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Women, affordable child care, equal pay, not your usual republican theme, is it . The main event, donald trump, i am your voice and i will win. Hillary clinton, he says, brought death, destruction, terrorism and weakness, wow. Tens of millions watched. What a night it was. Look at the media reaction, fascist says the Washington Post, hes just a strong man. The candidate of the apocalypse says the New York Times. Eight its a campaign of fear. Get the picture . The media is apoplectic. Youll hear what he said. My opinion . Donald trump Just Launched the new Republican Party. Varney company is about to begin. Fellow americans, i humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States. I am the law and order candidate. I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens. I am your voice. Stuart this was just some of the themes of Donald Trumps acceptance speech last night. Again, this is not your fathers Republican Party now, is it . Thats for certain. Well cover it all in just a moment. First, oh, look at this. Stocks will open higher, not a big rally, but the direction is up. Yes, a pullback yesterday after a long winning streak. No selloff despite whats going on in the world. Its about america and a safe haven. Its still about the whole World Printing money. Up she go a little bit more. Donald trump makes the big speak and the apoplectic media reaction. Washingtonos editorial board, donald trump the candidate of the apocalypse. The New York Times, his tone dark, donald trump takes the g. O. P. Mandel. And Donald Trumps campaign of fear. Laying it on thick with the voice, but with a british accent you can say anything. This is the sound that the wicked witch makes when the bucket of water is thrown on her. Donald trump an american revival, but what theyre frightened up he respects us enough to speak the truth. We have been lied to literally, the summer of recovery, it was a youtube video, you can keep your doctor, isis is on the run, al qaeda is on the run. Isis is a jv team. You dont need the media to tell us the condition of the nation. Finally someone is telling us what the truth is and respects us to tell us that and in order to fix the situation, and this is why hes liked. We want the truth, were americans and for the american reviv revival. Weve got to know what the medicine has to be. Stuart hold off one second, breaking news and its important and very, very interesting. Verizon is reportedly buying yahoo accord to go one report verizon is the lead bidder and the announcement could come within days, yahoo stock is up just a bit, say about 50 cents, but the report is verizon is the one thats going to buy yahoo . Back to the big night. Donald trump, he gave us, well, im going to call it a laundry list of things he would do as president. Roll that tape. The first task for our new administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threaten our communities. We will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents and then them, to a safe school of their choice. We are going to ask every Department Head in government to provide a list of wasteful spending on projects that we can eliminate in my first 100 days. I will restore law and order to our country. Stuart okay. He shouted for 76 minutes, but we got the list. Jeff dewitt, the man on the righthand side of the screen is the Campaign Chair for donald trump in arizona. I know you loved the speech, but are you braced for the barrage coming your way from the media and from hillary . You know, so far the media has been very, very positive and i have been surprised, even some of the news out lets that previously have not. They all praised what they saw last night. Stuart like what . And talked about he gets it and the message is resonating and he is a wait a minute. A champion in business and a champion on the big stage here. Stuart old off, jeff, we went at the top of the show and gave a laundry list of the media reaction. Where are you seeing it that he gets it and where are they saying that. I have spent the morning reading on my ipad and everything i saw was very, very positive. The cnn instant poll they had last night was over 70 , i believe, about 75 last night positive across america in how people reacted to the speech. So it was a great speech. You know, it was one of the longest in nomination history and i wish it was twice as long, i still get chills thinking about it, he did a great job. Stuart im saying that this is the new Republican Party. Do you agree with that . You know, i think the Republican Party is really getting back to what it should be. I think we had been trending away from the values that we hold dear and i think whats happening, donald trump is bringing us back. You know, the Republican Party started to get into globalism and these trade deals that were stripping america of jobs and hes bringing us back to put america first. Thats what we should be. He wants to be a champion of education, he wants to be a champion of bringing jobs here, a champion of the forgotten, as he says. Hes bringing us back to where we should be. We have to look out for the little guy. Even Ronald Reagan says cant not look out for the middle guy. Hes looking for everything he wants to grow the economy and thats what he laid out and a great plan to get us there and im so impressed. I can tell you enjoyed yourself. I can tell. Its 9 00 in the morning, youve been up for a few hours and didnt get to bed until 2 00 this morning. Later than that. Stuart i wont be seeing you next week from philadelphia, i know that, i wont see you there. I wont be there. Stuart thank you, jeff. And Donald Trumps daughter ivanka, again, sounded like a new Republican Party. Listen to this. Like many of my fellow millennials, i do not consider myself categorically republican or democrat, more than party affiliation, i vote based on what i believe is right for my family and for my country. Stuart okay, now, she went on to say, shes very much in favor of affordable child care, accessible child care. That sounded to me like a democrat program. Well, i think this is the ultimate conservativism. You want people to do well, you want businesses to do well and you want people to be able to live the life that best suits them. With single families, it makes it impossible to follow their dreams. It doesnt mean that government has to get bigger, but how to adjust to a changing world at least with conservativism making sure that people can work as they want to work, having those opportunities, look, i was a democrat up until 2008. Im very conservative and shes right. And americans are center right. We want the opportunities, we want the government off our back, but we dont want to be sloshing out there on our own. This is key and our job is to make sure that the conservative ideals influences those decision making. Stuart 30 seconds left. Liz, ashley, tammy, 30 seconds only. Anything you didnt like last night, liz . No, i liked it all. I read through it, yes, i liked it. Ashley very effective, playing to his supporters and playing for the undecided. Stuart what didnt you like . I didnt like the return of the lock her up chant, but when they said lock her up, he said lets defeat her in november. Ashley a little too long and repeated too much. Stuart otherwise you liked it. Ashley yeah. Stuart names that will be moving, starbucks, not moving that much and lower sales. Listen to this, they blame political and social unrest, and people to engage in a conversation about race while we wait in line. Chipotle, sales down, gave away gawk and chips. Didnt work. Ge, making money, sales are up. Big name, many people own a piece of this in their 401 k . Made money . Big profit . Down at the opening bell. The Republican National convention, yes, it wrapped up with a balloon drop. This is bigger than usual. 125,000 drapd of balloons dro down. And the song from the beatles. Stuart the song he came out to was air force one. Ashley yes. Stuart in order get off my plane. [laughter] and this song has but you get what you need. But you get what you need. Starbucks, maybe its the caffeine, maybe the caffeine is the problem with social unrest. Stuart leads up, new polls bringing good news for donald trump, yes, i will tell you about it shortly. Watch this. And let it begin with me youre going to be seeing a lot of this next week. This is our first look inside the Wells Fargo Center in philadelphia, the democrats hold their convention right there next week. I would say heavy on the blue. No surprises there. Ashley no. Stuart you could see a lot of blue next week. Stocks are going to open a little bit higher. This is not a fullthroated rally, but the direction is up after we broke the nine High Pressure day winning streak. This is facebooks new drone, looks big to me. Completed the first test flight, arizona in the bag, to remote to parts of the globe. Facebooks stock will open at 120 bucks a share and a couple feet away from the alltime high. Ive got a poll for you, it was conducted after the first three nights of the convention, it showed Hillary Clinton and donald trump deadlocked, 44 ray pie apiece, and think how that would look if john kasich would have gone to the convention. No tolerance for government incompetence, of which there is so much. No simply for leaders who failed their citizens. When innocent people suffer because the political system lacks the will or basic desensy to enforce the law or worse, sold out to some corporate lobbyist for cash, i am not able to look the other way and i wont look the other way. Stuart ron paul is with us, a face we all know and love, the congressman. Thank you. Is there anything at all that you liked in Donald Trumps speech last night . Oh, i could find a few things, but the theme is what i dont like. I mean, even that statement, that sounds wonderful about getting rid of incompetent government, but thats not the problem. We dont want to make the government competent. Its almost like make government great again. And a libertarian really doesnt believe in that. We think government should be reduced. Its sort of the old thing about conservatives saying let get rid of waste and fraud and its part of the problem. Stuart congressman he said that in his first 100 days he would ask for list in every single Government Department of things they could cut, wasteful things they could cut. Now, hes not actually chopping out whole departments, but could go along with here is my first 100 days and im in cutting mode. You get that surely. I didnt mention, isis is there and he wants to go vast obama is doing what he wants. Hes bombing the living day lights out of north syria and a lot of civilians are being killed. This is not the anticipate. Sometimes trump says things i like about Foreign Policy, but other times hes off. You know, weve got to kill more civilians. Youre already killing more civilians. Stuart youre the most prominent libertarian that i know. Which way do you think that libertarians would go, apart from gary johnson who is the libertarian candidate. Which way will they go, for trump or Hillary Clinton . They absolutely wont go for hillary. Some will be fooled for going for trump. If you look at it philosophically, he doesnt offer a whole lot for libertaria libertarians. I will do this. I will be the policeman are doing the policing of the country and he will. I think that he will run i think the Police Department should be local. We were never supposed to have a National Police force and theres so much to be policing when i hope he does something about the bureaucracy, unfortunately, he will be the police ran, police chief of the country. Even though the emphasis is nationalistic rather than globalistic, i want an emphasis of individual liberty and shrinking incompetence of people. Stuart im out of time, cone congressman, you know who it is. We have to go to break. Im sorry to cut you off. I was just getting started. [laughter] ron paul. Thank you. Stuart dow futures, maybe 15, 20 points higher, thats the news from the market this morning. The nba, moving the outstar came out of North Carolina because of transgender bathrooms. Tammy bruce will discuss this, shes all fired up. Stay with us. You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. The nba says no to next years allstar game scheduled for North Carolina, they do not agree with that states controversial transgender bathroom law which i dont understand. Ashley basically mandates that the transgender people have to use the bedroom based on their birth certificate. We dont care who you think you are now. Stuart youre born a man, you go to the mens room, youre born a woman, you go to the womans room. Theres a Legal Definition wh youre transgender, do you say how do i identify it that way. If youve had the surgery and made the transition, your identity is changed accordingly, your coverage, youre fine. What this bill does, it keeps christian businesses and other businesses safe from being sued repeated repeatedly. Stuart hold on a second. I think were all moving in the direction where there will be no more there will be only there will be no more mens room and womens room, i dont like it liz i have an answer to it, here at fox, gender neutral bathrooms. Theyre out there already. Stuart why do we have to change . Its a simple fix. Because were adults. But were looking at other buildings, girls in bathrooms, locker rooms, public schools, this is by the way, a distraction, transgenders that i know say, look, weve always used the warm we wanted to. The nasdaq is the news of the day. And donald trump making the economy a big part of the speech. He says were 19 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it. He says things need to change and fast. Watch this. The opening bell is up in a moment. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. And we will make America Great again. Youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the cla250 for 299 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Its friday morning and in 20 seconds not only will it ring, but trading will actually begin. The back drop to the market today is essentially the speech by donald trump last night. Throughout the program, youll hear exactly what he had to say. Were expecting a very modest gain for the market now. Its 9 30 precisely and lets see where were going. I said a modest gain and thats what weve got. On the lefthand side of your screen, all 30 dow stocks, a lot of green there and were up 18 points, how about next . Going to the s p . No, going to crude oil, down today, 44 a share. You know, it hit 50 a couple of weeks ago and now its 44. The 10year treasury yields, 1. 5, they say 9 , okay . So the yield is going up and the price is going down a bit. Lower sales of starbucks and the Company Claims political and social unrest. Well get to that in detail in a moment. Chipotle, a slow recovery and then some. Down four bucks. Ge, a lot of people own a tiny piece of ge. Down today, even the revenue is 15 , and Sketchers Shoe company, lower profits, hurt by the stronger dollar. Theres a hit for you. Pandora, streaming radio internet company, lost more money and lowered his forecast, down 1 1 2 . Thats pandora. The justice department, and the merger with humana and aetna is flat, 118 a share. Big names, here we go. We like to look at the technology company. And a lot of people piled in. Twitter down, amazon and oh, microsoft is almost at 56, Ashley Webster is here and scott schedulety and tammy bruce altogether now. Donald trump says we need law and order to create prosperity. There can be no prosperity without law and order Scott Shellady to you first, what do you say to that. On the other side, armageddon and a great economy . I dont think that can happen. You have to have law and order and rules in place and yes, you can follow through an economy. Armageddon doesnt spur anything except gun stocks, maybe. Stuart and defense. Law and order . Its not only law and order in terms of reducing the violence, but cleaning up and making better economically the inner cities. Its the enforcement of contract law. Remember what the Obama Administration did to chrysler seven or eight years and flipped the equity back to the union. Were going back to more precedented structure, its going to be easier to get prosperity, at least deeper into the society. Stuart cant be worse than we are now thats not true, cant get worse than we are now. You know where im coming from. I think everybody understands. Stuart, psychologically its bad and weve got to switch the psychically. Stuart tammy, what else did he have to say about prosperity, not just law and order, but prosperity. He wants to get back to prosperiecuto prosperity. That should be the theme. Each one of us looks as that our cess, can your child walk to School Safely and expand, and maybe have another child because it looks better and easier. Prosperity is a frame of mind, more about making money and choosing where you want to live. He brought up schools, school of choice, thats an indication of prosperity. Youre going to make broaderbased decisions and expanded decisions. I dont think that anybody is saying that the speech last night is making an impact. Its not a factor in the market action. Lets get on with it, the dow industrial is down 7 points, a slight loss. The dow is at 18,500. Lets get to starbucks, im intrigued. And they say blame social unrest worldwide. Theyre looking at it skeptically. Skeptically. And the Third Straight quarter theyve missed the targets. Is that the back story or weakness in china . Thats the best and do people not buy lattes because of fears of political unrest . They blame lack of confidence in the u. S. Because theyre concerned about uncertainty and to lizs point, also civil unrest, whether that would have an impact on your latte. Thats a stretch. Its in europe and we dont see that hopping, but these are places where people gather. After the parisian attack, that could be, but the tourism. And hes saying that tourism is down in europe. Stuart sorry, tammy, thats a stretch. And ladies and gentlemen, economists low recovery, nonetheless, its up 5 points. What do they say, ash . Well, look, they did earlier this year, and six million burritos, and the orders and chips and guacamole, the high coast of those live aways, and the customers coming back in. And dont forget Morgan Stanley said it could take ten years to get back to even close to where they were. Stuart it means theyve hit bottom. Ashley they hope so. Stuart bottom feeders come in and good for six. And how is my analysis going there, scaramucci . I think youre right on lot of things, but the Federal Reserve is going to give you easy policy and so will the ecb and the bank of england going into the fall and i think thats a big reason why a lot of these things are going to lift higher than expected. Stuart thats some good news. Ive got more good news. Emack, i want the details, garlic fries, mcdonalds liz this is why its a thrilling time to be alive, the mcdonalds garlic fries, decided to expand in the bay area. They were test driving it San Francisco, and now 240 locations where people get to buy garlic fries. Scott shellady, theres hope yet that garlic fries will hit the mcdonalds near you, any comment whatsoever . Its almost like christmas, isnt it . Weve got garlic fries and all you can eat breakfast and waiting for them to roll out a new Delivery System so i dont have to roll out the car. Stuart without being facetious, look at that. Mcdonalds on the upper part of the screen liz it will go well with your mcdonalds coffee. One thing is missing, year long mcrib. The mcrib sandwich and then fine liz theyre made out of old yoga mats, who is going to eat an mcrib . Less money coming in and hey, im sorry, its up 40 cents of the boston beer, you know, sam adams, reported three consecutive quarters on profit declines and the stock is up 7 . Can anybody explain this to me . You cant. You love it, beer fries. And apple watch sales are down big and were told that people are waiting for a new version to come in. I think the thing is flatout failure. Who is in my ear saying its a bust, its a bust. Is that you Scott Shellady. This is a piece of jewelry. Its just jewelry. And you dont want that on your wrist, wrist is is for jewelry and im an early adopter and its not interested me at all specifically because you dont want to be tied constantly to the information. You want to be able to look at something more traditional, more artistic, if you will, a machine thats like thats a swatch youre wearing. No, its not. And swatches are good, too. Stuart netflix, its called strange things, its doing well, and into an a second season. Sarcasm is a low form of wit. Wait for it, big for sketchers, low profits. Nicole tell me how bad the damage to the stocks. The company itself, 25. 58 a share right now, and they said domestically, the retail space had wholesale commitments last Quarter Sales missed and the forecasted the Third Quarter and forecast below a billion dollars, thats a miss. And overseas the bright spot there. No bright spot there. They expect that Analysts Expect concerns. And thats a multiple. I will tell you, a pair of sketchers and wore them. Stuart didnt help the stocks. Very first pair and i like them, but theyre clearly lagging. Stuart all right. Nicole and your sketchers. Were moving on rapid fire. And they investors love it. 10 and another big name. Honeywell cut the Sales Outlook for the year. And lower expenses, more money coming in, capital one. And wall street is not happy and its down nearly 4 . Cheap oil no impact. And paypal strikes a deal with visa. You willble able to visa when you use your smart phone and finally launchers in japan and the stock is down 12 . And how about that, that went up by a third and thats almost as much going though where. Amazon, theyre entering the student loan business in partnership with wells fargo. And whats that all about . S. Ashley theyre not doing any underwriting or origination of Student Loans theyre the conduit by which Student Loans, you have to be an amazon prime student and its a particular membership, half as much as the amazon prime membership. And if you qualify, 1 2 a Percent Discount on your rate. Stuart anthony scare mariucciically do you have any comment on amazon . Thats an extraordinary company. Listen, we love amazon longterm, but, stuart, its very hard for Value Investors, having said that, those Value Investors have been wrong for two decades. The only thing i remember is that jeff beesos not wear alien makeup anymore. Stuart anthony, and we thank you one and all. Were 12 minutes into the trading session. And its 18,500 index so were down all of 8 points. Now this, the Mainstream Media analyzing the trump family and men marrying women like melania trump. Figure that one out. Stuart donald trump critical and then some for Hillary Clinton and says that it means more chaos and destruction. Trump was fired up and youll see more. Were coming back. Quickly, the market down 13 points, thats not a big drop, its certainly no selloff and now were down 10. Donald trump attacked Hillary Clinton and the democrats in his speech last night. Roll some of that tape. This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton, death, destruction, terrorism and weakness, but Hillary Clintons legacy does not have to be americas legacy. Stuart well, you heard part of it and in response the Mainstream Media this morning is using words like the tone was dark, fascist, even apocalyptic. Thats just some of the words that the media is using to describe last nights trump speech. Carl higby. Thanks for having me on again. Stuart fascist apock apocalyptic. And who is going too far here . Donald trump says hillarys death destruction, terrorism, weakness a weakness media describes his speech as apocalyptic, fashist. The media is going too far. The benghazi issue, death. Terrorism is rampantly on the rise. And black life matters, Hillary Clinton embraces them as positive. Those are music to my ears and its right on point. Stuart the democrats are going to be throwing it back at you and donald trump and the Republican Party calling all kinds of names under the sun. This is a pretty extreme political time. Bring it on. Stuart wouldnt you like to lower the tone a little bit . No, i think it needs to be im waiting for that first debate because look it, Hillary Clinton is used to being the baddest person in the ring and throws any blow and no logic. Donald trump is the street fighter throwing chairs from outside of ring and she cant compete. Stuart does anybody else think that maybe wed like to lower the tone a couple of notches liz this is the most divided electorate since 1976 since watergate and vietnam. People dont want to go into. Stuart you think that lower the town. Ashley he shouted every line for 75 minutes and i know its his style. Its only 118 days or so, were tired of being lied to and the collegial attitude ignoring. And is cynical leadership who thinks we cant understand the truth. We can handle it and were going to act on it. Stuart carl, i think that Republican Voters want an extreme donald trump who fires up, and hes on behalf of america, we want our country back. Stuart i take away the word extreme. Harsh and sharpedged. Death, destruction, terrorism, weakness, i call that sharpedged. Its the truth. Thats the truth theyve created, they dont want anyone to point it out, too bad, the world has changed. Stuart carl higbie, silicon billionaire peter thiel, he says hes proud to be gay, proud to be american and gets a standing ovation and well hear from donald trump now, and well bring it to you. Friends, delegates and fellow americans, i humbly and grateful accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States. Before it became a medicine, it was an idea. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. There were thousands of patient volunteers and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. [so i use quickbooks and run mye entire business from the cloud. I keep an eye on sales and expenses from anywhere. Even down here in the dark i can still see were having a great month. And celebrate accordingly. I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. Then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Can you believe this . The New York Times goes after the trump family. And here is the headline. Why men want to marry malelania as and raise ivankas. Ive not read that and tammy you have. Theyre trying to cast this as m w misogyny. And they raise the children and reflect their values and the New York Times, scramble how did those women happen. Welcome to the values of the conservative ideal. Stuart theyre afraid that theyre republicans and theyre successful. Thats what they dont like. And that other people might want the same thing. Stuart ive got to get karl rove in here. Not on that subject, another one. Silicon billionaire peter thiel spoke at the convention and told a republican audience he was gay to a standing ovation. Listen to this. Im proud to be gay, im proud to be republican im frayed to be an american. Stuart do you think that peter thiels speech is how very much this is a new Republican Party. Am i going too far . Well, i dont know how far youre going with it, but look, the country has changed and the Republican Party has changed with it, pretty profound cultural change. When the representative, when the face of the gay Movement Stopped being some provocature at some wild outrageous San Francisco parade and instead became your classmate or your colleague at work or the committed couple at the pta meeting or a close friend, neighbor, relative whom you respected and love, attitudes change and change quickly. Stuart im not just referring to peter thiel and his statement, im proud, im gay, im american, not just that. Theres a whole lot going on in the Republican Party. Last night i heard the first nationalistic speech ive heard from a long time. A revolution in trade relationships, Foreign Policy. It was a really different approach to all things republican thats why im saying it looks to me like a new Republican Party. Well, first of all, i wouldnt make too much of one speech, because you talk about a noninterventional Foreign Policy, some of the staunchest hawks of the Republican Party were sitting there on the floor. Theres a desire to end the policies of the president Obama Administration and stop Hillary Clinton from winning the presidency. There are tensions underneath the surface. Peter was wildly received at the convention. The platform adopted several days before reaffirms traditional marriage and says the issue ought to be left with the states. There are tensions beneath the surface. Does every president ial candidate change the party to some degree . Yes. How long, a, whether they win and b, how successful. Stuart karl, thank you for being on the show today. Thank you. Stuart and check that stock market, were down 25 points, we just dropped below 185. And were on policy, of course, this Varney Company, isnt it . Donald trumps big message, i am your voice, promises to restore law and order. He did it there last night and gold greg norman, gold could be finished in the olympics. And hour two of Varney Company is next. Good morning everyone. It is friday july 22nd welcome to the new Republican Party. In 13 months donald trump has transformed the gop last night he accepted the nomination. The old god was soundly beaten. In 76 minutes he established a tone, a raft of new policies and a few sharp edged attack on Hillary Clinton his daughter ivanka called for affordable child care. Weave not heard that from republicans. And peter teal broke the liberal Silicon Valley straight jacket. Im gay, im proud, and im a republican he said. The culture wars are a distraction create ared by the left. Now its the democrattings turn. That Convention Begins monday get ready for a new democrat party. Socialist, free stuff or for all. We may get Hillary Clintons Vice President iapick today. We are seeing a c change in politics. And that market staying strong. Were going to be were dun a near 70 points at 1805 hour two of Varney Company is about to begin. Ive got this alert donald trump will make brief remarks to them following the big night last night. There they are all assembled waiting for hmm. Well take you there when he speaks. Youll see it. Check that big board, no change for the markets. Well down 17 points. Thats not a lot. About half the dow stocks are up and about a third of them are down roughly speaking. General electric says revenue up 15 pushing stock down 2 . How about that . Pan or pan or lowered the forecast but it bounced now its 1 . Go figure. Slower recovery at chipotle that stock has been all over the place this morning. It was down in premarket and then came up, and then down, now its up again. So thats the definition of all over the place. Latest numbers down 82 in the same quarter. Same Quarter Sales down worse than forecast. Spending a lot of money on freebies to win back customer and thats offsetting any increase in traffic of this thing could be years according to Morgan Stanley before they get to back to where they were. However theres some people buying out there thinking that this could be a bottom if you like. Theyve got to be brave. Did they take one hit or what . That was a terrible longterm hit. Series of hits. Stuart theyre not out of it. You have to wonder if they want to sell back to mcdonalds. [inaudible] stuart okay. Got it. I love these stories i have a good one for you this is facebook new drone. It completed the first test flight in arizona. Facebook stock not affected by this. Can we show the video please . Really cool stuff. We have details of this new drone. This thing wingspan of a 747 and in arizona. If people dont call it area 51 it is not a ufo. Its a drone, and what they want, they want it to fly. Look at this. Wow look at that takeoff. Wingspan of a 747. Made of carbon fiber. Facebook wants it to fly for up to three months at a time to beam the internet to remote parts of the world using also lasers this is real hightech stuff. Stuart love it. You can fly over most remote parts of the world and get internet. This is not a ufo this is a pouk drone. Were not ignore politics for very long do we . Three minutes without a political word. Cant have that. Donald trump delivered the biggest speech of his life last night fred barnes from the weekly stanley was there. He watched it. He heard it. He was in the auditorium and hes with us now. Do you think it worked, fred . I do think it works. I thought when i first heard it ive never heard anybody shout for an hour and 15 minutes. [laughter] thats true. But why did he shout . There was a message in the shouting. He was saying i am different. Im not like those other politicians im on your side and then he had the phrase for it. I am your voice. Very effective. Stuart im saying this morning that that was the rollout he personified the new Republican Party. Its not your dad or grand dad Republican Party and ive asked everybody on the show morning, am i right or am i going too or far here . It seemed to me some brand new last night. Well there were a lot of brand new things in it. Among other things it wasnt just peter teal talking about gay rights in effect donald trump did too. And you know, he spoke he had Something Different view. His view on immigration, viewings on trade. Expressed very strongly, and i think that most important thing, though, is when he talked about crime in public safety. The whole law and order issue. Stuart how many times did he say law and order . I didnt count them. But there were four or five times. He they thinks that was the isss in early 60s and late 70s and helped republicans then and it may help him now. If it is as big as a he thinks he has a very good chance of winning. He was saying to both sides of the political aisle saying elites have let you down whether its wall street, media whatever had it is theyve let down, lied to you theyre doing okay. Top 20 doing just fine. But everybody else has been losing on this and im going to turn it around. That for me was the newness of his approach to politics. What say you . yeah, that was now. And a i think when you look stuart whenever you see evaluating something that trump did, ignore it because they loathe trump and theyre always going to say whatever trump are does didnt work. Or it was wrong, or it was it was stupid or or something. And yet trump hes been in their minds hes been failing well hes been failing uppedward for monthses now. You must have seen it. Youre in the media you saw the media reaction no morning calling him a fascist all of that stuff apocalyptic. U i dont think the have been surprised. I wasnt. Of course going to say this. How does the public how does the public perceive him and theyre going to perceive Hillary Clinton differently. Theyre going to perceive him as a strong. Hes the strong horse, shes the weak one. Stuart im sure well be seeing affiliate you next week from philadelphia. Im sure sh are you going . Are you going to be there . Nope. Im not going to that one. But i am ill be in washington. Ill be focused on it. But im not going to philadelphia. [laughter] this is my last convention ive been going to these things since 1976. [laughter] and thats enough. Stuart no its not. With a Convention Like this it is fun. You had a great time. You know you did you know you did. Im sure well see you again. Comparative this is a Trump Convention thats the hillary convention, please. Stuart okay, okay, i get the point fred barnes everyone see him very soon. Thank you, treed. Next issue, trump hit on Foreign Policy big time clarified his spans on support for our allies. Watch this. I have said that nato was obsolete because it did not properly cover terror. And also that many of the member countries were not paying their fair share. As usual the United States has been picking up the cost. Stuart you know media said he was going to break up nato and defined what he saidgoing to do request it. Katy was watching she joins us this morning. Good morning. Stuart seems like it is rev are revolutionary. Nato was form lated on two assums one europe was on knees economically so United States qowld contribute the majority. Vast majority at least 75 of the common defense. And number two, it was to hold the line against soviet union, the ussr expansion into western union. No soviet union anymore and number two European Countries were covered so much that the collective is bigger than ours but were paying 75 so time to redo that deal. Strange not strange is elites are substitute isering messing around with nato and been for 65 years you cant do that. You cant do that. One journalist today one opinion writer said hes a russian hes a russian agent hes, obviously, other side of things. Look, we had been saying for decades pay your fair share and europeans have said well get to it. We do do later work, tough times. And trump is just saying forget about later. Do it now. Stuart do you approve . Your career is in Foreign Policy. Thats what youve been doing your lifetime. You approve of this switch in if i say switch not a switch. You would approve of this, do you . I think its time to reassess the same way when ray reassessed cold war we were in this twilight cold war and we were going to win it. And restored nuclear weapons. I think what trump has the ability to do in the who knows if hes going to actually do it but he has opportunity to say lets reassess our relations and middle east for 15 years everything weve tried chapter worked. Radical islamist exploding all over the globe including United States lets rethink nato. Maybe lets rethink our relationship with china. That i been robbing us blind so rethink that one too. Im all for rethinking. Every now and then its really god to rethink. I bet you never thought 18 months ago never thought you would be saying rethink Foreign Policy. Top to bottom hes going to do it. I never looked like a suburban housewife but we need to reassess things. Stuart got it katy got it indeed. On the lefthand side of the screen donald trump is expected momentarily in cleveland an going to address a group of his volunteers they are assembling. You see the flags, you see the podium hes going to emerge shortly and Start Talking to his volunteers. I dont know what hes going to say, but, i mean, im sure hell be pumped up after that big speech last night. It was did you watch the whole thing or did you . I read through it. Parts of it. I was with it for 50 minutes and then conked out. Did you approve . I did. Stuart appeal to you . Yeah. More than any of the other candidate ever, but its policies could hang him up. Needs to stick above 40 to win the general but more than any other candidate he breaks that barrier. You feel like hes talking right with you. Stuart it he talk with you . I was in the fifth row in our delegation, and i felt that he opened his arms to say this is a new Republican Party. And were including everybody. And were all of a sudden going to represent the interest not of the corporate capitalist and a the country club guy. Not just special interest but you guys in the middle because youve been taking advantage of, accident ploited for a generation and its time that you had your voice and hes going to give it to them thats greats. Stuart dying to find out how many watched on all of the platforms that were available because we have numbers yesterday. What john mccain got 39 Million People. To watch when he accepted the Republican Partys nomination. Mitt romney got 30 Million People when he accepted the 2012. I got a suspicion that he kowght have broken 40 million last night. The largest audience ever tv audience ever for bairvegly a political speech. Wouldnt be surprising. Think of how many in europe are watching. What do you think they were thinking . I dont know. I think that gotten everybodys attention. [laughter] stuart i dont to get personal but i called my brother last night. Europeans are horrified. Theyre utterly terrified of donald trump. I told my brother that i had had nigel on the show they were appalled at that. [inaudible] theyre always at a state of high but they were appalled trurp theyre going to take us into the world war iii. Thats what they said about reagan but it was worse. He had his finger on it and have nuclear war. You know, everybody is overreacting. But whats really interesting right now is you look at the polls and you were pointing out earlier you know that trump is neck and neck with clinton in ohio. Ohio is correctly called the elections since 189 1960 wrong twice since 1944 that is ab important swing state to qamp. With us now is kent pax ton from Texas Attorney general at the great state of texas. Mr. Attorney general welcome to the program. Very good to see you i want to talk to you about law and ored r order im sure you watched the speech. Did you approve about everything he said about law and order . I did appreciate it i was there last night. I was also there at the Dallas Police shootings, and so his coverage of law and order both locally, on the border and internationally i think was a message that america needed to hear last night. But you know what theyre saying this morning we have a Washington Post headline calling him a fascist. Any comment on that . I would say i disagree with them absolutely. What hes talking about isen issue that we asmens care about locally, nationally and internationally. Weve got isis. Weve got border issues and weve, obviously, had had Police Shootings all around the country. Are there any specific policies that you as attorney general of texas want to see in our federal government in a Trump Presidency that relate to law and order in the state of texas . Really what i want to see is from leader of our country a cooperation request Law Enforcement. I dont think weve had that from this president. It makes the difference, the message that is sent from the top that that aims at having impact on the relationship between Law Enforcement and our communities, and so what i appreciate about what he said last night is that he is showing that support for Law Enforcement i think it makes a difference. Katy is a little talking about law and order on the international field. I mean hes not happy with whats going on the world but he did paint a dier picture. A dier picture of the world in general thats not that inaccurate, is it . I dont think anybody will disagree if you look at take radical islam or for once its all oater world in europe all parts of the planet europe is the new battleground second frond that isis has opened. Waiting for donald trump to appear and audience for his volunteers still in cleveland. Mr. Trump is still in cleveland and appear momentarily and speak to that audience. Maybe hell address them about what he wants to see them do in forthcoming campaign. Remember weve got four months away to the election. Look at the majority market briefly because they pay no attention to politics i dont believe theres any impact on politics on the market. I dont believe there is. So were down 19 points 18,5 no change in interest rates. Go no market and pay no attention to whats going on in politics. Kent pax ton state attorney general of state of texas your statement on culture wars. I ask this e request because interesting speaker last night with peter teal, and as you may know hes a billionanaire hes from california. Hes gay, hes a republican. Hes an american, and he said that the culture wars are a distraction. What say you, sir . Well, you know what, were supportive of people from difference opinions so i will say this. You know that we have this lawsuit. That isnt necessarily about the culture war thats about enforcing rule it have law, and so sometimes i think people get confused between culture wars what were trying to do is enforce rule of law which we believe the administration has disregarded in many different cases. So i dont to go off on crazy tangent but i want to ask you about bathroom u law in North Carolina. As im sure you know the nba says theres been no all star game in North Carolina in 2017 because of the bathroom law. As i understand that law, the rule in North Carolina is, if youre a man youre born a man you go to the mans room if womens room is there any problem with that . Where do you see this battle going mr. Attorney general is this well,ening its interesting you know youve got a state that actually is following federal law, obviously, businesses are free to do whatever they want. They can leave, they can stay. But i appreciate a state thats willing to follow federal law theyre following the law that congress put in place the administration is the one that is disregarding that law. Why should we all change . I mean for thousands of years surely men and women have used separate bathrooms. Different toilet facilities. Why do we have to change all of a sudden . Especially why do we have to change when its an issue that is from washington as opposed to being something thats been debated in congress. Always weve had Representative Government in this country, and that Representative Government has debated these type of issues and this case its being push down by one person to all states and all schools. Im sitting here with Katy Mcfarland shaking her head she doesnt want to offer any comment whatsoever on bathrooms, do you . Hey, look. Heres lets get priorities right the if you dont have priorities you wont get to important once. Fix the economy deal with radical islam an somehow bathrooms thats way down on my priority. Yes, indeed. Back to you again please. Donald trump still says hes going to build that wall. Hes going to make mexico pay for it. And you want to comment on that, sir . I can tell you this on my states and i dont know about every other state because thats an a issue of Border Security is at the top of everybodys list and something they want resolve sod i think they appreciate that finally someone is stepping up and talking about it. And offerings at least some type of solution. So i think in my state the most part people appreciate those comments. Okay. They want to talk about it. They want to put it on discussion but does you kent state attorney general of state of texas, you want to see that wall built . I want to see what is going to work. Yeah ill take the wall. I think something that is going to work on our borders so we can stop the porous border. Do what it takes because you want to secure it. Thats it . Thats absolutely my position. Its a poftion position of majority of texans. Put National Guard on border . I would do what it takes if thats what we need to stop our forced boarder absolutely im open to any solution is that is legal and that will work. Stuart Katy Mcfarland, wait a second. This is about the relationship with our boarder with with our neighbors. This is about our relationship with mexico. And donald trump is really royaled the waters has he not with build that wall and next conditions will pay for it. He said build a big door in that wall. I look at the example we have in europe. Open borders, multiculturism gut defense. You have the second front of isis a social system that isnt working and potential collapse of the European Union that should be a very good lesson to us. Stuart on that though the trying to find it on my computer thing. I got this note this morning. A guy in the United Nations peter sutherland. A former Goldman Sachs banker is now an official with United Nations hes saying you europeans, youre wrong. You should let anybody in. Any migrant including economic migrants. You want to go to europe they should let you in. What do you thats the United Kingdom on a former goldman sanction banker. Not commenting on Goldman Sachs but one of the reasons they voted for brexit against their economic interest was because they wanted a border and they wanted control of their own border and if you look at the other country where is popular opinion is going, they want control with their board rs as well. Okay. So were still waiting for donald trump to appear. He never set a time. So i cant say that man is late. But generally speaking conservatives on time. To katys point you know Marine National front in france is saying terrorism and face of terrorism has changed but youve talked about no longer hierarchy but terrorism of opportunity where people are being freelance terrorists, and thats why an open border is so dangerous, i think, in european because theyre inspiring as youve been pointing out jihadis now word about european peat teenagers, and even here in the United States trying to jihadis in action. Dont take my word for it. French Homeland Security director has said were on the verge of civil war. A new comer to the discussion and someone whose name Everybody Knows we know what he looks like and what he does is named greg norman legendary golfer hes on the phone and comment on Donald Trumps speech last night. Greg, with what a pleasure. Welcome back to the show. Good to have you here, sir. Thank you. Good to be on your show. Stuart what do you say about Donald Trumps speech last night . I came back from cuba and since then i came from europe so i had a reading sense of the barometer of we he was going and feelings on trump and yes everybody is kind of like overreacting to some disagree. But what i took away knowing the guy that i do and knowing ivanka and eric and not donald but the vail of narcissism has pulled away last night by ivanka she was showing that side of what a father really is and i think what resonates to americans internally is his compassion for the country and compassion for the people. At the end of the day that was his shining light last night. And conversely i didnt like isolationism way he wants to put america longterm. But quite honestly Stuart America has to clean up their internal problem before they can focus on external problem and getting stuck with whats happening with isis around the world and youre right. When you have borders you get it. Secure borders you have less of the effect of radical islamic movements can do. All right greg please stay there for a second. We are waiting for donald trump to appear and talk to his volunteer staff. Hell be out there momentarily. Were going to have to take a very, very short break but we will win. Katy and donald trump after this. You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. On the lefthand side of the screen waiting donald trump to appear and make a meant to volunteer staff. Meanwhile on the phone, greg norman golf legend and very proud and very honored actually to have greg norman on the phone nobody played golf like you greg, nobody and thats a fact. Well thank you stuart i enjoyed every step. J talk is cheap. Here we go. [laughter] stuart top four golfers in the world are not going to go to the rio olympics. I think thats bad news for golf in the future at the olympics. I think it might be dead. What say you . Well i think it all depends on tokyo quite honestly two olympic stint before the aoc decides to go again, and so i think tokyo comes all well and they go there. Yes i think we have a good chance of continuing with golf in the olympics. It is a black eye, i make no comment just recently about it. It doesnt look good. Theres no question about it. And my comment would be you know what happens if the zika virus is discovered in florida, for example. Somebody is carrying the virus through the player is not playing in florida anymore . So look, i do understand. Ii was probably you know last to be involved with a potential design, and it is golf course is located on a polluted swamp. It is a mosquito heaven and probably of all sports outside of sailing golf is probably more susceptible to getting mosquito bite than anybody else. Really painting dark picture. Greg norman built on mosquito infected swamp there you have it. Thats a hazard. Location, location, location i thought you were the in real estate business come on. [laughter] [inaudible] see that. Stuart but in all seriously the real olympics are beset with problems theyve got a political crisis, economic crisis, zika virus, and now we hear that russia, the entire russian team, the olympic team could be banned from the olympics. Greg are, the last thing this world wants after all of the turmoil of the past 12 months, the last thing the world needs is or for disastrous olympics. We really dont want that, do we . We do not sport is great outlet for people to get the angst of the world and no question the olympics that everybody looks for to every for year and as an athlete visited olimp why and greece the home of the first olympic games, and quite honest i was totally moved by it. So see where olympics come from to where we are today, i want to see it continue on. I think that it is good for the world and rio when they voted it was a popular city and kicked them hard in the teeth and nobody has the about Looking Glass at the end of the future so hopefully that does come off too bad about russia. But hopefully they created their own problem in this one here for the ban. Got a short time but i have one last question for you. Gary player is frequent guest on the program last time he was on was he is a previous 21 rounds and had averaged a score of 70. The man is 80 years old. Can you beat that greg norman . Depends what tee i play off. [laughter] isif you play off the championship, gary still place a lot. Hes very is strong and very visit. Good for him. Stuart greg norman a pleasure to have you on the show a great golfer a pleasure to have you with us, sir. Yes, sir, waiting for donald trump waiting for some time actually but eager to see what he has to say to his vrmt staff off the speech of his life last night. 76 minutes. Largely shouted at his audience. The audience before 40 million strong. Find out later on today. I think he had two main points to do last night basically make the his opponent Hillary Clinton not seem capable or being in the qhows. Knocking her down i think he did that. But also build his own stature of someone who can go into the white house and dot kind of things that this country wants to be done. Because i think hes just channeling anger had that so many feel 2378. It was new republican are Party Last Night and discuss that at length in just a moment and expecting donald trump. Stay there please. Hes coming up. We have now turned positive ladies and gentlemen not by much but by three points and well twothirds of the dow industrials to the upside. Stanley black ped decker touched record high its still there. 120 or declares a share made the new ceo anded profit for the year the market loves that kind of stuff now Stanley Black and decker. Got ahold of stanley l toos as i recall. Up they go. Ivanka trump made an appeal to women last night. Explaining why they should cast their vote for her hold on a second dont go to the soundbite donald trump is now about to appear hes there in cleveland. Lets listen in here we go. To this country who will make America Great again. [applause] i give you the next president of the United States of america, donald trump. [applause] thank you very much. We had an amazing convention that was one of the best i think it was one of the best ever in terms [applause] in terms of enthusiasm, in terms of what i think it represents, getting our word out. Ivanka was incredible last night. She did an incredible job. [applause] so many of the speakers were s amazing, and groundsetting really groundsetting. We were it was just something very, very special. Were even getting god good marks on television. Can you believe it . Hard to believe. Oh, theyll change. Wait [laughter] but it has been, it has been just an incredible four days. I want to thank the people of cleveland and the people of ohio. [applause] because it its i mean what theyve done. We read two, three weeks ago this is going to be horrible. Were going to have riots. Were going to have problems. Everything was a problem. A problem. This was probably one of the most peaceful, one of the most beautiful [applause] one of the most love filled conventions in the history of conventions. And when they talk about unity let me tell you, that was unity. I saw you last night. That was unity. That was amazing, and the party is just come together. The party has come together, and the few people that arent there its okay. You know, youve got to understand, i ran as an outsider i didnt want anybody. Now i have guys like mike pence this isnt supposed to happen. [applause] see now if i dont win im going to blame mike. We have to blame mike. [laughter] but we want to thank a number of people because in particular and were going to e leave out some because that always happens and its very sad. The set im a real estate guy. I build buildings and i build things ill tell you that was the most beautiful set ive ever seen not only for conventions. But for anything and the folks that worked on that especially the carpenters, the electricians, we forget about this stuff. Those sheet rockers up up there, they did a heck of a job. See you have to wrap that sheet rock yeah we cut it. I know i see what you do but we dont see it much. My leader, my man, right were going to win new york. Were going to try and win new york. You know, if we win new york, its over. Right . Its over. Thank you chairman. I really appreciate it. So a few other people, harold ham is here. Where is harold look at harold here, oh, boy, you talk about money. Aye aye barely switzer won a super bowl, won a National Championship and i guess hes harold ace best friend or one of them so he came up to my office, and hes sitting there he said mr. Trump harold is one of the great energy tycoons but more important from our standpoint one of the people who understand Energy Better than anybody else. We hired consultants they dont know what theyre doing. Any good they would be worth 10 billion. Okay, but harold is one of the really knowledgeable people and energy and Barry Switzer hes a tough cookie and a good guy but a tough cookie he said you know mr. Trump, that harold ham hes my friend these other companies they go out and spend millions of dollars looking for oil. That guy talks straw, puts it in the ground and oil purse out pos out of him thats the guy we want telling us about energy. Right . Harold you made a great speecht other night. Great, we want the real players right, we dont want consultants we dont want the guys that he hires. We want him. So harold great that youre here. I didnt know youd be here, i appreciate it, and your speech was terrific by the way. We also have and i think very important Jeff Sessions who may or may not be here still. But i want to tell you he was the first one [applause] mikey was right at the beginning and hes so highly respected, and honestly ted cruz has so much respect for Jeff Sessions, and everybody knew that Jeff Sessions was going to be with ted cruz during the campaign. Jeff said never seen nothing like that youve got going. You have a movement going. He was really the big player highly respected by everybody. One of the really smart people, and low key. Look that every once in a while you know that low key genius. Well done i dont know if ill do it that way. Why dongt you try doing it this way, i thats genius every once in a while we have people like that. Right, but Jeff Sessions was there right at the i think go and it was a huge upset because when jeff came on even thought he was going to just routinely be with ted and frankly hes never endorsed anybody before. You know, hes not an endorser hes called a tough endorsement and he endorsed me and that was a fantastic thing and hes been a great help ever since. So Jeff Sessions i appreciate it. Jeff larson is around here someplace. Where is jeff larson . Hes around here someplace. What a job jeff did. Rights, of course, wheres my superstar probably on a plane flying to our next meeting this guy works so hard. And i said yesterday in front of a small group because were raising money like its crazy whats going on, you know the nice thing first of all i put in over 60 Million Dollars last month i think i put in 3. 8 million. But were raising also money for the Republican Party which is very important. And [applause] the beautiful thing but i heard yesterday alone was 3. 5 million from small donors. The average donation was just over 50. And were raising tremendous amount of money from the small donors, to me thats more important in a sense. I mean, harold can write his checks but harold is only one vote. These other people give you 50 but they vote bit millions thats what we want. To hell with harold, right . [laughter] but we have you know just tremendous numbers of people coming in and were really building up a war chest thats going to be great and im continuing to fund any campaign, large portions of it and, in fact, i thought i gave 2 million last month they said no you actually gave 3. 8. Always good when you dont know what you tbaif and it doesnt matter. You know its nice when they say you gave. 8 and 2 and i dont get angry at anybody, right . But im over 60 million because i said i was going to find the primaries. And i didnt know this was going to happen so we keep going along, right. But ill tell you its an hon no honor and ive said this a lot of Television People have come up to me an a lot of actually one very highly respected writer called up and ive told this story a few times. But he said what youve done is incredible. And this was actually in september. They called it the summer of trump. And he said what youve done is incredible. I said nothing is incredible unless i win. And i wasnt talking about the primaries. He said no, no, no, what youve done is incredible. Its been the summer of trump and done in history books and never been anything like it. Bill oreilly said single political phenomenon hes ever seen in his life couple of weeks and im not so sure if brett hume likes it, but so what happened is they said that. They said no, no they dont understand. I dont care i dont do anything unless i win im not talking about the primaries but otherwise what have we done . What have we done . Then i get a call from somebody else a month ago saying the same thing. But now it was the summer of trump. It was the autumn of trump. It was the christmas of trump. [laughter] it was everything. And its really of you because its a movement. Well what we have going is a movement. I was just on cover of time again Time Magazine is like yeah, okay. I think i was on cover of Time Magazine twice in my life and six times in the last number of months. So you tell me which is more important real estate or politics . Okay thats thats the way, is that true, harold . I have six for if politics and i have two for real estate or whatever they put me on for. But its been, its been amazing. But i said look, it really to me matters. They said no, no, no, believe me. What youve done is in the history books never been anything look it and primaries i said this is crazy and no it doesnt matter unless we beat Hillary Clinton. And i mean beat her badly. [applause] i will consider it and i shouldnt say this because you know what, if it doesnt work out, i could say well i did a good job but im hurting myself by saying this. If i dont win, meaning that final stage beat 17 people because actually 17 including. But it was actually 17 because it was one that we dont even talk about. Who joined who left quickly. One statement he was gone. Okay. And dont forget, hillary had a couple of guys who dropped out and bernie was tough. He was tough. Going to get a lot of bernie voters, by the way. [laughter] because they didnt treat bernie right. They didnt treat him right. I dont know bernie. I dont i dont know him. I never met him. But they didnt treat him right honestly, and what happened he ran a very good campaign. And hillarys people just swamped him. You are looking at Deborah Wasserman schultz. [booing] ill take over her in terms of confidence forget it. Not for being nice or any of those things, who cares i will take that in terms of competence over her any day. You see what shes done to that party. So i will tell you that i think were going to get a lot of his voters because of the trade issue. Because they understand. But because of the trade issue. I think were going to get all of their voters so i want to thank steve king where is steve king thats our local steve. Wheres steve . Where . [applause] thank you steve. If i want to thank some of our Security First of all the secret service is is unbelievable. Unbelievable. [applause] weve got been hit a little bit overt last couple of years let me tell you, these guys are are fantastic im the best thing that ever happened to the secret service because i go around marking all of these guys. I go around saying how great they are, they are great. These are great, great people. Okay. So i want to thank the secret service. I want to thank the police of cleveland. That cleveland Police Department. [applause] the mayor i want to thank. I want to thank your police chief. Hes amazing. I dont know if hes here. But boy, he has done some job working, working with all a of the folks from Law Enforcement. And you heard last night were going to be protecting Law Enforcement. Theyre doing some job so were protecting them. I want to thank eddy dick where is eddy is eddy here . I want to thank Kevin Schroder Keith Schiller become famous. Hes becoming more famous than me. I have to thank and again, your police chief has done a fantastic job in cleveland. Done a fantastic job. [applause] [inaudible] in terms of some of the folks David Gilbert wheres david, david around someplace . Joe roeman. Chris connor, chris kelly, his people are all here. Dont bother you dont have to come up and speak. Okay. Beth,s wheres brian jack. Brian jack, boy, brian. Brian, what a job you did, brian. [applause] okay thats all now you can leave, bo go to the next location brian. Hillary is trying to pick her Vice President as fast as possible to take away the little success that we had at this convention. This convention has been a tremendous success. You know, people if you turn on television, you turn on some of the Dishonest Media youll see that oh wow, this happened and that happened. What happened . You know, somebody got booed the hell out of a place by thousands and thousands of people there wasnt one person in the room. Not one. [cheering] and then they said, there may not be unity. June . There wasnt one person in the room not including the texas delegation. [applause] honestly he may have ruined his political career. I feel so badly. Piffle so badly. And you know hell come and endorse over the next little while because he has no choice. But i dont his endorsement what difference does it make i have such great, i dont his endorsement just ted stay home, relax, enjoy yourself. [laughter] just a couple of things i knew his spoach and i saw exactly what his speech was because when you go up to speak you have to give your speech. You know we dont want surprises right, so they gave it. They came to me, they said its a boring speech mr. Trump nothing good, bad, congratulates you on victory and heres the speech. Well he got up in the first two sentences he added a sentence in other words he got up and he added a sentence. Which could have been viewed as a nasty thing in terms of what he said. Because he was implying something which is wrong but thats okay. So he took his speech and youre bound by that speech just like youre bound by the pledge. Bound by the pledge so ted cruz took his speech that was done, was on the teleprompter said hello and then made a statement on the speech and went back to the speech. See to me thats dishonorablable. To me not signing pledge is dishonorable. Not a nice thing to do. And i talk this way because were altogether we created one of the most successful conventions in the history of conventions. [applause] and the ratings for this convention were through the roof. I get a kick out of cnn. I dont know if this is a successful convention. I dont know. In the meantime all they talk about is trump in the convention, right . And i have to tell you melania did a great job. What a great speech. What a great speech. What a great speech. And the presentation is still being talked about, what a beautiful speech. Ivanka last night, unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. To have that kind of an introduction. [applause] and tiffany who has never done it Biggest Group shes ever been in front of is 22 people in a classroom. Tiffany was amazing and eric and don. [applause] i just dont want them running for political office. Because somebody is going to stay behind and run the businesses. You know we cant go crazy are. But i get a kick because the ratings on television are through the roof. And nobody is going to want look, this has nothing to do with politics but maybe has a little nobody is going to watch this next convention coming whob who is going . Im going to have a hard time watching her final speech. Number one, i know her too well. Number two, boring. Boring, very boring how about that final speech and our final speech. Our final speech now, it wasnt my fault, but i think it went like an hour and 25 minutes. And the networks didnt know what to do because they had all of their programming, big programs local newses are or very big factor on television. You never ever move your local news. They all moved it. They said to heck with the local news, mike, they said were moving it. And kimmel and fallon and the shows, they all went back a long way because they werent going to miss this convention. I love that. You know, i love it. I knew i said oh, im supposed to be off but it wasnt my fault. What happened, what happened is the applause was so long and so crazy [applause] it really was. I mean, if you looked the speech was fine but applause was longer than the speech. So it was amazing. There was great love in that room. Honestly that was all about unity and we may be missing a couple of people. We may be missing just a couple of people two other things. Two other things, just to finish with ted buzz i like ted hes fine. I dont want his endorsement if he gives it i will not accept it i will not accept it. Wont matter. [applause] honestly he should have done it because nobody cares. And he would have been in better shape for four years from now i dont see him winning anyway frankly but if he did, its fine. Although maybe ill set up a superpack if he decides to run. Are you allied to set up a superpack if youre a president to fight somebody . But there were two things he said yesterday that lies, readyi didnt start anything with the wife. A pack which hes very friendly with released a covever story on my wife who was a tremendously successful and elegant medal on the cover of gq magazine. Now it is not exactly penthouse. But she was on the cover of gq magazine. And arty picture but she was a model, really successful she didnt need to marry me. She was making a lot of money, believe me. In fact i had to work hard to get her to marry me. It wasnt that easy. [applause] its true. So true. You think im kidding. So so they released this picture which was, you know, to the people of the state of utah. I love utah. I love the people of utah. But thats not where you want to necessarily send a risque picture. Everybody in utah got a picture. And i dont think they showed that it was gq i dont think they took to gq off cut the stuff said it wasnt a magazine cover from you know a reasonably respected magazine. And it was melania trump. Now saying this just to clear it up he said he took it, i didnt do anything. And then i saw somebody tweet a picture of melania and heidi who i believe is a very nice woman and beautiful woman. I have to tell you, i think heidi cruz is a great person. I think its the best thing hes got going and his kids if you want to know the truth. [applause] and in a certain way although hes got good intellect but doesnt know how to use it. And he was a good debater but didnt do well in debates against me according to other poll. I think every poll you know great debater excepts he lost in every single poll and every single debate. So that takes care of the heidi thing because heidi is a terrific woman but they sent out, he said that was a pack we had nothing to do folks a lot of us are political people. Were not babies. His people were on the pack. So he said we had nothing to do. We had this now trace it down we mails but they said probably phone calls. But look, it was a pack. With many of his friends, it was a cruz superpack i think he said it wasnt meant for us. It was a cruz pack. It was his people. Okay, so they sent out the first picture remember number two, his father. I dont know his daughter. I met him once. I think hes a lovely guy. I think hes a lovely guy. All i did is point out the fact that on the cover of the National Inquire there was a picture of him and crazy lee harvey ozwald having breakfast now ted never denied that was his father instead he said donald trump, i had nothing to do with it. This was a magazine that frankly in many respects should be very respected they got o. J. They got edwards they got this. I mean, if that was the knock New York Times they would have gotten Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting. Ive always said why didnt the national the National Inquire get the Pulitzer Prize or for edwards and o. J. Simpson and all of these things, but anyway so they have a picture and old picture having breakfast with lee harvey ozwald. Now, nothing not saying anything. They said, and heres how the press takes that story. So this has nothing to do with me except i might have pointed oswald. This had nothing to do with me except i pointed it out. They never denied did anybody deny it was the father . It was hard to do. Here is the story. The press takes that and they say donald trump and his conspiracy theories, he went out and said his father is with Lee Harvey Oswald and assassinated the president. Those with the two points. On those two points he said about the endorsement i think i am doing the right thing but i have to do it. The heidi thing you understand now. Number 2, i know nothing about his father, nothing about Lee Harvey Oswald but there was a picture on the front page of the National Enquirer which has credibility and they wont do pictures like that because they get sued for a lot of money when things are wrong and there was a picture. The things that he wont support, let me tell you something. We if for no other reason, after the four days if i have kids that like me that much, how bad can i be, right . And they love their daddy. I was a good father. I have smart children and good children and i am getting a lot of credit. I think they were the start of the conviction. They saved us. But my children were people are saying that, they were the real stars of the convention. I was so proud of them. Such a great thing. To finish, this was an amazing period of time. This was an amazing convention. Come up for a second. You might see him on twitter and facebook. He is a Facebook Twitter junkie. This guy, first time i have seen him look up in 7 months. Nobody knows facebook and twitter better than dan. Why not give a quick report . The numbers are astronomical. We are dealing in the modern age. A lot of people say what is facebook, what is unfortunately, we are dealing in a modern age. You want to hear this . Wait until you hear the numbers, you wont believe them. Thank you, president trump. This is i have to tell you. Hashtag trump train, the trump train is all here, right . This is the real for everybody. That is part of the campaign. Twitter last night exploded. Facebook exploded. And the graham exploded. Did everybody see the videos on the instagram account, facebook account . Tens of millions, 85 million views on those videos in a four to five day period. Almost half 1 million new followers on facebook, mister trump hit 10 million followers on twitter. This will never be done again. Impossible to be done again with this man right here, impossible with his platforms. A total of 22 million followers between instagram, twitter and facebook. 22. 5 million. I dont know how you do this every day. Impressions on twitter per month, over 1 billion impressions on twitter. And the numbers will come out for facebook, they will probably be in the billions. It is absolutely unheard of. When mister trump wants to get a message out we get the videos out and things are not working out with cnn or somebody we can put it on his platform and get more views on one of those social media accounts, real donald trump on twitter, donald trump on facebook, real donald trump on instagram, and our next Vice President of the United States is that mike pence so please follow him. He has a governor account, still the governor of indiana. Lets try to follow him there, give him engagements, pushing a lot of messages on the campaign, it is not only me, but the whole team. We love you. It is awesome to talk to the hashtag trump train, lets make America Great again. One of my great choices, i will confirm that 3 months from now. I believe it will be one of my great decisions, picking mike pence to run along with me. I would like to ask mike pence, from the great state of indiana. We love indiana, bobby knight who i love, and your wonderful gene from purdue. These are great people. Maybe mike can see something with you. Stuart you heard a half hour of donald trump, it was half an hour this morning, did not use a prompter, no notes that i could see. Where do you start . If you are going to sit here and wrap up half an hour of donald trump where do you start . Virtually no other politician i know could hold an audience as he just held the audience for a halfhour flat speaking entirely offthecuff. Representative marsha blackburn, republican tennessee, spoke last night at the convention. Welcome to the program. I know you were listening to this. You have the same impression . No other politician could do that. We will have a new hashtag called trump talks, because he can really get going once he gets going offthecuff. He is excited. You can pick it up in every word he says. He is so thrilled with how the convention turned out, with his choice of mike pence as his running mate and he is ready for the campaign and the general election. I got to tell you i think this is going to be one for the record books. Stuart it looks like it and i am waiting to see what your speech and Donald Trumps speech, could be a new record, 40 million plus area. It could be in record numbers. You thank you very much for being with us this morning. Mercedes is with us, you watch this, you watched last night. One of my themes this morning is welcome to the new Republican Party. Do you agree with me. You can say that again. Last nights speech, trump was able to speak to the heart of the american worker, those who have been forgotten, a speech that addressed the state of the nation. Stuart donald trump talking about the supreme court. Whether you are the governor of ohio, whether you are a senator from texas, or any of the other people that i beat so easily and so badly, no choice, you got to go for trump. Supreme court justice. If Hillary Clinton she is going to replace, last night i called him my beloved justice antonin scalia. We will get somebody as close to him, his views and philosophy as possible. Conservative, all the things you want, the things we stand for as a party and i promise you, that is why i issued 11 names. Being an outsider, we dont know, supposing you put in liberal judges. It has never been done before. We have a lot of ideas people dont normally have, in order i dont know if they believed me or we dont know. Conservative republican president havent done well with the judges. We have obamacare should have been knocked out twice because of an appointment. We will do better. That is why i put out a list. What do you think of donald trump as a republican if that is what your philosophy is, if you are a great great believer, in the constitution, you have no choice, hate to say it. Whether you are a hater or a lover, i dont think there was one hater in that room and that was a packed no seats, those seats were selling for a lot of money on ebay, going for big numbers. I was thinking 10 or 12 tickets. They were selling for a lot of money. It was an amazing we had some incredible support. These pundits that now say you cant do that, the same people the wont run. I ran. They said he wont win. I started at 6 which was pretty high because i was only their two days, people forgot i was only two days, didnt get the full then it went to 12, then 18, that is his ceiling. He cant do more. We go from 6, right . I saw them in the audience, those two. 6 to 12 to 18 and every week, that is their ceiling. Charles krauthammer, they will not run, he will not run, if he runs he will be doing it just for fun. This is not fun. This is a lot of work. This is a lot of work, folks. I didnt need this. This was not exactly the schedule. I saw how badly our country is doing and how easy it will be to bring back, trade deals will make an impact like you wont believe, money will come in, jobs will begin, we are so depleted and taking care of other nations and i want to continue to take care of other nations and there are good things about that but they have to pay us, they have to pay us. I remember years ago, i never understood it because the United States spends 10 times the money on its military than anybody else in the world. John has a big military, that is surprising. I was building buildings and things, never gave it too much thought and i realize and remember i always remember, we spent more than anybody else. We are protecting everybody in the world, we are protecting all these nations and these are rich nations and great nations, japan, they make a fortune and dont pay us the amount it costs. I dont want to make a profit. I want costs. Pay us what it costs. Maybe we cant get it. You have to be prepared to walk. If you are not prepared walk Hillary Clinton came out, japan is a very rich nation, cars are flowing in, rich because of us if you think about it. Go to los angeles and see these massive ships, looks like nascar, thank you, owner of nascar, endorse donald trump. I love nascar. A lot of great drivers endorse me. King richard. It is like these guys, richard petty, they are coming out, massive ships and they dont pay us and the general gets out and the general says mister trump is wrong. Doesnt he understand that japan pays us 50 of the cost of defending them. Do we have a comment . Yes. Why arent they paying 100 . Germany and south korea, 28,000 soldiers. Think of this one. Saudi arabia wouldnt be there for one week if we pulled out. They have nothing but money, nothing. They have so much money they dont know what to do with it. They dont know what to do with it. Who is making deals for us. There is a massive impact on our budgets, economics as a country, we are up to 19 trillion, soon we will be 22 trillion. I could take the great harold tell me what 1 trillion is. He may know. Honestly, most people dont know what it is, so much they dont know. We are going to do something really special and our message cost on. When i started this all these pundits say wont happen. Corey lewandowski was great. [applause] he has been loyal and been on cnn and fighting for me which is very nice and i respect that a lot. Where is hope . Come here. Get up here. The legendary hope, come up here. Come, she is shy, get her up here, come on, hope. We had a very small but tough team. We had a small they are not going to lift you over that barricade, she is very shy. She is very shy person but a great person and has done an amazing job. We have a staff between george, where is george . Come on over here, stand over here, come on, you cant get through the secret Service People here. We had i got criticized. So and so, wont use that because i dont want to embarrass so and so spent many times what trump has spent with a bigger stamp and we win. You are supposed to get credit if you have smaller staff, and you win. And politics you dont get credit. Anyway i want to thank my entire group. We beefed it up because we are in the final stretch. Paul manafort have done an amazing job, good. Paul manafort has been fantastic. All of pauls people, we have a great staff of talented people, great staff, most of them right here, john and everybody, my man right here, michael, come up here, and michael, get a little tv time. I dont know if he will be hired for hollywood. I tend to doubt it. Come on up. You have a great group of people and a group of people that want to win and i think knows how to win and we have been winning all our lives. This group of people i know so many of you we have been winning all our lives. We have exactly three months, and three weeks. I will be working so hard. Not like last time where they disappeared for the last month and a half. Where is everybody . What happened, give obama credit, he was on every Television Show all over the place. We are not going to disappear. We have a great chance of taking our country back, of change and of getting Great Supreme Court justices. I want to thank everybody. I love you folks, this has been an incredible movement. I love you, i know so many of you. We are going to go all the way and i tell you what, when we get there, we will indeed make America Great again. I love you, thank you, everybody. Stuart what a performance, i make it 45, 50 minutes offthecuff, no teleprompter, one thing after another. He cover all the bases, intrigued his audience, gripped the tv audience. I dont know about you but i was gripped by this. I have not seen a performan like that before. I have a team of political professionals with me who have seen trump last night and watched him now. I want to go around here. Theme number one, this is a new Republican Party. To you first. Absolutely, donald trump is redefining the Republican Party. He reached out to the lb gt Community Last night, reached out to africanamericans, air bnb 4 reached out ivanka reached out to women. He really hits hard where he connects is with the american worker, man, woman, and effective message, a moment to step back, those who have been the traditional Republican Party and allow donald trump to take the stage and bring back working americans into the Republican Party. Stuart it was not hard duty to sit through 50 minutes of donald trump off the cuff. Very entertaining. Stuart another theme other than this is a brandnew Republican Party. I have never seen a politician like donald trump. Anybody in politics who can approach the camera, intrigue and engage against donald trump. His performance, the last 45 minutes, you imagine Hillary Clinton doing that, going authentically off script, the police and secret service and all the people who put together this convention, that is not her character, donald trump is an unorthodox candidate, sometimes he is off script and it is not so good. Sometimes he remind the American People it is a new day, if you want change you got to change the player and someone is compelling as far as last nights speech, that is not a generic republican stump speech, donald trump speech on trade, infrastructure, reforming the innercity and issues, lgbt as mercedes mentioned, this is not what republicans regularly talk about is important policy matters. It was effective to expand the Republican Party and our appeal which we have been saying for decades. Stuart urging republicans to do precisely this and now they have a guy to do it. Thank you very much. Wasnt exactly hard duty listening to that but you did it and we appreciate it. Thanks very much. We will be back, we will check the markets and tell you what is going on, no impact from the trump speech whatsoever. We have more on mister trump in a moment. You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart if you are only just joining us you missed something interesting. 45, 50 minutes of donald trump offthecuff addressing any and all issues thanking the people that made the convention in cleveland what it was and mentioning every Interest Group he could get and bring into his coalition. I got two themes out of this. Number one, this is a brandnew Republican Party and it was born last night. This is a brandnew kind of politician, donald trump. Gary berson is a former cia officer. I want to ask about the new Republican Party. Am i going too far . I am laying this on thick. This is not your fathers Republican Party. Do you agree . I agree the Republican Party has changed with the emergence of donald trump. Demographics in the country have changed, trumps arrival on the scene and his presentation was widening the tend. There might be discontent in different fringes of the party but the broadening of the party makes electoral success of possibility. Stuart you are a hardcore guy, cia guy. Do you like this . I am a law and order guy who wants terrorists, donald trump will provide the will that we require to take on isis. I believe he will take off the handcuffs of local Law Enforcement, expand our intelligence operations and use direct action against isis to take these guys off the table and we need to act, we cant be waiting for this and have a minimalist approach used by the Democratic Party and president obama and Hillary Clinton. Stuart what do you make of the man . Donald trump . The new style leader of the Republican Party, the man himself . Clearly he is driven. Some people are put off maybe by his new york accent. He sounds like members of my family. I am comfortable with him. The change is something, he has shaken up the party. He was talking about social media contact, the world has changed, politics have changed and hard to know whether he is changing or the one guy smart enough to catch the wave. I suspect he is going to win in a landslide. People maybe shocked. I think it will be like 1980. Stuart thank you for joining us, sorry i am cutting it short. We are interested in your opinions and thanks for sitting with us as we watch donald trump. Aaron elmore is with us. You have a republican pedigree and you were Deputy Press Secretary of the rnc. What do you say . I am saying this is a new Republican Party that was born last night, not like anything you have seen from the republicans before. If you like i love it. We got a mini tour, loquacious and humorous of all the issues. Donald trump kept you entertained. We enjoyed it, we were laughing and learning at the same time. Hillary clinton could never do this. Stuart that is very true. I dont believe hillary could stand up in front of any crowd and ad lib. Her way through it. Donald trump called off ted cruz for adlibbing an important line which he did at the beginning and here is a line trump didnt like and people say ted cruz adlibbed this. I want to see the principles our party believes in prevail in november. He is a trump is not one of us. Trump is thank stop snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This is a new day. The Republican Party as it was has been blown to smithereens by donald trump. Stuart i hope you watched a because it was entertaining, just like last night, entertainment in politics dont normally get together like that. Dow industrials no response to the political scene at all, 3 points. We got to make the money, we will play some commercials, not many but we will be back in a minute. [vet] two yearly physicals down. Martha and mildred are good to go. Heres your invoice, ladies. A few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. It might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office. Or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer, but. I wouldnt have it any other way. Look at that, i had my best month ever. And earned a shiny new office upgrade. I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. Stuart on the lefthand side of your screen donald trump delivered 50 minutes of thanks to his volunteer staff, he thanked everybody on the planet but got through it. And the carpenters and cheesemakers. It was entertaining stuff. Regardless of your politics you would be intrigued by what donald trump did this morning and what he came up with last night. Tea party. Net, friend of the program watching donald trump. I want you to comment on two themes im running with this morning, number one this is a brandnew Republican Party. It is not your dads Republican Party. A couple things, the chairman of the party ford. Com. That was our mistake in terms of brandnew Republican Party i go against the grain, it is an expansion of the Republican Party. Keep in mind recent history, Republican Party expanded after the seabury revolution of 2010 and expanded more after the Tea Party Revolution of 2014. I think donald trump is a brilliant political pioneer in how he has shaken up the political system but there were some old elements of the Republican Party that remained with the Republican Party. Some old elements seem to be on the way out. Stuart what donald trump did 20 minutes ago was gave it to ted cruz. He revealed ted cruz changed the script before he went on, made his speech before the convention, he said donald trump said that is dishonorable, doesnt want his endorsement if he gets it. That was burying part of the old guard i think. Let me role that bite. I want our viewers to see what donald trump said about ted cruz. I like ted, he is fine. I dont want his endorsement. We give that i will not accept it. I will not accept it. It wont matter. He should have done it because nobody cares and he would have been in better shape four years from now. I dont see him winning anyway frankly but if he did maybe i will set up the super pac if he decides to run. Stuart the second theme you have ever seen a politician like this. Thank god for mike pence, future Vice President mike pence. I think for constitutional conservative limited Government Conservative that still has concerns about donald trump and that is getting less and less every day, my goodness, russia and the United States come together to defeat nazi germany the constitutional conservative and Ted Cruz Makepeace before november comes along. In spite of personal animosity that might exist between these two gentlemen they understand what is at stake, and there will be peace between those two before the end of this election. Stuart thanks for being with us. It is a pleasure. Thank you very much indeed. Left hand side, donald trump finished speaking 20 minutes ago, went into the crowd, making comments to various people. Dont know what he said. Camera phones up there. I am sure he added to what he has been saying. Leslie marshall is with us. She sat through this, watch what donald trump said, here is my theme. Could Hillary Clinton do anything like what donald trump just did, stand up, no teleprompter, no notes, 50 minutes offthecuff, intrigued the crowd and say things about all kinds of constituencies offthecuff. Could hillary do that . Yes. I have seen her speak offthecuff. She had a different style than donald trump, he is a great speaker. A great speaker does not make a great president. Stuart you think hillary could do that. I definitely have seen her speak offthecuff. Doesnt have cameras rolling to do so. I have been to speeches where she has spoken without a teleprompter. Stuart donald trump was addressing a crowd of people, talking to them 1on1. He wasnt answering questions this time but i have seen him do it in the past. Have you ever seen Hillary Clinton speak in front of a crowd like that . I havent. I have seen her go offthecuff. She has been in the public eye for years, most of us can go off script, speak without a script whenever need be, that is not her strength it is a strength of his and i dont think voters will base who they cast their vote for on who is the better speaker and who has or doesnt have a teleporter. Stuart i take issue with that to some degree. A president ial election is not just about policies, not just the nittygritty of what you would actually do. You got to have this person in your life on your tv screen every day for at least four years so you are attracted or repelled by the personality, the ability to grip an audience. That is extremely important and president of politics dont you think . If we look at the data which suggests in the last few elections, historically, name recognition is number one they both have that. Never 2 when push comes to shove the country has been evenly split along party lines and will continue to be for decades and 3, there is some element of the popularity. We have seen in the past few elections it is how they feel about the economy and who they trust to improve the economy going forward. We will see in november. Of the what if this is run on the economy it will be interesting. I am always harsh with you and im sorry i do that but you always have a smile. You werent harsh today. Stuart thank you, see you soon. Check the market, no change. We are virtually dead flat. What a day it has been, more of it in just a moment. Nicole i am nicole pedallides. Moment ago the dow turned positive, 9 days a gained, sold off 77 points yesterday and gaining, lets see where we end up, look at dow winners and losers, we are looking at verizon, microsoft, boeing, ge, they had a better second half of the year and we are watching american airlines, betterthanexpected, benefiting from cheaper fuel. Looking at earnings from to polian starbucks, they are seeing strength for their july optimism to the stock which is up 4 , starbucks had a revised project lower as sales in june once again have come under pressure. More foxbusiness coming up. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Stuart for the last hour we saw classic trump. He appeared before his volunteer staff and gave a next ordinary performance offthecuff, no notes, no teleprompter, engaged the crowd and the tv audience the jaron elmore sitting with me, pedigree in the Republican Party sitting here watching this. Did you mention some rumor here, speculation the donald trump might go to philadelphia . The Democrat Convention . That is the inside scoop. He handled the Convention Like no whatever have, showed up the first night very regal and powerful and teleconference the next night, almost a part of every minute of the conversation so why not be in philadelphia too. Stuart are you floating rumors . I am giving you inside scoop. We want to you have proof you are youngster, you dont remember the old days. Do you like the new days . I love it. I was so excited by the speech i can barely speak. Stuart Boris Epstein is with me right there where donald trump just spoke moments ago. He electrified the crowd. Didnt he . I was in the room. It was so wonderful to hear him speak. It was wonderful, really exciting, vintage trump. How are you . Stuart you know each other . I didnt know that. Stuart that was what are we looking at . You mean to tell me donald trump is still answering questions . It is taped. I should be honest about this. That is what donald trump was doing for a few minutes after he made his presentation, signing autographs, very popular guy. Same questions you i asked everybody this morning. Is this the new Republican Party unlike your dads Republican Party . Am i going too far . It is a combined Republican Party. Folks like orin hatch, mitch mcconnell, paul ryan, peter king, everyone who supported donald trump and the new Republican Party, independents, unbelievably exciting, building 14 million voters, more than ever in the history of the Republican Party, bringing in voters into the Republican Party and we are going to crush Hillary Clinton. Stuart i expected you to say that, the use of the word crush, a little graphic. Im energized. I am all pumped up. Stuart i can tell. Have some more coffee. I dont need it, i heard donald trump speak. We won this is personality driven. The speech and the presentation this morning has nothing to do with politics and policy. It is personality driven. People are tired of the establishment and they see donald trump as a breath of fresh air, they are energized, invigorated. Even if they are democrat they have crossed over. That is why he is winning. He was raising funds for 30 days, 750,000 new faces and new donors. What does that tell you . Hold on a second. Stuart the gentleman who handles social media for donald trump stood up there and made a presentation. You heard this but let me repeat it for the audience, facebook, twitter, instagram, 22. 5 million followers. I am not so sure i know that much about social media but that sounds like a very big number. Over 1 billion impressions on twitter. The numbers are unbelievable and all speak to the movement of donald trump. There is a ton of policy, national security, taxes, 50 Corporate Tax rate which you talked about, policies curbing police violence, violence against police and folks in the innercity, reviving inner cities, personality is so vital that the policies of revival amazing america and making a great again. Stuart the personality pumped you up. Take a rest. Back to finance for a moment because nothing is happening on the big board. We are dead flat, four points higher but look at the big Name Technology stocks, amazon knocking at the door of 7 50 a share. Microsoft, facebook at 120 a share very close to the alltime high, microsoft 5644, not an alltime high but very close, chipotle, can you talk recovery today . In the last few minutes that has gone up. Ashley jpmorgan upgraded it. It will start to recover and be back to normal by 2018 which is a ways away. Of the one they say it had bottom. How about starbucks . They were down a fraction earlier, their sales are down, worldwide turmoil. Ashley civil unrest, uncertainty. Stuart it has turned around at 58. What a year for politics, what a year for your money, we covered it all. More varney in a moment. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart donald trump polls badly with women but women featured prominently in the speech last night and this morning, specifically air bnb 4 ivanka. She was wearing a dress from nordstrom she designed herself and already sold out. Stuart 138. It can appeal to everyone. Not like she is a 15,000 dress, it appeal to the everyday woman. Stuart get past that 138 dress. Is his standing with women improved after last night and this morning . You think it will. Strong powerful women support their father and he is a great guy. Stuart you know the family, they are good kids. You dont see them ending up with mugshots, they are raising their families and supporting their father. These are good human beings who grew up with affluence and privilege and look how gracious they are. Stuart they are huge asset. I cant imagine any parent who would not want children who stand up in public and say you are great guy and a good father. Doesnt everybody want that is apparent . Your dream in life. Of the one one thing i agree with, no tattoos. And of his kids are allowed to have tattoos. My dad said that to me and i listened. Stuart what a show it has been, the dow is moving up a little, 19 points, 18,936. What a day it has been. There will be more varney after this. Stuart what a day, what a day it has been. We started off this morning in the aftermath of the wrapup of the Republican National Convention Last night where donald trump spoke for 76 minutes and wowed the crowd, what most people think and this morning we were treated for more than 50 minutes of live donald trump, no teleprompter. We are about to pass to Charles Payne with the dow industrial moving up 24 points and moving higher. Charles this is Charles Payne in cavuto coast to coast. Theyll be talking border and talk donald trump and defending economy, and, of course, donald trump speaking after the convention. This was one of the most peaceful and most beautiful, one of the most loved conventions in the history of conventions. And when they talk about unity,

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