complaints filed against her for attending because the tickets were 30,000 bucks. ainsley: and we had kevin mccarthy on talking about that. and he said you can't take -- someone can't buy that ticket for you. you are not allowed to take that as a gift. we don't know the story. we will figure that out. pete: she might be in trouble. ainsley: so obvious to play both sides. i really want to go to this, you know high brow she she event. steve: celebrates the rich. ainsley: i will wear a dress that says tax the rich that way i will representative poorer people that will benefit from that. pete: nice the rules don't apply to you and twitter will provide nice it. ainsley: 2.6 million followers. twitter doesn't want followers to see this. they actually removed from the search engine this post as well. ' because the two of you all are here and pete is working this weekend, too. you get to tell us what's coming up.