Belonged to the missing plane at this time. And there is a fire burning on an italian ferry off the coast of greece that has left five people dead. Helicopter crews are working aroundtheclock to evacuate the rest of the passengers to safety despite high seas and gale force wind. So far no word on how the fire began. President obama a warning from him, he is ready to use his veto pen in 2015. Listen to what he said with npr. I dont use the veto pen very often because legislation was typically block the senate after the house took over and republicans took over the house. Now i suspect there will be times we will pull the pan out. Tom david asman with me. Now were hearing it from the president s mouth, no surprise. No surprise. First and the new congress will put forth is the Keystone Pipeline be at the house in the senate will pass a measure to get it going forth. He has already telegraphed he will give no pretense anymore to impartiality. He is against it as he is against every carbon project in the nation. That will be the first veto. Tom there are labor unions theylabor, a lot of democrats are for it, the question is will the congress have the ability to override a veto. And what happens with hillary . Hillary has to win the bluecollar vote. More and more the president is divorced himself from the bluecollar workers who do want jobs like the Keystone Pipeline to put forth and she desperately has to win over the bluecollar vote. The more he errs on the side of the academics, the Harvard University types, all those against keystone and everything the more he hurts hillarys chances because he reminds people how against Middle America the proposals are. She has two tremendously divorce herself from that philosophy. Tom we come to find out late in the last congress before they took off for the holidays it was actually harry reid was the guy blockading everything. So we are going to turn this into the president of no. I dont him there has been a president vetoing 100 of the bills, across his desk even if he is against the congress. Some of the measures that hit his desk he is going to have to sign off on but they will be small little things. Like obamacare, the medical device tax he will probably have to change that. On major issues like tax reform, welfare reform, obamacare, major parts of obamacare. He is going to be put in the democrats in the position of being the party of no. Hillary will divorce herself, a lot of what he says but still he represents the head of the Democratic Party when you have a president he is the head of that particular party he represents the head of the Democratic Party, that is how the democrats will be viewed going into 2015. Tom people vote with their pocketbooks. Lets bring in steve moore, you say the economic recovery we are seeing right now is thinks the private sector, not the government, the question is is this recovery another green shoot that will wilt on us getting into the spring . I am bullish. The economy is showing a real turn. It is ironic this a president who hates the idea of a fossil fuels economy which has turned around this economy. We have had a massive increase in oil and Gas Production no last five or six years carrying the rest of the economy on its back. As these gas prices and Oil Prices Fall now the economy is shifting away from oil and gas because the prices are so low but a huge benefit to the Manufacturing Sector, technology sector, transportation sector, so i think this is a massive windfall. The other point i make in my article is keep paying a lot of attention to this but Government Spending the last four years has fallen a lot after obamas disastrous first two years. Government spending a percent of gdp has gone from over 23 of gdp a few years ago to in the last quarter below 20 gdp. That is private sector stimulus. It is, but if you go back in history, i thought the sweet spot was somewhere between 1820, maybe 21 so we were spending more than hysterically historically. Talking 20 still not down into austere times. There is a big difference between spending 23 of gdp and 20 . 3 not being misspent whether government, what i am saying and this is an important point for your viewers to understand, the change model has it been terribly wrong. They believe spending is good for the economy and what we learned with a massive increase of Government Spending under stimulus and obamacare the economy did lousy. The weakest recovery. This is really a private sectorled recovery. Were seeing it in the Manufacturing Sector so much hightechnology sector. The real question is asked to lose energy jobs, which we are starting to cs a jobs fall will we see a big increase in all other sectors and my answer to that is probably yes. Go back to the 80s and 90s, that is one of the things that launched the big boom. One of the issues is harry reid because he refused to look at some of the bills that came over from the house to the senate where he buried them, we had the gridlock in that meant washington could not pass laws that would spend more money. Do you agree . I totally agree with that. If you look at the course of the last 50 years for how it performs, when you have gridlock in washington, the divided government in terms of partisan control, it is good for the market. We will see the same thing over the next couple of years. Tom dont anybody tell Stuart Varney on this day we were singing the praise. David, i agree with your point, but the turning point for the economy started in 2011 when you took nancy pelosi, who was such a negative on the economy and you put a break treating the economy. No john boehner gets beat up a lot by conservatives but a budget deal he negotiated the spending caps and the sequester to change the direction. By the way whether republicans now in charge of congress will stick to those budget gaps. Sometimes i wonder. Tom this mcconnell things everybody was singing the praises of Mitch Mcconnell over the weekend. That had me worried because a great deal maker be it i dont want him to make any deals. Tom the stock market is open, up all but seven points right now. Not much going on. Oil prices right on the penny 55 per barrel this morning up a little bit as well. National average 2. 28, price of regular gas down 1 per gallon. Since this time last year. In oklahoma join missouri in the 1 club, state average for regular gasoline 1. 93 in missouri 1. 98 in oklahoma so hopefully we will see more ones hanging on. At least one station has gasoline below 2 per gallon. Cheapest gas in the land is 1. 58 in indiana. If you have to be close to drive to it, it would be a good bargain. Gmail blocked in china. Where are the google shares . Zero in on where they stand. Up 2 tenths of 1 for the year however google shares off 4 compared to the nasdaq flirting with another record high. The story, gmail shut off in china, service cut off on friday continuing to be down this morning, monday, causing a sharp drop in gmail traffic and business dealings. An embassy Advocacy Group is claiming that this interruption if you want to call it that was due to the great firewall. It monitors and sensors internet use in china. Back to you. Tom some breaking news for you. The popular burger chain shake shack is going to go public. Filed for initial Public Offering the pricing as of yet. Very popular place. The latest cnn poll, bush is the frontrunner and takes nearly one quarter, 23 of republicans surveyed, 10 points ahead of his closest competitor. What do you make of this . This is awfully early. A bushclinton run is scary to a lot of people. In a country of 300 million people, there should be more folks than somebody named clinton or bush for either party. That is a significant problem bush is going to have to get around. Tom eight years ago there was this guy barack obama nobody knew about and was a spoiler for hillary clinton. Is there another no noname out there . There could be. There are lots of potential candidates who are not exactly known names. Jonathan has been a relatively successful governor in ohio. The look at scott walker and other an Isis Jeb Bush has ticked off a lot of conservatives for support of the common core education. 15 years ago when his brother was making a run for presidency everybody was saying not george w. Bush, we want jeb because he is more conservative. He was known as a conservative bush brother. George w was a more liberal one. He believed in supplyside economics. The wall street journal always singing the praises. If he can sort of cobble together that old conservative force that was for him back in the mid to late 90s, he will do okay although so much water over the bridge since then, i dont know but that it is possible. Tom the other thing is the coalition the farther right part of the Republican Party is what got george w. Bush elected get. Particularly because he has been quite liberal on immigration issues, not sure he can rely to that part of the vote. Tom pope francis taking on Global Warming in 2015. They fight Climate Change. John bolton after the break. Stick around. Tom the market not moving much with a little up 7 points Still Holding on. The price of oil sitting around 54 now. Up 55 earlier. Pope francis making Climate Change one of his Top Priorities priorities. Calling for immediate action to fight Global Warming. Ambassador john bolton joining me. The pope getting involved in this Political International political issue like this, what is your opinion . This is the merger of two different theology. With all due respect for the pope and his holy office and institutional he represents his political views have been decidedly to the left, many in latin america church, and what he said about Climate Change is actually more criticism of capitalism. I personally think this is dangerously church and institution, to be very realistic about it he will not have any effect on the Climate Change negotiations either. Tom you bring up a very interesting point that is about the fact capitalism is kind of our brand, but what about south america places he has lived and traveled and then a minister. That is may be more popular in places where he has come from. I think he is a reflection of that leftist political tradition on the catholic clergy in latin america and when he talks about the effects of Climate Change talks about the effects on the poor. It is a very different kind of discussion in europe or the United States. As a practical matter, those who want an International Treaty to greatly expand governmental and intergovernmental control of the economy would welcome intervention. Those who oppose it will say nice things about him given the religion he represents, and they will ignore him. The Catholic Church for centuries was a theocracy. They get very much involved in political affairs. It turned out to be a disaster many areas and they eventually pulled back from prickly political events, put their minds on matters that were beyond the day today imaginations of politics. But now theyre getting back into it. I wonder this is a general direction you think the Catholic Church is going to be heard from from various political sides or will they be ignored . People who agree with pope may think that is very nice, but frankly your opinion doesnt matter. That is exactly the outcome. Nobody will take the pope on on this. Theyre going to nod and go on to other things. I think the pope was elected because of a feeling there didnt need to be reform and change inside the church. Im not sure his political views were the subject of great consideration. I dont think it will ultimately have that much affect on the Climate Change negotiation. It will not have much impact with all due respect in places like new delhi and beijing which are never going to sign anything. Tom or in his home area of latin america bid i think of venezuela pumping out well in the dirtiest way imaginable. The rest of the world, your predictions for 2015, what is the big global story for the rest of the year . Im afraid the continuing decline of influence in the United States under barack obama. The way he has cut back our influence worldwide whether it is the middle east, Central Europe and the far east, the cuts in the defense budget, all of which are contributing to greater political and military instability i dont see any reason that will change sadly and that is the big story. Tom will the president go along with the republicans and try to build his legacy or will i fight them all the way out the door . National to get a policy he has to fight them every step of the way. He will take early indications of cooperation and get the cabinet, knees confirmed but after that for six years he hasnt paid any attention to the republicans, why should he start now . Tom because controllers in other places. Thank you for joining us. Gq out with their list of the top 20 craziest politicians of the year and one party got a lot more tension than the other. We will tell you all about the media bias against the republicans after the break. These ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but im a bit skeptical of sure things. Whys that . Look what daddys got. Ahhhhhhhhhh growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. If you suffer from a dry mouth then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Tom Mining Company with Natural Resources leading the s p 500 as the chinese iron ore futures claim after china tried to stimulate their economy. Theyrethey are giving it their best shot. This gq story, the magazine compiled a list of the 20 craziest politicians in america. But get this, 17 of the 20 crazy politicians are republicans. So i dont know about you, i know a few crazy democrats. Obviously we were talking about harry reid what he said about the koch brothers. The guy makes conservative conspiracy theorists look like they are right on the level. He shouts them out on the floor of the senate. Nancy pelosi who famously said we can pass obamacare without having to read it. What about these people. These were not on the list. They, by the way, did say that they were not guilty. They just could not find any loonies democrats to speak of. First of all, i cannot believe that they have a list of 20. Most of them are crazy. Nowadays, you have to have a screw loose to know what you are going to be confronting. You either have to have a screw loose or be totally dedicated to your cause to run for political office. The way they get advancement is by shouting out the craziest things possible. He was a democrat. He left, two. The senseless people usually leave congress whether they are democrats or republicans. We also have a busy weekend at the nfl. Today, is black friday. This black friday theory i am side, black monday theory, is it real . Some pretty star people involved in coaching or general managing the team. They are putting together a list of the owners. He came on with rex ryan a couple of years ago. Frankly, a whole team was just too much for that guy. I think you should he should have been gone a couple of years ago. They will play a more give role with the owners. I can understand i think that that makes a lot of sense. The sports teams they made their money and something else. The problem is when you have committees making decisions that should be made by an executive. They are solely dedicated to the new york giants as their main cause. They all get involved. They do not need any assistance from an outside panel. They had no passion for anything else except for their panel. The search for the downed a shot airplane continues. They have an image crisis on their hands. Introducing danceallyouwant bladder leak protection. New always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders from always, the experts in minine protection new always discreet underwear absorbs heavy bladder leaks faster than the leading brand, so you can feel comfortably dry. Plus always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet underwear. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because, hey, pee happens. Nation Authorities Say that two spots have been spotted in the search area for their initial flight. The jet likely crashed into the sea. Hello everyone. Weather conditions across that area. During that time. Some of the strongest in the world. It really punched the storms off work. Storms of this magnitude to typically go higher. You are looking at some very cold temperatures. Really high up. That is something of a big concern if a flight to try to fly through a thunderstorm. In this part of the world it is not unusual to see so much under storm activity. They have been experiencing some severe flooding as well recently. Turn the lens is another can learn. Lightning and very strong winds. This is a satellite image. You can see a lot of Stormy Weather out here. A lot of cloud cover. It kind of dissipated quickly. It is still president. We will keep an eye on it. Hopefully, conditions stayed dry on here. Showers and storms still present. A massive for over the interview. Revealing a very nasty side of hollywood. Steve back is with us. A company that has lost its way. Believe in the executive management. Can we really believe in this Man