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The democrats went all in on this race. They spent over 8. 3 million. They said on the record that their goal was to win this race. They lost. And the iraqi has somewhat been, you know, that they almost won. No, they lost. They made very clear what their goal was in this race. They spent 8. 3 million and through everything including the kitchen sink at it and lost. Trish all right. Fox news chief National Correspondent ed henry is here, and hes going to weigh in. Plus a crazy gunman goes on a shooting spree in califoia. Shouting allahu akbar. Look at this. The Associated Press sent out a tweet not mentioning that. Saying god is great. And thats what media critic dan says, and he is here. First, lets go to our own adam shapiro for the latest on the georgia election. Adam, you heard spicer. Right. Trish you know, this is a loss, as far as hes concerned. As far as hes concerned and the president who, by the way, is ready to help, again, remember President Trump tweeted about this election. But lets get into what actually happened yesterday. John, you can see some video of him here, hes 30 years old, does not live in the district, reportedly his girlfriend does. So he couldnt vote for himself. But he does have experience in washington, d. C. As a capitol hill staffer and a documentary film producer. Hes 30 years old, and he did not get the 50 of the vote. 50. 1 that he would have needed to have just had a complete shutout and won the sixth district seat in georgia. So this is what President Trump tweeted this morning. He said dems failed in kansas and are now failing in georgia. Great job, karen. Thats the republican who won. It is now hollywood versus georgia on june 20th. And when i say the republican who won, handle defeated ten other republicans who are running in this primary. So the vote, she got Something Like 19 , got 48 . The vote was very fractured among republicans. When asked about all of this, sean spicer said, look, the president is ready to not only assist as he did with tweets but perhaps even in the future during the actual election june 20th. Here he is in his own words. If needed, i thinks going to do everything he can to maintain majorities and further the party, but well see if were needed. Now, keep in mind the seat thats up for election is Newt Gingrichs old seat, and he was person who won it from the democrats back in the 1970s. So this seat has not gone democrat for almost 40 years. Gingrich actually believes that handle will succeed on june 20th by about eight to ten points. Trish, back to you. Trish well be watching for you. Adam, thank you very much. Joining me right now for more analysis on all of this, fox news chief National Correspondent and the author of a brandnew book 42 faith. Ed henry, good to have you here. Good to see you. People are saying that could be some kind of referendum on donald trump, theyre viewing it, some democrats as they send us their viewing as such the fact that this 30yearold came out of nowhere and is now in a runoff. How do you see this . If its a referendum on donald trump, donald trump won. So this is one where sean spicer is taking a lot of hits, hes right today. Because the fact of the matter is when you look at the facts of this going back to the Obama Administration, the Bush Administration before, special elections usually go against the party in power because so few people turn out to vote as adam was turning out, what moat innovates them to get to the polls. The party in power is wrong, you know . That president obama is ramming obamacare down our throat. So thats why scott brown in massachusetts was able in 2010 to take ted kennedys seat. Nobody thought you could take liberal massachusetts. But there was so much anger about the Obama Administration. So in this case fastforward, theres all of this resistance movement. Even in georgia, you know, which should be read, should be good for the republicans, theres all of this anger about how donald trump is governing. Money was pouring in from hollywood. He had over 8 million in the bank. So he should have reached the 50 . Yes, he did better than expected. But the democrat called it a victory for the ages. It wasnt a victory. He didnt win. Trish the fact that he couldnt get this thing, he couldnt get the seat despite all the money, despite all of this angst amongst some of the members of the left, he couldnt win. So do you think handle will actually succeed here . It will be a 50 50 jump ball, to be honest. I think the republicans could end up losing this. I think theyll be in better shape, as adam was laying out because youre right. Theres a split here. Seven, eight republicans splitting the te. So karen is the leading republican with justma double digits. Now youll get the Republican Party coalescing behind her, the money will pour in from the republican side before. It was all split up before. So republicans have a good shot at this. But also what the Mainstream Media isnt telling you in the narrative is tom price, the health and Human Services secretary and the cabinet who used to have the seat. Yes, he used to win this seat by 20 points. But donald trump only won this district by one point i think over hillary clinton. Its narrowed. Theres been an influx of immigration into the district. So its not like it was when Newt Gingrich was there. Trish theres a lot of conservatives out there that just arent onboard with donald trump. You look at members of the freedom caucus, for example. I mean, should this be, this big wakeup call for republicans to say, hey, weve got to come together. We have to get our act together. Its a wakeup call to govern. Because, yes, there was a warning sign in that health care fight. Heres your chance to repeal and replace it, and they stumble. Not just the president but the freedom caucus, speaker ryan. The republicans have the house, they have the senate, they have the white house. The stars should be aligned for them. I think these special elections to be honest, theyre blips on the screen. We heard the same thing about kansas a couple of weeks ago. Rich pompeo, the cia director gave up his seat. It was closed, the democrats did better than expected but the republicans held it. Heres another one. Well see what happens in six weeks. The republicans could very well lose it. But its just one seat. The bigger warning sign for the president and the republicans on the hill. Get stuff done. This tax bill. Where is it . Trish i know we all want taxes lower as of yesterday, and they ought to be able to get some consensus there, certainly on the corporate sight syed on both sides. Ed henry, congratulations again by the way, my husbands reading it, and he says its absolutely fantastic. I havent met james yet but, james, i appreciate it. Its a Great Fathers day gift. James already has it for fathers day but maybe theres friends you have. Trish yeah, check it out. 42 faith. Thank you so much. Trish turning to our other story. President trump issuing bold new promises on health care, taxes, and infrastructure and saying that voters must press their congresspeople to act. Here he is. Were also working with congress on tax reform and simplification, and were on time if we get that health care approval. So press every one of your congressman, press everybody because we want to get that approval. And it just makes the tax reform easier, and it makes it better. Infrastructure. Big infrastructure bill. Probably use it with something else. Its a little bit harder to get approved in order to get that approved. But infrastructure is coming, and its coming fast. Trish you know, hes kind of got a point here. In other words, you cant do anything right now unless you can get people onboard. You need congress behind you. But congress is being congress. Only session for what . Eight days this month . Eight days for the entire month. I mean, no wonder nothings getting done these days. Joining me right now, political commentator, a conservative gina and former chairman of the Dc Democratic Party scott bolden. Good to have both of you guys here ticked me off, scott, the fact that it seems as though people in congress spend more time out there campaigning than they do actually governing. Hang on, guys. This is the president right now. Lets listen in. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. What a great day it is to be with all of our friends at the white house. We celebrate the super bowl new England Patriots world champions, super bowl champions, champions period. And their historic win. [applause] and they are champions. Before we get started, i want to acknowledge some special guests. Were proud to be joined by seven Wounded Warriors who have bravely served and sacrificed for our nation. Specialist cameron greenstreet. [applause] Staff Sergeant frederick manning. [applause] specialist james matthews. [applause] Sergeant Christopher mcginnis. [applause] specialist stephanie morris. [applause] Sergeant Major james watson. [applause] Staff Sergeant sheldon warner. Special people. [applause] and americas very blessed to have you with us. Thank you. The new England Patriots are big supporters of our military and americas veterans. Joe cardona, where is joe . There he is. In his Beautiful Navy thank you, joe. Serves in the Navy Reserves and is a graduate of the naval academy. Coach is the son of a navy veteran and bob bob kraft. Hes becoming a pretty famous guy for winning, ill tell you that. Between him and belichick, wow. You do so much to support our military. Bobs been my friend for a long time, and he wants to support our military. So what a group of champions, all of them. And, bob, i want to commend you for building such an extraordinary organization. Five super bowl victories since 2002. Really unbelievable. And ill tell you this right now. George is a great friend of mine, and george was a great champion too but there was a little more turmoil. A little more turmoil in his victories, and thats okay. He was another great one. Since bob bought the patriots in 1994, theyve won more division titles, conference championships, and super bowl wins than any other team. No team has been this good for this long. [applause] amazing. Hes built a culture dedicated to winning. And he started it with his coach, and i want to tell you. That is some special man. Its called the patriot way, and that really starts with coach belichick, and i want to thank all of you for being with us. The patriots are an incredible organization, and this super bowl victory was a complete team effort. Ats the beauty of what they do. They win as a team. [applause] with your backs against the wall and the pundits, good ol pundits. Boy, theyre wrong a lot, arent they . Saying you couldnt do it. The game was over. You pulled off the greatest super bowl come back of all time. One of the greatest come backs of all time. But the greatest super bowl come back of all time, and that was just special. I think i looked at odds, and they gave you less than one half of 1 of winning the game. And then the coach said lets go for three. Hes losing by so much. He said lets go for three, and i say what is he doing . That was a great decision, coach. I tell him that all the time. The fourthdown conversion by danny where is danny . Where is danny . Way to go, danny. The big sack by trey flowers. Wheres trey . Put your hand up, trey. See . Hes shy a little bit. You werent shy when you hit that guy, were you . You werent shy about it he didnt mind hitting. Thank you, trey. Great job. The incredible catch by julian edelman. [cheering] wh a cch. We all said, no, that ball was dropped. Isnt it good . In the old days, they might have said it was dropped. Youre starting to like the replay. Great going, julian. I think of guys like marcus canon and the offensive line. Marcus. [applause] great, marcus. Thats some line. Or matt slater, who was awarded the 2017 bart starr award for the character and leadership he has shown both on and off the field. Malcolm mitchell. Its true. [applause] malcolm mitchell, who as a rookie handled the pressure of the super bowl like an absolute true veteran. Way to go, malcolm. [applause] good job. Or nate ebner who played in our olympic rugby team last summer, pretty good athlete; right . In brazil, and he was in brazil playing and doing really well, and is an all pro special team guy and player. So, nate, congratulations. Wheres nate . Which is a tougher sport, nate . Football or rugby . [laughter] i had a feeling you might say that. But everyone played a role and everybody played as champions. It was the first overtime game in super bowl history, and it ended with a legendary victory for this proud franchise and for these absolutely terrific players and coaches. You had the best record in football with 14 wins and only 2 losses, and that doesnt happen by accident. It takes hard work, dedication, and a commitment by every member of the team to Work Together in pursuit of the ultimate goal. The goal that very few people achieve. And youve achieved it five times, many of you. And our coach and our owner have achieved it five times. Great, great talents, great, great people. Whether youre trying to win a super bowl or rebuild our country, as coach belichick would say, there are no days off. And just a quick story about the coach. So i had won the primaries, and im now in this are rather heated election that a few of you have read about, and he wrote me this beautiful letter after the primaries. Congratulations, he said all sorts of things that were really good. I mean, it was really a beautiful letter. And it was very close to going before the election, and i called up. And i said coach, do you mind if i read the letter tonight to a stadium full of people in a very, very big and important state . And he said you know what . I would rather not have you do that. Could you send it back to me . Im going to give you another one. I said, no, thats okay. Nope i want to give you another one. Now, immediately to me that means hes going to tone it down because what he said was so nice. And you know what he did . He toned it way up. It was much better. It was much better. He made that the greatest letter, and i did very well in that state. Thank you, coach. That was very good. But, you know, hes just a very special guy, and hes tough. Is he tough, fellas or a nice guy . A little tough; right . Hes tough. Hes smart, and hes got a great heart. So the patriot coaches and these great players have delivered iconic sports moments that will last forever. Were going to watch that game over and over and over. That game will last forever. Five super bowl wins in the era of free agency, which is really, really tough. What an achievement. So, again, congratulations to super bowl champion new England Patriots. And with that, i would like to ask a very special and talented man and a great friend of mine for a long time. Bob kraft to say a few words. Thank you, all, very much. [applause] thank you, mr. President. Its a true honor to be here for the fifth time celebrating a world championship. And every time that we have the privilege of coming here to the white house, i think about the long odds that were faced by our countrys forefathers who fought for our freedom and independence. Overcoming long odds through hard work, perseverance, and most importantly mental toughnesses is the foundation of everything that is great about this country. I am proud that the first time we came here as a team after winning a championship as 14point underdogs. But infinitely more important was it was in a season of 9 11, 2011, at aime in which our nation showed its mental toughness to rally together and to rebound from an unthinkable tragedy. This years championship was achieved after falling behind by 25 points. A deficit so great that in the 97year history of the nfl, over 20,000 games, that deficit had only been overcome seven times. In that same year, a very good friend of mine for over 25 years, a man who was mentally tough and hard working as anybody i know launched a campaign for the presidency against 16 career politicians. Facing odds almost as long as we face in the fourth quarter. He persevered to become the 45th president of the United States. [applause] its a distinct honor for us to celebrate what was unequivocally our sweetest championship with a very good friend and somebody whose mental toughness and strength i greatly admire. And i would like to call upon our coach to say a few words. But before, we would like to jointly present. This is symbolic. [applause] super bowl 51 championship jersey. [applause] thank you on behalf of the team, the organization, i just want to thank the president and his great staff for just, you know, a wonderful day, wonderful opportunity here. Weve had the great privilege to be here several times, but this one, the way were treated and the opportunities to be in the oval office, to meet with the president , to see the inside of the white house, its just been fabulous. So along with the parade, the ring ceremony as a team, the opportunity and a privilege of coming to the white house is just one of the great things about winning the super bowl, and were privileged to be here, and we thank the president for their hospitality. Also our patriot fans here and the patriot nation. Thank you for coming out today. Mr. Kraft, this is really a special team, these guys work incredible hard all year, they put all the work in advance when we didnt have anything to show for it. And then as the year went along, a total of 17 victories, these guys are mentally tough, they knew how to compete under pressure, and thats probably when we played our best football, as we saw in overtime in the super bowl. So incredibly proud and honored to coach this group with our Coaching Staff, our Coaching Staff did a trendo jobhis year. Im so appreciative of them. And then this day reay is a great its a great day for us. Its a thrill to be here, and we appreciate your support, and we appreciate, again, the great treatment that weve received from the president and his staff. Thank you very much. [applause] and we have one other presentation to make. Super bowl 51 helmet. [applause]. Trish all right. A photo op opportunity there, you see the president alongside the coach from the patriots, bill bell check who just spoke along with the owner bob kraft there. Pretty momentous day there. We heard donald trump almost give us a playbyplay there of the game again. It was an incredible game. He did point out that they came together as a team, despite all the pundits saying that they would never win it. They came together as a team and sure enough, what an incredible game it was. One that trump said we would all be watching over and over and over again. Im sure we ll. One for the history books. Anyway, the patriots there at the whe use, im joined right now by my esteemed political panel, we have here gina as well as scott. And quickly before i move on to some of the policy stuff, let me ask you about some of the gossip out there. Brady. Where was brady . And there were also six other team players that didnt come today. The thinking is, gina, that brady had some personal commitments, family commitments. He also, by the way, should point out missed the 2015 ceremony with president obama. Do you read anything into it . I mean, we know brady loves trump. Its a great day for america. This is everything just quintessential america, trish, and its a day to celebrate the things that are american and try to carry that forward into the things that were trying to accomplish to revive this country. Trish so we know he likes trump, so youre going to take him at his word here. Hes skipping the ceremony because of personal family matters. But really, what a tremendous, tremendous honor. I mean, for all of those players, regardless of what you think right now about donald trump, scott, regardless where you are on the political spectrum to be up there honored by the president of the United States is something. Yeah. Its a lot of fun. All the championship professional teams get to go to the white house. Thats the spoils that go to the winners. You know, i remember brady and those six other players a little differently during the campaign. There was some controversy about whether brady supported him or did not support him. Quite frankly, i think that tom brady didnt show up, i take him at his wrong. Dont get me wrong. But i also think some of it was that he didnt want to be a target or raise the issue of whether his Political Support or not. But its a great honor to be with the president , to be honored by the president. Hes a great sportsman, by the way, like so many other prior president s. Big golfer and great day for them. Trish dont forget all the heat that the ceo of under armour took, remember . He had some positive things to say about trumps Economic Policy and all of a sudden people were talking about boycotting under armour, and, you know, tom brady saw that play out. He knows kevin well. He has deals with under armour, so there might be something to that. I want to take him at his word here. Look, he said he had some family issues that he needed to tend to, and we do know he has been a trump supporter. But it would be awfully disappointing that a star like tom brady would somehow have his image compromised in any way because he attended Something Like this. That is a sad state, scott, if thats the reality in which we live right now. Well, donald trump is a complicated president , though. You want to support all of them, but you can only support part of him, and it gets complicated when you get an invitation from him. Trish well, you know, this seems kind of an easy one to me, gina, you know . You won the super bowl, the president s going to give you a victory lap. This is part of amecana; right . Been there four times already, though. Been there four times. Trish could those who make a mockery of our victory take a look in the mirror, trish, and say this is what theyve accomplished when you look at this sort of fun victory, this sort of american moment, that they would take anything away from that . To me, that just says a lot more about those doing the protesting and the dart throwing than about those who are winning, winning, winning, which is what we saw today. Trish im with you. I think its pretty sad if people feel as though theyre bullied and not having a victory lap after winning such an incredible game. Anyway, gina and scott, im going to see you guys in a little bit. We have lots more to get to here. A gunman in fresno, california killed three people while screaming allahu akbar. So why did the associate press send this tweet out about the attack . Say suspect in triple slaying told him he hates white people, shouted god is great before killing. Were they in any way it trying to hide the islamic connection to this attack . Meanwhile, a mainstream Cable Network didnt even bother to cover it. At all. We have that for you. Next. what if technology gave us the power to turn this enemy into an ally . Microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquito dna to fight disease. There are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. With the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. If we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin. Trish three men on the streets of fresno, california gunned down at random, killed by a black gunman targeting white victims. Police say Kori Ali Muhammad wanted to kill as many white people as he could and shouted allahu akbar during his arrest. Our next guest said you wouldnt know that if you read the Associated Press tweet on the shooting. The ap headline read the gunman said god is great and didnt mention until much later in the article it was said in arabic. So were they ignoring the islamic connection . Even worse, reports say yesterday cnn gave no mention of the attacks on the air. None. Dan gainer from the Media Research center joins me right now. Always good to see you. Unfortunately, there are members of the media that want to cover up unfortunately things that are going on. Is this another example of that in your view . Exactly it is. President trump said the media didnt cover terrorism well, they cover it up, they dont cover it. You look how theyve done this whether its the alleged muslim travel ban, they do everything that cair, the counsel of American Islamic relations does, its a Pressure Group but ends up meaning that the media produced propaganda, not news. Trish is this in part because the media is fearful that if they give islamic extremism a voice in any way they are allowing any more of it to happen . That was part of what president obama would have told you. You dont want to label these groups. You dont want to talk about islamic extremism because that gives them more ammunition, essentially . No, what theyve done is turned a religion thats 1. 6 billion people into a victim group, and and time theyve got a victim group, they want to cover up what goes on. The reality here is most of the terroriscan you find attacks from the mideast to europe to unfortunately america, these are attacks generally caused by radical islam. And thats the story they dont want to tell you. So when you put a tweet out that says god is great, that could be anybody of any faith saying that. But when you say allahu akbar, you know what it means and to hide that is propaganda. Trish i was having this debate with our producers earlier. To me, as soon as i saw god is great and i saw his name, i put two and two together there, dan, and so i didnt need to read allahu akbar. I figured he did say allahu akbar and theyre translating it. You think the ap is trying to wash this over and clean it up and not give it an islamic taint in any way . Yeah, they do this for all victim groups. They dont want to ever make them look bad. We saw it last week with spicer. Spicer makes a holocaust gaffe, which is bad, but led the evening news on all three broadcast networks. Then you have the attack on Coptic Christians on palm sunday. It didnt leave the networks, they didnt connect it to the genocide against christians but oba admitted iwas going on because they dont wan say christian genocide. Trish you have to be so sensitive to every single group out there. We talked to dr. Zuhdi jasser at length, a reformist in the islamic religion wants the religion to change and hes very, very vocal about this and says you got to call it for what it is, and there are problems that are allowed to fester and exist and we need to be willing to confront it head on, and i think youre making the point the media needs to have the conversation and confront it head on and not be so scared. Let me turn to another issue, President Trumps continuing to face this hostile media as we approach the end of his first 100 days. According to some of the research you guys have done. 89 of the broadcast Networks Coverage of the president has been negative. Wow. And focus on controversial policies, not the successes, things like the immigration order, got 223 minutes, according to your research of coverage since Inauguration Day and almost all of the minutes were negative. Russia investigation, this was another favorite of the broadcast networks, just 18 minutes was devoted. Less than 1 of airtime to trumps efforts to boost the economy and bring back jobs, and i come from the business world, this stuff matters to me, the economy is the reason hes in the white house to begin with. This is actually what people care about, and yet the media is off on other distractions, how come . Because they wont be satisfied until they take down the trump presidency. My coworkers, rich noise and mike sandala had to wade through this. Eight times more negative than positive, and honestly, watching the network your surprised theres any positive at all. They dont want to talk about whats important to trump. They dont want to take about trade which got only ten minutes. Dont want to talk about his fight against isis. They want to talk about the issues they care about. Trish they dont want to talk about substance no substance all fluff. But dan, ill counter it with this. As members of the media were trained to poke holes and to try and ask important questions and not take anything at face value, but has it gone to a total other level in this particular case . I mean, i feel like not enough hos were poked in somef obamas policies, yet, the left is so willing and ready and able to poke holes in everything that they see of Donald Trumps . For obamas Economic Policy they spent hundreds of stories promoting what he was doing. They dont want to cover what trumps doing and dont want to give him any wins. Even when he got gorsuch in. If you watch the front pages of news sites for abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, et cetera, not one of them listed trumps name connected to gorsuch. It was like it magically happened. Wasnt somebody trump nominated. He walked in the Supreme Court and sat down anyway, good to see you, dan. Always good to have your perspective. We want to make sure we have all sides. Dan gaynor from the Media Research center. Vice president mike pence put north korea on notice saying the sword stands ready. General jack keane is here and hes going to explain exactly what that means right after this. Rays always been different. Last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. At t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. Remote moisture sensors use a Reliable Network to tell them when and where to water. So that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. China. Oh. He got there. Thats the power of and. [vo] quickbooks introduces and her mobile wedding business. She travels far and wide to officiate i dos. And quickbooks automatically tracks those miles. She categorizes with a swipe and is ready for tax time. Find more than 4000 in tax savings. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Trish Vice President mike pence waing north korea today, telling sailors aboard the u. S. S. Ronald reagan in japan, the u. S. Would bring a, quote, overwhelming and Effective Response if they try to test our resolve. Here he is. The United States of america will always seek peace, but under President Trump, the shield stands guard, and the sword stands ready. Trish all this, after defense secretary jim mattis called north koreas latest failed Missile Launch a reckless act of provocation. Joining me fox news military analyst general jack keane. Good to see you as always, general. Good to see you, trish. Trish where is this heading . Think weve made a breakthrough here, by wanting to put the military option on the table and secretary mattis did that three days after the inauguration when he traveled to south korea and japan and been reemphasized by other government officials, secretary tillerson, and Vice President pence now. Putting the option on the table to have credible deterrence, you have to have two factors, you have to have real capability that adversaries are aware of. And, two, you have to have the intent to use it. Under the Obama Administration most of our adversaries and sadly allies as well came to the conclusion he didnt have the intent to use it. Now we have a credible deterrent. And the breakthrough is occurring because china has recognized that this activity by north korea is getting considerably more dangerous, theyre rung at a staggering pace to develop Ballistic Missiles and deliver a nuclear weapon. Makes no sense, but theyre doing it anyway. And i think we got chinas attention. Trish good deal. Yes, the president called out china president wednesday and said im going to look to leveraging the North Koreans and denuclearize. Tillerson talked about the same thing. These conversations have not happened with the three previous president s. This is significant, so different. Do you attribute this to trump or the fact that north korea is a real threat that china has to recognize, general . I attribute it to two things. One is the danger and the pace at which north korea is moving towards a Delivery System for nuclear weapons. Thats number one. And number two, absolutely the change in administrations. There is an emerging doctrine i think coming through from the decisions that President Trump is making that we can kind of see where hes going. Hes returning america to the world stage as the indispensible Global Leader promoting stability and security in the world. Let me ask but the other situation going on, the u. S. Navy admitting that the u. S. S. Carl vinson is not heading towards north korea, this is despite what the president had said, he was sending an armada to the region. General, let me play for you and the viewer what he told Maria Bartiromo this last week. Here we go. We are sending an armada, very powerful. We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. And we have the best military people on earth. Trish all right. Apntly, we werent and general, stay with me again because i want you to hear sean spicer at the press Conference Today trying address some of these questions headon. Here we go. The statement that was put out the Carl Vinson Group was headed to the Korean Peninsula. It is headed to the Korean Peninsula. Reporter its headed there now. Thats not what we ever said, we said it was heading there, it was heading there, it is heading there. That remains. Reporter the impression that allies had. If theres an impression, then thats not there should have been clarification from people who were seeking it. Pay comput out release what ultimate destination was going to be. Trish maybe better late than ever. Do you believe anybody was intentionally trying to mislead the world or anyone . I dont think they were trying to intentionally mislead anyone. It was a bone head mistake here. Maybe can you understand it to a certain degree. When they canceled the port calls in australia. Someone in the reporting system may have thought they were heading to korea at that time. Truth is they were not. They were heading south. So listen, i think what they should have explained is given the way we presented it, and the way we presented to the american people, its our fault for ging you the impressn that they were moving right now to the Korean Peninsula when indeed they were moving away from the Korean Peninsula at that moment, they were discussing that. That should have been cleaned up that way, i think. There was no intention to deceive or look like we had an hour that we didnt know and we wanted to be in place when we were having discussions with the chinese leader and the rest of it. No, i dont believe there was any way to mislead the american people. Trish good, general keen, always a pleasure, good to have you here. Good talking to you, trish. Trish amazon, everyone, spending bigtime to get into the media content business, all in hopes of rivaling netflix. Books, movie, groceries, clothes, you name it you can find anything on amazon. My daughter wanted a blue jacket, she was specific about it. I typed it in and there you go, we got one, and it was probably cheaper than any other place. But amazon as it gets bigger and bigger, even trying to take over the transportation industry, i should point out via the drones, you got to ask the question, is it getting too big . I mean just too big . Running the risk of destroying every other industry out there in the process. Were going to talk about it. Is it time for amazon to be broken up for your own good . Thats next. Hey youve gotta see this. Cmon. No. Alright, see you down there. Mmm, fine. Okay, what do we got . Okay, watch this. Do the thing we talked about. What do we say . Its going to be great. Watch. Remember what we were just saying . Go irish see that . Yes im gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. Find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. Trish House Speaker paul ryan sneak london right now, saying he would like to complete tax reform by the end of the summer. See how that ones goes, but it will be okay if it needs to go longer than that, perhaps trying to set expectations, Steve Mnuchin trying to reset expectations after telling neil it would happen by august. Theyre walking that back. Markets looking for tax reform. They want it, need it and the president says it will come after health care reform. So moral of the story, its into take while. Especial when theyre only working t days this month, right . They want tax cuts, not reforms. Trish thats why you are here with mow. Amazon is a company that has a hand in everything. Take a look at shares, trading down just a bit. This thing has been soaring lately, and it keeps getting bigger and bigger, theyve taken over the world. The question is with the market cap of 42 billion making it bigger than walmart, target, macys, best buy altogether, does it need to be broken up . Ashley webster and peter morici, its a worth while question, once they start getting so, so big and amazon is eating every other retailers lunch, you dontstant a chance because if youre brick and mortars at hard to go against the big behemoth. Are they annihilating Retail Sector as we continue . Are they monopoly . No, they have a big share online. 50 , they had the foresight and the ability to move faster than anyone else and the competition has been slow in reacting. Especially the retailers and jeff bezos and those making the decisions, they are out in front and making it count. Ive got to admire them. Trish well, i mean i still feel bad for some of the you look at the Retail Sector as a whole. Yep. Trish so much in the way of job lossesi can tell you in last month, roughly 30,000 jobs lost in the Retail Sector alone. This is the sector that keeps getting hit. A lot of americans are employed by retailers, going to keep losing their jobs, on the flip side, this is where it gets interesting. If you are looking at this as antitrust regulator and said weve got to break up a big monopoly, you would looked at consumer and say they are disadvantaged in this. The consumer is better off because of the low prices . Absolutely. You hit the nail on the head. This is not an antitrust issue. Amazon is being innovative. Moving into new areas all the time and creating benefits to consumers by lowering prices. This is like saying that hen we ford should have been outlawed because he was putting people that drove ages out of business and unemploying horses and what have you. The productivity growth and rising standard of living goes hand in hand with eliminating jobs and finding new things for the people to do. Trish what do the people do . People that worked in the Retail Sector as we continue what did farmers do when we went from mules to tractors, they reemployed themselves in manufacturing. These days people have to reskill again and get into the technology areas, like robotics, Artificial Intelligence and so forth. There are jobs trish a lot more education, peter. But there are a lot of jobs up and down the ladder. There are Jobs Available with one or two years of training. Young people, older people alike have to retrain. This is just the part of progress. If we shut the door on amazon, we will become an old and aging society. Then learn chinese, theyll be ahead of us. Not just amazon putting people out of work. Its automation. Robots, whatever you want to call it. Its a fact of life, you just have to adapt to it. Trish you know what i miss is the sense of community, right . When you go to mn street, i used to buy my shoes at the local shoe store, all of that gone, amazon, online these days. Thanks, guys, well be right back. Trish all right, i always tell you this. I love hearing from you. Follow me on twitter, let me know what you thought of todays show. Heading over to liz right now. Liz you may have noticed in the last couple of seconds, the markets have tanked further. Breaking news. The House Speaker paul ryan live in london saying tax reform may not get done by the summer, and then saying that

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