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america's 246th birthday. we have so many wonderful stories to bring to you tonight we display the best of our country. we talk to folks from all across the usa about being american and what july 4th means to them. >> i take a trip down to nashville and sit down with country music artist and very special guest that will include an exclusive live musical performance tonight that you do not want to miss. >> i will take you to new canaan, connecticut for a festive independence day celebration. we will hear from americans tonight at the site of the macy's fireworks show. get this, later jimmy will join us. it will be a good time. we will get washington, d.c. from the breathtaking parade there. i go back to my stomping grounds with my unit which i cannot wait for you guys to see. there will be live fireworks from our nations capitol. tonight we celebrate the red, white and blue and the freedom and all we love about the country. before we begin we want to take a moment to send our thoughts and prayers to highland park, illinois. a celebration of our great nation targeted by evil when a suspect opens fire on their july 4th parade. six people have lost their lives, 24 others are recovering from their injuries. we know now that the 22-year-old gunman was taken into custody within the last hour after a short police pursuit. thankfully, we are one step closer to justice tonight. let's take a moment to be grateful for what we have and hold are loved ones close. tonight is the night to set aside our differences and find unity in our patriotism. unity and patriotism. i love that. every time you hear about something like this happening, it's a shock. it's horrific. then you start to see the images of the victims and their beautiful faces. it just becomes an absolute gut punch. they were doing the right thing. they were celebrating our country. i'm sure they woke up excited to celebrate with their families and make a memory, a lasting memory and then something like this happens. where does that leave us? >> the celebration will go on. we will not honor the shooter here. i think it's important to honor the victims as well as talk about all those images that we are getting in the fantastic stories we got when evil was there. there were people within the crowd that made makeshift turner kits until law enforcement was able to rescue the people and get them to the hospital. as a result of that we have innocent lives that were saved as a result. we also have to remember that the gunman wanted to distract from this day. he wanted the celebration to stop. he wanted to be the person that we remembered today. that's why we will not say his name. we will not put his image up. we will celebrate this great country. we will celebrate the innocence of those today and remember their remarkable lives today. but we will also continue to celebrate memories as well as all the great stories that make america great again i think that's important tonight. don't let him get the glory. but the show must go on while still honoring those victims that we lost. >> those really brave people always show their true colors during times of terror and tragedy. what are your thoughts? >> i went to a fourth of july celebration yesterday in new canaan, connecticut yesterday and i saw these families coming out with picnic baskets at 5:00 p.m. they were ready for fireworks and getting there hours earlier. this is one of the few days off from work. i just imagine this parade at highland park, illinois and then mayhem ensued. one mom said she was there with her son. this happened when she heard the gunshots. could not get the local store she found an alley with the shooting happening henbrant into the alley and put her son in a dumpster to protect him and walked past bodies. i know this is hard to hear. this is the reality on fourth of july. but to your point, we will remember the victims. the great american heroes who showed up in that moment. >> absolutely. one of the unfortunate things that happened after a tragedy like this is it tends to divide us even more than it does unite us. >> politicians will do politician things. we are not politicians. we will not do those things. this is an act of terrorism, plain and simple. they try to use evil to distract us and hurt us and stop us from celebrating what is important to us. it's not a show must go on. this country will go on. >> we will celebrate. >> absolutely. staying with the theme of unity and politics, some of the moments that stick out the most to me when you think about the recent history of our country are moments of unity when the left and right come together. one of the things that sticks out the most, do you remember when nancy pelosi and paul ryan came together after the congressional baseball game shooting? i think those moments really speak to people because they are unexpected and also decent. most americans are somewhere in the middle. they are not too far to the left or right. we do like seeing those in unity. >> we will talk about all these fantastic stories of great americans coming up. let's talk about some of our heroes and our great americans that we celebrate. and joey, who is your favorite? the next brigadier general. some of you might know him as actor jimmy stewart. he served in world war ii and vietnam. he lost his son in vietnam. he served in the united states army and air corps for almost 40 years or 50 years. i can't remember the number off the top of my head. a real quick story. jimmy stewart was too skinny to join the army in world war ii. he went to the studio weightlifter and his job for movies and said i need to gain weight for a roll. he got 20 pounds on and instead of went to the movies he went to the office for world war ii. we need those people everywhere. those are the kind of people we want to celebrate. a lifelong republican and a friend of ronald reagan. >> who is your favorite american? >> i've got to go with billy graham. they called him the presidents pastor. he advised every pastor going back to world war ii. what comes to mind is george w. bush said this about billy graham. billy graham has been an my life. no one can be president without understanding the power of prayer without faith. billy graham helped me understand that. you cannot overestimate what this man has done for history. it's a steady thread running through our country. >> that's right. my favorite hero is frederick douglas. i have his tattoo on the right side of my arm. so often people want to air grievances on the 4th of july. frederick douglas gave the speech what does fourth of july mean to slaves? he talked about how he loved the country, but he wanted the country to live up to his value system which is what people want to criticize today. america is not bad. there are evil people. there are people that do mid-do not live up to the founding document. we had a bad american that harmed innocent americans. we celebrate the good of america. we want america to live up to the founding documents, but we love this country. that's what we will celebrate all night. >> somebody didn't pick ronald reagan. conservative legend and a great communicator. somebody who stood for family values, deregulation, lower taxes. it feels like we are in a duplicate time of the carter administration where you have somebody in the white house saying don't worry. put a sweater on. maybe there will be a repeat of reagan come next presidential term. we will have to wait and see on that one. my favorite american is ronald reagan, but also dolly parton. >> everybody loves her. >> she's a perfect person. she is so talented. going back to unity, she doesn't get political. she is somebody that everybody can love. she is a real american icon. >> if you go to dollywood which is not far from me, she has a cabin she grew up in that she moved to dollywood and it shows you she has not forgotten where she came from. she has a book program where she sends books to schools. there so many things that she does. i don't know what her politics are, but she does love people and she cares about people. >> no one says a bad thing about dolly. >> i met her twice. she came to fox news and the first time i met her i didn't even expect her to be in so early in the morning. but there she was in full makeup. i turned the corner and i almost ran into her. she said hey there, cowgirl. never has a girl from new jersey been called a cowgirl quite like that. there is also something that happens every fourth of july that we have to talk about. it's the nathan's hot dog eating contest. it is an iconic american tradition. whether you think it's great or gross, joey chestnut won again. something very interesting happens. she got to judge it. mid-hot dog eating contest joey chestnut with a mouthful of food puts a protester in the headlock. it was an animal rights processor and he still won. >> he brought him over and he started stuffing hotdogs again. they always have a trick up their sleeve. >> the protesters are trying to keep up with climate change. >> we need attention too. >> i cannot watch it. i had it on. i listened to the commentary. they are he is doing what he does. he ate three, i believe. >> carly has been so modest. she is so fit. you would think she doesn't eat. she could win the contest. >> joey and i hosted "fox & friends" all week last week and one morning he brought doughnuts in. i could have kissed you on the cheek. when you wake up that early. >> these weren't just donuts. they were individual cakes size doughnuts would sprinkles and all the good stuffs. >> where did you get those? >> i don't remember the name of the place. >> you just triggered a memory for me. when i was in high school i won an eating competition. it was just amongst friends. i bet you can't eat 20 white castle burgers in an hour and i did. >> u you 820? >> white castle burgers are small. >> i didn't want to tell my mom. >> i grew up in a house where we ate at my grandmas house with my uncles and me. i won an eating contest when i had a plate before everybody else. we had an eating contest every night just to get dinner. >> let's go to christina coleman who is standing by in manhattan. what are american saying out there in the big apple tonight? >> reporter: i can tell you millions of americans here in the big apple and all across the country are gathering to celebrate this great country and america's birthday. we are along the east river where people are gathering for the macy's fireworks show. people are piling in here. they have been showing it all evening long. some of them decked out in red, white and blue to show us their patriotic spirit. i caught up with a few of them. >> i love it. it's beautiful. >> what i love most about it is the variety of people, the freedom we have and the ability to communicate and have everybody be united. >> reporter: all over the country as people got together to celebrate the fourth, many of them gathering after watching parades. on the west coast near the beach family and friends gathered for the 13th annual santa monica fourth of july parade. many were cooling off at the beaches nearby as they do on the west coast. a lot of them hanging out and partying and enjoying a great time. back here out east i've got to tell you there was the iconic nathan's hot dog eating contest as you guys mentioned. the winner inhaling 63 hotdogs in 10 minutes. it was so funny when you talked about it. i know where all that food goes. his 15th time winning it. this happened just hours before people gathered here along the east river for the macy's fireworks show. >> i'm so excited because i love seeing fireworks. they are beautiful and the sky. >> we vacation here quite a lot and i love the way you all come together on occasions like this. >> reporter: as you can see a lot of people proud of this great country showing off there american pride and spirit. showing off how happy they are to celebrate the freedoms that we have here. you can take a look here along the east river, so many people showing up just excited to be here. i cannot wait to see the fireworks show. it is exciting and the big apple and all across the country. back to you. it's good to have you in new york city. great reporting out there. don't go anywhere. more of our independence day celebration when we return. including our trip to santa monica pier for the 4th of july with jimmy. >> reporter: if you could go to any celebrity party where would you go? >> snoop. >> reporter: snoop's fourth of july party. [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪ music playing ♪ [ singing ] welcome back. we showed you how new york celebrates their independence. what about the west coast? we join jimmy who takes on the party in los angeles. how is it going out there? >> when i saw my four best friends at fox, i've got to be honest. i thought i was being set up for an intervention. if you can confirm that we are just hanging out and it's going fine. >> who let jimmy out? he is supposed to be in a cage. >> this is the most colorful i have ever gotten. >> i am digging the paul revere look. >> i knew that was going to come. i am not a red coat. >> on this night only we will defund the fashion police. we have defunded them. we are out here in the land of $7 a gallon gas. if you think the prices are high, you should meet the people. my goodness! what a great town. it's a great town, but it's on fire. i want you to know this. the people of la are very passionate about the 4th of july. i went to the pier that you are about to see and they were into it. i almost felt underdressed. i look like i am an evil knievel prodigy. it was great. >> jimmy, please show us some of what you experienced. >> let's take jimmy to the peer. we are here at the world-famous santa monica pier celebrating america's 246th birthday. that's right. america the same age as joe biden. today we will ride some rides and make friends and get a contact high along the way because it's california. come on, let's go! we are celebrating america's 246th birthday. what your relationship with america? are you in love, going steady or want to see other countries? >> i am a disabled veteran service. >> this is a american hero who understands how lucky he is to live in this country, correct? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: who do you trust with their medical advice? dr. fauci or dr. dre? >> dr. dre. >> dr. dre. >> dr. fauci. >> reporter: it's california. that's what's up. if you could go to any celebrities fourth of july party, any celebrity, who would you go to? >> snoop. >> reporter: snoop's fourth of july party. >> morgan wolin. a little country music action. >> reporter: what is your relationship with america? >> i have been hitchhiking across america recently. i've been talking to a lot of people. like the past month and a half. >> reporter: do people still pick you up at $7 per gallon? >> it takes about an hour to get picked up. sometimes it's two hours. >> reporter: do they want you to chip in? >> only in texas have they asked me for money. >> reporter: if you could give america anything for its 246th birthday what would you give it? >> piece. >> reporter: that will do it from the santa monica pier. happy 246 america, you girl. i will walk back to the hotel. i have too much of a contact high to drive. what a town. the absolute best. >> doesn't that outfit make me look like the lead singer of a boy band called the wrong direction? >> where did you get that? i want it. >> i got it outside a thrift store. they were rejecting the donation. >> they are loss. >> the only thing more american is if you had a pack of lucky strikes. that would have been a little bit more greasy. >> that would have been john draper like. >> you fell off the ferris wheel wheel. but it was great. god love america and god love you guys doing what you are doing. you look like a million bucks. >> so do you for someone who wanted to defund the fashion police. you became a fashion icons. look at that outfit. >> stay high out there and don't come down. have a good time and we will see you when you get back. >> usa, happy birthday america. we will turn to our nations capitol in washington, d.c. marine corps barracks at the intersection of those two streets. every year from memorial day until labor day they do what they call a parade which is a ceremony out on this parade deck which is used by the marine corps. it's a silent drill team. we sent the camera out there. let's take a look. i am proud of it. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the core marine barracks washington, d.c. tonight we celebrate the hallmarks of this barracks. >> this is the first time. ♪ music playing ♪ >> everyone's favorite part of the parade is the platoon. they perform everything without cadence. >> we go through the 16 hours days for a month straight. then we take about 15 or 20 people from that. it's taxing because we go three or four times before we come out and do a performance. ♪ music playing ♪ it's very rewarding. the marine corps is one of the best things you can do. that brings back memories. that's a beautiful place. >> they also have the marine band. that is the presidents own. i love the marine band. they are the best. we danced to frozen at the white house christmas party. they bring joy and happiness. >> all the ceremonial aspects of the marine corps. the burrville team is a big deal. the drill team, the marine band and some of the ceremonial guards from around their live there and work there. we always hear about the tomb of the unknown soldier. the bar real team goes out and performs burials for the marines when the marine is killed in action marines bury that person. they can start on the offensive line. >> thank you to lieutenant olson he is an absolute rock star. >> i love how in sink they are as they are marching, literally together. all of our military, but the marines always in unison together. >> we have the best looking uniforms. we like to show it off. >> there are people from other units watching now. >> they might say they are better, but our blues get it done. >> you can watch that for free every week. >> every friday night. if you cannot make it out friday night go to the marine corps iwo jima monument in arlington every wednesday night at sunset. they also do a silent drill team exhibition there. >> that is beautiful. >> celebrate america every day. check that out. later on tonight we will head back to our nations capitol for the fireworks show in washington, d.c. stick around. still ahead, joe we will return to his old marine unit to recognize the unsung heroes of combat and celebrate the true meaning of service this fourth of july, coming up right after this. [ singing ] ♪ music playing ♪ ♪ music playing ♪ [ singing ] we are celebrating independence but for that you need service and sacrifice. two words that probably best sum up the united states marine corps in a place i recently traveled up to camp pendleton in southern california to visit first marine eod company. that's my unit. that's where the bomb techs are. i had a chance to reunite with some of the guys i served with over in afghanistan about a decade ago. i am getting their take on the true meaning of service and sacrifice. let's take a look. i spent 10 or 12 years since we were all together. it was one of the hardest deployments in that timeframe ever for this job. here we are 12 years later and you are still wearing the badge. >> we adapted quickly because we were scared. we saw the effects of ied and how fast they proliferated. >> it's a little bit of alpha because you are proud of doing your job and you do wear a badge when everybody else is going backward you are going forwards into it. that's it. >> it's similar to the fire department department in a lot of ways. but what may be different is that eod neutralizes explosive threats, the full range, in order to collect. in order to collect information that leads to some type of targeting cycle. that's what i think makes us a little bit different. we were there with about 80 marines total with our two platoons together. eight of them were killed in action. that is 10%. that is not counting how many other that were severely wounded. 100% voluntary. why do you want to be an eod tech? >> i did it originally for 9/11. i was in college and saw the world trade center go down. i decided that is what i was going to do. it's one of the few jobs that you can do everything right. do everything by the book. but you can still be at high risk for something going wrong. something that you didn't anticipate. there just about a million things that can go wrong. >> when you talk about this job being dangerous, why do you enjoy? >> you get to blow things up. everything is a thinking problem. it's a threat analysis. somebody who likes doing puzzles. >> what's going on in ukraine right now? you see it on the news. a guided missile in somebody's living room. who will deal with that? that is pure eod work. >> the movie top gun just came out, the second one, maverick. i have always told people the one thing about the first movie i liked was the volleyball scene. the reason why everybody sees that scene and all they see are good looking men which shirts off. but what they don't see is a community doing something that is not work-related, but it's very much important to doing the job and being a team. the whole movie is about people learning to work well together. that's what it is. you have a volleyball court here. what is the culture of eod that people who have watched top gun can understand? >> the volleyball. is critical to building camaraderie. guys are yelling and screaming and hooting and hollering at each other. they are going back and forth to get them off there game. you build a community on any field that you play on. that volleyball is a way to release steam. >> would you call yourself a hero? >> no, not by any stretch of the imagination. >> would you call him one? >> i would call him one, but he wouldn't like it. >> would you call him one? >> i would. this is a family. we are really linked very closely because of the things we deal with and the things we have dealt with in the past. our families are tight. marines are tight. it truly is a community made of pretty intelligent and special people. >> what are some other things that memorialize the sacrifice for the guys we knew that we don't see anymore? >> i would say the rose garden. we have a rose for everyone we have lost in eod and essentially of brick or a plaque. >> it does tell a story. what it doesn't do is it doesn't tell the story of the injured marines. these are the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice. understanding that, if we were to place a rose for every marine that suffered some type of physical or mental injury, there wouldn't be enough space in the rose garden. >> that got me a little bit. those two men, the baldheaded guy with the mustache was my boss. he was just becoming an officer. the other guy did my post flash. he picked my pieces up off the battlefield. they also trained me as the new guy going into war. real quick on the volleyball court. that was a brand-new building. when we deployed in 2010 we left from a building that was a condemned maintenance space. it wasn't supposed to be used in the last 30 years. they built that while we were gone and move them back into it. the volleyball court was a pretty parking lot. the first thing the eod techs did when they got back from deployment was grab the hammers and made the volleyball court. that tells you everything you need to know about eod. >> we got a little bit of a sense of it in your piece, but just elaborate on the camaraderie that you feel with somebody after you served together and go through something dramatic like you did. >> the marine eod community is specific. you have to go into it as 21 years old. if you are married you have to have a signed letter of permission from your spouse. you can only volunteer into it. they cannot tell you to do it. you have to be a sergeant to go into it or eligible to be one. it's a high stress job. what happened is there were only 285 when i went in. there is way less than 1000 now. you can die on a wednesday on a range on camp pendleton. it's not just combat. the way you relieve that as we were sitting in a bar in the unit where they work. that bar is a memorial and also functional. when we were at war if you came to work and turned around the corner and the beer lamp had been lit by the commanding officer everyone had to go get burgers and go to the volleyball court. we would drink beer and eat a burger and celebrate the life that we lost for the rest of the day no matter what was on the schedule. we will make it up tomorrow. it's a much different marine corps and different military now. but that's what it takes to serve for 20 years taking bombs apart every single day and deploying every 12 months. i got to be in it for a few years. they are my heroes. >> i was just going to say you mentioned that you lost 10% of your unit in one deployment underscoring the amazing sacrifices. we are here to celebrate because it them. >> i was curious, what was it like reliving that moment? >> this was super special. they are both at the top now. we started at the bottom together in our ranks. they are about to retire out. it was closing the last page of an important chapter of my book. >> i love the moment where you asked them if they thought they were heroes and the other person. i know that no veteran wants to be called a hero. every single one is. helping veterans heal from the wounds of war through song. a marine puts his experience to music with help from nashville is a best. later, kailee will take us to connecticut for an all-american fourth of july. [ singing ] ♪ music playing ♪ [ fireworks ] , near [ singing ] welcome back. you will love this. there is an organization called create a vet which pairs military members with incredible singers and songwriters and allows our american heroes to express their war stories through song. the goal is to help the servicemember heal through music. i recently traveled to nashville to meet with clifford mcmahon and country music star cameron marlow. check it out. >> i was raised by my single mother. i was with my four brothers and sisters. i had a lot of responsibility raising my brothers and sisters. eventually i ended up running away when i was 13. i moved from house to house with friends. i eventually settled in with my girlfriend at the time and my now wife. when i graduated high school i could have went to college, but i decided i wanted to join the marine corps. i went to boot camp a month after i graduated high school. >> i think a lot of people in your shoes would be bitter or angry. but you have used those challenges to motivate you. where does that come from? >> growing up was hard. but no matter what happened to me, i felt like i couldn't truly do anything. i attributed that to america and the opportunities we have. i wanted to serve and preserve that for future generations and my own kids. >> what was your combat experience like? >> my company was the main effort at the time. we got into fights every day. one of my longest days that i was there probably 18 hour day. we took a pause and found out we were on top of an ied that happen to not be plugged in at the time. we got lucky there. but i also think about the best day over there. we went to a compound and knocked on the door and they invited us in. all the men were out in the courtyard and there were children running around super happy. >> what do you want the song to be about? >> i wanted to be about no matter where you come from you can make it here. and with that, this service as well and the sacrifice that comes along with it. >> it's a beautiful story and maybe it can help other people who hear the song along the way going through those difficult times as well. alright. are you ready to meet cameron marlow? >> i am nervous but excited. >> you are two of the best in country music. it is cool of you to take some time to do this. you just heard cliff's story. now you have to turn it into a song. one thing i personally thought was incredible about your story is just how you turn something bad into something positive. >> we will encapsulate your story and your thoughts and make sure we nail those. that's what we will fight through today. >> thank you. maybe we can get the family sacrifice too. at the time my wife was pregnant when i was deployed. she was pregnant a week before i left and that was on my mind a lot when i was over there. >> anything that stood out particularly about his story that you want to hit on in terms of lyrics or anything? >> definitely. the way that you kept going when life had its time with you. that is one thing i want to make sure we get there. we want to make sure she stood up and keep fighting. >> we head an idea. we don't deserve to live this. ain't no way you and me will go through half as much as they will. ♪ music playing ♪ >> [ singing ] ♪♪ [ singing ] ♪ music playing ♪ god bless the ones who raise their hands. the ones who brought them home. god bless the ones who gave their lives, the families that paid the price and gave it all just to see them again. we don't deserve to live this free. there ain't no way with you and me. ♪ music playing ♪ [ singing ] ♪ music playing ♪ [ singing ] [ fireworks ] and i've kept it off for over a year. i was skeptical about golo in the beginning because i've tried so many different types of diet products before. i've tried detox, i've tried teas, i've tried all different types of pills, so i was skeptical about anything working because it never did. but look what golo has done. look what it has done. i'm in a size 4 pair of pants. go golo. (soft music) it's dinner time with family and your heart is filled with bliss. but as you eat the roasted goose, your little sport incists. hey dad, did you know america is racist? your shocked with grief when suddenly george washington bursts through. he snatched the screen and changed the thing to an app called prageru. there's content for your child's mind to fight the leftist lies. and if you give your child a chance to watch and grow. they might burst forth like washington, a true american hero. make a tax-deductible donation at i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ after my car accident, ♪ call owondnder whahatmy c cas. eight million ♪ so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris ♪ ♪ >> we just had the most amazing tribute to all veterans, specifically second lieutenant m cmahon and carmel we wanted to keep you a little longer to talk about, an incredible job. we were all in tears over here, but can you tell us a little bi about the song writing process for it i think when you hear songs on the radio you don't think about the fact that they do you have to do that from scratch. we walked in and we didn't know what to expect great we hadn't gotten a chance to listen to th story which is so cool about th creative effort. we got to listen to a story and write a song around that great we try to make sure that the story was told very. >> i know he created the boundary and he was so excited when he said that you were the guy. what makes you want to do this? you're volunteering your time very few not getting paid to do this great. >> absolutely. i'm such a big supporter of our troops in such a big supporter of our veterans. the project that they have it i so cool and nice to write with veterans it's like a new avenue for them to release some stress. to get you really fill out the family elements. pregnant wife at home waiting, it can encapsulate the story. tells a little bit about that. >> in his story he was telling as he was overseas will his wif was at home and that is such a terrifying thing for her i'm sure. and we wanted to make sure we had that in the song. >> so often songwriters think that will make it about them yo really made it about the story. you can really sing. the lyrics themselves and can combination, it really just hit all the elements of the story. how hard was that the hit that note? >> we wrote this song the day that you saw with the whole right there hit it just didn't feel like we nailed it yet, so we had to make sure we got back and took another two days to write back with him and get the song where it needed to be. >> thank you for joining us for a minute. now your music in tv star. >> thank you you are a star all around great if you want to donate go too creative great this is a therapy for veterans, so there are so many that do want to experience what cliff was able to experience an hopefully we can get more veterans. >> kameron marlowe, beautifully done. we have much more for you tonight. i caught up with folks and foun out what independence day reall means to them. we learned about some of their favorite traditions. ♪ get what is this all about? >> it's all about independence day, celebrating our freedom. it's all about being grateful for what we have. >> we used to just come with four of us now you can see ther are about 20 of us that will be here. we get together with friends an family and we have a great time. >> what does fourth of july mea for you? >> time to celebrate our country , our beautiful country. i'm proud to be part of america and it's time to celebrate and half unpaired. >> we are all americans no matter what color, religion, anything. in matter what we do for a living. >> this event we are at the biggest event that you guys hav all your. tell me a bit about it. >> it's one of those events tha everybody comes to. it's a must attend event for there are 20,000 people here an we get as many as 5-8,000 peopl that come up. >> that's about 30 percent of the town. >> what a beautiful town. >> i can talk about it. new canaan is the quintessentia new england town. it's norman rockwell as far as the people they come here, they live here, and they stay here. if they move away for a little while, they come back. >> it's mostly just about being america and celebrating all the past soldiers and i think this is a big remembrance of who we are. >> are you from new canaan are where are you from? >> i am. >> i think it seems to say you win best outfit great i saw you from across the field with this beautiful american flag. it is gorgeous. what does fourth of july mean for you? >> freedom. >> freedom. we are allowed what we to do what we like to do in america. >> happy fourth of july. >> happy fourth of july. >> this was just a marathon. you're typical traditional, albeit a little bit hyped up fourth of july because about 30 percent of the town. at mean ten people. norman rockwell is what this town looks like. >> that is amazing. >> good job. >> more to come after this. ♪ >> we continue here with our independence day coverage live from new york city. >> we want to say a big thank you for these incredible stars and stripes here on the set of fox square. just announced on the tower is expanding its mission to tackle that veteran homelessness crisi across america. there are nearly 20,000 homeles veterans using living in the u.s. and tunnels to tower our term determined to do something about it. let's listen to this sites and sounds of independence day across america. ♪ >> all that color and. >> would you like about the fireworks? lurches so-called. >> i like watching them because they are really sparky and they're really shiny. >> childhood memories, i remember going to the beach for the family and having barbecues. get the land of the free. >> we are here just to have som fun. >> a pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. >> into the republic for which it stands. >> one nation under god. >> individual and justice for all. ♪ >> i feel like i should eat another hotdog. a gate this is what it's all about. americana, celebrate with friends and family. barbecue, patriotism. positive stuffit. >> all the positive amazing stuff. it is something we don't reflec upon enough, but you win the lottery just by being born american. think about the millions of people that were born in north korea or venezuela or saudi arabia and because we by the grace of god we're born in this country, a country that celebrates individual freedoms and liberties, we get to live i a great country that honors freedom, other people don't get to say that. get one of my favorite fourth o july memories as i went to the family party we are always at the beach, and i got to meet a veteran marine, a hero and i sa him dialog with an individual going into the service himself to see someone who was going to be a serviceman talk to a veteran from vietnam. >> you're right. there is a solemn meaning to it but there's also some fun. some of my favorite memories include fireworks and people almost getting way more out of hand and hurt with them. but let me just say for everybody out there, be safe with your fireworks, but have a good time. bottle rockets can be a weapon so be careful. i had in opportunity to visit navy seal museum. he had been through so much he was on the verge of retiring bu thanks to his amazing canine wh is a decorated veteran he would discover his heart and mission beyond expectations. he continues to serve his country. we conceal his identity, but yo will love his heartwarming stor with the bond he shares with hi extraordinary dog. take a look. >> navy seals, we are at the national navy seal museum in we're getting ready to intervie one of the most decorated canines in active service member . let's go. >> okay, active-duty. tell me about our girl. >> she is a bell bell jamal markham and he is that in canine . i was a recipient of raptor through the navy seal canine project. to give you a back story, i had just come back from overseas. i had a gunshot wound and i had tbi. the onset of ptsd. i was headed for retirement and i was approached by phil ryan timothy navy seal museum canine project. the next thing i know, i have raptor. at that time i was not real mobile. mentally i wasn't real good, so every day, it forced me to get up when i was here and move wit her and learn focus again and learn to move basically. the project was amazing. my healing was tremendous from that point on. >> could she sensed what was going on with you? >> she did. sheet new my limitations. she almost took me at her pace, pushed me to her pace. >> and because of her, he went back in. >> exactly. i was way ahead of schedule. they were surprised that i had recovered the way i did. and that led me back into going back into service again. when i was headed for retirement , i wasn't ready. this dog and the k9 project got me back where i needed to be. >> that dogs can see beyond the flesh. we might look at the veteran an they might say, my dog is sayin you're not, so with that ability , the dog is there to heal the operators. the spirit behind the training is everything we do is obedienc under stress. >> let's do this. >> raptor is active to. she has done five deployments and has saved many lives and ha been an incredible partner. during the process she received in metal for her exceptional service and the global war on terror. >> believe in our country in th flag. for stars and stripes, i was raised to defend the nation in to protect the weak. >> wow. >> do you see the tradition fro being so cutaway. >> she fell asleep on your lap, but tried to take your arm off. >> when you put on the body suit , all bets are off right it started off is recovery for thi tv seal and because of how good she was you went back to serve the country. i'm sure you know what these pets are going through as they transition back. >> one of the aspects, you have to be responsible for yourself first coming avett when you hav a family there is something different about animal that can't communicate fully. it's been amazing packets, thos are good were dogs. it's not a german shepherd, som people think they are, they're lot smaller and also let me know . they can transition to be a vet. >> she was not leaving your side . >> i can tell his name, but i met them a year ago at the patriot awards and immediately she remembered my sense. i thought she was joking. she remembered the scent and we were as thick as thieves. >> were you nervous to put the suit on? >> they had to convince me to d it. >> that's what i was trying to. so i could put the suit on, i put i stepped in that position for a reason. >> steady, how hard was that? it was through that suit. those jobs, they are trained to go for specific places. >> after switch it on and be cuddly and be around family and friends in then go into war as well. >> i don't want to shut. so we have fireworks. >> we have a very special treat for you. check this out. here is the fireworks display o the national mall in washington dc. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ kk ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ ♪ singing ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you just witnessed the fireworks display on the national mall in washington, dc to celebrate our 246 independence day. at beautiful display. did you know 700,000 people gather to watch the fireworks i washington, dc. kayleigh i'm sure you know that firsthand. >> it's so beautiful. you have that opening shot on the washington monument than yo have the lincoln memorial reflecting the opening shot reidhead fireworks going up on both sides. with our nations monument in th background. no more patriotic scene on this fourth of july than that pricking its patriotism on top of patriotism. fireworks on the fourth of july on the national mall. >> i kept saying when one is th grand finale. no, that's a grand finale. that's the grand finale. >> i want to see the explosions. i didn't know it was 700,000, but i knew it was a whole lot because i walk through them on these legs a couple of years ag it was worth it. a lot of work, but worth it to get down there and see those fireworks live. >> incredible. we still have work for you. we had to boston to light up th night sky. in honor of america's birthday. don't go anywhere. ♪ singing ♪ this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪ ♪ singing ♪ >> happy of worth of july. fox news was in boston all week long as a part of her proud american special coverage where we visited so many historical sites having to do with america's founding like the oldest commission worship and the entire world which is calle the usf constitution constitution which has been in service since 1797 the site of the boston tea party where colonist poured tea at the boston harbor. we even made it to boston counter fest, one of our favorite moment capped off a celebration with fireworks on the harbor. take a look. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> beautiful, icy over there on the finale, which was better? kk that one was better. >> come on, dc. you just witnessed the foxnews contribution to the fourth of july. beautiful fireworks over boston harbor. they will be bringing us so muc history as it relates to our nations founding all week long. she did such a fantastic job. >> i and living watching her sh always brings so much good stuf but the history so much is interesting. >> alone for the first time in almost two weeks and i've got a footlocker full of fireworks that i have had for a few month or i'm going to try to give tha see if i can give them a run fo his money. we have a lot of great firework bear. >> okay. to be careful, guys. i've been reading fireworks horror stories. i'm all all about my twitter feed. fireworks big and small, i remember when i was a kid you had the sparklers and you would write their name with them and the ones that you threw on the ground and they would pop. i love those. it was a natural organic fireworks. beautiful. our foxnews independent day celebration continues next. ♪ singing ♪ >> we're still celebrating america. y'all, this has been just electric, such a great time being with y'all, highlighting the very best of america. no somber mess, none of that. just celebrating the country. been a long time. >> carley: this really has been a wonderful two hours like you said to celebrate the country. a little muggy out here. aside from that it's been wonderful. what was your favorite part? >> lawrence: i think i'm a child because i love the fireworks, i really do. it takes me back to that time when my family would get together. i don't care if we were arguing or fighting or we didn't like each other at the time. we were going to watch the fireworks. >> kayleigh: that's great. i will say my daughter was supposed to make an appearance, we had this beautiful american flag dress and i said come down from the office and my husband said she's in a sweater and a diaper. so i wish she could have made it. >> joey: i have a little girl at home just be happy she has the sweater and diaper on. there comes a point they just want -- they have a naked phase. we've gone from california to boston across the country right lawrence and we've shown how amazing the patriotic americans are in this country. a lot of stuff you see on every channel not just news, people arguing, or grievance. this was celebration. this was being thankful that we're in a starting place that's pretty good and if you want to make it better let's try. but we start, we win the lottery like you said earlier, we win the lottery when we're born here and we live in a place where we get to make it whatever we want it to be. >> lawrence: it's really hard when you look at all the packages and you guys just, thank you. but veterans willing to lay down their lives. you can say a grievance. i'm sure there are a lot of things in the mill theory that they didn't like in the military but it wasn't about them. it was about the country, it was about the ideas. there's a reason why people all over the world are invading our borders to get into the country because this is a magnificent place to live. >> carley: so well said and i really think there's so much more that unites us than divides us in this country. just think about what everybody did this morning. we all woke up and we all had the same thought on our mind when our eyes opened it was the fourth of july and we were all going to celebrate. simple and special and beautiful thing. >> kayleigh: on outnumbered we covered these voices that get a lot of attention that question the american flag and we're follow celebrating the fourth of july. that's a small number of voices but what we covered tonight >> carley: it's important to cover it but they're outliers. what we covered tonight is what it's all about and where the majority of america stands. >> joey: it's front porch america, you sit on the front porch you figure it out and you watch the kids play and tonight you watch the fireworks. >> and how about the beautiful music by cameron marlow. >> that was something. >> lawrence: those lyrics. >> carley: yeah. flipped the phrase, the hell they will to mean two different things and absolutely nails it so we thank him for what he did as well. >> kayleigh: we are so thankful that you spent your fourth of july weekend with us, happy independence day and happy birthday america. ♪♪ >> hello everyone, happy fourth of july, i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters and jimmy fay la. it's 5:00 o'clock in new york city and this is the five. >> happy birthday america. we have a fun filled show ahead as we celebrate our nation's independence including back by popular demand a fourth of july edition of supermarket showdown. we are also squaring off

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Corps Iwo Jima Monument In Arlington , Exhibition , Meaning , Combat , Playing Music , Sacrifice , Chance , Words , Techs , Bomb , Sum , First Marine Eod Company , Southern California , Camp Pendleton , Over , 12 , Badge , Ied , Deployments , Effects , Timeframe , Bit , Type , Order , Information , Explosive Threats , Range , Ways , Fire Department , Eod Neutralizes , Marines , Eight , Platoons , Targeting Cycle , 80 , College , Eod Tech , Go Down , World Trade Center , 9 11 , 100 , Everything , Book , Jobs , Risk , What S Going On , Problem , Threat Analysis , Doing Puzzles , Ukraine , News , Top Gun , Missile , Eod Work , Living Room , Second One , Maverick , Reason , Movie , Volleyball Scene , Community Doing Something , Scene , Men , Volleyball Court , Eod , Volleyball , Culture , Building Camaraderie , Field , Community , Each Other , Game , Screaming , Hooting , Hollering , Steam , Stretch , He Wouldn T , Imagination , Everyone , Rose , Rose Garden , Ones , Brick , Plaque , There 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Compound , Cliff , Positive , Lyrics , Mind , Terms , Fighting , Idea , Ain T , You And Me , Hands , God Bless , Price , Types , Diet Products , Pills , Detox , Teas , Golo , Soft Music , Size , Pair , Pants , Go Golo , George Washington , Heart , Grief , Screen , Incists , Sport , Roasted Goose , Dad , App , Prageru , Bliss , Child , Content , Lies , True American Hero , Tax Deductible Donation , Case , Barnes , Worth , Worth C Call , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Car Accident , Firm , Rich Barnes , Call Owondnder Whahatmy C Cas , Youour Cidedentase E , Beurprpris We , Yoyou Ght , Tribute , Writing Process , Second Lieutenant , Tears , Longer , Bi , M Cmahon , Th Story , Songs , We Hadn T , Radio , Scratch , Th Creative Effort , Boundary , Project , Supporter , Troops , Home , Stress , Family Elements , Avenue , Wif , Combination , Elements , Note , Hit , Whole , Tv Star , Star , Therapy , This , Kameron Marlowe , Traditions , Color , It S Time , Mea , Unpaired , Religion , Tha , Event , Events , Living , Quintessentia , 20000 , 8000 , Norman Rockwell , New England , Soldiers , Remembrance , Flag , Marathon , Ten , Stars , Big , Independence Day Coverage , Stripes , Mission , Tower , Set , Tunnels , Homelessness Crisi Across America , Homeles Veterans Using Living , Fox Square , Sites , Sounds , Lurches , Som Fun , Childhood Memories , Barbecues , Republic , Pledge Allegiance , One Nation Under God , Gate , Hotdog , Stuff , Americana , Born American , Lottery , Barbecue , Enough , Positive Stuffit , Reflec , Millions , Grace , Liberties , Venezuela , North Korea , Saudi Arabia , Family Party , Individual , Dialog , Serviceman , Fun , Hand , Safe , Bottle Rockets , Weapon , Opportunity , Verge , Navy Seal Museum , Canine Wh , Bu , Dog , Yo , Heartwarming Stor , Expectations , Identity , Bond , Hi , Museum , Canines , Service Member , Let S Go , Navy Seals , Intervie One , Raptor , Bell Jamal Markham , Back Story , Recipient , Canine Project , Retirement , Overseas , Gunshot Wound , Onset , Ptsd , Tbi , Phil Ryan Timothy , Wasn T Real Good , Museum Canine Project , Healing , Focus , Wit , Pace , Point On , Sheet , Limitations , K9 Project , Led , Dogs , Flesh , Obedienc Under Stress , Operators , Training , Partner , Process , Metal , Five , Global War On Terror , Th , Weak , Tradition , Fro Being , Cutaway , Body Suit , Tv Seal , Arm Off , Lap , Bets , Thi , Pets , Animal , Thos , Packets , Som , German Shepherd , Joking , Thieves , Scent , Patriot Awards , It , Suit , Position , Places , Treat , The National Mall In Washington Dc , Fireworks Display O , Singing Kk , Mall , Fireworks I Washington Dc , Display , 700000 , Opening , Sides , Lincoln Memorial , Washington Monument Than Yo , Kayleigh , Monument , Th Background , National Mall , Grand Finale , Th Grand Finale , Explosions , Boston , Legs , Couple , Incredible , Years Ag , Night Sky , Honor , Promises , Promise , Each , Aren T , Sizes , Shipments , Shapes , Isn T Just Freight , Old Dominion , July , Coverage , World , Boston Tea Party , Founding , Commission Worship , Calle The Usf Constitution , Where Colonist Poured Tea At , 1797 , Harbor , Counter Fest , Boston Harbor , Finale , Icy , Beautiful , Contribution , Kk , Sh , Footlocker , Great Firework Bear , Sparklers , Reading Fireworks Horror Stories , Kid , Twitter , Day Celebration , Ground , Y All , The Very Best , Mess , None , Carley , Muggy , Lawrence , Care , Little Girl , Husband , Sweater , Diaper , Beautiful American Flag , Daughter , Joey , Appearance , Phase , Grievance , Channel , People Arguing , Packages , Wasn T , Ideas , Mill Theory , Borders , Divides , Eyes , Thought , Beautiful Thing , Voices , Outliers , Porch , Majority , Hell , Phrase , Dana Perino , Jeanine Pirro , Jimmy Fay La , Jesse Watters , Back , Supermarket Showdown , Popular Demand ,

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