rocking america throughout the year that is the crime crisis. there is a tragic story to report this morning. out of san francisco there is a 6-year-old boy, his name is jays young. he was playing outside with his friends, this was july 4th of 2020, actually, a group across the street from him where he and his friends were playing started firing and jace was shot and killed. the reason we are talking about that this morning one of the four suspects of the killing of the sweet little boy sean lumpkin he was recently found guilty of murder. is he now facing just 8 years in prison because he was tried as a minor. he was 17 years old at the time. he is 18 now. now jace's father is speaking out about this. he says that he actually voted for san francisco district attorney chesa boudin but he says that chesa boudin is to blame for this rising crime crisis and he has had enough.