>>'s your laser at? -- laser's at? [inaudible conversations] >> back of the car in handcuffs? >> yeah? >> why? >> because i put a flashlight on the helicopter. >> i didn't know it was a police helicopter. will: he was taken to a juvenile detention facility on a misuse of laser lighting device charge. a lot of of 13-year-olds -- pete: he might not have known that. how do you know it's a police helicopter? will: or even know that it's a really bad thing to do. nicole: well, he knows now. will: check this out. earlier this morning we introduced you to rock, a german shepard mix who's part of the fort worth police department's k-9 unit after officers rescued him a few months ago. rock and his handlers joined us earlier. >> we were looking for a dog that had high energy, and we wanted to see if we could find a rescue. rock turned out to be the perfect dog we were looking for, high energy and great drive. really a miracle. >> as an in ther, you're