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Cut for American Workers getting less for their money. Gas prices continue to climb. Federal reserve expected to continue the rate hike. What is the administration going to do to get inflation under control. Gerad bernstein. Good to have you on. I wish we had better news. Im certain you wish this was better news. But at the heart of this is the Core Inflation number. And when it comes to Core Inflation, that does not include energy or food but yet that number is the highest weve seen since 1982. Sir, is it time for this white house and the Biden Administration to pivot on its economic policies . No, i think what we have is the white house, the federal reserve, we are acutely aware of the pressures that this causes on American Families and budgets. The president started out this morning by talking about how americans are squeezed by The Cost Of Living and they didnt need this report to remind them of it but it is certainly in the report. I asked you that question and you said no. So are you saying no change . Are you saying no change in policy . Let me explain why. Because the policies that were doing to help mitigate and ease Price Pressures are having effect. So, for example, look at the supply side of the economy. Supply chains, shipping costs, air great costs are significantly down. Goods are getting ship to shelf at the same level they did prepandemic. Go into the report, the one that came out this morning and look at goods inflation. It was flat if you take out energy. Now, you mentioned that Energy Prices went up in september. According to this months cpi Energy Prices fell 2 in september bill to be clear i stripped energy out of my question. I was talking about Core Inflation. It strips out energy and food. When we talk about squeezing Family Budgets we have to talk about energy and food. And it is the case that while gas prices did start to rise at the end of september, in todays report they were down 5 . Nobody is denying your fundamental point which is this is a real squeeze on Family Budgets. I think the question is are policymakers doing what they need to do . The president released only from the strategic reserve. I mentioned our work on the supply side. Lowering medical care costs and Prescription Drug costs and lowering the cost of clean energy. So all of these are moving in the right direction. They take time to factor into these Price Indexes and we would like to see it come back quicker. Dana i have a couple questions here. The other daythe president told jake tapper if there is a recession it will be slight. Did you or your office give him some data that backs that up . Thats a fairly common view among market analysts. What the president said was that a recession is far from inevitable and i think what he was referring to there is the strength of our job market. Look, you just dont stere a recession when you have a 3 1 2 Unemployment Rate adding hundreds of thousands of jobs. Its inconsistent with recession. You heard janet yellen talking about strong household balance sheets, Consumer Spending remains solid. I think the idea. Weve argued about this and you have argued there is a recession out there. Its hard to square with the facts on the ground particularly with the job market. That doesnt mean prices are okay. Prices are elevated and we have to do everything we can to ease those pressures. Dana we interviewed a guy last week named ray. He owned a cafe called cafe raymond in pittsburgh. He cant stay afloat and really upset. Listen to this here. Ive been in business almost 16 years now. I cant fight anymore to try to stay open and hire people. It has been almost three years. I have a passion for what i do but i just want to i dont want to do it this way no more. Dana he cant find workers, everything is costing way too much and having to close, leave his community and moving to montana. When you talk to somebody real like that. Not people in dc or manhattan. What is your answer . What i started out with. The question that i think folks need to be asking the are the policymakers who are dealing with this global Inflation Problem inflation is higher in europe than here. Dealing with this global Inflation Problem here in the u. S. , are they doing what they need to do to tackle the problem . Full speed ahead 100 yes. You run a restaurant, you want your goods, you want your deliveries to get to you without delay. Well, thats something that is actually occurring now partially due to our work on the supply side of the economy. Supply chains are much less snarled. On the Labor Market Side we did see some promising developments relative to what the gentleman was saying. The last report on Job Vacancies has been coming down by a million. That is significant in terms of taking some of the excess heat out of the labor market that gap between the workers that need and the labor supply. Bill i want to play you a clip. Not from a politician. It is from a businessman jamie dimon, you know him well. We have done a 180 on Energy Policy in america. He has a real problem with that. Roll this clip. In my view america should have been pumping more oil and gas and supported. We have a longerterm problem. The world is not producing enough oil and gas to make the transition create security for people. America needs to play a leadership role. America is the entraining producer, not saudi arabia. Bill people are wondering why repeatedly. You mentioned medical cost. I was emailing Edward Lawrence who works at the white house. Medical Care Services went up yearoveryear 6. 5 . And the American Rescue plan was passed more than a year and a half ago. And yet the price was still going through the roof. Whether its energy or whether its medical costs, people feel this if their lives. Totally agree with you. People feel these in their lives. An important point and one we should never lose and we dont. This is where president these were Kitchen Table issues for him when he grew up. And so lets talk about both of those. When it comes to energy, it is still the case the price of gas is down about 1. 10 from its peak. It fell a penny today, by the way. Thats important because it relates to the release of 180 Million Barrels from the strategic. Bill it was so much lower. The reason i raise that gets to my point. Are policymakers doing what they need to do to respond to the pressures you made . Yes on energy and medical costs. Look at the Inflation Reduction Act. 35 a month for insulin way below what seniors are paying now. Capping Prescription Drug outofpocket at 2 thousand. You have people paying 8,009,000. Huge savings. Ask the question is inflation too high . Yes. Are policymakers doing everything they can in this white house to help bring them down . I think you have to find the answer is yes. Dana i dont know. Were covering this every day. People are saying 86 of them saying inflation and economy are the issue but deeper than that. When you are following people who maybe they dont pay that much attention to washington but they know they are paying a lot more for gas. Housing a lot more. They dont understand why all of these things arent working for them but they do think whoever the party in power becomes a referendum on a president. Not a choice between biden and trump. That might happen in 2024 and well have that debate then. American people feel like theyre getting poorer. 47 describing their feelings as poorer. I know there is a lot of numbers but what about the heart . Yeah, so you are asking an economist about heart. Lets see what i can do with that. I get look, yes, i get where you are coming from. But President Biden approaches this with head and with heart. As he would say i literally grew up in a family where these were Kitchen Table issues. I know from personal discussions with him how acutely he realizes what these pressures mean to household budgets. So he has dispatched us to do everything we can. I talked about the release of oil from the strategic reserves. You said people are paying more at the pump. They are actually paying 1. 10 less at the pump than mid june. Now we have to continue to press on that. You have heard the president talk very much in the spirit. He has pointed out the gap between resale and wholesale prices is high. American Energy Companies are highly productive now. Well soon hit the most production of oil in americas history. So he has told these companies they need to share some of those margins. Give people a little Breathing Room at the pump. Thats a fair call from this president. Bill the only thing we can wonder. We started whether there would be a pivot on policy and well find out on november 9th if thats the case. You may be pushed into it. We have to go. The problem is look at which way that pivot goes. If the republicans want to take down Inflation Reduction Act thats an increase in Healthcare Costs and increase in clean energy costs. Lets watch the pivot and the policy implications. Bill thanks for coming on. Dana at least it wasnt raining or super hot this time. Bill we could go for an hour but i dont know if wed get anywhere. I talked about gas prices. Today its 3. 91. A month ago 3. 71. I dont know how you can suggest that the price is still down even by a penny. It is not. Dana i find it hard to imagine they think releasing americas Emergency Oil reserves is a great Economic Policy to bring down prices. One they arent coming down that much. Were already down at the lowest level and not an emergency you dont have a policy that is going to change that. When dump was in office he suggested refilling the spr when oil was 24 a barrel and they said now and now what are we going to do . Everything feels upside down. Bill i would say there is no order. Dana more to come on that. Pennsylvania that state still a tossup for the midterms. Senate race heating up. Fetterman refusing to reveal his medical records and dr. Oz keeping his focus on crime. Bryan llenas with more. Dr. Mehmet oz continues to attack Democratic Fetterman as being soft on crime. Yesterday fetterman defended his record which includes voting to pardon ten convicted first degree murderers as a member of the board of pardons. He says he believes in mercy and redemption appeared notes it is a rare and lawful process. It is all unanimous from top to bottom. From everybody on the board including the Attorney General and a Correction Expert and a psychiatrist and governor and everybody signed off on it. Bill we have to create a semblance if there is a crime there is a consequence of the crime. We cant have the lawlessness raging in philadelphia. Fetterman continues to balk at requests for him to release all his medical records as he recovers from a stroke suffered in may. The last time we heard from his doctors was a letter in june saying he would be fine to serve. If there was anything that changed or whatever, i absolutely would have updated that. Other than the progress that ive made, it is evident. Being transparent about what you are up to. You have a medical problem or hiding a radical agenda, a bigger concern that i have. The Fetterman Camp said they raised over a Million Dollars in 24 hours after his inperson interview with nbc. The republican super pac invests an additional 4 million to boost dr. Oz. He is holding a safer Streets Community event in philadelphia today. Dana thats a discussion that needs to be had. Thank you. Bill North Carolina where democrat Cheri Beasley is outraising republican ted budd. Were live in greensboro, North Carolina and whats happening in that race there. Good morning. Good morning, bill. Donald trump junior about to take the stage at a local business in the greensboro area in North Carolina trying to boost ted budd in his race against Cheri Beasley. Donald trump senior, the former president was here a few weeks ago to support budde in his race here in North Carolina. This race has gotten a lot of national attention. Also a lot of national dollars. Groups supporting both candidates have been spending millions here intensified recently. Democrats have spent heavily over the past three senate races and come up short this time. Republicans and conservative groups appear to be outspending democrats to try to hold onto this seat. For the National Recognition budd welcomes the support of the former president. He endorsed me because im an America First candidate. He was here a couple of weeks ago. Had a great event. My style is districtly north carolinian. Beasley is trying to paid budd as indistinguishable from the former president and he is trying to tie beasley to the unpopularity of the current president. Would she welcome them to campaign with her . The president is welcome to North Carolina and it is great if he comes to see the successes and to also see our challenges. It is very important that he do that. Another factor in this race changing demographics. Wall street journal report cites claiming the state had more people move here than any other aside from texas and florida during the pandemic. North carolina also picked up a house seat in the 2020 census. Republicans say conservative retirees give them a boost. Democrats say they have younger and latino. There is a Percentage Point mailin voting ballots went out a month ago. Inperson voting early starts in just a week. Bill and dana, back to you. Bill nice to see you in North Carolina. Dana were keeping a close eye on the danchenko trial. Was the investigation of the 2016 Trump Campaign based on a House Of Cards . New evidence that is emerging and also this. Bill question for you, america. Is cheating becoming more common . Check out the Fishing Tournament that got busted for it and prosecutors are angling for some jail time. Dana very good. I may be close to retirement but im as busy as ever. Careful now. Nice you got it. And thanks to voya, im confident about my future. Oh dad, the twins are now. Vegan. I know, i got em some of those plant burgers. Nice nice yeah. Voya provides guidance for the right investments and helps me be prepared for unexpected events. They make me feel like ive got it all under control. Because i do. Ok, that was awesome. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. We desperately need more Affordable Housing, but San Francisco takes longer than anywhere to issue new housing permits. Proposition d is the only measure that speeds up construction of affordable new homes by removing bureaucratic roadblocks. While prop e makes it nearly impossible to build more housing. And the supervisors who sponsored e know it. Join me, Habitat For Humanity and the Carpenters Union in rejecting prop e and supporting prop d to build more Affordable Housing dana day three in the trial of danchenko. The credibility of the evidence used to investigate the 2016 Trump Campaign very much on the line here after explosive testimony from an f. B. I. Official. David spunt is outside the courtroom. What do we know today, david . Court kicked off a few moments ago and see what happens today. What today has to bring. Yesterday it was quite something in the courtroom when the special counsel himself was questioning and went after his own witness, a government witness who happens to be an analyst, Counter Intelligence analyst with the f. B. I. As you mentioned, the defendant in this case is a russian nationalist living in Northern Virginia named danchenko. He is on trial with five counts of lying to the f. B. I. Primarily about his work with the steele dossier. It was full of salacious allegations about former President Donald Trump leading up to the 2016 election when weighs a candidate. Now f. B. I. Intelligence spent some of the first day and all of yesterday on the stand. He is a government witness but john durham who called him turned on him several times in an effort to go beyond this case, dana, and take the f. B. I. To task on a larger scale. He was involved looking into the potential connections between the trump team and russia back in 2016 and dubbed by analysts crossfire hurricane. The allegations never materialized. Yesterday durham asked him you didnt have corroboration from f. B. I. Databases and other Intelligence Community agencies or Christopher Steele and it still went into a fisa application. Correct, said the witness. The fisa application used to sur veil or spy on the 2016 Trump Campaign aide carter page. Surveillance order was renewed multiple times. They sur veiled pages communications for months. Durham wants to show the f. B. I. Went full steam ahead spying on carter page despite no russia connection evidence. The first witness is chuck dolan. Democratic analyst and p. R. Executive with ties to the clintons that go back several decades. Danchenko, according to the government, spoke to dolan and took political gossip from him and put it in the steele dossier and used to get the fisa warrant. He said danchenko was not truthful communicating with dolan. Dana we all think your trench coat is amazing. You look great outside the courthouse this morning. Old school. Bill thank you, david. Two anglers at the center of a Cheating Scandal that rocked the Sport Fishing World Last Month facing charges on felony. They were indicted on several counts after the pair was caught stuffings fish with lead weights. Here is the moment they were busted. Bill just the latest in a string of high Profile Scandals in professional competition ranging from chess to beauty pageants. Everybody is cheating. Why is that . Tyrus has an answer. Hello, sir. As a fisherman and hobbyist thats a horrible thing to do, to stuff weights. Fishing tournaments are sacred and been around in this country for hundreds of years. To do that was terrible. It seems to be an uptick. Were seeing when you across the board when you see less consequences for bad anxious we see the big ones. We see the uptick in crime but the small things like this. This is not a small thing to people in the tournament if you heard the reaction from the fans. Its a horrible way for a fish to go to be stuffed with filets of other fish and weights. You see this bolder. Unlike there will be no catch and release on this one because they are holding them to the highest standard of the law, which is great. Dana New York Post had this. Cheating erodes integrity and peoples inclinations to compete and diminishes one of the greatest reason for competition. Learning grace in victory and defeat. I admire gracious winners and gracious loser. You have to be a gracious loser and winner. When you cheat to the level they cheated it is criminal and its great they are being charged. We even saw the poker thing where its these cheaters dont go small. They dont try to win one small game. They try to do it on the grandest stage. The chess, the poker thing where you can see her adjusting the ring during the dana then she said it was sexist. They invent a bad behavior on you. Doesnt change what you did. Im a sexist who think you cheated. Now what . Bill these were bass fish . Walleye. The average for that length those fish should be been around four pounds. They were eight. It was ridiculous. It wasnt even close. Dana is that what tipped somebody off to check . Those fish were around 2 1 2 feet maybe, maybe smaller. They should based on their length be around four pounds. Dana when it comes in at eight they were like no way. Somebody who runs and they cut 30 seconds off their time. The Boston Marathon runner takes a subway and train and not sweating when he crosses the line. Bill thank you, tyrus. Dana education could be the deciding factor in some close races on election day. Glenn youngkin made the issue a big focus of his Campaign Last year and we are very fortunate, he joins us next. Its the subway series menu. 12 irresistible subs. The most Epic Sandwich roster ever created. Its subways biggest refresh yet inflations eating into everyones budget, but if youre a veteran and own your home, youve got a big leg up. Its your va home loan benefit. It lets you borrow up to a full 100 of your homes value. 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But again some want the u. S. To take this a step further and really designate those cartels as terrorist organizations. Now todays big meeting between u. S. Officials and mexican officials comes on the heels of a Big Enforcement Announcement Last Night by the department of Homeland Security when it comes to venezuelans. Now if venezuelans entering the United States between points of entry without authorization they will be sent back to mexico. A big change. Secretary mayorkas saying lawful entry is the only way. Of course, we know and you know at home that hasnt been the case for quite some time. Dhs investigation shows a 500 increase in Human Smuggling at our southern border over just the last six months. And they estimate the mexican cartels are making 13 billion a year from Human Smuggling alone. That is a 2500 increase since 2018. I do expect the challenge of migration in our hemisphere to feature in these discussions just as they were a feature of our engagement in lima last week. As you know, the secretary in lima took part in a ministerial focused on migration and focused on followup from summit of the americas. The other issue is fentanyl. Counter terrorism experts do believe this Big Business Of Smuggling Fentanyl across the southern border is a threat to Americas National security. In fact, they would put the cartels on par with isis, al qaeda. The Biden Administration again has yet to designate these organizations as terrorist groups. And we are hoping this is going to come up with todays meeting with Secretary Blinken and Secretary Mayorkas that they might be able to address this issue. Dana. Dana aishah hosni at the state department. Thank you. Bill. Bill thank you, dana. 26 days and counting. Two years ago the state of virginia, the president all level. Joe biden beat donald trump in the state of virginia by ten points, all right . Now we are what, two years removed from that but last year in that same state Glenn Youngkin came Out Of Nowhere and ran the table on Terry Mccauliffe and flipped the state. A 12 point swing. He talked about education a lot and parents rights. We found the poll from the Washington Post and abc and rank the nipumber of americans. Look where education in schools in popping up . 77 . Glenn youngkin, good morning and thank you for your time. Nice to see you today. We might get interrupted by Breaking News but well get inasmuch as we can here. Tiffany smiley is running for senate in the state of washington, republican. Republicans havent seen a statewide Candidate Win in Washington State in 21 years. She told us we are the party for the parents. Now, that worked for you a year ago. Will it work again in 26 days . Absolutely it will. I continue to hear it from virginians and as ive been able to campaign for a number of governors around the country if it if not the top issue along with inflation and economy. What weve seen time and time again is bureaucrats and politicians from the left liberal democrats trying to push parents out of their childrenss lives and parents, not republicans, not just moderates but all parents across party lines are standing up and saying we wont have it anymore. I think this is a top issue for republicans and a winning issue for republicans and by the way, not just in 2022 but as we look forward to future elections, we are going to see republican Education Plans be the winning plan and democrats lose their historic advantage in education. Dana we recently talked to some people working on bringing back phonics to Elementary School education to try to help kids learn how to read. Those numbers are way down. You see the sat and act scores are down and the World University editor said the data is clear, america can no longer take for granted the dominance of world Higher Education research. China is leading the challenge. If Current Trends remain the same wed see China Overtaking the u. S. In the coming years. From preschool through college, we are doing worse than we were before. How urgent is it that people try to Pay Attention to this and do something about it . This is a huge wakeup call for america. We answered it in virginia last year. We passed the Virginia Literacy Act to bring the science of reading, phonics, back into our School System for kthree and invested a record amount in education and working with higher ed. And k12 to raise standards and expectations. If we dont wake up and understand there has been a massive decline in the priority of excellence in our education system, we are going to watch china not only try to beat us in education, but beat us in their goal to dominate the world at americas expense. This is a competition and we have to wake up and compete. At the heart of it is our children, their education, and oh by the way the future of america to deliver on innovation, on economic revival, and finally, on recognizing that if we dont grab hold of this now, we are going to give away our greatest advantage and thats been in education. Bill your Approval Rating in virginia is 55 . These days thats pretty good. Youve taken that on the road for a number of republicans stumping for them trying to help them win. On the screen well show our viewers georgia, nevada, michigan, maine, do we have it . Kansas. New mexico. This is where it gets interesting. Arizona for karrie lake. The oregon state is intreeing. Republicans feel like they have a chance. Why do you think she can win . A threeway race . What voters are recognizing is that republican governors are focusing on those most important Kitchen Table concerns with common sense solutions. Of course, democrats have done a terrible job managing their states out of the pandemic. On top of that ignoring the Kitchen Table corns. In oregon it is homelessness, crime, education and the economy. And thats what christine is focused on and why shell win. Republican governors have led extraordinarily well and republican candidates who are trying to unseat incumbent democrat governors are focused on economy, inflation, crime and education and the democrats continue to focus on the wrong issues. Dana how important is it to a party, republican or democrat, to have a majority of states be led by that party . Lets say the republicans in this instance, how important is it to the Republican Party to have governors in place going into a president ial election cycle . I think its incredibly important but whats more important is the fact that republican governors have done a better job. I personally think that every state deserves a republican governor. Thats why im working hard in order to help get a bunch elected. It is also why were working hard in virginia to make sure we flip a number of our congressional seats. Were working hard in our second, seventh and 10th. I have said the road to the majority in our Congress Comes through virginia. These are three really great congressional seats that i think we can flip as well. Bill well see if you are right early in the night. Virginia tends to count fast and we have all three of those races on our radar and see how they turn out. Thank you for your time today and hope to have you back soon. Dana thank you. Thank you all for having me. Bill Glenn Youngkin. Thank you. Red hot inflation taking a bite out of your next meal at a restaurant. You can feel it. Rising food costs are hurting local Business Owners who want to keep the doors open and workers on the job. The history buff who identified a long lost boat and the role it played in the Second World War will join us coming up. Violent fighting and troops go to shore on the sicilian beaches. Most of the island was seized in a rapid advance. The italians cheered instead of resisting, the surrender of italy. No, hes seizing the moment with merrill. Moving his money into his Investment Account in real time and thats. How you collect coins. Your money never stops working for you with merrill, a Bank Of America company. I recommend nature made vitamins because i trust their quality. They were the first to be verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. 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Whats the real math behind prop 27, their Ballot Measure for Online Sports betting . 90 of profits go to the out of State Corporations permanently. Only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. And in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. Sound familiar . It should. Vote no on prop 27. Bill fort lauderdale. The jury reached a decision on the case of nikolas cruz, the Parkland School shooter. The jury has two decisions, Life In Prison Without Parole or the death penalty. When it will be announced well take you there to florida. Dana Core Inflation hitting a 40 year high. Even then its not always enough for a business to make a profit. We have a chef from minneapolis. I hear great things about your restaurant. Business for you has been tough of late. Tell us what you are going through. Yeah, its been a tough few years obviously. Most people know its a tough business to begin with but the after the covid pandemic and getting through that and staying afloat was a feat itself. Inflation on the tail end of that has been a struggle. Dana could you hold for us one moment . Stay with us and well do this Breaking News and come back. Bill inside the courtroom we go with the audio from the judge and the verdict about to be read. We understand on the camera off screen here the jurors are being led into the courtroom. Fort lauderdale, florida. Nicklaus cruz when he carried out the shooting in the parkland high school. 17 were killed inside including the question of school security. One of the many issues when you know you had a Security Guard on scene who did nothing to intervene, dana. Dana he is now 24 years old. He pleaded guilty to the murders of 14 students and three Staff Members at Parklands School february 14, 2018. It takes a while for the wheels of justice to turn but turn they did. The jury deliberated for six hours on wednesday. They asked for the lets listen here. The jurors are present, everyone else may be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my understanding youve reached a verdict. Would you please pass the verdict to the bailiff. [no one speaking] [silence] all of the Verdict Forms have been properly executed and dated and signed by The Foreperson. At this time ill publish the verdicts. The state of florida versus Nicklaus Cruz count one. We the jury find the following. Aggravating factors count one luke hoyer, we find that the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor he was previously convicted of another Capital Felony or felony involving the use or threat of violence to another person, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state has established the existence of the aggravating vac for cruz created a great risk of death to many persons, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor, the first degree murder of luke hoyer was committed while cruz was engaged in the commission of a burglary, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state established the existence of the aggravating factor, first degree murder of luke hoyer was honeous, and atrocious and cruel. The state established the existence of the aggravating factor, the first degree murder of luke hoyer was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification, yes. Reviewing the Aggravating Factors that we unanimously found to be established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt we find that the Aggravating Factors are sufficient to warrant a possible death sentence, yes. One or more individual jurors find that one or more Mitigating Circumstances was established by the greater weight of the evidence, yes. We the jury unanimously find the Aggravating Factors that were proven Beyond A Reasonable Doubt outweigh the Mitigating Circumstances, no. Signed october 13th by The Foreperson. Mr. Benjamin. Verdict form as to count two, victim martin. We find that the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existing of the aggravating factor. Cruz was convicted of another Capital Felony or felony following the use of threat of violence to another person. Yes. We the jury unanimously find the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor cruz knowingly created a great risk of death to many persons, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor, the first degree murder of martin was committed while cruz was engaged in the commission of a burglary, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor, the first degree murder of martin was especially heinous, at trocheous or cruel, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor, the first degree murder of martin was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification, yes. Reviewing the Aggravating Factors that we found to be established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, we the jury unanimously find the Aggravating Factors are sufficient to warrant a possible sentence of death, yes. One or more individual jurors find that one or more Mitigating Circumstances was established by the greater weight of the evidence, yes. We the jury unanimously find the Aggravating Factors that were proven Beyond A Reasonable Doubt outweigh the Mitigating Circumstances established as to count two, martin, no. Signed and dated by The Foreperson mr. Benjamin thomas. Count three, gina. We the jury unanimously find the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor cruz was preampously convicted of another felony, Capital Felony or using the use of threat or violence to another person, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor cruz knowingly created a great risk of death to many persons, yes. We the jury unanimously find the state has established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the existence of the aggravating factor the first degree murder of gina was committed while cruz was engaged in the commission of a

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