subject from afghanistan. they can read those polls, too. but on the other hand, you know, these are legitimate subjects. in the generally talks about the job numbers going down to louisiana today, and the fact that more than 50 of our fellow americans were killed whether down in the gulf coast or in the northeast, and of course you have the texas and the abortion law, supreme court. those are all legitimate subjects. would the white house rather than talking about them than afghanistan absolutely. >> bill: let's talk about your book. the sub text is the 247-day hunt to bring the mastermind of 9/11 to justice. in the 247 days, chris, you have 8 1/2 months. the book begins these guys come to leon panetta, august 27, 2010. bin laden isn't taken out until may 1, 2011. what did you learn during that eight months that either gave them that pause or eventually