included, human trafficking, and who's affected by that. at campus reform we have written about this. these campuses near the southern border are in the bottleneck of this border crisis. human trafficking up 26% alone in texas, and these statistics aren't showing these two epidemics, and our young college students having to get gas earlier in the day and they're having to change their daily lives because of this increase in crime. i have a sister who's a senior at tcu, and i'm even a little bit scared for her to go get gas past when the sun goes down. will: yeah. college campuses, look, the most interesting part of this, to me, is to note as sagar said, crime is down. it's absurd that you should send your kids to someplace where it is going against the national trend in the way of danger. i mean, that's just absurd. by the way, sagar and catherine are, thanks for getting up so early. catherine are, go have some fun today at the wedding --