[laughter] and, capable, great to see you -- cage, great to see you this morning. thank you all. >> tanks, will. >> thanks, will. will: dr. saphier p over to you. nicole: turning now to your headlines, iconic actor bruce willis honored at the 30th anniversary of pulp fiction with his fellow costars in tow. >> did you get this motorcycle? >> it's not a motorcycle, baby, it's a chopter. come on, let's go. >> what happened to my honda? >> i'm sorry, baby, i had to crash that honda. would you come on now, please? let's go, let's go, let's go. nicole: a hat that a says bruce as he continues his battle with dementia. chris pratt revealing he got hurt during a movie shoot and his hands -- his fans mow he's no stranger to making vicinities to the doctor's office. >> got a weird rash in my knee pit area and my tongue on in this side doesn't taste anything