Mcconnell vowing that this is going to be a quick and smooth transition. Listen to him here. The first step will be taken in the senate by the end of this week. And then it will go over to the house. You have to vote repeal and replace. And i think there ought to be a great gap between the first step and the second. Trish senator rand paul says he has a replacement plan that will do just that. Hes going to repeal and replace not repeal and delay. The senate is expected to vote on his alternative plan later today. Im going to go straight to our peter barns for all of these developments right now in washington. Well, trish, you heard the senator Mitch Mcconnell say there that he wants to have as little of gap as possible between repealing and replacing, but it looks like there is going to be a gap of some time. A repeal quickly but then some kind of phase in perhaps a year or two or three with whatever republicans come up to replace obamacare. But as you said, starting this hour the Senate Resumes on a budget resolution that would start the repeal process and because of senate rules, it is filibuster proof. Republicans have 52 votes in the senate, one more than needed to pass legislation. But as you also mention, some republicans in both chambers are nervous about ending obamacare and ending coverage for some 20 Million People without something to replace obamacare and give them get them some kind of coverage. Mitch mcconnell, still moving ahead, however, and one republican not happy with this approach is rand paul of kentucky. He says repealing obamacare without additional action now would blow a 10trilliondollar hole in the budget over the next decade. He doesnt want to vote later today on a amendment that he says will repeal obamacare, replace it with more freemarket solutions, and balance the budget in seven years, mainly by freezing all discretionary federal spending. Thats about a third of the federal budget. That amendment will likely fail. Top advisers to president elect trump says hes still considering his options when it comes to the pace of replacing obamacare. Trish. Trish thats interesting. The pace of it all. So maybe it wont get donnas quickly as some are hoping. Thank you so much, peter. Joining me right now for month analysis, Health Policy director michael canon. Good to see you, michael. Heres the thing. You may be able to repeal obamacare, but the big question is can you replace it with Something Better . And can you do this simultaneously . Your thoughts. I think they can do it simultaneously. But lets start with what is obamacare doing right now . I mean, obamacare is jacking up peoples premiums. The sick are finding that the coverage in obamacare is getting thinner and thinner. So this is not secure access to care. And threatening to fall apart and leave people without coverage. So theres going to be disruption no matter what congress does. To minimize that disruption and to make access to care more secure, more affordable for people, Congress Needs to repeal all of obamacares new regulations, subsidies, and mandates. They could provide some sort of safety net for the victims of obamacare, transitional assistance, but then they need to replace obamacare with Something Like what donald trump which is expanded Health Savings accounts that allow workers to control their own earnings. Im talking about an extra 13,000 for the typical worker with family coverage that their employer now controls so then the workers can take that additional money in addition to their cash wages and go out and buy Health Insurance thats trish okay. And then you have to make sure that its going across state lines, so you have more competition. Sort of more marketplace incentives i think is what youre getting at in the system. But, again, back to timing, you know, how long might it take to get Something Like that up and running . Well, they could to all of that in the same reconciliation bill. The process where they only need 51 votes to pass something in the senate. That could all happen in one bill. The problem is right now a lot of republicans are talking about not even repealing all of obamacare. Theyre talking about keeping parts of it. Keeping the taxes so that they can replace obamacare with a obamacare light plan that keeps most of obamacare spending and the government control over your Health Insurance plan. Trish what do you think of that . And the absolute worst part is that the parts of thinking theyre keeping are the parts that are making coverage worst for the sick. The supposed ban on people with preexisting conditions. Thats actually the and the left is complaining about this. The left is aware of this. Those provisions are makin coverage worse and worse for the sick and then republicans repeal everything every part of obamacare except for that part, well, the real cost of obamacare but people tens or tens of millions of people will suffer under those because it might destroy an individual market for insurance. So thats like a maximum disruption approach. What they should be doing is repealing all the regulations and replacing obamacare as soon as possible with reforms like expanded Health Savings accounts that will drive down the prices for medical insurance, for health trish yeah, and, look, i hear you. Youre putting some consumer skin in the game. In other words, if its your money, its your own Health Savings account. You might, you know, think twice about getting unnecessary tests, so its injecting some consumers and market incentives into what otherwise has really been lacking in that space. Thank you so much. Its good to see you. Its a complicated topic. Were going to continue to check in with you on it. Another big story that were falling, everyone, on capitol hill less than 24 hours the senate is going to begin the confirmation hearing process for nine trump nominees. The first one up, senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general and of course hes been a lightning rod via folks on the left trying desperately to delay this process, even vowing to drag on the hearing for some of the nominees until march. But president elect trump, he says hes confident all of his nominees will pass. Watch him here. Confirmation is going great. I think theyll all pass. I think every nomination theyre all at the highest level. Jack was even saying. They are the absolute highest level. I think they will do very well. There have been concerns. No. I think hes going to do great. High quality man. Trish all right. So what can we expect for these confirmation hearings . Specifically when it comes to senator Jeff Sessions. Joining me now is leslie and collin. Good to see you guys. You have the dems out there squawking. They hate every single one of them pretty much. But let me ask you. Is anyone listening to them right now . Are they going to get any traction in their efforts to derail . Absolutely not. The reason is never in a million, billion years did the democrats ever think that donald trump would become the 45th president of the United States, let alone also control the United States senate where you only need a simple majority to get these folks through. This is all this yammering about more disclosure and delaying these hearings about exacting a pound of flesh from donald trump. Its not whats in the best interest in america. They just want to slam trump early and often. Trish and all fairness we have a democrat here on the panel and leslie marshal, you do take issue with a lot of these people. Is it going to get anywhere . Oh, i totally agree theyre going to pass. Thats what the president elect said, and i think ford and i would agree with that. I dont agree with the motivation here. I think if youre a democrat or republican, you owe it to those in your constituency and the people in the board to have proper vetting and look into the background. We know years ago there were problems with Jeff Sessions, although those were testimony remains unchanged. So i think these are things that need to be brought out and quite frankly i think the republicans would do the same even if the democrats had the same number of votes to easily pass. Trish okay. All right. So in fairness, you know, confirmation process should be all about vetting and getting all this information and peoples history out there. But do you think its gone beyond that, leslie, in that this is indeed political at this point . As ford said, no democrat thought donald trump is going to win and now theyre doing everything in their power to stop them from succeeding. There are a lot of republicans that didnt think he was going to win and wanted to stop him from succeeding that seem to be doing a 360 lately. No, i dont think the democrats are doing the wrong thing. I mean, when you look at some of the concerns and the rhetoric that the president elect had and some others even rhetoric of the past of some of these nominees, these are concerns for those in the democratic party. Trish uhhuh. And thats not going to go away. This is not being a sore loser. This is about being, look, those of you who voted for donald trump because the economy and bringing jobs back leslie. Were concerned about some of the rhetoric. Leslie, this is solely about being a sore loser. When president obama put up his cabinet nominees, did the republicans stop them at all . Absolutely not. They let them go through because they realized that president obama won the election fair and square under the 12th amendment, and they were going to let him have his power structure underneath to put america first. And right now you guys arent interested in doing that. I understand there are a couple of folks here and there that you guys might actually have legitimate concerns about. But overall when it comes to this pros, when you guys are yammering about, oh, my gosh the pace of this. That is all false because george w. Bush went that fast. Barack obama went that fast, and you dont want. Trish yeah, you have to get up and running; right . Go ahead, leslie. Ford, i remember clearly im old enough to remember as they say on twitter; right . Im old enough to remember when our Senate Majority leader said that he was going to work to make president obama a oneterm president. That he was going to block everything that he did. But he didnt block the cabinet. Wait. And the hypocrisy. But he blocked the Supreme Court member. I mean, seriously. I mean he blocked a Supreme Court member in an Election Year . Wait a minute he blocked a Supreme Court member in a Election Year which basically has not occurred since 1968. He wouldnt have heargs, he wouldnt have meetings, he wouldnt have a vote. Heres the bottom line. This iall about putting a dog and pony show and gumming up the works when trump wants to make america better and the democrats cant understand it. Trish unfortunately, it all gets reduced to politics at some point or another. Both sides are honestly guilty of that, and i think this is one of the reasons that donald trump refunded the way that he did because he was seen as a political and just the kind of guy that wants to get stuff done. I want to get to another piece of news out there and thats Jarod Kushner, Donald Trumps soninlaw is expected to be named Senior Adviser to happen. I would imagine were going to this one. Will they be able to get anywhere in your view on that, ford . I dont think they will. But i do have to i would say this to the Trump Administration. Make sure with Jarod Kushner you dot all the is and cross all the ts because he was a very invaluable person to getting donald trump to be the 45th president of the United States, and hes someone who he listens to and someone both sides of the aisle respect. Trish leslie. But there are some problems here, ford. And even though you may not agree with me, there are republicans concerned too. When youre doing business with Chinese Companies that the Current Administration has security concerns about, when you have loans and relationships with israeli banks. When you have investors that in the past have had visas in exchanged for favors, i think this goes beyond nepotism. I think this could be a huge conflict of interest and quite frankly, i think its also a way for his daughter to be able to advise to her husband whispering in the ear. Trish we have a lot more to get to. Thank you so much. I do want to point out our own Maria Bartiromo is going to be asking about the trump cabinet and much more happening on 6 00 a. M. Eastern. You dont want to miss it. Automakers, they are on the hot seat as political pressure rises on them to bring jobs back to america and guess what . Some of them are actually paying attention. Some of them are getting the message. Chrysler fiat announcing its going to create thousands of jobs right here in the United States of america. But General Motors saying its not moving small car production to our shores. How much is it going to cost them . And could this be the beginning of a real reversal . A real renaissance in america car production . Thats next no, im scheduling time to go oto the bank to get a mortgage. Ugh, youre using a vacation day to go to the bank . I know, right . Just go to lendingtree. Com. Get up to five loan offers to compare side by side for free. Wow, thats great. Wait, how did you get in my kitchen . Oh, i followed a raccoon in through your doggie door. [chittering] [gasps] get a Better Mortgage on your schedule. Not the banks. Lendingtree. When banks compete, you win. Just think of him as a big cat. [chittering] with rabies. Trish fee at chrysler announcing it will invest 1 billion to update and improve two plants in michigan and ohio creating 2,000 new jobs in the process. Good news there all coming after ford canceled its plan for 1. 6 billion plant in mexico announcing it would invest 600 million in a michigan plant instead. Michigans liking this. Donald trump thanking the automakers and i quote ford said they will expand in michigan and the u. S. Instead of building a billiondollar plant in mexico. Thank you, ford and fiat chrysler. Our own Ashley Webster joins me right now with more. And thats the good news. I mean, these Car Companies seem to be waking up and saying. Okay. Were going to respond to this pressure but not everyone not everyone. Toyota pushing back today. In fact, last thursday i believe donald trump had gone after toyota. And toyota without bending to the pressure just said, well, wait a minute. No. This is what we do. Ive got to say, i think its great that creating jobs and canceling plants in mexico and going to michigan, which is wonderful. I dont like the idea of a border tax on u. S. Automakers. Trish well, youre not necessarily going to see that. Thats the threat; right . Thats the promise. Hes saying, look, guys if you dont start to build these things here and try to send the vehicles in the United States, im going to slap you with a 35 tariff. Which is terrible because we pay for it. What i would love for him to do. I understand. Trish he hasnt done it yet. No. But just the approach where why dont we reform the tax system in this country . Especially on the corporate level to make it that much more attractive as a business environment, therefore they will do this naturally because this is a much more competitive market. Trish and you may, in fact, still do that. Sure. Trish i think that everybodys fingers are crossed that we will get tax reform both on the corporate and the individual side. But i hear you. That said, do you think in some ways were going through such a transition here that its going to become, you know, if you think back, my husband grew up in a small town outside of buffalo where they made radiators for gm. And he said, listen, you did not drive anything other than an American Made car in that town. And you did, you would pay a price. So there was a sense, a collective sense within the community we are about American Made vehicles. Yes. Trish and for a variety of reasons, weve gotten away from that. You know, on one level, is he hopefully because we exported all of our jobs overseas. Trish we did and, by the way, car parts are coming from here, there, and everywhere. Yes. Trish so you cant really say its a fully American Made vehicle anymore. No. Trish but is there an opportunity to get back to that sort of pride of made in the usa . And maybe sort of forcing that issue, the threat of the 35 tariff, i hear you not good. Yeah. Trish but at least theres a sense that, you know, the president is not going to take kindly to it and maybe americans in general are not going to take kindly to you exporting all those jobs overseas. I agree. I think we should have pride overall and especially in americanmade products. Traditionally the legacy of this country is especially after world war ii an amazing manufacturing machine that could turn out wonderful products for competitive prices, and it was American Made. I would love to see that come back. In fact, my wife and i were just talking, thinking about getting another car or adding a car, and we both agree lets buy american. Trish see . Its working. Its working with you, and its working with some of the ceos maybe. Maybe. Trish i think a billiondollar investment in a place like i think everything that has happened with regard to the Auto Industry is remarkable. Its terrific for this country. Overall. Because there a