John but even on fox some people think politicians run america. We elect responsible people to run the country. John politicians dont run america, we do. Im glad one politician gets this but voters dont seem inspired. Im still running for president and we have been doing this john the elite and their enemy. Thats our show tonight. And now jon stossel. John quella to complain about elites, the people who seem to have a special advantage privileges in life. I think about the rich people who go to the fancy parties that appear in the style section of our newspapers. And the spoiled rich kids who party all night. I resent them because i dont think most of them work for their wealth. They dont contribute. Still, those elites are mostly harmless but theres one group of truly dangerous elites the politicians who have power over others. The spoiled party kids may have stupid ideas but they can impose them on the rest of us. Politicians can. Politicians get to use force, Government Force and like the old soviet tyrants with their five year plans american politicians have plans for us. For example Hillary Clinton thinks its her job to create jobs. I put forward specific plans about how we are going to create more good paying jobs. John we are going to create the impression doesnt understand the goodpaying jobs come from a free economy and not Central Planning . Republicans have a grand plan stu. I have had a plan and now we are working on another plan so how many plans do i have to do before people understand that we will have a plan . John i kind of like kasich i dont want a politician to plan my life. I like politicians to keep us safe but to stay out of our lives as much as possible. And one senator running for president i think stands for that. That is rand paul. Rand absolutely in the things i i say is the soviet union was brought down because they couldnt determine one simple thing, the price of bread and all these planners that nobody could determine the price of bread. Only the bargain can predict is that the price to go the bread is gone and decided to high across on the shelves. The market can figure out the perfect price of bread because it has the most amount of people. We dont realize this invisible hand of capitalism how it creates great wealth and distributes it to so many people and there is a danger because we have one candidate running on a platform of socialism in our country. John Verney Sanders and people applaud it in the audience when he said whats wrong with socialism . Is working in europe. What would you say to that . Rand within socialism there is the inherent implied force or violence and i tell people. John we are going to take care of the poor. Rand theres nothing sexier cool about socialism. Its implied violence and its not accidental that throughout history when we have had socialist regimes often it ended en masse violence towards people. John how is it implied violence . Rand its implied violence begets a take away your choices. For example if you want to sell bread they wont let you sell bread unless you have the official imprimatur of the state or the state owns the bread company. If i want to buy bread for me they wont let me buy it from you either so our choices as consumers are taken away. I think theres some irony here because many say im prochoice. They are very antichoice when it comes to market decisions. They are the antichoice party but that is what socialism is. John markets have provided us with so much good stuff. I thought your message would resonate with people. I was for you and for you but you are getting killed in the polls. Its not over yet. Rand we havent even gotten to the voting yet, come on now. I think we dont know whats going to happen yet and i think there are many more people out there who are supportive of libertarian or freemarket ideals that are going to come forward. John i thought people would say i dont like all this command control. I dont like bombing all these other countries. Is rand paul guys like incense. I dont think people know yet because there has been sort of a celebrity skew if you havent noticed. John i have noticed. Rand nobody knows what Economic System that celebrities for bit trust him because he is smarter and allpowerful and given more power and he will fix everything. As a longstanding tradition in our country going back even to the magna carta on trying to limit power of People Living for too too much power in the hands of an individual comic john even donald trump . Rand even a benign autocrat like trumpet maybe it may not be so good to have so much power the hands of one person. John i am glad you call him benign. Rand perhaps benign. John you in your time as senator had pushback against the washington elites. You have filibustered the nsa spying and lying about spying and you oppose budgets that actually cut spending instead of just slowing the growth which is fairly radical to get peoples attention. You made he made this video where he takes a chainsaw to the tax code. Rand im rand paul and im trying to kill the tax code, all 70,000 pages of it. John i like that obviously but did you steal that idea for me because two years ago i did the same kind of thing. Rand i think ours was better because we have jimi hendrix playing in the background of hours. John yours is better and you can steal from me as much as you want. Rand most of america knows you cant with a paycheck and they are upset by a government that borrows a Million Dollars a minute and their ability to make a living. What i find his there are very few if any fiscal conservatives in washington because on the right you have people who are liberal with military spending and im a lefty to people that are liberal with welfare spending and guess what sex they get together and they spend money on everything. So really the only compromise in washington is right and left get together and they get what they want, more money spent. John you have talked about president obama passing out loans to campaign donors. Rand solyndra was a company take a 534 million too. It just so happens the person received money was a billionaire and one of the 20th richest man in america and it just so happens was at big contributor for president obama. One side does it but the other side does when they get in power. John the feds gave money for a Motion Picture museum. The oscar people can buy their own museum . Rand we discovered last week they spend 800,000 developing televised Cricket League for afghanistan. I can give you a thousand of these. We have is that a lot of these on our web site. John why dont they stop that . Rand spending goes on forever and ever stops but we do have the power and this is what annoys people. We have a Republican Congress house and senate. Republicans its both big spending democrats and big spending republicans. John maybe thats what the public wants. Rand the public doesnt want the disaster that comes with this. In 2000 get a near disaster and we can have that again if you continue with this. We are in an overloaded system. John the disaster you are referring to is the popping of the housing bubble. Rand right that was created by an overleveraged system Federal Reserve policy keeping Interest Rates so low that ever did i keep building and a feedback loop avenges rates rising and i blame that on the said frankly. I think fed policy got us into the panic of 2008 but its a little bit interrelated because we pay off our debts with low Interest Rates so the fed allows it in a combination of large debt. Their hand in glove together. John no money to pay for the all people, no money in peoples bank accounts. Rand when you destroy that printed out what happens. John two final exit like to end with. It bothers me when politicians say this about the president , whoever that may be. You hired this guy to run the country. Rise up and elect responsible people to run the country. I didnt know you guys ran it country. I thought we free people around your brand of country and you run the government. Rand i am not running to run the economy of the country. In fact i say im running to give power back to the people. I think the real problem is we try to run too many things in the economy and we accumulate so much power in the executive branch that we are disturbing the normal Market Forces that do create wealth. John a final point to help you bring these ideas to more people new Technology Like livestreaming having a camera follow him all day. He didnt sound like he thought it was a good idea. Heres the clip. Rand the third most popular question, is rand paul still running for president and i dont know we have been doing this livestreaming. Yes i still am running for president. Get over it. John i find that refreshing. Rand do you know what we are going to do that so popular, youre going to toot tomas livestreaming the sequel. People are excited about this. You can get a tshirt that says it. John thank you senator rand paul. Coming up, a refreshing push back against elites at the New York Times. Its the Little Things in life that make me smile. Spending the day with my niece. 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Who better to be the boss of you. patrick 1 than me. I mean, you. Us. vo go national. Go like a pro. John im not a member of the media elite. When i was a consumer reporter i was and then i want lots of many words but once they start criticizing government i lost my status. I host my own tv show. That sounds elite but the real elites in American Media are the majority that we got it case of their sneering attitude at the last debate. Your board fired you and i wonder why you think we should hire you now . Donald trump when you look at mdc someone with moral authority to unite the country . Aggregate your job. John why canada said we should shrink the tax code he was smeared. Eventually senator ted cruz pushed back. The questions that have been out so far in this debate illustrates why the American People dont trust the media. [applause] marco rubio what i need to resign . Jeb bush why are you numbers falling . John when cruz said that aycher. Finally candidate standing up for the socialist elite. And speaking of the socialist media elite, the best example of that is the New York Times the socalled paper of record. Not that many people actually read it today. Katy perry has 77 times more twitter followers than the New York Timess readers at the time still matter because tv hosts copy this and politicians read it and assume it tells the truth. People assumed the story was true. A huge top of the front page expose of nail salons that ran for two days claiming salons abuse their workers. The very next day the state had politician announced. Today we are starting a multiagency effort to help women who work in nail salons. [applause] why . John why . Because the times ran a socalled expose. That allowed the political elites is that government will come to the rescue. Whats wrong with the elite media pointing out a problem and politicians stepping in to fix that . Two things. First politicians laws really fix things. They often make problems worse than second in this case the times expose was very misleading. The reason jim epstein learned that when he rereported the story talking to the same people that the times reporter talked to and what did you find out . I find it drafted the story of mass exportation onto an industry where nothing of the sort is going on. John the writer sarah nehr said managers are routinely underpaid and exploited. According to the bureau of labor statistics labors main make nine dozen or base wages and sometimes as much as that in tips and sometimes much more. They do fairly well in their skilled workers. John nobodys forcing them to work there. Presumably this is a better option than their attorney of. Thats right but its not a bad option because you can do well as a manager. John usually been the New York Times sneers at google businesses they just take it but lately some nail salons help protest in front of the times building. [chanting] [chanting] the stories are not correct create. John this nail salon owner happens to be married to New York Times reporter. In this instance their lack of judiciousness led them to serious injury to the reputation of people. John i think he cares about it because he knows those people. He is one of them. His wife is one of them. He is a longtime reader so these hacks are one of the good eggs but it is sort of amazing that whenever you read an article about a topic that you know about it never looks anything like what you know so thats talented. John you interviewed him interview these workers in her Different Things . Pretty much everyone i spoke to said they had been misquoted. Producer rickie rat left went to the protest and interviewed some of the salon workers and many were upset because the times claims some salons pay some workers just 10 bucks a day. Is 10 an hour, not 10 a day. They said we only pay 10 a day for the worker. Its not true. We pay 10 for the dash not for the worker. We pay 800 2000 a week. They stand by the story because they are afraid of new immigrants being exploited. Its totally exploitive. Its totally fake. We would have closed the shop a long time ago but we know no one john what did she mean no one would come to work for you . Nael manicurists are skilled employees who have a good deal of earning power and thats because these nail shop owners are constantly looking for good employees. They are putting in these ads in the asian language classifieds because theyre trying to find people and theyre constantly losing employees so most nail salons are struggling to track workers. John the times later bragged they got put politicians to act. We have a capitalist system that cant abuse workers who are vulnerable. John the parthenia times is they have the government. The New York Times runs a story that very next day Governor Cuomo reacts. No independent investigation so why did they have this attitude . The underlying view is that these people must not know what is best for them. They are being exploited. Theyre not making rational choices they somehow turns his preventative them presented to them. We know better, we need to work with government intervene and make their lives better for them. John the result is raising prices eliminating some jobs. The result has been a nail salon industry has stopped growing. The people that the times claims to be so concerned that can no longer find jobs in the industry. John thank you jim epstein of recent tv. Coming up, hollywood elite. But next, the elites who run colleges. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. Pinot noir, which means peanut of the night. Does your mouth often feel dry . Multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. 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John america e elite tends to go to college and they leave the left. Dray left the governor report founded a top Universities College professors to donate to politicians, 99 percent give to democrats. Jesse waters confronts cornell students about that. He describes the campus this way. A budget people from different backgrounds. 96 of the donations from faculty went to democrats. Whats wrong with that . You can i get a complete education of almost all your teachers think one way. Political science professor teaches at the Kings College were not everyone is a leftist. When some of the statistics were brought out they said you have to be smart and people on the right are not. You are stupid because you were not like me. That is what has happened. John the due Philosophy Department says we try to hire the smartest people available a lot of conservatives we will never hire members of academia tend to be smarter. Ace to purred with dash a stupid conservative equal amount of libertarians or conservatives it is just where they need not apply. John and uclas steadies fulltime faculty members and they sell the identify of the far left eightpoint 8 less than 1 to a 63 . Most of the hiring it Higher Education happen at the departmental levels you have a majority of individuals that will add to their number to get 5