Transcripts For FBC The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan

Transcripts For FBC The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan 20160606

society, very strongly pro-mexican. which is all fine. but i say he has got bias. trish: and now, under fire from his own party. watch. >> i couldn't disagree more with a statement like that. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it is inexcusable. >> how does the party protect its image when its future depends on gaining support of minority voters? ronald reagan's campaign manager ed rollins will be here with analysis. plus bernie sanders hoping for a big victory tomorrow in california as polls have the two of them, hillary and bernie tied in the golden state. could a bernie victory win over those super delegates she has been counting on? we'll talk about that. after a dismal jobs report showing americans dropping out of the workforce at record pace because they can not find a job, will this lousy economy sink hillary clinton's chances? i mean her email scandal doesn't already sink her? we'll ask a clinton supporter, former senator evan bayh. today marks the 72nd anniversary of d-day landings on the beaches of normandy, france, which allowed our troops to gain a foothold in europe on to fight nazi germany. why oliver north says they don't call them the greatest generation for nothing. trump doubling down on comments about the judge presiding over the trump university case. newt gingrich, rumored to be a potential running mate had this to say. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it is inexcusable. he has every right to criticize a judge and has every right to say certain decisions aren't right and his attorneys can file to move the venue from the judge but first of all, this judge was born in indiana. he is an american, period. trish: we all know that when donald trump is attacked, he fights back. >> this case should have been thrown out on summary judgment and if somebody else were there this would have been thrown out on summary judgment. as far as newt is concerned. i saw newt. i was surprised at newt. i thought it was inappropriate what he said. trish: so why is trump going there his judge? we want to go to our political panel for analysis. fox news contributor leslie marshall and former huckabee campaign official hogan gibley. hogan, start with you, what is your reaction for this. >> i definitely don't think this is good thing donald trump to say. they say pretty much the same thing. this is not mistake he can't recover from. what donald trump needs to focus on before, forgive me for analysis of donald trump i'm not on his campaign, when i advise donald trump there are a million things you could absolutely destroy hillary clinton with. she has scandal after scandal. the o i.g. report came out. we're on fox business. we're talking about the economy. polls show donald trump leads hillary clinton on the all-important voting reason, the economy. >> do you think this was mistake? did he not intend to say that? did it slip out? why did he say it? >> he meant to say it. he doubled down on it since. the question asked by another reporter, what if it is plus him judge, do you think they would be someone recuse himself, absolutely. donald trump rarely retracts things. he doubles down. trish: i want to show the viewer exactly that sound you're talking about with him referring to a muslim judge. watch. >> it is possible yes, yeah, that would be possible, absolutely. >> isn't there sort of tradition in america we don't judge people who their parents were and where they came from? >> i'm not talking about tradition. common sense. trish: common sense. he has been very outspoken when it comes to mexicans and the wall and when it comes to muslims coming into this country. in fact calling for a bar on all muslims a few months ago not coming into this country at all. hogan, how does he, does it matter if he recovers or doesn't recover from these? in other words, i guess he is probably not top of the list of mexican and muslim voters right now? >> not. absolutely he is not right now. i don't know how he necessarily recovers except he focuses on issue. regardless of your race or regardless of your heritage people want jobs in this country. he has to focus on that. hillary clinton tethered herself to barack obama. good, better or indifferent. the economy is horrible. he needs to hammer that. he is job creator. he is businessman. he needs to go. needs to stop worrying about judges and instead focus on hillary clinton. trish: that is one of the criticisms of him, leslie, he is a little bit mercurial. thrown a lot of things at the wall. some things stick that maybe he wouldn't like to have stick but such is the situation with the comments on the judge. let me ask you though, does he need mexican-americans, does he need hispanics in order to win the oval office? >> maybe not this cycle but republicans in the future. quite frankly he does -- trish: why would you say, not this cycle? why would he not need mexican-americans in this cycle? >> not that he doesn't need mexican-americans. i'm just saying that with lack of support that he has among the hispanic community currently, doesn't mean he can't win. when you look the pure numbers states and electoral college. there are certain states obviously have more after multicultural demographic and hispanic population being fastest growing population in the fastest voter growing population in this country. they comprise approximately 10% in the last election. this is not, you know, here in california, we have the primary tomorrow, here in california, there are so many voters that are hispanic that are identifying themselves as independents, that say that they are signing up to vote, even elderly people to vote against donald trump. this does not help his cause but i think it gives us a peek into who donald trump perhaps really is. if you do something or say something he doesn't like, he will attack you and judges are not off limits. trish: but yet, at same time, you know, mexican comments and this particular incident aside, you know, hogan, that is what people kind of like about him. you know look, we're sick of getting kicked around as americans. we're sick of the rest of the world telling us how we should live and they want someone who will stand up to the enemy in a really big, brassy way. i mean isn't that in some respects his strength? >> oh, you nailed it. that is why he is the nominee now because he didn't pull punches. when you at him he came back at you harder. a lot of people in this world want someone fighting for them. yes donald trump screams, he yells at other people, other countries. a lot of folks are saying my job is in mexico. it is now in china. i want someone screaming for me. that is what donald trump is doing. that is why he is popular. it is a double-edged sword. if he focuses both edges of that sword toward hillary clinton i think he would do a whole lot better getting people on his side, not just republican, but point out to the rest of the country, i know how to create jobs, she doesn't, stick with me. trish: i agree which. i've been saying that all along. stick to the economy. that is number one issue right now. we don't have jobs being created. we don't have enough good jobs being created. that is where his expertise, given his business background should play to be his biggest strength. anyway, leslie, hogan stay with me. we have lots more to talk about including california primary is happening big time tomorrow. hillary clinton goes into tomorrow's primary needing 26 more delegates to clinch the nomination. after scoring big wins in puerto rico and the virgin islands over the weekend. clinton is back in california urging voters come out to vote for her. you know what? those polls they still show her neck-and-neck with bernie sanders. our own robert gray is -- latest on campaign. >> you don't have a mail-in ballot. [cheering] because i want to finish strong here in california. it means, it means the world to me. trish: okay. now to robert. reporter: thanks, trish. it has been a little loud here. they're getting things warmed up. hillary clinton is due on stage behind me in little less than hour's time. we heard donald trump's name several time. we're standing in the plaza de mexico. a very strong latino turnout including elected state officials on the stage, warming up the crowd, making mention of some of trump's comments. expect to hear more likely from candidate clinton here in little while. you mentioned race is tightening up here. you have 475 delegates at stake in tomorrow's balloting. look at the delegates. you talk about it, magic number, two dozen now for clinton, likely to get it. it is very tight race and sanders looking to make a case for himself by winning the golden state, trish. you know, he could close in on number of pledged delegates, when you look at superdelegates, that is where she has huge advantage. almost 550 to his just about 50. you know sanders could make the case if he is able to be close to delegates, win california, trying to sway superdelegates to his side after the convention. he says he is in it for the long haul. wait until wednesday morning, maybe later than that to find out if that is indeed the case. it is close. one of our last points, new voter registration, in last six weeks before they closed it off, 650,000 new folk signs up in california. 76%, three out of four registered as democrats. there are record number of voters heading into the primary as well. trish: i think that advantage goes to bernie sanders. i think those people sign up to vote for him. robert, thank you very much. i want to go back to leslie and hogan who are still here with me. leslie, i'm amazed she hasn't gotten coronation everybody thought, perhaps she would have by now. what do you think will happen in california? >> i think she is going to win. i think it is going to be close. i think some people registering as democrats, i would disagree with you, people register as democrats, people i talk to on my radio show are more so pro-hillary. people register as independents seem to be more so pro-bernie. but, i don't think she, i don't think we'll see some of the margins we're seeing in some polls like "real clear politics" show a double-digit lead. some field polls here in california include cell phone or online tracking which would include millenials, definitely show them either neck in neck with maximum a 2% difference. so i think she will win. i think it will be very close. that is -- trish: even if she wins, regardless whether she wins and loses, if it is that close, hogan, if you're a bernie sanders supporter out there campaigning for him and going to all those rallies, don't you feel a little disenchanted with your whole system? you're saying to yourself, she is that close to him in the popular close but only reason she is getting this thing because they have that superdelegate system which frankly is not fair? >> right. not just that. he actually won some states where she ended up waking away with more delegates. it is very clear democrats are in disarray over this particular issue. they want to change it. they can't until the convention. right now the system is set up, it is rigged, bernie is correct, it is rigged for hillary clinton. she will have superdelegates that will put her over the top. even when barack obama was defeating her back in 2008, he still couldn't get to persuade two dozen superdelegates over to him. bernie is losing to hillary every turn. no way he will get the delegates to come on to his side. trish: clearly hand write something on the wall for him. he is stick around. leslie, why is he sticking around. real quick. >> number of reasons. he wants to changed the rigged system. if he wins california, even gets a lot from california it's a dream that he will get the superdelegates but possibly he could change the platform and superdelegates going forward. i think that is what he was going for. trish: there you go. you said it was a rigged system. >> i didn't say it wasn't. trish: i thought you might. no, you're, anyway, good to see you guys. leslie, hogan, good to have you here. a lot more coming up, everyone. the republican party really in chaos over donald trump's controversial comments about the mexican heritage of the judge overseeing the trump university case. they are pulling away from him at a time they need to rally around him. what are they to do? how do you protect the overall image of the party, reality is, you look at those demographics, you need the support of minority voters? ronald reagan's campaign manager he had rollins is here with what trump needs to do now. after that dismal jobs report showing americans are dropping out of the workforce at a record pace because they can not find a job, is this lousy economy going to sink hillary clinton's chances? could this provide the opening bernie sanders needs to persuade her superdelegates he could be nominated? stay with us. i'm back in two okay, ready? whoa! [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ♪ get america's fastest internet. only from xfinity. >> it doesn't help donald trump when he take as guy who was born in indiana, to parents who legally emigrated from mexico and calls him a mexican. how do you think this makes people who are mexican-americans feel? trish: karl rove joining growing list of republicans to lay off the judge presiding over the trump university case. joining me with thinks house, ed rollins, fund-raising on behalf of the trump campaign. >> it was not the best remark to make. it you want to argue the judicial judgments he made to date you can do that you don't have to make it personal. when you do that, it alienates -- trish: does it make i had heart to raise money. >> i'm trying more than raising money but run alternative campaign which is what super-pac does. they are waiting for campaign to focus on hillary, and move to the fall. hillary is the opponent. i'm a believer as karl is, game after addition, win primaries to add more voters. this makes it more and more difficult. trish: not like he was first in line for the mexican vote. he has got a lost mexican-americans and hispanics in general upset about the wall, et cetera, and his stance on illegal immigration. coo this in any way be perhaps a tactic? maybe he thought, you know everybody is talking about donald trump the swindler for the trump university case. now all of sudden people are talking about donald trump doesn't like mexicans again? >> he has a great tendency to dominate the media. one way you respond to attack, move the attack aside. i just hope in the very near future he gets very focused how he will deliver more jobs to this country. that is his great strength. he is a leader and he is a tough guy and basically doesn't need to be beating up on a judge. he needs to be beating up on hillary. trish: what are people in the republican party saying? you heard a number of them come out and really denounce these attacks but how do they stay coalesced around him in light of some of these attacks? >> i think a lot of people are for him and a lot of people are against hillary. i think a lot of republicans who weren't with him initially realize he is a strong candidate and they need to basically get behind him. but each one of these little missteps, i call it a misstep, he may not, i call it a misstep, make it harder. trish: he has done a few gaffs along the way. people have said, my god, yet he emerges triumphant? >> he is not the most politically sensitive guy or politically correct guy. trish: that is why people like him. >> a lot of people wish they could say the same things he is saying. but again it is a game of addition, every time you sit here talking about these things you're not talking about hillary. i think the key thing he needs to be with the important state department report came out. we haven't touched that in two weeks. that is what we need to hammer away on her. he wrapped the campaign up early. had a couple months to move her forward. showing wrap it up tomorrow. head-to-head battle rest of the way. trish: hillary, hillary should be the focus. >> absolutely. >> heard i had from ed rollins. >> pleasure. trish: after the dismal jobs report that show americans dropping out of the workforce at record pace, because you know what? they can't find a job. we're asking whether the lousy economy will sink hillary clinton's chances. could this provide an opening bernie sanders needs to persuade her superdelegates he should be the nominee? that's next. we were born 100 years ago into a new american century. born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. and what an amazing time it's been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. so, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. ♪ intensely-flavored.. colorfully-diverse. beautifully-misshapen. cultivated for generations, it's the unexpected hero of any dish. when you cook with incredible ingredients... you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients. step-by-step-recipes. delivered to your door. get your first two meals free [so i use quickbooks and run mye entire business from the cloud. i keep an eye on sales and expenses from anywhere. even down here in the dark i can still see we're having a great month. and celebrate accordingly. i run on quickbooks.that's how i own it. trish: we heard earlier this afternoon from janet yellen who talked about racing rates potentially this month, sometime in the next several weeks. anyway, she took that typical fed line where you get to have your cake and eat it too? and she basically said we're going to continue looking at data although she did signal perhaps they could move forward with the same trajectory. i don't know whether investors buying it. you have a market up 136. as she was speaking the market went down slightly and recovered again, moving up to the highs of the session 136. we'll continue to talk it throughout the show. jobs 38,000, nothing to write home about. new data half a million americans gave up all together looking for jobs. they're feeling down about things. how will hillary sell this horrendous economy? is really is. it's a lousy economy to the american people? this is an administration she was a part of and a lot of americans are looking whether or not they want to sign up the four more years of the same old obama economic policies frankly simply have not worked. i want to ask my next guest, fox news contributor, hillary supporter, this should be good, former senator evan bayh. >> thank you, trish. trish: i keep looking at data, i say i do not know how she runs on his economic record. what do you say? >> well i think you put your finger on it. most americans don't think the economy is very good and this jobs report certainly won't help with that. at the same time wages continue to rise modestly. personal consumption was good. remains to see whether this is one-off bad number or long-term trend of robust growth. trish: forget this month and lousy jobs report we had this month. when you look at actually wages adjusted for inflation, americans have less money now than they did eight years ago. >> well it's a true. trish: they have become increasingly challenging. so how is she going to differentiate herself? what is the plan? >> she is going to do a number of things. focus on things that actually do help to create jobs and things that will help wages rise in the long term. trish: like? >> education levels, for example. making sure people get four-year degree or couple years of postsecondary education? trish: really? we have lot of educated people working at baristas can't get a job. >> without going into depth. sure. a lot of job vacancies are in the tech space and areas that require higher levels of education. that you can command good wages. you get paid with this, not as much as that. make it easy for small businesses to do some things. get capital, hire people. trish: what will she do on corporate taxes? this is pretty important component of all of it? we need to do something to help the fed in its efforts. you got monetary policy and you got fiscal policy for the last eight years the fed has been the only game in town forced to leave rates at record lows for record amount of time. how is she going to combat that? how does she come in and introduce something that is more meaningful from economic policy standpoint that matters? >> this question and that question actually dovetail together nicely. washington is dysfunctional, it is a mess, right? this is one area where we might get things done. many republicans and your comment point out, people in the business community want to get rates down to make them globally competitive so companies won't be incented to go abroad, that sort of thing. so there is strong support there. if you do that you bring capital home. you do raise some money and could establish a infrastructure bank for investments in road, bridges, port facilities. democrats tend to likehat. that creates jobs. there may abbey partisan deal to be done. trish: i don't know. okay, so who would be in charge of spending the money on the roads, infrastructure, et cetera? >> well that remains to be seen. it would have to be worked out. clearly you need some sort of a bipartisan panel to make sure you didn't have bridges to nowhere and pork-barrel spending. trish: you know what i worry about? that is what i worry about. even though it is bipartisan, with the government running bank that would pay for our roads, you run the danger we see more of the same and crony capitalism that has not served america well. >> that is a legitimate risk but you can't go the other way and say we'll build no roads, we'll have no ports or rail facilities, that kind of thing. you have to have objective mechanism to make sure hard-earned tax dollars are aloed to things that create jobs. trish: you haven't answered my question, how will she run on his economic record or will she not? the. >> elections are about the future, not about the past. i suspect she won't. people were not happy at end of george bush administration. trish: how angry will that make obama? >> on substance of it, you have a right to be unhappy. the economy is not good enough. president engaged in more cheerleading. she will be more candid and here is four or five things to get us to a better place. trish: evan bayh, always good to have you here. >> thanks, trish. trish: the fed is signaling maybe still on track to continue to raise rates. and investors, they kind of liked what she had to say sort of, although i have a theory nobody really believes it. the fed, they kind of always tell us this, right? are they really going to raise it this month? we'll debate it with other team of economists right after this. .... >> the incoming data is consistent with labor market conditions strengthening and inflation making progress towards our 2% object to as i expect further gradual increases in the federal funds rate likely to be appropriate and most conducive to meeting and maintaining those objectives. >> okay. you know, did get a bit of a curve on friday with that dirty 8000, only 38,000 jobs being added to our economy. there she was speaking a short time ago. continue raising rates despite last friday's dismal report. it is like the big asterix at the end of the paragraph. other data suggest a turnaround. rowling much of the day. joining me right now from fox for is ashley webster. also douglas holtz eakin. ashley, i am going to start with you. how are traders react in? >> we still are not really sure what she is going to do. >> i am a bit of a cynic myself. what the fed in janet yellen has to say. i do not think her speech change that much from the last time she spoke. the question then was, well, where is the initial strength? i think we had taken the june rate hike off the table. let's see what the june jobs report tells us. july could still be on the table. i do not think that this is a good time to raise rates. we will see. there is also the issue of big uk getting out of the eu. >> a little bit of a warning. hearing from the president and the that a rogue reserve. let me get over right now to douglas holtz again. stay with me, ashley. a bit of a corner. the best of the world is aggressively deep appreciate in their currencies. >> first of all, i agree with you. twenty-five basis points would slow the real economy very much. it certainly has not helped. the employment growth is roughly back to trends. we have core inflation at 2% year after year. they should be much closer and they need to get there. they have given themselves all sorts of reasons not to. trish: interesting late, this is a fed that says one thing, but seems to do another. i would make the point, ashley, they are sort of averagely sensitive. >> brilliant. >> what is an investor to do with that? >> it is amazing to me that they can put in their speech is that it can raise over the next couple of months. you look at the speech. there is no mention of timing. they have completely changed their story in a matter of weeks. >> we are in a very political time. the fed typically has been reluctant. in the middle of the presidential election cycle. how angry may hillary clinton be? >> i think that this is one of them. before we got to august. now they put themselves in position where they may have two raise similar. i think that that would be very damaging to janet yellen's political future. >> they should have moved. years ago. coming up, hard caller bernie sanders supporter actress susan sarandon says donald trump may be better for the united states of america then hillary clinton. kind of surprising coming from such a leftist like her. my intel on why voters are set up a white dollar company bernie sanders supporters have a whole lot more in common than you think. that is next. ♪ no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. ♪ trish: wanted to get you caught up on these markets right now. the dow is down. reacting to janet yellen signaling just a short time ago. the feds could still be on track to high interest rates despite that while the charger port that we saw on friday. not easy given that we are going into an election. this certainly will not make her popular with hillary clinton or president obama. oil up to .2%. trading near $50. price is spiking. canada and nigeria. continues to be heard by attacks from militants. we will be right back with my intel on why hollywood actors susan sarandon is suggesting donald trump is better then hillary clinton. ♪ trish: susan sarandon is a new thorn in hillary clinton's side. basically, if bernie does not give it, she is suggesting that donald trump may be the best thing for our nation. watch here. >> she is and interventionists. not getting rid of every muslim in this country. >> not that worried about everything that donald trump is saying. you know what this shows you, it shows you just how challenging it will really be for hillary. required this of whether she secures the nomination. bernie sanders supporters like susan sarandon, they share something with the reporters. they are fed up with the establishment. they are fed up with the status quo. and washington as we currently know it. this election, i tell you, witty remarkable. you may actually see the complete line. leftist socialist bernie sanders supporters voting republican. i am amazed. two candidates with very different policies. very different policies. bernie sanders is a socialist. entitled to your money. redistributing your money as you see fit. wanting you to see as hard as you can to earn as much money as you can. hopefully, for the most part, stay out of your way. how on earth can bernie sanders supporters support trump one may ask the i am betting they do not care so much about the policies. they just care that their candidate be willing to shake things up and hold things accountable. donald trump seems like he would take rate pleasure in doing just that. that is today's intel for you. today marks the 72nd anniversary of the d-day landing on the beaches in normandy. allowing our troops to gain a foothold in europe to fight not the germany. all of her north is here on why these brave heroes were truly the greatest generation. stay with me. back in two. ♪ there are two billion people who don't have access to basic banking, but that is changing. at temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. everywhere where there's a phone, you have a bank. now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. the microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten million people in just two years. it's transforming our world. >> today marks the 72nd anniversary of d-day landing on the beaches of normandy france. a turning point in the war. allied troops to gain a foothold in europe to defeat not the germany. greg joins me with more of. >> it is getting harder and harder for the veterans. there is still a path schedule of events for a very good reason. landing on the shores of france. the allies, including the americans. among them, there were some 10,000 casualties. 2500 americans killed. many tales of courage. it never ceases to amaze. never ceases to bring us to tears. they came on the beaches and skies. the son of the mayor at that time said this weekend if the germans had succeeded, i would not be here. we are all friends. paying back some of that love i was state university marching band. they were invited to perform at the commemorative event. they raise funds. flew over. one of the men got his parachutes stuck on the steeple of the church. incredibly moving. just next to omaha beach. read omaha, as it was called. because of the blood that flowed there. one man honored. his name is ralph. a native of new berlin, wisconsin. he got france's highest award. just because he is one of those 19 -year-olds or so. changed the world. turn things around. back to you. trish: pretty amazing thank you very much. the importance of this very special anniversary. retiring with oliver north. war stories with oliver north. colonel, welcome. >> that is exactly what happened that day. is there anyone in particular that would stand down? normandy is certainly right up there. my dad across that beach in june of 1944. we have heard that world war ii generation called the greatest generation. it really was. sixteen and a half million men and women in uniform. less than 200 million at a time. part of a momentous series of battles that seriously altered the course of history. the largest operation of its kind in history. only surpassed by oaken à la in 1945. just a few moments ago, actually, four of them, the first was 150,000. that first wave from the shenandoah valley, where i live, in a little town of bedford. scores killed in action. >> you think about that generation. trish: the patriotism. the same sense as work ethic. why is that? i am curious to get your thoughts. >> my brother brings soldiers in combat did i do not think that there is any difference in the patriotism. we have a strategy. we build a military that was strong enough. we advocated strong left. good enough to win one if we have to fight. our military is the smallest. less than 1% of the u.s. population serving in uniform. liberate your first and then defeat the japanese empire. this is not worth the fight. here are 200 admirals. we have more admirals than we have ships. it is crazy. we are not building a military to ditch work for. we are protecting our homeland. the homeland needs to be protected from the most ultimate of threats. this administration has allowed the proliferation of nuclear weapons. slightly, expert or an explosion. the means of delivering them. that means we are safer. , moderate. i have three young kids. i think about the next eight years and how critical they are. we have to get this right. it is so important for everyone's future. the future generation. what happens. what needs to happen in the next eight years. so that we do not find ourselves in a world war iii scenario. >> 151 days. we better higher one who has a grasp of the risk that we face. in other words, we have never gone to war because we were too strong. we let our military basically deteriorate on a piece dividends. absolutely no strategy whatsoever. i have 17 grandkids that at about the age of your children. i have the same concern. the best thing we can do is hire a commander-in-chief that understands the threat. defines our enemy and builds a military that is capable of deterring those weapons. dealing with terrorism second. stuart: thank you, sir. good to have you here. you can watch war stories with oliver north on june the 12th at 8:00 p.m. eastern. make sure you tune in. be sure to tune in tomorrow night. the new jersey and california primaries. i will be joined by our fox business all-stars. you do not want to miss it. it is a big day. back in two. ♪ oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. oral b. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. the heirloom tomato. when you cook with incredible ingredients... you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients, step-by-step recipies, delivered to your door for less than nine dollars a meal. get your first two meals free at . trish: who do you think is going to win the california primary on the democratic side tomorrow night? and what would a bernie sanders win actually mean for hillary clinton's campaign? we've been talking a lot about how bernie sanders' supporters just can't seem to get onboard with her. why snot like my show -- why not? like my show page, i love hearing there you all the time. liz claman's taking you into the close. liz: the market train started like it was going to derail as conductor yellen spoke on interest rates, but back on track. we've got a rally recovery on wall street right now. oil rising, but the federal reserve chair sounds hike she's ready to wait for a time on a rate hike. but the dow which cut gains in half while speaking in philly, have regained their heights. up about 131 points, just off the highs of the session. but, look, did friday's anemic may jobs number vaporize any chance of a june rate hike with just 38,000 jobs created? yellen hints maybe, but we've got the man who has been incredibly honest about a

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