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The brits in favor of leaving the European Union. It is indeed high anxiety time all around the world and weve got it all covered for you. Varney company is about to begin. All right. Everybody, first to france. Two Police Officials murdered by a French National with a prior terror conviction, he had ties to jihadis based in pakistan. The details are horrific, real terror, ash. And the 25yearold targeted a police chief and his wife and killed the police chief outside and took the woman and threeyearold child inside the home. At which point he started to live stream on facebook his attack on the woman, torturing her, eventually killing her in front of their threeyearold son and then hes heard to say and wrote this down, i dont know yet what im going to do with him, pointing at the child. Thank god, police managed to attack the home, killed this individual and save the threeyearold boy, but his parents were both killed in this attack. When they found went inside the home, they found a list brought in by this individual with a whole list of potential victims. You know, isis recently put out some list of 8, 9,000 people they believe were good targets for lone wolf attacks and apparently this individual, who was very wellknown to French Police, served two and a half years in prison for his connection to terrorists. Stuart that, i think is a new low of depravity. It is. Stuart what other word. Ashley cannot describe it. Stuart attacks like that one that ashley detailed near paris today, and the one in orlando, and this is the cover of the sun, owned by news corporation, as you can see, the leave in britain, as in leave britain. The polls. Ashley two, one from with the lead slightly ahead, 5446, but the latest one that came out yesterday for the independent newspaper had out 55 , in 45 . Thats a huge 10point gap. That has really impacted the markets today. Only 2 interestingly, stu, said theyre not going to vote which shows a very high level of interest. The sun, by the way, very influential, the best selling newspaper in the u. K. , very influential as being antieu throughout. The eu has proved increasingly wasteful, greedy, bullying, incompetent in a crisis. Our future looks far better if we get out. Stuart at the heart of this is immigration, Mass Movement of foreigners in and out of britain and sovereignty liz a way of life according to people for leaving. Stopping terrorist attacks and the euro zone, the imf and bank of england said armageddon, if you leave the same argument when britain refused to join the euro. That didnt happen, armageddon didnt happen. Stuart politics over there is a reflection of politics or here, or our policies over here. And theyre close. Dont miss a special edition of Varney Company wait for it, its 11 00 at night. Yes, i will be there. We go all the way through friday and well all be in london. Ashley 4 a. M. Stuart were covering this thing. Its a very important vote and were on it. Now this one, just look at this, this is the yield on the 10year german treasury bond. Okay, thats a negative yield. In other words, that means youll pay them for them to get your money, you wont get it all back, not good. Am i right in saying this, they in fact are connifey kating your money liz you may them to save. So we have 14 countries now according to fitch, not only germany, but negative yields on their bonds. Weve got nearly 10 trillion in negative yielding bonds. This hurts savers. And hurts retirees, here in the United States, estimates between 2008 and 2012. People lost half a trillion of interest on their savings and hurts government Pension Funds which invest in the bonds and they expect money from the bonds and theyre not getting it. That could be a taxpayer bailout. People are looking for a safe haven, they feel unnerved and the latest polls from the u. K. , thats why theyre piling in. The prices of bonds go up, but the yield goes down way low. This could be a taxpayer bailout of government Pension Funds, watch out because weve invested a lot of the bonds. I think ive got it. Not quite sure, but the anxiety around the world is rising for terror and whats happening in germany. Now, donald trump, he doubled down after orlando, he wants to suspend immigration from terror hot beds. Listen to this. I will use this power to protect the american people. When im elect, i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, europe, or our allies. Until we fully understand how to end these threats. Stuart joining us now, the cochair of the trump campaign. Sam, welcome to the program. Thank you for having me on again, stuart. Usually smiling. Okay, look, i watched the speech yesterday. Mr. Trump was a little more reserved and used a prompter. My question is, does the public like the new, rather restrained prompter oriented trump . I think so, the fact that he appears president ial. He acts president ial and its a good contrast to the to the style that were used to. Stuart hes deliberate, appealing to people in the republican party, still not behind him and this is a deliberate move. Absolutely. Because when you go to a campaign rally, they expect a little bit of excitement, impromptuness, they expect you to be out there, you know, getting things done. Its not a sunday school picnic. When you have a sober subject, it requires a sober approach and mr. Trump is demonstrating that. Stuart i think he wants the response from the crowd and we didnt get much response, i guess because he was on a prompter and punchlines arent there. Usually comes alive more when hes not on prompter and the crowd is cheering him on. He plays the crowd so well. He does and again, theres a contrast. When youre talking about sober subject. You need a sober setting and st. Anselm is a great place for that, that center is a marvellous place up there. Mr. Trump likes new hampshire, a great place for him. I thought it was a good setting and he gave a great speech. What was interesting was that he really laid out for him, what is really in the interest of our allies and i hope the allies were listening, because it in their interest to help us with this vetting process. Its in their interest to make sure that the people that come into frankfurt or to paris or london, and theyre coming to the United States, that they help us with this vetting process to get the biometrics we need to make sure we know who is coming, when theyre coming in and why theyre coming. Stuart sam, thank you. We appreciate it, see you again soon. Thanks, stuart. Stuart lets go to Hillary Clinton who now says shes not afraid to say radical jihadist. Listen to this. I have no doubt, i have no doubt we can meet this challenge if we meet it together. Whatever we learn about this killer, his motives in the days ahead, we know already the barbarity that we face from radical jihadists is profound. Stuart radical jihadists. And strategist lisa boone is here. I think that donald trump pushed her into saying it. Absolutely. And James Woolsey who served as the cia director under bill clinton said you cant fight something if you cant discuss it. I think thats why you see so Many Americans frustrated with this administration because time after fort hood, chattanooga, orlando, you see the president fail to call this what it is, fail to name the enemy, radical islamic extremism and Hillary Clinton, the concern she said it, said it didnt matter she was saying it. Thats the concern because it does matter and we should name the enemy. Stuart she did not draw a clear line linking radical islam and terror. It was not a clearly drawn line. And in my opinion, my opinion, i think it should be. I absolutely think it should be. Look, this terrorist called 911 and said that he believes in isis, so, absolutely, theres a concern here. And look, i think its time as americans and in america, we have some tough conversations. We have some honest conversations about those threats that were facing. This is a worldwide threat. Look what happened in france, look what happened in paris, in brussels, and were seeing the lack of assimilation and seeing the problems. Look at the area in belgium in the brussels neighborhood the terrorists that came that attacked paris and harbored a terrorist for months and attacked brussels. These are concerns and difficult conversations, but conversations that are worth having and conversations that we need to have in the world. Stuart and the horrific details of the france latest isis terror incident, thats not going to be good for those who cannot draw the line and say there is a link between islam and terror. Its not good for that argument. The details are horrific. More later. All right, lisa, stay there. A lot more for you. Were going to open the market in 19 minutes time. It will be down, not much, down maybe 40 odd points, thats about it. A lot of factors are affecting your money. Terror, the vote, germany confiscating money and the Federal Reserve starts its meeting today. How about the price of oil. Were down, not much, about 1 . The rig count in america, in other words, its up, by the way, that means more domestic oil supply, perhaps influencing the price, and pushing it down just at 48 a barrel. New high for glean prices, dear me, 2. 37 is the National Average up about 40 cents, 70 cents, i cant do the math liz we were head today a buck 50 the beginning of the year. Stuart it was 1. 69. Oh, wait, listen to this. Nascar, a uniquely American Sports and we have one of the biggest stars, jeff gordon on the show, sprint cup champ is with us this hour. A strongly worded response to the attack in orlando from a guest frequently on this program. Here is the quote from the guest, the reason orlando killer hated gays and was willing to kill them was because of his radical islamist ideology. Why be afraid to say it . Can anybody guess, not you guys because you probably know. Can any of our viewers guests said who said that and put that in print . S hes on the show. Disney is stepping up security at the parks. And the latest coordinated attack by isis in america, how about that. Innovative sonicare technology with up to 27 more brush movements versus oral b. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. The market opens in what, about 16, 17 minutes and we will be down about 40 or 50 points. Lots of unease around the world. Are we going to be down a little . Maybe 50 points. Look at apple. Emack, 97, hold on, they had a Developers Conference yesterday liz yes, showing off new stuff and pretty boring. Stuart boring, a killer word liz and thats the reaction that were getting from people who were there and reports coming out. Apple watch operating system, the apple tv operating system updated. Apple maps, find a gas station nearby, google maps does that. And so not a lot of sizzle here. Stuart not a lot of sizzle. And the stock is at 97 liz watch that stock. Stuart ive got more on the orlando terror suspect and for this i want to bring in judge andrew napolitano. Judge, there is consternation this morning that a man on the terror watch list was still able to go out and buy guns. You got another red flag in the same area, whats this about . He was employed by a multinational corporation, that employs 625,000 people, that served as a security provider for government facilities. Now, when one serve as a security provider for the federal government, the contract between the company and the federal government requires a security clearance. And that security clearance requires an inquiry in all contacts with all Law Enforcement entities, including the fbi. So the company, which by the way employs exfbi agents and excia agents as well, was obliged to ask the fbi if it had any contact with him and the fbi was obliged to tell the company when it had contact with him. There was a bilateral failure to have that communication. What does this mean . Had that occurred, he would not have been able to obtain the license to carry the rifle and perhaps not the handgun. Stuart this is one Government Organization not talking to another organization. No, this is one Government Organization not talking to an outside vendor that works for another Government Organization. The outside vendor being his employer. Stuart who dropped the ball . Both. The outside vendor had been working for the federal government of the United States, including the defense department, the Justice Department and Intelligence Community for generations. The fbi, which is stretched very, very thin these days, also neglected to inform the outside vendor of its contacts with him. Now, maybe they did inform and the vendor did nothing about it. That would raise the level of cup culpability of the vendor. Stuart what do you make of president obama and Hillary Clinton shifting gun control. She said something about the gun she referred to it as a military weapon, it is not. Its what her secret service and Donald Trumps secret Service Carry that weapon. Its not where you hold it down and bullets come out. Its a rifle. Stuart democrats blaming the orlando terror attack on guns. Thats what theyre saying. Radical islamism, Hillary Clinton used that word, but kind of used it to attack the second amendment. More on that coming up. A wellknown technology guy used twitter to say suspect mosques should be monitored, spied on. That got him kicked off twitter. Well explain in full. Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. 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I have this video from wait for it, wait for it. Thats the Rivera Hotel Casino demolished. It was on the strip for 60odd years liz just got whacked. Stuart that was las vegas. Okay. The site will be used to expand the Las Vegas Convention center. Nice explosion there. Controlled, of course. All right. Now this, a prominent video game developer, mark kerr, famous for work on world of war craft suspended from twitter because he voiced his opinion, the wrong opinion. What he said, i dont see why mosques with radical leanings should be excluded from surveillance when the rest of us get our emails collected from the nsa. Lisa, what on earth is going on here . I think its troubling. First facebook and now twitter, this perceived censorship of certain kind of language is troubling and concerning. I dont think you should be suspending for raising a question that we should be talking about and thinking about. Look, the nypd has surveillance of mosques in the past and i think theres a lot of people that believe its in the confines of the law and if its a reasonable suspicion because weve seen mosques serve as conduits to extremism in the past, particularly with orlando. Stuart that statement was not inflammatory. If youre inciting a riot, ive got it, get him out of here, but stating an opinion on surveillance of mosques doesnt meet that threshold. Youve got free speech, but really, on social media its got to be the right speech liz hes saying its a bias against libertarian views on twitter. High noon strategies, the name of your company. You dont approve . An important thing to point out. Two extremists from one small florida mosque come from this one area. Terrorist in florida and another one as well. I think this is something we should be looking at and having an honest conversation about. Stuart all right, everybody, moving onto the markets this morning, take a look at the price of oil, were down a little bit. Not much. Still around 48 per barrel, down 50 cents. The rig count is up in america so producing a little more oil. Maybe thats why its down. This is the news of the morning, this is the yield on the 10year treasury, 1. 57 . Back in a moment. Ashley at least its positive. You. Treated to that is the Nasdaq Stock Exchange in her clapping wildly because its 9 30 and were up and running. Lets see where we are going this tuesday. Where are we going . The dow industrials 30. 7 team seven is the level. Several fact is a fact in your money today. Terror in orlando and another terror attack near paris this morning. That is unsettling. Attacks like the one in france and i read that headline in britains sun tabloid newspaper which is owned has been get out of europe. Leave britain. Thats what they say over there. Several polls they leave. That is that the bread line. This is unheard of. The yield on the german 10 year bond negative for the first time ever. That means about getting technical, its a very retail, you pay them to keep your money. Youve never seen that before. To this i thought this, ashley webster, listening donald, Todd Horowitz and mike murphy. I get the sense there is general unease around the world. Terror, what is happening in germany, it better. And i write here . A general sense of money. Good morning, stuart. You are 100 right. Markets hate uncertainty. The unknown retail with right now, this is my volatility is spiking a little bit. True into unease around the world. A lot of it has to do with if you look at the negative rates of repair, the concern is what is the next move for the e. U. They are trying to stimulate the economy. They are out buying bonds which is driving the yield lower. Its not working. Its not stimulating growth. What do they do next . Central banks around the world has more money in history p. Let the free markets play. True to maybe try tax cuts as a stimulus instead of printing money and raising spending it is that such a bad idea . Trip or we fell in the Looking Glass several years ago. Stuart i just dont get it. Why are the germans doing this . It is simply they are trying to stimulate their economy and globally from japan to the u. S. To the e. U. They decided central bankers have decided debacle by bonds which is going to stimulate the economy. Look at japan. Its not working. Thats why its very interesting although we dont expect anything when the fed meeting today. We dont expect any major news. The fed realizes they may be behind the eight ball so they need to act and raise raise. Stuart wow. Todd, come into this. I can hear in the background. First of all, didnt we learn from japan . Let freemarket takeover and let the markets price themselves. This ridiculous federal Financial Engineering is ridiculous. Dont be surprised if be surprised the fed doesnt cut rates again because they can realize their nursing and how much trouble is that there. If they raise rates, dollars will go through the roof. Its much better in the longer term if they get higher rates. That will simulate the economy. The ridiculous policies right now will never stimulate the economy. Dream to individual stocks. They help the Developers Conference yesterday. It was kind of a dud. Mike murphy at 97, almost 98, are you a buyer of apple . I am not a buyer of apple. Apple is now becoming a quality name that you can hold longterm, but its no longer a growth stock. If you are looking for Growth Company look elsewhere. Stuart 97 a share. Who wouldve thought. Lets talk chipotle. One wall street ally who said that lots customers after the e. Coli scare last year in the skies and the rain not be coming back. And now, moes southwest grill, a private company has replace chipotle is the most popular mexican chain. Are you guys should fully under 400 a share . Im not. You dont want to go out and catch a falling knife. Another new 52 week low this morning. The lowest level to start spending over a year. The momentum is down. There is no new negative news that there appeared it is just dropping. Ashley Deutsche Bank say they may well have lost customers. Theyll never get them back. They lowered their price target. Liz you build your own parade knowing you can choose the expensive rice and beans as you call beans as you call it as you like. Stuart i feel kind of sorry for what going on. Do you eat at chipotle and will you in the future . I do. I will. I think they are buying a 300 a share after thinking about getting an ear this is a momentum stock. It went from 200 to 3040500 this is what happens when momentum terms. The stock is dropping its got to be careful. Stuart in the name bigname stocks recover frequently. Lets start with chinas google. It cut its Sales Outlook and down it goes. Hardly at all. Now its gone up you save. What do i know. How about amazon. We arrived 79 teen up slightly. Where are we with google this morning . I should call it out so that the proper name of 93 cents. 13 . Lets never forget donalds. Thank you to you. Somewhere around 122 number 123. Thank you very much. 12250 and hamilton are still not a buyer. This is from general motors. Theyve introduced a rear seat reminder. The first in the industry to warn drivers they may have left a child or pet in the backseat. Nicole, you are a mom. What you have to say about this . Disobeys standard on the 27th team gmc arcadia and between 10 and 20 children die per year sadly left unattended by accident. You mentioned that pat. Also a secondary thing. How does that work . Did in the car. Within 10 minutes and or anytime of the cars running, maybe go to school and pick up the child, when you turn off the vehicle, you will get two indications. The first will be a chinese to check around in the second will be a note on the dashboard to let you know to take a look and check their rear. Nougat say anything. The food back there, groceries. It could be a reminder for anything. But the safety features a big one. Stuart i did kind of poohpoohed the sun but then i found out the 12 youngsters, 12 children die in hot cars last year. I think in the last 12 months. So im not this idea any longer. I think its exciting. I hope the rest of the car industry takes on the idea. Stuart they probably will. Dont forget about gun stocks. They were made yesterday after Hillary Clinton and the president came out while they can control in the aftermath of a van gogh. Down a tiny fraction on smith wesson. A fraction down on sturm this is her outdoor ammunition people are up again today. You buy a gun stocks . I do. You hate to say that, but from a trading standpoint on these names like smith wesson has been trading from 21 to 27 regularly. They popped on this tragedy. If you look for a shortterm trade, the gun names are very good way to play it. Stuart im interested in the whole market down 10. 1 the Dow Jones Industrial average. It occurs to me that the fed meeting starts today. They will have been announced that tomorrow afternoon. You are saying maybe they will raise rates in july. Todd was saying he hopes they raise rates in july. Maybe that is keeping the market on hold. Why is it not moving . It is down 10. Thats all youve got. Theres nothing that i get it. Youve seen sellers coming at it 10,000 about 400 to 500 points from where was. Right now were at the bottom end of the trading range. Taking a wait and see. Stuart german suffering negative Interest Rates on government odds. Our tenyear treasury yields 157. Train for euros sounds are going up on the fear that written of these. Ashley i can understand why our market is going nowhere. Ashley at his paralyzing. Stuart here is the big deal that the week so far. Microsoft acquiring linked in. 26. 2 billion for cash. Ashley microsoft has a history paid too much for too little. I hate to tell you. Com is to her. Thats not forget their 44 billion bid for yahoo . They dont have a good track record. Seen this move will make a transformative. We are full board into cloud computing. This will give us a social network we need. Investors say prove it. Stuart i think is right. But he was wrong microsoft wouldve gone way down. 26 billion wouldve been overpaying. As holding 50 a share. Thanks very much to Todd Horovitz in chicago and mike murphy next to me in new york city. Thanks, everyone. Check the big word again. This is going nowhere. That was websters word. Down 10. The democrats response to the land of terror attacks blamed guns. Yes, Hillary Clinton did mention radical islam is an, but she was pushed into it by donald trump. One guy just had. Mr. Trump doubles down on his immigration. He is not backing down. Closing the stage this afternoon for auditions . Whats on that piece of paper . Oh, miss maroney, your forehead should not be doing anything. I just had botox. I know exactly whats happening ah whoa this is a bad streaming experience. The girlie show is a real fun lady show. vo dont let bad streaming ruin a good show. Dont look at me vo only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. Can your network say that . Switch now, buy two samsung phones and get a free tv, plus up to 650 back. Only on americas best network. Stuart despite a in his background, this is essentially a go nowhere market. Thus far we are down two points. We have heard from president obama and from Hillary Clinton in the wake of your window attack the president will not call it islamic terror. Hillary clinton says the shooter with a lone wolf. Roll that tape. We face a twisted ideology and poisoned psychology that inspires the socalled lone wolf. As president , i will make it testifying and stopping lone wolf a top priority. Senator Lindsey Graham is with us. Could you tell us and our viewers, do you have any idea what the president and Hillary Clinton want to do about terror in america . Not a clue. I can tell you is what theyre doing is not working. She wants to be an assault rifles. Gun control would prevent radical islamic attacks. They would be no attacks in paris and brussels. France has the strongest gun laws on the planet to secretary clinton. This is not a gun control issue. This is a radical islamic terrorism issue. If she gets to be president , tells the fbi not to close because she cant prove a crime. If you have an American City center and on also expressing allegiance to the radical Islamic Movement associated with the suicide bomber, keep the file open together. That would be my recommendation. Stuart that goes to the heart of the outraged and the News Coverage this morning which is how on earth could a man on the terror watch list go out and buy guns . Thats the issue youre speaking to. Its a little deeper. How could the fbi closed the files on a man we know was associated an associate of a suicide bomber who left florida to go to syria and became the suicide murder. How could we close the file because we cant prove a crime. We are turning the war into a crime. This is not about him by an assault weapon. Its about the government closing his file because they could not prove a crime. We are in a state of war. You can gather intelligence not because hes a muslim, but because of his actions. The statement he made, the associations he had. This is not about gun control. This about turning more into a crime. Liberals and libertarians are dismantling the ability to stay ahead of an enemy who wants to come here and heard us. Stuart do you think weve gotten to greg with the idea that this is war. A different kind of war from anything before it. Not at all. This is the key point ive been trying to make for two years. There is no capital to conquer, tokyo or berlin. There is no air force to capture. They are religious. To be gay is to be dead. These people were killed because they are gay. Radical islam will kill people because they are christian. We are not at war with them. Being a war with an means you can gather intelligence including here at home to prevent attacks like this. We dont have the mindset of being at war. Stuart you want to spend more money on intelligence at home. I want to restore the cuts we made to the fbi. The fbi has lost six fbi has classics as an agency to budget cuts. The navy at 1950 novels. I want to restore our defense cuts in intelligence cuts so we can fight a war we cant afford to win. Its not about gun control. Banning all muslims doesnt win the war. It makes it harder. This guy was not an immigrant. He was born in queens. When an american citizen shows allegiance and sympathy to our enemies, they ought to be treated as enemy combatants. We have to partner with muslims to win the war. Stuart thanks for joining us. I dont think manning to the fbi last six dozen agents. Thanks so much. Appreciate you being here. Nascar, there is a uniquely american sport. Local news got on the show. That is just gordon, fourtime nascar champion walking into ours duty is as we speak. You might catch him actually walking in. This man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Intenselyflavored. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart youre looking at this story today. 1. 59 of the year. If youre not part of the world of money, that doesnt mean much. If youre inside the will of money thats a big deal. Look who is here. Joining us now sprint cup champ, nascar legend jeff gordon. Hes the subject of the new biography jeff gordon driving destiny. You are the quintessential american. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Great to be on the show. Stuart you are a commentator on fox. I am. I finished my career last year. Its been amazing. Weve had great racing. Driven to explain how you can make it interesting for a viewer of Television Watching cars go round and round. How do you do it . A lot of people think they are just going around and around. Theres a lot more going on, what the teams are doing to get the cars to go faster than editors. The drivers are trying to get in damage on the competitors. Plus we had three and four wide racing 200 miles an hour. Stuart i see youve got these youve got this car is very close together. Im a big fan. But i racing is about sidebyside cars sliding around. The drivers play a big role in how they maneuver that car around these big, fast half mile, one mile. Although we are kind of a rogue for itself. Really exciting in a couple weeks. June 2 63 p. M. Eastern. Stuart you are behind the wheel of a car going 200 miles an hour. Theres a certain thrill for that. Is it same as the thrill of being on Live Television . As you note as you very well know. No, let television has a lot of thrill to it. There is no doubt when i was in the racecar, yes there was adrenaline rush, but i had a very good amount of control over what i felt was going to happen. With Live Television theres an adrenaline rush. Stuart now, we are a Financial Program and you just got this authorized biography of your entire life. You know where im going with this. I imagine may be a financial of it. Stuart gas. Guess again. What am i going to ask you. Listen, all i can tell you is this First Authorized biography is a way for me to go back through. How much did you make in your career . 100 million. Yeah, over 100 million earnings. Its been a very lucrative business for me. A racecar driver can do very well if they get into the Top Organization or team at the nascar level. Stuart 100 million in your career. Fortunately for me about 23 years at the cup level. I started driving when i was five years old. I didnt get paid then. It took me until i was nine or 10 until i started getting paid. Stuart its a pleasure to have you on the show. Youre a genuine sports figure in a uniquely american sport. Resales or online at jeff gordon. Com. Comes out in a sober. Stuart thank you. Madge. Next hour, it isnt horrific story. Terror comes to france once again and we will say it again. This is my opinion. Europe is flat out false. Taken losers here thats my opinion. I will read a quote for you. We must be honest. Metaphor orlando. Lgbt community was targeted this time. Others will be next. Who do you think wrote that . Hes going to be on the program. These are regular guests. Youll be surprised when you find out who wrote it. Back in a moment. Here is what youre waking up to, california. Two different messages from the candidates on the orlando terror attack. Trump doubles down on the muslim ban and hillary says we need gun control. He was on the watch list and still got a gun. David clark on the red flags Law Enforcement missed. We have exclusive new footage of the chaos in venezuela. Riots and gunshots as that socialist country truly unraffles. And can you guess who said this . The reason orlando killer hated gays and was willing to kill them was because of his radical islamic ideology. That person is on the show, youll be surprised to see who wrote it. And its at 10 00 eastern time. And were at 177 for the dow. Look at that, this is german 10year treasury bond yield. Its negative, first time ever, that means you pay them to keep your money. And why is this a big deal . Because its a safe haven. People piling into the fixed income market because theyre worried not only about the u. K. Getting out of the eu and repercussions about that, but concerned about the global economy. And lets not forget, the ecb is piling into the Corporate Bond market as well. All of this is leading investors to pile into bonds, the prices go up and yields go down and now you have to pay germany for for taking your money. You dont get your money, you dont get interest. And holy toledo. Upside down right now, yeah. Stuart im going to get to france and it is a horrific terror story. Two Police Officers killed in an attack inspired by isis. You know, youre going to have to give us those details again as much as i hate it. Ashley its dreadful. Gives you a sense of what we in the west are up against. A 25yearold, he attacked a French Police chief outside his home and killed him, stabbed him multiple times then took his wife, who is also a Police Officer, into their home with their threeyearold child and then proceeded to torture the woman before slitting her throat, all of this while posting a 12 minute video of all of this on social network and also for a while streaming live on facebook and at the end seemed to be saying, what do i do with him, looking at the threeyearold boy. Thank goodness, we had French Police got into the home, the attacker was killed, he was found with a list of other potential targets, v. I. P. s other Police Officers and so on. But a dreadful story and of course, pledged his allegiance to isis. Stuart im going to repeat it, i say that europe is flatout lost, culturally divided with themselves. I dont think they can cope. Lt. Colonel allen west, what do you say. Its good to be with you. And gadhafi said in a video lecture to columbia university, we have 50 million muslims in europe, and there are lines that allah will grant them victory without sword, without contest, it will be a muslim continent within decades. That was said in 2006. Look whats happening in one decade later in 2016. Its time we start understanding, started by muhammad, the furthering of the goals and objectives of islam through migratory practices that we have a problem through the practices. Stuart will it happen here . Its already happened here, its not just the migration of people here, but we have isis saying very blatantly that they will infiltrate any type of refugees coming, we see that in europe and we also see the migration of a violent, violent ideology which was at the root of what happened there in orlando. What happened in San Bernardino. What happened in chattanooga. What happened in fort hood, but yet we have a president that continues to dismiss it and say that we need to disarm americans in order to be successful against this onslaught. Stuart stay there, colonel. Im going to get back there in a moment. I want to repeat and go into more detail here what donald trump was focusing on yesterday. And he focused on immigration, and radical islamic extremism. Hillary clinton, on the other hand, was talking mostly about gun control. Watch this. I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets. If the fbi is watching you for a suspected terrorist links, you shouldnt be able to buy a gun with no questions asked. We have to make it harder for people who should not have those weapons of war. Stuart usa today columnist and fox news contribute Kirsten Powers is with us, making a welcome return to Varney Company. Welcome back, good to see youments good to be here. Stuart i think the aftermath of orlando is more than gun control, i think its the link. What is the link between islam and terror. Where do you stand on this . I think its both. I think that obviously if he didnt have a gun he wouldnt be able to do what he did. So you want to look at the motive why he did it, but talk about the fact that he has access to the type of weaponry thats really meant for the battlefield, and a war zone, not meant for the average person to have to buy, to, you know, in orlando, florida. Stuart i get the sentence that the president and Hillary Clinton are playing defense here, they are unwilling to associate islam with terror and the president s to use the shakespearen term is caveling on a hair whether isis inspired the shooter or whether isis plotted it. I think theyre behind, i dont think theyre recognizing that we are at war, theyre certainly at war with us. Well, i think that it does matter whether or not it was inspired or whether it was ordered by them. I dont know why you would think its not different because theyre organizing saying what are we going to do, not arguing whether it was inspired by or plotted by, i want to know what are we going to do . I think it matters to know the facts about how this came to be and it makes a big difference if a person is looking at something online and decides im going to kill somebody because im crazy and because i think im part of isis or if theyre part of isis. Stuart whats the difference . One could just be a crazy lunatic and another could be somebody whose joined a jihad. Theyre two completely different things, so, i think that its important i just think its always important to know the facts. Lets just start there. I think we need to know the facts and i dont think its i dont know why it upsets you why the president would want to know the facts what would happen. Stuart because when i see the president come out and give a 12 minute kind of a speech after the Cabinet Meeting on security, comes out and gives 12 minutes. I wanted leadership and tell him where he is going to take this country, know the to worry about whether it was inspired by isis or planned by isis. Thats not its not the time for that minutia in the leadership. Stuart, i dont understand what youre talking about. Truly, it matters to find out what the facts are. I dont think that the president should just come out guns blazing without the facts and i dont know why it bothers you why he would want to find out the facts what happened before he says what could be done about it. Stuart i want leadership, i understand weve got to go. Why is that not leadership . I dont understand how is the lack of leadership. Stuart the president as i said, its not the job of the president to go into the minutia of what inspired this guy. I disagree. Stuart its the job of the president to bring the country together after 50 people were killed in not getting the facts of what happened instead of making assumptions about what happened. Stuart okay, we have to agree to differ, its a pleasure to have you on the show. All right. Let me see, colonel west, come on back in, please. I want you to listen to donald trump talking about a temporary ban on muslim immigration, what he said yesterday. Roll tape. I will use this power to protect the american people. When im elected, i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terror against the United States, europe, or our allies. Until we fully understand how this end these threats. Stuart now, hes doubled down on the ban on muslims and extended it. Do you think it would work . Well, first of all, let me say that i dont think the fact that in paris they used a knife. The fact in moore, oklahoma a woman was beheaded and the chicken processing facility, about to be beheaded. Its not about gun control. I think what donald trump has said, its about going to look at our immigration processes and procedures, granting visas to people coming from countries that are known terrorist havens, thats something to look at. When we know the enemy is going to use migration and migratory processes, we have to be able to combat that. We should not have groups like the counciling for American Islamic relations influencing and impacting our Law Enforcement agencies like the federal bureau of investigation and the dod as far as their training materials on Islamic Jihadism. Thats what the Obama Administration allowed to happen. Stuart we hear you, colonel allen west, thank you. Meanwhile, disney world not taking any chances after learning that the gunman behind the Orlando Attack may have scouted the park in orlando for a potential attack. Theyre beefing up Security Units . More k9 units, Security Guards, metal detectors, bag searches. Law enforcement on sight and sea world and universal are stepping up security as well. Stuart we hear it, thanks very much, liz. More now on the orlando terror suspect. Reports that he was on a terror watch list watched by the fed and yet, he was still able to buy guns. What happened . Look at this, britains biggest tabloid newspaper going all in to leave europe for the brits. The latest polls indicate the brits do in fact want out. And it comes back to terror, immigration, sovereignty and were back in three minutes. Its more than a network. Its how you stay connected. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you get an industry leading Broadband Network and cloud and hosting services. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. I have breaking news for you. President obamas plan to regulate the internet, socalled net neutrality, the u. S. Appeals court has rejected challenges to the president s plans. So, america will relinquish control of the internet. How about that . That actually is very big news liz huge news. Stuart and were below 177. And Consumer Spending is pretty strong. Weak job growth, however, not helping the big retail names of the walmart, target, macys, kohls all of them down, not much, but now this. Britain votes in just nine days on whether or not to leave the European Union. Three new polls out today show trends towards the brits leaving. Look at this, the front page of todays sun, very important newspaper in britain, it says beleave in britain, as in get out. And steve hilton, good to see you. Good to see you. Stuart the sentiment appears to be going in favor of the brits leaving europe. What impact do you think it will have over here in america if the brits leave . I think for our views m america to understand, this is not really a Foreign Policy question for the brits, its not just about trade. Stuart right. Eu isnt just a european version of nafta, its how the country is run, its about control over domestic policies like immigration, for example, which has been a really big issue, in the campaign. And is it a revolt against the elites . Its exactly that. Thats what it is here. Exactly that. Because what youve got, think about it this way, people here are very frustrated by the federal government and washington and the way its become so corrupt and so captured by the special interests. The eu is an even worse version of that. And the worst thing is that the people there, are not even elected, at least here in america, the president is elected. Congress is elected. In the eu, you have three president s, none of them are elected. The policies that are actually imposed on the member countries are dreamt up by unelected bureaucrats and the 28 Member States have no power to stop those policies, because its decided in the committee, whereas the majority vote and you dont have a veto. Its really about democracy and sovereignty. Stuart you used to work on for the gentleman, david cameron, work for him directly, he is in favor of staying . He is, were old friends and its difficult youre in favor of getting out. Partly because of my experience in government, trying to make change happen from within number 10 downing street and seeing 70 of what we were doing in the british government, whether we liked it or not, as the elected government, was imposed on us by the eu. Stuart 70 . Up to 70 . I actually did an audit to see what was going on with the legislation and the regulations that we, as a government, were applying in britain to every business, every individual and family in britain, where it came from, because we found that a lot of things that our government was doing were things we didnt agree with and it turned out that it came from the eu. Stuart quick question, boris johnson, former mayor of london, a colorful character, he seems to be leading the leave movement. Is there a parallel between him and donald trump over here . I think that thats in terms of hair styles. And i think that theyre both speaking to something, thats pretty profound, the frustration that people have that for many, many years now, it feels as if the people in control are just out of touch with the reality of peoples lives and that the decisions that affect their lives are being made by institutions and people that they cant really control. They get a handle how the decisions are made and theres no real democracy. Stuart are you going to vote by proxy . Im actually going to go back to the u. K. To campaign to leave. Ill be there right through till the vote next thursday. Stuart okay, were interested in that because were doing a special program on this network about it. Steve hilton, thank you very much indeed. Good to see you, sir. Remember, Varney Company is live for the british vote, yes, we are, how about that . That will be thursday june 23rd, 11 p. M. , i will be here. All the way through until 1 a. M. Ashley. Ashley ill be in london liz ill be in bed. No, if you need me, ill be there. [laughter] were going live and its a big deal and you can watch it here on the fox business network. More promos later. Breaking news, iran is saying it has reached a deal to buy planes from boeing. The deal could include more than 100 jets. Boeing says it does not have any immediate comment, but the stock is unchanged at this point. Now, something very different. Listen to this, you know that, [playing stairway to heaven] thats british rock royalty, thats led zeppelin and theyre playing stairway to heaven of course. The band is headed over to copy right over that song. Ashley released in 1971. The lawsuit thats played out today in california is from a band called spirit, who had a song called taurus, that they say was ripped up by Robert Plante jimmy page and led zeppelin and they want compensation. We have a little bit of their version, listen to this, see what you think liz interesting. Similar. Stuart its the same chord sequence. Not that i know anything about music. Ashley theres no doubt liz these two bands played together so they got ripped off. Ashley theyre the opening band for zeppelin in the early years. The song was attributed to Robert Plante and jimmy page who wrote it and those individuals will be in court today in l. A. Stuart rock royalty. Ashley copy right. Stuart let the court decide. Isis attack in france after orlando. Terror is big factor, terror. More shocking footage out of venezuela, were seeing gunfire in the streets and in chaos, collapse the socialism. And suing the tsa, a man misses his flight because of long lines, here come the lawsuits. Best selling authority Steven Koontz joins us, his latest start with a terror attack by isis in america. How about that . You pay your Car Insurance premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fundâ„¢, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. Call to learn more. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. And negatives surrounding the stock market today. Weve got a low yield on the 10year treasury. Terror at home and abroad. And the fed starts to meet today. How about that . Were down 67 points. Look at general motors. Theyre going to use a rear seat reminder to warn drivers they may have left a child or a pet in the back seat. First in the industry . Liz yeah, first in the industry. 2017 gmc acadia model. Basically a chiming sound will go off and the words look in rear seat will appear in the center of the speedometer and activates when the rear door opens and closes within ten minutes of the engine being turned on. Stuart as i said earlier, i poohpoohed this earlier. 12 youngsters died this year and 30 and also pets are left in cars will activate for that. Stuart im very much in favor, got it. All those long security lines at the airport, theyve led to this. A passenger suing both the tsa and the minneapolisst. Paul airport over a missed flight. The man says that back in march he arrived as was told two hours before miss flight. He ended upstanding in the security line for an hour and a half, missed his flight, is now suing tsa and minneapolisst. Paul for the cost of a new ticket and costs incurred because he was delayed and missed his flight. Stuart that will be interesting. He was suing because he was told get there two hours before. Ashley and now a lot of airports say three hours. Stuart through hours liz hasnt it moved to federal court, i think. Stuart yes, it was moved to federal court. This will be a test. Ashley yes, it is a test. Stuart check the big board, now were down 82 points. A lot of negatives in the back drop today, and meets negative viewers in germany and low yield on treasury and home and abroad and now were down 82 points. Todays attack in france, we told you before, unbelievably it was streamed live on facebook, as it was happening to the policewoman inside the house, she was being tortured by that guy and it was streamed live. Ashley in front of their threeyearold. Stuart in front of their threeyearold child liz beyond barbarian. Stuart i hate to bring you the details, thats the nation what were dealing with. Is europe lost . Some say, yes, they are. And reveal the guest who said the reason that the orlando man killer hated gays and was willing to kill them was because of his radical islamic ideology. That next. Stuart because orlando. Surgeons because orlando appeared surgeons with two surviving big users begin, giving us a map date on the survivors of the terrorists that it will bring you developments as they occur. To debate board down 61 points. We were down 80 moments ago. 17 fixes your level now. Breaking news coming again fastest tuesday morning. Learning more about the orlando terrorist omar mateen. We knew he had connection with another terrorist to travel to syria, blew himself up in a attack. He had that connection. Ashley the relationship between omar mateen and the bomber was deeper than originally believed. Mateens name came to light when they were investigating sale in july 2014. That was the florida man who went to syria and blew himself up in support of an al qaeda affiliate. In the 911 calls from the attack in orlando, and simply pledged allegiance to isis, to the boston bombers into american suicide bombers. There is a great relationship between those two men that perhaps the fbi did not realize. Stuart the president trying to decide whether or not is this inspired the attack were planted. I dont see any point in making that distinction. Back to france. The country on terror alert again after two Police Officers were brutally killed, nice to death in front of their 3yearold child by an isis g hottie. Fox news analyst Katie Mcfarland is with us. Ill make a bold statement europe is finished. You say . The immigration problem and the economic album in the security problem altogether i dont know how they come back from this. The economy is already on the ropes. So now you are adding millions of refugees into this it will stay supportive. A number of these countries will spend more and refugees in the next 10 years giving them other social services than they will in National Security. Stuart greece is spending all the money it receives in the European Union to figure out how to get rid of their dad or the va data. All of the money is being used to figure out what to do with migrants. All of that money is going there. The next part is a bigger problem. The the Intelligence Community can Intelligence Community come them on first in a community and National Security community are not Security Community or not they can articulate the problem. They are not ever able to get ahead of this. When i look back and say the terrorists in brussels were living in plain sight. They were the most pictured man in europe. They were in the sides of buses, living in plain sight. People saw them and didnt report them. Stuart what about britains exit from the European Union . This terror background are surely all part. Have you just come back from britain . I was at a conference yesterday in the points i made with the National Security point is everyone is worried if britain lives would have been spared a look at it and say what a great opportunity. The United States and United Kingdom could have an economic revival because they could do a Reagan Thatcher did if they could reregulate and they could stand together on the threat that now faces us all. Communism during the cold war. Now its Islamic Jihad against the western civilization. Stuart it seems like a parallel between our politics here and what going on in britain. There is a direct parallel. Youre absolutely right. There was in the 1980s. Margaret thatcher wanted a very different policy. Ronald reagan was elected in 1980 and he wanted a different policy. The two of them together work to make it happen. Stuart you want to break out. The democratic socialism that got an era. Get rid of that. Revitalize the economy and form an alliance with the americans. Lets get the band back together. Stuart i bribed her on the show. Appreciate that. Take a look at this from a frequent guest on this program. I will not tell you it is just yet. Posted on this, we must be honest. But if orlando with radical islam is an ideology lgbt this time. Others will be next. The reason orlando killer hated gay and was willing to kill him was because of his radical islamic ideology. Why be afraid to say it . Does the knowledge that sound like donald trump . Put them on camera. It is this guy. This is father Jonathan Morris and we are surprised he would does. Thats a very temporary posts. I was not slamming anyone. We have to be honest. Stuart the president will say it. Hillary clinton wont say appeared im not judging this mans motives. He himself said it. He said i pledge my allegiance to isis. As he was killing 49 people. Unless we are honest about it and this is not a conservative or liberal thing. It is not a republican versus democrat. This is just we have to recognize what is behind this mans action. Stuart this is the more muscular christian response to this terror that ive always wanted to see. Why cant you get pope francis to see the light . He thinks its about guns. Pope francis has said some of the strongest things about the isis state than any other International Leader right now. He told countries to come together and use military force to stop them. I was a year and a half ago before i says what theyve done. If i wouldve listened a long time ago, we would be in a better place. Some church leaders, religious leaders, catholic, evangelical, others say the real problem is gun control. Im in favor of adding assault weapons out of the hands of people who use them to kill. Im in favor of that. They go boston bombing. Do they use assault style weapons . This guy could run into that same disc go in orlando and use the bomb and kill just as many or three bombs or four bombs. The issue is why did he do it . Yes he hated gay it seems where he has something against that group of people. But why did he hate them . Inspired by the radical ideology that he came to love and communique. Stuart why did you go out in public and say these things . Why you . I do it because i think its important. Stuart and what was the response . Some people love it and some people hate it. Go to my facebook page. Go to my twitter account. You will see all the people who said that its a disgrace to god, a disgrace to religion to sit just the radical islamic ideology at the rear. A lot of great people on there, too. Stuart are you going to do it again . I will continue to speak what i believe. Normally you and i end up. I feel very uncomfortable that i disagree with you so much. Stuart i know you do. I want a muscular christian response to this terror attack upon us. I should say i dont agree although i agree with donald trump and calling it out. I dont believe he should be saying ban all muslims. I do like what he said in a speech and that is that its okay to temporarily suspend immigration from countries where you know that theres this terrorist threat. That is one thing. He doesnt have to say ban all muslims are drinking wine into blood donald trump by father Jonathan Morris. Im not to do that. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. If youve been afraid to return to chipotle after the e. Coli nro virus outbreak, you are not alone. Ashley Deutsche Bank say some customers they believe are lost for good they will not recover from the Health Scares that this company has undergone. Stock down 35 in the past 12 months. Revenue is down 23 . Stand sore samestore sales down. Liz southwestern grill doing very well. Offering chipotle except their offerings to do things like that. Its the same old bear along top of the foodborne illnesses. Stuart that really did serious damage longterm. Just a reminder you will be looking that is orlando. Surgeons and two surviving victims are speaking. They are giving us an update on the condition of the other survivors of the terror attack. We will bring you developments of course. Dear linda terrorist was able to buy, purchase legally guns, even though he was on a terror watch list. Red flags clearly missed. David plotz is next. Also this. Max was the video from venezuela. Chaos in the streets. The reality of socialism collapsing. You can look at it on this program. These pictures out of france. Protesters during project else. Police fired back with tear gas to loosen labor laws. This two in france. More varney after this. Ashley remember, Varney Company start at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. Senator than a program on gun control and the orlando shooting. Stuart do you have any idea what the president and Hillary Clinton actually want to do about terror in america . Not a clue. All i can tell you is what they are doing is not working. She wants to be an assault rifles. All i can say is gun control would prevent radical islam attack. It would be no attacks in brussels. Paris has the strongest gun laws in the president to secretary clinton. This is not a gun control issue. This is a radical islamic terrorism issue. Tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov stuart to orlando were a big and that the attack is not eking publicly. Listen, please. One after another, people screaming in yelling for help. By this time, this man goes into the other room and i can just hear more going on. I thought i was a little safer this time because i was giving everyone time to tackle him down or get him down. Unfortunately i hear him come back and he issued a he issued another one he issued another one that is argued that on the floor, making sure. I was able to peek over and i could just see him shooting everyone. I can hear the shotguns closer. I look over and he shoots the girl next to me. And i am just lain down, inking imx. I am dead. So i dont know how, but by the glory of god, he shoots towards my head, but it hits my hand. He shoots me again and it hit the side of my head. I had no reaction. I was prepared to just stay there, laying down so he wont know that i am alive. He is just doing this for another five, 10 minutes, just shooting all over the place. By this time, he goes up to the front and that is when he is battling against the cops. I just hear gunshots all over the place. Im looking up and one cop which i could remember his face or name because i grateful or him. He looks at me, and makes sure than i am alive and he grabs my hand and led this is the only way i can take you out. You cant carry me because im in pain right now. I couldnt walk for anything. He starts to drag me out across the street to the one you to the wendys. And recall for him, but the floor is covered in class. He is dragging me out while i am getting cut. My behind, that, legs. I dont feel pain, but i just feel all this blood on me from myself, from other people. He just drops me off across the street. I look over and theres hotties everywhere. We are all in pain. We were able to get to the ambulance. They brought us over here. The way you guys have taken care of us in this house that was amazing. If it wasnt are you guys, i definitely would not be here. Every morning, in the middle of the night, and you guys are always there and i really appreciate that. I will love you guys forever for doing not her man. For doing not for me. [inaudible] [speaking in spanish] [speaking in spanish] stuart angel colon now speaking in spanish. You may have hurt his dramatic testimony as he was inside that club and he was shot. I am interrupting because i have more breaking news on the shooter. Fox news chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is reporting there is clear evidence that green meditation into your window attack. Ashley bag of cookies. Surveillance was done as is being reported at two sites in an an august of one buying the weapons the week before sundays attack. It included pulse nightclub in downtown disney. It is not clear how significant the casing of disney wise, but this was clearly planned. A target was elected and then he bought his guns and carried out the attack. Stuart he bought the guns. A little bit more on that now. Clearly, some red flags have been raised but were missed. The gun man mateen was on a terror watch list, twice investigated by the fbi and he was still able to buy those guns days of the week before the attack appeared with his malice county sheriff david clarke, obviously involved in Law Enforcement. That Law Enforcement dropped the ball, sheriff . Big time. This is not a perfect world. We are making the same mistakes as we did pre9 11 with the planning of the 9 11 attacks gave remember the phoenix memo where they were alerted to guys taking flight lessons and the administrators in the fbi told them to leave it alone, to go it away. Federal Law Enforcement, those guys run the radar screen. You go to fort hood with nidal hasan. I am getting tired of hearing how these guys are in the radar screen after they pull an attack. The big problem is we dont have a clear and coherent Domestic Intelligence strategy with the right agency involved in the United States to prevent, preempt and otherwise disrupt terror tactics before they happen. You have to stay on the front men to be more successful. The fbi comes out and im notl. The fact is theres a lead Domestic Intelligence agent v. They come out with all this information after the fact. This guy was ruled inconclusive in their determination. This is insane. Stuart they are down 6000 agents in the fbi. The budget cuts have taken 6000 agents off the street out of the fbi. Do they have the manpower to cover 24 7, literally hundreds of suspects . Im not going to blame budget cuts on this. There may be a situation that has to be dealt with. I havent heard that before. If they are capable of handling it, they should Say Something the congress. To do good intelligence like at my side in the u. K. , and its not really all about manpower. It is using the systems. What the fbi, they fall short. Theyre always looking for a probable cause. That is not intelligence. Intelligence focuses on identifying the threat, establishing capabilities in determining are they planning an attack could let a decisionmaker knows ahead of time to make a decision on whether they should preempt the attack. This guy was a threat. Did he have the capability . Yes, he did. Was he planning an attack . We didnt learn that until saturday night. We are falling short. Until we recognize we dont have a clear Domestic Intelligence strategy in the united state to prevent, preempt more attacks than not. Things keep coming out of everyone is. Train to hold for one second. Liz weve got fbi agents talking to fox business saying they were focused on it as islamic terrorism because the fbi basically reports back to the department of justice that under the Obama Administration to dha quota has become political or liberal. This is a former fbi agent. Their use of the word purge and the term islamic terrorism in their training materials a decade after 9 11. Stuart i dont know whether you heard that, but that is listening donald saying people within the fbi saying they were prevented a purge from using the expression islamic terror. That affected their feedback to the Justice Department for whom they work with this kind of investigation is concerned. It seems to me that we are so bound up with logical correctness that we can see the details. There is no doubt about it. In fairness to the fbi, agents have their hands tied. They need to open cases on this guys. If in a short period of time because it shouldnt take 10 months to work a guy. If they want to open the case after a couple weeks or whatever, if they have an established probable cause to make an arrest, they have to close the case. That is why this is the wrong agency to do this because that is an Investigative Approach to terror instead of an intelligencebased approach. That is why i think we need a pure Domestic Intelligence agency here in the United States under a director of Domestic Intelligence that were reported not to the attorney general, not to the head of the fbi that the president of the United States. That is a little solace right now to the 49 people and our land o. , florida. The big guns and San Bernardino and boston, massachusetts. Beta1 i hear about these things that they are not being able to do. I understand that. That somebody is going to have to be congress that has to revisit the 9 11 Commission Recommendation that named the fbi was clearly a criminal Investigative Agency to head intelligence in the United States. We let the cia do it. Stuart it would be just like britain and my five. Sheriff clark, im out of time. Thank you for joining us. I wore my uniform just for you today because last i had my cowboy hat on you. I. Was under dress. [laughter] stuart you are right. I like the uniform. Sheriff, again thank you in deed, sir. We are down about 100 points. Lots of negatives out there today. The fed starts emitting negative Interest Rates in germany. Terror at home and a new terror attack in france. It is all happening and the market is down. Next hour, and banning what he calls women in ads on subways in london, calls them body shaming and chickfila, a company that opposes samesex marriage. Wait until you hear what they did to help the vic dems that the attack. Also, isis is not only a terrorist organization, but in economic giant. We will be back. No wonder the world has a bad case of nerves. Just look at what is going on. In germany, and confiscating money. The technical word is negative Interest Rates. The affected dont get it all back. Sounds like inside. In the world of money thats an earth shaker. Three new polls show more people and leaning European Union. European divorce is a big deal. Here at home, president obama responds to dear linda terror attack. He could not bring himself to recognize the link to islam and terror. He could not say islamic terror. In france this morning a Police Officer and his wife stabbed to death in their home in front of their 3yearold son dionysius terrorists. He strained the event live. There is a Common Thread to these anxiety producing headlines. The absence of leadership. Angela merkel in germany coming for their fair share of criticism. President obamas failure to show leadership that is truly unsettling. Went to britain to get them to stay in europe. That move. His intrusion was widely resented. He backed up the open door policy to muslim migrants. Bad move. Shes finished politically. In america is lost in the maze of economic decline and a Terror Threat he thinks is all about guns. No wonder the world is anxious. The leader of the free world is not leading. Joining us now from capitol hill, congressman lee from new york. Mr. Congressman, i dont know whether you heard what i said common i dont think hes leading in the aftermath of orlando. Your take, please. World needs america to lead i would rather see jihadist on their heels in the middle east as opposed to seeing them on offense. In the United States. There is a lot more we can be doing to improve our Current System of pursuing progress to close security gaps to improve intelligence. And foiling plots. To prevent the next orlando type attack to happen again we dont want to see this happen more frequently. That is why America Needs their president to be. Stuart this is what we need to do. Can you tell me what exactly president obama and or Hillary Clinton are going to do. Our Intelligence Network right now, president obama is currently occupying the white house and our network is foiling plots. We are stopping attacks. Ive seen multiple in my homes dating new york gets foiled. We see enough for in the middle east where we are dating some command and control of those leading the islamic groups. Weve seen some disruption of resources at some of the jihadist been killed. What we are seen as a strategy where we run in place. We are not executing a strategy to win, which is a huge problem with what we see now on what we would be under Hillary Clinton. Stuart we are learning more about the terrorists, and someone. There is more. They are talking about this act was not just on impulse. It is significant premeditation ahead of him buying the guns. We know he basically takes the nightclub, also downtown disney. Its not clear, but we know he was clearly looking for a target before he bought the guns. This suggests a far greater level of premeditation. Stuart we still have the president trying to decide whether a isis inspired this attack or whether they plotted it. Frankly i dont think the distinction is that important. The president made those comments hours after the attack when it was found he was shouting allah bar. Multiculturalism shouldnt trump human rights. Stuart listen to what Hillary Clinton said about the concept of the lone wolf attacker. Roll tape. We face a twisted ideology and poisoned psychology that inspires the socalled lone wolf spirit as president , i will make a deathdefying and stopping lone wolves a top rarity. Stuart i know you are still there. Would you comment on the whole idea of the lone wolf . Is that the real name to call these people . No, it is totally inappropriate. Radical islam is a well organized effort that has become a multibillion dollars enterprise where tens of thousands of people are traveling to the middle east were training. We are seeing it spread to the african continent, europe, asia. We see it now here at home. What is different with what we saw with al qaeda 15 years ago was they were trying to cause mass casualties through the use of an airplane where right now with a Different Program die, you can grab a knife, and you are now carrying out an isis attack. These are lone wolves. These are pieces that need to be big and defeated overseas and not here at home. True to congressman lee zeldin. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate it. New information on the isis attack outside paris. Two Police Officials murdered by a French National who had a prior terror conviction. This guy in france had a terrorist list. Ashley is certainly did. A hit list included vips, other police members. Even wrap music stars. They also found three telephones, three nights with him. Whats interesting is the French Police say that he was under surveillance including wiretap surveillance, but they had no clue as to this was coming out. He took off. He knew where the Police Officer apparently lived and waited outside, killed the 42yearold police chief and when inside and slit her throat. Stuart he went inside, tortured the police woman in front of the 3yearold son and streamed live. Ashley also posting a 12 minute video of all of this. Liz there is no words to capture the depravity of these facts. Stuart i didnt want to bring that to our audience. This is what is going on in our world. Going on right now, labor protests in france and i think weve got video that they are truly turning violent. Liz raw labor taking to the streets of paris right now. They are protesting because the labor laws basically give ironclad job protection and the right to buy this benefit. Now the labor reform laws would make it easier to hire and fire people. The workers not liking it. Police expect 30,000 people in paris alone. 700 buses to shift people into these protests. Aaron will transport has been disrupted. Protest basis. The terror attack this morning. The European Championship is going on there. Ashley it must be a security nightmare. Stuart and mexico, migrant traffickers are smuggling Illegal Immigrants into america. Ashley this is remarkable. Gone are the days when they were crammed into freight trains. Mexican Authorities Say that traffickers are indeed renting highend tour buses and charging the migrant seven to 10,000 to go from the guatemalan border all the way up to the city just away from texas. Stuart are they coming across the border . Liz parading as tourists. Pretending they are tourists. Ashley they get off the luxury bus. They are not eliciting as much attention. Stuart ive heard it all. Lets get to the market appeared we were down 115. Now we are down 92. A lot of negatives in the market today. Had stopped with meeting. Negative Interest Rates in germany. Way down yield on the tenyear treasury here. Not to mention terror as the backdrop. The price of oil still down one and a Quarter Holding a 48 per barrel. Some big names all the time you restart with amazon. 715 a share right now. Alphabet google. I will tell you now they are 728, down about three bucks. Mcdonalds 122 down just a fraction. It is reached a deal to buy plane from boeing. It could include more than 100 jets. It doesnt have any immediate comment on the stock is actually down a fraction. Take a look at this. Live pictures that it may work, california. A fire at a plastics warehouse to Power Outages in that area. We will keep an eye on it. Dramatic video in southern california. Two news items involving businesses helping out in the Orlando Attacks. Jetblue providing free seats on a flight to and from orlando for immediate family and the Mystic Partners of victims killed or injured in sundays mass shooting. They are also waiving fees for lando customers for which to change their travel plans because of the attack. Is chickfila restaurant in her window delivered free sandwiches and isdn veneta does ending in mind im a blood drive to help victims of the shooting. Chickfila is a christian owned organization is normally closed on sundays nationwide. A prominent videogame developers suspended from twitter over his tweed about mosque surveillance. We will have to judge him not one in just a moment. Stuart look at home depot knocked down sharply. A dow stock taking 17 points away from the dow industrials down 104. In may, and retail sales are positive except for arden and equipment home retailers. That is why home depot is down this morning. Politics. Moments ago House Speaker paul ryan against immigration. Roll tape. I dont think a muslim bandits in our countrys interests. I dont think its her flight above are part of the country. The smarter way to go is to have a religious test. What else did he say. Muslims are our partners. The vast majority of muslims around the world are peaceful tolerant. They are among our best allies. Thats the gist of what he says. Its important to make that distinction. Liz trumpets singing a pause on the countrys middle east are against the United States. Stuart and theres still a gap. A wellknown development has been suspended on twitter talking about surveillance of mosques. Mark hurd, bigtime gamer knows all about it. World of warcraft i stand. He says i dont see why mosques with radical leaders should be excluded from surveillance on the rest of us get our emails collected by the nsa. Judge andrew napolitano. The rest of us are getting our emails. It is infringement of free speech but twitter can do it. The First Amendment only protects you against the government interfering with free speech. Twitter will that solve as the marketplace and ideas. Say whatever you want. If they begin scouring the marketplace to rid it of political ideas that they hate, they will lose their standing in some other entity will comment and replace them if the marketplace of ideas. Stuart facebook and twitter are essentially challenging conservative pose than conservative opinions. What is the barrier to entry. How difficult is it for somebody else to enter the market. It would be even worse for the government to comment about the market. Stuart i understand the difference between a private enterprise organization, but you surely dont approve of whats going on. Of course i dont. If i were on their Legal Department i would advise against it. If i were a shareholder id be radically against it. They can go somewhere else at there is another place to go to. Stuart i just want to make sure you are with me insane that aint right. I am with you. Even though i might not agree with the essence of what he said, i will defend his right to say it. Stuart Donald Trumps of the americas two do not report suspicious neighbors should be brought to justice. That will bring us to an east germany was, where it was a crime not to report your neighbors and that resulted in millions of false report. In the last five years of the existence, the most frequently prosecuted crime was not the underlying crime, but failure to report. There were bombs on the floor of the house. The family must have seen them and did not report in hindsight. Why shouldnt they be prosecuted we have been through this many times before. During world war i and world war ii, the government reported report and encourage reports, but it did not criminally prosecute people who failed to make reports because they couldnt get that statue. Stuart according to reports coming to second life that the shooter in our lando, according to reports, she tried to persuade him not to go through with the attack. If she knew there was an attack coming, she could be controlled. She has a moral obligation, but not a legal obligation. Ill tell you what the law is. You are disagreeing on suggesting it should be rewritten. Im telling you every time that attempted to rewrite it is not succeeded. The only law that it is a crime to fail to report knowledge of his treason. Stuart all be smart lawyers couldnt come up with a legally binding reason why we should prosecute somebody who does not report a mass murder, which they know whats coming. All the politicians couldnt come to an agreement even in wartime during world war i and world war ii. It is treason. Better get some lawyers and figure out how to prosecute somebody who did not report a mass murderer. Do you remember this . You have a right to remain silent. We dont punish the failure to speak in america. Our history and tradition across anything else. Things, judge. Appreciate it. We are going down. 117 points. And now this. This is europe. Venezuela appeared this is what is coming up for you. We are going to look more closely at venezuela where it is truly chaos. Gunshot industries. We are also going to show you the cover of the sun, which is a tabloid newspaper in britain owned by news corporation. They are saying quite clearly to the breadth, and leave britain. The bow, by the way is one week from thursday. The leaves are ahead in the polls. That could have big implications for your money over here. Plus one dance moves for mayor banning woman advertisements from it. On their subway system. That is the muslim mayor of london. 16 time New York Times bestselling author stephen joins us. His new political thriller is out today in the book starts with four separate terrorist attacks carried out by g hottie extreme menace, emphasizing the other thread bringing acts of war to u. S. Soil. Can you believe that is now a novel . Terrorism and americana. I thought it would never happen, but its happening. You pay your Car Insurance premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fundâ„¢, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. Call to learn more. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart londons new muslim mayor banning women in advertisements from it. In the subway system. Tweaking this along with the kind of a woman in a bikini. No ones competence or body image should be undermined by ads on our transport system. Thats the ad he doesnt like. Thats been deceiving. What happened is theres hundred in birmingham which is big Muslim Population spray painting of these images. This is an imposition of a theocratic tyranny of religious way of thinking on a free society. Youre stepping and to ban its ads. That is wrong. Heres the beginning. Stuart we are down 100 points. 109 to be precise. Negatives out there this morning. In the wake of the two terror attacks, one in france this morning by the way. One in our lando of course. We are entering a new war and we are not prepared for it. Its a new kind of war. We dont know how to fight it. We are on that story for you. Isis is not only a terrorist organization, but also an economic giant. Ive not heard it described like that before. Peter kiernan says that enhance max. Next. My name is fred and i carve heads out of cheese. Its not easy. I was once working on a bust of Shaquille Oneill in swiss. I havent worked in swiss since. Everyone called me crazy. Things really took off when i got my domain name headsofcheese. Com from godaddy and now theyre sellingke h. Got a crazy idea you think you can turn into a success . We know you can and weve got a domain for you. Go you. Godaddy. Stuart this is an important number. 1. 60, the yield has gone up a little, but its still extremely low yield. That counts for a lot on wall street. Look at the yield on the german tenyear treasury. That is negative. That means you can spend money and they dont pay it all back to you. You are paying them to keep your money. Ashley the 10 year bond was down to minus. 5 . Stuart minus 0. 5 . At the recent attack in our lando and again this morning in france, i say we enter a new kind of war. We are not prepared for it. We dont know how to fight it. Chris harmer is with us, institute for the study of war. By making a point that cited here because we havent seen a warlike this. I dont think we are compared to friday. If you think back to 9 11, al qaeda was the centrally organized topdown hierarchical organization. The 19 hijackers attack were sensually financing their intelligence, logistics support. Following 9 11, the modality for al qaeda was able to enter. By assassinating killing of al qaeda leadership by freezing funds, interdicting through federal intelligence and Law Enforcement is simply not possible when you deal with lone wolf attacks. You are correct this is a new type of work and we appear to be completely unprepared for it. Stuart how should we fight this war . You have to understand the enemy we are fighting. We have attended me to focus on organization and seemed to be ignoring the ideology. Make a brief analogy to world war ii. The gestapo were organizations. The ideology was german fascism. Isis and al qaeda is militant political islamism and jihadist them. A fun as were able to confront the source of these organizations, we will never get a handle on it. Stuart wait a minute, doesnt make that much difference . They will not say islamic terror. Doesnt make that much difference to the way the war is prosecuted . The evidence is overwhelming that it does here we keep ignoring the source of the attacks. A friend and fellow veteran of the United States navy says the problem is political islam. The problem is not cultural or religious islam. Its raising sharia to export that. The fact that we are not dealing with this or biological perspective than it knowledge in the reality of what our enemies say makes it very difficult in my opinion to come up with a logical response to it. True into lets suppose president obama has said obama has said guess its islamic terror and said that a year ago, wouldve ago, would it make that much difference to her lando . I dont know specifically. It will make a huge organization. Weve said for three years this is the jv team and terrorism. His ongoing statements were collapsing on something. 18 months ago we had a political appointee with the liberation was several months away and we are nowhere near. As long as isis as an organization exists, the ideology is free to spread. Im not saying the destruction will necessarily defeat the ideology but its an important aspect of defeating the ideology. Weve got to defeat those organizations so adherents to the political ideology know that they are not going to win. Stuart you might have a long way to way. Thank you for joining us. A quick check of the market because we are still down 100 points. Lots of negatives in the news today. We will be going through them. The fed meeting starts today. Peter kiernan, former Goldman Sachs partner is the author of that vote american mojo. Peter has been talking about isis talking about a fifth and eighth as is an economic powerhouse, and economic giant. Deal the way to think about isis is isis inc. They have a diversified multibilliondollar source of revenue. They are in the oil business. They are going on smuggling routes that go back literally to the days of saddam hussein. They are in the cement business, the cigarette business, all kinds of businesses. In addition, they control millions of people and you can extort money in taxes and take their business with taxation from them. They are clever. Al qaeda used to blow up a power plant. These guys go into a power plant in syria, take it over and sell the electricity back to the syrian government. These are economic giant, very clever people. The trick is where they are investing the money. They are about the highest payer. They out paid the iraqi army. So they are paying for their talent. Second and more importantly they are not investing in infrastructure. They make Major Investments in technology. Weve talked about what they do on social media, what they are doing more than not. Stuart you think youre big in cyberspace. I think its a force multiplier. Most people are focused on how good they are a social networking, how good they are at bringing people lead with clever youtube videos. Theyve gone beyond that to a much darker place. Now they communicate with a lot of encrypted applications and they are working on their own industrial style encryption. What is happening, you havent heard this yet from the fbi, but you will. They are communicating in a way that we can tap into. We should prepare ourselves for the likely scenario that the bad guys are talking to one another and we cant hear what they are saying. They invest big in that true killer app. Granted we promised our audience who would talk about the negative space in the stock market today. One of those negatives as germany which has a negative Interest Rate of minus. 01. Doesnt sound like much. You get the German Government money. They dont give it all back to you. Ive never seen this before. There are probably 10 trillion of sovereign debt instruments outstanding that carry a negative Interest Rate. What does that mean. Whos crazy enough to buy this. A lot of Insurance Companies and institutions have lots of cash they have to put to work has to buy treasury markets. I think the 10 year gilt is Something Like 1 today. So i will pay you 1 for 10 years. You have all this negative Interest Rate. Its a combination of two things. A lot of concern about other sovereign risks that are all over it not helped by terrorist attacks. In fact in a very aggressive move to buy back bonds, to basically keep the Interest Rates low. Stuart hold on a second. Ive got some breaking news. I think ashley about this. Very interesting. We are talking about the investigation into omar mateen, the shooter in florida. Apparently james comey, behind closed doors were explicitly talking about why the fbi backed up the investigation of this individual because he played the islamic phobia card. In other words, he told investigators he felt marginalized because of his muslim faith and that is why these complaints were coming in. In other words, the fbi heard that an act of. In other words, we dont want to get involved in that. Liz fbi guide books and training manuals. Stuart his coworkers to make complaints. When a particular set this guy is angry, unhinged, full of hate. But they had to back down because hes the month amended claim discrimination against them and they were pointing the finger at him because he was a muslim. This is everybody. Liz fbi agents are wild with anger. Political correctness. We all backed up. This is really outrageous. Back to Peter Kiernan who is really with us. Everybody please look at the front pa of londons Sun Newspaper today. Very clearly he says belief in britain. This time a huge circulation daily in britain says we are going to leave europe. Thats what we should be doing. What is your opinion on this . You and i talked about this for a month at least that this is going to be far closer than people realize. People boil it down to an economic or wall street algorithms are missing the point. The point is this is about sovereignty. Nothing that happened in france overnight or orlando helps the case. The problem is you are going to have to listen to a brussels says about how many turkey travelers can come to you without a passport. How many searing refugees will come to you . I think theres a very real case of the sovereignty issue, the nationalization that is really spreading the globe is going to be a key determinant of where people stay. Stuart a direct parallel between that argument in britain about immigration and sovereignty in the argument going on in america about immigration and who comes in and goes out of our country. This is a contagion caused by some of the very things that i think its deliberate being caused isis. What they do here in their is they look for cover. They pick through where they can hide behind Civil Liberties to protect us. Thats where they hide a file. This is an orchestrated plan. The economic negative argument is overblown. If you think about britain as essentially they run a trade deficit. That means they import their cars, televisions. I dont believe volkswagen is going to say we are not in the 90 more because they out of the e. U. Similarly all of the manufacturers. I think its more overblown. This is a very close vote. Stuart thank you indeed. I want to tell our viewers that got a special edition of Varney Company a week from thursday. It is late at night. 11 00 eastern time. Goes over to 1 00 friday morning. We may have the early results by the time we get on the air next thursday evening at 11 00 p. M. Watch this because it has huge implications for us in america. Peter kiernan, thank you indeed. Look at this. Tell us what we are seeing. Liz this is the biggest barrio in eastern caracas. This is the neighborhood but the socialists now deceased president and nicholas madero. We are looking at people going up to possibly looted. Gunshot in this video theres gunshot and the people now dispersed. 21yearold man was shot dead by the police in this area. This protest is julio borchard, the Opposition Leader was hit in the face with a pipe. They will not step down. The gunshots were shot off. They were saying get out, please do a referendum to get rid of him. This is supported in the past. Stuart civil unrest in the streets. Gunshot from a bad situation. Liz three people reportedly shot dead in venezuela during this protest. Stuart thanks very much. Dolls exclusive to you. Now check gun stocks. They were all up in the last couple days. Today they are on the way down. 4 . Is that just it . A huge rally yesterday. People are like okay. Take the money. Ashley thats the nature of the these stocks. A fella couldnt get them, theyll go that way. Stuart simple as that. Our next guest is a big supporter. Katie pavlik is with us. What do you make of Hillary Clinton . That i believe picture of you as not a marksman. Is that you on the firing line . That was due. That is make him a guess. What you make of Hillary Clinton make in the ovando attack, a lot about control of guns in the future. What do you make of this . Hillary clinton is doing what a lot of gun control activist who in that taking advantage because the only time they can push their guncontrol narrative is when theres emotion involved. They can have a conversation based on the fact. Hillary clinton talks about background checks. This islamic terrorist packed but his firearms legally. Hes an american citizen. The other fact is that he worked for a Security Company sa licensed professional Security Guard that is contracted by the department of Homeland Security to secure nuclear facilities, transportation hubs and a variety of other federal buildings. Gun control doesnt have anything to do with what happened. This was about islamic terrorism and Hillary Clinton like many before her and many like her will continue to do using this as an opportunity to push a progressive agenda. Stuart you recognize people are worried about the prevalence of guns in america. You surely recognize that great sense of unease with these Mass Shootings with their terrorist incidents are lunatics with a gun. Theres a great sense of unease about this. Surely you recognize that. Maybe Hillary Clinton is exploiting that. Nonetheless, it is a source of concern in our society. The passion of the leaf of the second amendment. How do we address those concerns . Here is the issue, stuart. This was a terrorist attack it of course everyone wanders and it is concerning when we see these Mass Shootings. However, they are rare despite the media portraying them as if they are something that happens all the time in this country. Around 38,000 gun deaths in the United States every year. Two thirds of those are suicide and about the majority of the rest of them are happening in our inner cities like chicago. They are not happening everyday in our streets. Guns are used in selfdefense cases had won the 3 millionth time per year. When you add up the number, america doesnt have the socalled gun problem that people like to portray. On the issue of this specific incident, this was a terrorist attack. We didnt call for the bad of box cutters. After that we didnt then pressure cookers and for some reason now based on the tool that this evil person is to kill people he disagreed with because of their western values and freedom, that its now become the issue when its disingenuous and its not helpful moving forward and having a conversation about how to keep us safe. Stuart fair point. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Breaking news. A lot of it today. Russian government hackers breaking into dnc computers. The database able to read emails. Check traffic. They were also able to get into donald trump from the democratic point of view. We also found out the computers of several gop Political Action committees, networks of trump and Hillary Clinton also reached. The dnc saying that no financial donor or personal information appears to have been accessed. Also the research on donald trump. How do we know this . When Hillary Clinton had a private email server, many people aside there is no proof that would have. How do we know . Train for they are reporting this because the dnc says theyve been hacked. Well, well. We hear it. Stuart thick and fast. Not all of it good. Something completely different. You may know this yet hes got a new novel and he begins with a terrorist attack on u. S. Soil. Stephen koontz is the author of the book, but birdies last dance. Amazingly enough we have this worldfamous author, multibestseller with me right here in new york city on the site no less. You must installed 50 million books. I hope so. When i get the check ill let you know. Stuart one intrigued me as you are writing about terrorists. You are naming the jihadist. We are not used to that. We are used to seeing the media walk away from any actual sows nation of islam and terror and you walk right into it. Well, i think there are policies that allow undecided, undocumented immigrants from part of the world full of terrorism. It is predict the ball. I wrote this book in 2015. Sooner or later it is going to happen. Little did i know it would happen when the book came out. Stuart certainly saw this coming that there is a public appetite for this kind of book dealing with this particular sub debt. The public is very worried about is hopefully why the book will do well in the question becomes what are american citizens going to do in the face of a government. Stuart is that how the boat carries through . Yes. The president declares martial law, texas and other states declare their independence in america has another civil war. Thats the book. You were just talking about the second amendment, which does not exist to allow people to have guns to go deer hunting. Its an american response to what people need to do to be able to defend themselves against tierney. That was the Founding Fathers prescription. But the people have weapons and the government is their enemy, not anybody else. Stuart i will tell you something. I can imagine hollywood making a movie out of that book. They wont, will they . Ive not seen a movie from hollywood that deals with terror, islamic terror. Terrorists these days and movies have to be white. They have to be christians are renegades of some sort. They can never be as fun. Do you think well ever get to the point where hollywood treats properly and realistically . I dont know. I have my hopes, but this insistence that islam is a creed culture that can be assimilated into american lifestyle, in fact when they dont believe in anything that americans believe in is amazing. They dont believe in homophobes , killing people disagree with them and believe in women and they dont believe in democracy. Stuart have you had the subject of the subject of your book . And i think that americans one way or another will have to pay some thing. Stuart book, i wouldve loved to have written a book. I never have. I dont have original ideas will never read a book. Tell us how you go about it. Do you have a rough outline in the back of your mind about how proceeds . You have to know what the climaxes before you start. The book is a journey to a destination and the destination is the climax. Stuart do you write a chapter one, chapter two . Yes, then look at three beginnings in two innings. Its always a work in progress. Obviously a good editor. How much different if they make . Did they say take that out . One of the worlds greatest bestselling authors. How long does it take to write a book about link . The mac it took me a gear. The one thing that might editor, Harry Crocker didnt like about the first draft that i had the character that represents Hillary Clinton being assassinated. Youve got to take that out. He says i can see it in the New York Times. Conservative publisher kills hillary. I said that isnt the way it will read. Best novelist steve kunz. He says take it out. Yes, sir. Stuart the book is on sale as of now. Yes, as of yesterday in all formats. Its an honor to have you with us. Youve sold more books than i have. That is a fact. Stephen coonts, everyone. New information keeps coming. No information on dear lando shooter reportedly scouting walt Disneys Disney world as a potential target. Yes, the premeditation part of the story is much deeper and more significant if you like. Also, we know he also scouted the nightclub where this event took place. He did this prior to buying guns. He scouted first and then bought the guns and for whatever reason picked the day he picked to unleash the weapons. Stuart premeditated. Liz that is a big deal for disney world. The driver of its revenues have been its theme parks. Safeguards were canine units, metal detectors, and want her as an onsite. Stuart lets wrap that one up. Theres been a lot of breaking news on the program over the last three hours. I will bring some of it to you. Reporting that russian government hackers have broken into computers. And access their Opposition Research on donald trump. No financial donor information with compromised according to this report we have here in also, fox news report the fbi director james comey admitted that islam a phobia or the perceived perception of someones coworkers and others who knew him cause them to back off. They didnt want to be accused of islam a phobia prejudice and he slipped through. Congressional congressman said earlier that a muslim bandit not in the best interest ofcountry. It is still at odds of policy with donald trump. More big word right now. We are down 105point. More varney in a moment. Stuart breaking news, we did not have time for this. 99 of government workers receive above average reviews or better for work performance. Even at the va or irs, doing an awesome job. Federal workers are saying to the gao there are slackers in federal workplace, fire them, get rid of them. Stuart 99 . And one more item here. Threatened rich salah abdelslams coworkers, they recorded what he was saying but couldnt do anything about it because he is a muslim. Ashley when they interviewed him, they said he was violent, difficult to be around, when they interviewed him, he said i felt marginalized because of my muslim faith. When he said that they backed off. Liz we know from the fbi they had to do a purge of their training manuals in their presentation of anything, and the fbi agents we have spoken to her are outraged that the doj controlled how they did their job. Stuart lets not forget lawsuits. If you raise your head and say this person is acting in a dangerous fashion and is a muslim, you can be sued. You can be called all kinds of things, you can be called a bigot, you can be fired, subject to a lawsuit, defend your self, that cost money. That has to do with the enforcement of Political Correctness and that is flatout wrong. The dow is down 114 points. That is what i am giving you. Take it. Charles we dont need to do this show. Welcome to neil cavuto coasttocoast, we expect to hear from president obama following his National Security Council Meeting specifically on isis, going to give us an update on the fight against isis. We will bring it to you, his statement live when it happens. France facing a high Terror Threat after two Police Officials were killed by a terrorist, this is donald trump calls for a ban on immigration in areas with high history of terrorism

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