they prosecute for that. we see a whole host of lawsuits, to your point, you guys, we know that the president came out before and said if the investigation comes out with conclusions of sexual harassment that we would call for resignation, so with these people, these guys are held to the world that they said they would call for his resignation and a half to make this quick final point that the governor just said essentially he is going to engage in new -- bringing an expert to engage in new policy creation and training including himself as if that will be the only remedy needed to absolve him of any legal accountability. i first see that is not happening. >> sandra: and by the way, speaking of holding those who spoke earlier on this matter accountable and holding them to their word, i should say, president biden has stated in an interview march 17th, 2021 when he was asked, he said if the investigation confirms the claims of these women, should he resign? the president said yes, i think he would probably end up being