Expanding attacks on the media, and mexican owner carlos slim part owner of the New York Times is part of a global conspiracy that works with the Clinton Campaign, got that right. And late polls show that an impact than revelations about Hillary Clinton and dropped six points among women in the fox poll no longer leads among independents, down 4538 overall. Without question, there is a media pileon against trump and its hurting him. Almost unmentioned this morning, hillary under oath saying she did not know about and did not order the destruction of emails. No demands by the media for hillary to apologize for her campaigns demeaning comments about latinos, needy, conservatives catholics, a bastardized faith, or blacks, they dont do well. You thought this would be up front and center in this president ial election, should be, but its not. Sex, lies and videotape. Varney company is about to begin. All right. We will, i promise you well get to the politics in a minute. Will you look at this. Chris rock, netflix is paying him 40 million for three hours of content. That would be two 90minute specials, thats it, 40 million bucks. Obviously theres no impact on the stock, still around 100 share. That is, an awful lot of money. And amy schumer or three hours gets you 40 million. More than we get. We talk about, i do a threehour show every day. [laughter] come to think of it. Stuart the daily news on amazon and the news today the company is hiring 120,000 workers for the holiday. Thats 20,000 more than last year. Online sales, ooh, going to be big. Watch out bricks and mortar. Looks like a higher open for stocks as of now. A lot of banks reporting profits and those bank stocks are up. Thats lifting the overall market. Up we go. We also have this. Ken bone endorses uber. Remember, hes the undecided guy who became an internet star asking a very good question about energy in the debate. The internet that embraced him is calling him a sellout. Thats not all. The true and ugly side of the internet, theyve invaded his privacy. Oh, dear, well have details. The election, please, donald trump says the women accusing him of lying im sorry, the women who are accusing him of Sexual Misconduct are lying. Roll tape. Take a look, you take a look, look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I dont think so. I dont think so. All right. Joining us now is dr. Ben carson. Doctor, you heard him. Hes calling her a liar. Are you happy with that this morning, sir . No, im not happy in general with the focus on these kinds of issues. When theres such important issues going on in our country. Stuart yeah. And i think we really ought to be focusing on the economy or jobs or the national debt. Stuart dr. Carson, i know you are and respect you and i dont want to interrupt you, but why is donald trump doing this . Is that a good tactic to call these women liars like that . Is that good . I think there are much better ways to use ones time, particularly given the fact that were down to the last three or four weeks before the election, and the differences between the two parties are so vast. I mean, i think it would be a great thing, for instance, to take the democrat platform and the republican platform and compare them because most people, particularly democrats, have no idea whats in that democrat platform. It reads like something from a socialist country, but they dont know that. Stuart we dont know what her policy really is, because she says one thing behind closed doors, and something totally different out in public. I mean, i dont really know exactly what shes going to do policywise, if she becomes the president. Well, obviously, theres a lot of corruption there. And here is the thing that is important and you know this because youre a student of history, before pinnacle nations fall, there are three characteristics, they take their eye off the ball, they get, you know, enamored of things that dont matter as much as the essential items, they become fiscally irresponsible and they accept corruption at the highest levels. It seems like weve read the play book and were ready to capitulate. Stuart do you think that donald trump can come back . Weve quoted polls earlier in the program, he is, i think, seven points down now in the fox poll. Can he come back . Well, you know, as a physician, i like to base things on evidence, and when you look at the Trump Campaign, when he concentrates on the issues and the things that make two out of three americans feel that were on the wrong track, he does well. And when he allows himself to be pulled into the mud, he does not. If he will base what he does on the actual evidence, i think he can come back, absolutely. Stuart youre making a lot of sense, doctor. Do you think he listens to you . I hope, you know, by my constant droning it will begin to sink . Absolutely. And i think it has to some degree, but, its moving in the right direction. Stuart okay. Dr. Ben carson, its always a pleasure and an honor to have you on the program. Thank you, sir. Stuart the u. S. Announcing major changes to what people can bring to and from cuba. Liz liz yeah. Stuart cigars . Liz were getting more on this later. Yes, cigars. Whats happening is the Obama Administration is saying, yes, u. S. Companies will be authorized and individuals to bring back from cuba, alcohol, fda approved drugs and tobacco, cuban cigars could come into the country legally. Stuart a flood of rum and cigars liz just in time for new years. Stuart we thought wed bring you this as a light are you french . A thousand years apparently i was liz varney. Its true, actually. And lets get serious, with 25 days, thats all it is to the election. The latest fox news poll shows its a real uphill struggle for donald trump. Hillary clintons lead 4538 thats a threeway race. And look at this, trump lost six points among women in the new fox poll. Now 19 points down with women voters. Scott rasmussen is with us now. Same question to everybody this morning, can he recover, scott . Unzoned, the answer is no. What has to happen for donald trump to win this election is something in the real world, something to shake up the dynamics of the race. Dr. Carson is right, if he focused on the issues, hed gain come of that. Stuart its an uphill struggle . Hes going downhill. Hillary at 44, 45 and he is going the other way, losing all those reluctant Republican Voters who are finally coming around to him and lost their faith in the last week. Stuart if Hillary Clinton has not broken 50 in the polls, i dont believe she has, not on the big national polls. What significance is that for what they call the down vote, vote in the senate and house. Its not that she hasnt hit 50 yet. Theres a chance she will not top 50 on the election vote and her husband when he was president never won 50 . Impact on the down ballot race greatly increases the chance that republicans can hang onto control in the senate. Normally if your candidate was down 7 points. Stuart because she might not crack 50 in the election november 8th. That may mean that the republicans dont lose the senate. Im trying to get to the math here. Part of it is look, shes viewed unfavorably by a majority of the American People. A lot of people who cant bring themselves to vote for donald trump or vote an a third party republican. And because they dont like her, they would vote for a republican in the senate race. We dont to if the republicans are up a seat or down a seat. If you told me that the republican nominee was down 7 points in the polls i would have said the senate is gone for the republicans. Doesnt necessarily look that way now. Stuart you might just have helped the stock market because investors are worried about a clean sweep and Hillary Clinton and the senate and house as well. Well done, scott rasmussen. Ill take credit. Stuart why dont you, lad. Donald trump is holding a fundraiser at this hour at sip perani in new york and some are calling for the republicans rnc, call for disavowing him. And dodgers in game five of the National League division series. A fourrun 7th inning. Okay, i thought it was a threerun homer. Okay. Their ace pitcher, Clayton Kershaw came out to close the game 9th inning and dodgers played the cubs for the right to go to the world series. How about this . Hurricane nicole tore its way through bermuda and hit the island as a category 3 storm. 120 Miles Per Hour winds, big waves, heavy rain, power knocked out for more than 16,000 people, thats most of the island. It used to be beautiful. Iran stepping up the aggression, sending two war ships up the coast of yemen after u. S. Navy ships fired tomahawk missiles at Iranianbacked Houthi rebels. Well be back. Our special today is the seared ahi tuna, and ill be right back to take your order. Thank you. Thanks. Dont you hate that . When they dont tell you how much something costs . And you have to ask . Right. I do. Maybe thats why i always make sure to. Bring up the costs associated with your services. I know. Hey, im nothing if not predictable. Lemme guess, the salmon . Being transparent about our costs. Its a big deal. And its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business profit down at wells fargo. Yes, theyve been very much in the news recently, but theyve done better than wall street was thinking they would do. So the stocks going to open this morning around 45 a share. Hewlettpackard, still restructuring and now we hear theyre going to cut another 3 or 4,000 jobs. The market likes it and the stock will be back to 15. Just out this morning, senator Elizabeth Warren is calling on mr. Obama to dismiss Mary Jo White, she chairs the sec. Big deal, whats it about . These two have been a very public feud at hearings, going after each other. Citizens united allowing money to flow into Political Campaign and Elizabeth Warren says mary jo youre dragging your feet forcing companies to disclose those and Mary Jo White says weve got bigger things, accounting frauds and endorsement. And Elizabeth Warren is asking the Obama Administration to force Mary Jo White from her seat as chairman of the sec. Stuart shes got clout, Elizabeth Warren. Well see. And iran deployed two war ships after the u. S. Fired tomahawks at iranian rebels. Is this a dangerous situation, theyre close to firing at each other, arent they . Its very dangerous, but potentially significant for the global economy. I mean, were talking about what is called the strait at the southern end of the red sea and its not navigatable, and everything north of the suez canal or south out of the suez canal through the red sea has to go through the strait. If somebody were to close it or even make it dangerous for shipping and jack up insurance rates, it could have a big impact on the economy worldwide. So thats why this tension, not just the u. S. Iran tension, but something that really everybody should be paying attention to. Stuart are our adversaries tweaking us because the 25 days to the election and about three months left in this presidency . Well, i think theyre tweaking us to show yet again, and lets say who they are, iran. Thats who this is. To show that their behavior has not changed one iota since the signing of the nuclear deal last year. Its true the missiles in question were fired at u. S. Destroyers from territory from the Houthi Rebels. Ill bet you dollars to donuts the actual officers doing the firing are iranian. Theyre iranian supplied missiles and theyre being fired because theyre trying to push the United States back, not to interfere with whats happening in the civil war there or maybe to pressure the saudis more to do less and the dispatch of iranian warships is nothing less than a thumb in our eye because they think that obama will back down. Stuart before you leave us, mr. Ambassador, i want your opinion on one of these wikileaks things, what we have is the ambassador from qatar giving bill clinton a Million Dollar birthday present, giving it to the foundation and in return he got a five minute meeting. Is that a quid pro quo influence peddling . It sounds pretty much like a quid pro quo to me. Another example. The clintons unlike any other Government Employee and i speak as a former Government Employee, you have to have a strict separation between the government work and private life. They dont know that lines exist if this was going on when hillary was secretary of state. Imagine whats going to happen if she wins the presidency. Stuart well leave it at that, mr. Ambassador. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, stuart. Stuart on a much lighter note initially, ken bone, the internet star of the debate, taking heat because he has endorsed and getting an endorsement from uber. Thats not all. Hes going to be theyre looking into his private life of all things. Well have that story for you. And the president of france, Francois Hollande say if muslim women wear a veil theyre not choosing to be french. Back in a moment. You can run an errand. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. 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You saw him there, hes got an endorsement from uber. Thats not all. As soon as he became famous and got the endorsement, they said hey, youre a sellout and gets worse from there liz the daily beast and a chat room. He reportedly used an alias stan gibson and saying Different Things in the chat room. Ken bones disturbing history shows hes not as adorable. He weighed innen 0 the half naked photos of jennifer lawrence, and referred to pregnant women in bathing suits, and you go digging into any journalists background or chat room, find out what they say online. Stuart is nothing sacred . Is there no privacy whatsoever. You happen to make yourself famous in a debate and its out there and it wasnt a hack, this was what he put online in a chat room liz they are the moral selfrighteous on the road telling us how to behave. You go into any journalists background and they act like aunt pitypat from gone with the wind. Its rude and mean for ken bone. He didnt ask for this attention, he asked a question at a town hall. Stuart im going back to letter writing. Seriously. Thats more private than anything you put out there nd y you can burn a letter, can you not liz Hillary Rodham clinton might have wanted your advice there. The old version of snapchat, burn em. Stuart the oldfashioned privacy. Chris rock, bill, big deal with netflix, paying him 40 million for three hours of content. Nice work if you can get it. Here is your amazon headline of the day, we bring you one every single day, big hiring spree before the holidays. 120,000 temps will be handling the holiday rush and youre going to see that market go up overall, about 100 points when that bell rings a couple of minutes from now. Well take you there. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov all right. Its friday morning. Were going to wrap up the week on wall street very, very shortly. About 40 seconds that market opens. A couple of factors that are in play today. We dont spend much time talking about the u. S. Dollar, but its consistently gone up throughout this week. And that is a problem in some markets. Its affecting gold. Its affecting the price of oil. Its had a limited effect on stock prices, but the bot ton line is, the dollar is up and by the way, the british pound is way down. If you want to take a cheap vacation these days, london is your destination. Ive not been there in 20 years, but thinking after quick weekend trip. Weve got four seconds to go. Here we go. Bang there it is, 9 30 eastern time. We are up and running. [laughter] its a great job and ive got it. Most of the dow 30 are in the green and were 89 points higher this friday morning. Thats a gain of nearly half a percent. The s p, whats that doing . Is that up . Yeah, almost a half a percentage point on the broader based s p. How about oil, is it 50 bucks, yes or no, not Much Movement this week. Hewlettpackard is going to cost what, 3, maybe 4,000 jobs, cut, part of a broader restructuring, a longterm restructuring process. The markets not thinking much of it. Down 2 . The different