin williams, he went out on the stage and showed by answering the audience questions, his goddesses and crack cocaine and took out a shirt he wore on the shirred two and a half men and burning it live on the stage and people walked out before it was over and wanted refunds. >> how much were the tickets. >> $50. >> he's not robin williams and didn't fly in and decide to do stand-up and because' a brilliant comedian and do this stuff and i ask the questions about the people who see him. >> dave: people want today see the carnage in the first show and the train wreck live. if you buy a ticket after that show, those are the people that lost their minds. >> alisyn: the first show, shame on you, then shame on he me. >> clayton: and here is what i would do if you're there, sit in the theater and as everyone as leaving i would have waited for the next hour to complete the show because i want to see him keep going. i would have stayed. >> alisyn: all right. well, consider yourself warned now, okay, if you consider getting one of the tickets. meanwhile, let's talk about this. don't you love receiving a handwritten letter from somebody in the mail? isn't that just the way, old school tradition? . well, it's going away if 41 states have their way, cursive handwriting will not longer be caught. >> dave: the common course state principles of english do not include cursive writing and 41 states adopted those. and abandoned the cursive. in california, actually reintroduced cursive. >> alisyn: they missed it. >> clayton: why do we need. i used to get a note handwritten from my grand written and this handwriting is close to way my grandmother wrote. i didn't wrat anymore, i'm use today typing everything. when i have to write a note, it's ill ledge anl. >> dave: and you know what why, i used to bring a note full of cursive notes and now, this. >> alisyn: i thought were you a holdout. >> dave: i was. >> alisyn: i'll miss it. if nobody knows how to write cursive. it will ab tradition to be sad to go away and i'm being old-fashioned. >> clayton: let us know what you think. an airline, new way to flows and new ways to lure passengers on. would you be more inclined to take a flight if you knew you could cuddle in the sky. >> dave: i would, i'm a cuddler, and air new he zeeland is going to adopt what they call a sky couch. others call it cuddle, you can actually, yeah, sit right there and spoon with your wife or whatever, with their kids and just have-- >> or the person next to you. >> what if there's a hole in the ceiling of the airplane, are you still in the seat belt in the same way you are. >> you're just as relaxed, the hole in the ceiling, you're nabbing shts, the way it works, additional foot rest and you can pop that up to sort of flatten out your seat and it becomes a cot. >> clayton: and singles can meet other individuals, like minded individual. >> alisyn: it's not a mating class or seat, it's for your family. sign up for that. >> alisyn: you have to buy three seats in a row. >> dave: if this accidentalliened up there with a stranger, why not? >> if i sit down next to alisyn, i'm on the plan by myself. i don't know if you know this, but we're in cuddle class. >> alisyn: i'm like-- >> and i'd be like can you bring two glasses of red wine. you're scaring me. doesn't forget our twitter account don't tell the weekday guys, ffm weekend. our account. >> alisyn: get to the headlines and see what's happening. nearly three months after she was shot in the the head congresswoman gabrielle giffords is showing other signs of recovering. she's able to talk on the phone and daniel, who helped save her life talked to her and refuses to tell what they talk to about. and daniel kelly is expected to talk an hour from now. a bombshell about the health of firefighters who served in ground zero. the chief medical officer found that those responders are getting three types of blood cancer and unusually high risk and this report plans for publication, the first of health of recovery workers. across three lanes of traffic, a play house was lifted high in the air in tucson, arizona, with swirling winds reaching 60 miles an hour, it was known as a dust devil. the injuries are not life threatening. this is the second time in arizona. >> dave: just heard about one. >> alisyn: this is the reminiscent of the balloon boy we feared he was taken by a gust of wind. ellen degeneres up to old trips and this time her target is actress katie holmes. >> (screams) >> you know, comedy, hiding outside of your guest's dressing room. >> my dad used to do that to me and hide outside my closet. >> and degeneres spoofing the 32-year-old actress on the talk show and promoting her new munny series the kennedy's and premiers tonight on the real channel and coming up. to the executive producer. >>'s going to be here and you'll be outside the door and hear him. >> sounds good. a combination of two in the final four was not good for this news anchor's sleep. good entertainment. the final score and this one you had to be up for, check out bcu coach, running a drill with his team before the game. do you think they're fired up? this guy, you have to root for. one of the up and coming stars in college basketball, coaching and hopefully stays at bcu. his cinderella team hung with butler most of the night, but the bulldogs too much and butler they ever trained. 70-62 the final and how about butler though in the national title game the second straight year. unbelievable. kentucky or u-conn for the other one. and kendall walker he's outstanding. not a huge night points-wise, but great defensively as well. kentucky with three freshmen held their on, a late foul in the final seconds of the game is what did the wildcats in. u-conn with a thriller, 56-55, kentucky four of 12 from the free throw line and u-conn back in the championship game first time since '04, the first year number one or two seed has not made the championship game. and it should ab good one on monday night. >> and what time, when do you stop calling butler a cinderella team, two years in a row. >> dave: no longer, they're a powerhouse, a major powerhouse. >> alisyn: how long were you up. >> dave: about eleven o'clock, a lot later than i should be up. >> alisyn: wow! >> shouldn't admit that on air, but maria molina was asleep by then, but not mentioning the final four. >> you mentioned the bounce house in arizona, from kansas, new mexico, and keep an eye out. winds sustained between 35 to 45 miles per hour and wind gusts as high as 60 to 70 miles per hour, so it's going to be windy and very warm and you combine both of those things and then you have a wild fire risk. keep an eye on that throughout the day and the reason we're going to see warm temperatures across texas and mid 90's across parts that have state and upper 80's in dallas, texas. the storm system across northern parts of the country is going to begin to strengthen and organization throughout the day today and that's going to pick up the wind across the four corners region and also some snow across northern north dakota, otherwise this is going to head eastward and see a risk for severe weather later this afternoon and evening and even the next couple of days, guys. >> clayton: thanks, maria. coming up on the show pretty high profile celebrities are on the voting rolls, the problem? they're all dead. >> alisyn: that's not allowed. >> clayton: that story next. >> alisyn: america's museum, why is the gift shop at the smithsonian sell a ton of stuff from china. maybe they should pay attention to our next guest. he has that made in america store and every single continuing he sells comes from the usa. we'll talk to him in a minute. ♪ made in america ♪ ... family trees... circles of friends... backyards are one size fits all. and just like we mix and mingle... so do the delicious tastes and textures in every handful of chex mix. we're made to mix. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but wha'd rather making are t times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine coursesmake for the perct tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. your trip begins at ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] with the most advanced engine in its class, 50 horsepower, dual overhead ca and fierce acceleration, the all-new xuv 825i will shatter your expectations. discover the fastest, most powerful gator yet, at discover the fastest, most powerful gator yet, even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. 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there you go. i love those chairs by the way. and this is what it looked like yesterday on its one year anniversary. . >> dave: how did this small business owner manage to do it when the shop in d.c. can the not. the founder and owner of made in america, m mark gandolph of. >> the smithsonian, what is more american than that. we go to a piece of americana, and the gift shop most of the things there are in china and what are not getting? >> i call it laziness, not making enough products in america. you can find products in america and we've got to support the country and get our workers back. >> alisyn: what has the year been like, tell us the trajectory, from that store front to now. >> it's a whirlwind, when i first came up with the idea, what, you're making a made in the the america store. 600 people showed up and he had me on and i thank you and from the press, fox news, world news, associated press, japanese flew in, russians flew up and the tour bus, buffalo, niagara area and iowa people came and we have 6,000 part numbers and we started with 300 part numbers and we did research and people love it. yesterday a thousand poom showed up for the at the store for the anniversary. >> dave: we have a lot of the items and some thing might surprise people and in particular, sunglasses, fond of this one, the nfl football, comforting to know it's made here. >> absolutely, hooked up with wilson, the 100% the game ball and ricky lee the great country singer he was at the concert yesterday and made the first 100% cd in the country and gives bah the troops and $5 of every sale goes to the military assistance program and a great product. >> alisyn: i might like it from italy, but i'll lou it from america. >> you've got to help out our farmers, and this is all u.s. farmers in our can. >> alisyn: tell viewers where to find the stuff. >> and ships about 47 state now save our country and google made it america's first made it top of the line with press thanks to you guys and the site is ready to go and everything is on it. a lot of products to offer and that's what people yesterday said. in the beginning they said we love to shop there, but get more products. and yesterday we showed up we've got more products. >> dave: that's great. we want to thank you for the incredible sign that you've made here for "fox & friends" thanks for your support, made in america. >> that's from star board concepts and make metal products, too, and thank you, guys. >> alisyn: a pleasure to tell your story, mark, thanks for coming in. meanwhile, she was ready to doze off when it sounded like a gunshot she thought woke her up. we are going to talk to a passenger on the northwest airlines flight, rows away from the hole in the fuselage. >> dave: if the government shuts down, you may not get your tax refund. what to know ahead. ♪ forty years ago, he wasn't worried about retirement. he'd yet to he of mutual funds, iras, or annuities. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement solutions for our military, veterans and their families. from investments... to life insurce... to health care options. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. sweet & salty nut bars... they're made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter, making your craving for a sweet & salty bar irresistible, by nature valley. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." lawmakers are scrambling to agree on a budget by april 8th. if they can't find common ground, it could shutdown. will the irs hold on to your tax return? from financial, matt mccall. >> good morning. >> alisyn: first of all, do you think there will be a government shutdown on friday. i do not. i think that there's a lot of verbiage out there and you've got to have a budget that is pushed through. the government shutdown is very, very slim at this point and i think we'll continue to talk about this for weeks if not months and the stop gap and extending it, but i don't think it will come to the point to lock down. >> and yesterday, president obama putting out a call to speaker boehner and seems to be a gap, but there are some essential services and americans need and people who file the tax returns have gotten refunds some of them, but if the government shuts down, will the irs shut down and therefore, people wouldn't be able to get the refunds? >> that's the big fear a lot of people have. if you send your check and if you're sitting there waiting for a he refund and the irs does get shut down, because, the question is, was that essential? you really need the irs to go through the tax returns, if the government is shut down. if my mind, obama says he isn't quite sure yet. they'll probably shut down the irs and is he minimum your returns will be delayed. may not be stopped, but delayed. >> i'm not sure about it. because on thursday, the irs commissioner said the obama administration had not made a decision whether or not it would be an essential service and whether it would be shut down and refunds delayed for a lengthier period of time. so, is it up to the president whether or not the irs continues to run? >> well, i think that's one of the questions nobody knows, who makes the decisionen which departments are essential and which are not. >> you have to go to the commander-in-chief and you have to go back to the president to decide is the irs essential and is the job of getting out your tax refunds essential within the irs? because as i said earlier, they're going to keep depositing your check they need the money. >> if you're waiting for a refund, it feels essential. >> trust me unfortunately i have if i'm waiting for money to go on the vacation and take the children out i am he' a bit concerned right now. >> even under the house budget which was passed the irs had major budget cuts up to the tune of 600 million dollars going back to the 2010 levels some would pay. >> 600 million dollars that's what the budget increase was the past year, when it comes to the irs, if they were allowed to function, to get the returns out on time. >> that's the problem with the irs right now. they've had trouble and getting, being on time and what we've seen in the move in the irs, everything is online and they're not doing as many audits and the problem is they're pushing a lot more audits in the last years because they're trying to bring in more money and too many people out skirting the taxes and people are concentrating on finding the tax cheats out there and what part of the irs is getting the check out. you're going to see the delays no matter what. unless' doing it online. >> and matt mccall from penn financial group. >> it's been 18 months, he spent 18 months the at walter reed and now a wounded marine gets a homecoming of a lifetime. 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"fox & friends" continues right now. ♪ welcome into "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. thank you so much for waking up with us. boy, we've got jam packed show for us and we've got a legend in the building. take a look at that, that's ricky scaggs. . >> dave: i'm dave briggs-- >> ricky scaggs on the show in 30 minutes. look at the the list of awards he's won and take an hour to go through the list of awards and talking music, politics, talking a little 2012. >> dave: get ready for it all. and there we go. and in case you're not familiar with the ground sound of mr. scaggs, there is a little taste ♪ >> and to start this morning. >> alisyn: he see you in a little while. >> dave: we will he' start with the terrifying situation with the southwest plane and a hole exposed in the roof and yet, everyone somehow landed this plane, no one was injured, no one seriously hurt on this flight. southwest airlines, still, a major scare for everyone aboard this flight. >> alisyn: southwest has grounded about 80 of its planes and it may have to cancel another 300 flights today because they need to reinspect the planes and see if there's wear and tear, metal fatigue and what's up with that plane and the rest of the fleet. >> clayton: this is interesting as he we talked to greg piper earlier on the show and how it works and how they do the inspections and he says they go through the top of the plane and in some cases scrape the paint off and see if there's metal fatigue and cracks in it. you think you might visually see cracks, they're going to use electrodes to touch the metal like on bridges and overpasses and see if there are minuscule cracks you couldn't see with the naked eye. >> alisyn: and he says it also can make the plane more vulnerable the scraping of the metal can expose a soft spot and make it more vulnerable. there are 288 of these model planes in the united states still flying, which should make us all a little nervous. >> dave: southwest is in the process replacing those planes. two things to keep in mind. it's already happened aboard a southwest plane and recent, it was 2009, a hole in the ceiling. not this big, about the size of a football. they were fined $530,000 in that same year, although, they have a perfect safety record. he no one has ever been hurt and they've never had a-- one of the two airlines out there with that. >> i think that's very-- >> southwest has a very good track record here. >> clayton: we're going to talk to one of the passengers, she's going to join us later in the he show to tell us what she experienced during that flight. >> alisyn: oh, it's hair raising, having to live through that, but the silver lining, they're redoubling their efforts to make sure that planes are safe today. >> dave: mechanics are on their game told. and the fight rages on between the rebels and gaddafi forces. as they battle for brega. connor powell joins us from brega, what's the late snes. >> the fighting continues in the key oil city of brega, also a large city, third large city in libya misurata. two of the main areas where you've had continuous fighting for a couple of days and in the last few minutes we've heard a continuous volley of rockets and rebel positions going towards brega and toward the gaddafi forces and ambulances coming back from the front so there's heavy fighting going in the city of brega and hearing reports of large amounts of large civilian casualties in misurata, according to doctors there. so there's very heavy fighting though it doesn't appear that either side is particularly getting the upper hand. gaddafi forces are dug in and are managing to repel a lot of the rebels' attacks. i've heard in the last day or so, particularly this morning, that some of the gaddafi military that detected to the rebel side have begun to take a larger role in the fighting pushing back some of the rag tag rebels and sort of helping trying to organize them and they're becoming a little bit more organized and professional with a result of the detectors from the gaddafi forces. right now we've sort of settled into a stalemate. fighting is intense between the oil city of brega and the largely civilian city of misurata. . >> oh. >> from libya this morning, i found so striking, the rebels response to the air strike yesterday, it was our mistake, and immediately realized that the, you know, how vital having n.a.t.o. do air strikes for them. so they immediately came out and said we apologize a mistake will never happen again, us firing into the air. we still need your help. >> alisyn: in the meantime, let's get the rest of your headlines, more news for you, two plant workers found dead inside the fukushima nuclear plant. japanese officials say they died when the quake and the tsunami struck. and engineers are working on plan b to fill a giant crack that is leaking radioactive water into the sea. and they're using a polymer. a flight crashed during take off leaving four people dead. a 27-year-old marine, was given a police escort as hundreds gathered in virginia to watch him come home. he suffered serious spinal cord injuries and the town pitched in to make his home wheelchair accessible. >> there's a lot of guys that -- that didn't get to come home so i love you guys. >> and he volunteered for the marines after graduating from college. that's your headline. >> an extreme home makeover. >> it does. >> clayton: let's check with maria molina in this morning for rick reichmuth. >> hey, guys, we have a storm system you, but other than that, southeast, northeast, even out west a pretty quiet day today, a lot of sunshine and pretty much the only story here with the storm system and we're going to see some snow across parts of the higher elevations of the rockies and still plan to see about ten to 15 inches across colorado and quite a bit of snow as well along the u.s., canada border. northern north dakota to minnesota and fall, please be careful if you're doing any driving through the day today. rain further south across wisconsin and pushing out of minneapolis and south of the storm we do have southerly winds and so this is going to be warming things up across the state of texas and mid 90's across texas for today's highs and looking at near record temperatures and it's the very warm air, southerly, moist air out of the gulf. sparking up the storms as they strengthen and head eastward. if you do live in kansas city, we get some daytime heating and have a risk to see some severe weather today and includes parts of southern missouri and western arkansas, and the risk here for the large sized hail over an inch in diameter, very strong winds up to 70 miles per hour or greater, and even isolated tornados, the biggest risk here will be across the areas shaded in red and the largest concern or large sized hail and damaging wind gusts and can't rule out that either. >> alisyn: thank you for the update. let's talk about what happened yesterday. as you probably know, this friday is the date that the government will shut down if the house and the senate, democrats and republicans don't reach the grooment. so, president obama yesterday picked up the phone and called house speaker john boehner to say, hey, it looks like we have a deal. looks like an agreement here and i think we can all agree on the number. 73 billion. and john bain are basically said not so much. >> dave: not so fast. here is what he said through the spokesman mike steele quote the speaker reminded the president there is no deal or agreement on a final number. he will continue to push for the largest possible spending cut. of that 73 billion in cuts, basically, it calls for a remaining 23 billion in cuts, for what's left. and most of that is looking back on some of of those continued resolutions, so, clearly, we have no deal, but look, the speaker is in a tough spot and trying to make the tea party folks happy and the freshmen who are vocal and yet, he he has to have a deal. we cannot have a government shutdown on friday. >> clayton: a poll out it would adversely reflect on the republicans. and mitt romney taking to the microphone and we haven't heard a lot from romney. he was in las vegas giving a speech and took on president obama's leadership skills. take a listen. >> seeing someone learn on the job on the presidency has not been a pretty sight. as much as i disagree with barack obama on the domestic policy which cost us jobs and men and women who could be working have not been working. causes the breckup of families and causes kids not to be able to go to college and i will take him on head on and aggressively. >> waii was going to say, this s one of the bigger headlines, his attack on president obama's discussions recently about health care. president obama has been out talking about how bm care is basically based on romney care, up in massachusetts and the romney camp has come up with a brilliant idea. gone to the war room, how can we play this, how can we do this, they've come up with an idea which is to say, president obama why didn't you just call me? we would have told you about the problems we've had up in massachusetts, we experienced a the lot of problems with romney care, why didn't you just call? >> says it was bankrupt and would have told the president that this man would bankrupt our country. >> alisyn: that's a perfect way to turn a liability into an asset for mitt romney on the campaign trail. and suddenly, heard what sounded like a gunshot woke her up. we will talk to the passenger on the southwest plane rows away from the hole. >> clayton: but from true blood to true hero. >> dave: he saved a stranger's life when no one else would help. i'm gonna take allison jenkins to the senior prom in this. one day, i'll park this a spot reserved for me. it's got 26,000 miles on it now, bui'm gonna take it a thousand llion. 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far. i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being glun-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor, and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell your kids "no" all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free. to something that they want to eat. even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing. it's like an extra bonus savings. [ cackling ] he's my ride home. how much can the snapshot discount save you? call or click today. >> as we've been reporting. flieft 812 made an emergency landing after the fuselage ruptured creating a hole inside the plane. the cabin he depressurized and descended out of the sky. our next guest was on the scary flight and she sat 7 to 8 rows from where it happened. joining us, terry, good morning. >> good morning. >> alisyn: you were seven or eight rows up from where the fuselage had the hole. what did you see and experience? >> the first i didn't see anything. and just heard a really loud noise, loud bang on something and turned around to look to see what it was and kind of at the same time you see a panel in the ceiling or the ceiling of the plane hanging down and next thing you know, the oxygen masks are dropping. >> alisyn: you didn't even know that there was actually a hole in the ceiling. you thought for a while that a panel had just fallen. what did you think was going on? >> i had no idea. really had no idea what was going on. we knew a panel had fallen and really what went through my mind is, something's wrong, but you know, the oxygen masks fall and the first thing that goes through your mind, is this real or did something break or the oxygen masks supposed to be there. you just don't expect anything like that to happen. >> alisyn: of course not. how were the flight attendants responding? >> you know, at first, it's overall they were terrific. at first, i think that's where it really made it real for me after the oxygen masks came down you say the flight attendants run down the aisles. to get to their own oxygen, i'm assuming and i think that's when you really realized this is really happening. >> we aukd to some other passengers who say it was a matter of moments before they started experiencing dizziness and numbness in their hands. what happened with you when the oxygen masks descended? >> you know, i was really lucky. there was a man in front of me that was great and a row behind me there was a man who had fainted because he didn't get his oxygen mask on in time and this man in front of me was helping him get his on and i had mine in my hands and he actually helped me get it on my face, so, you know, i'm kind of lucky he was close by. >> alisyn: i was struck by your story because i think so many of us relate. you cracked over a magazine ab groggy and start to go relax and placed your drink order, waiting for the the drink. i think that you were doing what all of us do when we have a short flight and then all of this happened and what was the rest of the flight like? including the descend? >> you know, it was really scary. you know, we were holding hands and it was calm in a sense, there really weren't a lot of people screaming. i think farther back in the the plane a woman a little bit, but for the most part it was quiet. we were holding hands and looking at each other and looking out the window and some of us were crying, but it was scary, we really, at that point you were wondering, is this, is this going to be it? >> well, terry, we're happy this story has a happy ending and we proosh you coming in and sharing your personal story with us. >> thank you. >> alisyn: all right. meanwhile, coming up, president bush knew the power of a good joke. >> a couple of years ago when i was here, i read from my book of misarticulations. (laughter) >> that was a good one. but not all of of our presidents have been able to take a joke. who is the funiest and who needs to lighten up? we have that straight ahead. and our troops can lay down their lives for the country at the age of 18, but they can't have a beer. so many of you e-mailed us yesterday when we first did the story and now an iraq war veteran will be here to give firsthand perspective on this story. right back. [ femalannouncer ] we're made to mix... family trees... circles of friends... backyards are one size fits all. and just like we mix and mingle... so do the delicious tastes and textures in every handful of chex mix. we're made to mix. in every handful of chex mix. funny thing about vegetables... they fill you up without filling you out. yes! v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings of vegetables. that's what i'm talking about! v8. what's your number? you know rheumatoid arthritis means pain. but you may not know it can also mean destruction. not just of your joints, but of the things you love to do. and the longer you live with the aching, swelling, and stiffness, the closer you may be to having your favorite things... taken away from you. but you can take action today. go to for your free joint profile so you can better talk to your rheumatologist about protecting your joints. >> hi. welcome back to "fox & friends." news by the numbers. 14.1 million dollars, how much go goldman sachs, lloyd blank fine made. and apartment violations code violations by alex rodriguez has. the people claim it's not maintained and a green pool? that's fantastic. like wild life living in there. 100 million how much the late james brown estate is worth and former manager and kids are in a legal battle who has control of of the godfather of soul's fortune. that's your news by the numbers. i feel good. >> dave: thank you, clayton, they're old enough to serve their country, but not old enough to be served beer. that's in the state of alaska, thinking about lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 for all service members. and here is kiran lawler. this is one of those classic bar stools stories, you can die for your country, but you can't drink a beer. why should the law be different from military veterans than the rest of us. >> i think the current law doesn't make sense. the department of defense trusts them to fire mortar, missiles, but you can't drink a michelobe? that doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense. i think you have a group of people making decisions, they've been entrusted with tremendous responsibility. the war on terror is deseen tralizing, and a counter insurgency and most of your decisions aren't made by generals and colonels, they're made by privates and corporals, and they make the decisions that most of us won't make. >> it's hard to imagine fighting for your country in afghanistan and iraq and coming back and not being able to do that. you grew up ten times over there, but the secretary of defense, robert gates not on board here, he he says, quote, one of the things we're seeing as a result of repeated tours has not been an increase in suicide, but increase in risky behaviors. particularly, by young men. that would be a concern of mine. that's a good point that the secretary brings up and it goes through such trying circumstances you do when you serve in the countries. does it open itself up to risky behavior back here? and the pressure. >> i think that young men are inherently risk takers, there's no going to rid of that. that's in our dna. i think the real focus there on suicide prevention should be on those invisible wounds and not on keeping our veterans and our military personnel from enjoying a beer once in a while. >> dave: the numbers you came up with were fascinating. nearly 21% of the deaths in iraq and afghanistan were those who were 18, 19 and 20. and the ultimate sacrifice for their country and we debated this yesterday on the show and here is the chief opponent against this proposal. >> let's talk about the science, the science that we have right now, shows that brains are changing more rapidly into the early 20's than anytime in the life span except infancy and alcohol can change the way that the brain processes information. should we say because we respect military men and women that they shouldn't have to wear motorcycle helmets? i don't think so. . >> dave: how do you answer that question, the same issue as motorcycle helmets. >> we empower a 18-year-old to sign a contract to enlist in the military. so when we're talking about that we're not concerned about some science about the development of the brain. and i think the developments of good decision making is sped up tremendously when you're in a leadership position in a combat zone. i think you come back at 20 years after a tour in iraq and afghanistan and maturity years and-- >> you're probably 35. i can only imagine. we should mention that if they passed it in alaska, it would cost them 50 million in highway funds. that they'll have to think about. coming up on the show, a fun afternoon turns into a nightmare, and a bouncy house filled can kids literally flies into the air and blows across a busy road and this is not the first time something like this happened. also, the campaign talk for 2012 all heated up. what role will leadership play? we're talking about ricky scaggs, country music legend, and there we go. we're talking about that next. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis sympms. but if you have arthris, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulnamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history anfind an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. 14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a little room for balls and tees, it esn't leve ro for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure mian. your trip begins at ♪ you know how i feel i'm loving weight watchers new pointsplus program and the edge it's giving me. ♪ freedom is mine ♪ and i know how i feel i never feel deprived. you know how freeing that is? ♪ it's a new dawn, a new day i feel good. i feel good. i feel good. ♪ and i'm feeling good [ female announcer ] join by april 9th and get two weeks free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. ♪ >> welcome back everyone. alisyn camerota here with clayton morris and dave briggs. oh, thank you. my pen, i keep an eye on that. >> dave: i lost one yesterday. >> clayton: there's one in every office and if you're on the couch never lend a pen, you'll never get it back. >> dave: i want mine back. >> clayton: there is he' videotape of me giving it back. >> we have so much news to tell you about. just into our news room. mark kelly speaking moments ago about his upcoming mission to the international space center. >> ams could be teaching us things about the universe that are completely unexpected. >> alisyn: meanwhile, we have an update for you on kelly's wife nearly three months she was shot in the head. congresswoman gabrielle giffords is showing yet another sign of recovery and now able to talk on the phone. daniel hernandez, the intern who reportedly helped save her life says he he spoke to his boss earlier this week and declined to comment on what they talked about. a bouncy house across three lanes of traffic, seriously injuring three children playing inside. it was lifted high into the air in tucson, with winds reaching up to 60 miles per hour. injuries are reportedly not life threatening and this is the second time in aur air this year that high winds have lifted a bouncy house hurting a child. charlie sheen kicked off his violent torpedo of truth tour in detroit. i do love the name, but many say that he is not winning. many of the crowd booed as he went on a profanity-laced rant. >> ready? are we ready for simon and ready for (bleep) musical number (bleep) >> try a music cal number, charlie. >> alisyn: sheen started by answering questions about his goddesses and using crack cocaine. >> clayton: good way to start the show. >> alisyn: we should try that. hundreds walked off before the show was over and demanded a refund. all right, here is a hollywood heartthrob with a heart. >> just like always said i would be and for the first time in my life, i feel like god has a purpose for me. >> alisyn: true blood actor, ryan, helped to save a bloody injured man on a hollywood street. driving by in his car, the 34-year-old actor jumped out to help when he saw no one doing anything tore the man and witnesses told the gossip website just jared, that he moved the man to the sidewalk and stayed there until paramedics arrived. no word how the victim got hurt. a heartthrob and a hero this morning. and-- >> do you ever watch true blood. >> alisyn: no, great abs. >> and about the abs. >> clayton: not me. >> dave: disturbing. >> clayton: on the show true blood, he watches abs. >> dave: he watches true blood. did he watch the final four? i doubt it. and the winner goes to the championship game and walker, outstanding player in this tournament. scored 18 points, but he really poured it on. he had defensively some great stuff and steals, 6 assists, and really came down to a late foul though in the final seconds of this game. that's what did the wildcats in. they shot four of 12 from the line, and just 34% from the field. that will do it, but that three still would have taken the lead. u-conn into the final championship game yet again and looking for the third title. 99, how about it. how could you not be pumped with these two teams, bcu and butler, and there's the bcu head coach, the guy in the white shirt who took that charge. and that's one of the great minds and enthusiastic guys, one of the great stories in college basketball how he led that team. cinderella team with butler most of the night and the bulldogs just too much though. into the championship game for the second straight year, the final 12 minutes of play, all butler. 70-62. and first time a championship game has not had a number one or a number two seed. monday night, butler and u-conn, i guess as a connecticut resident got to pull for the huskies. >> clayton: and duke, where is duke going to be watching that game. >> dave: with this, with. >> clayton: exactly i was waiting for that. took you a second. wait a second, your team didn't make it in. that's true, aur brackets are terrible. let's check with maria molina in for rick reichmuth. my team didn't win either. that's why i didn't watch. >> they did great. >> i love them, but anyway, moving on, taking a look at the weather, and 42 dries currently in the big apple and i'll tell you where it's a lot warmer, across west texas today, temperatures will be about 20 degrees above average so it's nice weather and the problem with that, though, is that we haven't seen a lot of rain over the past several weeks. and we have windy conditions and we're looking a the a fire danger and plenty of red flag warnings are up across southern arizona, new mexico and texas and kansas. and ins an ongoing event here, wind gusts as high as 60 to 70 miles an hour and as we move on, the same storm system is going to be pulling in very warm air northward and firing up thunderstorms as we get daytime heating. so there is a threat to see some severe weather as we head into eastern oklahoma into missouri and even into chicago, this is going to be mainly a late afternoon evening event and those storms will continue to head eastward in the overnight hours so if you're living in any of these areas, please keep this in mind. especially there is he those are nighttime hours you really wouldn't see a tornado moving through. so heed any warnings as they are issued for your county. guys. >> alisyn: maria. thank you. >> dave: do you hear that guitar? it's his iphone, ricky scaggs, when you're ricky scaggs you need an instrumental iphone. >> alisyn: is your phone ringing? >> why not? and the music plugged in there. you know, you can custom-- >> have your own ring tone. >> who gave me this number. who is this? >> i'm live on national television now. don't call me now. >> ricky scaggs, country music superstar. >> winner of 14 grammies and acm award winner as well. >> alisyn: a pleasure to have you here. >> clayton: ring tones. >> good to be here with you guys, love the show. >> clayton: we're going to talk country music in a little bit. a new album. a big tour. first let's talk politics and we're starting to see the names starting to creep up now. 2012 and you're seeing all the ground being laid for the 2012 candidates out there and it's hard to believe we're starting to talk about 2012 in the next election and what do you want to see from a candidate? >> leadership. >> leadership is leading and not looking over your shoulder and looking straight ahead and not being ashamed, not, you know, leading with, with heart and soul and vision and i think that's what america really wants to see. and i think we saw that in the last election. i think our current leadership is a little soft. you look back at great leaders like president washington, president lincoln and tumultuous times they led and they led with honor, they led with humility and led with dignity and grace, led our nation. >> alisyn: are you seeing that out there for anyone? >> you know, it's kind of hard to tell because you know, leading as a president is different than leading as governor. you know, people think oh, man, i could do this and you know, i think the days of, you know, experience has kind of been thrown out the window. i mean, you know, with president obama, i don't think he really had the experience that a president needs, you know, in order to, you know, you see a governor at least they've had, they know how to govern a state and how to do budgets and that kind of thing. >> dave: now is goes both ways and people are talking about marco rubio running and elected five minutes ago and chris christie, he says i'm the not ready and experience might be throne out the door. >> one of the great things i think that's happened in the, in the present administration is that it's caused our nation to get it together. if john mccain and sarah palin would have won we would have went right back to business as usual and i think that president obama in there, i think it's caused the tea party and a grass roots movement and people saying, look, we've got to take our country back and stand up for our nation and i think that's been a great thing. so-- >> let's talk about what's going on tonight. academy of countries music awards and you're a winner and now you're showing off by the way with 15 grammies. what are we expecting tonight? >> well, you know, all of these nominees have had a great year. you know, great, miranda lambert had a great year. and so has keith urban, so has toby keith. so and taylor swift my goodness and my friend brad paisley. >> how do you pick it. look at the graphic of the final four? >> here is the whole list. >> i would hate to be in that conglomeration. >> entertainer of the year, how do you pick one entertainer, you hear so much for all of these guys. >> i won entertainer, 1985 cma's and up against alabama and george strait and reba mcentire and people like that at the time and that's tough. >> look at that. >> oh, oh, my lord, look at that. >> man. >> i wish you had that blue tux. i like miranda lambert. and let's talk about your tour. >> treasure chest. >> dave: tell us about that, how it might differ from the past? >> in 1997 i started scaggs family records and i came back to blue grass, that's the kind of music i grew up as a kid in kentucky. >> dave: sorry about that-- >> i think somebody was calling me about that this morning, but anyway i've been playing blue grass since '97 full-time pretty much and trying to help other young artists trying to get going, but in 1981 through, you know, 96, i was playing full-time country music and having a lot of success there so my fans haven't seen me play that kind of music since 199 of. and so, we're out doing blue grass shows, country shows and songs from the new album mosaic and it's a blast. we've had a ball, and when you open that door and country boy and things like that, since, the first time since '96 of. so, the fans are moving it. >> good for you. that sundays great. well, have a great time. thank you so much for making time for us and stopping by. ricky scaggs, a pleasure to meantime you and have you here. >> clayton: go ahead and take that phone call. thanks so much. coming up on the show, remember the joke from president obama? >> keep them on a tight leash, every once in a while he goes charging off in wrong direction and gets himself into trouble. and enough about joe biden. >> up next, why this joke holds the secret for the president's chances of reelection. ♪ hello sunshine, sweet as you can be ♪ [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. host: could switching to geico reon car insurance? or more host: is the pen mightier than the sword? ninja 2: ow vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." humor is a powerful communications tool and even the commander-in-chief for tough questions. here is one joke, president reagan personally i like space the higher you go the smaller the federal government looks. president bush poking fun at himself. >> a couple of years ago when i was here i read from my book of of misarticulations. (laughter) >> fortunately, my verbal phonenation and electrocution have improved. >> here to talk about leading with laughter, the author of the book "public speaking for dummies" malcolm, nice to he see you. >> good morning. >> humor has to be carried out well, you have to do it effectively in public speaking or don't do it at all. >> that's telling joke, most people can use simple humor and doesn't require common delivery. >> i like how presidents effectively used humor. who was one of the favorite. >> ronald reagan is the master, that's why they called him the master communicator, jokes, quips, one liners. >> are more people inclined to vote for somebody, they can be self-deprecating and funny? >> i think so. i don't know if the votes, but the polls afterwards said it was the biggest gap between people who disagreed with his policies, but liked him personally so that goes a long way. >> here is an example of a recent one, president obama joking about vice-president joe biden. take a listen to this one. >> all the changes happening, change never is, but i have he' cut the tension by bringing new friends to the white house, warm, cuddly, loyal, enthusiastic, just have to keep him on a tight leash, every once in a while he goes charging off in the wrong direction and gets himself into trouble, enough about joe biden. >> clayton: how would you rate that? . is president obama on the reagan scale, the john f. kennedy scale, which is very, very funny president? >> no, i was expecting to see john f. kennedy because he can do kennediesque rhetoric. he doesn't use much humor, and that's from a roast. >> clayton: george w. bush how would you rate him, funny president. he was okay and he poked fun at himself a lot. which is good. that's a leadership trait, it reflects confidence in yourself. >> clayton: what advice would you give somebody running for office now, wrote the book on public speaking, try to do humor and back off of it if you're not good at it. >> if you can't tell a joke, don't tell one. americans want to know that the potential president has a sense of humor. we don't want somebody who's too tightly wound to have their fink are on the button. >> there's so many great reagan quips and you have the audio cd to check out and it's called, well, there you go again with president ronald reagan, volume one and two, you can check it out. thank you for joining us. >> oh, thank you. >> you have some funny glasses that i can have. >> absolutely. >> i'll wear those later, this is my geraldo mustache. next on the rundown our own geraldo rivera inches away from a fire fight in libya. he's okay and he'll join us live from libya in a few minutes with excellent reporting he's doing over there. from the head of the cia to broadway, former cia director james woolsey has explaining to do. ♪ vitamins and minerals that can really help protect you. and v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings. powerful, right? v8. what's your number? the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." and charlie wilson armed al-qaeda despite the soviet union in afghanistan and later became the plot of the movie starring tom hanks. >> ♪ >> there was dialog in that movie, by the way. >> clayton: there was. >> alisyn: charlie wilson's war. so, if the united states arms the rebels in libya, will it back fire just as it did in charlie wilson's war? former cia director james woolsey joins us. good morning. >> good morning. >> alisyn: the point that have movie, sometimes you think that you're doing something that's in america's interest or humanitarian reasons and it has unintended consequences. do you think that will happen in libya. >> things always have unintended consequences when you ge et into violence, but you know, nearly 70 years ago we armed a man who at that point was history's greatest murderer, josef stalin because we needed him against the nazis and when he rolled into eastern europe, he he rolled in on wheels, and these things happen that way and you've got to think each call as you go along. i think he we were right back in afghanistan, and, but we might have done it a bit more skillfully by not sending all of the money through the pakistani intelligence people who were very close to what later became al-qaeda. >> dave: mr. woolsey as you're well aware. we are h fearing there are links and two former afghter mujahideen. how concerned should we be about giving them arms let alone to train? >> well, i think they want to be cautious with that and work with, first of all, you need to get the cia people in there, as they're doing, to learn what's going on and that was a mistake we made in iran 20, 30 years ago, was listening to the shah and letting him tell us what people were thinking instead of getting on the ground and making the best judgment. it doesn't necessarily mean that we shouldn't help with arms, because there are former mujahideen there. it depends who is in control not if there's one or two or whatever people with the background. >> clayton: thomas rich one of the great thinkers in foreign policy and state. last night on his foreign policy blog, he posted a piece he thinks that arabs should be there and the united states shouldn't be there at all. is that a good course of action? after all the arab league invited us to come in. >> with arming and money goes control. so, it might be a good idea for some government that is close to us, be willing to help oman. for example, to work with, to be-- and certainly for some of it being paid for by other countries. but money and control go together and we really need to squeeze gaddafi, as david ignatius pointed out very well, hard on money and that is one of the things that may be beginning to weakening and it's also taking money if we're going to be make it possible for the rebels to kill tanks rather than just shooting rifles. >> alisyn: your vast experience, we really appreciate your input. >> good to be with you. >> clayton: a mother's personal story how she discovered his child had autism. [ female announcer ] it's monday, some people will stick with their old way of getting vitamins and minerals. others will try incredible total raisin bran with 100% of the daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals, juicy raisins and crunchy whole grain flakes. guess it's all about what kind of crunch you like. how are you getting 100%? from accident forgiveness and 24-hour claims assistance to a lifetime repair guarantee, we do all we can to help you move on. liberty mutual auto insurance >> good morning everyone. it's sunday, april 3rd, i'm alisyn camerota. the southwest grounding planes after a hole rips through a roof mid flight. next, we're hearing from a woman sitting feet away from that hole. >> yikes. >> and president obama says 73 billion dollars is the magic number when it comes to the budget, but john boehner says no deal and all this have bickering could affect your bank account. >> it's bombs away for charlie sheen. >> and you're ready. everybody straight up (bleep) and musical number. >> clayton: brought out a music cal number. the new stand-up show, definitely not a winner. "fox & friends" continues right now. ♪ >> good sunday morning, everybody, you want a prediction, i think it's buy one get five charlie sheen tickets free. >> clayton: the show bombed last night and we'll show you more highlights. >> dave: low lights. would you now if you've got tickets for the new york show a few weeks later would you sell temp. >> alisyn: get on craig's list right now and i'm sure not everyone in the country is watching our show and don't know how bad it. and shonda schilling, the wife of curt schilling. and she has a child with asperger's and she'll tell us their story. >> dave: we'll start with what happened on a southwest plane just about 24 hours ago, if you're flying southwest today. call first or check the internet because 300 flights are expected to be canceled today. 300 flights were canceled yesterday because of the scare in the sky. >> 79 of the planes now grounded as they go through the inspection prospect and talked about the process, they're going to have to check the metal to see if there's fatigue on the roof and have to scrape the paint off of it and the electrodes and whether the minuscule cracks are there. and we spoke with carey hobbs, she was just rows away from where the hole exploded in the ceiling and she had this to say. >> it was really scary. you know, we were holding hands and it was calm in a sense, i mean, there really weren't a lot of people screaming. i think that farther back in the plane there was a woman a little bit that, for the most part, you know, it was quiet. people were holding hands and we were looking at each other and looking at the window and some of us were crying, and it was scary. we really, at that point, you're wondering, is this, is this going to be it? >> of course you were. she echoes what of we've heard from all the the passengers, particular will she says the pilot had to go down at 20,000 feed immediately because of the lack of pressurization and pilot wasn't able to communicate with them and he was busy and why are we plummeting so quickly. the hole in the ceiling? and another thing that makes this so scary, there are 288 of these planes, these 737-300's that are flying right now in the united states. and so are all of them at risk and vulnerable? >> a great point and we didn't mngs yet, at this hour, that was the oldest plane in the the fleet. the one that had this problem yesterday. and this particular plane on the screen. the oldest in the fleet. >> and it happened aboard another 737, outsourcing maintenance on aircraft. that, i think, has kind of become a big topic in the weeks ahead. should we be outsourcing maintenance? is that too frightening for the folks that oversee all of this? and southwest and a lot of domestic airlines. >> and i had mentioned earlier, greg was on our show, from the n.t.s.b., quite an expert on this. and one of the things that was interesting. even when they're doing the tests now, they have to scrape off the paint on top of the ceiling to check to see if there's problems that sometimes can create problems. >> right. >> create its own soft spot by having to do the scraping. >> they're scraping the metal, but he he did say that the silver lining in all of this is of course, after some sort of near death experience or scare in the skies, everyone redoubles the efforts to see what the problem is to catch it. so, today that's what's happened. they're looking at all of this. and making sure they're not all vulnerable. >> could be another fine coming their way, they were fin fine 530. >> clayton: moments ago our own geraldo rivera caught in the middle after fire fight in lib libya. . [gunshots] >> keep going. they're firing, they're firing on us. i think it's -- they're firing at us. they're firing and-- >> scary, scary stuff. >> geraldo rivera joins us right now near benghazi and he is safe and he's okay. geraldo, unbelievable footage and what is the latest? >> well, be still my beating heart, first of all, clayton, dave and alisyn, happy sunday morning, we were at the front lines in the town of brega. about 135 miles from here. it is one of the towns that they have been trading back and forth with the pro gaddafi forces. the rebels advance, it seems as if they have momentum on their side. and the gaddafi forces stiffened, they attack because the rebels are an irregular force and that's putting it kindly, untrained, undisciplined, with very little experience in combat. and they tend to overfire and then he when fired upon they tend to overretreat. but what we did, is we found the gaddafi forces and they're holed up and i can report this as a fox news alert, the rebel forces are holed up in the university of brega, in the town of brega. they are in many ways surrounded by the rebels, but they are tough in some ways, i think they're stranded because the actual front line with the rebels, regular forces, if you can follow my drift, is beyond the town of brega. but we found these gaddafi forces and they are tough, dug in and man, oh, man, as you can see they were lighting up the morning for us with rpg fire, and lots of small arms fire. and i can honestly say that the sky was filled with lead. so i can understand why, why some of these kids, kids with guns, some lawyers, some doctors, university students, sales clshgs, this is like the guys in les mis who held against the french army in the famous play. they are amateurs in some way, playing at war. war is not a game, you die in war. so, this was, really, i don't want to characterize it, i have he' had over 40 years experience doing this, but there were an awful lot of whiz-bang, an awful lot of rounds coming pretty darn close to where we were. i'm sad to say that the rebels seem to be, you know, disordered, they've retreated again several miles, they may have advanced since i came back to the rebel strong hold city of benghazi, but it does not appear, looking at the quality of these, these military that there's going to be a quick conclusion. >> clayton: geraldo, i've been looking at the video and what you're saying is underscoring what we're sitting here, it's not like being embedded in iraq, you're dealing with a rag tag army, out in the middle of nowhere, fearing for your safety. what -- what are you thinking when it seems to be a rag tag army and your he' really affirming it here, aren't you? >> well, you know, clayton thinking the first time in my career i was afraid of getting shot in the back as much as i was afraid of getting shot in the front. you know, the way they lit up and the gaddafi forces are not conserving their ammo, must have a stash inside the brega university. i'm flinching as i hear these, and i haven't told my wife yet, honey, i'm okay, everybody is okay. >> alisyn: let's hope she's watching and she sees that you're okay, but garedo, when you got to brega, were you surprised? was this a surprise, you didn't know that gaddafi forces were still in the town. >> geraldo: we just -- because alisyn we'd just gotten here and started feeding that video i didn't have a chance to show you the beginning of it, where i'm walking down the road and all of a sudden a sniper round goes over my head. i think at that point we were-- we were advanced, forward of the ireg rebel force. the sniper fired at me i got down behind a rock and the rebels came, you know, kind of behind me, and started firing their weapons, the gaddafi forces redoubled their efforts and then you know, later on in the tape, they start hitting us with rpg round after rpg round and see them exploding just, you know, a couple hundred meters from our position and we were really worried that because from the university of brega to the the next ridge back toward benghazi, that's about, i would say at least a half a mile walk over open ground and that was where we were really worried that after we had survived the initial encounter that those rounds might find us in the open. >> alisyn: we'll see the video of the story. >> dave: we've hear about how the rebels reacted, the deaths and casualties they've suffered at hands of coalition forces yesterday and how they're reacting. thank you, geraldo. stay safe, my friend and we will check back with you in an hour. gosh, can you imagine the stuff that that guy is going through. >> alisyn: and he said in 40 years, this is a new experience this across fire and we'll show you the first part of the encountering the gaddafi forces in an hour. here are the rest of the headlines. two plant workers found dead inside the fukushima nuclear plant and japanese officials say they died when the earthquake and tsunami struck. workers are working on plan b to seal a giant crack in the reactor putting radioactive water in the pacific. using concrete failed and now they're using polymer. building a study about the health of firefighters who served at ground zero. the fire department chief medical officer shows that some first responders are getting three types of blood cancer at unusually high rates. which of course, publications for september would be the first to document a cancer rate increase among rescue and recovery workers. president obama, america's first billion dollar presidential candidate, some believe he's well on his way after passing the near 750 billion he raised during his 208 campaign. obama is expected to announce his reelection bid as early as next week. and those are your headlines. >> think of what we could do with all of that money. the sign said complimentary television, one guest tried to take the tv off the wall. why not. >> alisyn: complimentary. >> clayton: you have to hear this story to believe it, coming up. >> dave: and also, president obama says that spending billion dollar cutback, the magic number when it comes to the budget, but john boehner says no deal. all the bickering could actually affect your bank account. chris wallace joins us next to weigh in. the anchor of fox news sunday. i can't wait for the complimentary tv story. 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[gunshots] >> we're happy to report to you that geraldo is safe at this hour and we just spoke to him live and we're going to do so again in a little while in our next hour, but he has inkrbl video of his experience there, caught in the cross fire, we're going to bring in chris wallace of course the anchor of fox news sunday. chris, when you see this video, you know, you just have to wonder if the administration is rethinking their idea to get out of combat operations in libya and the no-fly zone today. >> well, it's not that the no-fly zone is going to end. or the no-fly zone is going to continue, the u.s. won't be in the lead. a few more days when it happens. it's how complicated this is going to be. it's a civil war and reporters and civilians can get caught in the middle of a civil war, obviously, the front lines aren't clear. and, and now, it looks like we may be headed for something of a stalemate because neither side is strong enough to push the other side out. gaddafi can't win because of the intervention of the coalition, and the rebels can't win because they don't have the arms or the training. so this could be a mess for quite a while. >> one senator who has very strong opinions on that is marco rubio and he's on your show today. a strong worded letter, saying we should not only authorize action in libya, but we should have the ex-police at this time goal of removing the gaddafi regime. >> some, i think it's an uphill battle against a lot of the top leaders of both parties, republicans and democrats in the u.s. senate. we'll be talking to marco rubio, and he's taken a controversial stance on libya and even now the debt limit. he says he's not going to vote to increase the debt limit unless there are a whole set of conditions and basically he's saying unless there's regulatory reform, tax reform, entitlement reform which nobody thinks can happen in the next six weeks, let the country go into default if we get this to happen and talk about that and as you also saw from the graphic, our lead guest is paul ryan, paul ryan, while the senate and the house, and the white house, they're arguing about a few billion dollars in this year's budget and paul ryan is about to come out with a new budget and unveil it for the first time on our show at the top of the hour, that's going to cut trillions of dollars or would cut trillions of dollars from the deficit, discretionary spending, tax reform and major entitlement reform to medicare and medicaid. he's going to flush that out for us. >> and before we get to that budget we have to iron out this budget you just talked about. the president making a phone call yesterday to speaker john boehner trying to hash that out and the speaker's office saying there's no number, no deal and some arguing on the story, that political posturing that a deal is in the works. you have your ear to the wall in washington. chris, what are you hearing? >> i think in fact these two things are related, the 2012 budget and ryan budget a-and the one they're arguing about the last six months of this year, i think there's a growing feeling among some republicans, look, what we're arguing here, are they going to cut 33 billion or cut 38 billion. i mean, it's not to say it's not real money, but it's 4 or 5 billion dollars they're arguing about, and possibly shutting down the government, and, and waiting in the wings and ready to be unveiled as i think starting this morning on our show, but really, next week, formally, the budget that would cut trillions of dollars, so i think a lot of republican leaders, including john boehner, are beginning to think, maybe we ought to just make a deal when we're only talking about a couple of billion dollars here and don't shut down the government and don't muddy the waters and have a real fight over the important issues like medicare, like medicaid, entitlements that involve trillions of dollars. >> we have a great show coming up and we'll be watching. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> coming up here on the the show, is the story every parent needs to hear, how one mother found out her child had autism. and she tells the story next. >> stung by sting. a 12-year-old approaches the rocker and he says don't stand so close to me. >> oh, no. >> dave: my favorite artist. ♪ . i'm gonna take allison jenkins to the senior prom in this. one day, i'll park this a spot reserved for me. it's got 26,000 miles on it now, bui'm gonna take it a thousand llion. 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[ male announc ] 95% of all americans aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's easier than you think, because general mills [g g line of cereals 95% of all americans aren't getting enough whole grain. is america's number one source of whole grain at breakfast. there's whole grain in every box... ♪ ...from chex... to cheerios... to lucky charms. so you n get the whole grain you want with the taste you love. get started on the whole grain you're missing with your favorite big g cereals. ke sure to look for the white check. ichltd. >> clayton: welcome back "fox & friends." >> dave: the shot of the morning, she's the hottest chick on the internet. first of three bald eagles hatched live on the web. the only problem, nobody got to see it. the of the web-cam malfunctioned before the baby bird got out of the shell. and 100,000 viewers and we assume rick reichmuth on them. >> clayton: imagine you planned your weekend, watch the bald eagle and food and watching the bald eagle and the web-cam. >> alisyn: and we told you earlier that the former cia director james woolsey was taken skills from langley to broadway. here to explain is the man himself. james woolsy, welcome back, mr. woolsey. explain how you're translating your skills that you were on display at the cia are now on display in broadway. >> a friend of mine are putting together from '60s novel and film a very funny musical comedy, john go far, please come home. and there's a character, a wonderful character in it heinous overreach, a cia director. and anybody who had the job in langley couldn't pass up the possibilities of playing heinous overreach. he got cut with the football team and he convinces his father to put together a football team and very, very humorous. >> i would think that a ceo director probably wouldn't maybe have the humor chops down. did you have to go through any comedy training, any comedy timing training? >> not yet, but whatever betty and garan tell me to do, i'll give it a try. >> alisyn: well, again, the show is "james goldfarb, please come home". >> mr. heinous overreach, we appreciate you coming on. >> dave: your resume' is not complete. great stuff. >> alisyn: my goodness. let's get to other headlines and tell you what else is happening because a routine test flight in new mexico ended in disaster, the gulf stream crashed and burns into flames. leaving four gulf stream employees dead. a bouncy house flew across three lanes of traffic and children were inside. it lifted high in the air in tucson, arizona and winds 60 miles an hour. the injuries we're told is not life threatening. this is the second time that winds in arizona lifted a bouncy house. and trans ocean gave the center manager, stacey, the company recognizes the tragedy, but said it still had an exemplary record because it exceeded certain internal safety goals. and that's hard to believe. all right, you know the signs you see at hotels or motels, complimentary television signs. one man took it literally. and took the tv off the hotel room and tried to leave with it. >> police arrested him after the employee saw him. >> dave: it's false advertising, complimentary tv. >> take the h.b.o. >> alisyn: and take the cable box with it. >> clayton: i don't know. a big mistake, maria, is checking out. don't check out, leave. >> dave: that guy checked out long ago, buddy, i tell you. hi, maria, how is the weather? >> here is your complimentary weather forecast, we do have some snow to talk about across northern parts of the country, right along the u.s.-canada border. not really that unusual, but those areas in pink out there and the spring, but these are winter warm storng, the areas in pink can see over six inches of snow. keep in mind if you're travelling along this area, otherwise, moving along currently and starting to see that snow falling after the storm is starting above us. as you can see, snow across higher elevations of the rockies, including colorado and also parts of utah and moving on, the storm is going to intensify and we're going to see a sharp difference in temperatures ahead of it in the 80's across west texas and highs as high as mid 90's behind it. much colder. guys. >> dave: thank you so much, maria. appreciate it, coming up now, and it could drive the national discussion in the budget space in the coming weeks and one ad attacking teachers in wisconsin and the other targets government. >> clayton: pollster and author of "win" the book is entitled "win", frank luntz is here with us to break it down. what did you find? >> we found in all the advertising on the air over the last three months, we found about three dozen ads on both sides of the issues. these are the two best so far, and let's first take a look at the union ad from wisconsin, you'll notice that the green line shall the democratic line is almost as positive as the red line, the republican line. and this is essentially the way it works. take a look. >> our economy is suffering. most of the was less and some are doing without. so why are government employees, unions, demanding more? work longer hours, our tax dollars provide greater retirement and health care benefits than we receive. now, with the financial crisis those unions are using our taxpayer dollars to skip work and organize rallies against common sense fiscal reform. are these fat cat union bosses trying to destroy our country? don't they know we're hurting? it's time for them to pay their fair share. get real and get back to the jobs they are lucky to have. the national republican press track responsible for the content of the advertising. >> look like the numbers, it looks like the republicans and democrats agreed. >> we're grateful that we've got unemployment rates at 8 and 9%, the visuals are powerful, unedited and the words are inclusionary, that that the public looks and says, what the heck are you doing? be happy you've got a job and do your job. >> all right, the other one is about government waste. tell us about that. >> this costs over $100,000 to produce, and citizens against government waste and of all the ads we've done in the last five months, in one caused the most dramatic, positive, truly incredible reaction, let's take a look. . [speaking foreign language] . >> clayton: to change the future you would have to. join citizens against government waste to stop the spending that's bankrupting america. >> clayton: i guess typically you see people tune out of commercials that go on, but that one, the attention was going up as it goes on. >> the attention and intensity reading the words on the screen, a powerful remarkable ad and we first presented that to them and now they work for us. the visible reaction was horror among our instant response participants because they could actually see it in their own heads, imagining what happens if we don't get the debt under control. truly remarkable television advertising at its best. >> unbelievable. frank, always great to see you and thanks for joining us this morning, frank. >> got it. >> coming up, imagine you're on a plane when the oxygen masks drop out of nowhere and a hole rips open right in the ceiling and rose from where you're sitting. well, would you know what to do? a flight attendant with what you should do in an emergency is next. >> break out the twizleers and more the you look like the victoria's supermodel. that story is next and dave and i will be tuned in for that. >> clayton: we want to get the news value out of that. 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[ fele announcer ] do you have enough crescents? the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspireby you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where u want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. ♪ >> a few headlines at 8:45 eastern time. how is this for a sweet surprise. a new study show people who eat candy and chocolate tend to be thinner than people who don't according louisiana state university study. great news and stung by sting, the former police frontman reportedly telling a young fan not to stand so close to him. that's right, a 12-year-old boy says sting saw him in a broadway show and told him that he's a huge fan, but sting brushed him off telling him he had him confused for somebody else. huh? this is a --. >> alisyn: sting. >> clayton: did he call him some other name. be fox news for you, government shows cracks repaired a year ago on a plane that had an emergency landing. the f.a.a. records showed eight instances of cracking found in march 2010. >> alisyn: so we want to know this morning, would you know what to do in an emergency like the one that happened on the southwest plane? joining us now are sarah nelson, a united airlines flight attendant and venus shook, an alaska airlines quite attendant and they'll give a quiz. good morning, ladies. in your safety training, the flight attendants are there for our safety, we forget about that. in your safety training are you ever trained for a scenario where the hole is in the side of the airplane? >> sure, we're trained on exactly what to do and sit down and hold on and it's very important that the flight attendants ensure that we are taken care of and we have the oxygen so we can attend to the passengers. >> once you've got it, you can move around and help other people. >> yes. >> quite often people don't pay much attention during the safety presentation, if case you didn't know that. i mean, people read the sky mall and might not know the answer to some very vital questions and we did not prepare ourselves for these questions so we're going to see how we do. first question when the oxygen mask falls should you put it on your child first or yourself? i think we all know that answer though, do we. >> clayton: what is the answer. >> the answer you need to put it on yourself first. >> our floor director said the child. >> he's wrong. >> the fact is that, there's a time of useful conscienceness where you can operate clearly could be as little as ten seconds and it's critical to put on the air mask and help yourself first. >> clayton: and we saw that. >> alisyn: one of the flight attendants on southwest fainted because he he didn't get it on fast enough. >> if the cabin goes dark, how do you find the exit. is it the floor lights. they don't say that. >> we give that as the safety instructions, instead of the sky mall catalog. it will lead you to the exit. on the aircraft take a look around and see where your nearest exit is, count the seat backs. >> alisyn: i do know that now. >> it's not always on the floor, and sometimes it's on the seat aisles and listen to the demo to know exactly where to look in an emergency. >> alisyn: good point. next, when should you inflate your life vest, and i take a guess? in the event of a water landing. >> that's a good guess. >> clayton: is it outside of the aircraft? >> outside of the aircraft. as you're exiting. >> clayton: just as you're exiting. next one, when should you turn off your portable electronic devices? now, this is a problem. daven i will try to sneak and keep them on for a while skroo they always yell at me. >> clayton: what's the correct. >> dave: i'm that guy, i'm that day. >> angry right now. >> dave: on my cell phone. >> clayton: when do you turn 0 off. >> when i tell you to. >> dave: is it that important. >> it is, actually needs to be turned off before they shut the aircraft door there's science behind it that the equipment could interfere with the navigational equipment of the aircraft and i don't want to be on the flight where that theory is tested. >> dave: i will behave. >> clayton: thank you so much and we all need to pay attention. thank you so much you do had a terrific job because he we heard what a terrific job the flight attendants did yesterday on the flight. >> and we're first responders in the sky. >> alisyn: thank you so much for everything. coming up, prince william you may have heard is not going to wear a wedding ring. it has a lot of you upset. and you have a lot to say about this yesterday. today, we're going to talk to a psychologist about this one. is there a deeper meaning about this going on here? 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. r a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to ♪ . >> clayton: we're counting down the days. alisyn, the minutes to the royal wedding. >> dave: one thing prince william is not counting on, wearing a wedding ring. >> alisyn: that's right, you heard it here yesterday. the prince and his fiancee, kate middleton, said it's okay to not wear a wedding ring. and what's the decision of him and or men, and the psychologist is here this morning. >> good morning. >> alisyn: and i know you psychologists see something in every behave. if a man doesn't want to wear a wedding band. >> i think perhaps his commitment is not there as much as the bride who wants to wear the wedding band. the wedding band is a physical, emotional, spiritual connection to your partner and a commitment and of course, when your partner wears it out it says, that, hey, i believe to someone else. so for the good prince to not want to wear one, i think it goes back to some old sexist views that women are property to men. >> dave: well, i mean, when you're getting married in front of hundreds of millions, perhaps a billion people, every woman in the world will know he's married so he he doesn't need that mark, to take him off the market. >> that mark. >> dave: and a lot of people. look, i love that-- >> a mark. >> dave: worry a wedding ring, but it's different when you're prince william and a lot of of tweets my husband doesn't wear one we're celebrating our 30th, our 34th, our 40th and versus aand we're very happy and my husband never wore a ring. >> that situation where the couple made a decision together that he doesn't have to wear one. some guys don't wear it they may be allergic, i'm not joking, they may be allergic to the particular metal or-- no, no, no it's true. >> dave: find a different metal. >> no, it's true. and a father was allergic to a metal. one of the fox family and he couldn't wear one, absolutely. but we should let people know that the male monarchy for ages in england have not worn wedding bands, only the brides wear the wedding bands so these guys are following tradition, but that being said, prince charles actually did not wear one when he married diana, but then he wore it under his significant net ring when he married camilla parker bowles who was his soulmate. >> alisyn: what does that tell you, he wasn't committed to diana. >> i don't think he was ever that committed to diana, he always loved camilla parker bowles and i think perhaps our good prince william might be able to put another wrinkle into history, change things around and say now what, i think i'll wear one as an example to all of the commoners, so these guys may use this as an example not to wear one they think they're kings in their houses and they have to remember they're still commoners. >> dave: and kate middleton reportedly says she is he' okay with it. >> of course she is, what else is she going to say? she won the prize anyway. who to say. >> alisyn: he's okay for a prince. doctor, thank you for coming in, always a pleasure. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> alisyn: so fun. >> dave: coming up, at the top of the hour on geraldo rivera in the middle of the chaos in the battlefield in libya. he will check in with us in just a few minutes. >> alisyn: then, he spent 18 months at walter reed. now, finally, a wounded marine gets a homecoming of a lifetime. this will give you goose bumps. >> to come home, i love you >> to come home, i love you guys. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. . and minerals, juicy raisins and crunchy whole grain flakes. guess it's all about what kind of crunch you like. how are you getting 100%? i really didn't see it coming. i didn't realize i was drifting into the other lane. 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[ chuckling ] home and auto together. it's like peanut butter and jelly. oh, or like burgers and fries. or pickles and ice cream. unicorns and glitter! no? bundling to save you more. now, that's progressive! call or click today. >> alisyn: good morning, it is sunday, ape political -- april 3rd, we start with a "fox news alert." the southwest plane that had a hole bust into its cabin had at the same problem a year ago and it was supposed to be repaired. we'll talk to a passenger in the row right beneath the hole, coming up. >> dave: that is not compelling huff, geraldo, caught in the middle of a firefight on the ground, in libya. see him there, ducking as mortars fly by him, he's now safe and sound. and he will join us live in seconds. >> clayton: new video, too, unbelievable and a miniseries the kennedys didn't want you to see, the aptly titled "the kennedys" premiers tonight, fox and friends starts -- no, it and friends starts -- no, it continues, right now. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> alisyn: welcome back, we have, folks, to start with this "fox news alert," because you have to see this video. earlier today, our own geraldo rivera was caught in the middle of a firefight in libya. >> they are firing on us.... [gunfire]. >> they're firing at us, rpgs and mortars at us. >> dave: he's safe and sound and joins us live from benghazi, libya, and geraldo, did you fear for your life for a moment? >> reporter: well, it was longer than a moment, dave, it was, you know, the kind of situation where it evolved, kind of slowly. it started with the single sniper shot, we took cover from that, and, then, it just kind of started to escalate and the irregular forces, rebel forces behind us, fired their weapons and the qaddafi forces holed up inside the university of brega, a town 135 miles from here, started opening up with their rpgs and machine guns and weapons and targeted us, and, we there was a wild exchange, like a shootout, between two unruly gangs, or at least one unruly gang and that was the side i was on and professional qaddafi soldiers were dug in at the university in brega. every time they unleashed their salvos, the rebel irregulars would wildly retreat or fire their weapons, and it seemed to me the qaddafi forces would get our coordinates, where we were targeted, then let go with the rpgs and there may have been mortars involved, also, but it was a wild, wild scene, and, you know, i was as worried about getting shot in the back by the good guys as i was getting shot in the front by the qaddafi forces who are really holding that university now, with the rebel forces, semi-surrounding them. the regular rebel army has gone beyond brega, and these qaddafi forces are behind the rebel lines, but, they've got a tough position and given the absolute disorganization, bad training and, you know, absolute lack of chain of command, i doubt the rebel forces can dislodge those qaddafi loyalists inside that university, and let me just say, one thing, quickly, if i may. there's a lot of talk now, a lot of pressure on various powers, nato and the u.s. and others to arm the rebels and i swear to god, if you give these people weapons and more powerful than they have right now, there will be a grave danger to -- they'll be a grave danger to themselves and others. they don't know how to use these weapons and at the first sign of a threat they let loose the salvos and when you really have in coming and the enemy is fighting back, the time when real soldiers use their training and experience, and the chain of command and the sergeants and the captains and the other superior officers. >> eric: -- give their tactical commands, it is nonexistent in the rebel army. i may have said this before but they have the fire discipline of an l.a. street gang. it was really very worrisome. and, you know, you know, seeing the video, and hearing the shots kind of conjures up the bad memories. and this only happened, really, 2-3 hours ago. >> clayton: and we're seeing the in video that you have just fed in to us here and the rebels randomly firing into the air and we talked to chris wallace, right after your last report, last hour, and one of the fears chris mentioned of course was that washington, are we heading for a stalemate? i mean, you talk about this rag-tag army, you talk about qaddafi forces, which aren't going anywhere, and, is that the end game here? a stalemate? >> reporter: well, i'll take a stalemate, particularly if they would agree with cease-fire. the problem now is, there are still civilians in brega. it was with a -- i was with a fellow who was weeping because he couldn't reach his wife. there are still, you know, women and children in the cross-fire here. you know, it is a mess out there. a violent, treacherous, perilous, dangerous scene. and, the way i see it, right now, this is going to be a pendulum, a deadly pend -- and will swing when the kids run scared, confronted by a stout, well-led resistance. i think stalemate is exactly what it is. there is no way the qaddafi forces will cross that 135 miles of desert to get back to benghazi. that is a killing ground. the rebels don't succeed in doing it, the allied air power will. >> alisyn: geraldo, nothing illustrates better how perilous the situation is than the video you have fed in to us the last hour. be careful, and keep us updated, throughout the hour, with what is happening there. >> clayton: thanks, geraldo. >> reporter: okay. alisyn, and erika, i love you, honey, i'm coming home. >> clayton: his wife was worried, and you believe that from the video. another "fox news alert," shocking new government records show cracks were found and repaired a year ago, on that southwest airlines plane that made an emergency landing after a fuselage ruptured. the review of faa records for the 15-year-old plane showed at least 8 instances of cracking were found in march 2010. >> dave: wow, david mathias witnessed all of this, in seat 13a on the flight, just below where the enormous hole ripped. in the plane. >> alisyn: he joins us live from sacramento, california. good morning, david, nice to see you in one piece. obviously. tell us what your experience was, on the flight. >> you know, we were up in the air, and the attendants came around to take the drink orders and i was work on my fantasy draft in front of me, and all of a sudden there was a really, really loud pop. and, followed by a really loud whistling noise. and you didn't know what was going on, a few seconds later, the oxygen masks dropped in, and, you know, just like they say, you are supposed to listen to the instructions, and i -- held on with my hands for a while, and, the sucking noise let up a little bit but you could feel the pilot started to drop the plane, pretty fast, not like anything i -- out of control, but you could feel it going down and eventually we turned around and we were headed back to the south and somebody looked up and said, i can see sky through the ceiling, which got me really worried. and a looked out on the wing and could see in the shadow, something flapping on the top of the plane. >> clayton: you are right underneath the hole and put on the oxygen mask, what did you think was going to happen? panic? did you hear chaos? there are differing reports of what people were hearing on the plane. >> it was so loud with the wind, that outside of maybe a few seats around you you couldn't have heard anyone screaming anyway, but it wasn't -- everybody seemed calm. i think, everybody was just trying to figure out what was really going on. >> dave: obviously the first thought that runs through people's minds, is, is this it for you and you pulled out your cell phone and sent a text off to your wife that said the plane ruptured. were you saying good-bye to your wife? what else did you say and what was her reaction? >> i was shaking at the time and trying to write the text at the same time and the pilot came on with the announcement that he was going to try to get us onto the ground and i didn't text any more and then, i must have gotten coverage, because my wife called me right away and i talked to her, instead of texting. >> alisyn: you talked to her on the flight? >> yes. yes. she called me and i talked to her for a little bit on the flight and it was disconnected. >> alisyn: what were you saying to her? >> she said, are you kidding me? is it april fool's and after the day i had earlier, she said you have to be kidding me. >> dave: that was indeed april 1st but not april fool's. what was the scene like when you landed? was it exuberance? what was the scene? were people jumping and hugging? >> that's first wheel touched a couple people clapped and stopped until we completely were on the ground and were taxiing and then everybody cheered. and, as we were going up in the taxiway, there is a bunch of fire trucks and marines were out there, and they brought a stairwell up to the plane, pretty quick, and, got onto the plane, and made sure everybody was okay. checking everybody out, and, everybody seemed fine, again, everybody seemed pretty calm. just looking around, trying to figure out what was going on, and, then you could really see how big the hole was and i think everybody was probably actually happy they didn't know it was that big, until we got on the ground. >> clayton: well, it is remarkable, and, thank goodness, everyone is safe and sound, this morning, david, we appreciate you joining us this morning. i know the biggest thing that he was upset about, you had your pen in your hand for your fantasy team and the pen exploded because of the air pressure. >> yes, it did and right away, as soon as the popping noise went i looked down and i had ink all over. >> alisyn: we're happy that was the only casualty of the day, the pen! thanks for joining us with your personal story. >> dave: good luck on fantasy league! >> thanks. >> dave: coming up on "fox & friends," they've gotten billions of your hard-earned tax dollars for a bailout. so why are fannie mae and freddie mac executives taking home over $35 million? >> alisyn: congressman thaddeus mccotter, here with what he wants done about that. and imagine your neighborhood telling your child that he or she cannot play outside? it could happen in one community, one mother who thinks it is outrageous will join us, live. [ malannouncer ] 95% of all americans aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white eck. ever wish vegetables grain didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? >> dave: they got over $150 billion in bailout money, thanks to you, the taxpayers. that didn't stop top executives at fannie mae and freddie mac from taking home a combined $35 million in pay and fannie mae and freddie mac now want another bailout, joining us is michigan congressman thaddeus mccotter on the house financial services committee. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning. >> dave: the $35 million was six executives over the course of just two years and the fourth quarter of 2010, alone, $2 billion in losses for fannie mae and freddie mac. how that are they still making this kind of money? >> well, what we have done in the house, capital markets and government sponsored entities committee, we'll be marking up a bill, hr-121 which will put an end to it, and, have people making more what people in the government make, rather than people at fannie mae and freddie mac, these are entities that are too big and failed and the executives should not be reward with lavish beens or -- bonuses or comp. >> dave: here's a quote: we believe employing the level of talent, available at private sector pay scale is the most efficient way to provide the mortgage market services that are required. and, what is your reaction to the concept, that, well, in order to get out of the mess we are in, we have to pay top dollar, the most creative and brilliant executives out there? >> well, based upon past performance, what you see is their argument boils down to, you have to continue to pay the people who caused the problem to fix the problem and that sounds a bit dysfunctional to me. >> dave: you're looking at the pay of a couple of executives at fannie mae and freddie mac, $4 million, $300,000. and, here's the problem, we have had so many limits on executive pay and we have an executive pay czar and most of the legislation and the -- at least the talk from capitol hill was we'd have performance related pay. so, how did fannie mae and freddie mac escape those performance incentives that were supposed to be installed? >> i think, you are actually right, the talk about executive compensation that came out of the past democratic majority and administration looked at singularly private sector entities and they wanted the government's hands in there to determine what was quote-unquote a government mentally approved compensation package for executives and these are government sponsored entities and these are the entities that are underwritten by the taxpayers and, as you rightly point in time out, $150 billion, so far in the sinkhole, that constitutes these two entities and the government didn't seem to have a problem with that. and that is why we marking up hr-1221 in the committee, this week, is to show that these are people who rely on taxpayer dollars and is something that allows them more latitude to make mistakes and dig a deeper hole and we have to put an end to it. >> dave: can we survive without fannie mae and freddie mac, really quickly. >> we can survive anything, especially with the talent we currently see running those. >> dave: michigan congressman thaddeus mccotter, thanks for being with us this morning, we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> dave: coming up, charlie sheen's live stage show, torpedo of truth. more of a bomb. >> simon, are you ready? [audience booing]. >> ready for... you need to straighten up. >> dave: he's not winning. duh! and, imagine if your kids could not play outside, their own home. without your supervision, that is exactly what is happening, in one neighborhood and has a mother furious! she joins us live, next. ♪ what super fruit is taking america by storm? sunsweet ones. prunes? they're a delicious source of nutrients. wow! it's packaged by itself... that's fantastic! that is so juicy. this is delicious. sunsweet ones. over 400 million enjoyed, and counting. forty years ago, he wasn't worried about retirement. he'd yet to he of mutual funds, iras, or annuities. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement solutions for our military, veterans and their families. from investments... to life insurce... to health care options. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. those of us who know grass doesn't turn green just because the calendar says to. and that a big difference can grow from a small budget. for those of us with gssn our sneake... dirt on our jeans... and a lawn that's as healthy as our savis... the dayare about to get a whole lot green. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of well-grounded plants. with miracle-gro gard soil for just $3.9 we're low♪ ng the cost of well-grounded plants. ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog. >> dave: quick headlines, 11 minutes after, a new report shows hundreds of thousands of people that are dead are still listed as eligible voters in new york city. and this includes walter cronkite, lena horne, and, natasia richardson. the morbid mix-up could cost taxpayers millions of dollars a year for printing and postage and despite a deadly explosion at a deep water horizon rig in the gulf last year, transocean, gave senior managers bonuses, big ones, for safety, mind you! the company recognizes the tragedy but says it still exceeded certain internal safety goals. that is frightening. ali? >> alisyn: parents, listen to this story, it is incredible. a central florida homeowner's association is thinking of banning children from playing outside. and if they are caught playing tag or tossing a frisbee, their parents could be slapped with a $100 violation fee, shana with in that neighborhood with her two children and joins us this morning. >> good morning. >> alisyn: there was a homeowners association meeting on tuesday night. what did you hear, after the meeting about the new rule? >> well, after the meeting the liaison to the board rang my door bell and gave me a list of rules and the 4th rule on the list is that the children are not allowed to play outside. and they are not allowed to pay in the parking lot, not allowed to play in the front or the backs of any of the units but there is nowhere else for them to play besides those areas. >> alisyn: it doesn't make any sense. what is the homeowners association's rationale for not letting kids play outside? >> well, they say it is a safety issue, but, my older son, who is 12 now, has been playing there in that parking lot for the last 8 years, since he was four years old and there has never been an instance where a child has been hurt and never been any problems, really, i mean, except for a bunch of children that are running around, playing, you know, riding their bikes an skate boards. >> alisyn: let me give you a quote from the board member, kim scott says, i believe referring to renters and she said they came in and rent at a community without a playground and is not conducive to children and then expect the children to play of the driveway of the parking lots and you wouldn't see them playing in the parking lot of walmart or kmart but they come here and turn the children loose. does she have a point? >> well, people don't live at walmart for kmart and, we moved into a place they say wasn't conducive to children playing but they moved into an area that wasn't conducive to a 55 older or retirement community and our children have been meeting the adults halfway and is time for the adults to meet the children halfway. >> alisyn: in the rest of your life would you never allow your child to play in a parking lot. why is it okay there. >> we're in a cul de sac and the people that come in are the residents that live there and they all know that the children play there and is not like, they are shocked when a child is in the parking lot playing, everybody goes slowly and know the kids are there and the kids are familiar with having to move out of the way for the cars and this is nothing new, this has been going on for the 8-and-a-half years i have been there. and the kids have been out there playing. and, it never has been a problem, until now. >> alisyn: will you let your kids continue to go outside? it is a $100 per infraction fine. >> absolutely. i like to see them try to get that money out of me. >> alisyn: shonna, let us know what happens with this. thanks for coming in. >> thank you very much. >> alisyn: what is coming up... he spent 18 months fighting for his life at walter reed and the homecoming of a lifetime left the marine in tears. and, they may not have wanted you to see this movie, it premiers tonight, the real kennedys and we're talking the man behind the controversial film and the secret to looking like celebrities, might be in your backyard. we'll drink green stuff and see how good we look afterwards. ♪ [ mike ] my name is mike and i quit smoking. i knew for years before i quit that i needed to quit and i went online to find a way. ♪ what really excited me about chantix -- it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. while you'reaking the medication, for the first week, you can go ahead and smoke. 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[ le announcer ] ask your doctor about chantix. and find out how you can save money on your prescription. go to to get terms and conditions. >> jackie is a photographer for the times herald... >> oh, and jack... >> i read your column. >> i've read your speeches. >> you read the congressional record? the dullest thing on paper. >> that this is challenge. trying to find signs of intelligent life. >> dave: it is controversial and almost didn't air, tonight the 8 hour miniseries about the drama inside the kennedy family premiers. >> alisyn: joining us is the executive producer and writer of "the kennedys." good morning. >> good morning. >> alisyn: it garnered a lot of controversy in the months leading up to this air date. what makes it so racy? >> well, i don't know that it is particularly racy. it is racier, i suppose, than most of the others treatments the kennedy family have experienced. but, you know, i think the thing that is really important to stress here is that we made up nothing. everything that we have portrayed in the miniseries has been vetted by historians to the nth degree -- >> alisyn: but you made up lines and there is dialogue that you couldn't have known? >> right. and i think whenever you do a historical drama, not a documentary, it wasn't intended to be a documentary, when you do historical drama there will be scenes that there is no record of what the actual dialogue was. we do know when was said in the oval office and what was said in the cabinet room. there were tapes that were made by president kennedy, nixon was not the first to use tapes. but, in the bedroom upstairs, we obviously don't know exactly what was said. we do know, though, that for example, he had several affairs with women, we do know that his wife was upset by it. we do know that occasionally, she would take the children on a break and we also know that she came back. so, based on the things that we do know, as any historical drama does, you take the information you have, and you make the best guess you can, as to what might have been said in those situations. >> clayton: steve, let me throw the quote up on the history channel and this is what happened when it wf happened. after reviewing in the its totality, we have determined it is not a fit for the history brand and producers behind the series were conservative and the kennedys didn't want it to air. were there specific kennedys to spoke out about this? and that is why it was pulled? >> you know, guys, i know what you know. i have heard that there were specific kennedys that were not happy. but, they never contacted us and we didn't submit the material to them for their review. so, i think that the criticism, or the reasons that the history channel ultimately decided not to air the product, you'd have to ask them. >> dave: it has been reported caroline kennedy was influential in getting it dropped. on the flip side, the reviews, from the daily beast, it traded salaciousness for sugar-coating and the wall street post you could get more controversy by simply googling the kennedys. who might have made them so upset? >> well, look, i think any time you -- if we were doing a miniseries about my family, after i would ask you why, i would say that if there were things that had come out that were what i thought negative or -- i would be upset. i don't blame, if karl line kennedy is upset, because we have touched on areas that she would rather be left untouched, i understand that. it is her family. but, these are public figures, and they were probably the most iconic figures of the second half of the 20th century. and i think any time you expose elements of their lives, that are less than perfect, people in the family are going to be unhappy. >> alisyn: and some of the things they reportedly were unhappy about was a depiction of a pool scene between marilyn monroe and president kennedy and also, president kennedy's father having a mafioso so connection and, given the reviews that david read, did you make it too tame? >> no, i don't think so. because, we were not trying to be salacious. we were trying to tell in a -- i think, a respectful way, a story about these people using politics as the back drop for a telling of a personal side of their lives. and, i think the thing that people forget, when you look back, these people were so prominent, 50 years ago, i think the thing people forget is that they were so young, jack kennedy was 43 years old when he was elected, and jackie was 31 when she was -- became first lady. and i think these were people who were sort of forming their own personas, under the glare of this incredible publicity and pressure and we also wanted to show an element of growth from the beginning of the miniseries to the end in terms of where jack and bobby wound up. >> alisyn: you are the executive producer of "the kennedys" and airs tonight on the reelz channel, thanks for coming in with the preview. the rest of your headlines, i wondered why you were dramatically looking at me. >> dave: we always wait for you. >> alisyn: your headlines, two plant workers have been found dead inside the fukushima nuclear plant, officials said they died when the earthquake and tsunami struck. and, engineers are now working one plan b, to seal a giant crack in the reactor that is leaking radioactive water into the pacific ocean and they are using the concrete or that is what they tried to use, and that failed and they are now using a special polymer, instead. barack obama may be america's first billion dollar presidential candidate and some believe he's on his way to surpassing the $750 million he raised during his 2008 campaign. and mr. obama expected to announce his re-election bid, as early as next week. and, watch this story, an american hero receives a hero's welcome when he returns home, 27-year-old marine was given a police escort as hundreds gathered in virginia to watch him come home, and, he suffered serious spinal cord injuries in afghanistan, when i rode side bomb hit his humvee and the town pitched into make his house wheelchair accessible. >> this is... to come home, i... i'm a lucky guy. >> alisyn: the corporal volunteered for the marines after graduating from college. and, charlie sheen, kicked off his violent torpedo of truth tour in detroit last night and some say it was certainly not winning. many of the crowd bad as he went through the profanity-laced rant. >> ready? [audience booing]. >> everybody, you guys need to straighten up... musical number, to [bleeped]. >> alisyn: what did they expect, first of all? she started the show, by answering audience questions about his goddesses, and, using crack cocaine and hundreds of people walked out of the show before it was over and demanded a refund. >> dave: did they think they'd get the lawrence welk show. >> alisyn: that, i'm sure they did not. >> dave: i would have liked to have seen that. >> alisyn: your closet is not the only thing that needs spring cleaning. over to dave for what else we can do. >> dave: beauty detox details you are waiting for and your body needs spring cleaning and our next guest has five foods great for a beauty detox. ali come in here, i know you are paying a lot of attention. >> alisyn: i am! >> dave: certified nutritionist to the stars and the author of "beauty detox conclusion" kimberly snyder is here no great to be here, thanks, guys. >> dave: you have super foods, were t foods,watercress. >> it is great, these bitter greens clean out your system and bring more minerals to your skin and helps with the beautiful glow. and they arbiter but you can mix them with salads and other greens -- they are bitter and you mix them so the taste is not pungent and, apricots, beta carotene and vitamins a, c and e, great for your skin and they will be coming into season fresh and now they are dried and what you need remember about fruit, never eat fresh fruit for dessert. it will not be beautifying, for dessert. >> dave: i do all the time! >> it is like putting a ferrari behind the mack truck in the highway and causes a traffic jam and fruits in and out of your stomach 20 to 25 minutes and if you eat it after heavier foods it will sit there and bloat and ferment and your -- >> alisyn: only on the -- >> empty stomach or earlier in the day. >> alisyn: radishes. people think they are garnishes. >> i know, they are full of silicon and vitamin c and dissolve mucus in your body, a disgusting word but makes your skin more radiant as the minute yals g rales get to -- minerals get to your skin. >> heather: >> dave: and cucumbers. >> you see it has silicon, which makes your hair shiny and nails strong and more youthful and firms the skin. >> dave: the skin. >> i recommend buying organic, which is great. and, this as well, is also -- people think this is a garnish, but it is -- pulls heavy metals out of your liver and our livers are the main detoxifying organ and the more we support the liver, the more beautiful. >> alisyn: in the "after the show" show we are going to make... >> and, you add it to recipes and it is very, very versatile. >> alisyn: your book is "beauty detox solution" and stick around, for is the "after the show" show and we'll mix up a drink. and we'll all get super beautiful. if dave can wait that long. >> dave: i love it! this and a cheeseburger. we'll be back with you "after the show" show, coming up, we're dropping tomahawk missiles on libya and only imposing sanctions on iran, while mahmoud ahmadinejad develops nuclear weapons, our next guest has a startling way to change the game plan. >> alisyn: more than a dozen pregnant women past their due date, listen to this, kimberly, suddenly go into labor theft one thing they all have in common, they ate a certain lemon cup cake and it induced labor, immediately. we'll talk to the baker, and, one of the pregnant moms and her baby, all here! >> dave: a super food, huh! that is a super food, kimberly! woo! and also delicious. like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules. water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes, clear streams and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in-to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at >> dave: updating our top story, government records just released show cracks were found and repaired a year ago on this southwest airlines plane, that ripped open and a review of faa records, for the 15-year-old plane showed at least 8 instances of cracking in march of 2010. at 11:00 a.m. eastern time, today, the ntsb will hold a press conference, in yuma, arizona, and fox news will carry that live. so stay tuned. >> clayton: fascinating story. back in 2004, qaddafi dismantled libya's nuclear weapons program and allowed international inspectors to come in. and what if that never happened? michael orrin examined that scenario in the "wall street journal" earlier this week and, you sat back from the jaw-dropping analysis of all of this. thanks for joining us this morning. >> good morning. >> clayton: if he hadn't dismantled his program in 2004, where would we be today. >> many of the members of the collation including the u.s. might have thought many times before getting involved militarily in libya. i think that is one of the reasons that the iranians are quick to develop their own nuclear program and think it will deter countries from intervening and look taat the north korean example and draw conclusions from that and the only reason qaddafi didn't develop nuclear weapons, he saw how the u.s. treated saddam hussein and felt he was more vulnerable with a nuclear weapons program than without it and the iranians, also, suspended their program in 2003, for exactly the same reason. >> clayton: that was fascinating the idea the iranians were fearful the u.s. would respond militarily to them, the same way as in iraq and they started to tamp down the nuclear program, and, does your piece, then, make the argument for the u.s. to ramp up our military pressure on iran, once again? and an invasion? >> they have two policies, israel supports. the sanctions policies that have taken a serious bite out of the iranian economy and what happened, dampened -- which hasn't dampened the iranian leader's appetite for nuclear weapons and the policy of all options on the table and we ask the question, whether anybody in tehran really believes that all options are on the table and we'd like to see that that option, that policy be given greater credibility. we know that the iranians believe that there is a credible threat of force, if they believe that, paradoxically the chance the force will have to be used someday, is much less. >> clayton: let's move on to israel, another area of your expertise, obviously and the obama white house going to be meeting this week with israeli officials and, wondering where everything is moving right now, in israel. tension are high and attacks have been launched in the settlement area and a bus bomb in jerusalem and israeli family murdered by terrorists in their home. are we paying enough attention now to israel? or is the security around israel crumbling? >> not crumbling at all and in fact relations between israel and the u.s. on security issues is as good today as it has ever been, if not better. and extensive cooperation on anti-missile defense which is important, clayton, because in addition to all of those things you mentioned we were hit by 100 rockets and mortar shells from hamas in gaza and now are beginning to deploy the missile -- anti-missile systems we have developed together with the u.s. and, i think you can look at some of these events that have happened in israel and the murder of the family and the bus bombing and missiles in gaza and concluded there are elements in the middle east that want to take advantage of the chaos to extend their influence in the region and particularly the iranians, the major sponsors of hamas and hezbollah in lebanon. >> clayton: al qaeda, in their magazine, "inspire" i believe it is called, the glossy magazine by al qaeda, they say we need to take advantage of the arab spring. ambassador, great to see you, i'll link to it on twitter and, i'll send that out, thanks for joining us this morning. >> have a good day. >> clayton: what is coming up. >> alisyn: you won't believe the story, clayton and it may be hard for many of you to believe but 20 moms now square by it. lemon-drop cup cakes. from one baker, are causing pregnant women, past their due date to go immediately into labor! the woman behind the cup cakes and the new moms, they are our guests, yes. >> dave: we need samples. >> alisyn: you'll go into labor. >> dave: that is okay. it is worth it. like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. >> alisyn: all right, talk about a sweet delivery, lemon-drop cup cakes, sold at one virginia bakery, is being credited with helping 20 overdue moms to be, go right into labor. so is this bake shop delivering more than sweet treats? joining us from virginia, is the co-owner of capalino's crazy cakes, and, with her is lemon drop mom number 19, with her new baby, henry, born just two weeks ago, ladies, and henry, welcome! >> hi! >> hi, thanks for having us! >> alisyn: what are you putting in these cup cakes? >> just a lot of love. i mean, my brother, frank, is the baker, and so he makes all of the cup cakes. and, i make -- he makes the butter cream but i make all of the other butter creams like the lemon drop and lemon and mocha and raspberry. >> alisyn: what is the secret ingredient allowing all of these women to go into labor. >> it is a fluke! i mean, we like freshness and we use fresh lemon zest and lemon juice and we mix every, single one of them by hand. no mixers are involved. >> alisyn: the freshness is bringing fresh newborns into the world, and i want to hear your story. you were due on the 19th of march. >> i was. >> alisyn: you went to the doctor... the previous day and nowhere close to delivering and then what happened. >> correct and then i went into her shop to buy cup cakes for my husband's birthday, and, she said, have you heard about the lemon drop cup cakes that have made 18 other women go into labor and i thought it was a sales pitch and i thought, this woman is crazy, telling me she has these cup cakes and i was so pregnant and so ready to give birth, you know, and i had gone a week late weather my daughter, my first child and i thought, well, there is no way i'm going to go into labor soon and she gave me two cup cakes on the house and she say, eat these cup cakes and think happy thoughts and take a walk around the block and i thought, i am not walking around the block, but i will eat the cup cakes and i ate them, and i shared a little sliver with my daughter, jane and, i have to say, that night, i started labor, at 2:00 a.m., and had my son by 9:35 a.m. >> alisyn: my gosh! now, listen, ladies, we talked to our doctor, marc siegel, one of our medical a-team, and if there is any medical explanation for this and he said there are herbalists who believe drinking herbal tea with lemon in it can introduce labor, but, mostly he, this it is the power of suggestion. how do you explain what is going on here, dotty? >> well, you know, after the first -- when the first baby came she had -- when she tried everything under the sun, she said, you know what? give me a lemon drop, that is her favorite, and, she barely made it to the hospital. her water broke in the car. and, so, a few other women were filtering in, and, next thing you know, we're the talk of the prenatal ward, at martha jefferson. >> she is. my doctor actually heard about it. so... >> and so, i don't know what it is! i mean, i -- it is a fluke. but, when you have 20 babies, i think that is -- after the tenth baby, it was like this really isn't a fluke. >> alisyn: no, this is not a fluke, this is a bona fide trend, you are the co-owner of capalino's crazy cake shop and lauren, with baby henry, thanks for joining us and sharing your story and, if you can send the cup cakes, dave wants to test them to see if he goes into labor. >> alisyn: more "fox & friends" in two minutes, thanks, ladies. >> thank you! it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. tasty fib, that's a good one! ok, her mind. 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