Transcripts For FBC Stossel 20140829 :

FBC Stossel August 29, 2014

The epa, the the, creating rules that make the environment cleaner. The air and water were filthy and people forget how bad it was. And let me remind you, here is the star anchorman of my day reporting on the state of america. Hydrocarbons, organic matter, each and every day. John some of that was media hype it in all of this media types. But in truth much of america was still pristine. But its also absolutely true than in many cities near industrial plants the air was filthy. Its much cleaner now and so is the water. Even here within sight of the Empire State Building within a short distance of millions of people, i am willing to do this. And thank you, epa. Catalytic converters on cars, the international world, the epa would now say lets take a for it and stick it in it because its done. The drop raise and bureaucracies never say that this is done. Politicians keep adding new rules and then they applaud themselves for doing that. Im really proud of president obama for these epa regulations and for the strong stand that he has taken on Climate Change at home. Another person happy with the new rules once more is daniel weiss from the league of conservation voters. And shuttle jonathan, why not . Do you not want a Clean Environment . Of course i do, but we make the mistake of assuming that the way that we do this is just adding another regulation. Isnt enough enough already . Welcome i dont hear anyone complaining that things are too clean. Millions of americans live in the metropolitan areas where the air can cause respiratory wellness. Second, we have a lot of water that needs to be cleaned up and we really need to deal with Climate Change which is a global problem, but we have to start here at home by reducing Carbon Pollution responsible for Climate Change. John you can use a lot of things there. Pollution and Climate Change are different. Theres confusion about what Carbon Pollution and regular police and really mean. When i think of that, i think of other stuff like coal. You burness and you get sowed in the air and this is real pollution. If you touchless, its filthy on her your fingers. The new rules against Carbon Dioxide, that is Something Else. We exhale Carbon Dioxide. Plants needed to go. But the protesters mix everything together. Carbon pollution is yuck. Clean energy, that is our way. [cheers] and here we go together. Carbon pollution yuck. John and i am fair saying that they are confused . Its fair to say that a lot of people assume that when we talk about Climate Change were talking about pollution. Its also fair to say that nothing that the epa put on the table for Climate Change will actually do anything to affect the Global Warming that we are concerned about. John they admit at this point that it would have no effect. If we are serious about reducing this, we need to reduce per capita levels of Carbon Dioxide as the levels they were during reconstruction. How is that going to make a difference . Well, first of all you cannot address the problem instantaneously. Instead we have to have the United States but the most Carbon Pollution into the atmosphere reducing its carbon. Once weve done that, then we need to get other countries to get them to reduce their Carbon Pollution as well. And in fact, one of the things that has happened since the admin is ration made it green power plant proposal a month ago, other countries are now starting to indicate that they, too, are going to do more to reduce their pollution. John i will believe it when i see it. But here is a commercial that your group runs that criticisms criticizes people with new epa rules. Fear mongering is false, bogus, and flunked a truth test to pollute the airwaves with lies. Blowing smoke to protect their profits. John you are polluting the airwaves with lies. I certainly dont know what i can do to be accused of that. But the reality is i think its a problem. But its not one that justifies regulating the entire economy. It sort of has to result out of innovation and entrepreneurship. Lets talk about the pollution. Not a single cleanup has occurred of any major pollutants due to voluntary measures. Innovation is driven by regulation. Right now putting pollution in the air is free. So why would you ever develop something more expensive to address that when this is free. John he is certainly right. The epa environment is one area where the beloved freemarket will just solve things and we have had Great Success including this chart as to how air pollution is down. And you provided this chart which shows how was falling even before the epa. So what happened . There was a lot of technological change and improvement driven by the desire to be efficient. And there were also state and local rules that some cases regulated the omissions. John it was dropping faster before the epa regulated at. Yes, as everyone has acknowledged, sulfur dioxide concentrations in the air were declining before the epa. John wide . Local communities cared about their aldie and in some cases companies talked about lawsuits. In some cases we realized the more stuff that is going on, thats material that youre wasting. John out of selfish reasons they were cleaning up . In some cases selfish reasons, and other that they have to do better for their local communities. John completely revisionist made of history, let me just read your note. And i have a question for you. You have every trans to address this here. He says that many people say that the stuff we are doing now to try to address Climate Change is going to make note difference in cost us a fortune. What is the point . First of all, it doesnt cost a fortune but second of all, it will drive innovation. Jonathan was completely telling fairytales when he described how state and local governments on their own, with Companies Led to a decline in pollution. It happen with the Clean Air Act that set the standard and let the states implement it. That is what drives innovation. John people run it in the tank and they wont get it done without the big feds . Thats right. Remember what the epa is doing now is implementing a law passed by the congress and interpreted by the John Roberts Supreme Court that saturday all the epa is doing that. If congress doesnt like it, they can change it. But the epa is doing this on their own and can i finish . I mean, it is hard to let you finish. John they are regulating Carbon Dioxide and we exhale that. Has come and if i put you in a room with nothing but Carbon Dioxide he wouldnt live very long. But johnson does made a very scurrilous charge which bed efforts to reduce pollution and up hurting people. But in 1997 he said the same thing. They have repeatedly pointed out that our effort to appeal pollution increases some local pollution and the epa has acknowledged that. We have seen regulation trying to encourage the use of biofuels. John but its done great things, acid rain, the ozone hole, right . The epa was more focused on those areas where the federal government has a unique ability to deal with as, such as what they did with gasoline, it wouldnt be so many complaints about it. Where do you fit in this debate . I assume you want clean air and i am certain that i do. Is that something that we may need to address . And in watching tv, you think even that would be easy. We are told that we can change the world for the better by buying the right car. This is the only car youll ever need. It might just change the world. This is the chevy volt. It cant change everything. But secondly if people actually know what a chevy volt costa made, it would probably be about 200,000. So without government cronyism and all kinds of subsidies, it wouldnt exist and even if you use it, you are probably using electricity run on coal anyway so youre not opening the environment very much. John they are still and losing 49,000 on everyone they built a map. On some estimate. John and my concern regarding these we call this a scam. Its happening with all kinds of alternative energies, companies that rely on government subsidies are actually hurting companies that have innovation that might work better. John but the government decides that we will give you a special break two especially if you lobby them a lot. Those who have the closest ties to government are typically the ones that benefit from the subsidies from the government gives. Much as solar subsidies . Its hard to tell, but every administration does. The closer you are, you control the purse strings. John a lot of these went to companies with ties to hear he read, though richardson, one former republican is now in the senate. Absolutely, its unhealthy for government to act that way because it leads to corruption quite often. And it also hurts those who dont have the benefit of lobbyist in washington, and then they have to suffer. John there are 19 companies that have government money, taxpayer money, and they are bankrupt if you look at this list and the government would say that these are experiments, we have to subsidize these newcomers. Isnt it funny that in every other industry, we dont have subsidies, and we zoom ahead. In the industry where we are moving forward with progressive ideas like windmills and solar panels that have been around for many decades, consumers are not winning, its just more expensive. Its been 20 or 30 years that the subsidies are going on. Its been around since the middle ages, actually. John thank you, david. To keep this conversation going, use the hash tag epa and let us know what you think. Coming up the epa bosses spending two to six hours per day watching dirty videos ended defecating in the hallway. Your tax dollars at work. And a little wondering what that is . That, my friends, is everything. And with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. Say it with me everything. One more time, everything and with that in mind. Whats in your wallet . And with that in mind. Hey there ic starting your search for the right used car . I am, but i dont want one thats had a bunch of owners. Well, our teams on the lookout for oneowner cars. [peck, peck, peck, sounds like morse code] found a great car. Low mileage. Oneowner. 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The fact that you own it doesnt matter. For us, the bureaucrats smashed through your wall. Better hope that the monster doesnt take notice and take out his wrath on you. Another monster is focused on johnson. He is the wyoming man that owned a small farm and he built upon. Why . We wanted to provide stock water for our horses and cows and improve our property and it provided an environmental benefit as well. John it means that you are diverting water that mightve gone to someone else amax. Actually our pond is designed where if we have a spillway and it comes out to a certain level, it automatically comes over and we dont regulated at all. So were not actually blocking the water. John you go to your state environmental official and you get permission . Thats right, i went there and we sent off a permit through the state of wyoming to the cheyenne office. When we got back, we began to start our project. John we check in the Engineers Office says the bed everything is in Good Standing and its exercise exactly as permitted. And then the feds come in suddenly and what you say . They say you may or may not be in violation, but you need to prove to us youre not. John in violation of why . The clean water act. The funny part is that my water that leaves my property is actually 41 times cleaner than the alleged water that is affected. John bep atb 30 days to do mantle upon. Yes. Im not sure how you do that. Its physically impossible. John they said that there could be fines of thousands of dollars per day. Its extortion. I dont know any other way to say it. John most people cave and they say you cant fight the government, you cant afford the lawyers. We are going to fight them all the way, i have legal foundations that are backing me up. John he says construction was done in violation of a wellknown and wellestablished clean water act permitting process. The state never informed me of any other federal permit that i needed and i went through all of the hoops that the state required to build this. I asked all of the neighbors and the locals and it turns out that i am one of the few that have a state permit. John we got a note from the governor. He said he constructed his pond appropriately and the actions of the eta have been heavyhanded. They want to expand their authority, he said. Yes, they want to take over all jurisdiction on private property throughout the United States and i think that theyre using me as a test case. John the epa says they may increase the amount of land over which they have jurisdiction. That has upset some farming people, including one that says that ditches have dried up, wetlands must be preserved, it made this protest video to this oscarwinning song let it go john so we should have some company outlast fighting them. Absolutely. And this idea, they show the canoe in a dried ditch. They want to be in charge of every drop of water that hits the earth, let it be off your roof or a rain barrel. Who knows where the end is on that. John you are not alone, i wish you the best as you fight this. Coming up, myths, lies, and complete stupidity of about americas lies. Today is only a. Genetic mutation of our children. John my goodness. The process of fracking. But those who do the fracking want much more and they also want the epa to step in. One federal instead of these state regulations, steve eberly says putting the epa in charge would be a threat to all of our future. The boom that we are having is largely on state and private land. When the federal government is in control, we see delays. But this has been great. Its been great for workers and consumers, energy bills are going down, great for the environment by using more natural gas, co2 is at its lowest level, new york city has the cleanest air in years. But if you put the federal government in control, theres an extra hoop that producers have to jump through in order to produce an energy. John right now we have states like vermont, that are just as stupid as my state of new york. Both have banned, for now fracking. New york has a moratorium that goes on forever. There is no fracking going on there. But two months after they get it, the governors did in front of the facility and touted how this was going to deliver affordable and clean energy to the resident. John where you get the gas from . It will come in imported from canada or from other states. If you look at some of the other state, however, deep blue states like california and illinois, they rejected this activism that is out there because they know that there are huge economic benefit and they know that a lot of the accusations miss and actually fall into those categories. John theres a case in texas where the epa inserted itself and they said that fracking was to blame for bad water quality. It turned out that the official was colluding with an Environmental Group . What had happened is the epa stepped in and said that the house was at risk of exploding because of methane in the water. But the methane had nothing to do with this. The water did catch fire. But it turned out that the land owner had hooked it up to a gassman amax. Yes, some of the neighbors had drilled water wells into a geologic formation that produced it and they had nothing to do the drilling activity. The gentleman in question who made that order later had to resign from epa. John that we have a clip after this video came out, he was caught saying that he would regulate the gas industry the way to the romans once conquered villains. [inaudible] john he said crucify them. Just completed. After it came out, he resigned and then now he works for it the sierra club which opposes tracking. With the what the Obama Administration said about this. The epa said that theres nothing dangerous that engineering principles cant fix. John it wont convince the protesters, here is what say america should do instead of it. There is more energy in algae than anything else. John theres more energy but you guys just dont want to let the algae people sell their fuel . If you dont want to take this from the oil and gas industry, taken from the renewables and their association. The wind industry has said that natural gas is a complement to their growth. The point is that if the renewables really want renewables and they were not just interested in shutting down oil and gas, they would say, lets produce more gas because that is what we will allow for renewables to move forward and grow into the future. John finally, here is the latest antifur fracking scare.

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