Do we want more of this . Maybe not. New polls from three swing states, trump now leads in two, tied in the other. And those same polls check the issue of trust, trump is a very big winner there. You might want to put this one in the never thought theyd do it file. The republican platform will say build that wall, how about that . July 13th, 2016, what a year, what a show Varney Company is about to begin. All right, were starting with the new poll from quinnipiac this morning and what it could mean for your money. The poll have the swing states going for trump. Now, we start with ohio where its a dead heat. 4141. Look at florida, trump 42clinton 39. The swing here is extraordinary. In the last quinnipiac poll in florida, hillary was up by 8. Now shes down by 3. How about pennsylvania . Trump 43clinton 41. Whoa, interesting polls indeed. Fiscal times columnist liz peek is here and i want to address the financial side of these polls. Its the swing away from hillary anything to do with the huge stock market rally . You can shoot me down if you like, go ahead. Traditionally a republican surge would be good for stock markets, no question. Because its pro business, pro growth, et cetera. In the case of donald trump, he brings in such an aura of uncertainty and throwing over long held beliefs in trade. I dont think you can make that connection. I think that Hillary Clinton on the surge would be difficult for the markets. In theory shes going to break a lot of socialist tenets and bad for companies and bad for profits. On the other hand a lot of people dont believe shes going to do that. I think it has to do with the fortuitous job announcements, on the first case in may dashed opens of an Interest Rate hike and then the big surge in june saying what the economy is doing well. Very lucky. Stuart ill never get over that video. That was a 25minute socialist rant and hillary nodded her agreement. Thats an aside. Okay . But ive got a little more for you on the quinnipiac poll. Trump is winning big time on the issue of trust. Biggest lead on that issue is in pennsylvania. 4934. A 15 points ahead on the issue of trust. The voters are saying that trump a more honest and trustworthy, thats the poll. David is with us, an avowed republican. Now, youre i think youre a trump guy. I dont know whether youre a trump guy or not, i dont really care, but im telling you, if you guys, the republicans doesnt get behind donald trump, there will be a socialist in the white house. Were going to nominate donald trump to be the nominee and make sure hes the next president of the United States. The reality, stuart, americans in the last 70 years hasnt given a third term to the party in the white house during tough economic times. So what trump has to do and what the republicans have to do in the next couple of months, helping people understand that taking a risk with donald trump is better than making a bad choice with Hillary Clinton. And liz kind of hit on it, that we dont exactly know what were going to get out of a trump presidency, but we know from her record as secretary of state and record in the u. S. Senate and importantly, her wanting to continue the policies of the last seven years, she is a bad choice for america. Stuart ive only got 20 seconds, but it sounds like youre a little luke warm. You sound like a democrat, luke warm for hillary, but redhot against trump. You sound the same way in reverse. Luke warm for trump, but redhot against hillary. Absolutely absolutely not. Trump is going to be our next president of the United States because he is talking about things that Americans Care about. Two of them very important. Job security and personal security. And in both of those cases, he has a track record for being able to create jobs and secondly, he has plans, they may not come out exactly as hes talking about them today, but hes talking about making america more secure with real ideas. Thats why you see things like the republican platform reinforcing that we need to have a law. Stuart and growth, too. David, more in a moment. I want to get back to the money side of things. This is another extraordinary story. Record high for the dow, no pullback this morning. Look at that, the futures market suggesting were going to open just a little higher again. Its exactly the same story with the s p 500. Record high yesterday. Going to move a little higher on the opening today. The price of oil, 46 a barrel. Thats not really that doesnt count that much these days in the stock market. By the way, we get the read on supply, 10 30 eastern this morning. Look at amazon. The big prime day special, that was yesterday, okay . Emac is with me. And this talk about glitches for buyers, trying to get these prime time deals yesterday. Yeah, in other words, when you try to add it to your shopping cart, it wouldnt go into the shopping cart. Thats a big problem and they took to social media to complain about it. It looks like theyre coming in, not double from what analysts expected last year. Theyre expecting a blowout. 25 to 30 . The thing is, amazon, unlike walmart and the other stores, theyve got 2 million Small Businesses selling on the website, thats astonishing, theyve got a deep bench and its up 11 this year. It is amazon. Its amazon and more than double last year, the shares. Stuart 750 on this program we pride ourselves on defending capitalism, and 24 hours ago, we brought you 25 minutes of Bernie Sanderss manifesto, in the guise of Hillary Clinton. And there he is and there is hillary nodding in agreement. Liz peek, i never thought id see the day when a major American Party would be taken over by socialists. We all know that Hillary Clinton will agree to thinking that gets her into the white house. This is not a surprise. She needs voters who are keen on Bernie Sanders and not keen on Hillary Clinton. Its amaze to go me the liberal media keeps saying she hasnt gone to where Bernie Sanders is on policies. She has, look at the min maugh maugham and how could no she not, free trade, thats her husbands calling card and obamas push for tpp. If she had completely let go of middle ground and i think this is one of the reasons that trump is surging. Obviously shes had a terrible couple of weeks with the comey coming out and basically saying she was very bad at what she did and very disrespectful of National Security, but also, you know, i think that as people really start to look at what shes endorsing, theyre scared to death. Two words missing in the democrats platform, Economic Growth. Stuart thank you. All government all the time. They never talk about that. Stuart you cant do a thing in america if you dont have 4 growth. No discussion of that in the platform. Stuart all right, more politics, never stray far, do we . Donald trumps wall is included in the draft of the g. O. P. Platform for the convention. David aidala, i know youre still there, i think youre a little luke warm on the wall. Are you going to tell me, you republicans are gungho to build the wall. Stuart, your British Heritage suggests that you can be for something and dont have to do black flips, but you can think its the right direction for the country. Look, we have to secure americas borders. Its what the convincing majority of americans want this country to do for our platform to have ideas in it to secure the border is exactly in line with what the American People want. Stuart okay. All right, david. Look, thanks very much. I put it to you, i did. Im glad i did, but thanks for being on the show this morning. Thanks. We appreciate it. How about this one . Controversy at last nights allstar game. The group which sang the Canadian National anthem changing one of the lyrics to all lives matter. Thats what they changed it to. Outrage youre going to hear it yourself. Did you ever think youd see the day when New York Times said trump is right . And plus, news on golf. Jordan spieth the latest golfer it drop out of the olympics. The top four golfers dropped out of the game. And congressman jim jordan is here, well ask him, should the attorney general resign . My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . I received the recommendation of the team and that team was composed of prosecutors and agents, it was a unanimous recommendation how to resolve the investigation. I saw no reason know not to accept it and i reiterate by pride and faith in their work. Id have to direct you to director comey. Stuart Loretta Lynch repeatedly dodging and deflecting questions on the fbi probe of the email scandal. Congressman jim jordan is with us from ohio and he was at the hearing and in fact he received a lot of the nonanswers. Our question this morning, congressman is, surely the attorney general should resign . Well, yeah, shes done, i think, a terrible job in so many ways. You know. So Many Americans, stuart, think there are two standards, one for we the people and an entirely different one for the clintons. And you look at the irs scandal, no one was indicted. And political connections get you a certain treatment under the law and the rest of us dont get the same treatment. Stuart congressman, i think it was you who repeatedly questioned the attorney general about lying under oath before congress and whether or not that was a crime. I think that was you. Well. Stuart she wouldnt answer that question. And thats extraordinary. And remember, the Justice Department didnt even look at that issue so secretary clinton comes in front of the Congressional Committee last october, the Benghazi Committee and she is asked about the email situation and she makes false statements and director comey says, they didnt even look at that testimony. The subject of your investigation, secretary clinton, is testifying in front of congress under oath and asked specifically about the subject matter youre investigating and you dont examine the transcript and look at that as part of your evaluation whether to bring charges . Thats what this Justice Department did. Yeah, thats alarming as well and my leagues were asking questions about the false claims thatsecretary clinton made the expression im hearing a lot this morning is the fix is in. Thats a highly pejorative statement if ive ever heard one, but i believe that Congress Going on recess in just a couple of days so the whole thing is moot. Nothing happens until the fall. You could say that the fix is in and they got away with it . Well, i mean, there is one other theyre going to look at the idea she may have perjured herself and made false statements under oath. No other american could get away with that. With this Justice Department, do i expect different results . I dont. In the end, ultimate decision is in the hands of the American People on election day and well see how that plays out this fall. Stuart and any input on that meeting, on the tarmac at the phoenix airport, which still has both sides of the aisle shaking their heads. Anything for that, sir . Stuart, it was just a chance meeting. There was nothing going on. They were talking about golf and grandkids. I mean, come on. Every single american who looks at this says, are you kidding me . Of course, so she meets with the former president , the husband of the person who is under investigation, three days before theyre going to interview that person, and six days before theyre going to release the report, and it was just a chance encounter . Come on, no one with any real logic and reasoning is going to believe that. So ill let the American People infer. Stuart weve both got smiles on our faces, but obviously, this is not funny. Its not. Stuart its americas constitution and form of government and its being messed with. Im sorry, im out of town. We appreciate it. Thanks, stuart, take care. Stuart back to the markets, thats another huge story, its a long running huge story, this is the s p 500 broadbased indicator of 500 stocks, and open again higher and another record in 12 minutes. Look at tesla, saying there is no reason to disable the autopilot feature on its cars. Emack, have we got something new coming on tesla . Yeah, theyre offering the suv, the 60 d, 9,000 cheaper. Getting back to tesla, the stock has lost a quarter of the value missing the sales target the last two quarters. Here is the thing with tesla, elon musk has a steve jobs reverence according to him right now. Here is the thing, the facts and circumstances of the autopilot are key. The fact the computer didnt read the blue sky against the white truck that caused that fatal accident, that car hit it at 65 miles per hour. Why didnt the computer read is right . Thats what the government theyre not going to unplug the autopilot. Thats interesting. By the way, there are other crashes, thats only one fatal one, but its not good. Stuart next guest, got a question for you, do you want to know how many calories are in your beer . Soon you wont have a choice. Nutrition labels are coming to the beer battle. The group which sang the Canadian National anthem at the allstar game changed the lyrics and has some people outraged. O canada, hour home and native land true patriot love in all thy sons command you both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. We like to dwell on big themes on this program. Check this out. Controversy at the allstar game as a member of the singing quartet singing the Canadian National anthem changed the lyrics to all lives matter. Watch this. And all lives matter to the brave whoa, you catch that . It was pretty clear. That was a real change in the lyrics. What thoughts on this, liz peek . Look, its obviously very inappropriate to insert a political statement into their National Anthem while theyre singing the canadian anthem at our i dont know, anyway, but anyway if you want to go further on this, its a little like the dallas memorial yesterday where president obama could not resist talking about black lives matter, supporting their cause, in the midst of a funeral for five cops who were shot dead by someone who was inspired by black lives matter. So, this is sort of a political conversation thats finding its way into inappropriate places and including, apparently, a baseball game. Stuart obvious canadian people objected and i can that. The three other tenors who did not change the words, they did object, too liz in a tweet they said were shocked and embarrassed and he was quote, a lone wolf and has been suspended. Im suspicious of that though, why did you hear him and not them . Good question. When they could have drown him out, right . If we played it again, and we might would you have caught it . Its a threat not a promise. [laughter] now this, bernie endorsing hillary and pushing his socialist agenda on the Democrat Party. Here is a question for you. Could a socialist win in november bring this market down . Were going to deal with that in a moment. And look at amazon, it will open near to its alltime highs. How good was that Second Annual prime day sale . It was yesterday. Well give you the latest numbers on itment record levels for the market. Look alt the market go. The usa is still the best place to put your money no matter where you are in the world, the money is flooding in. Were going to go up again. Watch it lie moments from now. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. All right 200 20 seconds to opening bell this wednesday morning what a week it has been for your money in stock market. A record high, big record high yesterday. And if you look at the futures this morning, odds are we will open up maybe 25, 30 points on top of the gains we made yesterday. Two seconds to go. Here we go. Bang, 9 30 off we are off and we are running. Where are we going . Were going up 22, 32, 31 okay were up. Not a bad start after a huge day yesterday. 33 points higher on lefthand side of the screen all stockingses of the dow industrials 25 of them are up. Only two, ones in red, three are, are going down. Its the same story on the s p which is indicator of all 500 stocks it is open 14 points higher. 2152. How about nasdaq where are we going there this wednesday morning up again. 5,034. Price of gold has been hovering around 1350 u up at 1341. How about oil, not affecting the stock market these days. Holding at 46 dollars barrel. A new read on supply of oil coming up. But exactly one hour from now. 1. 48 is yield of the tenure Treasury Holding steady at that level. How about amazon, it is opened down 3 at 734. Prime day yesterday it was not the blockbuster that some analyst forecast but amazon down about 3 now. Tesla they say there is no reason to disable the autopilot feature ons i cars. By the way theyre going to intercourse a new model x with 9,000 cheaper. Got that right . Yeah. Thats accurate. Stuart okay facebook three men shot while streaming on facebook live. No impact on the stock whatsoever. But what a question that is, what can facebook put on its postings . What had can it block and how can it block it, no affect on stock whatsoever but thats a big question. Nintendo pokemon go popping u up inappropriate places you hear. More on that in a moment stock down 3 and had been way before this. Juno allowed trial for leukemia drug and up 23 . Theres a story there. Well get to it. Joining us this morning liz pique and liz mcdonald all right ted markets high were up 38 points. Obvious question for every one of our viewers, can we hold these levels around the table we go ed, can we hold up these levels . We can hold them. We can go higher. But i would not, you know, sit there and support that because theres no justified reason that this market to go higher stuart. Earnings have to be there to support these evaluations, and they are retrenching. So you have a price earnings multiple at 19 right now. And ive got to tell you its not justifiable that means earnings 13 higher next year. S that not happen an selling into the market right now. Stuart dan, can we hold at these levels . Im going to agree with mike on this one and addition to earnings that starts seeing what had economy is doing. This market is pricing everything pretty perfectly right now suggesting a growing u. S. Economy well know at the end of the month when we have Second Quarter gdp and suggesting theres no problem in the world and thats not the case. This is just two copy right now and not willing to sell anything that i have right now but i wont add to any position. Stuart interesting liz peek. Obvious answer to that is theres no place else to go and what weve seen is yields continue to come down fixed income majorities are not where anyone wantses to put their investments. By the way the other element in this that no one is really talking about is real estate look it is good right now in a lot of different places. So money that has been going into high pend real estate for example here in new york but also around the world thats another of avenue thats now blocked so you have a search for some kind of return. Yeah, i think right, i think markets are levitating higher. June jobs report will get revised down but watch this. Even imf says impact from british vote to leave the your honor union remember saying imf news it is. Youre shaking your head, no . Not one bit. The president , whos president doesnt have a big say in the stock market but all about evaluation and how Strong Economy is so you can have a dotted line in some ways back to that. But mostly earnings from 500 companies stuart, come from outside the u. S. Earnings growth comes from outside the u. S. Who is president , really is not a big factor at all. Stuart im getting shot down left and right today. Feeling this morning [laughter] stuart buzz a stock market at a record high 18,371. Is that that is true. That is true. It could affect sentiment. I think people are going to be optimistic because they think theres a change. Im serious. If people look forward and see a change in a dreary sevenyear middling cycle weve been in. Progrowth, probusiness atmosphere. I think that could be. Stuart im staying on politics. Ive got more many of it for you. Bernie sanders he endorsed Hillary Clinton yesterday. And basically he laid out a social fist agenda for the democrats. Hillary, as you can see nodding along big groament there. Liz peek back to you. Did you ever think that you would see a socialist take over a Major American Political Party . No, it really suggests how far left the Democrat Party has gone. But it also suggests profound ignorance in this country about the virtues of capitalism. Why is that . Because no one has been teaching that thank you. Thank you. Thank you. News flash Bernie Sanders is not an antiestablishment figure but been in office since 1990 and u. S. Economy has a lot of socialist qualities and elements in it already. And ill tell you something, for him to think hes the light on the damascus road of Economic Growth and what had it takes, the democratic far from again Economic Growth those words ignoring, no discussion of the flatline gross to the United States in that democratic platform. Stuart that was awkward we showed it that to view percent that was awkward. No, four or five minutes. Stuart 25 minutes, all right i have news for you japan, government there announced theyre not going to be printing whole ton of money. Is that important to me dan . Well at this point i dont think it is. I think weve got our economy to choir about. Japan has been in some time now, and really he has not fnghted our growth here so i dont sew that as being an issue at this point and time. Who knows what it will do three months down the line but even there it is minimal. Stuart im getting shot good heavens. Youre welcome. Check that big board up 16 poits. The dow is at 18,363 im not going to complain. Are you . The s p 500 also moving just a little bit higher in the very early going. Yes, were up not much. Okay,. 05 . I see investors do not share my view. Do not forget apple, 97 the share morning. Netflix check this every day, baron magazine thinks down 40 . Down. 2 this morning at 95. Jpmorgan the ceo o is going to raise the pay for its lowest paid employees. Thousands of tellers and Customer Service reps are going to get a raise. No impact on stock. Liz, what do you got . Interesting development and sates a lot. It says employment is getting a little tougher which is very good news. Hard hadder and harder to hire the people you want, and to keep them. I think thats part of jamie diamonds message. Exactly. You know guess what that should be driving wages not democrat policies. Stuart not legislation. You dont legislate and then you know a lot of these problems will be solved. Good point. Stuart the airlines american, delta, united jetblue. Say buy them, apparently investors are except for delta down a tiny fraction. Ive got breaking news for you, this is happen hadding right now live video from indianapolis a black lives matter protest blocking a highway in minneapolis. Demonstrators you might be able to see there, one person led away in handcuffs behind her back. The cops are just moving in to arrest them as we spook. And you can see them being taken away. But apparently they have successfully stopped traffic on a highway right there. Black lives mart thats minneapolis that youre looking at. Back to the market please. Individual stocks going to go through a few. The fda allowing drug maker juno to resume trial of leukemia drug. Give me the back story here, nicole. Back story is three people dwhied they were doing their trial that had been sflt but they changed the medicine along the way, and after they changed the medicine, three people died. They put the trials on hold, but now they get the news that they get to reenstate this and halted for safety reasons. Now they can resume the trial of this lead product. They actually remove your immune cells and engineer them in a way to fight off cancer and establish and figure out what Car Insurance is there and reinfuse them into the body. But with a change had of medicine, they did have three unexpected deaths and halt haded it, and now its back on. Juno therapeutics nicole thank you indeed. Wesaid amazon stock of the day, week, of the year may be, this morning it is down 6. Liz, does this got something to do with the amazon prime day yesterday which was not a major success . Thats exactly right stuart, were get ruers coming in sals for flat that was from channel had advisor, however, it doesnt include all of amazon products of its own products we have estimating maybe they were up 37 . Theres two million Small Businesses and entrepreneurs. Amazon say their sales up 30 not sale for what analysts expecting off last year coming in neighbor 30 . That will be what amazon is saying. Not bad. Ed is amazon one of the stocks that you wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole because its already gone up so much . Maybe a 15foot pole as well. Ive never been a fan of amazon and missed out on a lot of upside by i want to buy good Quality Companies that have legitimate earnings growth, and amazon is starting to get there now. Ill start looking at it at some point but right now i dont buy that. Im more of a facebook guy. Stuart a facebook guy. Ill remember that one. Look at the beer, beer brewers going to call them adding nutrition labels for beers, you have to wait until 2020 to get your calorie count on bottle of beer. Dan, chicago guy, do you care how many calories are in the beer that you drink . It is a serious question, dan. [laughter] and no, i dont, stuart thats not my concern and as a matter of fact last time i read a beer label was on budweiser can telling me about the great tradition thats the only thing im reading on that can. Stuart hes an honest man there. Talk about a buzz kill see the calories. Like stuart such a buzz kill you wouldnt have a second qow . Liz, with dan, one and all thank you very much indeed. Great day, good open to the market today. Thank you. All right where are we . We are now what 12 minutes into trading session. Up just 7 points we have been up nearly 40. Now were up 7. 18,354. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg doublings down on her criticism of donald trump, trump says shes out of line. Even the New York Times agrees with trump. Judge napolitano on that in a moment. And the olympics are few weeks away they begin august 5 9 and top golfers qoangt go. Latest one to drop out is jordan speith and he wont compete. Well discuss that one to you. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. 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Demonstrators Holding Hands as you can see the police have moved in and are arresting some of them taking away. Now this is a tactic that black lives matter uses across the country block major highways cause disruption. Check the big board were nowhere near as high as we were ten minutes ago. But we are still up 9 points higher. How about this for a story. Big payday for hackers . Ed car makers fore a chrysler are paying people to find security flaws in their computer systems. What is this all about . Remember a year ago we were reporting about how a guy, two guys with a laptop hijack a jeep. Moving jeep from miles away sitting there you know, and they hijacked it, and via wifi system they come endured the jeep. Wow a recall, they did a patch to the problem. Now fiat has been saying to this called bug crowd were going to offer anywhere from 150 to 1500 to find that law in our system stuart smart to me. But youre right stuart because cars have enough electronics for boeing 747 so much electronics in there. Tesla is doing this as well. If we cant flaws well do it here. Hes laughing i dont know why. Laughing because this works. The fbi has used people that have been convicted of hacking to help the fbi stop hacking, and theyve done it for reduction and their sentences. Still nothing wrong with that. Let me get to the point as to why justice and not justice judge napolitano [laughter] take the promotion. Stuart have to be on the Supreme Court to be called justice. Except in new york where lowest court youre called justice. Stuart a knew a legal mismash here supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg intensifying criticism of trump are he said, quote, hes a faker and no consistency about him. Whatever comes into his head at the moment. Well, donald trump responded to that by tweeting this, heres the quote Justice Ginsberg of the u. S. Supreme court has has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot. Resign. Look at this. This is the New York Times, this is an editorial page headline, donald trump is right about Justice Ruth Bader ginsberg i never thought i would see the day. Napolitano, the judge, first of all, first of all, summing up here. If theres a trump presidency, you would expect that ruth would rekiewz herself from any case involving the presidency . But theres no power on earth to make her do that . Correct. Correct, theres a misunderstanding that the other eight or this case 7 jtszs of justices of the Supreme Court can compel one who has expressed an opinion on a matter before the court and inappropriate way as Justice Ginsberg has apparently done with her opinions about donald trump. That the other members of the court can force this one to rescues herself. Theres no such rule. Justice system decide when to rescues no matter how apparent the conflict is choice sup to the individual justice. That video absolute power when on that court you have absolute power. Lawyers and judges have a phrase it is infallible because it is final and not infallible because its not final. Take a constitutional amendment difficult to bring up, to reverse. Stuart the power of the monarch of england. I renounce that im shocked. Ill tell you how she reacted when she learned it that you renounced [inaudible] so donald trump is not correct that her mind is shot. She knows exactly what shes doing. But donald trump is absolutely correct that she has embarrassed the court. For years, for centuries justice has never expressed opinions on matters of Public Interest other than in their legal opinion. Why is she . This changed 20 years ago its the most extreme political statement i have seen from a sitting member of court. She will not rescues herself and not become down, look, she has all kienldz of people wanting her to resign. There was an effort in the first bongs to get her to resign to be placed with hard left but 40 years younger. She told liberals to take a hike now conservatives to take a hike. Im telling you Justice Ginsberg is not going anywhere until the good lord decides when and where shes going to go. [laughter] [inaudible] stuart all right judge renounced been for a long time. Stuart do you happen to know what Justice Ginsberg said when she learned i had become an american citizen time is up napolitano justice thank you very much indeed. Socialist. Im not done. Stuart look at that return south. Not much two points lower. Not that far away from record, though, two and a half points down. Well take it. Jordan speith latest golfer dropping out of the olympics. Golf bigger star abandoning rio, what gives on that . Were on. To folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. 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Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go long™. Nfl football story for you takes its Quarterback Tom Brady losing bid for appeal of the four game suspension about deflategate but over the last of it weve not. Brady could ask the sprowrt to reconsider the case as it stands four game suspension over deflated footballs will stand. Got it. Still sports. More on it. Jordan speith latest golfer to say no to rio cited Health Concerns this means top four golfers in the world will not be going to the olympic. Look whos here. Tamara holder host of sports court and shes with us this morning. Do you what do you make of this . The top four golfers in the world not going to rio do you think golf should be an olympic sport anyway . I think it should. Thats a separate debate from the fact that it is an olympic sport this time around. And these golfers have a tax duy and they should be honorable members of their country represent their country proudly. You have dj sing who could have golfed for pg, and all of these men could golf for their countries. Theyre looked up to in so many ways, and they all they care about is really at the end of the day its not, so to zika ity and travel scmgs. Do you think golf should be an olympic sport . Because im in two minds about this. Look im a big track and field fan. And im a big swimming fan and i like olympic events where theres a clean cut judgment. Who runs the fastest throws long test that kind of thing but not gymnastics for example, you know what i mean . It is a sport, though, so stuart golf . Why shouldnt it be an olympic sport . I think that its interesting to see it come back since 1904. All of the changes that have occurred with tiger woods coming into golf making it so popular. Stuart are you going to watch this year from a distance i knew it. Tamara you cant fool me. Your time is up. Such a pleasure. Win or lose this one. Stuart you lost. Check the big board. We are down not much. Two points. But were down. 18,344. Who would have thought . And Donald Trumps plan to build a wall. Now it is an official item on the gop agenda at the Convention Next week. They say theyre going to do it. Right on 10 00 here on the east coast. Its 7 00 in california. We are going to watch your money because we have hit record highs for stocks all over again first thing this morning. What youre seeing on your screens is Bernie Sanders unveiling is a socialist manifesto which he has foisted, apparently willingly, on the Democrat Party. Hillary clinton nodding in agreement and applauding the socialism. Get to that in a moment. The dow and the s p 500 touching brand new, intraday highs, earlier on today. The dow is still in record territory. Its up just a tiny fraction. The s p is down a tiny fraction. No financial armageddon. Okay . Didnt happen after the british exit from europe. If youre in the market, youre making money, but if you listen to the democrats, theyre all anticapitalism, its socialism all the way. Roll tape. We must fix an economy in america that is rigged and that sends almost all of the new wealth and income to the top 1 . We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage. This campaign is about moving the United States toward universal health care. Hillary is committed to seeing thousands of young doctors, nurses, psychologists, dentists and other medical professionals practice in underserved areas as we follow through. On president obamas idea of of tripling funding for the National Health service law. Stuart well, as i said, that was and still remains a socialist manifesto, disguised really as bernies endorsement of Hillary Clinton. As you can see, shes happily going along with everything that hillary had to say. Tammy bruce is here. Do you think that in this day and age a socialist could win the white house . Depends how bad it is and convince people that this is the new normal, and the free market and conservative ideals. This is not normal, its a failure, it has failed historically in every country, but that message has to be portrayed. Stuart tammy, how did we get here . Ive lived in america over 40 years and the word socialist is an insult. We got here with a Political Class that requires large government to feed their narrative. When you have a conservative ideal, of course, that only operates well with a small government. It means people keep more of their wealth. You have a class that believes they are better than the citizenry, that they need a mechanism to control the country because they know best. Its an element, on the left and right and thats why government continues to grow because of their psychological issues. Stuart my other point is that that socialist manifesto that we heard yesterday with hillary agreeing to it, that means that the socialists have essentially taken control of the Democrat Party. Both the republican and Democrat Party has lost a million members and theyve become independents. And theyve left the asylum in charge. And consider kennedyschieffer from the 60s and that circus that you saw with policies being advocated that any adult knows destroys lives and yet they do it anyway, because they truly believe that only they know best. Theyre going to get a message that we know best in november. Stuart how would you tip the election . I mean, how would you put the odds on it . Do you think that socialism has a chance . I think that it did when obama was elected, it was a message that they were willing to have a vague message about. Remember, the women saying, hes going to pay my rent and my gas. That was the messaging then. Weve found even here it failed and americans arent going to forget that. Stuart welcome back tammy bruce. Hold on a moment. Sure. Stuart ive got to get to this. Amazon, check that stock, the Company Announced just moments ago, its prime day which was yesterday was its biggest ever day. Got it, but emack, it wasnt the blowout that they figured. Some of them figured it would be liz the numbers that were seeing, theyre not talking about sales, not talking about revenue or sales right now. They are talking about the number of orders. 60 worldwide. 50 in the u. S. Members saved more than double on deals that they offered yesterday versus last year. So theyre saying its a record day for orders. Were waiting on the Sales Numbers to come in. They say that Small Business orders, people on the site were triple last year. If youve got a 60 increase in orders. Worldwide. Stuart worldwide on that day and 50 in america you can imagine the Sales Numbers are solid. Stuart thats a solid performance. And even if competition with walmart, its direct effort to compete, if they siphoned any of that off, everyone might have been a winner. Stuart thats the stock of the year. And at this point, thats the stock. I dont know whats going to happen in the next six months, but thats the stock of the year. An interesting segue, Bernie Sanders. And Bernie Sanders, has yet to say venezuela. Still waiting. Stuart any day now. Any day now. They called it the summer of recovery in venezuela, but thats already taken. Stuart how about this one, the g. O. P. Voting to include the building Donald Trumps wall on the border of mexico. Thats part of the official party platform. Lets bring in the former governor of pennsylvania, tom ridge. Great to see you, sir. Been too long, thanks for inviting me back. Stuart what about this wall . Youre a republican, are you gungho to build that wall like donald trump . Are you . Well, i just cant believe my party has basically drawn a wall between us and our ability to attract hispanic voters. Shame on us. I cant believe its happening to the g. O. P. You know, there was a time, stuart, that our party was very attractive to historic family members and then because of some loud and incriminating accusations toward mexicans and hispanics generally, well kind of lost it. The proposition of a wall, i say shame on us, weve lost our way and frankly, stuart, i prefer president s who tear down walls, not build them. Stuart okay, if you dont get on board with trump, whether its the wall or anything else, if youre not on board with the guy, youre basically going to vote for putting socialism in the white house, thats whats going to happen. I think thats interpretation, stuart. Stuart its not yours, sir . Its not mine at all. Listen, i dont question people voting one way or the other, i think that america will accept the verdict of the American Public, every individual voter. Stuart youre not talking socialism . Yesterday, Hillary Clinton was nodding along with all of bernies left wing ideas, theyre socialist ideas, the Democrat Party has accepted those ideas and are running on it in november. If they win, youve got a socialist in the white house. Will you not make a judgment on that . Stuart, im not hear to tell you how or why im not going to vote for either one. Thats not the purpose of my appearance on the show. You asked me about the wall, its a bad idea shortterm and longterm. If the party has a longterm president ial election, you have to build by addiction not subtraction. And at one time we were very appealing to them and then on top of that you Start Building a wall, youre not going to win, nor youre going to sustain a nationwide support for the republican party, pure and simple. Stuart okay, one last thing i want to ask you about it because i know this is something you do in your spare time. Yes, sir. Stuart you work with disabled people. I believe ive got this right, you are demanding that all federal contractors hire people with disabilities. That is correct . No . Stuart, again, youre trying to put words in my mouth. Stuart, were not demanding it at all. Theres a department of labor goal that theyve set, but were not working to conform to department of labor statistics or goals. The National Organization of disability recognizes that the number one, one of the highest priorities in Corporate America for the next 20 years is filling millions and millions of vacancies due to retirement and due to the new jobs created in this economy and what were saying, theres a huge vast untapped pool of 24 working aged americans 24 million working age americans that have disabilities and weve done some great work with Companies Like starbucks and with toys r us and with lowes in the Financial Services industry and department the metrics. If you hire for Good Business reasons, not talking charity, youll find a good solid employee, an employee that has less absenteeism, great productivity, good safety record. If you want to fill vacancies in the future, hire americans with disabilities, dont have to look overseas. Stuart ive got to pull away, tom ridge, thank you for joining us, sir. Here is the breaking news. Live video coming from indianapolis right outside governor mike pences home. This is a socalled steakout camera, fox news can confirm Donald Trumps family, his children are there. Now, all kinds of speculation about who Donald Trumps pick for the vicepresident ial pick will be. Mike pence, governor of indiana way up there. One of the four possibles. His family is in governor pences home. Either that or taylor swift is going to show up and everybody wants to see it. I dont know. I love it when the politicians are being treated, theyve got their own paparazzi now. So this is our time, isnt it . Its a hint. Its a hint. Interestingly at first i was hesitant because the governor is kind of hes not flashy, hes not exciting, but you know what, maybe mr. Trump has enough flashy for two people and may be a balance in the dynamic. Stuart lets not jump to a conclusion though. Those are the things that could argue for that, but i wouldnt lose sleep if he was the choice. Stuart okay. Got it. Taylor swift was, i would. Thank you. [laughter] i dont believe shes a possibility actually. Thats probably a good sign. [laughter] all right, players of a popular new mobile game sweeping the country. Walk outside anywhere. Pokemon go. People playing are are asked not to play at the who will cot memorial museum, okay. A poison gas pokemon character keeps showing up and whats this . This is a one of the games icons that people are clicking on and it is a big backlash on social media against that. And its not just by the way the Holocaust Museum where pokemon goes to play, its also Arlington National cemetery. The thing is, this game, i tell you theyre spending more than 43 minutes playing, thats more than instagram and snap chat. How many have been playing . Between 5 and 10 android. It was going up and now its pulling back. And that may be because of this, but not whos playing it where. Thats nintendo for you. A member of the singing group, the tenors, inserting the words all lives matter, into the baseball game last night. The singer, one of the four, has been suspended. Theres no opposing well, you know, this is all about black lives matter. The guy on the left there sang all lives matter, there is outrage about that. Got it. Military man, general Michael Flynn, he could be Donald Trumps pick for vicepresident , hes one of the four possibles were going to know this week. s on this program shortly. And the real story of the day, the markets again, the dow at a record high. You are making money if youve got money in this stock market. Stay with us and watch this market go. Dont stop, it will soon be here youll be here better than before yesterdays gone, yesterdays gone [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. High times on the stock market these days and were up again this morning. This is wednesday, july 13th and were up another 14 points. Will you look at that. 18,361. Check out the stock price of jetblue. Their passenger traffic going up, lots of people flying jetblue. Its up 3 this morning at 18ment gold recovering from some of the lows that weve seen in recent weeks. Thats Newmont Mining youre looking at going up because gold is up, 40 a share there. Now, this one, the American League beat the national league, but the drama happened before the game started. There was the controversial singing of canadas National Anthem with part of the lyrics changed to read all lives matter. And tis the all life matters to the brave that didnt go down well with everybody, especially canadian folks. They changed the lyrics of their National Anthem. Look who is our next guest, a tight end for the baltimore ravens, ill find out exactly what this is in a moment and exclusively on race relation, benjam benjam Benjamin Watson is with us. Generally speaking if someone says all lives matter and not just black lives matter, theres a problem and i dont understand that, do you . I do understand the problem because usually all lives matters comes as a response to black lives matter. It doesnt exist in a vacuum. When people say black lives matter, often the response is all lives matter. Its condescending to black lives matter. When people hear black lives matter, sometimes they think that people dont think your life matters. Thats not what im saying. Stuart testimony thats the way it comes across. If youre saying black lives matter, black lives matter, and its why do you think its said. Why are certain things are said maybe we can see the truth of it. The reason why black lives matter is a chant is because a lot of people feel, myself included, that sometimes they dont matter. We look at the course of history of this country, sometimes black lives dont matter as other lives, white lives matter. So i was talking earlier, maybe it should have been black lives matter, too. Maybe more descriptive. I dont think that theyre saying is black lives matter more than anybody elses lives. Its more of a hey, these lives matter, too. Stuart the last word there, black lives matter, too. Maybe a hash tag on. Stuart a lot more people find it more inclusive if you say black lives matter, too. Youve got a book out, under our skin and youre writing about race relations, thats what youre writing about. Do you think that america at this moment is a divided country racially . Yes, i do. I think we can look at certain things happen, not the actual incidents, but look at the response to them. Look at social media. Look what were talking about now. Look at the responses, you see a divided line and a lot of strong emotions when it comes to this topic. People have their guards up. We live in such a hash tag and a short snippet culture and people throw things out there and essentially its ive lived in america for 40 years i thought things were getting better, i really did i thought people were coming together. Youre telling me were not. We look how whites and blacks view race, its such polar opposites and the same incident in the same country, that right there tells me that the specific lenses we see things through based on our backgrounds, specific biases and prejudices that we dont know that we have until a certain incidents comes up that people are at that you canning about. Stuart suppose we stop considering members as a group, and individuals. Its you, mr. Watson and me, mr. Varney and talking to each other. Thats the way to go. Thats a lot of what i talk to in the book, talking about individuals and have Intentional Relationships with peop people. And a lot of times we live in our bubbles and maybe be offended by honest questions, s that ing individual are honest and enter with humility. Stuart youre not only an author, but youre the tight end. Thats a tight end. Stuart 500 pounds and youre not so, im slim and trim, 250. Stuart really annoys me. Can i add one thing, i agree with the majority of what you said. When we talk about social media, television, that there could be a huge difference, and i think there is, between what happens in media and how were having these conversations publicly in this kind of elite frame work, versus daily lives in communities. Yes. Where there seems to be less tension and theres more of a relationship, but media is moving this in a direction we have to look at when it comes to what we focus on and how we deal with it. Racism comes more from the heart in the living room and the dining room table than it does in the courtroom. Stuart youre a tight end and were tight on time. Now youre the tight end. Thank you for having me. Stuart nice book, too, good luck. Now this, bill clinton running up a huge tab during his speaking engagements, over a thousand bucks on room service, another thousand on phone calls. Well detail that for you. And something more serious, the migrant crisis in germany. Angela merkel welcoming a Million Immigrants last year, migrants, that is. She now admits that terrorists probably came with them. More varney in a moment. You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. A republican worm is not to say build that wall. What a story. Stuart now i want to show you some video from moments ago that had donald trump. That is governor mike pence of indiana. What do you think just happen . Donald trump walked out a governor pences house. Is this a hint about who he may choose as his Vice President ial running mate . Maybe it is, it is and it did the governor of indiana is one of the four contenders to take the spot with donald trump did donald trump in a couple of his children visited the Governors Mansion. Just emerging moments ago. Is this a hint about the vp pick . Maybe it is, but were on it. Without we would bring you the video appeared other things to bring you specifically. The amount of oil with god in storage good jeff flock in chicago with the number. Tell me. We are getting it right now. It is less of a draw down than we thought. Down 2. 5 Million Barrels on the crude number. After 4 Million Barrels. He expected was far less than that. The gas number a much bigger bill than we thought. If we look at prices right now, yes indeed, oil is thinking as we speak, sir. Stuart thank you indeed. Ive got oil down 85 cents a barrel at this moment. Oil has come down to 45 per barrel. I dont believe that has an impact on the stock market. Its an interesting indicator of how much oil we are using in our economy at the moment. The price of oil down 45 a barrel. Bill clinton generated from the hills on the speaking circuit. Thats a lot with this 100,000 speaking fee. The university of california davis hosted the event. A lot of charges for a whole list of other things charge to bill clinton. This is the l. A. Times break in the story. 1040 for room service. 700 for just one dinner. On top of the 100,000. 18 feet. Its not just companies. It also nonprofits and colleges. The l. A. Times reported bill clinton demanded he be flown by private jet from San Francisco 70 miles north to you see davis there but never done this before. We have to ask our donors to help out with this. Is also internet emails from the the University Stay in art is really necessary . Are these reasonable expense or excessive . Bill clinton is gouging and overcharging nonprofits and colleges and also speaking fees. Stuart what is that graphic . That is him watching you. Hes calling for a thousand dollars for the room service. Stuart shameful graphic. Use it even addressed her now. Stuart on our site, sitting next to me, we have the leading democrat. Leslie marshall is her name. You have been listening to a bill of fare. Personally, the guy is really thin right now. I dont think he could use on trinity 1000 worth of food. Stuart this is not what democrats want to be putting out there, is there . I dont think this is that different than what everybody at that level puts out. I live in los angeles. We have a lot of people out there, male and female who were you guys, who was big money or fly from point a to point b. Im not surprised. Stuart i really dont want to get run away with bill clintons expense account for a hotel. It does tell me something. About very rich liberals. Donald trumps all. Youve heard all about it. It is included in the draft of the gop platform for the Convention Next week. Our next guest was the first member of the house of representatives to endorse donald trump. Republican from new york, congressman Chris Collins. Welcome to the show. Good to have you back. What do you make of this . The wall is enshrined in the convention platform. A couple republicans earlier said we dont want anything to do with this. What is Chris Collins say . Out of respect for donald trump, donald trump has said to his supporters we are going to build a wall. We are going to secure borders. Im actually pleased to see republicans include the wall. Now for much of the border we talked about god. Lets call it a wall. It will be a while. One thing donald trump has said for sure, i have no problem with that. America wants us to secure our borders. That is a big difference. Congressman, i have a sense that nowadays in the convention platform, people are saying i never thought they would actually do it. I thought it was all talk. This speaks to Donald Trumps credibility. When he says something not that level, giving our jobs fixed, defeating isis, people need to say this guy is going to do it. Stuart quinnipiac polls in three swing states up this morning. He is leading in pennsylvania and florida. Just buy a couple points, but he is leading. Swing away from Hillary Clinton, especially florida away from hillary. That is an 11point swing away from Hillary Clinton. That is just in florida. Hes a couple points ahead in pennsylvania and tied in ohio. Why is it beginning to go your way . When you see what the fbi or came out with as your previous person on the show was talking about how tone bill clinton is. Clintons are out of touch with america in hillarys running 10 of thousands of bats. Stuart, her high point was a week ago. She is dropping like a stone. It will continue to happen. Well have a nice bump coming out of our convention when we announced our vp candidate. What you see is the beginning of the end of Hillary Clinton. Not too surprising considering what director call me came out with. Stuart Chris Collins, sorry to cut it short. We are just stuff today. Okay. Stuart i will go back to what i call the socialist manifesto, the Bernie Sanders most progressive platform in the history of the Democrat Party. As you can see right there, nodding along in approval throughout the 25 minute socialist rant that Bernie Sanders applied to his audience. Look at these tweets. Bernie sanders looks like he would rather be dead didnt give a speech endorsing Hillary Clinton. Another one we democrats promising larger government with crooked hillary to control and enslave everyone. Bernie sold out his followers hollow promises. Sounds like a trump tweets. Here is another one. How can earn a rant against Corporate America and then grasped and in north hillary fraud. Stuart im not sure i understand all of this. These are Bernie Sanders im told. Those are bernie supporters following the rant yesterday with hillary in agreement. Nationally syndicated radio talkshow host, Leslie Marshall has been at this before in the program a success again. I never thought they would see the day for a socialist took over the Democrat Party. Dont argue about whether or not hes a socialist or not. He is a socialist. I think it was the wrong move. Or you can vote for this . I think what they put in the platform, quite frankly is in a sense as much of a reality as while those in the republican platform. Let me say this. To get him to do this i think it was wrong. He would have to do it eventually. I think it is wrong for the party to move further left because hillary has the democratic vote. Stuart let me talk reality. Stuart this is just silly politics. If you look closely at what the Democrat Party proposes in their manifesto, that is a disaster. If you want is our spending trillions of dollars, tax and everybody under the sun, running up the deficit and debt to astronomical proportions, that is a recipe for disaster in my think you know it. Im not not going to agree with you but its a recipe for disaster. I dont think what you see the spot formats is going to be what he spoke written legislation 100 across the board. I think republicans are doing the same thing. Stuart are you putting out a buy . The democrats sad this is what we will give you. We wont give you this. Stuart the wonders voters are turned off politicians. If you put out that nonsense and expect people to believe it. This is not about republicans. This interview is about democrats. The democrats have put things in their platform. I put forth in order to get her name dont think you know what youve done for america. I havent done it. Stuart im a refugee from europe and i really dont want to see the same thing happen here that have been there. It is bankruptcy. It is impotent and it is in the attempt ended his division. Thats the way america is going with this Democrat Party. I have the last word. [laughter] ive always got a smile on my face. Sorry i was so outspoken. At okay. Lets get back to your money. Amazon is the second prime day which was yesterday, it was a big success. It was their biggest day ever for orders. Ii think the stock is up at 752. The stock is higher. Five days in a row of record highs for amazon for their prime day yesterday, my second mother. They did it again because it was a success. This time, even more of a success. They saw orders grow more than fit 2 worldwide, up more than 50 in the United States. With that, selling more amazon product than ever including their kindle and the like. Headphones, pressure cookers were flying off their screen and over a Million People used the amazon app. Over a million pairs of shoes were sold. 2 million toys. Ninetynine dollars a year prime numbers got to jump in on the big deals for one day only fluted may. I about one thing. Bulimia. Does anyone know what it is . It is a light yourself up phone if youre a restaurant with friends. 20 bucks and you can take a nice picture with a friend. Stuart and a million pairs of shoes. Thank you indeed. Coming up, top of the next hour. A general is on the show. Dont forget about the market. The dow still at record levels. 18,359. We will be back. What a day. s liz remember Varney Company starts at 9 00 a. M. Eastern time. Judge Andrew Napolitano, supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg criticizing donald trump. Donald trump is not correct in her mind a shot. She knows exactly what shes doing. Donald trump is correct that shes embarrassed the court. For years, for centuries, justice is never expressed opinions on matters of Public Interest other and in their legal opinion. This changed about 20 years ago. It is most extreme political statement i had been. She will not recuse her house. She will not back down. Stuart video for moments ago. Donald trump just leaving the home with governor mike pence of indianapolis. This is literally moments ago. Is that a hint . Who will be Donald Trumps Vice President ial pick . Governor pence is one of the four finalists we can. Is that a hint . Is governor pence demand . Deadline is friday. We shall see. Angela merkel finally admitting terrorists are among the migrant who are pouring into europe. The author of defeating jihads, Sebastian Gorka is with us now. I have said consistently i think you are very close to agreeing with me that this migrant crisis is what is destroying europe as we know it. Am i going too far . It is a minor crisis that pushed it over the edge. I was facilitated by the political elite. Open the gates, no limits. The brussels bureaucrats saying this isnt a safety issue. No National Security ramifications. Going forward, i dont see how they could cope with this. I dont see any way they can deal with it in a way which keeps harmony within europe. This is the straw that breaks the camels back. I think i said this last time. The e. U. Instead. I gave the e. U. Functionally may be two to five years. They are trying to make a happy smoke stream going on. At the National Security ramifications over a Million People, most of them you cannot die. You cannot check for these people are. If we say more brussels attacks, more paris attacks, more like we had in greenwich, its over. Everything has to renationalize importers will have to be recreated in europe. Why the development if it happens. Stuart lets deal specifically with migrants flooding into germany. Over 1. 2 million actually got a manner and i am told, i got the numbers, only 54 of them have actually found good jobs in germany. 54 out of 1. 2 million. Thats accurate. What does that tell you . It is untenable. It cannot be maintained. What is the phrase germany has used the last 50 years question arc social market. We are socialists, but we are freemarket. The message theyve been sending the world is come over here. You can sign up on welfare. You dont have to have a job. Like you said, sooner or later you will run out of somebody elses money. How many does president obama want to bring into the United States before his term is up . They are always there and run different numbers. 100,000 is pretty solid target of the federal government. Stuart fellow difference i suspect. Sebastian gorka, sorry it was such a short time. The news is flowing creek and fast. A crazy year. Stuart a wonderful year. Coming up next, a person with a source close to the white house who said Hillary Clinton was warned about using her private server, but she did it anyway. We will be back. Stuart attorney general Loretta Lynch deflect them specific questions on the fbis probe of the enough scandal. Jim jordan is at best. Republican from ohio was at the hearing and here heard in fact, he received a lot of those nonanswers. Our question this morning, congressman, is surely the attorney general should resign. Shes done a terrible job in though many ways. So Many American now think there are two standards. One for we the people at an entirely different one if youre politically connected but clinton family. This issue plus you can go back to the irs scandal. No one was indicted there they systematically targeted people. Look at the track record of the Justice Department. A scary thing for america were sure feels there are to standards and political connections get you a certain treatment or the rest of us dont get the same treatment. Stuart any input on that meeting, the tarmac of the airport which still has both sides of the aisle shaking their heads. Stuart, it is a chance meeting. There is nothing going on. Every single american who looks at this size, are you kidding me . So she mates with the former president , the hunt for another person under investigation three days before they go to interview the person in six days before they release the report. It was just a chance encounter. Come on. No one with any real logic and reasoning will believe that. Stuart we both got smiles on our faces, but obviously, this is not funny. This is a form of government and its been messed with your congressmen, sorry amount of time. And so joining. We do appreciate it. Liz that was republican congressman jim jordan on the email can do with Hillary Clinton. At the top of the hour, Michael Flynn is on Donald Trumps Vice President shall shortlist and hes a registered democrat. He will be here. Coming up, music star Jennifer Lopez tweeted out all lives matter in social media erupted again in protest. Our three of varney is coming up. A. Stuart it is our 3 of varney and company, donald trump is expected to announce his Vice President ial pick friday. Down to a choice between four that we know of, Newt Gingrich, governor of indiana mike pence, new jersey governor Chris Christie, and Michael Flynn. A few moments from now, general flynn will join us. We have this. Attorney general Loretta Lynch refusing to answer specific questions on the fbi recommendation not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for the email scandal. Agenda napolitano fired up about this one. In the sports world the latest golfer to drop out of the old and picks is Jordan Spieth. That means the top four golfers in the world will not be at the rio games. First, big story. Your money and the market. Look at this. No pool back, that should be the head line. A series of moves up for the Dow Jones Industrial average. What a rally it has been and no move down today after we had a big new high yesterday. 18,00355, close to the highest the industrial average has ever been before. Pretty much the same story with the s p 500. No pool back after a very big rally. It is up a tiny fraction but it is up. The nasdaq composite, home of the Big Technology companies up again, not much, 5 points, 5028 is where the indicator has reached. Reminds me of the late 1990s. Check the price of gold, some crumbs on my face. Did i get it . Check the price of oil, 1300. You are having so much fun when the markets go up. How about the price of oil . Where are we . Down. Down 1. 68. We had news how much oil we got in storage, less of it. Nonetheless the price of oil is down 45 a barrel. How about the 10 year trsury yield, an important number, one. 46 , very close to alltime lows with that particular Interest Rate. Amazon, prime day, yesterday the biggest ever for amazon and it is up again, 751. 99. Facebook, three men shot while streaming on facebook live. Questions about what you can watch, what facebook can block. That is an interesting question for the future. Streaming is not affecting stock at the moment. It is at 117 but watch out for the questions down the road. Nintendo, they have pokemon go, the new phenomenon popping up in inappropriate places, not really affecting stock that has gone up so much in the last couple days, down 3 . The drugmaker juno, the fda has allowed the company to resume the trial of its leukemia drug and it is up 16 . Politics. Last hour we brought you this. Video of donald trump emerging from a meeting with indiana governor mike pence from the governors home in indianapolis. What does that mean for trumps Vice President ial decision . Governor pence was on the shortlist. So is this gentlemen, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, author of the field of fight. General, you have to what do you make of donald trump you know what i am asking. What do you think of donald trump emerging from governor pences house . Is that a hint . He will make the right decision, what is best for this country. I was laughing because you had crumbs on your chin from this morning and you were just leaving them for your later lunch. Stuart i am embarrassed, very sorry. This is a really important issue unfolding in front of us, this is a huge decision. Im just humbled deeply to be in the mix. It is something for me. I didnt think i was ever going to be here. Stuart i will interrupt. This is a pretty strong hint that mister trump has chosen governor pence. Will you comment on that . I am moving one place to another, i will say from everything i have seen and i know, i think all these people would be great choices. Donald trump has to choose someone who he believes can help us win in this next election and us being the United States of America Donald trump is about the future of this country and making sure we take a direction in this country that puts us back on a track we can continue to be the Global Leader around the world. Stuart donald trump has found to be more trustworthy than Hillary Clinton on the issue of trustworthiness, he leads 49 to 34 for Hillary Clinton with scandals facing the clinton camp, would you feel safe giving her security clearance for topsecret documents. Absolutely not, this decision of the director of National Intelligence to give her access to classified material was the wrong decision, and the American Public are fed up with this story after story about the clintons, and we are sick of it and we cant go down this path with someone who is old news. Stuart the director of the Defense Intelligence agency, that is what you did under the obama administration. Isis fighters are saying a warning to other fighters that the end of the caliphate is in sight, do you know anything about this, that would be a blockbuster revelation. What we have to recognize is this enemy has a Global Network footprint and in the last 30 days we have seen attacks all over the world in the United States of america, turkey, bangladesh, baghdad, other parts of the world, the geographic footprint that exists today in rocker, syria, is irrelevant to the radical islamic ideology that masks itself behind this religion. It is global and right here at home. Stuart if the caliphate is fading with that point to a degree of success, president obamas policy of assembling a loose coalition to go after . We have to see what we have to see. What i know is there are large elements, the size of the organization has doubled in capacity in the last few years. They are not fading. If they lose some tactical turf in iraq or places like syria, that doesnt mean this enemy has disappeared. Stuart is donald from visiting your home later today . He better be wearing his running shoes. I am a moving target, and i am campaigning for this country. This country is something i deeply believe in, the direction we have been taking the last eight years and going in the wrong direction. This is a serious time, whatever decision he makes he will make the right decision for the country. Stuart it was an honor having you on the program. Thank you so much. The price of gasoline down again, 2. 21 per gallon of regular. That is the National Average, the price of gas coming down. Our next guest says it will go even lower. His name is patrick with a gasbuddy. Com. We featured him on this program so frequently. What are we doing . Thanks for having me and. Last time you were on the show, the price of gasoline would be coming down a bit more than it is down so far. Absolutely. Tremendous decline. In the last month every day of the National Average has gone down. Oil prices tumbling today. Gas prices likely to go back under 2 a gallon. Stuart under 2 by fall of this year . See that in the cards. By halloween, thanksgiving, plenty of gas stations in the cheapest states under 1. 50 a gallon by the end of the year. Stuart better and better. Where is the cheapest gas in america . Looking at Oklahoma City, 1. 63 a gallon. Stuart Oklahoma City is 1. 63 . Get in your car and go for love. Stuart why is it so low in Oklahoma City . Pushing refineries on the gulf coast, cheap gasoline taxes amount to that. Stuart where is the most expensive . California. We always talk about california. Got to trade the sun and palm trees for something. San francisco, 3 and wanted to gallon on average so those folks probably would like to go to Oklahoma City. Stuart a pleasure to have you on the show because you are saying 2 a gallon or less by thanksgiving of this year. Unless we see that tape come backup. Stuart we will and that is a promise. Gasbuddy. Com. Thank you very much, good to see you. Check the market again. And on the lefthand side of your screen. All those stocks in green are dow stocks and all up. On the righthand side the dow industrial average 18,350. How about that. Look at major brewers said to add nutrition labels to beer by the year 2020. That doesnt affect stock. Check the calorie count. Liz i drink it. Stuart Loretta Lynch dodged and deflected specific questions on the fbi probe of Hillary Clintons email usage. The judge is next on that. I received the recommendation of the team that was composed of prosecutors and agents, unanimous recommendation as how to resolve the investigation so no reason not to accept it and i reiterate my faith in their work. I would have to refer you to director comeys statements with these recommendations. I received the recommendation of the team and the team is composed of prosecutors and agents, unanimous recommendation. I dont get find. Saw no reason not to accept it and reiterate my pride and faith in their work. The questions you want. Refer you to director comey statements for his recommendation. The same answer so you can shoot. Stuart we had a little liberty there. They are both named lynch and were going backwards and forwards not answering questions and thought we would bring it to you like that. And all serious judge Andrew Napolitano is here and mortar attorney general Loretta Lynch did not answer questions at the digital very hearing yesterday. Why is she not being called upon to resign . Judge napolitano it is wanting to argue the Benghazi Committee was political and created its own jurisdiction. It is quite another for attorney general lynch to define the Judiciary Committee of the house of representatives. It is her legitimate regulator, she is obliged under the law to answer to them. She doesnt have to do what they want but she has to answer their questions and she simply didnt do it. Is the basis for resignation . Resignation has to be a balance of whatever good she is doing versus this but let me say this, she seriously undermined her personal credibility by meeting giving nonanswers she gave yesterday. When she undermines personal credibility she undermines the decision of the Justice Department over which he presides. How many times can they ask her how did you decide whether or not to prosecute . Who made the decision . She would not answer. Stuart she was asked is it a crime to lie to congress and she couldnt answer that. Wouldnt answer. Judge napolitano the answer to that is yes. It is not only a crime to lie to congress, it is a crime to mislead congress. What i dont get it. Why wouldnt she answer the questions . Judge napolitano i wish i knew. I am sorry to tell you before she became the attorney general, she was us attorney, one of two us attorneys in new york, reputation as a lawyer, straight shooter, was impeccable. In the last two months since the orlando massacre when she had to fight terrorism with love and order the reduction of the fbi report to create a false impression of what was or was not in the reported this nonsense with hillary and the nonsense yesterday, she completely undermined the credibility which she took a generation to build up, she is in danger of losing. Of the one it is a sad story because she is a fine lawyer and a great lady and that troubles me. Judge napolitano she is willing to carry the political water of the west wing and that is very dangerous. When politics has to lead. Stuart she is carrying the political water for the clinton team. Countless other people have done that. Judge napolitano the polls you were discussing, trump has a lot of baggage but when it comes to honesty versus mrs. Clinton stuart it is 4937. Judge napolitano a few moments ago. Stuart a 15 point gap. Judge napolitano s remarkable investigations to confront, dont know when they will be done or who will decide but they are out there. Stuart one of your favorite subjects, watch this, this is Prime Minister David Cameron about to leave, you know this. Home of the Prime Minister, he is going to come out of it, jump into a car and you know where he is going . Can i tell this story . He is going to Buckingham Palace where he must tender his resignation to the queen of england. I know how you feel about that. Shows in respect. Judge napolitano is and she too close . Should renounce her . Stuart yes. It is a system that works. Judge napolitano that is a legitimate thing, the palace is one of those big welfare states. Stuart they make a profit out of the monarchy. We are done watching. You are on the air. You are done, thanks. Watch the door open. Serious subject, illinois trying to shut down the Health Insurer land of lincoln health. That is the states made obamacare insurer. If they were out it would end obamacare in that state. Three years worth of losses, they couldnt sustain it. They looked at 100 health plans and found 44 out of 10 of them were paying more than they took in. We have numerous elf exchanges collapsing across the country in the Obamacare Affordable Care act reform. We are seeing in north carolina, connecticut, oregon, across the country, as many insurers are pulling out. Stuart it is not working. Those stocks are up. I dont know why the Health Insurance is up. Judge napolitano price increases. Stuart that is what it is. Thanks, check the market. We are down a couple points on the tao. Still shows more than half of the dow industrial stocks, look at tesla. They say there is no reason to disable the autopilot future on their cars. It is down to dollars at 2. 21. Jordan spieth is the latest offer to drop out of the olympics. He has Health Concerns. That means the top four golfers in the world will not be at the rio games where golf is appearing for the First Time Since 1904, sandbagged a little bit. Back to Bernie Sanderss socialist manifesto, what he disguised as his endorsement of Hillary Clinton. It was naked ross socialism. Taking over the Democrat Party. Hillary stood there and nodded in agreement. They looked like they were at an awkward prom dance. Think you got that right. More varney in a minute. You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart Jordan Spieth is not going to go to the rio olympics, he says he has Health Concerns, the top four golfers in the world are not going to rio. Liz rory mcelroy is saying he is not going either. Neither is justin johnson, four of the top players are not going to the rio olympics. Rory mcelroy was interesting, very speaking with all candor, cannot get into the game to grow the game to get others to play, i got in it to win. Stuart did not get into the game to grow the game, that is the whole point of golf in the all the pics, to grow the game. Liz he is saying wait a second, i got in it to win and he says golf is irrelevant in the context of the olympics. This is a four time major winner commenting about the olympics. Stuart that kills golf for the next olympics. You cant get the top stars to go, gary player will be on the show tomorrow, thursday, a great guy on the show. On the South African team. Thanks. Lets go to market scan again, the big Board Holding onto all the gains. The point today is no big pullback, no pool back at all at this moment, we are at 18,00350 at 18,000350, listen to that and we have this. The new black Panther Party says they will conduct arms, repeat, armed protest outside the Republican Convention in cleveland. We will follow that story for you in a moment. Our opportunities are too great, our lives too short to waste this moment. Stuart the obama economy doing so well, why are democrats so angry . Look at Bernie Sanders endorsing Hillary Clinton yesterday. We were treated to another display of righteous socialist anger, the injustice of capitalism, it is just not fair. There was Hillary Clinton, the candidate by bernies side nodding in approval as the round went on and on and on. If you grew up in europe you have seen this kind of thing before, we better get used to it here because the Democrat Party has taken a giant leap to the left. Bernies rant with hillarys apparent agreement was all about redistribution, you got it, we need it, handed over, free this, free that, the rich can pay, that is socialism and that is what 21stcentury democrats apparently believe in. After eight years of an obama style economy hillary wants to go much further down the socialist road. Step back a bit. Do we want this . What would happen if we tried it . The democrat base wants it but the Great American middle, doubt it. Endless decline is not americas forte. What happens if we get tax, spend and redistribute on steroids . We get europe, bankrupt, divided and yes, important. On this program yesterday we showed bernies speech. It was quite a moment, the socialists had taken over the Democrat Party, their candidate would be the next president. How about that . Never thought we would see it but we did. May have gotten a little carried away. I think it looked kind of awkward, didnt it . Bernie sanders ranting on about socialism like an awkward prom dance as one of our guests said the other day. Megan mccain is here. Dont know if im out on a limb, coming off pretty song, the democrats of been taken over by a socialist. Am i going too far . I dont think you are going too far. I have many friends who are hardcore blue dog democrats, take great umbrage and defended the idea that being a democrat is the same as being a socialist when they are two entirely different things. What is fascinating is Hillary Clinton has kowtow to this ideology and if he will be successful in pulling her to become a socialist as well if she becomes president in november, what legacy he will leave in the Democratic Party, this man has been in office 30 years and achieved nothing, never the cult figure he became during this election will have any lasting power. Stuart it is one man, Bernie Sanders who has done that, dragged that party way out to the left, just one guy. The party has to go with him. What does that say about the democrats . They are kowtowing to try to be cool because his followers were predominantly millennial and younger. This is what the Democratic Party has become, there is a great debate to have a thirdparty coming past 2016 because many people democrat or republican, you see what is happening in europe and greece. There is a lot of fear that it could happen here. Stuart but they have to lose, democrats they will. Stuart to get a thirdparty, a centrist slightly leftist party, slightly left of center, to get that party emerge, the Left Democrat Party has to lose big time. You think they are going to lose . They came very close. They will lose but more important looking at political history Bernie Sanders reminds me of howard dean. A lot of momentum, a cult following with a lot of people. We dont hear much about howard dean now so theres a possibility Bernie Sanders could be just a movement in a moment in time and wont necessarily be longlasting and the clintons make a lot of promises, that doesnt mean anything, she could break them tomorrow. Stuart i was interested to see swing state polls, florida, pennsylvania, ohio, trump and hillary tied in ohio, trump leads in florida. Florida is interesting because hillary lost 11 points in florida. That is extraordinary in one month. Stuart after what happened with comey, the American Public knows that if you and i did the same thing she did we would be in jail, the clintons live by a different standard than the rest of america, people are frustrated, antiestablishment election and as much as Donald Trumps rhetoric isolates people, they are evil and corrupt, and controversial any day. Stuart we will see you at the Convention Next week. Thanks very much. Good to see you. Breaking news on general motors, that ignition scandal. Liz the Second Circuit court of appeals in new york city saying yes, gm is liable for ignition switch lawsuits. What happened was gm said the problem fits with old bankrupt gm. If you want to file a suit where the ignition stalled out or cut power to your steering or breaks, the Second Circuit saying no. The Company Workers knew about this, and they are liable for more lawsuits and 900 million Settlement Funds kenneth feinberg, set up for gm for the old bankrupt gm, put itself two for this case. Watch the stock price. Stuart it is down . 25, 30 a share. It starts next week facing a new security concern, the new black Panther Party says they will conduct armed protests outside the convention. Kevin jackson is a fox news contributor. Got to be worried about this, black panther shows up with gun that the convention, what is your take . The interesting thing was they acted as if they were invited. There is nobody, not a bunch of white people saying if black panthers show up they shoot them. For all intents and purposes, why are they not protecting black neighborhoods as opposed to coming to people who are exercising their First Amendment rights . Stuart if you see that and the particular group at the convention, a lot of people wont like that. That is in favor of the republicans. I agree. A lot of people are sick of the rhetoric around not only the new black Panther Party but specifically more blm, stuff to tough to separate the two groups, they are both hate groups. What is meant to do is terrorize republicans and make them believe there could be something bad at the convention. On conservative circles should we go . Things like this . Stuart i got to say i am old enough to remember 1968 chicago, violence on a lower scale. That worked very much at the Democrat Convention in favor of the republicans. The same could happen stuart i suggest tough to say which favor they worked in but i will tell you people are very concerned. It is meant to be disruptive. It will work in favor of the republicans but you dont have to go back that far. This event that is it to happen, ultimately got canceled. They are hoping for this, in the democrat playbook to make this happen and make it a season of discontent, the left has not a concern in the world, they have to be disruptive because they have one agenda, to put a socialist in the white house and that would be Hillary Clinton. Stuart thank you for joining us, we do appreciate it. See you next week. This is happening now, downing st. Number 10 is the official residence of the Prime Minister, David Cameron is going to come out of that door, take you to Buckingham Palace where he will see Queen Elisabeth and he will tender his resignation to the queen. That is the system in britain. He will tender his resignation and no longer be the Prime Minister. There is a podium set up outside number 10. He will no doubt make an address, make some remarks from that podium. Maybe we will bring it to you when it happens. The doors opening, weight a second, that is the Prime Minister who is about not to be the Prime Minister and i think he is going to speak, he is approaching the podium, that is his wife and more children lets listen. At downing street on that evening in may 2010 i said we would confront our problems in the country and lead people through difficult decisions so that together we could reach different times. It has not been an easy journey. Of course we have not got every decision right. I do believe today, our country is much stronger. Above all he was about turning around the economy and was a deficit cut by two third, 21 2 Million People at work, 1 million more businesses that we have no doubt our economy is immeasurably stronger. Politicians like to talk about policies but in the end it is about peoples lives. I think of the people doing jobs who were previously unemployed. I think of the businesses, ideas in someones head and today making ago of it and providing people with livelihoods. I think of the hardworking families paying lower taxes and getting higher wages because of the First Ever National living wage. I think of the children languishing in the care system, now adopted by loving families. I think of the parents able to send their children to good and outstanding schools including preschool that simply didnt exist before. I think of 200,000 young people taking part in National Citizen service, the fastestgrowing Youth Program of its kind in the world, something that wasnt there 6 years ago. I think of the couples who were able to get married who werent allowed to in the past and i think of the people on the other side of the world who wouldnt have had clean drinking water, the chance to go to school or even be alive were it not for our decision to keep our promises to the poorest people, the poorest countries in the world. We have used our stronger economy to invest in our health service. When i walked in there were 18,000 people waiting over a year for their operation. Today it is just 800. Still too long but nhs is a National Treasure and miracles every day. We strengthen our Nations Defense system with submarines, destroyers, aircraft carriers keeping our country safe in a dangerous world. These are the choices and changes we have made. I want to thank everyone who has given so much support to me personally over the years. The Incredible Team at number 10, Civil Servants whose professionalism and impartiality is stuart that is Prime Minister for now David Cameron, saying farewell essentially to his role as Prime Minister. When he finishes speaking, he will go to Buckingham Palace and tender his resignation to the queen of england. That is the way the british system works. Let me remind you this gentleman, David Cameron, Prime Minister, wanted britain to stay in the European Union and campaign heavily for britain to stay. The vote went against him. Under the british system he could no longer remain Prime Minister. It is a parliamentary democracy, not a constitutional democracy. This is the moment when he leaves. He will be succeeded by theresa may, another conservative who is nominally a conservative. That is my personal opinion, she will be installed and for Prime Minister later today. She has to go to Buckingham Palace as well to accept the designation from the queen of england. It is complicated stuff. The bottom line is David Cameron is out, theresa may is in, they have a new Prime Minister. One last point. When the brits voted to leave the European Union, armageddon was confidently forecast. Didnt happen. We had a couple days where stock prices did go sharply lower and britains currency did go down, but the currency that our stock market and a lot of other stockmarkets have completely recovered to the point where we are now in america at a record high level for stock prices on the dow industrial average. We interrupted Prime Minister cameron to bring this breaking news. Very important in american politics. Donald trump is going to meet with Newt Gingrich. Liz later this afternoon. This comes after Newt Gingrich gave a full throated speech at the rally in cincinnati basically calling out corruption of the clinton email scandal and Loretta Lynch meeting with bill clinton. Stuart we brought our viewers video of mister trump leaving the Governors Mansion in indianapolis, governor mike pence, he had a meeting with him this morning. Liz and Donald Trumps family members as well. Stuart a hint that he has chosen governor pens, we dont know. Now he is going to meet with gingrich later this afternoon. There they come leaving the Governors Mansion a couple hours ago. That is the video we showed you last hour. Hint hint hint, he is going to reveal his choice, dropping all kinds of hints today. We have general Michael Flynn on the show. Another person on the short list, he laughed it off. He wasnt going to say anything about whether he is the guy or not the guy, we dont know. Mister trump has visited mike pence and this afternoon will visit Newt Gingrich. Now this. Special guest who says president obamas senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, routinely frequently warned Hillary Clinton stop using that private email server. We all know she did not. And klein is the author of a new book, guilty as sin. This is a new one. You pick the most extraordinary titles. I think that is a complement. Stuart it is. The premise of your story today is Valerie Jarrett warned Hillary Clinton frequently, knock it off with the private server. Early and hillarys tenure, back in 2009, rahm emanuel, david axelrod, all getting these emails from hillary, clintonemail. Com, she was hauled into the white house by Valerie Jarrett, hillary was warned, you cannot do this because you are jeopardizing National Security and she ignored this warning. I think the implication of this is something we havent discussed, which is that the president of the United States for four years knew that Hillary Clinton was using an unsecured private email system, he could have stopped her, he could have said this cannot go on. Stuart wasnt she advised before she became secretary of state that you got to use the secure server . He was advised back when she was senator that she couldnt use anything other than a secure server because she had been given a briefing by Intelligence Officers that that was not a possibility. Stuart if your story is accurate, i am not doubting it one way or another. You have good sources within the administration. Three different sources. Not one, three sources told me about it. Stuart the implication, i want to go back to that. The implication is president obama knew about it, didnt stop it, knew about it for four years. This is something i will conjecture about because i dont know this for a fact but the fact that if hillary had been indicted, what would that have said about barack obama . The fbi indicting her, would have said wait a second, the president knew about that, where did he fit into this whole thing. Stuart i want to go back to the beginning, got a couple a minute here. Why did Hillary Clinton do this . Why was she so adamant in the face of these warnings, why did she continue to do it . Why did she do it in the first place . He has been doing this all her life. She set up a private telephone system in the white house when she was first lady. She tried to wall off the White House Press corps so that they couldnt get access to the west wing of the white house. She has been involved in secrecy in her whole professional life because she does not want people as she said in her emails, i dont want them to know what i am saying. Stuart what is the name of the book . Guilty as sin. Thank you for joining us. Im interrupting this interview to bring more breaking news on the trump meeting with Newt Gingrich, meeting now. Newt gingrich was seen walking into the conrad hotel in indianapolis, intense speculation whether donald trump will soon be announcing his choice for Vice President. Stuart bill oreilly interview donald trump, pressed him hard and said you know who it is going to be and donald trump playing diplomat prancing around, he would not answer. Bill oreilly was saying you have made your choice. Stuart donald loves tough guys, you know that. He doesnt like wimps. Here he has got Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich, tough guys. Stuart and governor mike pence, both of them today. Had that kind of donald bite that Donald Stuart got to run because the market has turned lower, not a whole lot but it is down. We are down 28 points. I think i know why, it is because of this, the price of oil. Oil is not making a difference to the stock market, now i think it is. We have numbers on how much was in storage. We have less oil in storage. We have had eight straight weeks. Stuart down 40 a barrel, affecting the stock market. Both are moving lower. Are we back to David Cameron, what we are looking at, that is the now, not the mall, the approach to Buckingham Palace, the road surface there, Queen Victorias statue there, Prime Minister camerons motorcade, you have seen the motorcycle in front, the Prime Minister of Great Britain going into Buckingham Palace holding a meeting with Queen Elizabeth where he will formally tender his resignation. The end of an era. Britain out of the European Union, cameron out as Prime Minister, back in a moment. [bassist] two late nights in tucson. Blew an amp. But good nights. Sure,musics why we do this,but its still our business. We spend days booking gigs, then weve gotta put in the miles to get there. But its not without its perks. Like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying megs little brother i mean,our new tour managerwith real,actual money. We run on quickbooks. Thats how we own it. Approaching medicare eligibility . 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Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has over thirty Years Experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. So call now and discover how an aarp Medicare Supplement plan could go long™ for you. These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go long™. Stuart Jennifer Lopez with a huge controversy over a tweet she sent out after debuting her song that benefits the orlando shooting victims. Here is what she tweeted, a picture of her today show performance with the hashtag all lives matter. Love makes the world go round is the name of the song. All lives matter. What a mistake that was. And extra ordinary outpouring of disgust and hatred when she said that. The author of con job, there you have the book, crystal right is our guest. What the devil is going on . J low comes out, all she says is all lives matter and all hell breaks loose . This is not a controversy. This is an example of blacks and their grievances gone berserk, blacks are out of control now thanks to democrats and most notably the president of the United States pandering and legitimizing black lives matter which is nothing but a phony racist movement. Now a celebrity, celebrities, politicians, you are racist, to black people. You said some interesting things the last 5 years. I write a lot in my book. About how black people as a race want to ignore the problem we have created and the bad choices we make that attribute to the fact that we have more violence in our communities, more out of wedlock births and poverty. The reality is all lives do matter. It doesnt mean you hate black people when you say that. Stuart 5 seconds, thank you so much. Thank you, back in a minute

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